• Meditation will give you a little glimpse, a little taste, that the truth is inside you.
    - Osho

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Comparison : Comparison is a disease, one of the greatest diseases.





Never compare. Comparison is a disease, one of the greatest diseases. And we are taught from the very beginning to compare. Your mother starts comparing you with other children, your father starts comparing you with other children. The teacher compares you: "Look at Johnny, how well he is doing, and you are no good at all! Look at others! From the very beginning you are being told to compare yourself with others. This is the greatest disease; it is like a cancer that goes on destroying your very soul -- because each individual is unique, and comparison is not possible. I am just myself and you are just yourself. There is nobody else in the world you an be compared with.


Do you compare a marigold with a roseflower? You don't compare. Do you compare a mango with an apple? You don't compare. You know they are different! Comparison is not possible.


And man is not a species because each man is unique. There has never been any individual like you before and there will never be again. You are utterly unique. This is your privilege, your prerogative, God's blessing, that He has made you unique. Don't compare. Comparison will bring trouble.


The Desiderata says:


"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will a greater and lesser persons than yourself "


If you fall victim to this disease of comparison, naturally you will either become very egoistic or you will become very bitter; it depends on whom you compare yourself with. If you compare yourself with those who seem to be bigger than you, higher than you, greater than you, you will become bitter. You will become a complaint against God, an anger: "Why am I not greater than I am? Why am I not like that person? Why am I not physically so beautiful, so strong? Why am I not intelligent? Why am I not this, not that?" And there are millions of things in the world....


If you compare yourself with the people who are greater in some way than you, you will become bitter, very bitter. Your life will become poisoned by the comparison. You will remain always in a state of depression, as if God has deceived you, betrayed you, as if you have been let down.


Or if you compare yourself with people who are smaller than you, in some way lesser than you, then you will become very egoistic. This is one of the reasons why politicians are always surrounded by people smaller than themselves. They collect them; that is their joy. They collect smaller people around themselves so that they can look bigger than they are by comparison. It is stupid, but one cannot expect anything more from a politician.


Rich people are always surrounded by those who are smaller. They feel good, very good, great in comparison to those people.


But ordinarily people always look at others' houses, their successes, their achievements, and feel very bitter against God. In the world, religion cannot prosper because people cannot pray to a god who has betrayed them from the very beginning, who has made them so small, so ugly. How can they be thankful towards him? Impossible. And without thankfulness there is no prayer, and without prayer there is no religion.


But a man who understands the uniqueness of everybody can be religious, can only be religious, because he feels immense gratitude for whatsoever God has given to him. If you don' t compare, then you are neither bigger nor smaller, neither ugly nor beautiful, neither intelligent nor stupid. If you don't compare, you are simply yourself And in that state of simply being yourself, spring comes, flowers come, because a deep acceptance of life and a deep gratitude towards God helps to bring the spring.




Don't be bothered with others. Enjoy whatsoever your achievement is. Enjoy whatsoever your vision to achieve is.




Don't be bothered that others are earning more money, that others are becoming more successful, more famous. Remain interested in the thing that you are really interested in; whether it keeps you poor, humble, does not matter. If you enjoy doing it, if you love doing it, if it is your creativity, then you are rich, very rich, immensely rich, and God will be very much pleased with you. If you are pleased yourself, God is pleased with you.




The Desiderata is very pragmatic. It says:




As FAR AS WORLDLY THINGS are concerned, be cautious. Don t blame others that they are cunning. If you allow them to exploit you, they will exploit you. They are not cunning - you are not cautious, that's the only thing to be remembered. Don't blame them; that is their business, to be cunning or not to be cunning. Don't think that they are sinners and will suffer in hell; that is not your concern at all. Your concern should be that "I am not cautious enough." Be more cautious, more alert, more aware.


-Osho, "Guida Spirituale, #5"



Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
79 C Cages : The moment you have guidelines from others, you are spiritually a slave.
78 C Calculation : With objects be scientific; never be scientific with persons.
77 C Cancer : Cancer can exist only in a certain neurotic state of mind
76 C Capital Punishment : No court has the authority to destroy any man's life.
75 C Capitalism : Capitalism is basically individualism, it is not a social structure
74 C Capitalism : Capitalism is the first system which creates wealth.
73 C Caring : Care is a real ingredient. the very element of love.
72 C Catharsis : To let the gorilla out of your being is the deepest cleansing
71 C Caution : Every society wants you to be a coward, but nobody says it so sincerely
70 C Celebration : Everything has to be celebrated, everything has to be lived, loved.
69 C Celebration : Life should be a continuous celebration
68 C Challenges : The greater the difficulty, the more aggressive the ego becomes.
67 C Change : Misery arises because we don't allow change to happen.
66 C Change : There is only one thing permanent, and that is change.
65 C Chaos : The new man is coming, the old is going.
64 C Character : A real man is characterless, or beyond character.
63 C Charisma : Charisma is the energy of the consciousness which is settled in itself
62 C Charity : Charity is a beautiful flowering of one who has
61 C Charity : They are serving the exploiters in the name of service.
60 C Children : Don’t burden them with your dead scriptures.
59 C Children : They have come just now from God’s home
58 C Choice : This is what I call choosing, in every situation, the blissful part.
57 C Choicelessness : He remains choiceless, just silently aware
56 C Christianity : Christianity is the corpse, the corpse of Christ.
55 C Churches : Who will go to the churches if people are not miserable
54 C Churches, Condemning Women... : Christianity has no respect for women.
53 C Civilization : Our civilization is only a mask.
52 C Clarity : A state of mind when there are no thoughts.
51 C Cleverness : Cleverness is only a beautiful name for cunningness.
50 C Clouds : An inner sky; it is also empty. Clouds come and go
49 C Coincidence : Coincidence simply means that there is a possibility of freedom.
48 C Coma : Mind is a machine: it records only when you are receiving consciously
47 C Commandment : All the commandments of all the religions show one thing absolutely clearly: they are all bent upon destroying you, your naturalness
46 C Commune : The commune has future.
45 C Commune : The whole world can be transformed into a Buddhafield
44 C Communication : Listening means being utterly silent, not interpreting
43 C Communion : A spiritual communication. That communication is called communion.
42 C Communism : Communism is the ultimate flowering of capitalism
41 C Communism : Neither communism nor spiritualism nor anarchism. I am just a witness.
40 C Comparison : Comparison brings competition comparison brings wounds and ego
» C Comparison : Comparison is a disease, one of the greatest diseases.
38 C Compassion : Compassion arises only when you can see that everybody is related to you.
37 C Compassion : Meditation is a flower and compassion is its fragrance.
36 C Compassion : Only compassion is therapeutic
35 C Compassion : Passion is lust, compassion is love. Passion is desire, compassion is desirelessness.
34 C Compromise : Death is far more beautiful than a life of compromise.
33 C Compromise : Living life like a businessman is prostitution.
32 C Computer : It can become the quantum leap. It can break away from the past and all conditionings of the past.
31 C Concentration : Concentration is not natural to the mind.
30 C Conclusions : The conclusion protects you, the conclusion gives you security, safety.
29 C Conditioning : I am simply deconditioning people.
28 C Conditioning : No conditioning is needed for the children, no direction has to be given to them.
27 C Confusion : To feel confusion needs great intelligence.
26 C Conscience : A trick of the society played upon you.
25 C Conscience : Drop out of this conditioning.
24 C Consciousness : Just watch your mind and you will see: the monkey goes on jumping.
23 C Contemplation, Concetration, Meditation : Mind moves in one line, directed. This is contemplation.
22 C Contenment and Satisfaction : Satisfaction is only a consolation. Contentment is not a consolation, it is bliss itself.
21 C Contraception : Contraception is one of the greatest blessings
20 C Contradictions : Life consists of contradictions.
19 C Conversion : It means a change of consciousness
18 C Conviction : Conviction is logical, intellectual, of the mind. It does not go very deep.
17 C Coolness : Coolness is not coldness
16 C Corruption : It is the corrupted people who become attracted towards power.
15 C Courage : Going into the unknown in spite of all the fears.
14 C Cowardice : The greatest cowardice in the world is to follow others, to imitate others.
13 C Creativity : Creativity has something to do with the quality of your consciousness.
12 C Creativity : Creativity is the quality that you bring to the activity you are doing.
11 C Crime : That which goes against your nature
10 C Criminals : Politicians are successful criminals. Criminals are unsuccessful politicians.
9 C Crisis : Real crisis and real opportunity too.
8 C Criticism : Why do I like so much to criticize people and complain against life?
7 C Crowd : The crowd has no consciousness. It is a collective unconsciousness.
6 C Crowds : Crowds have no souls no centers.
5 C Crying : Crying will help you to relieve your tensions
4 C Crying and Tears : Don't prevent your tears.
3 C Cults : A cult is a business, a religious kind of business.
2 C Cunningness : Ignorance is never cunning, knowledge is always cunning.
1 C Curiosity : It is a good beginning, but not the end
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