• The people who ask what is the meaning of life are the people who have missed life, who are alive because they are still breathing; otherwise they are dead.
    - Osho

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Trust : Even if you are deceived because of your trust, it is better than not to trust.




[I feel I'm getting somewhere. I've done the Encounter group and the Tathata and now I'm meditating. I'm relating to people openly and with trust.]



Very good. Always remember that at no cost should mistrust be allowed. Even if your trust becomes a possibility that people can deceive you, that is good. Even if you are deceived because of your trust, it is better than not to trust.


It is very easy when everybody is loving and beautiful and nobody is deceiving you - then to trust is easy. But even if the whole world is deceptive and everybody is bent on deceiving you - and they can only deceive you when you trust - then too, go on trusting. Never lose trust in trust, whatever the cost, and you will never be a loser, because trust in itself is the ultimate end. It should not be a means to anything else, because it has its own intrinsic value.


If you can trust you remain open. People become closed as a defense measure so that nobody can deceive them or take advantage of them. Let them take advantage of you! Just think of the beauty of it. Let them take advantage, but if you insist on going on trusting, then a beautiful flowering happens, because then there is no fear.


The fear is only that people will deceive, but once you accept that, there is no fear, so there is no barrier to your opening. The fear is more dangerous than any harm anybody can do to you. This fear is a poison and can poison your whole life. So remain open, and just trust innocently, unconditionally.


I'm not saying that nobody will deceive you or take advantage of you. They will, that is accepted, but it is worth it. You will laugh at their foolishness, and that they could not destroy your trust. You trust somebody's humanity so tremendously that it is irrelevant what a person does. You trust them ultimately, so what they do doesn't make any difference.


You will flower, and you will help others to flower once they become aware that they have not been deceiving you a bit, but that it is themselves they have deceived. You cannot go on deceiving a person endlessly if he continues to trust you. His very trust will throw you back to yourself again and again.


Just watch it, allow it, and enjoy it. Cherish the very idea of trust, and then there is no need for any god. People say 'Trust in God.' I say 'Trust is God.' It is not that people have lost their trust in God.


They have lost their trust - and that is why they have lost their God. Trust is God. It is not a question of trusting some power called God. Trust itself is divine. So, good !


-Osho, “Above All Don't Wobble, #2”





Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
63 T Taboo : A real humanity will not have any taboos: no taboo about sex, no taboo about death.
62 T Tai Chi : All the eastern techniques are in a way repressive.
61 T Tai Chi : Feel more like a liquid, Flowing energy, than like a solid body.
60 T Talent : Everybody is born with it, but millions of people never use it, so the faculty goes on shrinking
59 T Talking : They talk just to hide themselves behind the noise. Whenever you are nervous you start talking.
58 T Tantra : Osho on Tantra
57 T Tantra Sex : Real Tantra is not technique but love. Is not technique but prayer.
56 T Taoist tantra : It is spontaneity in sexuality; it is spontaneity in love.
55 T Tathata : Total acceptance: whatsoever the situation is, don't fight with it.
54 T Tea : Tea has to be taken in a very meditative mood.
53 T Teacher and Master : The teacher is one who teaches borrowed knowledge. He knows nothing
52 T Tears : Something to do with anything that is too much inside and wants to overflow.
51 T Tears : The language of the heart
50 T Tears : The whole world has to learn again the beauty of crying and weeping and tears
49 T Technology : Enlightenment cannot be reduced to a technology.
48 T Technology : I am all for technology - but a better technology, a more human technology.
47 T Temples : All the temples are false, all the mosques are false, all the churches are false.
46 T Temples : Religion has nothing to do with churches and temples and rituals
45 T Temptation : Life is so simple! But you can label things as temptations, then they become temptations.
44 T Tenderness : Life is full of surprises, but only for those who have a tender heart.
43 T Tension : Life is also a musical instrument. It needs a certain tension but only a certain tension.
42 T Terrorism : The Terrorism is in your Unconscious
41 T Therapist : A good therapist has to be immensely compassionate, because it is not his techniques of therapy that help people, it is his love.
40 T Therapy : Love is therapy, and there is no other therapy in the world except love.
39 T Therapy : Therapy basically has nothing to do with spirituality. I was using it just to clean the rubbish that the mind has gathered down the ages.
38 T Therapy : Therapy is a function of love. So with ego, you can't help.
37 T Thinking : Be less a thinker and more an experiencer. That's my fundamental message, be existential.
36 T Thoughts : They are not one with your nature, they come and go - you remain
35 T Tibet : The most ancient, primitive, innocent culture file
34 T Time : Time and death are the same; to live in time means to live in death.
33 T Time : Time means mind. When the mind stops, time stops.
32 T Time Changing : It is only in the times of chaos and confusion that great things happen, because people are loose.
31 T Timeless-ness : Nobody is new, all are very ancient pilgrims.
30 T Tomorrow : There is no tomorrow.
29 T Totality : Because it is total it does not leave a trace behind. That's the beauty of totality
28 T Totality : Live each moment totally, but don’t carry the idea of purpose
27 T Totality : Totality is an experience herenow. Totality is not a goal, it is a style of life.
26 T Touch : A person becomes a person only when he is touched by love.
25 T Tourism : Tourism is not pilgrimage. A tourist is superficial.
24 T Tourist : The tourist goes on missing everything; he is in such a rush that he can't see anything.
23 T Tradition : A tradition means something of the past, and enlightenment has to happen right now!
22 T Transcendence : We have to transcend the body - that is our outermost circumference.
21 T Transcendental Meditation : It is taking you towards just the opposite of awareness: it is taking you towards sleep.
20 T Transformation : Transformation happens simultaneously with understanding and acceptance.
19 T Transformation : Unconditionally accepting yourself brings transformation.
18 T Trees : Man cannot live without trees and trees cannot live without man.
17 T Trees : The Western mind has been too aggressive against itself and against nature.
16 T Trees : Trees can read your thoughts
15 T Trinity : The body, the mind and the soul. These three are meeting in you.
14 T Trinity : The Christian trinity looks very immature, childish.
13 T Trinity : The Holy Ghost is not right, but the Mother – the Father, the Mother and the Son. Then it is perfectly true, factual.
» T Trust : Even if you are deceived because of your trust, it is better than not to trust.
11 T Trust : If you can't trust anybody that means you must be deceiving others.
10 T Trust : Osho on Trust
9 T Trust : The way to trust is DOUBT, and doubt to the very end.
8 T Trust and Judgment : Judgment can never lead you to trust
7 T Truth : Nobody can give you the truth; truth has to be discovered within your own soul.
6 T Truth : One can be it, but one cannot say it.
5 T Truth : Truth can only be realized. It cannot be explained or understood.
4 T TV : Television has become one of the great dangers to humanity.
3 T TV(Television) : They have lost track of reality. The TV has become more real.
2 T TV, Wathching : People are completely unaware
1 T TV, Wathching : People get involved in strange dramas. Very few people live authentically - they just act.
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