• The world is a garland of millions of flowers, but running through all those flowers is a thread that keeps it together: that thread is love.
    - Osho

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    on Hypnosis - Meditation is Hypnosis in the vertical dimension and Hypnosis is Meditation in horizontal dimension

    [A new sannyasin says: I am a therapist, a child therapist… Also working with brain- children and using hypnosis.] Hypnosis has many possibilities and more people should be working in that direction. has not been yet taken seriously, and it is one of the very fundamental things which can innermost core of all problems and of all solutions....
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    on Self Hypnosis use in Meditation

    on Self Hypnosis use in Meditation But if you are doing a session of self-hypnosis, there is no danger. You just go through the whole process, looking at a bright thing that tires your eyes – that is its only function – and you go on repeating what the hypnotist was repeating, but inside your being. Finally, you will find you cannot keep y...
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    How can hypnosis and meditation come together?

    Question 2: Osho, How can hypnosis and meditation come together? Amrit Nirjan, hypnosis has been condemned by all kinds of ignorant people. They don't understand anything about it, but you will find people everywhere condemning it. The word is used without knowing even the meaning of it. People will say to you, "You are hypnotized, that's ...
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    Why is it difficult for some people to be hypnotized?

    Question 2: Osho, Why is it difficult for some people to be hypnotized? is it because we do not trust the person who is doing it to us, or are we not as receptive as those who can be? There are many reasons possible. The most important is, if the person's intelligence quotient is very low he will not be able to understand what hypnosis is,...
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    on Transformation of Hypnosis into Meditation

    on Transformation of Hypnosis into Meditation Question 1 Beloved Osho, While using Hypnosis in the service of Meditation, I have noticed that the Line between Therapy and Meditation is dissolving. As Witnessing can become Easy and natural in Hypnosis, it seems to provide the ground for a quantum Leap into No-Mind. Beloved Osho, would you s...
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    Osho Quotes on Hypnosis

    Osho on Hypnosis "Hypnosis is a tremendously beautiful art, and there is nothing wrong in it. But everything can be used in a wrong way or in a right way. You can have a sword and cut somebody's head. That is not the fault of the sword; the sword is neutral. With your sword you can prevent somebody from raping a woman. But the sword is abs...
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    The science of hypnosis

    Question 2: Osho, You have mentioned in the past that the witches burned by the christians knew, among other skills, how to hypnotize. it seems that in ancient egypt too, hypnosis was practiced. it has even been suggested that jesus was a skilled hypnotist. Was hypnosis once a respected form of healing? how did it evolve, and how did it fa...
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    Hypnosis Technique and its Danger

    Hypnosis Technique and its Danger The process, the technique, is very simple. The hypnotist hangs a crystal from a chain just over your eyes, and tells you, ”Don’t close your eyes until you cannot keep them open. Fight to the last, keep your eyes open! ”And the crystal shines in your eyes. Naturally, eyes have to blink continuously to keep...
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