• Prayer is gratitude. Prayer is thankfulness.
    - Osho

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Question :


What is it that happens within a twenty-four-mile radius of a living master that causes a person to become enlightened when he dies within that twenty-four-mile radius?



It is simply a law of existence, like other laws. The enlightened man has a certain energy aura around him. Everybody has, but different people have different colored auras. That color depends on their psychology. In fact, one can see the aura; there is a certain training how to see the aura that surrounds your body and particularly your head. And looking at that aura, much can be said about your mind, your past, your actions, your desires, your imagination, your ambitions -- almost your whole biography in the past, and, if you remain continuous with the past, the future also can be predicted.


As a person starts meditating, the colors of his aura start changing. When the meditation is complete, when you have come to your innermost point, you are surrounded by a twenty-five-mile-radius aura of immense whiteness. It is not like the sunrise, but it is like just before the sunrise, just those few moments when there is light but the sun has not arisen. In the East we have called it brahmamuhurt, the moment of the divine.


And why have we called that the moment of the divine? The reason was because of the exact type of light, without any source because the sun has not yet risen; it is far below the horizon but the night is over... between the night and the day. In India, meditation has a very beautiful name, sandhya. Sandhya means the time just before the sun rises, and the time just after the sun sets -- just a few seconds -- because they both are the same, a light without source.


The ordinary person's aura is an average of two inches around him, but as he grows, becomes mature, the aura also becomes bigger. Finally, at the ultimate peak of your meditation, the length of the aura is twenty-five miles. Now, in this area if somebody is dying who is in love with the enlightened one, has trust in the Master, whom do you think he will remember? The last thing is the whole life condensed.


The man who was after money will remember his bank balance. Certainly he is going to remember his money: "Now what is going to happen to the money?" He is not concerned with his death, he is worried about the bank balance and the stupid sons and daughters who will destroy everything. That is going to be his idea.


A man whose sex has been repressed -- a monk, Catholic, Jaina, Hindu -- his last moment is going to be full of sexual dreams, because now there is no life energy to repress it. They have all uncoiled, the spring is no more pressed by energy. Death is coming, energy is moving away. His past of repression will give him a sexual dream. He will die in that dream.


But if a man has loved a Master, has been in tune with someone who is enlightened, he is not going to think of dollars, is not going to think about anything else, because that love with the Master was the greatest thing in his life. In that moment he will open up towards the Master, just like sunflowers open towards the sun. As the sun moves, the sunflower moves. In the morning it is facing east, in the evening it is facing west.


The dying sannyasin, the dying disciple is just a sunflower. So when you do your gachchhamis you should be sitting in a posture facing towards your Master, because in those moments it can happen. If your gachchhamis are really authentic, if you are not doing them just as a formality, if you are really saying with your whole heart, "I go to the feet of the Awakened One," space disappears, time disappears. Suddenly, you are available to the Master.


The sannyasin dying will die with gachchhamis in his heart, utterly open, available, unconditionally available. Now what is there to be afraid of? He is going to die. There is no risk. Living, there was trouble, there were problems. He could not commit totally, his commitment was divided, partial. He had a wife, he had children, he had a job, he could not say to the Master, "I am absolutely, unconditionally surrendered to you, now you are my way. Lead me wherever you want."


But now he can say it. Now there is no wife any more, no children to go with him, no job, no money. Nothing that has been important up to this moment and was preventing him from being totally connected with the Master is there any more. Then why not take the chance? He could not do it in life, but he can do it in death. He can really feel -- there is no need to say, "I go to the feet of the Awakened One" -- you need not utter the words. Your whole being feels it.


And in that is the whole secret. If you are within the twenty-five-mile radius, it is as if you are just sitting by the side of the Master, because that energy field is your Master's energy body; and the moment you become open, suddenly there is just light, and eternal life opens its doors.


First try it in life, because if you can become enlightened in life you will be able to enjoy this beautiful life which you were just passing by like a somnambulist. There is really a large number of somnambulists -- ten percent of people. So if there are five thousand people here, ten percent of them will be somnambulists. They will not know, but they will get up in the night and go to the fridge -- the whole day they had been trying to diet -- and they will come back and go to sleep, and in the morning they don't remember anything, but they are puzzled: there has been nobody in the house and the ice cream has disappeared -- and it is ice cream that the doctors are against -- but they have no remembrance.


There have been very strange cases of somnambulistic people who will get up in the night and burn something in the house and go back to bed, and in the morning they will report to the police that somebody is doing mischief; their things are being burned every night.


It happened when I was visiting Hyderabad in south India. My friends there said it was not good that I accept the invitation of the family I was staying with. "They are rich and have a very beautiful mansion with a big garden, swimming pool, everything; but perhaps you don't know that house is haunted." I said, "If I knew it, then I would have certainly gone to their house, then there was no other way. This was just accidental that their letter reached before yours. I am going to stay there and see what kind of ghosts are haunting the house."


There were not many people in the house: the husband, the wife and a daughter -- only three persons. The daughter was not more than fourteen. And what was happening in the house was that things were being moved in the night from this room into another room, sometimes being thrown on the roof or on the terrace or in the garden. And naturally, neither the father was doing it, nor the mother was doing it, nor the daughter was doing it. The obvious conclusion was that it was haunted.


I told them, "I would like not to sleep away from you, I want to sleep in the same room with your family." The man said, "Why? We have made a beautiful place, the best room in our house with the best view." I said, "You can all come there if you want, but I am going to stay with you because I am going to finish this haunting forever."


They said, "But how will you stop the haunting? We are afraid of the ghosts. We lock every door, window, we all check" -- first the husband checked, then the wife, then the girl -- "to be absolutely certain that whatsoever happens in other rooms, let it happen, but the ghost should not enter into this room." And they said, "Strange, the locks remain locked, but things from our room are thrown out. Still the ghosts seem to be very nice people; they are not destroying anything, not burning anything, not stealing anything -- they simply change things around. But what is happening... the dining table we find in the sitting room, all the chairs have disappeared -- and they are on the roof of the house."


I said, "You just leave it to me. Let me sleep with you." It was the daughter who was doing the whole thing, and it happens mostly at the time when a girl or a boy becomes sexually mature, which is a very delicate period. But she was doing it in her sleep. I had to remain awake till the girl got up. I watched her. She was the last one to check, and she used to leave one window or one door available for herself. And this was all unconscious, she was not doing it consciously. She would throw things out. I caught her red-handed. Her eyes were open but she was asleep. I had to shake her. She suddenly woke up and she said, "What is the matter? What is happening? Why am I standing here? Why is the door open?"


The father and mother came running. I said, "There is no problem. The first sexual desire is arising in this girl." In India, particularly, you have to repress it continuously. And this was a rich family; the girl has to pass at least a post-graduate degree, then she will be married... so it was going to be at least ten years more. This repressed sexual energy was a kind of poison. Unconsciously she was taking revenge, she was angry. And all that together made her a somnambulist.


I asked the parents. They said she was a somnambulist from the very beginning. In her childhood she used to move from one bed to another, from mother's bed to father's bed, and in the morning she would be puzzled about who had moved her from her mother's side. So I said, "Now the whole mystery is clear. She is a somnambulist, and now, because she has to repress her sexuality, she is taking revenge on you. And she has done a really good job.


"But now it will not happen any more. You do one thing: make her free about her sexuality. If she goes with boys, let her go; give her the pill, and the pill will destroy all the ghosts, don't be worried." And that's how it happened. The pill worked, and the house is no more haunted.


People are living almost in sleep, but the knock of death wakes them up. Suddenly they see their life is finished and they are drowning in darkness. In that moment they realize that they have missed life, they never lived it; they always postponed for tomorrows. They always thought to go to Kashmir, to go to the Himalayas, to see this, to see that, but they always postponed. What is the hurry? There is so much work to be done; they cannot waste time... three months in Kashmir.


So you go on postponing living, and you go on preparing to live tomorrow. You sacrifice today for tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes. One day suddenly, instead of tomorrow, death comes. It is a shock: you were waiting for tomorrow, you were planning for tomorrow your whole life, and now there is no tomorrow. And today you have never learned how to live, you were always preparing.


There is a strange story in Tibet that one man wanted to be the wisest man in the world. He collected as many scriptures as were possible and available in Tibet. His library had thousands of ancient scriptures, and he was running from one place to another, because in those days books were not printed. He wasted fortunes on every book because it was the only copy. His whole life he was collecting and waiting until the library was complete; then he was going to study all these scriptures.


But life finishes in death. He fell sick and his physicians said that he could not survive more than twenty-four hours. He said, "My God, in twenty-four hours, how am I going to read all these scriptures that I have collected and wasted my whole life on?" The physicians said that there is only one way: "You can have one thousand Buddhist monks, you can ask the Dalai Lama that they go through all the books and condense the essential points in those scriptures, so before you die at least you know the essentials." But those poor scholars had to read, and the books were thousands. They said even one thousand monks wouldn't do, and time was passing and the monks were trying, and the man was getting more and more nervous that soon the sun would set and he would be finished.


And he was inquiring again and again what was happening, why the essential message was not being brought. First it was thought that everyone would bring the essential core of the scriptures that he had looked in, but now there was no time to listen to one thousand monks and their summaries, so the monks were asked to please make one summary out of all these summaries. And be quick! -- because by the time the sun sets, the man will be finished.


They rushed back into the library, and there were great quarrels -- which is always certain where scholars are -- arguments about what should be included and what should not be included. And by the time they decided, the man was gone.


This is not a story, this is actually an existential fact about almost everybody. I say almost, because I have to leave a few enlightened people out of it. Only in death they are surprised... but then it is too late, nothing can be done. Everybody dies in frustration, in despair, in anguish, but a man of meditation dies in joy, in peace, at ease with the whole universe. And this becomes very easy if he is connected in some way with someone who has already arrived.


The best is to do it in life, because then you can live life in an enlightened way. And life is tremendously beautiful; it is just a miracle all around. But if in life it cannot happen because you have this and that and there are conditions, then at least in death let it happen. But it may not be possible for you alone, unless you have meditated so deeply that death will not create any disturbance in your silence. Then it can happen without the twenty-five-mile radius or it can happen anywhere.


But the chances of such a happening are rare, because if it could happen anywhere, it would not wait for death. It would have happened long ago. So this device of a commune is simply to keep you engaged here. If you cannot become enlightened alive, I say okay, at least don't forget me when you are dying. But enlightened you have to become -- dead or alive!


The commune is an immense field of energy and experiment, and soon in other communes around the world I will manage at least one person to be enlightened, so no commune misses this twenty-five-mile radius of energy.




- Osho, “The Last Testament, Vol 2, #4”




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  45. No Image

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  47. No Image

    Whenever the disciple is ready, the master appears

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  48. No Image

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  49. No Image

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  50. No Image

    The disciple has to learn the lesson of let-go with the Master

    Deva means divine, urdhwa means upward-going – a divine upward-going. Science knows one law, the law of gravitation – that everything falls downwards, that the earth functions like a magnet and pulls things towards itself. Religion knows ano...
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  51. No Image

    I can help you only if I destroy you - if I destroy your past, your knowledge, your ideas, your conditionings, your personality.

    Question : Do you know, Osho, that Mr Cecil Lewis has escaped? Poor old man. He was a nice man. But I was afraid that it was going to happen that he would escape. He has been reading my books — to read the books is one thing. And he has been...
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  52. No Image

    Will you please tell us why krishnamurti is against techniques, whereas shiva is for so many techniques.

    Question 3: Will you please tell us why krishnamurti is against techniques, whereas shiva is for so many techniques. Being against techniques is simply a technique. Not only Krishnamurti is using that technique, it has been used many times b...
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  53. No Image

    on Instant Enlightenment and False Gurus

    Question : So many people are looking for instant enlightenment these days and there are all these gurus running around saying ‘follow me’ and yet it is questionable whether the answer is there. What do you attribute this to? Every age has i...
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  54. No Image

    Could we say that Ramakrishna exploited Vivekananda?

    Question : Could we say that Ramakrishna exploited Vivekananda? It could be said but it should not be said, because the word conveys an idea of condemnation behind it. He did not exploit him to gain something selfish for himself; his idea wa...
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  55. No Image

    on Being with a Master or Searching alone without a Master

    Question 1 : Beloved Osho, I have heard you say that seeking the truth is as ecstatic as finding it. Does that not eliminate the search? It does not eliminate the search. On the contrary, it enhances the search because it makes seeking as im...
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  56. No Image

    After me it is going to be really difficult to be a master.

    Question 1 Osho, You have described how the ability to communicate his experience is the essence of the master. yet in you something even more beautiful has happened. Buddha conveyed his message to a select few thousand men in the local pali...
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  57. No Image

    Guru means one who is weight-full, centered, rooted, and has the quality of gravitation.

    Question : Osho, Are you no guru at all or are you the rich man’s guru? From my side, I am no guru at all. The word guru has become almost condemnatory. The root meaning of the word is beautiful. The word originally means one who is more con...
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  58. No Image

    You don’t surrender to me. You simply surrender your ego

    Question : You said nobody should dictate what you should do with your life. How does that fit with being available and surrendering to you? In the first place I am a nobody. Now listen to the question again. YOU SAID NOBODY SHOULD DICTATE W...
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  59. No Image

    Teachers are many, masters few

    Many buddhas have existed, but once in a while a buddha becomes a master. The famous name of Gautam the Buddha is famous just because of his being a master. Millions of buddhas preceded him, but they were not masters. It happened: One day so...
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  60. No Image

    on Initiation – In initiation, you are more important than the technique

    Question : You have been explaining many meditation methods to us. However, Isn’t it true that no method can be all that powerful unless one is initiated into it? A method becomes qualitatively different when you are initiated into it. I am ...
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  61. No Image

    What is the difference between a Disciple and a Friend?

    Question : Osho, What is the difference between a Disciple and a Friend? Has the transformation amongst the sannyasins already happened? The distinction between a disciple and a friend has two sides to it. First, from the side of the master ...
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  62. No Image

    Master is always acting; A Master is a perfect actor

    Question 10 : You said that a master sometimes has to be angry with the disciple and in that case he is acting. Is he acting also when he laughs or smiles at him? A Master is always acting; a Master is a perfect actor. He does not take life ...
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  63. No Image

    Disciplehood means that you accept the fact that you know nothing

    One can be a disciple only if one drops all knowledge. Disciplehood means that you accept the fact that you know nothing. It begins in a state of not-knowing. If you know then you cannot be a disciple. Then your knowledge will be a constant ...
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  64. No Image

    on Awakened Master – How will you recognize the real Awakened person?

    If you can find a man who is awakened, who is really virtuous and wise, whose virtue is not only a cultivated facade but a spontaneous fragrance, whose wisdom is no longer knowledge, whose wisdom is his own authentic experience... if you can...
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  65. No Image

    Teachings of the Awakened Ones are not teachings

    The Teachings of the Awakened Ones are not teachings at all because they cannot be taught — so how to call them teachings? A teaching is that which can be taught. But nobody can teach you the truth. It is impossible. You can learn it, but it...
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  66. No Image

    on System-makers and System-destroyers

    Question 4: You said that shiva is not a system-maker and sects cannot form around his teachings. But persons like buddha, mahavir, jesus, gurdjieff, seem to be great system-makers. Why do they have to be system-makers? Please explain the pr...
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  67. No Image

    He who has recognized the guru, has discovered the hand of God

    Nanak says whenever a person becomes liberated many others are liberated by contact with them. Liberation is such a great and superb occurrence and it is such a beatific occasion — even a single person’s liberation — that whoever comes near ...
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  68. No Image

    Can the Master really save the disciple?

    Question 3: Can the Master really save the disciple? Certainly, absolutely… if the disciple is really a disciple he is already saved. It is not that first you have to be a disciple and then you will be saved – in your very being a disciple y...
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  69. No Image

    The master can do only one thing: he can remove everything that can stop your blossoming

    I am not a teacher. I don't want to make something of you resembling some of my ideas. I don't have any idea about you. I don't carry any image that everybody should fit into. My whole approach is that each individual is unique, and nobody c...
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  70. No Image

    I would like to be a world teacher

    Question : I would like to be a world teacher, The second Teerthankara of the “TRADITION OF THE MOON ” Is it possible to expose this desire to the public? First, if you really want to be a teacher, become a disciple. Unless you are a really ...
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  71. No Image

    An authentic sadhu is one to whom the world has become unreal, to whom another dimension has come into existence

    Question : Then how can one tell if a Sadhu is AUTHENTIC OR NOT? There is no need. If someone becomes a sadhu, it is his own private affair. There is no need to pay any attention to him. Whether he is fake or authentic, it is his affair. His...
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  72. No Image

    My real work is not in the day. It is in the night when you are fast asleep snoring

    Question : We, in our unawareness and egoistic state, are not always in touch with the master. but is the master always in touch with us? Yes, because a Master is in touch with all the four layers of you. Your conscious layer is only one of ...
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  73. No Image

    If you flower in compassion you will feel simply grateful, not grateful towards me

    Question : Osho, You’ve said meditation is a flowering. and for us, the perfume of the flower is gratitude. is there anything we can do for you? Yes. Meditation, compassion and gratitude. Whenever you are meditative, you feel blissful; whene...
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  74. No Image

    The meeting with the master has always been a kind of death

    Question : Osho, I am afraid to meet you. trembling, shocked, alone… It means Death. The meeting with the master has always been a kind of death, death to all that you have been, death to your past, death to your ego, death to your personali...
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  75. No Image

    Be my Disciples but not my Followers

    Chuang Tzu always watched monkeys. He was deeply interested in them because they are the forefathers of man. And a monkey is hidden in you! This whole world is nothing but a monkey mountain, all around are monkeys. What is the characteristic...
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  76. No Image

    The guru is the address of God

    The very word “guru” is meaningful. The “master” doesn’t carry that significance. The master seems to be someone who has mastered a thing, gone under a long training, has become disciplined, has become a master. “Guru” is totally different. ...
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  77. No Image

    If the questioner is in a deep love and trust with the master, then everything is allowed

    Question : It has been said that a disciple should have respectful manners and a Respectful attitude towards his Master, but often i feel like asking you Playful, Joking and Naughty questions. Does this indicate lack of Respect And ’Shraddha...
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  78. No Image

    Not to follow me; follow your own consciousness!

    Question 2 Osho, To be a disciple has always meant to me to follow you, to be under your guidance, as if not to have a self of my own. i was never aware of the fact that being a disciple is to be as you are, and to allow your presence, your ...
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  79. No Image

    A Buddha cannot be asked to help you. He is help – but a passive help

    The first thing: to ask the Buddha to help us is foolish, for three reasons. First, he cannot. Second, even if he could he would not. Third, we do not need to be helped since we are all Buddhas already. Zen people say: Because of these three...
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  80. No Image

    What Does it mean to be a Disciple?

    Question 2 : Osho, What Does it mean to be a Disciple? Prem Samadhi, it is one of the most delicate mysteries. No definition is possible of a disciple, but a few hints can be given, just fingers pointing to the moon. Don’t cling to the finge...
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  81. No Image

    The mystic can understand only one-dimensionally; the master has a wider view

    This anecdote is very strange. Its strangeness is that it is not necessary that a man of Zen will be able to understand another man of Zen. Of course, a master will be able to understand all kinds of Zen people, but a master is multidimensio...
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  82. No Image

    Nobody has preceded me, nobody is going to succeed me. I am a perfect circle

    Question 1: Who prepared the way for you? NOBODY HAS PREPARED THE WAY FOR ME, and neither am I preparing the way for anybody. This has to be understood. There are four possibilities. One, the oldest and the most used, is what happened in Jes...
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  83. No Image

    The only way to be around a Master. Go on losing your mind

    Questions 1 What happens to my voice when you speak to me? What is the game? The question is from Somendra. When you are really in communion with me, you cannot speak. When you are really listening to me, you will lose your voice because in ...
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  84. No Image

    Being a disciple means falling in deep love without any motive

    Love is the most essential quality, the fundamental quality, without which nobody can be a disciple It is easy to be a student — it needs no love, it needs only logic — because the communication between the teacher and the student is from he...
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  85. No Image

    Why are there no women masters?

    Question : You, Buddha, Jesus, etc. are all men. you say women are closer to no-mind. why did you choose a man’s body? why are there no women masters? It is from Deva Chandan – of course, a woman who belongs to the lib movement. It is signif...
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  86. No Image

    The master is in a state of love — it does not matter to whom.

    Question : Osho, Sometimes it seems as if you are more surrendered to us than we are to you. Please comment. It is true. I am not surrendered to you, to my people particularly. But because I have got rid of the ego, I am simply surrendered t...
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  87. No Image

    on Dying in Master’s Presence – Physical closeness means nothing

    Question : Osho, Thoughts of death have been a frequent visitor during my disciplehood. How can a disciple die in a master’s presence, especially when the master is physically distant? Osho, is mahakashyap the only answer? The question is no...
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  88. No Image

    Disciplehood is a paradox, birth – death together

    Deva means divine, jurgen means a farmer. Life is an opportunity, just a seed. One can miss it, one can remain a seed; that will be the missing of the opportunity. One has to seek the right soil. One has to be a farmer; One has to learn how ...
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  89. No Image

    Gurus and disciples are mind phenomena.

    Question 2 Yesterday, you said that mind is reality, dream is reality. then why do gurus like you take the trouble to teach us that mind is the only barrier, mind is the only obstacle? Gurus and disciples are mind phenomena. Because your min...
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  90. No Image

    The word coming out of silence carries around it the wordless silence

    Question : Osho, When I sit in your lecture I feel your silence and feel I become part of it. This is a wordless process in melting more and more into silence. At the same time, there are words from you. I hear them, and suddenly a connectio...
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  91. No Image

    Why have all the great masters come from the East?

    Question : Osho, Why have all the great masters come from the East? Because humanity has yet not been total. The East is introvert, the West is extrovert. Man is split, mind is schizophrenic. That’s why all the great masters have come from t...
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  92. No Image

    What can a Guru do for you?

    Question : What can a Guru do for you? The question is from Vidya’s mother, Sigrid. She must be worried about Vidya, about what is happening to Vidya here. And, deep down, she is nagging Vidya and trying to take back. It is natural, nothing ...
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  93. No Image

    If the master becomes a guest within you, your whole life is transformed

    All that is needed on the part of the disciple is not to repeat old patterns of many kinds of relationships with the master. Let it be a new relationship which you have never lived. Let it be absolutely untouched by your past. Let it be uniq...
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  94. No Image

    That initiation which does not bring freedom is no initiation

    Osho on Deeksha and the Three Gachchhamis Question 5 In spiritual quest, deeksha, initiation, holds a very important place. Its special ceremonies are carried out under special conditions. Buddha and Mahavira used to give initiation. How man...
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  95. No Image

    To become a disciple is to be fortunate. To find a Master is the greatest blessing that can happen to a man on the earth.

    KABIR SAYS: "THE GURU IS GREAT BEYOND WORDS, AND GREAT IS THE GOOD FORTUNE OF THE DISCIPLE." Yes, to become a disciple is to be fortunate. To find a Master is the greatest blessing that can happen to a man on the earth. It is very rare to fi...
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  96. No Image

    The master is recognized through the heart and not through the head

    Shiva says: THE GURU IS THE WAY. Do not be a way unto yourself or you will spoil everything. First of all, it is a difficult task to find a living person because to surrender to a living person is difficult; the ego gets hurt! So people take...
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  97. No Image

    Without the Master the path is very risky

    A parable… Once in the garden of a Master there lived a monkey. And, as monkeys are curious people, he became very curious about the Master. He saw the Master sitting silently, doing nothing, and by and by he started coming close to him – wh...
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  98. No Image

    On Disciple And Discipleship

    On Disciple And Discipleship One of the most beautiful phenomena in the world is that of being a disciple, because now you know what rapport is. Now you breathe, inhale, exhale with the master; now you lose your boundaries and become one wit...
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  99. No Image

    When disciple is ready the Master is also ready

    Your own innermost center is your real master. Outer masters can help, but their help is basically directed toward finding the inner master. And when the inner one is found, there is no need for the outer master. You have become master in yo...
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