• Take it easy, and remember Easy is Right.
    - Osho

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A Vision of Freedom in a Culture of Lies




“The freedom from something is not true freedom. The freedom to do anything you want to do is also not the freedom I am talking about.


My vision of freedom is to be yourself.


It is not a question of getting freedom from something. That freedom will not be freedom, because it is still given to you; there is a cause to it. The thing that you were feeling dependent on is still there in your freedom. You are obliged to it. Without it you would not have been free.”


The freedom to do anything you want is not freedom either, because wanting, desiring to do something, arises out of the mind – and mind is your bondage.


The true freedom certainly comes after choiceless awareness, but after choiceless awareness the freedom is neither dependent on things nor dependent on doing something. The freedom that follows choiceless awareness is the freedom just to be yourself. And you are yourself already, you are born with it; hence it is not dependent on anything else. Nobody can give it to you and nobody can take it from you. A sword can cut your head but it cannot cut your freedom, your being.

It is another way of saying that you are centered, rooted in your natural, existential self. It has nothing to do with outside.

Freedom from things is dependent on the outside. Freedom to do something is also dependent on the outside. Freedom to be ultimately pure has not to be dependent on anything outside you.

You are born as freedom.

It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it.

Layers upon layers of conditionings have made you a puppet. The strings are in somebody else's hands. [....]


To be again in that purity, in that innocence, in that consciousness, is what I mean be freedom.

Freedom is the ultimate experience of life. There is nothing higher than that. And out of freedom many flowers blossom in you. Love is the flowering of your freedom. Compassion, another flowering of your freedom.

All that is valuable in life flowers in the innocent, natural state of your being.

So don't connect freedom with independence. Independence is naturally from something, from somebody. Don't connect freedom with doing things that you want to do, because that is your mind, not you. Wanting to do something, desiring to do something, you are in the bondage of your wanting and your desiring.

But the freedom I have been talking about you simply are -- in utter silence, serenity, beauty, bliss.


- Osho, "From Death to Deathlessness; You Are Born Free #23"





Control is a dirty word. It has not four letters in it, but it is a four-letter word. Freedom, and when I say freedom I don’t mean license. When I say freedom you may understand license because that’s how things go. A controlled mind, whenever it hears about freedom immediately understands it as license. License is the opposite pole of control. Freedom is just in between, just exactly in the middle, where there is no control and no license.


Freedom has its own discipline, but it is not forced by any authority. It comes out of your awareness, out of authenticity. Freedom should never be misunderstood as license, otherwise you will again miss.


Awareness brings freedom. In freedom there is no need for control, because there is no possibility for license. It is because of license that you have been forced to control, and if you remain licentious the society will go on controlling you.


It is because of your licentiousness that the policeman exists and the judge and the politician and the courts, and they go on forcing you to control yourself. And in controlling yourself you miss the whole point of being alive, because you miss celebration. How can you celebrate if you are too controlled?


- Osho, "Nirvana: The Last Nightmare: Creativity: A Dynamic Energy #4"






Freedom has to be understood. It is a very delicate matter, a very subtle matter, one of the most profound, because freedom is equivalent to god.


That's why Mahavira refused the existence of God, because he accepted the existence of freedom, and that was enough. He called ultimate freedom moksha. Moksha means absolute freedom, ultimate freedom; then there is no need for God. Freedom is another name for God.


Three things have to be understood. First, there is a kind of freedom that you are acquainted with: that is freedom from. A child wants to be free of the parents. The slave wants to be free from the master, from the boss. This is freedom from; it is a reaction, it is the ego asserting itself. And I am not saying there is anything wrong in it; you just have to watch the different colors of freedom.


When you are seeking freedom from, sooner or later you will fall into another trap -- because it is a reaction and not an understanding. That's what happened in all the revolutions in the past. In 1917 the poor masses of Russia revolted against the Czar, wanted to be free from Czardom. And they became free just to become slaves again, because they had no positive idea of freedom. Their idea of freedom was negative. Their whole interest was how to be free from the Czar. They forgot, they completely forgot, that just to be free from the Czar was not going to help; some other Czar would be waiting. [....]


Freedom from is not true freedom.


Then there is another kind of freedom: freedom for. The second kind of freedom, which is far better than the first. The first is negative. The second is positive: one wants to be free to do something. For example, you want to be free of your family because you are in love with music. You are not really against the family. You are for music, and the family creates a hindrance, so you escape from the family. You are not against the family, against the parents, but they want you to become an engineer and you want to become a musician.


And it is good to be a musician even if you have to suffer for it. It is better to be a musician if you really want to be a musician, if you have a passion for it, than to be a successful engineer, rich, comfortable, safe. You can be safe, rich, comfortable, secure, but you will be dead if you do something which you never wanted to do. If you want to become a musician or a dancer or a poet and that is your passion, then go for it. You may be a beggar, you may never become known, you may never be rich -- because the society does not need much poetry. [....]


This is the second kind of freedom: freedom for. This is a positive approach, better than the first. The first type of person becomes a politician. The second type of person becomes a poet, a painter, an artist. The first freedom is negative, the second freedom is positive -- but remember, they are aspects of the same thing. [....]


The real freedom is the third kind, the transcendental freedom. What is that? It is neither from nor for; it is simply freedom. It is just freedom. That is moksha: just freedom. Neither against anybody – it is not a reaction; nor to create some future – there is no goal. One simply enjoys being oneself, for its own sake; it is an end unto itself.”


- Osho, "The Secret: Trust Is a State of Your Being #6"





“Everybody wants freedom as far as talking is concerned, but nobody really is free and nobody really wants to be free, because freedom brings responsibility. It does not come alone. And to be dependent is simple: the responsibility is not on you, the responsibility is on the person you are dependent on.


So people have made a schizophrenic way of life. They talk about truth, they talk about freedom, and they live in lies, they live in slavery – slavery of many kinds, because each slavery frees you from some responsibility.”


- Osho, "The Path of the Mystic: Treasures of Dragons #16"





“You are born as freedom. It is just that you have been conditioned to forget it. Layers upon layers of conditionings have made you a puppet. The strings are in somebody else’s hands.


If you are a Christian, you are a puppet. Your strings are in the hand of a God which does not exist, so just to give you the sense that God exists there are prophets, messiahs, representing God. They represent nobody. They are just egoistic people – and even ego wants to reduce you to a puppet.


They tell you what to do, they give you the Ten Commandments. They give you your personality – that you are a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, a Mohammedan. They give you your so-called knowledge. And naturally, under the great burden which they start giving you from the very beginning of your childhood, the Himalayan load you are carrying – underneath it, hidden, repressed, is your natural self.


If you can get rid of all conditionings, if you can think that you are neither a communist nor a fascist, that you are neither a Christian nor a Mohammedan. You were not born a Christian or Mohammedan; you were born just pure, innocent consciousness.


To be again in that purity, in that innocence, in that consciousness, is what I mean be freedom.


Freedom is the ultimate experience of life. There is nothing higher than that. And out of freedom many flowers blossom in you.”


- Osho, "From Death to Deathlessness: You Are Born As Freedom #23"





People like Hitler, Mao and Stalin are not born accidentally. They are born only when a whole country desires to be enslaved. Each person eagerly wishes for a man who can stand up and say, "I know what is right, Follow me!" -- so that they can follow him. They want to be told clearly what to do and what not to do. This is why we pursue politicians and sadhus and mahatmas. And these whom we ask, -- they too have asked others. They have no direct knowledge of their own; they too do not know what is right and what is wrong. The fact is, when there are people to inquire, teachers become available.

We are eager to place our burden on others. Freedom seems too heavy for our shoulders. It should actually be the other way around: freedom should give us wings to fly in the sky.


- Osho, "The Way of Tao, Vol. 2, Talk #4"





“To rejoice in chaos one needs guts. Very few people have that much courage. To enjoy freedom, very few people are ready. That's why a slavery exists in different names around the world.”


- Osho, "The Last Testament, Vol 3; Out of Chaos Stars Are Born #6"





“Everybody feels that others are responsible for his misery. The husband thinks the wife is responsible for his misery, the wife thinks the husband is responsible for her misery, the children think the parents are responsible for their misery, the parents think the children are responsible for their misery. It has become such a complexity. And whenever somebody else is responsible for your misery, you are not aware that by giving the responsibility you are losing your freedom.


Responsibility and freedom are two sides of the same coin.


And because you think others are responsible for your misery.... That's why there are charlatans, so-called saviors, messengers of God, prophets who go on telling you, "You have not to do anything, just follow me. Believe in me and I will save you. I am your shepherd, you are my sheep."

Strange, that not a single person stood up against people like Jesus Christ and said, "This is utterly insulting to say that you are the shepherd and we are sheep, and you are the savior and we are just dependent on your compassion, that our whole religion is just to believe in you." But because we have been throwing the responsibility for our misery on others, we have accepted the corollary that bliss will also come from others.


Naturally, if misery comes from others, then bliss has to come from others. But then what are you doing? You are neither responsible for misery nor are you responsible for bliss – then what is your function? What is your purpose? – just to be a target for a few people to make you miserable and for others to help you and save you and make you blissful? Are you just a puppet?


All the strings are in the hands of others. You are not respectful of your humanity; you do not respect yourself. You don’t have any love for your own being, for your own freedom.”


- Osho, "Beyond Enlightenment: The Master Is a Mirror #9"





“Freedom has nothing to do with the outside; one can be free even in an actual prison. Freedom is something inner; it is of the consciousness. You can be free anywhere -- chained, in a jail, you can be free -- and you can be unfree outside the jail, in your own home, visibly absolutely free, but you will be a prisoner if your consciousness is not free.

You are confusing outer freedom with inner freedom. As far as the outside is concerned you can never be absolutely free -- let it be clear once and forever. As far as outside is concerned you are not alone, so how can you be absolutely free? There are millions of people around you. On the outside, life has to be a compromise. If you were alone on the earth you would have been absolutely free, but you are not alone.

On the road you have to keep to the left. And Yvonne will feel this is a great bondage: "Why? Why should I be forced to be on the left? I am a free man. If I want to walk on the right I will walk on the right. If I want to walk in the middle of the road I will walk in the middle of the road." In India you can do it -- India is a free country, remember! It is the greatest democracy in the world, so right, left, middle, anywhere you can walk!

But one man's freedom becomes so many people's problem. You are free to be yourself, but you should not be an interference in other people's lives.

A man of understanding will respect his freedom as much as he will respect others' freedom, because if nobody respects your freedom, your freedom will be destroyed. It is a mutual understanding: "I respect your freedom, you respect my freedom, then we both can be free." But it is a compromise. I have not to interfere with your being, I am not free to trespass on you.

You want to sing loudly in the middle of the night. Of course you are a free person, and if you cannot sing loudly in your own house, what kind of freedom is this? But the neighbors have to sleep too; then there has to be a compromise.

On the outside we are interdependent. Nobody can be absolutely independent. Life is an interdependence. Not only with people are you interdependent, you are interdependent with everything. If you cut all the trees you will die because they are constantly supplying you with oxygen. You are dependent on them -- and they are dependent on you because you are constantly giving them carbon dioxide. We take oxygen in and exhale carbon dioxide; the trees do just the opposite, they exhale oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide. [....]


Now life is so interdependent... the sun is so far away. It takes ten minutes for the rays of the sun to reach to the earth, and rays move with tremendous speed -- one hundred eighty-six thousand miles per second. But we are related to other suns and other solar systems too. Everything in existence is interdependent, so you cannot be absolutely free on the outside -- and there is no need either.

Enjoy this interdependence. Don't call it bondage. It is not dependence, it is INTERdependence. You are dependent on others, others are dependent on you. It is a brotherhood, it is relatedness. Even the smallest grass leaf is related to the greatest star.

But in the inner world, in the inner kingdom, you can be absolutely free. So the whole question is of the inner. And then, Yvonne, you will not feel sad and rebellious; there is no need. Understand that the outer interdependence is a must, it is inevitable; nothing can be done about it. It is part of how things are. Accept it. When nothing can be done about it, acceptance is the only way. And accept it JOYOUSLY, not as a resignation. Accept it! This is our universe; we are part of it. We are not islands, we are part of the whole continent. We are not egos.


your idea of freedom is rooted somewhere in the idea of the ego. We are not egos. The ego is a false entity -- because we are not separate, how can we have egos? It is good as far as language is concerned; it is utilitarian to use the word 'I', but it has no substance in it. It is pure shadow, utterly empty. A useful word, utilitarian, but not real.

But inner freedom IS possible. It happens as you go deeper and deeper into awareness. Watch your body, watch your thought processes.

Just the other day Buddha was saying: Watch, witness the whole process of your thoughts. And slowly slowly, you will see you are neither anger nor greed, neither Hindu nor Mohammedan nor Christian, neither Catholic nor communist. Slowly slowly, you will be aware that you are not any thought -- you are not mind at all. You are a pure witness. The experience of pure witnessing is the experience of total freedom, but it is an inward phenomenon. And a man who is inwardly totally free has no hankering to be outwardly free. He is capable of accepting nature as it is.

Yvonne, create inner freedom through witnessing. Sannyas is only for the inner freedom. And live out of inner freedom and then you will be able to see the interdependence on the outside. It is beautiful and it is a blessing. There is no need to rebel against it. Relax into it, surrender to it. And remember: only a person who is really free can surrender.


- Osho, "The Dharmapada: The Way of The Buddha Vol. 9: Freedom is Something Inner #4"




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    Just be responsible to yourself.

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  41. No Image

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  43. No Image

    Freedom opens the door of responsibility.

    Question 3: Osho, You say that fear and freedom, like ambition and love, cannot co-exist. but it is existence that brings into being fear and love of freedom, together. please comment. It is true that it is existence itself which brings fear...
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  44. No Image

    Gautama the Buddha's whole religion can be reduced to a single word. That word is freedom.

    Gautama the Buddha's whole religion can be reduced to a single word. That word is freedom. That is his essential message, his very fragrance. Nobody else has raised freedom so high. It is the ultimate value in Buddha's vision, the SUMMUM BON...
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  45. No Image

    Responsibility is always the very first step of freedom.

    Question 1: Osho, As i see it, the situation is as follows: you are, and we are not, or to be more precise, you aren't, and we still are. It seems that the master-disciple relationship is really a kindness on your part to describe, in flatte...
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  46. No Image

    My vision of a real humanity is of pure individuals

    My vision of a real humanity is of pure individuals -- relating to each other but not tied in any relationship; loving to each other but not being possessive of each other; sharing with each other all their joys and all their blessings, but ...
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  47. No Image

    The three basic dimensions of freedom for the individual

    Question 3 Osho, Does the being, or self, in the person die with the death of the person; or does it live beyond death in another body? Freedom is a three-dimensional phenomenon. The first is the physical dimension: you can be enslaved physi...
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  48. No Image

    In the name of security we create a bondage around ourselves

    Man lives in bondage, and the bondage is not imposed by others, it is self-created. It is created because we are afraid of the insecure. In the name of security we create a bondage around ourselves. Yes, it gives a feeling of cosiness, warmt...
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  49. No Image

    Feel responsible, accept responsibility for yourself, because only then will you become free.

    Question 3 Is this difference -- the difference in their stages -- due to their own choice, or is it their destiny? To us it seems important to ask about creation. But in existence, nothing is created; it is a continuous and endless beginnin...
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  50. No Image

    I teach you Responsibility, Responsibility makes you feel strong

    Christianity has made you feel responsible for two thousand years, has made you feel guilty, that you are the sinner. Now psychoanalysis goes to the other extreme: it simply says you are not the sinner, you are not to feel guilty — you are p...
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  51. No Image

    Freedom from is not true freedom : Three kind of freedom

    Question 7 Osho, We must be free. yet where does freedom end and selfishness begin? Freedom has to be understood. It is a very delicate matter, a very subtle matter, one of the most profound, because freedom is equivalent to God. That's why ...
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  52. No Image

    on Meaning of Freedom

    There is a very old story about an ascetic who was doing sadhana in a dense forest. He was sitting with closed eyes and was praying to God continuously. He wanted to gain heaven. Hunger and thirst did not worry him. A very poor young woman u...
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  53. No Image

    Never, never for a single moment lose your freedom. And never destroy anybody else's freedom.

    Once you have tasted the eternity of love, the timelessness of love, you are transformed. Then you are no more part of the mundane world; you enter into the world of the holy, the sacred. Of course you go on living in the same ordinary way, ...
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  54. No Image

    Freedom means that each person has the freedom to be what he wishes to be

    If a person wants to know truth, he does not set out by himself to discover it; he goes and falls at the feet of a guru saying, "You are my everything. Give me the knowledge of truth. How can I, a sinner, do anything?" He little knows that a...
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  55. No Image

    Man is not in bondage, only thinks so

    A king wanted to pick the wisest man among his subjects to be his prime minister. When the search finally narrowed down to three men, he decided to put them to the supreme test. Accordingly, he placed them in a room in his palace, and instal...
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  56. No Image

    How can anybody impose anything on you? You cooperate, and then you throw the responsibility on the other

    [A sannyasin said he did not want to push himself as Osho had suggested: But I know I have to take risks, I know I have to try new things but… ] If it comes – this urge to try new things, to venture into new styles of being, to go on a journ...
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  57. No Image

    People who take others’ responsibility are responsible for creating retarded, dependent slaves

    Question : But you don’t think that you are responsible for all the Sannyasins living here, for the life and the future of the children I have seen in this city? I am not responsible for anybody. I am not even a member of this commune. I liv...
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  58. No Image

    Freedom and Interdependence

    Question 6 : For forty-five years I lived in prison, mostly made by myself. Now I know it is possible to become more and more free. But what to do, when you feel you need a safe place, a good climate to grow? Another prison? How to be free a...
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