• Life is absolutely balanced between the positive and the negative. Now it is your choice which side you want to be – in heaven or in hell.
    - Osho

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Osho VisionThe Golden FutureReligiousness

The New ManRebellious SpiritEducationWoman






Just the other day, one shankaracharya, Jayendra Saraswati, has given a statement that no religious man can support family planning — and all religions will agree with the Hindu shankaracharya. But I am puzzled. The Christian God has only one begotten son: if that is not family planning, then what is it? The Hindu God Shiva has only two sons: if that is not family planning, then what is it?


To say that no religious person can support family planning is simply madness. The world has already become overpopulated because of these religious people. By the end of this century almost half of humanity will have to die through starvation — and who will be responsible for it? These religious people who are not in favor of family planning.


I would like to contradict Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati: without any exception, absolutely anyone who is religious is bound to support family planning. And those who don’t support it are not religious; they are cunning politicians. They want the world to remain poor, they want the world to be always in a state of begging, so rich people can enjoy donations and can make reservations in paradise by those donations. If there is nobody poor in the world, who is going to accept their donations?


The politicians want people to remain starving because starving people are very obedient; they don’t have the energy to revolt, to be disobedient. Nobody is concerned with humanity; everybody is concerned with his own power. And still in this century, when things are coming to such a great crisis, a shankaracharya — who is the equivalent of a pope to the Hindus — declares that family planning is against religion. Then starvation and millions of people dying through hunger seems to be religious, seems to be the will of God, who is called love, who is called compassionate.


What kind of compassion is this? But these religious people are more interested in the numbers; Jayendra Saraswati is interested in numbers. Hindu society should not follow any birth control methods, because if they follow birth control methods then their number will shrink — and Christians will go on growing bigger and bigger. It is politics of numbers.


Mohammedans insist that they should be allowed to have four wives, without any consideration that in existence there is a certain balance, an equal number of women and men. If a man is allowed to have four wives, what about the three men who will be deprived of women? They are bound to go to the prostitutes, they are bound to become homosexuals, they are bound to practice sodomy.


All these crimes are perpetuated by your so-called virtuous leaders, religious saints. But they have been doing this harm for thousands of years. Rather than helping man to sublimate his energies, to make them creative, they have only been able to force man to repress his energies. And repressed energies become a cancer, repressed energies create all kinds of perversions.


The teacher asked her children’s art class to draw on the blackboard their impressions of the most exciting thing they could think of.


Little Hymie got up and drew a long jagged line.


“What is that?” asked the teacher.


“Lightning,” said Hymie. “Every time I see lightning I get so excited, I scream.”


“Very good,” said the teacher.


Next, little Sally drew a long wavy line. She explained that it was the sea which always excited her. The teacher thought that was excellent too.


Then little Ernie came up to the blackboard, made a single dot and sat down.


“What is that?” asked the puzzled teacher.


“It is a period,” said Ernie.


“Well,” said the teacher, “what is so exciting about a period?”


“I don’t know,” said Ernie to the teacher, “but my sister has missed two of them and my whole family is excited.”


This excitement has made the whole world a mad asylum, and it goes on growing so fast that it always defeats all scientific calculations. Just forty years ago, when India became free, it had four hundred million people. Now, after only forty years, it has nine hundred million people. Five hundred million people have been produced in forty years; and by the end of this century, the calculations of the scientists are that it will be the biggest nation in the world for the first time — up to now China has been the first — it will go beyond one billion people. And Jayendra Saraswati is talking about no family planning, no birth control….


Is this country capable of managing one billion people? — their food, their clothes, their education, their medicine? It will not be even able to provide them with drinking water. Food is impossible; even today, half the population of India sleeps hungry in the night because they cannot afford more than one meal a day.


I have seen people who have not been able to find even one meal a day. Then sleep is very difficult: your stomach is turning, asking for food, it is aching, it is painful. With my own eyes I have seen people putting a brick on their stomach and tying it around the waist, just to feel some weight, because inside the stomach there is nothing. These people suffering in misery are the responsibility of people like Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati — these are the criminals.


When one thousand people were dying per day in Ethiopia, even then the pope was continuously talking about no birth control, Mother Teresa was talking about no birth control. You have to see the implications: Mother Teresa needs orphans; without orphans she does not have any qualifications to have a Nobel prize. But from where can you get orphans if birth control methods are applied? And strangely enough, they condemn birth control methods because they are not God’s creation, but they don’t condemn medicine, which is also not God’s creation. At least there is no mention of medicine in those six days when he made the world.


Medicine has given man longer life. There are people in the Soviet Union who have passed their one hundred and eightieth year, and they are still young; there is every possibility that they will pass their second century. There are thousands who have passed beyond one hundred and fifty… and no religious leader condemns it, saying that medicine should be stopped from giving people health and longevity. No religious leader goes on saying that diseases should be allowed because they are God-created.


Medicine can be used; people can be made more healthy… and naturally when they are more healthy they are more sexually powerful. But birth control methods cannot be used because they will reduce the numbers of their congregations. It is a competition of numbers.


Catholics are six hundred million in number. It is the greatest religion in the world — only because of the numbers; otherwise it is the most third-rate religion in the world, there is nothing much in it which can be called religious. But it is the biggest religion, the greatest religion, only on the strength of numbers. It cannot allow numbers to decline — even if these numbers are going to kill the whole of humanity.


I am in absolute favor of birth control methods for two reasons: birth control methods will keep the world healthy, nourished; secondly, once birth control methods are used, sex loses its profanity — or its sacredness. It becomes simple fun, it becomes just a joyful exchange of energies. According to me, the birth control pill is the greatest invention that man has made. It is the greatest revolution because it can make man and woman equal, liberated.


Otherwise the woman is constantly pregnant, and because of her pregnancy she cannot be independent financially, she cannot be independent educationally, she cannot be independent from man’s domination. Once she is free from being pregnant compulsorily she will have as much time, as much energy to be creative. Until now half of humanity has remained uncreative… no great poets, no great saints, no great musicians, no great artists. Women have had no time. I was surprised to know that even the books on cookery are written by men, not by women. And the best cooks are men, not women: in all the great five-star hotels you will find great cooks, always men. Strange… That has been the domain of the woman forever, but she has no energy left. Because of these religious people, she will never be liberated.


Sex energy has to be welcomed and transformed through the alchemy of meditation into higher states of being, into creativity in different dimensions, not only creating more and more children. Life has to be planned, it should not be accidental.


I have heard that when God was making the world, he called man aside and gave him twenty years of normal sex life. Man was horrified: “Only twenty years?!” he cried. But God would not budge. That was all he would give him.


Then God called the monkey and gave him twenty years. “But, God! I don’t need that much,” said the monkey, “ten is enough.”


Man spoke up and said, “Can I have the other ten?” — and the monkey agreed.


Then God called the lion and gave him twenty years. The lion, too, only wanted ten. Again the man said, “Can I have the other ten?”


The lion roared, “Of course!”


Then came the donkey. He was given twenty years, but he also only wanted ten. Man asked for the extra ten, and got them.


This explains why man has twenty years of a normal sex life, then ten years of monkeying around, ten years of lion about it, and ten years of making an ass of himself.


– Osho, “The Great Piligrimage: From Here to Here, #25”


  1. No Image

    Parents are not consciously exploiting their children

    We cling to the circumference, so much so that we have completely forgotten about the centre. Unless the circumference disappears completely we are not going to be reminded of the centre. And the centre contains all, the very kingdom of god. And the centre is capable of creating a thousand and one ci...
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  2. No Image

    Does education lead to meditation? please explain education and religion.

    Question 3 Does education lead to meditation? please explain education and religion. Ordinarily that which is called education is almost against meditation. It should not be so but it is so. The original meaning of the word 'education' is not against meditation. The original meaning is: to draw out. ...
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  3. No Image

    Whenever a new child is born the relationship between the husband and wife immediately changes

    [A sannyasin says she feels confused; stuck and not flowing. Osho checks her energy.] Nothing to be worried about. I don’t see that you are not flowing with the river – that is not the confusion. The confusion is just the vice versa: for the first time you are flowing with the river, and that is crea...
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  4. No Image

    Meditation advise for Pregnant Women, Meditation during Pregnancy

    [The woman says: I feel that I’m pregnant since we’ve been here. Is there any meditation or thing to do that will be helpful for the baby or for us?] Just remain as happy and loving as possible. Avoid negativities – that’s what destroys the mind of the child. When the child is in formation he not onl...
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  5. No Image

    about having a baby

    [A sannyasin, who is leaving, refers to a letter she had written earlier: I asked if I could have a baby and you said I could. Then I began to think that Osho is putting a responsibility on me and was I ready for it.] If you can avoid it that is very good. When people ask, they create trouble for me....
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  6. No Image

    To educate means to draw out

    Question 3 Does education lead to meditation? please explain education and religion. Ordinarily that which is called education is almost against meditation. It should not be so but it is so. The original meaning of the word ‘education’ is not against meditation. The original meaning is: to draw out. ...
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  7. No Image

    Parents : Osho on Parents

    Osho on Parents On one hand we go on teaching people to be true, and on the other hand, in a subtle way, we go on teaching them not to be true. Each child is made neurotic by the parents, by the society; and we know that we are doing it, and we know that others have done the same to us. Stop doing it...
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  8. No Image

    Can children understand the Truth?

    Question 8: Osho, Can children understand the Truth? RAJ, CHILDREN CAN UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH but cannot understand that they understand it. They understand more clearly than you can understand because they are more clean, more innocent; but they are so innocent that they cannot understand that they un...
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  9. No Image

    When a mother becomes too much concerned about the child

    [A sannyasin has brought her son because she is worried about the way he doesn’t eat, which may be causing bronchitis, and how he relates with other children.] What is the way? I think the problem is more with you than with him! He seems to be perfectly okay! You seem to be too worried about him. Som...
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  10. No Image

    No child should be taught any religious doctrine.

    I can give you back Only from your innocent childhood, and only from there a real inquiry into truth begins. Only from there religion is possible; otherwise you can only talk about religion. ♦ A small boy gave the following summary of his Sunday school lesson: “There were these Jews who had broken ou...
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  11. No Image

    Children need privacy : Parent & Child

    A child needs immense privacy, as much as possible, a maximum of privacy, so that he can develop his individuality un-interfered with. But we are trespassing on the child, continuously trespassing. The parents are continuously asking, 'What are you doing? What are you thinking?' Even thinking! “A chi...
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  12. No Image

    Every child is born clever. No child is ever born idiotic

    Every child is born clever. No child is ever born idiotic. To become an idiot one needs to be educated. To convert people to idiocy, schools and colleges and universities are needed. It is a great achievement. Idiocy is not natural; it has to be learned, it has to be earned. Great effort has to be ma...
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  13. No Image

    Children should come out of a tremendous love

    First move as deeply into love as possible. Till then avoid having children, because children should come out of a tremendous love, otherwise not. You can give birth to ordinary children, who are just by-products of a physiological and biological meeting of man and woman, but they are anonymous. When...
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  14. No Image

    Osho talks about children in the new commune

    Children are immensely intelligent, they just need a chance! They need opportunities to grow, the right climate. Every child is born with the potential of enlightenment, with the potential of becoming awakened, but we destroy it. This has been the greatest calamity in the whole history of man. No oth...
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  15. No Image

    If something is wrong with the child, it must have come from the parents

    Compassion is pure soul, it is pure sky: it has no matter around it. It is the ultimate blooming of the flower. Even the flower disappears in it, only fragrance remains. Shanti means silence, deva means god – god of silence. Help him to become as silent as possible. By being silent yourself, he will ...
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  16. No Image

    on Motherhood – So many women want to be mothers but they don’t know how to be

    [A sannyasin says: I am pregnant and I want to ask you if I can be a good mother and if the child can be okay. … I wanted a baby so much; that’s why I don’t know. Maybe I’m not strong enough — that’s why I wanted to ask you. Osho checks here energy.] You have a very great desire to be a mother. So be...
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  17. No Image

    Sannyasin Parents have to be aware; they have to help the Child

    [Osho gives sannyas to a baby, and addresses the parents.] Prem Vega. Prem means love; Vega is the name of the brightest star – love, the brightest star. Every child represents love, brings love. Every child is a creation of love. Every child is a poem, and every child brings great hope into the worl...
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  18. No Image

    Education in the New Commune

    [In September 1977 a sannyasin, who is setting up a new school for sannyasin children in the ashram, asks about education in the new commune] Question The sannyasin who started the ashram school says: I just don't understand what it means to be a teacher to children here... Yes, that is right -- it w...
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  19. No Image

    Give your children your love, but don’t give your Ideologies.

    TO BE A MOTHER IS SWEET…. Why? Just giving birth to a child is not to be a mother, remember. Otherwise there are millions of mothers on the earth — and there seems to be no sweetness. In fact, if you ask the psychologists they will say just the opposite. They will say the only problem to be solved is...
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  20. No Image

    Our educational system teaches ego

    The center around which our education is moving is wrong. The whole problem has arisen due to the wrong center – which is ambition. Our whole educational system is revolving around ambition. What is being taught to us? We are taught ambition. We are taught a race to get ahead of everyone. Even in a s...
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  21. No Image

    To be a mother means a great revolution, and a radical change

    [A sannyasin says: I’m going to be a mother… Yes, I want it.] Do you understand what it means? If you want it, it is okay, mm? But one should be more conscious about it. To be a mother means a great revolution, and a radical change. To be a woman is one thing, and to be a mother is totally another. Y...
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  22. No Image

    Don’t be a teacher - be a friend

    [A new sannyasin says: I’m a nursery school teacher, I teach children of fouranda-half to five years old. Is there anything you can say to help me to do this job as beautifully as possible?] Very good work. To be with children is one of the most beautiful things. But one has to learn it, otherwise it...
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  23. No Image

    If you allow children, they can become very dictatorial; they can really exploit you

    [A sannyasin, present with his five-year-old son says: I would like to talk about the relationship with my son. He is a very beautiful and rich child, but I feel he demands too much energy from me and needs much attention. I am in a struggle between feeling guilty and sacrificing myself. Is it possib...
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  24. No Image

    The point is we should drop the old idea that you have to produce your son yourself.

    I was thinking, Why are they in the majority? -- but then I found that the first marathon race has created the whole trouble. And this situation will continue unless we are more intelligent and stop this accidental birth -- what I call accidental birth. Now we are at a stage where genetic engineering...
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  25. No Image

    The more disciplined the child, the more stupid he will be

    Every child is born clever. No child is ever born idiotic. To become an idiot one needs to be educated. To convert people to idiocy, schools and colleges and universities are needed. It is a great achievement. Idiocy is not natural; it has to be learned, it has to be earned. Great effort has to be ma...
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  26. No Image

    It is not judging the person, it is judging the act.

    Question 3 Beloved Osho, You often tell us that we should not judge ourselves or other people. I am a teacher and because of my job I have to judge the students. Now that I am going back to Italy, I am worried about how I shall manage with my job. Can you give me some help? KaloShreeman, my saying th...
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  27. No Image

    how can we help children to grow

    Question 1: Osho, Having heard you talk about competition and our childhood the other morning, it set me thinking of my own education. i realized that for twenty-one years solidly, every single event at school -- from playing in the garden, through official sports, to latin grammar -- was basically a...
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  28. No Image

    The five dimensions of education

    Question 1: Osho, What would be the form of education in the new commune? Maneesha, the education that has prevailed in the past is very insufficient, incomplete, superficial. It only creates people who can earn their livelihood but it does not give any insight into living itself. It is not only inco...
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  29. No Image

    What it means to be a teacher to children

    [The sannyasin who started the ashram school says: I just don’t understand what it means to be a teacher to children here… ] Yes, that is right — it will be a totally different thing! It will be a totally different thing…. It can’t apply here. A few things to remember, and then you can work them out…...
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  30. No Image

    on Parenting – Overprotection always creates a problem, but underprotection also creates a problem

    [An indian sannyasin, here on visit from kenya, said that she was concerned about what she felt was her overprotective attitude to her eighteen-year-old son. He also felt he was overprotected and that he was not allowed to do those things that other boys of his age were doing. She added that he had f...
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  31. No Image

    on Child Upbringing

    Question 4 : Osho, Is it not possible to raise children in such a way that they never become interested in the dirty things of life? Chandrakand, WHAT do you mean by “dirty things of life”? Life is all beautiful! Even dirt is not dirty, even dirt has its own splendor. Because life is divine — how can...
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  32. No Image

    The day the child is born, the mother is also born

    [A sannyasin and her young son are present. She says: It’s very difficult for me – I feel he is very strong and I don’t feel strong at all. I don’t know what to do in certain situations.] Let him be strong! Why should you be worried about his strength? It is good. He has to be strong and the mother h...
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  33. No Image

    Each child has to be respected as unique

    [The sannyasin who started the ashram school says: I just don’t understand what it means to be a teacher to children here…] Yes, that is right — it will be a totally different thing! It will be a totally different thing…. It can’t apply here. A few things to remember, and then you can work them out…....
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  34. No Image

    I am angry with my parents

    Question 2: Osho, I am angry with my parents for the first time. they are simple people, and i say to myself that it is not their fault that they have no understanding of osho. but my anger is so much in conflict with my love that it hurts. i am so angry writing this that i can't even formulate the q...
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  35. No Image

    Children - Osho Quotes on Children

    Osho Quotes on Children We go on forcing children to go to sleep when we think it is time. But sleep is not to be manipulated by time, sleep is something inner. When the child feels sleepy he will go to sleep, but mother and father go on forcing the child to go to sleep, as if sleep can be ordered. C...
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  36. No Image

    Pass through the misery of intellect so that you can attain to the bliss of wisdom

    Question : Beloved Osho, If intellect is such an obstacle in the journey towards self-realization, is not then training and sharpening of it just useless? is it not possible that because of their innocence and expressiveness, children should be helped to move into meditation directly, without imparti...
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  37. No Image

    Should Childten be told all the facts of Life, Irrespective of their age?

    Question 8: Osho, Should Childten be told all the facts of Life, Irrespective of their age? Govinddas, IT HAS always been a problem down the ages — what to tell children and what not to tell. Parents have been very much concerned. In the past the strategy was not to tell about the facts of life, to a...
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  38. No Image

    Sex Education : Do not teach children that sex is sin. Instead, it is necessary to explain to them that sex is part and parcel of life

    Sex Education Sex does not rear its head as soon as a child is born. There is still time for that. The body gathers energy, the cells gain strength, and the day comes when the body is fully ready. The energy will slowly muster itself, and then it will push open a door that has been shut for the first...
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  39. No Image

    on Youth and Education system, Our education destroys our genius

    I am pleased at the prospect of speaking to the youth and the students. The first thing about the youth that comes to my mind is what today I would like to say to you in detail. For the old the past exists; that is already gone, and their whole world is behind them. Children imagine about and desire ...
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  40. No Image

    Nobody can fulfill the idea of the parents

    [A sannyasin says she is afraid of meeting her parents.] I will take care -- just go and don t be afraid. It is always difficult to meet the parents, the most difficult thing, because between children and parents so many barriers exist; they have been created by the parents. The children are always a...
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  41. No Image

    What is learning?

    Question 2 Osho, What is learning? Vedant, LEARNING, in the first place, is not knowledge. Let us start from negating, from eliminating; let us first say what learning is not. Learning is not knowledge. Learning has become too much identified with knowledge. It is just the opposite of knowledge. The ...
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  42. No Image

    If you are a parent you will need this much courage - not to interfere.

    If you are a parent you will need this much courage -- not to interfere. Open doors of unknown directions to the child so he can explore. He does not know what he has in him, nobody knows. He has to grope in the dark. Don't make him afraid of darkness, don't make him afraid of failure, don't make him...
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  43. No Image

    There is nothing to judge

    Question 3 Beloved Osho, You often tell us that we should not judge ourselves or other people. I am a teacher and because of my job I have to judge the students. Now that I am going back to Italy, I am worried about how I shall manage with my job. Can you give me some help? Kalo Shreeman, my saying t...
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  44. No Image

    The first step is almost the most important step.

    Somebody dies... then those who were close to him, they should perform the death ceremony. The clergyman may not have even known the person; he will simply repeat a certain ritual. It is better that friends perform the ceremony. If there is a marriage, there is no need for any clergyman. Moreover, it...
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  45. No Image

    What is your idea of true education?

    Question 2: Osho, What is your idea of true eduction? THE EDUCATION THAT HAS EXISTED up to now has not been true. It has not served humanity; on the contrary, it has served the vested interests. It has served the past. The teacher has been an agent of the past. He functions as a mediator to give past...
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  46. No Image

    Never fight over children because then the child starts feeling ’What is happening?’

    [A sannyasin asks about returning to the West to take custody of her son, as she and her husband are divorcing.] This is my suggestion: if you feel that you are too disturbed you can go and do whatsoever you want to do. But this is my suggestion – that going and fighting for the son is not going to h...
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  47. No Image

    Parenting : Osho on Parenting

    Osho on Parenting In a better world no parent will give you any belief. Certainly he will give you courage to inquire, courage to adventure. He will sharpen your intelligence so that when you come across a lie you can see it and when you come across a truth you can immediately recognize it, but he wi...
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  48. No Image

    Parents - Osho quotes on Parents

    Osho Quotes on Parents Each child is made neurotic by the parents, by the society; and we know that we are doing it, and we know that others have done the same to us. Stop doing it to yourself and stop doing it to others. Become alert. Just be real. I emphasize reality more than truth. Because truth ...
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  49. No Image

    Children’s liberation is needed, No other slavery is so deep

    Veet means beyond, shankaro means conditionings. Man is born unconditioned, man is born as freedom… just an open sky, with no clouds, with no boundaries, with no adjectives, no definitions – neither Hindu nor Christian nor Communist – just pure existence, an emptiness. But immediately the society sta...
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  50. No Image

    My parents are so disappointed in me

    Question 2 Osho, My parents are so disappointed in me, they worry all the time. they have made my being here possible, so how can i turn from them? what do i owe to my parents? The trouble with the family is that children grow out of childhood, but parents never grow out of their parenthood! Man has ...
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  51. No Image

    If the child is afraid of the parent, love is not possible.

    [A sannyasin, weeping, says: Something that came up during primal was that even though I see what my parents did to me I'm still doing the same thing to my kid. So many times my own needs get in the way of what she needs. I can't seem to give her any help. And I think I'm doing her harm.] Mm mm. One ...
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  52. No Image

    Every child is brought up, conditioned, in a certain religion

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Are you trying to destroy all of our previous ideas about religion? There is no other way to be religious. All that you have heard about religion, read about religion, has to be totally dropped. Unless you are clean, with no writing on your consciousness, you will never know ...
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  53. No Image

    What would be the form of Education in the New Commune? (The Five-Dimensional Education)

    Question 1: Osho, What would be the form of Education in the New Commune? Maneesha, the education that has prevailed in the past is very insufficient, incomplete, superficial. It only creates people who can earn their livelihood but it does not give any insight into living itself. It is not only inco...
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  54. No Image

    Guidance to seven months pregnant sannyasin

    [The new sannyasin is seven months pregnant.] Then just be here and absorb as much of my energy as possible. Be open and vulnerable. But go to meditations – even if you can’t do them. Just sit by the side. Be a part, just silently participate. Go to the music group and sit silently by the side. Let t...
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  55. No Image

    The education in religion is education in courage, awareness and peace

    Then what should we do for education in religion? The seed of religion is there in everybody because life is there in everybody. We should create opportunities for the growth of that seed, and remove the obstacles on the path of that growth. If this can be done, the seed sprouts on its own, out of it...
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  56. No Image

    on Mother Child Relationship, When you are screaming at them, you have to love them also

    [The new sannyasin says she is concerned about screaming at her son. Osho asks her to give an example, and she replies: He comes up to his sister and he pinches her and she shrieks. It makes me nervous and so I scream at him to stop it.] No, don’t be worried about screaming – not at all. It is natura...
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  57. No Image

    on Responsibility of a Mother, on Good Mother

    [A sannyasin brings her baby and says she has been screaming a lot which upsets her.] That is part of being a mother…. It is not an easy job…. But now it is too late! Every woman wants to become a mother without knowing the responsibilities. It is a long commitment. And remember: never think of what ...
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  58. No Image

    on birth control methods and family planning

    Just the other day, one shankaracharya, Jayendra Saraswati, has given a statement that no religious man can support family planning — and all religions will agree with the Hindu shankaracharya. But I am puzzled. The Christian God has only one begotten son: if that is not family planning, then what is...
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  59. No Image

    Leave children alone. Never impose any religion on them

    Question 5: My little son was never baptized. will this be of importance. It is very important! It is good that he was never baptized because baptism is such a significant thing — it cannot be forced upon anybody. When you force it on a child you are creating an artificial religion for him, and if th...
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  60. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Education

    Osho on Education "This i call education: to make people more intelligent." - Osho, "The Secret, #2" “Nobody is inferior, and nobody is superior. One is just oneself, incomparable.“ - Osho, "The Golden Future, #23" “Never compare. Each child has to be respected on his own. Each child has to be respec...
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  61. No Image

    Are children really so intelligent as you always say they are?

    Question 1: Osho, Are children really so intelligent as you always say they are? Gautami, Intelligence is not something that is acquired, it is inbuilt, it is inborn, it is intrinsic to life itself. Not only children are intelligent, animals are intelligent in their own way, trees are intelligent in ...
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  62. No Image

    What is Education?

    Question 4: What is Education? Parmar, man is born as a seed. He is born as a potentiality. He is not born as an actuality. And this is very special, this is extraordinary, because in the whole of existence only man is born as a potentiality; every other animal is born actual. A dog is born as a dog,...
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  63. No Image

    Sex Education : Sex education is one of the fundamental causes of the rift between the generations.

    Sex Education The teacher of a class of ten-year-olds is too shy to conduct the sex-education class and so she asks her class to make this a homework project. Little Eddy asks his father, who mumbles something about a stork. His grandmother says he came from a cabbage patch. His great-grandmother blu...
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  64. No Image

    Pregnancy is not equivalent to motherhood

    [A sannyasin says she’s pregnant. She’d decided to have an abortion and thought she was happy with the decision, but since then, whenever she thinks about it she feels a tremendous amount of sadness.] Mm mm. This will be a momentary sadness. If you want to become a mother then you want to get into de...
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  65. No Image

    Without training the intellect the children will remain like animals

    Question : Beloved Osho, If intellect is such an obstacle in the journey towards self-realization, is not then training and sharpening of it just useless? Is it not possible that because of their innocence and expressiveness, children should be helped To move into meditation directly, without imparti...
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  66. No Image

    It is my life - I have learned that there are better things than mathematics

    Listening to the birds, I remember.... Just outside my classroom in the high school there were beautiful mango trees. And mango trees are where cuckoos make their nests. This is the cuckoo that is calling, and there is nothing sweeter than the sound of a cuckoo. So I used to sit by the window, lookin...
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  67. No Image

    on Teachers and Children – Choose teachers who love small children

    [The sannyasin who started the ashram school says: I just don’t understand what it means to be a teacher to children here… ] Yes, that is right – it will be a totally different thing! It will be a totally different thing…. It can’t apply here. A few things to remember, and then you can work them out…...
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  68. No Image

    on desire to give birth to a Buddha, to become mother of a buddha

    Question 6: I want to give birth to a buddha. That’s my only desire in life, to become the mother of a buddha. Osho, is it possible? First become a Buddha; then maybe a Buddha is born out of you. But the desire to give birth to a Buddha is utterly futile. That is again an ego trip, that “I should bec...
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  69. No Image

    You are not to teach children religion and morality

    Question 4 Osho, How can we teach children to be moral and religious? Krishnaraj, ARE YOU MAD? Are you asking me this question or to Ayatollah Khomaniac? To whom are you asking this question? You should go to Ayatollah Khomaniac. I teach a religionless religion and I teach an amoral morality. It will...
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  70. No Image

    You need a new birth yourself, you have to become a womb to yourself

    [A sannyasin, who is a mother, says: I feel this longing to have another child and I feel very split about it. I feel that it’s crazy and yet there’s this longing inside me to have a child. Osho checks her energy.] It is crazy in a way, and yet there is some rationale in it. A few things I would like...
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