• Life is not logic, life is not philosophy. Life is a dance, a song, a celebration! It is more like love and less like logic.
    - Osho

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Osho VisionThe Golden FutureReligiousness

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Existence is multidimensional. From each point... as if it is a sun with millions of rays moving towards infinity. Each ray can lead you to infinity, but if you choose one, of course you have to leave others; and you can choose only one. You cannot even ride on two horses, what to say about two dimensions? You cannot ride on two boats, what to say about two dimensions? – because they are going to diverge more and more, more and more; as you go further, there will be an infinite unbridgeable gap between them. At the source they are one. From there you can choose any one, but once you have chosen a line then others are dropped.
I have been drifting my whole life. You have to be alert. And if you can remind me that somewhere I have drifted, I can catch hold of a dimension that has been left behind. But you should not expect that I will stop drifting, because in catching hold of the other dimension, again I will be leaving many more.
On each step there is a problem of choosing, because I am an existential person, I am not a thinker. It is not a logical syllogism that I am propounding to you. It is my experience that I am trying to share with you – and experience is so vast that I can only show you a little part of it. But you are always welcome to remind me. Yes, I remember I had drifted on many points; perhaps a few I can manage to catch back again.
One was religion – religion at the lowest level of mankind, the instinctive level. All primitive tribes, aboriginals, are still living under that first kind of religion, which theologians call "magic."
It believes that if you sacrifice to a god, if you do a certain ritual, a certain dance, a certain prayer, then the god is satisfied with you and rewards will be coming.
For example, when it is not raining – these are the problems of primitive people – when it is not raining, what will the primitive tribe do? It will arrange a ritual, perhaps a sacrifice of a living human being – their god is very bloodthirsty. Or, if the tribe has evolved a little, then instead of a man it will choose an animal. If the tribe has evolved a little more then it will choose not even an animal, not even a man, but something similar.
Now, for example, in India they break a coconut. The coconut is very similar to the skull of a man. It has a little beard, a mustache, two eyes, a little nose. In fact, in Hindi the skull is called khopri and the narial 'a coconut' is called khopra. The similarity is so much that both have the same name. Breaking a skull was the ritual originally, but now it would be criminal. They have found a good substitute, a coconut, but the idea is the same. They think whatever makes them feel pleasure also makes their god feel pleasure in the same way. A naked, beautiful girl will be placed before the god, all kinds of foods will be prepared and placed before the god, and they will go into a mad dance: it is a way of pleasing the god.
God is displeased, that's why rains are not coming. If he is pleased, rains will be coming – and rains, sooner or later, do come; then their ritual is proved valid, the rains have come. Once in a while it happens that rains don't come at all. Then the god is really very badly displeased and needs more sacrifice, more ritual.
This is the lowest kind of religion – call it magic-religion – the belief that just by chanting a few words, doing a few actions, you can change the course of existence. It is simply stupid. Existence has no need of your sacrifices, existence has no need of your dances – and nothing reaches to existence. But the instinctive man, the primitive man, cannot do more than that. That is the limit of his understanding.
That primitive man has not died completely, even in so-called civilized people. You also think in the same logic. You don't sacrifice somebody, but even civilized people, cultured, educated people, when they are in a difficulty, immediately their primitive man comes up. Your wife is sick and the doctors say, "All that we could do, we have done. Now only a miracle can save her." Even the doctor is becoming primitive.
He is telling you, "Only a miracle, only something magical.... Medicine has failed, science had failed; whatever we could do, we have done. Now if she is saved it will be through the grace of God or the grace of a saint, so now you go to the temple, to the mosque, to the synagogue, to the church, or go to some priest or go to some sage." The doctor has fallen into primitive religion.
And the man, of course, is absolutely willing to go anywhere, to do anything, because he wants to save his wife. This is not the time for him to think over philosophical matters – whether it is right or wrong, whether it is primitive or civilized, whether it is stupid or intelligent. This is not the time. He runs! He had never been to a saint but now he goes and falls at his feet and prays, "Save my wife!"
The primitive man is still within you because the unconscious is still within you.
The primitive man disappears only with the disappearance of the unconscious. When your unconscious and conscious become one, your whole mind becomes consciousness; then there is no way to fall back to the primitive man. Otherwise, nine times more than the civilized man is the primitive man inside you. Any time your conscious mind starts failing, your intellect starts failing, you fall into the mumbo-jumbo of the primitive.
Religion of the intellect – the second category, the higher category – is pseudo-religion. Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Mohammedanism – these are all products of the intellect. They are not magico-religious. They have theologies: they have thought about existence, its creation, why it has been created; how one can get out of this wheel of life and birth. They have been thinking about it, pondering over it for thousands of years, and each religion has developed a theology.
The word theology means logic about God. It is a contradiction in terms. God is not a logical proposition: you cannot prove it by logic, you cannot disprove it by logic. Logic is utterly irrelevant to God. But pseudo-religions cannot do more than that, they can only think about. And they have great imagination to portray God. Their scriptures say God created man in his own image. The reality is just the reverse: man creates God in his own image. That's why there are so many gods – because there are so many men, so many races, so many different faces – eyes, nose... so many different kinds.
You cannot think of a Negro inventing a white god. You may not have thought about why your devil looks like a Negro, why your devil is black. The Negro’s god will be black; and of course the devil has to be pure white. And the white man has proved devilish enough. The Negroes have not only an argument in favor of it, but history also, giving all the evidences of what the white man has done to the colored people of the world. It must have been the greatest evil that has happened in history.
How can a Chinese think of God in any other way than as a Chinese? When Marco Polo went to China, he was the first Western man to reach China. China was under the great empire of Kublai Khan, son of Genghis Khan. Perhaps Kublai was one of the greatest emperors in the world because he ruled over all China, middle Asia, the Far East.
When Marco Polo reached China, he wanted an audience. Kublai Khan was a man of great intelligence. His prime minister said, "A man who looks like a monkey wants to see you. It will be absolutely unprecedented – no emperor has ever given audience to a monkey." A white man looked like a monkey to them.
Kublai Khan said, "No need to be worried. If he can speak he cannot be absolutely a monkey; there is something human. You bring him in." And he became interested in Marco Polo. Marco Polo was a very intelligent young man, and he became very intimate with Kublai Khan. When he came back to Europe he reported to the pope, "In China they worship a different God, who looks like a Chinese, and they think of us Europeans as monkeys."
To us they look a little strange. They have a very little beard – a few hairs, you can count them – flat noses, very outstanding cheekbones. You cannot think of a more ugly face – but they think that is beauty. A man or a woman who does not have those outstanding cheekbones will find it hard to get married; so would a man with a nose that is typical of the Aryan races: Indians, Germans, English, French, Scandinavians, Dutch, Russians.... These are all one race, and to them a pointed nose, a long nose, is thought to be beautiful. But in China that is ugly; and they cannot make their God ugly.
Marco Polo said, "This makes me think that perhaps we are all imagining about God. Nobody knows how he looks."
The pope was very angry and he said, "You must be imagining things. You are creating a fiction so that you can be thought of as a great explorer of a new land. I cannot believe that anything bigger than Christianity exists anywhere."
Marco Polo said, "Buddhism is far bigger; it has millions of monks, thousands of temples and monasteries. Beside it your Christianity is nothing." But he was alone. What proof did he have? He had brought a few things which were taken away from him and burned to destroy the evidence.
This is the pseudo-religious mind. The pseudo-religious mind believes in its own imagination, in its own thinking, and is afraid of anything that goes against it or is even a little different from it. Otherwise, religions would not have been fighting for thousands of years.
This is something strange: all religions teach love, and all religions end in hatred.
All religions teach the brotherhood of man, but they only create enemies of each other. All religions teach that every man has a potential right to reach God, but practically they say: Only our religion is the true religion. Yes, every man can reach God but he has to reach through our way: Unless you follow Jesus Christ you have no chance. But the same is said by Krishna: "If you surrender to me, leaving everything aside, I will take care of you, you need not worry." And the same is true about all other religions. They seem to be competing shopkeepers – everybody is trying to sell his thing: his holy book, his messiah, his god.
Pseudo-religion is always basically afraid, because deep down the pseudo-religious person knows that it is only his imagination, he has no actual experience. He himself is not convinced; hence, he needs to convince others. He goes on sending missionaries to other countries to convince, convert more and more people into Christianity, into Mohammedanism. Why? Why this great urge to convert? Psychologically it is of tremendous importance to understand.
The person who wants to convert anybody is a person who is suspicious of his truth. He is really trying, by converting people, to convince himself that he is right. If he can convert so many people that gives him enough support: "So many people cannot be fools. I may be a fool but so many people cannot be fools. Such intelligent people... and they have come to believe in my belief. My belief is bound to be true."
Christianity seems to be the most bogus of all religions because it is more interested in converting people than any other religion. In fact, Judaism and Hinduism, which are the two ancient most religions, are not interested in converting anybody. You have to understand the psychology of it.
Why are Jews not interested in sending missionaries and converting people to Judaism? A Jew is born, not converted. Have you seen any converted Jew anywhere? It is simply absurd. Jews will not take anybody through conversion. If God has not made you a Jew then there is no other way; they are the chosen people of God. By converting all kinds of rubbish, can you improve upon God's choice? If God has not made you a Jew that means that you are not meant to be a Jew; you are already rejected. So for thousands of years they have never thought about converting people into Jews.
The Hindus have the same idea – that they are the only people to whom God has chosen to give the first holy book in the world. Certainly their Rig Veda is the ancientmost scripture in the world and certainly it is the scripture of the most ancient religion. They have four castes: the brahmin, the priest; the kshatriya, the warrior; the vaishya, the business man; and the sudra, the untouchable. Now, it was a problem: how could they convert anybody? And in which caste were they going to put him?
Hinduism is not one piece, it is four castes.
The brahmin is the highest. You cannot convert anybody into a brahmin. He represents God, hence the name. The name of God in India is Brahma, and brahmin means one chosen by Brahma, appointed by God Himself. There is no way for anybody to become a brahmin. It is decided by birth, because birth is decided by God, it is not in man's hands to decide such things.
Now, the kshatriya also will not allow anybody in. He is the second most important, and it is a traditional thing for him to be a warrior; just anybody – X, Y, Z – cannot be a warrior. It needs a long tradition, training. You have to have the blood of a warrior, you cannot be converted.
The only people who can absorb you are the untouchables. The business people are the third, but they are higher than the untouchables. Only the untouchables can absorb you, but without the permission of the brahmin they cannot do anything. Conversion – such a religious phenomenon – is beyond their capacity. They are outcasts themselves.
Hindus and Jews are born so. That's why both these religions are the most egoistic. Naturally, other religions have to rely on conversions, otherwise from where are they going to get their customers, their clients? God has made Jews, God has made Hindus; now the whole world is divided into two chosen people of God. From where is Jesus going to get his people? From where is Buddha going to get his people? They had to depend on conversion. From where is Mohammed going to get Mohammedans?
These are latecomers. The old shops have credibility; they are already established, and established by God himself. These others are newcomers in the market. Naturally they have to attract clients from the old shops; otherwise no customer is going to come to them. And they have to create new allurements, cheaper prices, better rewards. And you can see that....
The god of the Jews is a very tough guy.
But the god of Christians is pure love. You don't know... it is such a simple mathematics: the god of the Jews can be a tough guy, but Jesus has to convert people, so he has to create a better image of God, more polished, more refined, more humane, so he can make the Jewish god outdated.
Whom is he going to convert? Rich people certainly are not going to be converted because they are already established, respectable, on the highest level of the society. They are not going to follow a vagabond. They are not going to become a laughingstock – for what? Hence all those beatitudes of Jesus: "Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the kingdom of God..." because you can only get hold of the poor. The poor are already angry, jealous of the rich, and here comes a man who says, "My God is love. And my God allows only poor people in heaven; rich people have no place there."
This is simple business tactics – nothing profound in it. But nobody has bothered to watch how new religions have tried to pull customers from the old shops to their own shop. They are all in favor of the poor. Strange – Jews don't have a single statement in which the rich are condemned and the poor are raised high just because of their poverty. Jews have not a single statement in which poverty is something sacred; Hindus also don't. The rich man, according to Hinduism, is rich because he has been religious, virtuous, in his past lives. It is a reward from God. And the poor man is poor because he has been evil, unreligious, in his past lives. He has been punished for it. Poverty is a punishment, richness is a reward. Hindus or Jews, who are established already – why should they bother about the poor and the downtrodden? But Buddha, Jesus, Mahavira, Mohammed – their whole interest is in the poor, the downtrodden.
It is a simple thing: these are the people who can be converted, these are the people who are vulnerable. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. For example, if a sudra becomes a follower of Buddha, immediately he is no longer untouchable. If a sudra becomes a Christian he is no longer untouchable. This is a very strange world.
I had a friend who was the principal of a theological college in Jabalpur, Principal Mackwan. I was saying this thing to him – "Why are you Christians interested only in the poor?"
He said, "Please come to my house" – I was sitting in his office. He said, "My house is just behind the college; come to my house; I want to show you something."
He showed me an old man and woman's picture. They were certainly beggars, in rags, dirty; you could even see it in their faces – so hungry. You could see that all their lives they had suffered; it was written in the lines on their forehead. He said, "Can you recognize who these are?"
I said, "How can I recognize them? – I have never seen these people, but they look like beggars."
He said, "They were beggars. He is my father, she is my mother. And not only were they beggars, they were sudras, untouchables. They became converted, in their old age, to Christianity because they were so old, tired of begging; and now they were concerned about their children – particularly this boy who is now principal of Leonard Theological College. What would happen to him if they died? He would also become a beggar."
Because they were sick they entered a Christian hospital, because no other hospital will take poor people and give them free medicine, food, care, doctors. So they entered, they had to enter, a Christian hospital.
And there the whole methodology is: with the medicine to go on giving as much of The Bible as possible; with each injection a little Bible.
With food, the doctor talks about it, the nurse talks about it; the priest comes every day to inquire about their health, how they are.
For the first time they felt that they were human beings. Nobody had ever asked them about their health. They were treated like dogs, not like human beings. And had they remained Hindus they would have died like dogs, dying on the street corner. You don't know, because that is not the way in the West. In the West, dogs have a better death, a better life, because any dog who is not owned by somebody is to be killed. The dog has to be owned by somebody, a collar proclaiming the ownership. But in the East you cannot kill anybody. There may be a dog spreading sickness and disease, but you cannot kill it – killing is sin.
It happened.... I am drifting – just remember!
In Lucknow there is a temple of Hanuman, the monkey god. Strangely enough that temple is surrounded by big trees, and all the trees are full of monkeys – you will never see so many monkeys together. Perhaps it is for the simple reason that whatsoever is offered to the monkey god those monkeys eat, so by and by they have become permanent residents there. And the temple has such fame that people come to it from far and wide, from faraway places because it is thought that whatever you wish there it will be fulfilled. So they wish something and they take the oath before the monkey god that: "If our wish is fulfilled then we are going to bring fifty-one rupees worth of sweets" – or anything they want to bring, or whatsoever they can afford.
So every day so much food is being offered – and it is not anything to do with the monkey god. If a hundred people come to ask, at least one-third of them – just by simple arithmetical rules – one-third of them are going to get their wishes fulfilled. Even if they had not come they would not have been losers, but now they believe that the wish has been fulfilled because of the monkey god. The two-thirds whose wishes have not been fulfilled have moved to some other temple – naturally, because this monkey god does not seem to be kind towards them.
You cannot ask any reason or anything, but it is sure that your wish is not fulfilled, so you move to some other temple. And there are hundreds of temples in India with wish-fulfilling trees. You just go and ask... and you just have to give a small bribe. But the one-third of the people whose wishes have been fulfilled.... And what kind of wishes people make: "That my son passes in his matriculation examination"; or "That my son gets the job he has applied for"; or "That my daughter gets a husband because I don't have much money to give"; or "My wife is sick, please make her healthy again"... just simple, mundane, human trivia.
They are not asking for some miracles, "That when I pass through the ocean it should separate like it did for Moses." Then they would know whether the monkey god can do anything or not. But that your son passes his matriculation... and thousands of people are passing matriculation without the help of the monkey god. In fact the monkey god was not a matriculate himself! And even if he does the examination, he is not going to pass; you cannot hope he will pass.
But these people feel that their wishes are fulfilled so they bring.... So monkeys have slowly gathered – the whole road, on both sides, is full of monkeys. And for a strange reason, monkeys and dogs are all against uniforms. Perhaps in their past lives they have been revolutionaries: any kind of uniform – postmen in India have a uniform, the policeman has a uniform, the army, the sannyasins.... Anybody in a uniform, and dogs and monkeys are against them.
Perhaps seeing so many people in different clothes different styles, and then suddenly seeing somebody in uniform, they feel a danger: "This man does not look like a man, something is wrong somewhere"... and they are on the attack. It is not the discovery of Machiavelli that attack is the best way to defend, that if you want to defend yourself, then attack. Don't wait for the other party to attack, because then you will be already late in defending. Don't give them that chance.
So monkeys and dogs attack uniformed people. It is simply my feeling that they are afraid; these people look a little strange, not just like other human beings. Millions of human beings are there, and they are not attacking them. And they don't attack these people either if they are not in uniform; they attack the uniform. The uniform gives them some idea that something is fishy about this man.
So it started at the temple that the monkeys began to attack policemen, postmen, army people... and the monkeys were in thousands. Perhaps somebody had triggered their anger; nobody knows how it started, because they have been there for hundreds of years, many generations. The temple is very ancient and they had never done this, but just ten years ago, one day suddenly a riot broke out between monkeys and all uniformed people. It became very dangerous because so many monkeys... even one monkey is enough for you to freak out, but when many monkeys, hundreds, are just roaming on the road.... The road was blocked, nobody was passing on the road. It was a main road, so Lucknow was divided into two parts; the monkeys wouldn't allow anybody to cross.
It became a question in the assembly of the state of Uttar Pradesh – Lucknow is the capital – that "these monkeys have to be shot. They have disturbed the peace of the capital. People cannot go to the other side, people cannot come to this side. Offices are closed because many people live on that side; many offices are on that side and people live on this side. Somebody who had gone to that side for some work had been detained, he could not come back here. Something has to be done immediately."
One man stood up and he said, "If a single monkey is shot then there is going to be great bloodshed, be cause the monkey is a Hindu god: you are shooting a Hindu god. It will not be tolerated." He was a Hindu chauvinist belonging to a Hindu chauvinist party. And although the whole parliament was privately in favor of their being shot – what else could be done? – the resolution had to fail because they knew that what this man was saying was going to happen. Immediately there would be a massacre.
And that's what they want.
All politicians want some trouble somewhere, because only then are they needed. If everything goes right, if there is no news, nothing is going wrong, the politicians start feeling lost.
I have not been in India for four years now. Now the journalists are missing me. Strange people! – they were all against me; when I was there, they were all against me. They were writing against me, not even bothering whether it was true or untrue; ninety percent of it was absolutely untrue. They were writing it but it was news, sellable news. Now they are missing me because the news that they were making around me they cannot make any longer, and there is nobody to replace me.
Journalists, politicians – these types of people are in search of some spot which can become dangerous, some man who can prove dangerous, some situation which can become a problem. Then they will all try to make it a problem as quickly as possible.
The resolution could not pass; for almost two weeks the road remained blocked. Monkeys don't have long memories; they must have forgotten and they cooled down slowly slowly. First the devotees started coming with sweets and offering the sweet to the monkey god, and then the traffic started again....
But you cannot kill. You cannot kill dogs; killing is not allowed. But these religions have been killing each other. They cannot kill a dog, they cannot kill a monkey, but they can kill a man. That is very strange. I have been asking Hindus, Mohammedans, "You cannot kill animals but you can kill men without any problem, as if man has no life?" No, the thing is business. Man can be converted to be a Mohammedan – a dog cannot be. Dogs are beyond the reach of your preachers and missionaries.
Professor Mackwan told me, "This is my father and mother. They would have died like dogs and the municipal truck would have thrown them out of the city with all the garbage that it carries every day, because there is nobody to carry a beggar to the funeral pyre. Who bothers about a beggar? Beggars are not men, not human beings."
And then he took me to another picture of his daughter and his son-in-law. I was looking at three generations: the father and mother, almost below human beings; Mackwan, who has gained status and is now in a very respectable post, highly salaried. Now brahmins come and shake hands with him, not knowing at all that he is the son of two beggars who were sudras. I know his daughter, one of the most beautiful women I have seen; she is married to an American.
Looking at the three generations... such a change. You cannot connect the daughter with the grandmother and how can you connect the son-in-law with her grandfather? There seems to be no bridge. The son-in-law is a well-known scholar, professor – six months teaching in India, six months teaching in America. Saroj, the daughter herself is a professor. They are all well-educated; the son is a principal. They have moved in a completely different direction by being converted to Christianity. I could not object. I said, "Your father and mother did well."
Hindus and Jews are established. Christians, Mohammedans, Buddhists are not established. They try to convert people; but in their conversion, deep down what is going on? The established religion has a past to support, thousands of years of past, which means millions of people have been on the path; you are not alone.
But when you follow Jesus you know only that this guy has got these fantastic ideas.
Who knows? – you are following a fool or really a son of God? He can be either this or that; there is no third alternative. Either he is a perfect idiot....
In fact Fyodor Dostoevsky has written a book, The Idiot; that is the title of his book. But the idiot, the character, is almost Jesus-like: very innocent, simple, who has never done any harm to anybody. In fact, he is better than Jesus. But Dostoevsky has titled the book The Idiot.
Jesus needs converted people. He himself may be feeling shaky about what he is saying and about whether it is true or not. In fact, why did he want Jews to accept him, his messiah-hood? Why was he so insistent that they had to crucify him? He must have nagged them, tortured them with the idea. They must have got so fed up that they decided, "This man won't leave us in peace – he has to be crucified, otherwise he will go on torturing us."
And he was getting more and more fanatic. He started calling the great temple of the Jews, "my Father's house," and "... I have come to clean my Father's house." And he really wanted to clean it of all the priests and all the rabbis: What is the need of all these people when the only begotten son is there?
I had become a nuisance. He must have been thinking in some silent moment, "Perhaps I am just mad. I have not been able to convince a single rabbi."
In fact, I have never tried to convert anybody, but there are a few rabbi sannyasins. That is strange! And not ordinary rabbis, famous rabbis. And I have not been in any way trying to convert anybody because I don't have any doubt. Why should I bother about converting anybody? I don't have to convince myself that I am right. I am!
If not even a single person is with me, I will be as right as I am now. My rightness does not grow with the growing number of people around me does not increase with the increasing number of people around me. My rightness is from my experience.
Jesus seems to be worried, and all Christians have carried his sickness in their minds. They are all worried. I cannot think that the pope really believes that he represents God, it is impossible – unless you are mad, then everything is possible.
Pseudo-religions are continually trying to convert people or they are so ancient that the question of conversion had never arisen. They are the beginners; from the very beginning they caught hold of the customers. Because of this idea of converting people there are constant fights, crusades, jihads, holy wars.
And pseudo-religions go on creating more and more theology; nobody reads it.
I have never seen in my life anybody reading a theological book. I have visited hundreds of libraries but I have never seen anybody, in any library, reading a theological book. I have looked into university libraries and government libraries and asked the librarians one question, "I would like to know whether any book from the theological section is taken out by people?"
They said, "You are the first person to inquire about it. The theological section? – nobody bothers. People are interested only in novels. Who is going to bore himself with a theological book?" One took me to the theological section. That was the only section where you could see that all the books were untouched by human hands, so clean. Hundreds of theologians continually creating more and more books.... For what? – because the basic questions have not been answered yet. They go on improving upon the books, but whatsoever they do, the fundamental questions remain at the same place, because intellect has no answer for them.
A simple thing has not occurred to them, that if in five or ten thousand years of theological thinking you have not been able to demolish a single question, now it is time to stop: perhaps you are not moving in the right direction.
Religion in the second stage of consciousness, of the conscious mind, intellect, is theology. I call it pseudo-religion – just words about truth, God, love, but no experience to support it.
When religion reaches the third, the highest peak, then only is it religiousness.


So the first I call magico-religious

The second I call pseudo-religion.

And the third I call religiousness.

Then it is a quality, then it has no adjective to it.

Then it has no tradition.

Then it has no scripture, then it has no theology.

Then the origin is not in the past.

And paradise is not in the future.

Then both are within you.

Then you have a fresh experience, and that experience will express itself in lovingness, friendliness, compassion.

This religion will not bother about God:

Its concern will be compassion.

This religiousness will not bother about heaven and hell.

Its concern will be how to share its blissfulness.


This religion is not interested at all in converting you to believe certain dogmas; its only interest is to say to you, "I have found it. If you are interested, I can share my experience. There is no condition that you, have to accept it, there is no condition that you have to believe me. It is simply my joy to share it with you. Then it is for your consideration whether you want to do something with it or not. Either way I am happy and grateful that you allowed me to share something so intimate."

A religious man, functioning from the highest point of consciousness intuition is just like the fragrance of a flower.

There is no question of your being converted. Even if nobody passes by the side of the rose, the fragrance will still be spreading around, moving... somewhere, somebody may get it. And even if nobody gets it, it doesn't matter; it is simply natural for the flower to explode into fragrance.
-Osho, From Misery to Enlightenment, #6




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  5. No Image

    I would like the world to have more and more of science, so that man can become available for something higher, for something which a poor man cannot afford.

    Question 1 Osho, I have always thought that the sense of science lies in its utility for human needs; in helping to provide enough food, finding treatments against sickness, creating machines to deliver man from hard and stupid work, etcetera. Until now i have ...
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  6. No Image

    Religion is Transformation

    Religion is a radical change of vision. It is not just a change of outlook. It is not just a change of ideology – it is a change of the very being itself. Hence it is radical – radical means of the roots. Religion is not a kind of renovation it is discontinuity...
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  7. No Image

    The real seeker cannot search for God, because to start a search for God means you have already accepted that God is

    Question 2: Is it not possible at all that the, great religious, scriptures of the world can help the seeker in his search for god? The real seeker cannot search for God, because to start a search for God means you have already accepted that God is. You have al...
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  8. No Image

    The priests don't want you to ask any question about their belief system

    The priests don't want you to ask any question about their belief system because they know that they have no answers to give. All belief systems are so false that if questioned they will fall down. Unquestioned, they create great religions with millions of peop...
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  9. No Image

    Religious homes are the most unreligious places on the earth

    Question 3: I grew up in a totally unreligious home, but every time i hear you mention the name of jesus i cry and something deep inside me is moved. What is happening? That must be because you grew up in an unreligious home. Religious homes destroy religion fo...
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  10. No Image

    Anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy

    It is absolutely necessary that God should be dead. But I want you to know my understanding. It was good of Friedrich Nietzsche to declare God dead. I declare that he has never been born. It is a created fiction, an invention, not a discovery. Do you understand...
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  11. No Image

    Why is it so difficult to be meditative and a scientist?

    Question 1: Osho, Meditativeness and science are difficult to reconcile. Yet painting a picture, writing a poem, and solving a scientific problem all bring the same joy. the same joy! Why is it so difficult to be meditative and a scientist? Why has there never ...
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  12. No Image

    Real religion is never in the scriptures. And a real religious seeker does not go in search of scriptures, he goes in search of a Master

    Real religion is never in the scriptures. And a real religious seeker does not go in search of scriptures, he goes in search of a Master — a living Master. That is one of the basic tenets of Kabir’s understanding: SATGURU — the living Master. Go and search for ...
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  13. No Image

    Organized religion is another form of politics

    Question 1 : Beloved Osho, What is Religion? What is your opinion on Organized Religion? Anand Maitreya, religion is the highest flight of human consciousness — it is the individual search for truth. The inner truth cannot be made an object of common knowledge....
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  14. No Image

    Those devices become religions and people fight over those devices.

    Question 1 Osho, Is it true that whatsoever the master says or does is simply a device to transform the disciple? Narendra, it is one of the most impossible things in the world to indicate, to explain the ultimate truth. The experience is beyond words. And the ...
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  15. No Image

    Religio is individual, religion is organized.

    Question 3: Beloved Osho, Could Religio be termed as Neo-Education? Please comment. No, because education is something very ordinary. Religio will remain religio. It cannot be replaced by another word, for the simple reason that it has multidimensional meanings...
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  16. No Image

    on the connection between a cult and mass suicide

    Question 1 Osho, I have been asked again and again by journalists and politicians: 'is there some possibility of another jonestown in your commune?‘ It is absolutely impossible. Even to think of it is absurd, because my whole philosophy of life is just the very...
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  17. No Image

    Religion is not faith; it is discernment.

    An old woman was very sick. As she was alone in the house she was in great difficulty. One day, early in the morning two nice women, who appeared to be very religious, came to see her. They had henna markings on their hands and strings of prayer of beads. They ...
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  18. No Image

    What is Religion? - Religiousness is an individual affair

    Question 2: Osho, What is Religion? Milarepa, religion is not what people understand it to be. It is not Christianity, it is not Hinduism, it is not Mohammedanism. Religion is a dead rock. I teach you not religion, but religiousness - a flowing river, continuou...
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  19. No Image

    What is the aim of religion?

    Question : What is the aim of religion? It is to awaken the slumbering superman in the ordinary man. This and this alone is religion's goal. YOU ASK FOR PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE OF GOD? Isn't the existence of consciousness sufficient proof? Doesn't a drop of wate...
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  20. No Image

    Life is not a problem but a mystery. For science life is a problem, but for religion it is a mystery.

    Life is not a problem but a mystery. For science life is a problem, but for religion it is a mystery. A problem can be solved, a mystery cannot be solved - it can be lived but it cannot be solved. Religion offers no solutions, no answers. Science offers answers...
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  21. No Image

    Science and Religion

    Science and Religion In a small village one moonless night everyone was fast asleep when the sound of weeping and crying suddenly broke the stillness. It awakened everyone, and the villagers, confused and shaken, ran towards the small hut from which the shoutin...
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  22. No Image

    The Religions - Their Fundamental Mistake

    The Religions - Their Fundamental Mistake Question 1 : Osho, Are you against all the religions? What is their most fundamental mistake? Yes, I am against all the so-called religions because they are not religions at all. I am for religion but not for the religi...
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  23. No Image

    Religion is freedom from Knowledge

    I have heard a story. A wasp made its abode near a window outside a big building. In winter this wasp would sleep and rest, in summer it would fly, dance and collect the pollen of the flowers. It was very happy. But this wasp was a special one – it was a thinke...
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    Religion - Osho quotes on Religion

    Osho Quotes on Religion Life exists without rules; games cannot exist without rules. So real religion is always without rules; only false religion has rules, because false religion is a game. ♦ Religion is not based on belief or faith: religion is based on awe,...
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  25. No Image

    All kinds of stupidities preached in the name of religion

    Question : The world seems to be getting more and more crazy from day to day. nobody knows what is going on and everything is upside down and confused. this is what is told in the newspapers. is it real? and if so, is there any intrinsic balance in life which i...
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  26. No Image

    Are you against all the religions? what is their most fundamental mistake?

    Question 1: Osho, Are you against all the religions? what is their most fundamental mistake? YES, I am against all the so-called religions because they are not religions at all. I am for religion but not for the religions. The true religion can only be one, jus...
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  27. No Image

    Rituals : The sacred dog ritual has become the most important item in the ceremony.

    Rituals There are so many religious people but they live only by rule and ritual. They know nothing of religion. Ritual is not religion, rule is not religion. Religion is a totally different kind of life – a life of awareness, life of love, life of compassion. ...
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  28. No Image

    Without meditation there is no virtue

    In Surat, in India, there exists one of the richest Mohammedan cults. The Aga Khan is the head priest of that cult. The cult is called Khoja. Here, just by the side of the river on the other bank, there is an Aga Khan palace. The Aga Khan is one of the richest ...
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  29. No Image

    I am the beginning of a new kind of Religiousness

    Question : Are you the beginning of a new religion? I am certainly the beginning of something which is far more precious than any religion can be. I am also the end of all the old religions. The old religions have not helped humanity to progress in consciousnes...
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  30. No Image

    Religion is dead, Religio is born.

    The death of God is the victory of truth. It is freedom for man. Now you need not pray, now you need not ask a favor. Now you need not believe in a messiah, in a savior, in a messenger -- they all died with the death of God. Without God there is no savior, no p...
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    on Fake Religion - Radhaswami religion

    In India there is a religion, Radhaswami. They have a list; they think there are fifteen stages of the evolution of the soul. Mohammed is on the third stage — I am just telling you as an example — Jesus is on the fourth stage, one stage higher; Krishna is on th...
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    One Religiousness – a World of Individuals

    AFTER NATIONS, the second great disease is religions, because they have been fighting, they have been killing, and for reasons in which nobody is interested. Christianity was the first religion to create in people's minds the idea that a war too can be religiou...
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  33. No Image

    All other religions are just frauds.

    The only thing to be learned is not to do anything, but just be. Doing moves you. Doing, in the beginning at least, may take you away from witnessing; you may forget to witness. So in the beginning, just be -- silent, utterly immobile, as if dead, so that you c...
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  34. No Image

    The outer is ruled by laws: The inner is just freedom. Consciousness knows no laws.

    Question 1: Osho, Modern science has discovered a number of laws such as the law of gravity, which describe the behavior of the material world. does the science of the inner soul also have laws which apply to consciousness and being? It is one of the most funda...
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  35. No Image

    These three r's have utterly failed: religion, reason and revolution.

    I teach a religion which is beyond religions. I teach a religion which is religionless, because religions -- Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism -- have not helped. They have, on the contrary, been very great disasters to humanity. Now something is urgently needed...
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  36. No Image

    Religion – dharma – means nature, the natural order of things.

    No matter how many scriptures you read, you cannot establish contact thereby with religion. No temple or mosque or church can connect you with religion. Slumbering, insensitive you go to worship; the same you who runs the shop, also goes to the house of worship...
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  37. No Image

    Love has to be unconditional, non-dominating, non-possessive

    Life is an art. One has to go on learning more and more about it. And the best way to transform oneself into a noble spirit is love. Love is the very alchemy of transformation. But up to now religions have been teaching people to hate. They sermonize on love; i...
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  38. No Image

    Why can’t there be only one religion in the world?

    Question 5 : Why can’t there be only one religion in the world? Because people are mad. Because people are fast asleep. There can be one religion one day, maybe, we can hope for it — but that one religion will not be like Christianity where all have become Chri...
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  39. No Image

    A religion is founded by slaves

    Somebody was always pointing out that you are doing wrong, you are behaving wrongly, that this is not the right etiquette. Some Confucius, some Manu, some Moses, some Mohammed was telling you how to behave. Somebody was deciding for you what is right and what i...
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    Blessed are the meek, because theirs is the kingdom of god

    A man can exist in two ways: either like a very strong tree – resistant, fighting, stubborn – or like small grass – non-resistant, non-fighting, ready to yield. and that should be your way. don’t resist, don’t fight. Just yield like grass. The wind comes – yiel...
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  41. No Image

    Science and the Inner Journey

    Question : One of the basic problems of science is language. science is growing because we have a clear definition of what we are talking about. one of the basic problems for a scientist, when they are trying to understand what the inner journey means, is to de...
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  42. No Image

    Religion does not mean to belong to a particular church. It does not mean to believe in a particular dogma or belief system.

    Religion does not mean to belong to a particular church. It does not mean to believe in a particular dogma or belief system. It does not mean to perform a particular ritual. It does not mean being a Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian, Jew. To be religious means to be...
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  43. No Image

    The "Religious" Mind

    THE "RELIGIOUS" MIND Existence is multidimensional. From each point... as if it is a sun with millions of rays moving towards infinity. Each ray can lead you to infinity, but if you choose one, of course you have to leave others; and you can choose only one. Yo...
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  44. No Image

    on Rajneeshism - Rajneeshism is not a Religion

    [NOTE: This was published in THE RAJNEESH TIMES, 19th August 1983 while Osho was in silence.] Question : What is your vision for the future of rajneeshism? Rajneeshism is not a religion like Christianity, Hinduism, Mohammedanism, Buddhism, etc. The name should ...
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  45. No Image

    on Scientology - Scientology is nothing but a kind of Hypnosis

    Question 3: Osho, What is your opinion of scientology? It is fantastic…I mean bullshit, utter bullshit! Be aware of such stupid things. They move in the world in the name of science because science has credit, so any kind of stupidity can pretend to be scientif...
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  46. No Image

    Why are you so much against rituals and rules?

    Rituals Question 3 Why are you so much against rituals and rules? Because they are not religion, and they cannot be religion. I am against rituals, but that does not mean that a religious person cannot go into a ritual. But when a religious person goes into a r...
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  47. No Image

    Christianity has nothing to do with Christ

    I WILL SPEAK ON CHRIST, but not on Christianity. Christianity has nothing to do with Christ. In fact, Christianity is anti-Christ — just as Buddhism is anti-Buddha and Jainism anti-Mahavir. Christ has something in him which cannot be organized: the very nature ...
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  48. No Image

    Science calls it observation, religion calls it awareness. Science calls it experiment, religion calls it experience.

    Question 1: Osho, Isn't a synthesis between science and religion needed? The very idea of synthesis already accepts that they are not only two but opposed to each other. Unless there is an antithesis there is no question of synthesis at all. For me, science and...
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  49. No Image

    Why are there so many religions in the world?

    Question Osho, Why are there so many religions in the world? Why are there so many languages in the world? – because there are so many people, so many ways to express. And it is not bad, it is good; the world is richer because of it. So many languages make the ...
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  50. No Image

    Religion is a subjective approach.

    There are things which can be understood by learning — they are outside things, Objective things. That is the difference between science and religion. Science needs no subjective experience. You can remain outside and watch; it is an objective approach towards ...
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  51. No Image

    There are two types of religions in the world

    TRUTH IS ONE, but it can be approached in many ways. Truth is one, but it can be expressed in many ways. Two ways are very essential; all the ways can be divided into two categories. It will be good to understand that basic polarity. Either you approach truth t...
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  52. No Image

    What is the difference between religion, religiousness and religio?

    Question Osho, What is the difference between religion, religiousness and religio? The difference is simple, yet very vast. The difference is that of a dead rose you find in a Holy Bible. It has lost its color, lost its fragrance, lost its life. It is just a ro...
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  53. No Image

    Science calls its work experiment; Religion calls its work experience.

    And when I say religion, my religion, is a science, that means the way science observes objects, religion observes subjectivity. Subjectivity is just the opposite of objectivity: the very diametrically opposite. The object obstructs you; subjectivity is just an...
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  54. No Image

    Buddhism is the religion of intelligence.

    Buddhism is not interested in general policy. It is not interested in philosophical speculation. It is interested in the details of life, its sufferings and their causes. It does not give you outlandish solutions. It does not provide you with new dreams. It sim...
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  55. No Image

    Never, never for a single moment lose your freedom.

    Never, never for a single moment lose your freedom. And never destroy anybody else's freedom. That's what religion means to me. A really religious person remains free and helps the people who come in contact with him to be free. He never possesses anybody and h...
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  56. No Image

    Christianity, Islam, and the Jewish religion have all used positives. That is one of the reasons they are mostly fighting religions

    This state of no-thought is meditation. This is dhyana, this is pure consciousness. In this pure consciousness is achieved that which is known as BRAHMAN. This sutra is concerned with the definition of that indefinable. It cannot be defined, because definition ...
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  57. No Image

    Science is concentration. Religion is meditation

    In India, we have called philosophy, ’darshan’. It means the capacity to see. We don’t call it a love of thinking, as the word ’philosophy’ means. We call it: the capacity to see. Philosophy is not a right translation of darshan. The right translation of darsha...
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  58. No Image

    Religion simply means a dimension of love.

    “To me, religion simply means a dimension of love. I am here to show you the beauty of life, the grandeur that surrounds you. From that very grandeur you will have your first glimpses of God. I am here to seduce you into a love of life; to help you to become a ...
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  59. No Image

    How can we get rid of the Programming of Organized Religions?

    Question : Osho, How can we get rid of the programming of organized religions? The process of deprogramming is one of the most simple. Just you have to watch the ideologies, philosophies, religions, that you are carrying in your mind — are not your own experien...
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  60. No Image

    I don’t teach tolerance. I teach freedom from all the nonsense of being Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian. Be free from all prejudices.

    Question 4: Osho Why can’t i tolerate people who belong to other religions? Maria, IT IS BECAUSE OF YOUR UPBRINGING. You have been brought up as a fascist, as a fanatic — as Christians, Hindus, Jainas, Mohammedans; you have not been brought up as human beings. ...
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  61. No Image

    Even a religion is born one day, lives for a while and then dies

    RELIGION CAN BE HEALTHY — as healthy as a new born babe, as healthy as the songs of the birds in the morning, as healthy as a newly opening lotus. Or religion can be ill, diseased, dying — just like an old man: shrinking, sad, moving.into death. When religion i...
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  62. No Image

    on Osho's Religiousness

    on Osho's Religiousness The fool lives around the idea of “my” and “mine”: my nation, my religion, my race, my family, my wealth, my children, my parents…he lives around “my” and “mine.” And he has come alone and he will go alone; nobody brings anything into th...
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  63. No Image

    Imprisoned Splendor : Your religion has to be not out of fear, but out of love.

    To be consecrated to god means to be ready to merge and melt into the whole -- then bliss comes of its own accord. Sannyas is an offering to god out of love, not out of fear, The so-called religious person is religious because he is afraid. His whole religiousn...
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  64. No Image

    Rajneeshism is purely a religion of celebration, so why are so many people around the world against it?

    Question 1: Osho, Rajneeshism is purely a religion of celebration, so why are so many people around the world against it? That's why! All the religions of the world have been religions of sado-masochism. They have created a miserable world. Their whole strategy...
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  65. No Image

    Conversion does not mean a change of religion; it means a change of consciousness

    Meditation means a state of no-mind — where all the functioning of the mind has ceased. The moment the functioning of the mind ceases you have a profound silence such that you have never known before, such clarity, such transparency — because all the clouds are...
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  66. No Image

    I consider religion to be the last luxury

    Question : Why is it that western societies are becoming so interested in indian religion now? I consider religion to be the last luxury. Only when a society becomes affluent does religion become meaningful. And now, for the first time, a greater part of the wo...
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