• Millions of people are suffering: they want to be loved but they don’t know how to love. And love cannot exist as a monologue; it is a dialogue, a very harmonious dialogue.
    - Osho

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Osho VisionThe Golden FutureReligiousness

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Why are there so many religions in the world?



Why are there so many languages in the world? – because there are so many people, so many ways to express. And it is not bad, it is good; the world is richer because of it. So many languages make the world tremendously rich. It gives variety, like so many flowers in the garden and so many birds.


Just think: only one flower all over the world, the marigold, and the whole world will look ugly; or the rose – just one flower all over the world. And what will you do with those roses? Then nobody will write anymore poetry about roses. And if you will compare your woman’s face with a roseflower she will become angry, she will threaten you with a divorce. Roses will lose all meaning; they are beautiful because there are millions of other flowers too.


I don’t think that the world needs one religion. The world needs religious consciousness, and then that consciousness can flow into as many streams as possible. In fact, my own idea of religion is that there should be as many religions as there are people – each person having his own religion.


It is difficult to have your own language; each person cannot have his own language, otherwise nobody will understand it.


Mulla Nasruddin had applied for a job. The manager looked at him and did not feel that he was even qualified to apply for it. He asked him, “Can you read and write?”


Mulla Nasruddin said, “I cannot read, but I can write.”


The manager was surprised; this is a rare situation – he could have never conceived of a man who cannot read but can write. He said, “Then write!” He gave him a paper and Mulla immediately started writing on it. He went fast – one page, two pages, three pages.


The manager said, “Now stop! Please read what you have written, because I cannot read it.”


Nasruddin said, “That I have told you before – I can only write! I can’t read.”


If you speak a language that only you understand, it will be impossible to communicate with people. But a religion – you can have your own, because religion need not be communicated. Religion is not a dialogue between you and other people; religion is a dialogue between you and existence. So any language will do, or no language, or any invented languages – Esperanto, or anything.


All these religions should be taken as different languages, then fanaticism loses its danger. Then it is beautiful! There are churches and temples and mosques and gurdwaras – if we think these are all different languages, there is no problem. You don’t see people fighting about which language is the true language – Hindi, Marathi, English, German, French. Which language is the true language? Nobody will ask such a question, because all languages are arbitrary, made-up. They are not true or false, they are useful.


An Englishman, a Frenchman and a German were arguing about the respective merits of their languages. The Frenchman said, “French is the language of love, the language of romance, the most beautiful and pure language in the world.”


The German announced, “German is the most vigorous language, the language of philosophers, the language of Goethe, the language most adaptable to the modern world of science and technology.”


When the Englishman’s turn came he said, “I don’t understand what you fellows are talking about. Take this” – and he held up a table knife. “You in France call it un couteau, you Germans call it ein Messer. We in England simply call it a knife, which, all said and done, is precisely what it is.”


This is how religions have been arguing. Exactly like this has been the argument between religions: who is right? Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans, Buddhists, Jainas – these are only different languages to express the same phenomenon. If once this is understood then there is no problem; I would like many more religions to evolve.


In fact in a better world every person will have his own religion, because religion is your way of expressing the inexpressible. It is like aesthetics: if you love roses and I don’t love roses, there is no problem. We don’t fight it out; we don’t take swords and we don’t go on a crusade: “Who is right? – because this man says lotuses are beautiful, and I say roses are beautiful. Now it has to be decided on a battlefield.”


How will you decide? You can kill me, but that won’t make any difference. Even dying, I will go on saying lotuses are the most beautiful flowers; my death will not make a change in my vision. You can kill a Hindu, you can kill a Mohammedan: that does not change anything at all.


But this is what, down the ages, people have been doing to each other – fighting ridiculously. Somebody calls God “Allah” – he is wrong. Why? Somebody calls God “Ram” – he is wrong. Why? – because you call him “God.” God, Ram, Allah, are all names, invented names for something which has no name of its own, which is a nameless experience.


There are so many religions because there are so many people, different types of people. Different people have different likings, different people have different approaches toward reality, and reality is multidimensional.


Hence, my emphasis is: we need a religious consciousness, a universal upsurge of religious consciousness. Of course it will take many forms, but forms don’t matter; as far as the spirit is alive, forms don’t matter. And each form is beautiful. There are so many people; each has a different face, a different beauty. Each person’s fingerprints are different from every other person’s in the world – but this does not create any trouble. Each person’s footprints toward the door to godliness are going to be different.


Once we understand it, a great brotherhood is possible. Otherwise this nonsense of religious fanaticism – “Only I am right” – has been very destructive. It has destroyed religion itself; it has condemned religion and religious people. That’s why there are so many irreligious people, antireligious people. It is what religion has done to humanity up to now that has created antireligious people – atheists, godless people, God-denying people. The responsibility is of the priests, rabbis, popes, pundits, shankaracharyas – they are the responsible people. They have made religion so ugly, so inhuman, so violent, so stupid, that any rational person feels a little ashamed of being part of any religious movement.


We have to destroy the ugly heritage of the past. We have to clean the space for the future. All are accepted: the Bible has its own beauty, so has the Koran, so has the Gita. And if you are religious you will enjoy the Bible as much as you will enjoy the Koran and the Gita, because you will know only languages are different. And the difference of languages creates different beauty. Sing the Koran, and you will see the difference. The Bible cannot be beautiful that way; the Koran has a singing quality to it. You can sing the Koran; even if you don’t understand the meaning, the very music of it will be a transforming force. In fact, the Koran does not have much meaning; it has great poetry but not much meaning.


Many Mohammedan friends, many Mohammedan sannyasins, ask me when I am going to speak on the Koran. I have thought many times. Many times I have taken the Koran into my hand, looked here and there, and postponed it again – because the Koran has not much meaning. It has poetry, it has a totally different beauty. It is a piece of art.


If you want meaning then the Gita has more meaning, but not that much poetry; then the Bible has more meaning, but not that much poetry. The Bible has its own beauty. It is so simple, the simplest scripture in the world, and because it is simple it has innocence, purity. Jesus speaks in the language of a villager: the parables and the metaphors are all primitive. But because they are primitive they have a purity, they are unpolluted – unpolluted by the modern mind. They are straight; they go direct to the heart like an arrow. But if you want meaning then you should look into the Vedas, which are full of philosophy. They have their own beauty – the beauty of intellectuality.


Each scripture has something to contribute to the world, and no scripture can do everything. But because you don’t understand different languages, the problem arises. It will be good to have a few encounters with different religions.


That’s why I go on speaking, sometimes on Buddhism, sometimes on Hinduism, sometimes on Christianity, sometimes on Judaism, on Hasids, on Zen, on Sufis – for a certain reason: to give you different visions, so your own eyes can become rich, so that you can understand different languages also a little bit.


Foster, in Tokyo on business, knew no Japanese. Even so, he persuaded an attractive girl, who spoke no English, to come to his hotel room. All during their lovemaking, the Oriental kept shouting “Machigai ana!” with great feeling.


Foster felt proud that he could get the girl so aroused to keep yelling, “Machigai ana!” Foster must have been thinking that this is something like “Fantastic! Far out!”


The next afternoon he played golf with a Japanese industrial tycoon. When the Oriental made a hole-in-one, Foster attempted to make a good impression and exclaimed “Machigai ana! Machigai ana!”


“What do you mean,” snapped the tycoon, “the wrong hole?”


It is good to know a little bit of other languages too. It will be a great help to you to have a few glimpses of the Koran, the Bible, the Gita, The Dhammapada. That will make you more liberal, more human.


Enough for today.


- Osho, "The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 3, #8"




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  41. No Image

    Science is concentration. Religion is meditation

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  42. No Image

    on Osho's Religiousness

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  43. No Image

    Even a religion is born one day, lives for a while and then dies

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  44. No Image

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  45. No Image

    One Religiousness – a World of Individuals

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  46. No Image

    on Rajneeshism - Rajneeshism is not a Religion

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  47. No Image

    Religion is not faith; it is discernment.

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  48. No Image

    Religious homes are the most unreligious places on the earth

    Question 3: I grew up in a totally unreligious home, but every time i hear you mention the name of jesus i cry and something deep inside me is moved. What is happening? That must be because you grew up in an unreligious home. Religious homes destroy religion fo...
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  49. No Image

    Are you against all the religions? what is their most fundamental mistake?

    Question 1: Osho, Are you against all the religions? what is their most fundamental mistake? YES, I am against all the so-called religions because they are not religions at all. I am for religion but not for the religions. The true religion can only be one, jus...
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  50. No Image

    Real religion is never in the scriptures. And a real religious seeker does not go in search of scriptures, he goes in search of a Master

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  51. No Image

    The "Religious" Mind

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  52. No Image

    Science and Religion

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  53. No Image

    Science calls it observation, religion calls it awareness. Science calls it experiment, religion calls it experience.

    Question 1: Osho, Isn't a synthesis between science and religion needed? The very idea of synthesis already accepts that they are not only two but opposed to each other. Unless there is an antithesis there is no question of synthesis at all. For me, science and...
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  54. No Image

    How can we get rid of the Programming of Organized Religions?

    Question : Osho, How can we get rid of the programming of organized religions? The process of deprogramming is one of the most simple. Just you have to watch the ideologies, philosophies, religions, that you are carrying in your mind — are not your own experien...
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  55. No Image

    Imprisoned Splendor : Your religion has to be not out of fear, but out of love.

    To be consecrated to god means to be ready to merge and melt into the whole -- then bliss comes of its own accord. Sannyas is an offering to god out of love, not out of fear, The so-called religious person is religious because he is afraid. His whole religiousn...
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  56. No Image

    Religion is like love: There is a beginning to it but no end.

    Buddha has used the word, ”mindfulness” – samyak smriti, right mindfulness. He says whatsoever you are doing, do it mindfully; don’t do it in sleep, do it mindfully – whatsoever you are doing. Do it consciously, then consciousness begins to crystallize in the f...
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  57. No Image

    I would like the world to have more and more of science, so that man can become available for something higher, for something which a poor man cannot afford.

    Question 1 Osho, I have always thought that the sense of science lies in its utility for human needs; in helping to provide enough food, finding treatments against sickness, creating machines to deliver man from hard and stupid work, etcetera. Until now i have ...
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  58. No Image

    I consider religion to be the last luxury

    Question : Why is it that western societies are becoming so interested in indian religion now? I consider religion to be the last luxury. Only when a society becomes affluent does religion become meaningful. And now, for the first time, a greater part of the wo...
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  59. No Image

    What is the difference between religion, religiousness and religio?

    Question Osho, What is the difference between religion, religiousness and religio? The difference is simple, yet very vast. The difference is that of a dead rose you find in a Holy Bible. It has lost its color, lost its fragrance, lost its life. It is just a ro...
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  60. No Image

    Religion is Transformation

    Religion is a radical change of vision. It is not just a change of outlook. It is not just a change of ideology – it is a change of the very being itself. Hence it is radical – radical means of the roots. Religion is not a kind of renovation it is discontinuity...
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  61. No Image

    Religion is freedom from Knowledge

    I have heard a story. A wasp made its abode near a window outside a big building. In winter this wasp would sleep and rest, in summer it would fly, dance and collect the pollen of the flowers. It was very happy. But this wasp was a special one – it was a thinke...
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  62. No Image

    on Fake Religion - Radhaswami religion

    In India there is a religion, Radhaswami. They have a list; they think there are fifteen stages of the evolution of the soul. Mohammed is on the third stage — I am just telling you as an example — Jesus is on the fourth stage, one stage higher; Krishna is on th...
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  63. No Image

    Why are you so much against rituals and rules?

    Rituals Question 3 Why are you so much against rituals and rules? Because they are not religion, and they cannot be religion. I am against rituals, but that does not mean that a religious person cannot go into a ritual. But when a religious person goes into a r...
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  64. No Image

    Religion - Osho quotes on Religion

    Osho Quotes on Religion Life exists without rules; games cannot exist without rules. So real religion is always without rules; only false religion has rules, because false religion is a game. ♦ Religion is not based on belief or faith: religion is based on awe,...
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    Science calls its work experiment; Religion calls its work experience.

    And when I say religion, my religion, is a science, that means the way science observes objects, religion observes subjectivity. Subjectivity is just the opposite of objectivity: the very diametrically opposite. The object obstructs you; subjectivity is just an...
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    on the connection between a cult and mass suicide

    Question 1 Osho, I have been asked again and again by journalists and politicians: 'is there some possibility of another jonestown in your commune?‘ It is absolutely impossible. Even to think of it is absurd, because my whole philosophy of life is just the very...
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