• Whenever you create something, you feel enhanced; you reach towards peaks; you get high. All people who are creative are close to religion.
    - Osho

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on Neo Sannyas : September 28, 1970 was a memorable day , Osho initiated His first group of sannyasins.


(September 28, 1970 was a memorable day. At Manali in the Himalayas, Osho initiated His first group of sannyasins. This event was followed by this special evening discourse, on the significance of Neo Sannyas.)


To me, sannyas does not mean renunciation; it means a journey to joy bliss. To me, sannyas is not any kind of negation; it is a positive attainment. But up to now, the world over, sannyas has been seen in a very negative sense, in the sense of giving up, of renouncing. I, for one, see sannyas as something positive and affirmative, something to be achieved, to be treasured.

It is true that when someone carrying base stones as his treasure comes upon a set of precious stones, he immediately drops the baser ones from his hands. He drops the baser stones only to make room for the newfound precious stones. It is not renunciation. It is just as you throw away the sweepings from your house to keep it neat and clean. And you don't call it renunciation, do you? You call it renunciation when you give up something you value, and you maintain an account of your renunciations. So far, sannyas has been seen in terms of such a reckoning of all that you give up -- be it family or money or whatever.

I look at sannyas from an entirely different angle, the angle of positive achievement. Undoubtedly there is a fundamental difference between the two view, points. If sannyas, as I see it, is an acquisition, an achievement, then it cannot mean opposition to life, breaking away from life. In fact, sannyas is an attain. ment of the highest in life; it is life's finest fulfillment.

And if sannyas is a fulfillment, it cannot be sad and somber, it should be a thing of festivity and joy. Then sannyas cannot be a shrinking of life; rather, it should mean a life that is ever expanding and deepening, a life abundant. Up to now we have called him a sannyasin who withdraws from the world, from everything, who breaks away from life and encloses himself in a cocoon. I, however, call him a sannyasin who does not run away from the world, who is not shrunken and enclosed, who relates with everything, who is open and expansive.

Sannyas has other implications too. A sannyas that withdraws from life turns into a bondage, into a prison; it cannot be freedom. And a sannyas that negates freedom is really not sannyas. Freedom, ultimate freedom is the very soul of sannyas. For me, sannyas has no limitations, no inhibitions, no rules and regulations. For me, sannyas does not accept any imposition, any regimentation, any discipline. For me, sannyas is the flowering of man's ultimate freedom, rooted in his intelligence, his wisdom.

I call him a sannyasin who has the courage to live In utter freedom, and who accepts no bondage, no organization, no discipline whatsoever. This free. dom, however, does not mean license; it does not mean that a sannyasin becomes licentious. The truth is that it is always a man in bondage, a slave, who turns licentious. One who is independent and free can never be licentious; there is no way for him to be so.

That is how I am going to separate the sannyas of the future from the sannyas of the past. And I think that the institution of sannyas, as it has been up to now, is on its deathbed; it is as good as dead. It has no future whatsoever. But sannyas in its essence, has to be preserved. It is such a precious attain ment of mankind that we cannot afford to lose it. Sannyas is that rarest of flowers that blooms once in a great while. But it is likely that it will wither away for want of proper caring. And it will certainly die if it remains tied to its old patterns.

Therefore, sannyas has to be invested with a new meaning, a new concept. Sannyas has to live; k is the most profound, the most precious treasure that mankind has. But how to save it, preserve it, is the question. I would like to share with you my vision on this score.

Firstly, it is a long time that sannyas has remained isolated from the world, and consequently it has been doubly harmed. A sannyasin living completely cut off from the world, living in utter isolation from the world, becomes poor, and his poverty is very deep and subtle, because the wealth of all our life's experiences lies in the world, not outside. All our experiences of pain and pleasure, attachment and detachment, hate and love, enmity and friendship, war and peace, come from the world itself. So when a man breaks away from the world, he becomes a hothouse plant, he ceases to be a flower that blooms under the sun and the open sky. By now, sannyas has become a hothouse plant. And such a sannyas cannot live any longer.

Sannyas cannot be grown in hothouses. To grow and blossom, the plant of sannyas needs an open sky. It needs the light of day and the darkness of night; it needs rains, winds and storms. It needs everything there is between the earth and the sky. A sannyasin needs to go through the whole gamut of challenges and dangers. By isolating him from the world we have harmed the sannyasin enormously, be cause his inner richness has diminished so much

It is amusing that those who are ordinarily called good people don't have that richness of life their opposites have; they lack the richness of experience. For this reason, novelists think it is difficult to write a story around the life of a good person, that his life is flat and almost eventless. Curiously enough, a bad person makes a good story; he is a must for a story, even for history. What more can we say of a good man than this, that he has been good from the cradle to the grave?

Isolating him from the world, we deprive the sannyasin of experience; he remains very poor in experience. Of course, isolation gives him a sort of security, but it makes him poor and lackluster.

I want to unite the sannyasin with the world. I want sannyasins who world on farms and in factories, in offices and shops right in the marketplace. I don't want sannyasins who escape from the world; I don't want them to be renegades from life. I want them to live as sannyasins in the very thick of the world, to live with the crowd amid its din and bustle. Sannyas will have verve and vitality if the sannyasin remains a sannyasin in the very thick of the world.

In the past, if a woman wanted to be a sannyasin, she had to leave her husband, her children, her family; she had to run away from the life of the world. If a man wanted to take sannyas he had to leave his wife, his children, his family, his whole world, and escape to a monastery Or a cave in the mountains. For me, such a sannyas has no meaning whatsoever. I hold that after taking sannyas, a man or woman should not run away from the world, but should remain where he or she is and let sannyas flower right there.

You can ask how someone will manage his sannyas living in the world. What will he do as a husband, as a father, as a shopkeeper, as a master, as a servant? As a sannyasin how will he manage his thousand and one relationships in the world? -- because life is a web of relationships. In the past he just ran away from the world, where he was called upon to shoulder any number of responsibilities, and this escape made everything so easy and convenient for him. Sitting in a cave or a monastery, he had no responsibilities. no worries; he led a secluded and shrunken life. What kind of a sannyas will it be which is not required to renounce anything? Will sannyas without renunciation mean anything?

Recently an actor came to visit me. He is a new entrant into the film world. He asked for my autograph with a message for him. So I wrote in his book: "Act as if it is real life and live as if it is acting."

To me, the sannyasin is one who lives life like an actor. If someone wants to blossom in sannyas living in the thick of the world, he should cease to be a doer and become an actor, become a witness. He should live in the thick of life, play his role, and at the same time be a witness to it, but in no way should he be deeply involved in his role, be attached to it, He should cross the river in a way that his feet remain untouched by the water. It is, however, difficult to cross a river without letting the water touch your feet, but it is quite possible to live in the world without getting involved in it, without being tied to it.

In this connection it is necessary to under stand what play acting is. The miracle is that the more your life becomes play acting, the more orderly, natural and carefree it becomes. If a woman, as a mother, learns a small truth, that although the child she is bringing up has been borne by her, yet he does not belong to her alone, that she has been no more than a passage for him to come into this world, that he really belongs to that unknown source from which he came, which will sustain him through his life and to which he will return in the end, then that mother will cease to be a doer; she will really become a play actor and a witness.

Conduct an experiment sometime. Decide that for twenty four hours you are going to do every, thing as acting. If someone insults you, you will not really be angry, you will only act as if you are angry, And likewise, if someone praises you, you will not really be flattered, you will only act as though you are flattered. An experiment like this, just for twenty-four hours, will bring astonishing results for you; it will open new doors to life and living for you. You will then realize to your surprise that you have gone through any amount of unnecessary pain and misery in life by being a doer; they could have easily been avoided if you had been an actor instead. When you go to bed after this experiment in play acting, you will have a deep sleep such as you have never known. Once you cease to be a doer, all your tensions and anxieties will disappear. Your miseries will just evaporate, because all your miseries and agonies come from your being a doer in life.

I want to take sannyas to every hamlet and every home. Only then can sannyas survive. We need millions of sannyasins; just a handful won't do. And millions can take sannyas only if sannyas is positive and life affirmative. We cannot have many sannyasins if you cut sannyas off from the world. Who will feed them? Who will provide them with clothes and shelter? Sannyas of the old kind, which was a haven for idlers and recluses, cannot produce the millions of sannyasins that we need. Those days are gone when society bore the brunt of a vast army of recluses. Moreover, sannyasins of the old kind have to be dependent on society, and as a result they became extremely poor physically and spiritually. Consequently, they cannot be as effective and influential as they should be. Sannyas on a massive scale is not possible if we cling to its old ways.

If sannyas has to be effective on a large scale throughout the world -- which is so very necessary -- and if sannyas has to be meaningful and blissful, then there is no choice but to allow a sannyas that will not be required to break away from society and grow in isolation. Now a sannyasin should remain wherever he is, acting his role in society and being a witness to it.

So I want to unite sannyas with the family, with the workshop and with the market. It will be a unique and beautiful world, if we can make one where a shopkeeper will be a sannyasin. Naturally, such a shopkeeper will find it difficult to resort to dishonest means in business. A shopkeeper who is just acting his role as shopkeeper, and who is also a witness to it, cannot afford to be dishonest. We will change the world radically if we have sannyasins as doctors, lawyers, clerks and office assistants.

A sannyasin living segregated from society is a poor sannyasin, and the society is poorer for him too, because he is one of its best products. When such a person leaves the society to become a sannyasin the society becomes lusterless.

A worldwide campaign for positive sannyas has therefore become urgent. It is very necessary to have sannyasins in every home, in every field and factory across the earth. A sannyasin should be a father or a mother, a wife or a husband; he will remain where be is as a sannyasin. Only his outlook on life will change; now life for him will be no more than a drama, a play. Life for him will be a celebration and not a task, a duty, a drag. And with celebration everything will change.

I have yet another kind of sannyas in my vision which I would like to share with you. It is the vision of short-term sannyas. I don't want a person to take a vow of lifelong sannyas. In fact, any kind of vow or commitment for the future is dangerous, because we are not the masters of the future. It is utterly wrong to think we are. We have to allow the future to take its course, and we should be ready to accept whatever it brings to us. One who has become a witness cannot decide for the future; only a doer does so. One who thinks that he is a doer can vow that he will remain a sannyasin for his whole life, but a real witness will say, "I don't know what tomorrow is going to be. I will accept it as it comes and be a witness to it too. I cannot decide for tomorrow."

In the past, sannyas was much handicapped by the concept of lifelong sannyas: once a sannyasin, always a sannyasin. We closed the gate of society forever once one entered sannyas. Maybe a person takes sannyas in a particular state of mind, and after some time, when he finds himself in a different state of mind, wants to return to the world -- but he cannot do so because the house of sannyas has only an entrance, it has no exit at all. You can enter sannyas, but once in it you cannot leave. And this single rule has turned sannyas into a prison. Even heaven will turn into hell if there is no exit.

You can say that sannyas has no hard and fast rule like this. That is true, but the fact that society looks down upon one who leaves sannyas is a stronger prohibition than any rule. We have an ingenious device to prevent a sannyasin from going back to the world again. When someone takes sannyas we make a big event of it, give him a farewell with great fanfare, with a band and flowers and eulogies. The poor sannyasin does not know that this is a clever way to say goodbye to him forever. He is not aware that if ever he returns to society he will be received by the same people with sticks instead of flowers.

This is a very dangerous convention. Because of it, any number of people are prevented from participating in the great bliss that sannyas can bring them. It becomes too difficult for them to make a decision for lifelong sannyas, which is indeed a very hard decision. Besides, we don't have the right to commit ourselves to anything for our whole lives.

In my vision, short-term sannyas is the right way. You can leave it any time you like, because it is you who take it. It is your decision, no one else can decide for you. Sannyas is entirely a personal, individual choice, others don't matter in any way. I am free to take sannyas today and leave it tomorrow, provided I don't expect any reward for it from others in the form of their praise and acclamation.

We have made sannyas a very serious affair, and that is why only serious people -- who are really sick people -- take to it. It is now necessary to turn sannyas into a non-serious thing, a play. It should be entirely for your joy that you enter sannyas for a while and then leave it or remain in it forever. Others should have no say in the matter. If the vision of short-term sannyas becomes prevalent, if people are allowed to enter sannyas even for a few months from time to time, millions of people can enjoy this blessing. It will really be a great thing.

There was a Sufi fakir known for his wisdom. The king of his country came to visit him. The king said, "I am thirsty for God; I want to see God. Please help me."

The fakir asked him to visit him the next day, and the king came again. The fakir told him, "Now you have to live with me for a week. Take this begging bowl in your hand and go every day into the adjoining villages to beg alms from house to house. After begging, return to this place, where you will get your meals and a place to rest. And then on the eighth day we will discuss God."

The king was in a fix. He had to go begging in his own kingdom, from his own subjects, which seemed such an arduous and embarrassing task. So he asked for the FAKIR'S permission to go begging outside his kingdom, but the fakir refused him with a curt warning, "If you cannot go begging, it is better you return to your palace right now, and never come to me again to talk about God." After some hesitation the king ultimately decided to live with the fakir for a week. And for a week he was on the streets of his own city with a beggar's bowl in his hand, visiting the houses of his own subjects, asking for alms.

After seven days the fakir sent for him and said, "Now you can ask about God."

The king said, "I now have nothing to ask. I had never dreamed I would find God only after a week's begging." Then the fakir asked what had happened in the course of the begging. The king said, "Just a week's begging destroyed my ego; it is now nowhere. I had never thought that I would attain as a beggar what I had never had as a king."

The moment humility is born, the door to the divine opens.

It would be a great experience if someone takes sannyas for a month or two every year and then returns to his householder's world. This experience will enrich his life in a great way; it will go with him for the rest of his life. And if a person, in his sixty or seventy years' life, takes short-term sannyas -- say twenty times -- he will not need to be a sannyasin again; he will be a sannyasin as he is. Therefore I think that every man and woman should have the opportunity of sannyas in his or her life.

A few things more and then you can put your questions.

Up to now every kind of sannyasin in the world has belonged to some religion, to this or that religion. And this has done immense harm to both sannyas and religion. It is utterly absurd that a sannyasin should belong to some sectarian religion; a sannyasin at least should belong to religion alone, and not to this or that religion. He should not be a Christian, or a Hindu, or a Jaina; he should be a sannyasin of "religion", with no adjective attached to it. He should be the one who, in the words of Krishna, gives up all religions and takes shelter in the only religion there is. Religion, like truth, is one; it cannot be many. And it will be great if we can give birth to a sannyas that belongs to religion and not to religions, not to communal and sectarian religions. The sannyasin of true religion can be a guest everywhere, whether it is in a temple or a church or a mosque, none will be alien to him.

Another thing to bear in mind is the role of the Master, the guru, in sannyas. Up to now sannyas has been tethered to a Master who initiates someone into it. But sannyas is not something which anyone can give you as a gift; it has to be received directly from the divine. Who else but God can initiate you into sannyas? When someone comes and asks me to initiate him into sannyas, I tell him, "How can I initiate you into sannyas? Only God can initiate you. I can only be a witness to your being initiated. Get initiated by the divine, the supreme being, and I will bear witness that I was present when you were initiated into sannyas. My function is confined to being a witness, nothing more." A sannyas tied to the Master is bound to become sectarian. It cannot liberate you; instead it will put you in bondage. Such a sannyas is worthless.

There are going to be three categories of sannyasins. One of them will consist of those who will take short-term sannyas, say tor two or three months. They will meditate and go through some kind of spiritual discipline at some secluded place and then return to their old lives. The second category will be of those who will take sannyas, but remain wherever they are. They will continue to be in their occupations as before, but they will now be actors and not doers, and they will also be witnesses to life and living.

And the third category w ill consist of sannyasins who will go deep into the bliss and ecstasy of sannyas that the question of their return to their old world will not arise. They will bear no such responsibilities as will make it necessary for them to be tied to their families; nobody will depend on them and no one will be hurt by their withdrawal from society. The last category of sannyasins will live in meditation and carry the message of meditation to those who are thirsty for it.

It seems to me that never before was the world in such dire need of meditation as it is today. And if we fail to make a large portion of mankind deeply involved in meditation, there is little hope for man's survival on this earth any longer; he will simply disappear from the earth. There is already so much neurosis and insanity in the world, there is so much political madness all around, that the hope for mankind remaining alive grows dimmer and dimmer with the passing of each day. And the sands of time are running out fast. So it is urgent for millions of men and women all over the world to become meditative in the short time that we have; otherwise man, with all his civilization, is going to perish. Even if he survives physically, all that is good and great in him will perish.

Therefore a very large band of young men and young women who have yet no responsibilities on their shoulders is needed. And we will include in this band those old people who have laid down their responsibilities and are free. This band of young and old together will first learn meditation, and then they will carry the torch of meditation to every nook and comer of the earth.

The meditation that I teach is so simple, so scientific, that if a hundred people take to it, seventy of them are going to make it. There is no condition that you are qualified to do it; that you do it is all that is needed. Besides, you are not required to owe allegiance to any religion, any scripture, or to have faith and belief as a pre-condition to meditation. As you are right now, you can join it and do it and go deeply into it. It is such a simple and scientific technique that you are not required to have faith in it. All that is required of you is that you take it as a hypothetical experiment, as you do a scientific experiment, to see how it works. And I assure you it works; you will make it.

I feel that meditation can he spread throughout the world as a chain-reaction. If a person decides to learn meditation himself and then, within a week of his learning it, initiates another person into it, we will cover the whole earth with meditation within ten years. No greater effort is needed. Then all the lofty things of life that man is heir to, but has lost, call be restored to him in ten years. And then there is no reason why Krishna should not play his flute amongst us once again, why Christ should not come again and again, why Buddha should not get enlightened under the bo-tree over and over again. Not that the same old Krishna or Buddha will he born again, but that in us we have the potentialities of that meditation which can flower into a Krishna, a Buddha, a Christ over and over again.

It is for this reason that I have decided to be a witness to your being initiated into sannyas. I will be a witness for friends who are ready to join one of the three categories of sannyasins that I have mentioned. I will not he their Master, but only a witness to their initiation into sannyas. In fact, sannyas will be a matter of a direct relationship between them and God.

There is going to be no ritual for initiation into sannyas, so that one does not have any difficulty in leaving it when he feels like it. And sannyas will not be a serious affair; so you need not be worried on this score. It should be such a simple and natural thing that if, one morning getting out of bed, a person feels like taking sannyas, he should not have to face any difficulty in the matter. There will be no difficulty, because it is not going to be a lifelong commitment. If the following morning he feels like quitting it, he can do so as easily. He is his sole judge and master; others have nothing to do with it.

I have explained to you how I envisage this neo-sannyas. Now you can ask a few questions that arise in your minds.


- Osho, "Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy, #22"





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  20. Osho on His Enlightenment

    That Night Another Reality Opened Its Door. Osho on His Enlightenment. Osho before His Enlightenment Osho after His Enlightenment I am reminded of the fateful day of twenty-first March, 1953. For many lives I had been working—working upon myself, struggling, doing whatsoever can be done—and nothing was happeni...
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  21. Jayesh

    Source : https://www.oshonews.com/2023/11/06/jayesh/ Today, wherever you may be, please join us in the celebration of the life of Jayesh, (Michael Byrne) who left the body today. He was fit and well till very recently and only two weeks ago was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which had already spread widely i...
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  22. No Image

    Osho on other Publisher stealing Osho discourses

    Question : Osho, You were saying that the new will be victorious. Will it really be the new, or will it be the old polished up here and there. There are publications now in germany that use you. Some mention you in the list of literature as the source, but others use you and don’t mention you — or they even co...
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  23. No Image

    Osho on His Laziness, I am the laziest man in the whole world

    Question : Osho, i have heard you say that you are the laziest man in the world. is this the reason why in your commune the sannyasins are so busy, far more busy than people in the outside world? please comment. It is true. I am the laziest man in the whole world. And to keep me lazy, my people have to work. T...
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  24. No Image

    If somebody is in search, sooner or later he will come to know about me

    Question : Osho, Why and how are people coming to you from the four corners of the earth? If one tells the truth, he’s sure to be found out sooner or later — that’s why. It is impossible… if you have uttered the truth, it is impossible for people not to come. They are hankering for it, they are thirsty for it,...
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  25. No Image

    What is the secret of how you can work on so many of us at the same time?

    Question : What is the secret of how you can work on so many of us at the same time? There is no secret to it. Because I love you, you are not so many. My love surrounds you, you become one. I am not working really on individuals, then it would have been difficult. When I see you I don’t see you at all. I see ...
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  26. No Image

    Osho's last Birthday Celebration before leaving his body.

    This was Osho's last Birthday Celebration before leaving his body. Video recorded on: 11 Dec 1989 After 39 days on 19 Jan 1990 Osho leaved his body.
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  27. No Image

    Osho Vision and Osho's Work

    on Osho Vision and Osho's Work ( Click → https://oshofriends.com/on_vision )
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  28. Magga Baba never said anything about his own life

    on Magga baba On this pilgrimage I have met many more remarkable men than Gurdjieff recounts in his book MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN. By and by, as and when it happens, I will talk about them. Today I can talk about one of those remarkable men. His real name is not known, nor his real age but he was called "M...
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  29. No Image

    Why do live like a King?

    Question : Why do live like a King? Why not? I am an old Jew! You know Jews – if you ask them a question, they answer it with another question. There is a famous story about a king. He had many Jews in his court because they were rich people, but he was very annoyed by their habit. Whenever he asked anything, ...
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  30. No Image

    Why do you call yourself Bhagwan? why do you call yourself God?

    Question : Why do you call yourself Bhagwan? why do you call yourself God? Because I am, and because you are. And because only god is. There is no other way, there is no other way to be. You may know it, you may not know it. The only choice is between ignorance and knowledge. The choice is not between whether ...
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  31. There is no need to say anything else (interview with Osho's mother - Part 4)

    (Source : Oshonews.com) In the fourth and last part of the interview, Mataji, Osho’s mother, talks about her most recent years Leaving Rajneeshpuram Mataji was not just a mother but also a disciple to Osho. Both these rivers, these roles, flowed in her in equal measure. In our conversation, she would sometimes...
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  32. No Image

    What was the first thing that you did after you became enlightened?

    Question 2 Osho, What was the first thing that you did after you became enlightened? I laughed, , a real uproarious laugh, seeing the whole absurdity of trying to be enlightened. The whole thing is ridiculous because we are born enlightened, and to try for something that is already the case is the most absurd ...
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  33. No Image

    What is the difference between you and other godmen?

    Question 1: Osho, What is the difference between you and other godmen? Sunil Sethi, I am not a godman, I am simply God - as you are, as trees are, as birds are, as rocks are. I don't belong to any category. 'Godman' is a category invented by journalists. I simply don't belong to any category. You don't belong ...
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  34. No Image

    Why does so much controversy surround you and your ashram?

    Question : Why does so much controversy surround you and your ashram? Krishna Prem, if it were not so, it would have been really a surprise, it would have been a miracle, it would have been unbelievable. This is the natural course. This is what was happening to Socrates. And what was his mistake? His mistake w...
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  35. No Image

    In India people worship God in such ways that one feels sorry for them

    In India people worship God in such ways that one feels sorry for them. Once I was staying with a woman; she was a great lover of Krishna, so much so that she had stopped sleeping with her husband -- how can you love two persons? That is a betrayal. She believed that her true husband was Krishna. Her poor husb...
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  36. Interview with Osho’s father – Devateerth Bharti

    (Source : Oshonews.com) Osho and his father in Buddha Hall Osho's father and mother Osho's father take sannyas During a rare interview in the seventies, Osho’s father tells Sarjano about ‘little Mohan’s’ childhood and how he took sannyas Devateerth Bharti has the innocent and stern face of a Mediterranean peas...
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  37. No Image

    I am an invitation

    Question 1 Osho, Can you say who you are? Maneesha, I am an invitation for all those who are seeking, searching, and have a deep longing in their hearts to find their home. I am an answer to the question that everybody is, but cannot formulate -- a question that is more a quest than a question, more a thirst t...
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  38. "OSHO" Meaning

    O S H O Being simply means you have dropped the ego that was part of your head. You have even dropped the separation, very subtle and delicate, that was part of your heart; you have dropped all barriers between you and the whole. Suddenly the dewdrop has slipped from the lotus leaf into the ocean. It has becom...
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  39. No Image

    If you have loved me, I will live for you forever. In your love I will live.

    Question 6 : Sometimes you talk nonsense in the lectures. How can you tell us to go and look for an alive master if you die You know perfectly well that we are married for eternity. If you are trying to escape this marriage, too bad: there is no divorce available for gods! Be certain that we’ll be hunting you ...
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  40. No Image

    I am a white cloud. There is no relationship

    Question 2: Osho, Would you tell us what your relationship is to the white clouds? I am a white cloud. There is no relationship, and there cannot be. Relationship exists when you are two, divided. So relationship is really not a relationship. Wherever relationship exists there is separation. I am a white cloud...
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  41. No Image

    You do have some faith in the prophecies of nostradamus?

    [Interview with Lynn Hudson INDIA ABROAD NEW YORK] Question : You do have some faith in the prophecies of nostradamus, though. is that correct? OSHO: I don't have any faith in him. The fact is that the man was crazy, and what he has written can be interpreted in any way you want. I found this rational analysis...
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  42. No Image

    on Enlightened disciple Maitreya

    Question 3 Osho, The more i try to understand you, the more you baffle me. every day you are becoming more and more mysterious. what is this unending mystery? Anand Maitreya, you say, "The more I try to understand You, the more You baffle me." Stop trying to understand me. Just be with me. Trying to understand...
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  43. No Image

    I am just myself. No prophet, no messiah, no Christ. Just an ordinary human being... just like you.

    Question: Who are you? Osho: I am just myself. No prophet, no messiah, no Christ. Just an ordinary human being... just like you. Question: Well, not quite! Osho: That's true... not quite! You are still asleep -- but that is not much of a difference. One day I was also asleep; one day you will be able to awaken...
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  44. No Image

    On His Words

    On His Words Lao Tzu is innocent, Buddha is innocent, Krishna is innocent, Jesus is innocent. These are not knowledgeable people. Of course what they have said out of their knowing we have changed it into knowledge; what they have said out of their wonder, we have reduced it into philosophy, theology. That is ...
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  45. No Image

    ‘Osho’ is a word signifying great respect, love and gratitude

    on the word 'OSHO' Tokusan, holding up his kneeling cloth, said, “OSHO!” ‘Osho’ is a word signifying great respect, love and gratitude. It also sounds beautiful. -Osho, “Zen: The Diamond Thuderbolt, #2” To the person of realization, there is nothing pure and nothing impure; there is only the real and the shado...
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  46. The first time Osho talked publicly at length in English - Osho meets with followers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

    (1969 pm in Pahalgam, Kashmir, India) In 1969 followers of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi invited Osho to talk to them. This was the first occasion on which Osho addressed a western audience, and the first time he talked publicly at length in English. The discourse has been published in Osho Times International on ...
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  47. No Image

    She(my grandmother) was my first enlightened sannyasin

    The first thing I did after my enlightenment, at the age of twenty-one, was to rush to the village where my grandmother was, my father’s village. She never left that place where her husband had been burned. That very place became her home. She forgot all the luxuries that she had been accustomed to. She forgot...
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  48. No Image

    I am the rich man's guru.

    Question 5: Are you not a rich man's guru? I AM - BECAUSE ONLY A RICH MAN CAN COME TO ME. But when I say 'a rich man' I mean one who is very poor inside. When I say 'a rich man' I mean one who is rich in intelligence; I mean one who has got everything that the world can give to him, and has found that it is fu...
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  49. No Image

    The first occasion on which Osho addressed a western audience

    Osho meets with followers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi In 1969 followers of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi invited Osho to talk to them. This was the first occasion on which Osho addressed a western audience, and the first time he talked publicly at length in English. The discourse has been published in Osho Times Inte...
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  50. Osho on his father's death : he died in samadhi

    Osho on his father's death On 8th September 1979, Osho’s father, Dadaji or Swami Devateerth Bharti, dies enlightened. At the death celebration in Buddha Hall, Osho places flowers on his father’s body and touches his head. Osho creates an annual festival on 8th September, Mahaparanirvana Day, to celebrate all s...
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  51. No Image

    Osho's Guidance on Robes

    Osho's guidance on the wearing of maroon and white robes, which he gave last year to Ma Deva Anando to pass on to everybody in the commune, was read again at the meeting of the White Robe Brotherhood on March 27, 1990. The white robe should not be used in any activities of ordinary life. There is a mystical ga...
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  52. No Image

    Should We take your advice not to take anyone’s advice?

    Question : Osho, Should We take your advice not to take anyone’s advice? Advice is the only thing in the world which everybody gives and nobody takes. You can ask me a question, but you cannot ask for advice; I am not that foolish. I will never give you any advice, because who am I to give you advice? You are ...
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  53. No Image

    After me it is going to be really difficult to be a master.

    Question 1 Osho, You have described how the ability to communicate his experience is the essence of the master. yet in you something even more beautiful has happened. Buddha conveyed his message to a select few thousand men in the local pali language -- in response to the failings of brahminism. By comparison,...
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  54. No Image

    I was working without a Master. I searched and I could not find one.

    A parable… Once in the garden of a Master there lived a monkey. And, as monkeys are curious people, he became very curious about the Master. He saw the Master sitting silently, doing nothing, and by and by he started coming close to him – what is this man doing? It was a mystery. Certainly, to a monkey, the mo...
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  55. Osho’s parents take sannyas (interview with Osho's mother - Part 3)

    (Source : Oshonews.com) In the 3rd part of this interview, Mataji remembers Dadaji’s and her initiation, and Dadaji’s death Mataji takes sannyas Let’s listen now to a mystical happening that took place during this time of transition. Among many other events was the initiation of Osho’s parents into sannyas – s...
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  56. No Image

    I am the anti-sex guru, if anything. The sex guru you can find in the Vatican.

    Question 4 Osho, Doesn't your recurrent reference to the word "orgasm" continue to propagate the image of the "sex guru"? Those who can understand me see clearly that I am the most anti-sex person in existence, because my whole work is to transform sexual energy into spiritual consciousness. The pope can be th...
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  57. 1980's ~1990's, Drawing Ashram

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  58. Osho's last photo

    Bedroom, 1990. (Osho's Samadhi) Source : Sannyas.wiki Source : Osholifeandvision (https://osholifeandvision.com/biography/) During the second week in January, Osho’s body becomes noticeably weaker. This is one of the last photos of him. On January 18, he is so physically weak that he is unable to come to Gauta...
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  59. No Image

    Truth is God. There is no other God except the truth

    I was in a big city. Some young men came there to meet me. They started asking: “Do you believe in God?” I said: “No. What relation is there between belief and God? I know God.” Then I told them a story: There was a revolution in some country. The revolutionaries of that place were busy in changing everything....
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  60. No Image

    I would like it to be as if I had never been.

    (Interview by India Today) Question : When you are no more, what would you like to be remembered as -- mystic, spiritual leader, philosopher, or what? Just a nobody. I would like it to be as if I had never been. - Osho, The Last Testament, Vol 4, #8
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  61. No Image

    Why have your teachings attracted so many followers, and why are women, particularly, attracted to your teaching?

    Question : Why have your teachings attracted so many followers, and why are women, particularly, attracted to your teaching? Truth has a magnetic force in it. It always attracts, particularly those who are young and fresh, particularly those who are not burdened with old rubbish and garbage and junk; who are r...
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  62. No Image

    A great courage is needed in life to be yourself in Failure, in Success

    When I was a small child at school there was a wrestling competition for the whole district; I have never been able to forget that incident. There was a wrestler, the most famous wrestler in those parts, who was defeated. He was going to be the champion, the district champion or something, and he was defeated ...
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  63. No Image

    Every sannyasin is careful about perfume, cigarettes, they come to see me then they take bath that no smell is there

    Question : Over the years there have been a number of very Powerful people who have been with you — Your Sannyasins — a number of whom have left, or have been kicked out, like Shyam. Why do you think, that happens? No. Shyam has been kicked by me myself. Because he was a pain in the neck! And I don’t want him ...
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  64. No Image

    Almost for fifteen years, talking to millions of people, but they were hearing, not listening

    LISTEN, SAYS PYTHAGORAS. Down the ages the Masters have always been saying: Listen. But what you do at the most is you hear — you don’t listen. And there is a tremendous difference between these two words. Hearing is very superficial. You can hear because you have ears, that’s all. Anybody who has ears can hea...
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  65. No Image

    My way is the way of meditation: Neither of head nor of heart

    Question : Osho, Your way is the way of the heart, and the outside world is the way of the head. Will it ever be possible that man can function from a blend of both head and heart, or must the two always remain totally divorced? will it always be essential to make a conscious choice for one way or the other? T...
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  66. No Image

    Interview with Vivek

    Interview with Ma Yoga Vivek By Ma Yoga Sudha, December 17th, 1978 This interview was first published in the January 1979 edition of the Sannyas Magazine. Osho and VivekI almost feel as if this interview is too precious to be printed. I want to protect the flower of a love the likes of which I have never befor...
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  67. No Image

    I have never done anything.

    Question 3 Beloved Osho, When you spoke of meaning and context, it set bells ringing in me. meaning, not just of words but of everything, depends on context -- especially my life. you have a vast context, beloved master. will you please speak about your context in this place, this world, at this time? did you ...
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  68. No Image

    I have, my whole life, loved trees.

    I have, my whole life, loved trees. I have lived everywhere with trees growing wild around me. I am a lazy man, you know, so somebody had to look after my trees. And I had to be careful about those people who were looking after them, because they were all prophets, messiahs, messengers of God: they all tried t...
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  69. No Image

    If there is no god, why were you being called bhagwan?

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, If there is no god, why were you being called bhagwan? There is no God, but that does not mean that I'm an atheist. Certainly I am not a theist - I am saying there is no God - but that does not mean that you jump to the opposite, the atheist. The atheist says there is no God also, but...
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  70. on Ma Prem Nirvano (Vivek) - She had been Mary Magdalene

    Vivek takes sannyas in April 1971, and is Osho's caretaker from 1973 onwards "I had a girlfriend when I was young. Then she died. But on her deathbed she promised me she would came back. And she has come back. The name of the girlfriend was Shashi. She died in '47. She was the daughter of a certain doctor in m...
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  71. No Image

    My new symbol is going to be a flying swan

    The great swans live deep in the Himalayas, in the highest lake in the world, Mansarovar. Mansarovar remains frozen for nine months of the year, you can drive a car on it. It is a lake miles and miles long, but the snow becomes hard as stone. The swans leave — they have to leave because there is no water to dr...
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  72. Osho’s Passport

    (Source: http://sannyasnews.org/now/archives/3771) It is interesting to note that Osho self describes as a “Religious Teacher” . So there must have been some advance planning to try and make his entry into the USA a more permanent feature than it was thought to be at the time.(1981) Osho strays into both colum...
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  73. No Image

    Many of you have been with me in the past

    Question : Osho, As more people come and take sannyas and more days pass, it seems that many of us grow together – stronger and stronger without even meeting much. It seemed to me when you spoke of the ‘new community’ that somehow it is an old community of friends, reuniting again through your love and grace. ...
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  74. An Interview with Osho's medium, Ma Anando  

    An Interview with Osho's medium, Ma Anando About people who claim that they are channeling Osho (Appeared in the Osho Times International of May 1, 1991) OshoTimes: Different people around the world are claiming to be receiving messages from Osho as mediums. Others say they are "channeling" him. On his last da...
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  75. Osho and the 16th Karmapa

    (Source : http://o-meditation.com/2009/10/18/osho-and-the-16th-karmapa) 16th Karmapa Osho and the 16th Karmapa The first time I heard the name Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was on a bus from Pokhara to Kathmandu. My friend Randy, who I had traveled to India and Nepal with from Madagascar, and I were trekking on the A...
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  76. No Image

    I have not arrived through belief, I have arrived through doubt.

    Trust has to be deserved, belief is a very cheap substitute. Belief means you are afraid of doubt, because doubt creates trouble, and doubt keeps you in a state of confusion. And you are not courageous enough to live in confusion, not courageous enough to live in a state of chaos, in anarchy -- and doubt creat...
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  77. No Image

    Buddha's teaching was based on simplicity, a simple life. yours is based on comfort and luxury. will you please comment on that?

    Question : You say you are a buddha, and his teaching was based on simplicity, a simple life. yours is based on comfort and luxury. will you please comment on that? It is a significant question, with tremendous implications to be understood; one is that there is no difference. You will be surprised to hear it,...
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  78. No Image

    Osho on Traditional Paths : I have no particular path.

    Question 1 : How would you describe your particular path to enlightenment in relationship to other traditional paths such as the various kinds of yoga, sufism, buddhism, zen, christianity, etcetera? I HAVE NO particular path. I don’t belong to any path whatsoever, and therefore all paths belong to me. Each pat...
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  79. No Image

    My strategy has never been used before. No master has been self-contradictory,

    My strategy has never been used before. No master has been self-contradictory, Question 1: Osho, I trust you unconditionally. at the same time, i don't believe you. can you speak about trust and belief? Baby, that is really great! Just groovy. I don't believe in my own statements either! We are in perfect agre...
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  80. No Image

    I cannot give you any proof

    Question : How can i see you, how can i recognize you, Osho? An ancient saying: When the sun rises we know this, not by staring at it, but because we can see everything ELSE clearly. HOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE THE SUN? You don’t stare at the sun – you look at the trees, you look at the people… you look all around: e...
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  81. No Image

    I am not your shepherd, you are not my sheep.

    Question 2: Osho, Can a true rebel be a disciple of a master, or must he be simply a friend of the master? A rebel needs no master. If he needs a master, he is not a rebel. A rebel is a master unto himself. Rebellion is his religion, and there is no other religion for him. To follow a master, and at the same t...
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  82. Interview with Osho’s mother – Amrit Saraswati

    (Source : Oshonews.com) Osho's Mother - Amrit Saraswati During the seventies, Osho’s mother tells Sarjano how she took sannyas and how she thinks of him as her Master but also her son When after two thousands years another Cecil B. DeMille will make a movie about Osho, very likely with the title ‘The Master of...
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  83. No Image

    What is your Message?

    Question : Osho, What is your Message? Pritam, MY MESSAGE IS VERY SIMPLE Live life as dangerously as possible. Live life totally, intensely, passionately, because except for life there is no other God. Friedrich Nietzsche says God is dead. That is wrong because God has never been there in the first place. How ...
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  84. No Image

    What did Osho die from

    My beloved ones, I have been away from you much too long. It has been a very painful absence for me. For seven weeks continuously I have been only filled with your love, your patience, your thirst, your longing. These days were remarkable in many ways. Seven weeks before, I was infected in the ear. It was a si...
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  85. No Image

    Osho’s Past Lives

    Osho’s Past Lives There are six great religions in the world. They can be divided into two categories: one consists of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They believe in only one life. You are just between birth and death, there is nothing beyond birth and death—life is all. Although they believe in heaven and h...
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  86. Osho about his books (from Anando's book)

    Osho had a very precise vision about his books, how they should be produced. They were very important to him, because they contain the essence of his message. From the very beginning, when his talks were first published in the sixties, he was involved in designing the covers and creating the titles for the boo...
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  87. No Image

    on Neo Sannyas : September 28, 1970 was a memorable day , Osho initiated His first group of sannyasins.

    (September 28, 1970 was a memorable day. At Manali in the Himalayas, Osho initiated His first group of sannyasins. This event was followed by this special evening discourse, on the significance of Neo Sannyas.) To me, sannyas does not mean renunciation; it means a journey to joy bliss. To me, sannyas is not an...
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  88. No Image

    Why is the media so nervous around you?

    Question : Osho, Why is the media so nervous around you? Because they have never come across a man like I am. The media knows politicians, popes, other kinds of leaders. They are all afraid of the media and nervous. The politician is nervous, he has reasons to be nervous. And the journalist is assertive and ag...
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  89. No Image

    Sheela has done a great service to you, and you should feel gratitude to her and her gang

    Question : Osho, Is it true that power-oriented people were needed to create this commune? Is it also true that meditative and loving people cannot create such beautiful and rich communes? Please comment. Power-oriented people can create much, but their creation is basically criminal. And sooner or later, it i...
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  90. Saying goodbye to Sw. Dhyan Nikhil (장두석)

    Image Courtesy ⓒ Star News Sw. Dhyan Nikhil (장두석) Comedian, Singer in South Korea Sep 29. 1957 ~ July 22. 2024, Jang Du-seok(Sw. Dhyan Nikhil) operated the Osho Meditation Center in Korea from 1995 to 1999. and he has been releasing OSHO and meditation-related books and albums through his publishing company...
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  91. Osho's signature

    The Meaning of The Osho's Signature is “Rajneesh ke pranaam” (“Greetings from Rajneesh”) Osho's Signature (1976) I am here to make you total, whole. To be whole is to be holy. Nothing is to be denied. Contradictions have to be absorbed, so that harmony, a symphony arises. I don't want you to become monotonous....
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  92. No Image

    700 Year Gap : Between Death and Rebirth

    Question 1 You have said that you remember your former life seven hundred years ago. Can you remember your name at that time and the occasion of your death? What I am interested in is what happened between your last life and your present life. The question seems meaningful, but it is not. Life means that somet...
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    My Way The Way of the White Clouds

    Question 1: Osho, Why is your way called the way of the white clouds? Just before Buddha died somebody asked him: When a buddha dies where does he go? Does he survive or simply disappear into nothingness? This is not a new question, it is one of the oldest, many times repeated and asked. Buddha is reported to ...
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  94. I have accepted Gautam Buddha's soul as a guest

    29 December 1988 pm in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium (From 7 December 1988, for three weeks, Osho is very sick and nearly dies. During this time he becomes a vehicle for Gautam Buddha.) This time has been of historical importance. For seven weeks I was fighting with the poison day and night. One night, even my ...
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    I don’t belong to any path, hence all paths belong to me.

    I Don’t Belong to Any Path Question 2 Beloved Osho, I took sannyas from Swami Shivand of Rishikesh after reading his book Brahmacharya and other books of his. After some years, I was attracted to Sri Ramana Maharshi and thereafter to Sri Aurobindo due to his integral approach to the divine. From 1959 onwards I...
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    Osho meets Mahatama Gandhi

    Hundreds of times we had discussed Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy, and I was always against. People were a little bit puzzled why I was so insistent against a man I had only seen twice, when I was just a child. I will tell you the story of that second meeting…. I can see the train. Gandhi was traveling, and...
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  97. Osho on Hari Prasad Chaurasia

    Osho on Hari Prasad Chaurasia Now look at this man Hari Prasad Chaurasia -- such a beautiful bamboo flute player, but he lived his whole life in utter poverty. He could not remember Pagal Baba, who had introduced him to me-or is it better to say, ` me to him' -- because I was only a child, and Hari Prasad was ...
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    Osho Library, Osho love for Books, Osho Love affair wth Books

    No child has asked for respect. You ask for toys sweets, clothes, a bicycle, and things like that. You get them, but these are not the real things which are going to make your life blissful. I asked him for money only when I wanted to purchase more books; I never asked money for anything else. And I told him, ...
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    Logos related OSHO's Work

    Osho’s work has a long history with trademark. Trademarks were registered for his work as early as the 1970’s in two distinct areas: a) Designed Logos drafted by Osho personally. b) His name which he used as a brand for his work The symbols and names were and are as follows: 1. Triangle-Octagon which was the l...
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