• Out of love, everything is right. Love is the magic that transforms everything into right.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Misery is a by-product of time and bliss is a by-product of eternity

    Swami Anand Peter. Anand means bliss. Peter literally means a rock, but symbolically it means eternity. The rock represents the unchanging element. Ordinarily everything is changing, constantly — even rocks are changing. So it is only a metaphor, but it has gre...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  2. No Image

    Every giving has to be unconditional.

    Question 2 : Osho, Someone once told me the saying: “all that you put into the lives of others comes back into your own. “it has been with me ever since, and i feel it to be true. Can you please talk about this? it keeps coming up a lot for me. Prem Kendra, the...
    CategorySharing, Virtue, Helping others
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  3. No Image

    on Trust – It is better to be deceived than to deceive

    Question : Osho, I can not trust anybody, Why? Sargam, I will just tell you a story. Meditate over it. The hired boy gets the youngest girl in the farmer’s family to go out into the hayloft with him. She comes back and tells her sister, “Say, the hired boy sure...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  4. No Image

    Bliss is a state of consciousness where happiness is not coming from out, but from within

    As long as we are feeling ourselves as bodies, we can never transcend brahman, the universe. The moment we become consciousness, the brahman drops; it becomes brahma. Then there is no universe, then there is just an infinite ocean of consciousness. This infinit...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  5. No Image

    Bliss is an unboundedness, just like an ocean

    Bliss is an unboundedness, just like an ocean. It is so vast that one is completely in it. Just as a dewdrop slips from a lotus leaf into the lake and becomes one with the lake, in the same way man has to slip out of the ego and become one with existence, only ...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  6. No Image

    Indian woman Mystic Meera

    Meera is a launching place for your pilgrimage. Her scripture is the scripture of love. Perhaps calling it scripture is not right. Take Narada’s BHAKTI SUTRAS — sutras of devotion — that is scripture. There one finds reasoning, method, fixed precepts. It is a s...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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  7. No Image

    Truth comes to a consciousness which is neither moral nor immoral

    Truth is beyond structure. It comes only when you are in an unstructured state of consciousness. It comes only when there is no expectation for it, not even preparation for it, because all preparation is expectation. Truth comes unawares, truth comes as a surpr...
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  8. No Image

    Trust is meaningful only when an intelligent person trusts

    [A sannyasin, who is going to the West to work, says: I feel very sad. There seems to be a sort of bottomless well of doubt and impatience which I can never get over.] I understand. I have been watching it — it is there, and it is there with every intelligent p...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  9. No Image

    Generosity is the real richness.

    Generosity is the real richness. And to be generous, to share, you don’t need many things. To be generous, you just have to share whatsoever you have. You may not have much – that is not the point. Who has much? Who can ever have enough? It is never much, it is...
    CategorySharing, Virtue, Helping others
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  10. No Image

    on the difference between Pleasure, Happiness, Joy and Bliss

    Meditate over it as deeply as possible, because it contains one of the most fundamental truths. These four words will have to be understood, pondered over. The first is pleasure, the second, happiness; the third is joy, and the fourth is bliss. Pleasure is phys...
    CategorySilence, Emptiness, No-thingness
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  11. No Image

    What is Renunciation? What is its place in your religion?

    Question : Osho, What is Renunciation? What is its place in your religion? THE idea of renunciation is one of the fundamentals of all pseudo-religions. Its phenomenology has to be understood very deeply. All the religions have been preaching a division between ...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  12. No Image

    Choosing blissfulness brings strength, rootedness, centeredness

    Misery makes you more and more impotent, hollow, it is a kind of negative emptiness. One simply feels useless, meaningless; one does not live, but only vegetates. But that is the story of millions of people: they all live in misery, and to live in misery is to ...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  13. No Image

    on Gautam Buddha Renounciation

    Remember, nobody is an exception. AES DHAMMO SANANTANO — only one law rules all, one eternal law. Whatsoever happens to the ant is going to happen to the elephant too, and whatsoever happens to the beggar is going to happen to the emperor too. Poor or rich, ign...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  14. No Image

    If bliss flows outward it is ecstatic. If it simply remains in then it is peace

    Anand means bliss, salama means peace. Bliss can have two expressions: either it can be an ecstasy, overflowing, or it can be silence, peace, stillness. If bliss flows outward it is ecstatic. If it simply remains in then it is peace, and peace is a higher state...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  15. No Image

    on Intelligence and Intellect : Intelligence is certainly creative

    Intellect may arrive at certain inferences, but intellect is an unconscious phenomenon. You are almost behaving sleepily. Intelligence is awakening, and unless you are fully awake, whatsoever you decide is bound to be wrong somewhere or other. It is bound to be...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  16. No Image

    on Belief, Faith and Surrender

    Question : What is the difference between Surrender and Blind Faith or Belief? MANY THINGS HAVE TO BE UNDERSTOOD. First, the difference between faith and belief, and second, the difference between surrender and faith. Belief is always blind and cannot be otherw...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  17. No Image

    Prayer needs a poetic heart, a loving heart

    Question : What is Prayer? Prayer is wonder, reverence. Prayer is receptivity for the miracle that surrounds you. Prayer is surrender to the beauty, to the grandeur to this fantastic existence. Prayer is non-argumentative dialogue with existence. It is not a di...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  18. No Image

    Prayer does not depend on what you say; it depends, rather, on what you are

    Prayer does not depend on what you say; it depends, rather, on what you are. Worship depends not on what you do but what you are. Religion is involved not with your actions but with you existence. If love is at the center of your being there will be prayer at y...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  19. No Image

    Faith is a love affair and belief is only an intellectual conviction

    Two things have to be remembered. One is that faith does not mean belief. Belief is of the mind and faith is of the heart. Faith is a love affair and belief is only an intellectual conviction. Belief can be easily destroyed by arguments; faith can never be dest...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  20. No Image

    Renounce knowledge! I teach you renunciation of knowledge

    Renounce knowledge! I teach you renunciation of knowledge. I don’t teach you renunciation of the world; that is stupid, foolish, meaningless! I teach you renunciation of knowledge. And a strange thing happens… I have come across people who have renounced the wo...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  21. No Image

    Blessed are those who are blissful

    A person becomes capable of blessing others only when he is full of blissfulness. In fact then one need not bless, blessings go on pouring. Your bliss starts overflowing; you become like a fountain. And you become connected with the inexhaustible source of life...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  22. No Image

    on Right Renunciation, on Right Detachment

    I have heard that in England there was a great thinker by the name of Edmund Burke. He was once invited to give a lecture in a church in a small village near London. But he was an absent-minded person, so very often he used to forget the time and date of his le...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  23. No Image

    Buddha’s renunciation was simple, my renunciation is very difficult

    Question : You say you are a buddha, and his teaching was based on simplicity, a simple life. Yours is based on comfort and luxury. Will you please comment on that? It is a significant question, with tremendous implications to be understood; one is that there i...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  24. No Image

    on difference in Prayer and Meditation

    Question 5 : What is the difference between Prayer and Meditation? A lot of difference. A great difference. in fact they are absolutely different things. Their movement is in different directions. There are two types of religions in the world: prayer oriented r...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  25. No Image

    Bliss is God. Seek bliss and you will find God

    Anand Elles. Anand means bliss; elles comes from the Hebrew root el; el means God. Bliss is God. God is indefinable, but if any definition is possible at all, then bliss is his definition. The definition that comes closest to define God is bliss. Even that fall...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  26. No Image

    Doubt, analyze, question, but remain seperate. You are not the doubt

    Question 1 How is one who has been trained all his life to analyze and question and doubt to bridge the gap between doubt and trust? DOUBT IS BEAUTIFUL in itself. The problem arises when you are stuck in it. Then doubt becomes death. Analysis is perfect if you ...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  27. No Image

    Will you please explain to me the Lord’s Prayer, as given by Jesus?

    Question 1: Will you please explain to me the Lord’s Prayer, as given by Jesus? Meditation can be explained, prayer never. It can be understood, but it cannot be explained. Prayer is something of the heart, very elusive, very indefinable. You can feel it, but y...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  28. No Image

    Don’t try to escape in any way from anything – work or family

    [Another indian sannyasin who is involved in film-making, said that he always felt like escaping from whatsoever he was doing to meditate, and when he was meditating he wanted to lie down instead. Osho said that this urge should be resisted, and that the resista...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  29. No Image

    on Purity – It comes through meditation, not through cultivation

    There are two kings of purity, two kinds of virtue, two kinds of morality. One is the cultivated kind, from the outside — you have to practise it. It is a conditioning. Deep down you remain the same but you cover yourself with a beautiful facade. It is a superf...
    CategorySimplicity, Purity, Innocent
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  30. No Image

    A cultivated trust will not be trust; it will be false

    Question 2 : Can Trust be Cultivated? A cultivated trust will not be trust; it will be false, it will be insincere. It will just be on the surface; it will never touch your centre. Whatsoever is cultivated remains superficial, because whatsoever is cultivated r...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  31. No Image

    A miserable person cannot find truth. He can theorise about truth

    Bliss is equivalent to god. ‘God’ is a beautiful word but it has become ugly because of wrong associations. It has fallen into wrong company. The priests have exploited it so much that I appreciate very much Friedrich Nietzsche’s declaration that god is dead an...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  32. No Image

    on Simplicity – Simplicity is to live without ideals

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, What is Simplicity? Colin Doyle, simplicity is to live without ideals. Ideals create complexity; ideals create division in you and hence complexity. The moment you are interested in becoming somebody else you become complex. To be cont...
    CategorySimplicity, Purity, Innocent
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  33. No Image

    Consciousness and Bliss are two aspects of one phenomenon

    Consciousness and bliss are two aspects of one phenomenon: from one side it is consciousness, from the other side it is bliss. And exactly in the same way unconsciousness and misery are related, they are aspects of one phenomenon -- from one side unconsciousnes...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  34. No Image

    I have heard that your sannyasins celebrate death.

    Question 2: Osho, I have heard that your sannyasins celebrate death. Paul, you have heard rightly! My sannyasins celebrate everything. Celebration is the foundation of my sannyas -- not renunciation but rejoicing; rejoicing in all the beauties, all the joys, al...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  35. No Image

    The pure heart is a basic condition for bliss to happen

    The pure heart is a basic condition for bliss to happen, but by purity I don’t mean something moral; by purity I mean innocence. A moralist is never innocent, he is very calculating. His morality is nothing but his calculation. He is bargaining with God, he is ...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  36. No Image

    When your inner being is totally empty, this emptiness itself is bliss.

    These techniques are concerned with emptiness – they are the most delicate, the most subtle. Even to conceive of emptiness seems impossible. Buddha used all these four techniques for his disciples and bhikkus, and because of these four techniques he was totally...
    CategorySilence, Emptiness, No-thingness
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  37. No Image

    Osho on Ramakrishna Bhakti yoga and Path of Devotion

    on Ramakrishna Bhakti yoga and Path of Devotion Ramakrishna said that bhakti yoga was the most suitable approach because it was the most suitable for him. That is the basic window through which he came under the sky. It is not a question of an approach being su...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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  38. No Image

    What is the relation of the intelligence of the heart to the intelligence of the mind?

    Question 1: What exactly is Intelligence, and what is the relation of the intelligence of the heart to the intelligence of the mind? Punita, intelligence is the inborn capacity to see, to perceive. Every child is born intelligent, then made stupid by the societ...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  39. No Image

    A man of awareness is unattached

    "ATTRACTION, AND THROUGH IT, ATTACHMENT, IS TOWARDS ANYTHING THAT BRINGS PLEASURE. REPULSION IS FROM ANYTHING THAT CAUSES PAIN." These are your two ways of being here in the world: you are attracted towards something which you feel causes pleasure, you feel rep...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  40. No Image

    Unless words come out of silence they are dead

    If you can be eloquent but cannot be silent your eloquence is meaningless. Unless words come out of silence they are dead. Unless words come out of your inner emptiness they are not full. When words come out of your inner emptiness they carry a fullness; when t...
    CategorySilence, Emptiness, No-thingness
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  41. No Image

    The whole existence is made of bliss and nothing else

    Bliss needs great courage. Any courage can afford misery — that’s why there are so many miserable people. It costs nothing to be miserable, it is not a risk at all. It is very convenient to be miserable; in fact, comfortable to be miserable. It feels secure to ...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  42. No Image

    If detachment is the opposite of attachment then it is wrong

    One has to be detached from the world – but not out of any fear. If you give up anything out of fear it will not really be given up, it will chase you, it will follow you. If you are scared of anything, it will scare you more. If you run away from anything, it ...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  43. No Image

    That’s my whole teaching, celebration; not worship but celebration

    That’s my whole teaching, celebration; not worship but celebration. When you worship, you start making a hierarchy; the lower and the higher. When you worship you put something on top of other things. When you worship, something becomes sacred and something bec...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  44. No Image

    Belief is a barrier Trust is a bridge

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, I Trust you unconditionally. At the same time, I don’t believe you. Can you speak about Trust and Belief? Baby, that is really great! Just groovy. I don’t believe in my own statements either! We are in perfect agreement. I trust myself...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  45. No Image

    Anger is just the opposite of Prayer. To live in an angry way is to live without Prayer

    Man can live in a violent way. That’s how many people live: aggressive – aggressive with others, aggressive with themselves. And those who are aggressive with others and with themselves are bound to be aggressive with existence itself. The relationship between ...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  46. No Image

    What is Home? : This whole existence is home

    Question : Osho, What is Home? There is no home, there are only houses. We try to make homes out of houses, but in fact, home is projection – there is only a house – it feels cold. We need a home: we want something cozy, something that belongs to us, something ...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  47. No Image

    All beliefs are rooted in Fear. Either you are afraid or you are greedy.

    Question 7: I believe in God, And it is not out of fear. Why do you say that all belief is out of fear? Then why do you believe? You don’t know. If you know, there is no need to believe. All belief is out of ignorance Belief MEANS ignorance. Buddha knows, he do...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  48. No Image

    What is prayer?

    Question 4: Osho, What is prayer? It is a tremendously significant question because I do not have a God, but I still have some place for prayer in my vision, in my approach. Prayer ordinarily is towards the concept of a God. I do not think that is a right kind ...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  49. No Image

    on Difference between Intellect and Intelligence.

    There is a lot of difference between intellect and intelligence. Intellect is logical; intelligence is paradoxical. Intellect is analytical; intelligence is synthetical. Intellect divides, cuts into pieces to understand a thing. Science is based on intellect, d...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  50. No Image

    Bliss is whenever we are true, whenever we are authentic

    [A journalist, who came to do an article on Osho, has decided to take sannyas.] Good! I was waiting and waiting for you!… I recognise my people when they come to me. And it is very natural to hesitate, very natural to think and waver; it is very natural to be a...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  51. No Image

    Sannyas is a journey from misery to bliss

    Sannyas is a journey from misery to bliss. We are living in misery. Sometimes it is less, sometimes it is more; when it is less you don’t feel it so much but the difference is only of degree. You are never really blissful and the moments that you call moments o...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  52. No Image

    on relationship between Silence and Blissfulness

    Question 2 : Osho, Can you talk about the relationship between silence and blissfulness? Is silence all that is needed? Does everything else follow? Prem Samarpan, there is no relationship between silence and blissfulness; they are two names of the same thing. ...
    CategorySilence, Emptiness, No-thingness
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  53. No Image

    Confront life Encounter life

    Question 3: Somewhere there is that fear which makes me closed and hard and sad and desperate and angry and hopeless. It seems to be so subtle that I don’t even get really in touch with it. How can i see it more clearly? The only problem with sadness, desperate...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  54. No Image

    Doubt is not a sin, it is the sign of your intelligence. Doubt and go on enquiring until you find.

    Just the other day I saw a panel on the TV. One rabbi, one Protestant priest and one Catholic monk were discussing me. And they came to the conclusion... the rabbi suggested, "It is time now -- we should make an effort to have a dialogue with this man." I could...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  55. No Image

    This is trust: the courage to risk your secure life for an unknown end.

    Trust is the greatest thing in the world that can happen to a man, because it is the most impossible thing. To trust somebody else is almost impossible, because doubt continues. Howsoever you trust, the other is the other. Who knows? How can you penetrate the o...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  56. No Image

    Pleasure is Forgetfulness, Bliss is Remembrance

    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  57. No Image

    The true mystic is not an ascetic, is not self torturing

    The ultimate state of consciousness is not a serious phenomenon. It is not sombre, it is not sad. It is full of joy, full of laughter, full of celebration, full of song and dance, because it is a fulfillment: you have come to the ultimate peak of your being. An...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  58. No Image

    What kind of trust do you have in someone who is cheating you, murdering you?

    Question 2: Osho, What kind of trust do you have in someone who is cheating you, murdering you? I could not understand. I do not understand myself – but what to do? I have only trust to offer because I don’t have any distrust in me. You ordinarily think that tr...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  59. No Image

    Why doesn’t trust arise out of the decision to trust?

    Question 1: Why doesn’t trust arise out of the decision to trust? TRUST IS NOT A DECISION ON YOUR PART. You cannot decide for it. When you are finished with doubting, when you have come to see doubt through and through and you are completely convinced of the fu...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  60. No Image

    My sannyas, is a way of bridging, a way of rejoicing, a way of bliss

    Bliss is a bridge, misery is a wall. It is everyone’s experience that whenever one feels miserable one does not want to relate with anybody; one wants to close one’s doors and hide somewhere. Just the opposite happens when you are blissful. You cannot hide some...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  61. No Image

    Focus yourself within on the worshipper

    Mind cannot comprehend him, but he can comprehend the mind. Mind is included in him – everything is included; even the stone is included in him. But the stone cannot include him: this is the point. Draw a big circle and then draw a small circle in it. The big c...
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  62. No Image

    Prayer consists of only one single word. That is the meaning of AMEN: it means yes.

    Question 8 Beloved Osho, Yes, yes, yes, Osho. Yes. Mukta, that’s what prayer is. Prayer consists of only one single word. That is the meaning of AMEN: it means yes. If you have said yes with your total heart, you have said all that can be said, that need be sai...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  63. No Image

    Bliss is a flowering of meditation

    The pure heart is a basic condition for bliss to happen, but by purity I don’t mean something moral; by purity I mean innocence. A moralist is never innocent, he is very calculating. His morality is nothing but his calculation. He is bargaining with God, he is ...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  64. No Image

    Surrender means a deep yes-attitude to the master — never say no.

    Faith will not divide you with anyone; it will unite you with someone. Belief will not unite you with anyone; it will simply divide you with everyone. Ideas, ideology, is divisive. Faith is unitive. Have faith. That means: be ready to fall in love with someone,...
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  65. No Image

    Devotion - Osho Quotes on Devotion

    Osho Quotes on Devotion Devotion, the path of devotion, is the path of surrender. ♦ The feminine mind will need a path of devotion -- the path of Narad, Meera, Chaitanya, Jesus. ♦ Love is freedom, but not total. If love becomes devotion, then it becomes total f...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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  66. No Image

    It is good to feel helpless, Prayer arises out of helplessness

    [A sannyasin said that Ma Vipassana who is seriously ill is his friend; he would like to do something but feels helpless.] It is good to feel helpless… prayer arises out of helplessness. And that helplessness will help your ego to drop. If you can do something ...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  67. No Image

    on Seeking for Eternal Bliss and Sharing Bliss

    The Spiritual Search starts as a seeking for eternal bliss, as a seeking for eternal liberation, as a seeking for divine light and divine life. But the center remains with you. In the beginning it is a self-centered search. Whatsoever you are seeking you are se...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  68. No Image

    If you take pleasure in your cave in the Himalayas you are as unfree as anybody who lives in a palace

    The sutras: It is not iron that imprisons you Nor rope, nor wood, But the pleasure you take in gold and jewels, In sons and wives. It is not Iron that Imprisons you… your prison is not that gross, it is very subtle. It is not so visible, it is very invisible. I...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  69. No Image

    Faith is like eyes: you see yourself. Belief is like a lantern in a blind man’s hand

    Question : The other day you said that belief was like a lantern in the hands of the blind. May i know what faith is? Faith is like eyes: you see yourself. Belief is like a lantern in a blind man’s hand: he cannot see, he cannot even use the lighted lantern. Ev...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  70. No Image

    It is a question of awakening here and now

    Question : When does the boat reach the other Shore? Deva Vigyan, there is no other shore, this is the only shore there is. And it is not a question of reaching somewhere else, it is a question of awakening here and now. It is never there, it is always here; it...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  71. No Image

    They never understand that receiving is far greater, it needs a far greater heart than giving

    I have a friend in Jabalpur, who is the richest man in that state, and the biggest manufacturer of beedies in the whole world. He used to come here, he used to come to my camps, and then he became a minister. Then he started becoming afraid of me. All politicia...
    CategorySharing, Virtue, Helping others
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  72. No Image

    Meditation minus Bliss is not true meditation

    THEY DELIGHT IN MEDITATION. This is a very significant sutra; remember it. Buddha says: THEY DELIGHT IN MEDITATION. It is easy to meditate if you don't want to be blissful -- it is very easy to meditate. If you want just to be blissful and you don't want to be ...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  73. No Image

    The devotee’s vision is the greatest vision

    When a scientist looks at a certain thing he looks with a rational eye; he wants to know what it is. When a poet looks at the same thing he looks with the aesthetic eye; he wants to enjoy it. When a devotee looks at the same thing he looks with the eye of devot...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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  74. No Image

    Anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy

    It is absolutely necessary that God should be dead. But I want you to know my understanding. It was good of Friedrich Nietzsche to declare God dead. I declare that he has never been born. It is a created fiction, an invention, not a discovery. Do you understand...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  75. No Image

    Silence means a state of consciousness where no thought interferes.

    In the search for the first principle silence is the door -- the only door. And except it there is no way to approach the first principle. The first principle can be known only when you move to the primordial state of your being. Thinking is secondary. Existenc...
    CategorySilence, Emptiness, No-thingness
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  76. No Image

    How should I Pray?

    Question 1: How should I Pray? I don’t know how to properly express this love that I feel into Prayer PRAYER is not a technique, it is not a ritual, it is not a formality. There is no pattern to it. It is a spontaneous outpouring of the heart, so don’t ask how,...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  77. No Image

    Truth : It is a quantum leap, a jump from mind to no-mind

    Man can come to truth only through meditation. Truth is not something that mind can know. Mind can theorise about it, but ‘about’ means around — and mind goes about and about, around and around. It moves in a circle, it never reaches the centre. Its very nature...
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  78. No Image

    on Belief, Trust and Shraddho. Shraddho means loving trust

    Shraddho means loving trust. There are three words which are synonymous in the dictionary but not in actual experience. One is belief, the second is faith, the third is trust. In actual experience they have nothing to do with each other – not only that: they ar...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  79. No Image

    Why do all buddhas say the same thing?

    Question : Osho, Why do all buddhas say the same thing? Vinod, Truth is one. Even if it is said differently, it is the same truth. Languages may differ, metaphors may differ parables may differ, but if you really look a little deep, then all parables, all langu...
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  80. No Image

    We only count the thorns – we never look at the flowers

    Ordinarily the mind is always conscious of pain, never conscious of bliss. If you have a headache you are conscious of it. When you don’t have a headache you are not conscious of the well-being of the head. When the body hurts you are conscious of it, but when ...
    CategorySilence, Emptiness, No-thingness
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  81. No Image

    Surrendering to the god of love, you become it.

    Mallik is a name for God, a Sufi name. It means exactly what the English word ”lord” means – the master of all. Love is the god or the goddess, because there is nothing higher than love. Love is the supreme-most experience. Everything else is in the service of ...
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  82. No Image

    People cannot accept bliss easily; misery is okay

    Sannyas is not prayer with sadness, seriousness. It is not prayer as a ritual, as a formality. It is prayer as playfulness. It is prayer as cheerfulness. The birds in the morning singing — that is prayer. They are not Christians, they are not Hindus, they are n...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  83. No Image

    In silence nothing wrong can ever happen

    Question 2: Osho, The other day you talked so beautifully about the sadness which follows the first experience of our innermost silence. Is it necessarily so, that when I first experience this silence, I also feel with my whole being that I am absolutely alone ...
    CategorySilence, Emptiness, No-thingness
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  84. No Image

    Destination belongs to the ego; direction belongs to life, to being

    Question : Yesterday you said that an inward traveller has only direction and not destination. Will you please further clarify the distinction between the two? THE DISTINCTIOIN IS VERY SUBTLE, but it is the same distinction as there is between the mind and the ...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  85. No Image

    Misery is symbolic of Unawareness; bliss is symbolic of Awareness

    The devotee — the real follower — is constantly watching what he is doing, how he is doing, why he is doing. Even in small matters he de-automatizes himself. Walking, he does not just walk; he walks with meditative awareness. He knows that he is walking. Eating...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  86. No Image

    Bliss is the greatest blessing in life

    Bliss is the greatest blessing in life. Without knowing bliss one lives in vain; in fact one does not live but only vegetates, one only dies. What we ordinarily call life is nothing but a gradual process of death. From the moment of birth we start dying. Every ...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  87. No Image

    What is the difference between Surrender and Blind Faith or Belief?

    Question 1: What is the difference between Surrender and Blind Faith or Belief? Many things have to be understood. First, the difference between faith and belief, and second, the difference between surrender and faith. Belief is always blind and cannot be other...
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  88. No Image

    The devotee - the real follower - is constantly watching what he is doing, how he is doing

    The devotee — the real follower — is constantly watching what he is doing, how he is doing, why he is doing. Even in small matters he de-automatizes himself. Walking, he does not just walk; he walks with meditative awareness. He knows that he is walking. Eating...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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  89. No Image

    Bliss and awareness are two sides of the same coin

    Bliss and awareness are two sides of the same coin: become blissful and you will be aware, or become aware and you will be blissful. One can do both simultaneously — and that’s the best course because then things happen in a faster way. Then it is not such a lo...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  90. No Image

    When is the renunciation true? — when you understand the futility

    He has abandoned worldly possessions to become a beggar. Why abandon worldly possessions? The worldly possessions can be abandoned in two ways. Again you have to understand: the man who has lived his whole life in collecting possessions can abandon them out of ...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  91. No Image

    A blissful person is inevitably good, inevitably virtuous

    A blissful person is inevitably good, inevitably virtuous, and a miserable person is bound to be evil. A miserable person may try to do something good but he cannot. You cannot give to people what you have not already got within you; you can give only that whic...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  92. No Image

    What is bliss? : Bliss needs great courage

    Bliss needs great courage. Any courage can afford misery — that’s why there are so many miserable people. It costs nothing to be miserable, it is not a risk at all. It is very convenient to be miserable; in fact, comfortable to be miserable. It feels secure to ...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  93. No Image

    The worship is true and significant only when it is out of love

    God can be worshipped either out of fear or out of love. If the worship is out of fear it is false, it is a sheer wastage of time. The worship is true and significant only when it is out of love, when it is out of bliss, when it is out of gratitude. One should ...
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  94. No Image

    Existence only echoes our beings

    Bliss is the juice of life. Bliss has already been given to you. It is your very center; without it you cannot exist at all. It is an undercurrent; we exist because of it. Existence is impossible, you cannot exist even for a single moment, if bliss disappears a...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  95. No Image

    Knowledge, awareness, will awaken you, here and now, to this very moment

    WHEN KNOWLEDGE IS DESTROYED, THE DREAM IS SEEN. If knowledge of the soul does not penetrate you, and if the flame within does not get its fuel, then dreams arise in your life; then desires arise, and your life loses its way and staggers there in the darkness. T...
    CategoryKnowing, Knowledge, Logic
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  96. No Image

    Belief is a repression of doubt and faith is an expression of trust

    Faith is not belief. Many people misinterpret faith as belief. Religious people misinterpret it, anti-religious people misinterpret it; both are agreed on one thing, that faith means belief. Faith does not mean belief at all. Belief is of the head and faith is ...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  97. No Image

    Is Vairagya, Nonattachment, a method, a means, an intermediate stage, or an end in itself?

    Question : Osho, Is Vairagya, Nonattachment, a method, a means, an intermediate stage, or an end in itself? It is all – because means and ends are not two things. The way and the goal are not two things. The way is just the beginning of the goal, and the goal i...
    CategoryRenounciation, Celibacy
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  98. No Image

    Doubt is the beginning, trust is the end. Doubt is the search, trust is the achievement.

    Thinking is a flow -- belief is stagnation. Thinking is a constant transcendence of oneself. Belief is to be imprisoned in oneself. So from wheresoever thinking begins, in the end it leads to the central and ultimate truth. Belief prevents one from reaching tha...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  99. No Image

    Devotion - is the refined quality of love

    Osho on Devotion Devotion is the refined quality of love. It has nothing to do with to whom. It is not a question of to whom it is addressed: Jehovah, God, Jesus, Buddha. It is not a question of it being addressed. Devotion is a quality in your heart. You feel ...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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