• Humanity will never be religious unless all organized religions disappear and religion becomes an individual commitment towards existence.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Belief is a barrier, trust is a bridge

    Belief is a barrier, trust is a bridge Question 1: Osho, I trust you unconditionally. at the same time, i don't believe you. can you speak about trust and belief? Baby, that is really great! Just groovy. I don't believe in my own statements either! We are in pe...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  2. No Image

    What is wisdom?

    Question 7 : Osho, What is Wisdom? Stephen Crane writes: I met a seer, he held in his hands the book of wisdom. “Sir,” I addressed him, “let me read.” “Child…” he began. “Sir,” I said, “Think not that I am a child, for already I know much of that which you hold...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  3. No Image

    Surrender is Understanding

    Question 2 Beloved Osho, My surrender is goal-oriented. I’m surrendering in order to win freedom, so it is not real surrender at all. I’m watching it, but the problem is: it is always “I” who is watching. Therefore, every realization out of that watching is rei...
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  4. No Image

    Buddha is very much in favor of intelligence

    Buddha is very much in favor of intelligence, but remember that he does not mean intellect by it. Intellect is a heavy thing, intelligence is more total. Intellect is borrowed, intelligence is your own. Intellect is logical, rational; intelligence is more than ...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  5. No Image

    What is Existence? Is it something like what people call god?

    Question : Osho, What is Existence? Is it something like what people call god? Sampurna, existence is that which is, and God is that which is not. Existence is a reality, God is a fiction. Existence is available only to meditators, people of silence; God is a c...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  6. No Image

    What is True Wisdom?

    Question 2 Osho, What is True Wisdom? WISDOM CANNOT BE TRUE OR UNTRUE. Wisdom is simply wisdom. It is truth. There is no possibility of there ever being an untrue wisdom. All knowledge is untrue: all wisdom is true. Knowledge is borrowed, hence it is untrue. It...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  7. No Image

    The whole language is circular and the opposite is necessary.

    Question 2: you said that existence is a wholeness, that everything is related, that things are melting into each other, that the tree cannot be without the sun and the sun also cannot exist without the tree. in reference to the above, please explain how ignora...
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  8. No Image

    Dhamma means many things. It means the ultimate law

    These sayings of Buddha are called THE DHAMMAPADA. This name has to be understood. Dhamma means many things. It means the ultimate law, logos. By "ultimate law" is meant that which keeps the whole universe together. Invisible it is, intangible it is - but it is...
    CategoryDharma (Dhamma)
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  9. No Image

    on Intelligence : Intelligence is not of the mind

    Osho on Intelligence Question 2: Beloved Osho, What is intelligence? Is it a state far beyond the mind and its limits? A kind of awareness of what the mind is, without belonging to it? Is meditation connected with intelligence? And is intelligence a potential t...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  10. No Image

    on Faith and Belief

    Osho on Faith and Belief Faith to a Christian or to a Mohammedan or to a Hindu is nothing but another word for belief, and a belief is never anything but a repressed doubt. Every belief has behind it a doubt. To repress the doubt you believe more and more ... b...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  11. No Image

    What really is the difference between a Baul, a Tantrika, a Bhakta, and a Sufi?

    Question 2: Osho, What really is the difference between a Baul, a Tantrika, a Bhakta, and a Sufi? Do they all belong to the path of love? They seem to be intermingled. Please enlighten. THE boundaries are overlapping. They are all on the path of love, but still...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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  12. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Bauls

    Osho Quotes on Bauls Baul is one belonging to a secret society of mystics. Just as Zen is in Buddhism and Sufis are part of Islam and Hassids are part of Judaism, Bauls are the flowering of the Hindu tradition; they are the highest flowering. ♦ The word baul me...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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  13. No Image

    Why not wake up this morning?

    Kabir says: MY INSIDE, LISTEN TO ME, THE GREATEST SPIRIT, THE TEACHER, IS NEAR, WAKE UP, WAKE UP! The original is: PARMATMA GURU NIKAT VIRAJE, JAG JAG MAN MERE.... Your real Master, your God, is very close by. You need not go to Kaaba or to Kashi in search of h...
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  14. No Image

    Wisdom is your Nature

    Saadi is a great poet and a great philosopher, he is a wise man. And remember, by “wise man” I don’t mean a man who knows much, no. Knowledge has nothing to do with wisdom. Remember knowledge is a substitute, a false substitute for wisdom. Wisdom grows in your ...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  15. No Image

    Real prayer is when God talks to you, unreal prayer is when you talk to God.

    Prayers done without meditation are formal, foolish Question 2: I want to Pray to God. Please teach me the way. DON’T bother God, He’s got his own problems. Don’t you see whatsoever He creates dies? Keep your problems to yourself. Why should one want to pray to...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  16. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Celebration (2)

    Osho Quotes on Celebration Meditation doesn't lead you to silence; meditation only creates the situation in which the silence happens. And this should be the criterion -- that whenever silence happens laughter will come into your life. A vital celebration will ...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  17. No Image

    on Saving Mother Earth

    on Saving Mother Earth Question 3 Beloved Osho, Many times in my meditation I asked you not to show me directly the tremendous tragedy that is happening on earth today, As I know I could never tolerate such suffering. Yet I'm sensing this all the time, even wit...
    CategoryNature, Earth
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  18. No Image

    Osho on Celebration

    Osho on Celebration When You Celebrate, the Whole Existence Participates with You “I celebrate myself, and I hope soon the day will come you will be celebrating yourself. And when thousands and thousands of people around the earth are celebrating, singing, danc...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  19. No Image

    Osho on Philosophy : It Is Playing with Shadows

    Osho on Philosophy I Avoid Philosophy Because It Is Playing with Shadows I am not teaching philosophy here. What I am saying has nothing to do with philosophy, it is absolutely experimental and experiential. My effort is to create a scientific religion -- the p...
    CategoryPhilosohpy, Thinking
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  20. No Image

    Surrender : What is the meaning of Surrender?

    on Surrender Question 3: What is the meaning of Surrender? How is Surrender? There are a few things, you have to do them if you want to know them. There is no way to tell anything about them. And surrender is one of those things. It is a dimension of love, let-...
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  21. No Image

    Existence - Osho Quotes on Existence

    Osho Quotes on Existence Existence is available for those who are available to existence. And then I tell you, there is no boredom. Life is infinite delight. ♦ God is whispering. God is a whisper. And you are deaf and God cannot shout. He is incapable of it bec...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  22. Osho Video : Don't Use This Planet Like a Waiting Room

    -Osho, "The Golden Future, #22, Q2" [Osho speaks about the understanding that we are guest here on this planet Earth and should treat the environment with respect. Existence has been so kind to invite you here.]
    CategoryNature, Earth
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  23. No Image

    If the crowd agrees with you, know you are wrong

    If the crowd agrees with you, know you are wrong I used to know a very strange man, Mahatma Bhagwandin. In India there were only two mahatmas: Mahatma Gandhi and Mahatma Bhagwandin. I am absolutely against Mahatma Gandhi on every point. Sometime I am going to t...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  24. No Image

    on Acceptance – Accepting is another name for Let Go

    [A sannyasin says she is still ’holding on’] Simply accept it. You are trying too hard not to hold, and that is creating a contradiction in your energy. That contradiction is more dangerous than holding. On one hand you are holding and on the other hand you are...
    CategoryAcceptance, Suchness
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  25. No Image

    Surrender: A moment’s reverence is enough

    If you have come across a buddha, then a moment’s reverence, says Buddha, is enough. Drop all your fear, drop all your greed. Learn how to be a disciple. Learn how to imbibe the spirit of someone who has reached his innermost center, who does not live anymore o...
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  26. No Image

    on Mother Earth

    Osho on Mother Earth Question : How important do you think the use of the land is in general, in terms of the development of human spirituality or society? Is it an important value? It has tremendous importance. It is our mother, the earth. We may not see, but ...
    CategoryNature, Earth
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  27. No Image

    Surrender : Surrender and Freedom become one

    Question 1 You say that religion is total freedom or moksha, and you also stress the importance of surrender in religion. But are not freedom and surrender contradictory in terms? They appear contradictory but they are not. And they appear so because of the lan...
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  28. No Image

    Who has Originated Bauls?

    Question : Who has Originated Bauls? Please explain. People like Bauls are never originated. Religions like the Baul religion are more like happenings. Who originated the roses? Who originated the songs that the birds go on singing every morning? No, we never a...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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  29. No Image

    Truth : What is Truth?

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Sometimes while just sitting, the question comes up in the mind: What is Truth? But by the time I come here I realize that I am not capable to ask. But may I ask what happens in those moments when the question arises so strongly that ha...
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  30. No Image

    Total acceptance is the key. It is the master key

    [A sannyasin says : My mind is very stubborn. I’m leaving tomorrow and I’d like a meditation to help me with my mind.] I think you are creating the problem. The mind disappears – but never by fighting, never by conflict. Conflict is food for the mind, so if you...
    CategoryAcceptance, Suchness
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  31. No Image

    Why can't I feel any wonder in Existence?

    Question 4 Beloved Osho, Why can't I feel any wonder in Existence? Shivananda, you are too knowledgeable, you know too much. And all that you know is just holy cow dung -- all knowledge always is. Wisdom is a totally different matter. Knowledge is all rot, junk...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  32. No Image

    Philosophy - Osho Quotes on Philosophy

    Osho Quotes on Philosophy Philosophy means knowing something about the unknown without knowing it. It is just preconceptions, hypotheses, man-constructed ideologies. ♦ Philosophy tries to explain things -- never succeeds. At the most, it can succeed only in exp...
    CategoryPhilosohpy, Thinking
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  33. No Image

    Intelligence - Osho Quotes on Intelligence

    Osho Quotes on Intelligence First, Know well that Intellectuality is not intelligence. To be intellectual is to be phony; it is a pretending intelligence. It is not real because it is not yours; it is borrowed. Intelligence is the growth of inner consciousness....
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  34. No Image

    What is dharma?

    Question 4: What is dharma? Simple questions from innocent disciples. Bodhidharma says: It was never produced, and will never be reduced; therefore, it is called dharma, the norm of the universe. Dharma simply means the ultimate law that keeps the universe toge...
    CategoryDharma (Dhamma)
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  35. No Image

    I understand everything that you say, But why does my Life still remain unchanged?

    Question 2: I understand everything that you say, But why does my Life still remain unchanged? Sudhas, to understand something intellectually is one thing, but to understand something intellectually is not going to transform your life. You will remain the same....
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  36. No Image

    Why don’t I trust you?

    Question 1 Osho, Why don’t I trust you? Prem Prageeta, trust is possible only if first you trust in yourself. The most fundamental thing has to happen within you first. If you trust in yourself you can trust in me, you can trust in people, you can trust in exis...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  37. No Image

    Surrender : Surrendering is trusting

    Question 1 Is Zen the path of surrender? Then how come the basic teaching of Buddha is ‘Be a light unto yourself’? The essential surrender happens within you, it has nothing to do with anybody outside you. The basic surrender is a relaxation, a trust — so don’t...
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  38. No Image

    Wisdom is not knowledge

    What is wisdom? It certainly is not knowledge. Knowledge is a pretender, it is a false coin. It looks like wisdom and because it looks like wisdom it is very dangerous. One can be easily deceived by it. Knowledge comes from without, wisdom arises within. Knowle...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  39. No Image

    Meditation means the purest intelligence

    Meditation means the purest intelligence Meditation is the greatest rebellion in the world. It is not ordinary revolution. Revolution has a political colour to it. Revolution is of the crowds rebellion is of the individual. Revolution is of necessity political,...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  40. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Compassion

    Osho Quotes on Compassion You cannot be in compassion because you have no energy. All your energy is divided, sometimes in sex, sometimes in anger, sometimes in greed. Compassion is not a form. Only when all your desires disappear does that energy become compas...
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  41. No Image

    Celebration is a natural state.

    “Celebration is without any cause. Celebration is simply because we are. We are made out of the stuff called celebration. That’s our natural state – to celebrate – as natural as it is for the trees to bloom, for birds to sing, for rivers to flow to the ocean. C...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  42. No Image

    Arhatas and Boshisattvas

    And the seventh circle will consist of arhatas and boshisattvas. The arhatas are those sannyasins who have arrived but are not interested in helping others to arrive. Buddhism has a special name for them: arhata – the lonely traveler who arrives and then disapp...
    CategoryArhata, Bodhisattva
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  43. No Image

    God is absolutely open to the prayers which have no demand.

    The existence is not willing for that. And it is good that it is not willing for that; otherwise, just as you are neurotic, the whole would go neurotic. So many wills imposing themselves upon existence, and if the existence were to yield to each and everybody’s...
    CategoryPrayer, Gratitude
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  44. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Bliss

    Osho Quotes on Bliss Misery is a by-product, so is bliss. Misery is a by-product of being asleep, bliss is a by-product of being awake. Hence you cannot seek and search for bliss directly, and those who seek and search for bliss directly are bound to fail, doom...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  45. No Image

    What is the meaning of Existence?

    Question 1: Osho, What is the meaning of Existence? Pravino, MEANING IS A HUMAN INVENTION. There is no meaning in existence itself, it is beyond meaning. It is not meaningless either because a thing can be meaningless only if it is possible for it to have meani...
    CategoryBliss, Existence, Celebration
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  46. No Image

    only religion says that suffering is caused by you

    Question 4 We very often feel that we create our own suffering. In spite of this, why do we continue creating them? And when and how does one stop creating one’s own suffering? The first thing, and very basic to be understood, is that whenever you say, We very ...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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    on Science help in saving Environment

    on Science help in saving Environment Question : What should be done... about the effects of science on the environments? It is almost too late... and the way that people are thinking to do something is not the way. The problem is very complicated and complex. ...
    CategoryNature, Earth
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  48. Osho Video : Crimes Against Humanity, Nature, Environment and Ecology

    Osho responds to a Zen anecdote while taking religions to task for the crimes against humanity, nature, the environment and ecology: "Religion's crimes are many, innumerable but the worst crime is that it has placed man at the center of existence." -Osho, "One ...
    CategoryNature, Earth
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  49. No Image

    on Divine Madness, Sanity and Insanity

    Osho on Divine Madness, Sanity and Insanity Question 1 : Beloved Osho, The more i watch the desires and needs of the mind, The more i come to a space that looks like madness. Please comment. It is madness, but it is higher than what you call sanity. There are t...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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    on Ecology and Lao Tzu's wisdom

    on Ecology and Lao Tzu's wisdom All life is a struggle -- to remove the other. All around there are enemies and friends are nowhere. Those who look to be friends are merely lesser enemies. Some are immediate foes some are distant foes. The former are a little t...
    CategoryNature, Earth
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  51. No Image

    Acceptance a deep, total acceptance is what religion is all about

    Question 1 I seem to be neither totally in the world, nor the watcher on the hill. how to be some place? i feel like i am in between, everything i do. Then that is exactly the place you should be. You go on creating problems. Wherever you are, be there. There i...
    CategoryAcceptance, Suchness
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  52. No Image

    Osho on Trust

    Osho on Trust Trust Itself Is Such a Blessing “When everything is going smoothly and beautifully, you can trust. But you are trusting somebody else: God, God’s only begotten son, any messenger of God, a prophet, a tirthankara or a Gautam Buddha. It does not mat...
    CategoryTrust, Doubt, Faith, Belief
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  53. No Image

    Where do Individuality and Ego separate?

    Question 4 : Where do Individuality and Ego separate? Individuality means your uniqueness -- not compared with anybody else. Your incomparable uniqueness: that is individuality. Individuality is beautiful; that's how God has made you -- as an individual. Ego is...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  54. No Image

    The Ultimate Sharpening of Intelligence is Meditation

    The Ultimate Sharpening of Intelligence is Meditation Meditation is a beginning of a new life. It is a resurrection. We love through the mind -- that is one way of life: dull, sterile, unoriginal, imitative, mechanical, repetitive, because mind is a machine. To...
    CategoryIntelligence, Wisdom
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  55. No Image

    What's the difference between a Madman and a Devotee?

    Question 1: What's the difference between a Madman and a Devotee? Not much. And yet much. Both are mad but their madness has a totally different quality to it; the center of madness is different. The madman is mad from the head; the devotee is mad from the hear...
    CategoryBaul, Bhakta, Devotion
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  56. No Image

    Why are you so much against Philosophy?

    Question 2 : Osho, Why are you so much against Philosophy? Sudheer. PHILOSOPHY means mind, philosophy means thinking, philosophy means going away from yourself Philosophy is the art of losing yourself in thoughts, becoming identified with dreams. Hence I am aga...
    CategoryPhilosohpy, Thinking
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  57. No Image

    Surrender - Osho Quotes on Surrender

    Osho Quotes on Surrender Surrendering means non-desiring. ♦ An enlightened person is the richest person possible, but his richness comes from surrender, not from fight. He does not... he has not any conflict with the whole. He has fallen in harmony, he is in a ...
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