• If you really want peace on earth, create peace in your heart, in your being. That is the right place to begin with and then spread.
    - Osho

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Fanaticism : Fanaticism simply shows one thing: that there is doubt.





Remember, knowledge belongs to the dimension of having; knowing belongs to the dimension of being. They look alike but they are not. Not even are they not alike, they are diametrically opposite to each other. A man who goes on collecting knowledge goes on losing knowing. Knowing needs a mirror-like mind -- pure, uncorrupted. I am not saying that knowledge is useless. If you have your knowing, clear, mirror-like, fresh, you can use your knowledge in a tremendously useful way. It can become beneficial. But the knowing has to be there in the first place.


Knowledge is very easy; knowing is very difficult. For knowing you have to pass through many fires. For knowledge nothing is needed -- as you are you can go on adding more and more knowledge to yourself. [....]


It is easier to have knowledge, very cheap, costs nothing; it is very difficult, arduous, to attain to knowing. That's why very few, very rare people try to meditate, very rare people try to pray, very rare people ever make any effort towards knowing what truth is. And whatsoever you have not known on your own is meaningless. You can never be certain about it. The doubt never disappears; the doubt remains like a worm underneath, sabotaging your knowledge. You can shout loudly that you believe in God but your shouting does not prove anything. Your shouting only proves one thing: that there is doubt. Only doubt shouts loudly. You can become a fanatic believer but your fanaticism simply shows one thing: that there is doubt.


Only a man who has doubt within himself becomes a fanatic. A fanatic Hindu means one who does not really trust that Hinduism is right. A fanatic Christian simply means one who has doubts about Christianity. He becomes fanatic, aggressive -- not to prove anything to others, he becomes fanatic and aggressive to prove to himself that whatsoever he believes he really believes. He has to prove it.


When you really know something, you are not a fanatic at all. A man of knowing, one who has come to know even glimpses of God. glimpses of his being, becomes very, very soft, sensitive, fragile. He is not fanatic. He becomes feminine. He is not aggressive. He becomes deeply compassionate. And, by knowing, he becomes very understanding of others. He can understand even the diametrically opposite standpoint. [....]


A man of knowing attains to a sense of humour. Let this always be remembered. If you see someone who has no sense of humour, know well that that man has not known at all. If you come across a serious man, then you can be certain that he is a pretender. Knowing brings sincerity but all seriousness disappears. Knowing brings a playfulness; knowing brings a sense of humour. The sense of humour is a must.


If you find a saint who has no sense of humour, then he is not a saint at all. Impossible. His very seriousness says that he has not achieved. Once you have some inner experiences of your own you become very playful, you become very innocent, childlike.


The man of knowledge is very serious. The man of knowledge always carries a serious, gloomy atmosphere around him. Not only does he carry a serious atmosphere, he makes anybody he comes into contact with, serious. He forces seriousness on them. In fact, deep down, he is worried that he does not know anything. He cannot relax. His seriousness is a tension. He is anguished. He knows that he knows only for its name's sake, he knows that his knowledge is all fake -- so he cannot laugh at it.


-Osho, "The Art of Dying, #5“




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
27 F Face : After the age of forty, you are responsible for your face.
26 F Fads : Fads become hiding-places for insane people.
25 F Faith : Be ready to fall in love with someone, with deep reverence
24 F Family : The conventional family is already out of date.
» F Fanaticism : Fanaticism simply shows one thing: that there is doubt.
22 F Fantastic : When you become conscious, it is really fantastic
21 F Fatalistic : The fatalist is one who has not understood life
20 F Fear : Allow fear, don't fight with it. Watch what is happening.
19 F Fear : Osho on Fear
18 F Fear : The absence of love
17 F Feeling : Feelings are more material, more substantial. They transform you.
16 F Feminine : It is higher, certainly higher, than the male qualities.
15 F Femininity : Become more feminine
14 F Fighting : Man is the most barbarious animal, and he kills man.
13 F Food : There is a deep association between food and love
12 F Forget Me : Remember yourself.
11 F Free Will : My will and God’s will?
10 F Freedom : Freedom for Gautama Buddha is the very law of life
9 F Freedom : Freedom from is not true freedom.
8 F Freedom : Osho on Freedom
7 F Friendliness : It has nothing to do with anybody else, it is basically your inner quality.
6 F Frustration : Don’t expect, and there will be no frustration
5 F Frustration : Frustration comes as a shadow of success.
4 F Fulfillment : One is fulfilled, utterly contented, one has arrived.
3 F Full Moon : Best for Meditation
2 F Future : Stop thinking in terms of the future
1 F Future : The future never comes. What comes is always here, now.
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