• My Message is very Simple. Live life as dangerously as possible. Live life totally, intensely, passionately, because except for life there is no other God.
    - Osho

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Fantastic : When you become conscious, it is really fantastic





Two women are talking in a tearoom at four o'clock over two large, gooey ice cream sundaes and little sugary cakes. They have not seen each other since high school days and one is bragging about her very advantageous marriage.


"My husband buys me whole new sets of diamonds when the ones I have get dirty," she says, "and I have never even bothered to clean them."


"Fantastic," said the other woman.


"Yes," says the first, "we get a new car every two months."


"Fantastic," says the other.


"And our house..." pursues the first woman, "Well, what is the use of talking about it, it is just..."


"Fantastic," finishes the other.


"Yes, and tell me, what are you doing nowadays?" asked the first woman.


"I go to the charm school," says the other.


"Charm school! Why, how quaint. What do you learn there?"


"Well, we learn to say, fantastic, instead of bullshit."


In your unconsciousness everything is bullshit. And when you become conscious, it is really fantastic: all tangles disappear, all problems disappear. But you need not go to a charm school to learn it, because in a charm school deep down the woman is saying, "Bullshit."


And she is just repeating like a parrot, "Fantastic," but she means bullshit. Not in a charm school, but in a school where your unconsciousness slowly, slowly disappears leaving a luminous being within you -- then there is no tangle in life.


I have lived a very strange life. Anybody else would have found so many tangles in it, so many troubles. I have also passed through all kinds of tangles, troubles, problems, but I have remained unscratched; I have enjoyed the journey. Whatever life brought to me, I have enjoyed it. I have tried to make the best out of it, whatever it is.


There is no point in crying and weeping over spilled milk. Any situation can be made a learning, a step towards maturity, can be turned into a beneficial opportunity. That is what I call intelligence; otherwise, what is the difference between intelligent people and unintelligent people.


-Osho, "The Invitation, #24, Q1“



Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
27 F Face : After the age of forty, you are responsible for your face.
26 F Fads : Fads become hiding-places for insane people.
25 F Faith : Be ready to fall in love with someone, with deep reverence
24 F Family : The conventional family is already out of date.
23 F Fanaticism : Fanaticism simply shows one thing: that there is doubt.
» F Fantastic : When you become conscious, it is really fantastic
21 F Fatalistic : The fatalist is one who has not understood life
20 F Fear : Allow fear, don't fight with it. Watch what is happening.
19 F Fear : Osho on Fear
18 F Fear : The absence of love
17 F Feeling : Feelings are more material, more substantial. They transform you.
16 F Feminine : It is higher, certainly higher, than the male qualities.
15 F Femininity : Become more feminine
14 F Fighting : Man is the most barbarious animal, and he kills man.
13 F Food : There is a deep association between food and love
12 F Forget Me : Remember yourself.
11 F Free Will : My will and God’s will?
10 F Freedom : Freedom for Gautama Buddha is the very law of life
9 F Freedom : Freedom from is not true freedom.
8 F Freedom : Osho on Freedom
7 F Friendliness : It has nothing to do with anybody else, it is basically your inner quality.
6 F Frustration : Don’t expect, and there will be no frustration
5 F Frustration : Frustration comes as a shadow of success.
4 F Fulfillment : One is fulfilled, utterly contented, one has arrived.
3 F Full Moon : Best for Meditation
2 F Future : Stop thinking in terms of the future
1 F Future : The future never comes. What comes is always here, now.
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