• Celebrate aloneness, celebrate your pure space, and great song will arise in your heart. And it will be a song of awareness; it will be a song of meditation
    - Osho

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Nothingness : Nothingness can either be just emptiness or it can be a tremendous fullness. It can be negative, it can be positive.




Nothingness can either be just emptiness or it can be a tremendous fullness. It can be negative, it can be positive. If it is negative it is like death, darkness. Religions have called it hell. It is hell because there is no joy in it, no song in it, there is no heartbeat, no dance. Nothing flowers, nothing opens. One is simply empty.


This empty nothingness has created great fear in people. That's why in the West particularly, God has never been called nothingness except by a few mystics like Dionysius, Eckhart, Boehme; but they are not the main current of Western thinking. The West has always conceived nothingness in negative terms; hence it has created a tremendous fear about it. And they go on saying to people that the empty mind is the Devil's workshop.


The East has known its positive aspect too; it is one of the greatest contributions to human consciousness. Buddha will laugh at this statement that emptiness is the Devil's workshop. He will say: Only in emptiness, only in nothingness, does godliness happen. But he is talking about the positive phenomenon.


For Gautam Buddha, for Mahavira, for the long tradition of Zen Masters and the Taoists, nothingness simply means no-thingness. All things have disappeared, and because things have disappeared there is pure consciousness left behind. The mirror is empty of any reflection, but the MIRROR IS there. Consciousness is empty of content, but CONSCIOUSNESS IS there. And when it was full of content, so many things were inside you could not have known what it is. When the consciousness is full of contents, that's what we call mind. When consciousness is empty of all contents, that's what we call no-mind or meditation.


To create nothingness in you is the goal of meditation, but this nothingness has nothing to do with the negative idea. It is full, abundantly full. It is so full that it starts overflowing. Buddha has defined this nothingness as overflowing compassion.


-Osho, "Guida Spirituale, #11, Q1"




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
21 N Nature : We are nature; to fight with nature is to fight with oneself.
20 N Nature : You are part of nature
19 N Need : Want and need are totally different.
18 N Negativity : The negative person is afraid of his own negativity.
17 N Nervousness : There is nobody who is in any way different from you.
16 N Neurosis : Neurosis is a deep hankering after attention, and if you give it attention, you feed it
15 N Neurosis : Not being happy with yourself is neurosis
14 N New : Only with the new is life. Only with the new, and only with the new is life. Life has to be fresh. Remain a learner, never become a knower.
13 N Night : The night is the time of the mystic, the day is the time of the warrior.
12 N Nirvana : One meaning is cessation of the ego, and the other meaning is cessation of all desires.
11 N No : Whenever you say no, you can feel power; whenever you say yes, you can feel love
10 N No-Mind : The insistence of all the great masters of the world that the door to reality is no-mind.
9 N No-Self : You are just a mirror reflecting nothing.
8 N No-thingness : Nothingness is your very nature.
7 N No-thinking : Thoughts are not yours; they are just floating in the air.
6 N Nobodiness : You are nobody. You are born as a nobodiness with no name, no form. You will die as a nobody.
5 N Non-identification : Non-identified is to be in god, other-worldly.
4 N Non-Possessiveness : Non-possessiveness does not mean forsaking external things, it means attaining inner fulfillment.
3 N Nonviolence : Never do violence of your own accord, but never allow anybody else to do it to you either.
» N Nothingness : Nothingness can either be just emptiness or it can be a tremendous fullness. It can be negative, it can be positive.
1 N Nudity : The whole of nature is nude except man.
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