• If you can really see a beautiful rose of a beautiful sunset with your totality there is no need of any other discipline to become a Buddha.
    - Osho

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The new man will be earthly. And by ‘earthly’ I don’t mean materialistic. The new man will be a realist. He will love this earth. Because we have not loved this earth and our so-called religions have been teaching us to hate this earth, we have destroyed it. It is a beautiful planet, one of the most beautiful, because one of the most alive. This planet has to be loved, this planet has to be rejoiced in. It is a gift. This body has so many mysteries in it that even a Buddha is possible only because of this body. This body becomes the temple of the greatest possibility: Buddhahood, nirvana. This body has to be loved. This earth has to be loved.


The new man will find his religion in nature – not in dead stone statues, but in living dancing trees in the wind. He will find his religion surfing on the sea, climbing on the virgin mountain. He will find his prayer with the snow, with the moon, with the stars. He will be in dialogue with existence as it is. He will not live with abstract ideas, he will live with realities. His commitment will be to nature, and through that commitment he will come to know super-nature. God is hidden here in this earth, in this very body. This very body, the Buddha. This very earth, the paradise.


The new man will read the scripture of nature. This will be his Veda, his Koran, his Bible. Here he will find sermons in the stones. He will try to decipher the mysteries of life, he will not try to demystify life. He will try to love those mysteries, to enter in those mysteries. He will be a poet, he will not be a philosopher. He will be an artist, he will not be a theologian. His science will also have a different tone. His science will be that of Tao, not an effort to conquer nature, because that effort is just foolish. How can you conquer nature? – you are part of nature. His science will be of understanding nature, not of conquering nature. He will not rape nature, he will love and persuade nature to reveal its secrets.


-Osho, "The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1, #14, Q1"



Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
21 N Nature : We are nature; to fight with nature is to fight with oneself.
» N Nature : You are part of nature
19 N Need : Want and need are totally different.
18 N Negativity : The negative person is afraid of his own negativity.
17 N Nervousness : There is nobody who is in any way different from you.
16 N Neurosis : Neurosis is a deep hankering after attention, and if you give it attention, you feed it
15 N Neurosis : Not being happy with yourself is neurosis
14 N New : Only with the new is life. Only with the new, and only with the new is life. Life has to be fresh. Remain a learner, never become a knower.
13 N Night : The night is the time of the mystic, the day is the time of the warrior.
12 N Nirvana : One meaning is cessation of the ego, and the other meaning is cessation of all desires.
11 N No : Whenever you say no, you can feel power; whenever you say yes, you can feel love
10 N No-Mind : The insistence of all the great masters of the world that the door to reality is no-mind.
9 N No-Self : You are just a mirror reflecting nothing.
8 N No-thingness : Nothingness is your very nature.
7 N No-thinking : Thoughts are not yours; they are just floating in the air.
6 N Nobodiness : You are nobody. You are born as a nobodiness with no name, no form. You will die as a nobody.
5 N Non-identification : Non-identified is to be in god, other-worldly.
4 N Non-Possessiveness : Non-possessiveness does not mean forsaking external things, it means attaining inner fulfillment.
3 N Nonviolence : Never do violence of your own accord, but never allow anybody else to do it to you either.
2 N Nothingness : Nothingness can either be just emptiness or it can be a tremendous fullness. It can be negative, it can be positive.
1 N Nudity : The whole of nature is nude except man.
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