• We remain unnecessarily worried. All worries are futile because that which is going to happen is going to happen.
    - Osho

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Unclarity and Clarity : Unclarity is the mystery of life. Clarity is tiny

Unclarity and Clarity



Stop calling those moments, 'moments of confusion'. That is a condemnation, and that very condemnation creates the problem. There are moments of clarity, moments of unclarity, and both are good, both are needed. A few things grow through clarity and a few things grow only through unclarity. And you will be surprised to know that things that grow through clarity are not as valuable as the things that grow through unclarity. Unclarity is the mystery of life. Clarity is tiny; unclarity is infinite. Clarity is just like this small lighted place (of Chuang Tzu Auditorium), unclarity is the whole cosmos and its darkness. Clarity is just like a clearing in a forest: you can manage a small clearing, but beyond that is the forest. And the real life is there in the forest. The child needs the womb to grow, because the womb is dark and mysterious. The seed needs the soil to grow: it has to go deep into the soil, it disappears into the darkness. Keep it in the light and it will never grow; the clarity will kill it.


Those moments that you call 'moments of clarity' belong to your conscious mind, and those that you call 'moments of confusion', and I am calling 'moments of unclarity', belong to your unconscious, and the unconscious is vast. If you call it confusion, you are already against it; you have made a judgement. Use words very carefully; they mean much. Even meaningless words mean much, because they decide the trend, attitude, approach and vision. Just think: if you call it unclarity, you are not against it. You have not taken any standpoint, you are simply stating a fact. Call it confusion and you have already decided that this is something bad, a kind of illness, something that has to be got rid of; you have to be free of it. You have chosen!


And be careful about other words that we use, because those words carry the taboos and repressions of centuries. Confusion is a condemnatory word invented by the logical mind, and the logical mind is a very small, mediocre mind. The real belongs to the illogical. Love will come out of the illogical. Calculation is of logic, but love is not. Cleverness, cunningness is of logic, but tears and laughter are not of logic; they come from within beyond.


Remain open to it. And be in deep acceptance, cherish it. When those moments of unclarity are there, enjoy them. They make life mysterious....


That resistance has to be understood and dropped. And I am not saying to repress your resistance. If you repress your resistance it will not go, it will grow. I am saying to try to understand it. In that very understanding you will see.


And be very particular about words. Watch what words you use and what connotations the words have. Start using more and more words which have no connotations, which are non-judgmental, and great will be the pay-off. Non-judgmental words have to be used, factual words have to be used, not loaded with emotion and conditioning. Just call it confusion and it is one thing; call it unclarity, it is another. Call it mysteriousness and now the whole quality has changed; now you would like it to come more often. It is your poetry, it is your dance, it is the very source of your life.


It is from that unknown that life springs and one day again moves back to. The seed is deep underground, then the tree comes and blooms. One day the tree is gone, the blooming is gone, and again everything has entered the womb of the earth. So is our life: we come and go. From where we come, we don't know; to where we go, we don't know. One can never know, and it is good that one can never know. If all is known then life will be just a boredom; if all is clear, all is meaningless. Then all becomes obvious; there is nothing to explore.


It is going to happen -- just be a little more watchful.


-Osho, "The Sun Behind the Sun Behind the Sun, #24“




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
21 U Ugliness and Beauty : Ugliness has nothing to do with your body
20 U Ultimate : There is no ultimate goal
19 U Unawareness : To be in the mind, to be identified with the mind, is unawareness.
» U Unclarity and Clarity : Unclarity is the mystery of life. Clarity is tiny
17 U Unconscious Mind : The unconscious mind is nine times bigger than the conscious; it has tremendous treasures, all the memories of your past.
16 U Unconsciousness : In your unconscious many things are buried which find expression through your conscious.
15 U Unconsciousness : Nobody else is putting you in hell. You don't have to wait for anybody to change you
14 U Understanding : Understanding cannot be studied
13 U Unexpected : Life is an adventure because the unexpected happens
12 U Unhappiness : Happiness is when you disappear. Unhappiness is when you are too much. You are the discord, your absence will be the accord.
11 U Unhappiness : Unhappiness depends on the frame of your mind.
10 U Uniqueness : Each individual is unique; uniqueness is a gift from existence.
9 U Uniqueness : Uniqueness is religious, specialness is political.
8 U Universities : Your knowledge has become poison.
7 U University : Education is certainly the process of liberation, but it has not been actualized anywhere in the world.
6 U Unknowable : Unknowable is called god, truth, nirvana
5 U Unknown : The unknown can only challenge you. The unknown can only provoke and seduce you for a pilgrimage.
4 U Unpredictability : Only the unpredictable man can feel happiness, can feel like no one else. Life itself is unpredictable
3 U Unpredictable : The moment you become predictable, you become a machine.
2 U Unreality : Ego is unreal; thought process is not unreal. Thought process is a reality.
1 U Upanishads : It simply means sitting down close to a Master; it is a communion.
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