• Conditional love is nothing but an infatuation, sexuality. Unconditional is the only way love can be.
    - Osho

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In the Western universities they have been teaching knowledge for centuries. Now in the East also, universities are teaching knowledge because they are nothing but copies of the West. Basically, originally, Eastern universities never taught knowledge. Nalanda and Takshashila, they were not teaching knowledge, they were teaching meditation. They were teaching a deep ignorance and a deep mystery around. Now there exists no Eastern university. All of the universities are Western wherever they exist, whether in the East or in the West. They go on stuffing the mind with knowledge.


So whenever a student comes back from a university he is a stuffed being. He has no soul, he has only knowledge. And then he creates problems. He will create them because the university has given him only the ego -- nothing else. He has not learned a single piece of humanity or humbleness. He has not touched a single point of non-ego. He has not looked from that window from where life is mystery. He is ignorant; he has not looked from that window. He has been stuffed with knowledge. Knowledge gives him the feeling that he is very significant and very important because he KNOWS. The ego is strengthened, then the ego creates every problem that is possible.


The ego creates politics, the ego creates ambition. The ego creates jealousy, the ego creates a constant struggle, violence, because the ego cannot be satisfied unless it reaches to the top. And everyone is trying to reach to the top. A cut-throat competition arises in every arena of life. In economics, politics, education, everywhere, there is cut-throat competition. No one is interested in himself; everyone is interested in the ambition to reach to the top and no one thinks where he is going when he is reaching to the top. What will you achieve just by reaching the top? Nothing is achieved. You simply waste your life.


Eastern universities were teaching a deep ignorance -- the basic ignorance that man cannot penetrate the mystery because the mystery is ultimate. It is basic to nature... and man is just part of the same mystery. When these two mysteries meet -- the mystery within man and the mystery within existence -- when these two mysteries meet, there is ecstasy. Life becomes beautiful. It becomes an eternal music; it becomes a dance. You can dance only if there is mystery. The dancing god is needed -- a god who can dance. And existence is dancing all around. Look! This is not a theory. Look at existence! It is dancing all around. Every particle is dancing. Only you have become stuck to the ground. You cannot move, you cannot dance because you know; your knowledge has become poison.


-Osho, "The Supreme Doctrine, #8"




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
21 U Ugliness and Beauty : Ugliness has nothing to do with your body
20 U Ultimate : There is no ultimate goal
19 U Unawareness : To be in the mind, to be identified with the mind, is unawareness.
18 U Unclarity and Clarity : Unclarity is the mystery of life. Clarity is tiny
17 U Unconscious Mind : The unconscious mind is nine times bigger than the conscious; it has tremendous treasures, all the memories of your past.
16 U Unconsciousness : In your unconscious many things are buried which find expression through your conscious.
15 U Unconsciousness : Nobody else is putting you in hell. You don't have to wait for anybody to change you
14 U Understanding : Understanding cannot be studied
13 U Unexpected : Life is an adventure because the unexpected happens
12 U Unhappiness : Happiness is when you disappear. Unhappiness is when you are too much. You are the discord, your absence will be the accord.
11 U Unhappiness : Unhappiness depends on the frame of your mind.
10 U Uniqueness : Each individual is unique; uniqueness is a gift from existence.
9 U Uniqueness : Uniqueness is religious, specialness is political.
» U Universities : Your knowledge has become poison.
7 U University : Education is certainly the process of liberation, but it has not been actualized anywhere in the world.
6 U Unknowable : Unknowable is called god, truth, nirvana
5 U Unknown : The unknown can only challenge you. The unknown can only provoke and seduce you for a pilgrimage.
4 U Unpredictability : Only the unpredictable man can feel happiness, can feel like no one else. Life itself is unpredictable
3 U Unpredictable : The moment you become predictable, you become a machine.
2 U Unreality : Ego is unreal; thought process is not unreal. Thought process is a reality.
1 U Upanishads : It simply means sitting down close to a Master; it is a communion.
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