• My whole teaching is just be yourself, never interfere with anybody elses freedom. Freedom is my ultimate value.
    - Osho

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Bullshit : 'Bullshit' is a far better word than 'rationalisation'



Question 2

Please explain the difference between rationalisation and 'bullshit'.


'Bullshit' is a far better word than 'rationalisation', but they mean the same. 'Rationalisation' is a clinical word -- a word to be used by the professor, 'bullshit' is more alive. 'Rationalisation' is bloodless, 'bullshit' is very young, alive and kicking. But the meaning is the same, they are not different things.

The henpecked husband and his wordy wife were walking down the country road having one of their arguments in the usual way. She was winning. Suddenly she turned and saw a bull charging down the road. There was no time to warn her husband so she jumped into a hedge. The bull caught the man on its horns and sent him spinning fifty feet into the air. He came down in a ditch. When he finally managed to crawl out, he saw his wife standing on the road.

'Maria' he said 'if you hit me like that again you'll really make me lose my temper.'

Now this is bullshit. If you ask a psychoanalyst, he will call it a rationalisation.

The culture society was organising a group to be comprised strictly of virgins, when a young lady carrying a baby appeared.

'But, madam' protested the president 'that is evidence that you are not eligible for this society. Why do you think you will be able to join?'

'I was only foolin' around when this happened' she explained. 'So I thought I could get in as one of those foolish virgins.'

This is bullshit. 'Rationalisation' is a philosophical term. 'Bullshit' comes from the ordinary man, from the masses, people who live on the earth, with the earth, whose hands are muddy. The word 'bullshit' is also muddy as it is being used by people who are working, living the ordinary life. It does not come from the ivory towers of a university. But remember, it is more authentic, it says much more than 'rationalisation'. And always remember this, that words that are coined by professors are always anaemic. They are dead words -- clinical, but do not say much; rather than saying, they hide. Let me say it in this way, the very word 'rationalisation' is a rationalisation: it is being used to avoid the word bullshit'.


-Osho, “Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1, #10, Q2“




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
43 B Babies : All babies are beautiful, but all grown-ups are not beautiful.
42 B Bachelorhood : she was also looking for a perfect husband!
41 B Baggage : On the highest peaks, one has to be weightless.
40 B Balance : Witnessing brings balance.
39 B Bardo : Between These Two Dreams
38 B Beauty : The deeper you become, the more beautiful you are.
37 B Beggars : The meeting of a world conqueror with a beggar
36 B Beginners : The Zen person always keeps the beginner's mind
35 B Behaviorism : He lives in such cowardly ways, he is so afraid of anything new.
34 B Belief : The believer is not a seeker.
33 B Betrayal : There is only one betrayal: and that is to betray one's own life.
32 B Bibles : People become interested only when they are almost in their graves.
31 B Biography : After Self-Knowledge there Is No Autobiography
30 B Birthdays : One is never born and never dies; both are illusions.
29 B Bitterness : We are bitter because we are not what we should be.
28 B Black hole : Black hole is like Buddha’s concept of emptiness
27 B Blame : The whole responsibility is yours, don't blame anybody
26 B Blindness : Don't carry the books
25 B Bliss : Bliss needs great courage
24 B Bliss : Blissfulness is our birthright
23 B Body : The body has a great wisdom in it.
22 B Boiling Point : They don't have intensity. They live only so-so, lukewarm
21 B Books : Beware of knowledge. It is so cheap to become knowledgeable.
20 B Boredom : A Buddha is not bored, A Jesus is not bored
19 B Boredom : Boredom comes out of insensitivity.
18 B Boredom : Boredom is human, a very great quality
17 B Boring Life : The sun rises every day, you can say that it is repetitive. It is not
16 B Bosses : There is no hierarchy.
15 B Boundaries : All boundaries are our beliefs
14 B Bragging : Don't try to kill the ego -- you cannot.
13 B Brainwashing : I am a brainwasher.
12 B Bravery : A brave man is a cunning coward.
11 B Breakdown : Breakdown brings you below the mind. it is insanity.
10 B Breasts : Their childhood is still there.
9 B Breath : Breath is your life; it contains all that life contains
8 B Breath : Everybody breathes wrongly
7 B Bribery : Unless God is removed the priest cannot be removed
6 B Brownnose : In monkeys there exists a hierarchy. Perhaps the same mind and the same hierarchy are carried by man too
5 B Buddhafield : An energy field where you can start growing, maturing
» B Bullshit : 'Bullshit' is a far better word than 'rationalisation'
3 B Burdens : People have condemned your innocence as ignorance.
2 B Business : Business should not enter into your being, that is true.
1 B Busyness : People want to remain occupied. Nobody wants to rest
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