• Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed–borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.
    - Osho

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Christianity has a tremendously beautiful concept of forgiveness. Christianity says: If you ask to be forgiven from your deepest core, you will be forgiven. Why? Is there somebody who can forgive you? No, but if you ask in intense passion to be forgiven, the very idea of repentance becomes forgiveness. If you have really asked, realized that you have done something wrong; if it has been a total realization and you accept the responsibility that it was wrong and that you are ready to repent for it and you repent wholeheartedly, the very repentance becomes the forgiveness. Then there is no need to do anything else, because all sins are nothing but unconscious acts. Repentance makes you conscious, alert. Sin is like darkness. You bring a light, a lamp into darkness and darkness disappears. Sin is because you are asleep.


If you repent, you awake yourself. Because there is no other way to repent unless you awake yourself, unless you come to realize and see what you have been doing, how you have been living, how you have been wasting, how you have been hurting. When you come to realize it, a flame starts burning in you, an awareness; and in that awareness, in that light, darkness disappears. It is not that there is a God personified sitting somewhere on a throne in heaven who goes on forgiving you. There is nobody to forgive you. But if you repent, you will be forgiven.


God is not a person; God is the totality. God is existence, the totality of being. It is not that you have to pray to Him so that He can forgive, no. In your praying you are forgiven. The very prayer, the very recognition that you have been wrong and you recognize it and you repent, is enough. All that you have been up to then is, wiped, washed. You are cleansed of it. The old is gone, the new is born. This is resurrection.


-Osho, "Come Follow To You, V. 4, #11" (previously titled Come Follow Me)




  1. No Image

    on Forgiveness

    Question 2: Osho, Recently rudolph hess, one to the last nazi big shots, died. he committed suicide in jail in berlin, where he was imprisoned for forty-six years. he was the right hand man of adolf hitler. "I don't repent anything," he said before the court in nuremburg, "and if i could start from the very beginning, i would do the same t...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  2. No Image

    Why is it so difficult to forgive, to stop clinging to hurts long since past?

    Question : Osho, Why is it so difficult to forgive, to stop clinging to hurts long since past? The ego exists on misery – the more misery the more nourishment for it. In blissful moments the ego totally disappears, and vice versa: if the ego disappears, bliss starts showering on you. If you want the ego, you cannot forgive, you cannot forg...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  3. No Image

    Anger and sadness are both the same

    Question: Osho, I can feel myself moving from anger into sadness. I don't know whether I should try and get the anger out or just let it explode inside. Anger and sadness are both the same. Sadness is passive anger and anger is active sadness. Because sadness comes easy, anger seems to be difficult. because you are too much in tune with th...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  4. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Forgiveness

    Osho Quotes on Forgiveness "Forgiveness simply means you accept the person as he is, you still love him the way he is. Forgiveness means that you don’t judge him, that you are non-judgmental. But ordinarily we think forgiveness means you know that he has done wrong, still you forgive him. First you judge and then you forgive. Your forgiven...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  5. No Image

    I have said, "Express your negative emotions;" I have not said, "Publicly."

    Question 2 Osho, have you suggested that now is the time for me to live out my negative emotions, because in the past i never allowed myself to show them in public? i remember a group experience, years ago, in which one of the exercises was to express, in your own way, any emotion suggested, and i was unable to express anything except ange...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  6. No Image

    Anger is always proportionate to desire

    Question : Osho, What is anger? How can i remain cool and connected, but responsive in the crucial moment? The psychology of anger is that you wanted something, and somebody prevented you from getting it. Somebody came as a block, as an obstacle. Your whole energy was going to get something and somebody blocked the energy. You could not ge...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  7. No Image

    Never repent about the past because that is again wasting the present

    Question : Osho, My mind, the monster, distracts me even when i’m sitting in discourse. It simply takes over and thinks all sorts of silly thoughts and by the time discourse is over i get the feeling i missed another golden opportunity to be with you, drink from you, tune in with you. This leaves me very, very sad. what can i do? Nishigand...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  8. No Image

    I teach you to forgive others, but even more to forgive yourself.

    Love knows how to forgive. Not only does one have to forgive others, one has to forgive oneself too, and that is the harder thing because we have been taught to feel guilty; we are burdened by guilt. A burdened man cannot grow and one who feels guilty feels always sick; he does not allow his wounds to heal. So I teach you to forgive others...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  9. No Image

    Anger is just the opposite of Prayer. To live in an angry way is to live without Prayer

    Man can live in a violent way. That’s how many people live: aggressive – aggressive with others, aggressive with themselves. And those who are aggressive with others and with themselves are bound to be aggressive with existence itself. The relationship between you and the existence is impossible if any kind of aggression remains in the min...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  10. No Image

    Repentance Becomes Forgiveness

    Christianity has a tremendously beautiful concept of forgiveness. Christianity says: If you ask to be forgiven from your deepest core, you will be forgiven. Why? Is there somebody who can forgive you? No, but if you ask in intense passion to be forgiven, the very idea of repentance becomes forgiveness. If you have really asked, realized th...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  11. No Image

    Only suffering will cleanse you, not forgiveness.

    It says that one of the pillars of Christianity is forgiveness. It looks beautiful when you hear the word `forgiveness’, but the implications are very evil. A man rapes a woman. The man will be forgiven by God, but what about the woman? The criminal is forgiven, what about the victim? There is not a single mention that the victim will be r...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  12. No Image

    Shift from anger to creativity

    [A sannyasin says he never knows what to do with his anger. He has done many groups, but it still comes up.] And do you think it is always anger or does something else hide behind it?… It is not really anger. Only on the surface does it look like anger. Deep in your being you are so full of energy that you don’t know what to do with it; th...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  13. No Image

    The sadness is sad because you dislike it

    Question 5: Day by Day, Near you, I find myself liking my sadness. What is happening to me, Osho? That’s how it should be. If you can like your sadness also, then the sadness is no longer sad. The sadness is sad because you dislike it. The sadness is sad because you would not like to be in it. The sadness is sad because you reject it. Even...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  14. No Image

    What is true repentance?

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, What is true repentance? The religions have made much fuss about repentance. Jesus goes on repeating again and again to his people, "Repent, repent, because the kingdom of God is close! Repent, because the day of judgment is coming close!" First, religions make you feel guilty; otherwise, repentance would not have...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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