• The only authentic responsibility is towards your own potential. Values have not to be imposed on you. They should grow with your awareness, in you.
    - Osho

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Buddha says: MASTER YOURSELF.... If you are at all interested in mastery -- and who is not interested? -- then become interested in self-mastery. Don't waste your time in trying to dominate others. The effort to dominate others creates political conflict; the whole world is full of it. Even in personal relationships politics enters and destroys them. Even when you love a woman or a man, the mind starts its cunning ways to dominate, to possess, to destroy the freedom of the other... because you are afraid. You are afraid that if YOU don't dominate, the other is going to dominate you.


And for all those who want to dominate others, Machiavelli is the teacher. In India also a similar type of man has existed; his name was Chanakya. He preceded Machiavelli by thousands of years. Both men are the foundations of the extrovert mind; they have laid the foundations. And their first foundation is: the best way to defend yourself is to attack. Hence, before the other attacks you, attack the other. Before your wife starts dominating you, you dominate her, or before your husband starts dominating you, you dominate him.


A young man was going to get married. He asked his father, "Is there any advice for me?" And the father whispered something into his ear. The young man laughed and said, "I will take care of it."


He went to the town to get married. As the couple were coming back to the village, the horse who was carrying them from the town stopped. The young man was very angry. He said to the horse, "This is the first time -- I can forgive you, but remember, I can forgive you only two times."


The horse moved, but again he stopped at another place and wouldn't budge. The young man said, "This is the second time -- now be alert!"


And when the horse stopped for the third time, the young man got down, took his pistol and shot the horse immediately then and there. The horse fell down.


The wife could not believe her eyes -- what cruelty! She said, "What are you doing?"


He said, "This is the first time.... Remember, you have only two more chances."


And from that day, it is said, his wife always followed him. What else to do?


This has been the way down the ages: either the husband dominates or the wife. In ninety-nine percent of the cases the wife dominates, because the husband is trying to dominate in the outside world, in the marketplace. He comes home so tired, he comes home so frustrated, he has no desire, will or power to fight with the woman. And the woman has been waiting the whole day, accumulating. Her energies are fresh and she has nowhere to go to dominate anybody else; only the husband is her dominion.


Man has imprisoned woman in the house at a great cost, because he has taken away all other possibilities of going on ego trips. Now only one outlet is left -- he himself -- and he is suffering a lot. In fact, the Women's Liberation movement is not only woman's liberation; if it really happens, it will be far more MAN'S liberation. Hence I don't see any intelligent man against it; all intelligent men are for it, because they know if the woman really becomes free they will be free too. It is going to be freedom for both.


It is one of the laws of life: either you both can be free or you both will be slaves. It is not possible that one should be the master and the other should be the slave. The law is that the master is always a slave of his own slave, because his mastery also depends on the slave. Without the slave he will not be a master at all.


The child finds all these people around, running in the same direction. The child is vulnerable, open, ready to be impressed. It is very difficult for the child to find a Buddha, to find a Jesus. He always finds these stupid people living their lives in absolute unawareness. He starts imitating them. By the time he is of age he is already structured, programmed, conditioned.


Unless you make a great effort to get out of this conditioning you will not be free. Unless you make a great, concentrated, determined decision that you have to get out of it -- even if life itself needs to be staked you are ready to stake your life for the freedom from all kinds of conditionings -- there is not much possibility. But you can make the decision.


This is what sannyas is: a determination, a decision, a commitment -- a commitment to yourself, a gift to yourself.


MASTER YOURSELF... because mastering yourself you enter into the kingdom of God, you enter into the real world of peace and bliss. You enter into your own treasures -- they are inexhaustible. You come to know for the first time the richness of your being, the beauty of your being and the ecstasy of your being.


MASTER YOURSELF ACCORDING TO THE LAW. Now, there is a possibility you may misunderstand Buddha, because "according to the law" in the eyes of Christians and Jews and Mohammedans means according to the law prescribed in their books: the Ten Commandments, the Koran, the Bible. That is not the meaning of Buddha. "According to the law" does not mean the law of the state or the law given by the priests. "According to the law" for Buddha means according to the ultimate law of life and existence.


-Osho, "The Dhammapada - The Way of the Buddha, Vol 6, #3"



  1. No Image

    A loving person cannot be ambitious

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    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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    If you can be ordinary, You are successful

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  3. No Image

    Authority belongs to experience. Authoritarianism belongs to somebody else

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  4. No Image

    What is the relationship between power and responsibility?

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  5. No Image

    Don’t be dominated and Don’t try to dominate

    You should not try to influence anybody, and you should be alert that you are not influenced by others. The ego can do both but it cannot remain in the middle. The ego can try to influence, then it feels good, dominating, but remember that the ego also feels good being dominated. The masters feel good because so many slaves are dominated, ...
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  6. No Image

    Ambition and Inferiority

    8. I call the wheel of life – going round and around on the axle of ambition – hell. It is this fever of ambition that poisons life. Among the most serious diseases and mental troubles that man has known, there is no greater disease than ambition – because a mind which is disturbed by the winds of ambition is not destined to have peace, mu...
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  7. No Image

    What is ambition?

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  8. No Image

    Integrated, you are free; integrated, you become rebellious

    Appearances are very deceptive. Appearances may give you respectability but they cannot give you contentment. And some day or other, in some way or other, the truth has a way of surfacing. Truth cannot be repressed forever. If it can be repressed forever, eternally, then it is not truth. In the very definition of truth one should include t...
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  9. No Image

    Uniqueness is religious, specialness is political

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  10. No Image

    Money, Power, Prestige – they all make you cunning

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  11. No Image

    Ambition - Osho Quotes on Ambition

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  12. No Image

    Personal power and power over others

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  13. No Image

    People say that they want to stop, but they are not yet tired

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  14. No Image

    Ambition is violent, ambition is murderous

    The politicians have always been stupid; this is nothing new. Otherwise why should they be politicians? They would have been poets, they would have been mystics, they would have been painters, they would have been musicians, they would have been dancers. But when a person cannot be anything, when he has no talents, no intelligence, then, t...
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  15. No Image

    Ambition : is the result of an inferiority complex

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  16. No Image

    Please talk about the Misuse of Power.

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  17. No Image

    on Manipulation – Manipulation is so useless and futile a thing.

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  18. No Image

    Money, power, prestige – they all make you cunning

    Money, power, prestige — they all make you cunning. Seek pleasure and you will lose your innocence; and to lose your innocence is to lose all. Jesus says: be like a small child, only then can you enter into my kingdom of God. And he is right. But the pleasure-seeker cannot be as innocent as a child. He has to be very clever, very cunning, ...
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  19. No Image

    Power is a way to repress your inferiority complex

    Bliss makes one victorious. Money cannot make one victorious; at the most It covers up your property It does not make you rich, remember. It simply helps you to forget your poverty, That’s all — poverty remains, persists But becomes repressed. Wealth is a way to repress poverty Power is a way To repress your inferiority complex, But you re...
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  20. No Image

    I am afraid of being nobody. Would you please commend?

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  21. No Image

    More a person is suffering from Inferiority, more ambitious he becomes

    Try to understand why there is ambition within us. What is the reason for our running so madly? The reason is that the more a person is suffering from inferiority, the more ambitious he becomes. The more inferiority you experience, the more you feel that you are nothing, the more you will become ambitious. Why? Through ambition, you want t...
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  22. No Image

    Power-oriented people can create much, but their creation is basically criminal.

    Question 4 Osho, Is it true that power-oriented people were needed to create this commune? Is it also true that meditative and loving people cannot create such beautiful and rich communes? Please comment. Power-oriented people can create much, but their creation is basically criminal. And sooner or later, it is going to fall apart. Meditat...
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  23. No Image

    Don’t waste your time in trying to dominate others

    Buddha says: MASTER YOURSELF.... If you are at all interested in mastery -- and who is not interested? -- then become interested in self-mastery. Don't waste your time in trying to dominate others. The effort to dominate others creates political conflict; the whole world is full of it. Even in personal relationships politics enters and des...
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  24. No Image

    The Compulsion to Reach Power and Prestige

    Question 2: Osho, It seems to me that human beings feel that just to be themselves is not enough. why do most people have such a compulsion to reach power and prestige and so on, rather than just being simple human beings? It is a complicated question. It has two sides, and both have to be understood. First: you have never been accepted by...
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  25. No Image

    Authoritarian People are suffering from Inferiority Complex

    Question 5 Beloved Osho, How can we avoid being Authoritative? It is very simple. The people who are authoritarian are the people who are suffering from an inferiority complex. To hide their inferiority they impose their superiority. They want to prove that they are somebody, that their word is truth, that their word is law. But deep down ...
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  26. No Image

    Power cannot fulfill a love need

    The ego goes on agreeing for wrong things, because the ego can exist only with the wrong. It feeds on the wrong. So whenever you feel that your ego is fulfilled, beware! — you have eaten something wrong, you have swallowed something wrong. Whenever you feel egoless, relax — now you have eaten the right, something which is in tune with your...
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  27. No Image

    If you cannot trust life, who are you going to trust?

    LIFE CAN BE LIVED IN TWO WAYS. One is that of the soldier, and the other, that of the sannyasin. Either you can fight with life or you can relax with life. Either you can try to conquer life or you can live in a deep let-go. The path of the soldier is the wrong path, because it is impossible to conquer life — the part cannot conquer the wh...
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  28. No Image

    Ambition is misery

    Unless Ambition is Killed, you will remain in misery. Ambition is the source of all miseries. What is ambition? ’A’ wants to be ’B’, the poor wants to be rich, the ugly wants to be beautiful. Everyone longs to be someone else, something other than what he is. No one is content with himself. That’s what ambition is. Whatsoever you are, you ...
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  29. No Image

    The nourishment of the ego comes from the challenge of the far away

    Truth is the most obvious and the most simple thing in existence. This has created tremendous difficulty – the mind is not interested in the obvious. The mind is not excited by the simple, because deep down mind is nothing but your ego, and the nourishment of the ego comes from the challenge of the far away. The more arduous, the more tort...
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