• Insecurity is beautiful. And the day you know insecurity is beautiful, you have know the wisdom if insecurity.
    - Osho

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A life becomes really alive only when love blossoms, otherwise it is a tree with no flowers, it is a bird who is dumb, cannot sing, or a bird without wings. A life without love is crippled inwardly, paralysed, from the outside everything will be as it should be but from the inside something is missing — something which makes everything valuable, something without which it is all dark.


Love is the lamp of the interior world, the light of the within. But love brings many problems, sometimes so big that it seems safer to avoid it. It brings anxiety, conflict, fear, bondage. It is absolutely needed. The person who avoids it is committing suicide, but the people who live calculatedly, whose lifestyle is rooted in arithmetic, whose vision is not more than the material, the worldly, the outside, whose vision consists only of the miserable, the logical — they are bound to decide against love. They will call love madness … And they are not absolutely wrong either.


They are right because love brings so many problems that life becomes a turmoil, an insanity. One loses all balance and then to get out of it is very difficult — one thing leads to another, one problem to many other problems. Hence the cautious person decides against love, but then he has decided against life itself. Then he is living meaninglessly. Then he simply vegetates and calls it life. He drags and he feels continuously that there is no dance, no significance, but he consoles himself ‘It is so because life itself is meaningless — what can I do?’


That’s what Jean-Paul Sartre and other existentialists say: life itself is meaningless, it is not our fault! Life is absurd, it is not our fault. But they are utterly wrong! Life is not absurd, life is not meaningless, but meaning comes through love. Life is only an opportunity to grow into love. Love brings problems — hence all the religions of the world have decided against love. These religions have been invented by very Jewish people — calculating, businesslike.


As far as I can see all the religions have been founded by Jews! (laughter) They may be known or hidden — that’s another thing — but it is a Jewish conspiracy, because they all live with such calculation. The monastery is nothing but an escape from love. Love can become without any problems if one more element is added to it — that is awareness. Unconscious love creates problems. In fact it is not love that creates problems, that is a misunderstanding. It is the unconsciousness in it which creates problems.


Rightly analysed one can see clearly from where the problems come. They don’t come from love itself, they come from unconciousness. It’s unconsciousness that creates jealousy, that creates possessiveness, that creates domination, that fear, that creates anxiety about the future, that creates suspicion, doubt. It is unconsciousness that brings anger, hatred, conflict — it is not love at all. But we are such a mixture that unless you are very aware you will not be able to separate them.


The moment you become alert they can be separated. And once you are able to separate what love is and what unconsciousness is, once you are conscious of your unconsciousness it starts disappearing, because that is the only way to make it evaporate. To be conscious of unconsciousness simply means that consciousness cannot allow unconsciousness to exist any more.


It is like bringing light into a dark room; the moment the light is inside the room the darkness disappears. Yes, when you are bringing the lamp and the room is still far away you can see that it is dark. The closer you come the more you can see that it is dark. but the moment you enter into the room the darkness disappears.


In a Sufi parable, a mystic asked one of his disciples, ‘Go out and see whether the sun has risen yet or not!’ It is very early, the last phase of the night, and the disciple says, ‘There is no need to go. I can see from the windows it is very dark and the sun has not risen yet.’ But the master says, ‘Then you take a lamp with you and go and look for the sun — whether it has arisen yet or not. If it is dark then take a lamp.’


The disciple feels very puzzled. The master looks crazy, but he is giving an indication to the disciple. He is not talking about the outside world, he is talking about the inside world. He is saying, ‘If it is dark then take the lamp and look, whether it is really dark or not. And the moment you take the lamp it is no more dark.’


The same happens when you become aware. The first thing is that unconsciousness and love are separated.When all the misery that has remained associated with love is no more associated with love. Love becomes purified, a fragrance, and the unconscious starts disappearing because you start becoming more and more conscious of it.


This is the whole process of sannyas. Only two things to be remembered, love and awareness. Love plus awareness is equal to sannyas.


Religions in the past have lived in a very uncreative style. The very orientation of the religions has been uncreative, escapist, life-negative. That's why so many centuries have passed and man is still irreligious (laughter). There are two kinds of irreligious people, those who are honestly irreligious and say so, and those who are not honest enough and go on pretending that they are religious but are not.

It is very rare to come across a person who is religious. In the temples, in the mosques, in the churches, in the synagogues, you will find phony people, pretending to be religious -- they are not. But it is not their fault. They have been conditioned in a wrong way, and each generation goes on conditioning the new generation. That becomes almost a heritage. All the diseases of the older generation become part of the mind of the new generation. This heritage has to be disowned -- only then one becomes a sannyasin.

One has to disown the whole past. One has to learn a totally new style of religiousness. To me life-affirmation, blissfulness, creativity -- these are very fundamental, the very roots of an authentic religious consciousness. And then life certainly becomes a song, a celebration.

The old saints lock so sad and so serious, so dull, so dead, that I would like my people to get rid of all those saints. It is better to be with a sinner who knows how to laugh than to be with a saint who has forgotten how to laugh.

It is better to be an ordinary person but capable of singing and dancing and loving and sharing, than to become closed into a very subtle ego of holier-than-thou.

My sannyasins have to be blissful and they have to create their life in such a way that slowly slowly it starts having the flavour of music, the rhythm of a song, the harmony of a dance. And it is possible It is our birthright. We have been denied and we have been taught wrong things which are functioning like hindrances. They can be immediately removed -- one need not wait for tomorrow. It is only a question of clarity.

Once you are clear about what the impediment is, you either remove it or you by-pass it or you step over it. You need not be hindered by it because it is dead and you are alive and life can always find ways and means. And that's what we are doing here, trying to find out as many ways, as many means as possible, so that all kinds of obstacles can be either removed or by-passed or stepped over.

But once the decision settles in the heart that 'I have to make my life a song, a celebration, a festival of lights,' then nothing can prevent you, then nothing is impossible.

The ultimate truth cannot he conquered. we are too small and it is too vast. moreover we are just part of it and the part cannot conquer the whole. But we can invite. Even the poorest person can invite the richest man. Even a beggar can invite the emperor. And if there is a sincerity, intensity and passion in the invitation, it has never been rejected.


- Osho,  “The Old Pond… Plop, #10”



  1. No Image

    I stand for absolute freedom, individuality

    Question : Do you have any message for us in this new beginning? Just remember one thing: the sannyas movement has entered a critical stage. It is a good sign; it will bring maturity, strength, togetherness. What is to be remembered is that ...
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  2. No Image

    Only the rebellious spirit comes to release its fragrance

    Sannyas is the beginning of freedom: freedom from politics, freedom from religion, freedom from all kind of bondages. It is entering into universality, it is dropping the local boundaries. A sannyasin is neither an Indian nor an American nor...
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  3. No Image

    Sannyasins have to learn how to remove the barriers.

    Parijat is the name of an Eastern flower. Flowers represent many things. The one thing that is the most important of all those is the phenomenon of flowering, of opening. Man is also a flower, but closed like a bud. And unless we make a deli...
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  4. No Image

    A sannyasin has to remember not to take anything for granted

    Existence loves us all. We are here, that is enough proof, otherwise we would not have been here at all; we have been chosen to be by existence. It is not our choice, we have not created ourselves; it is the decision on the part of the whole...
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  5. No Image

    Sannyas means trusting me, because the journey is unknown and no maps are available.

    Nirjara. It is one of the most important words in the Eastern search for truth. It comes from the Jaina tradition. That tradition is very much unknown in the West but is one of the most important in the East, as important as the Buddhist tra...
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  6. No Image

    Sannyas is an effort to discover your intrinsic innocence

    Nirdosh means innocent. Sannyas is an effort to discover your intrinsic innocence. It is not an effort to gain knowledge. The knowledgeable person is always a stupid person. The knowledgeable starts depending on knowledge, he starts function...
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  7. No Image

    We are born only as opportunities, then everything depends on us

    Love is the highest form of poetry — and by poetry I don’t mean anything literal. To me poetry is far more than just composing poems. Poems can be composed even by someone who has no poetic life, who has no poetic grace. He can compose poems...
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  8. No Image

    All my sannyasins are rebels; no other kind of people can be my sannyasins

    Question : Osho, Are your sannyasins all rebels? Is it true that a rebel is born and not made? Or are we born rebels but tamed and conditioned by our societies? Jivan Mary, one who is not a rebel will not come close to me. The very fact that...
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  9. No Image

    Neo-sannyas is an effort to introduce the concept of ’sannyas without any renunciation of the world’

    Question : What is Neo – Sannyas all about? Neo-sannyas is an effort to introduce the concept of ’sannyas without any renunciation of the world’. To me, India has given only one thing to the world, to human consciousness, and that is the con...
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  10. No Image

    One who has divine discontent is the most fortunate

    Deva means divine, atosha means discontent. One who has divine discontent is the most fortunate, because only those who are afire with a desire to know god will be able to know him. And the fire has to be a total fire; one has to burn at the...
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  11. No Image

    Why do we wear one hundred and eight beads on our malas?

    Question 4 Why do we wear one hundred and eight beads on our malas? Does this belong to the world of ritualistic religion? Yes, it belongs to ritualistic religion. Don’t become ritualistic, but don’t become anti-ritualistic either. A little ...
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  12. No Image

    I have not stopped the sannyas movement

    Question 2 Osho, Is it just a coincidence that you started the neo-sannyas movement on september 26 and stopped it on the same day after fifteen years? I have not stopped the sannyas movement; I have stopped it becoming a religion. A movemen...
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  13. No Image

    Osho on Sannyas

    What is sannyas? Sannyas is a journey; by and by you will come to know what it is. Every day it will take new colours and new shapes and new forms. It is not like a dogma that you can say what it is. It is an unfolding journey. Every day you...
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  14. No Image

    Earnestness, sincerity, authenticity — these are the foundations of sannyas

    Earnestness, sincerity, authenticity — these are the foundations of sannyas. They are not different things but different aspects of the same phenomenon. One has to be utterly truthful about oneself. One need not hide, only cowards hide. The ...
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  15. No Image

    Sannyas is a direct relationship between a sannyasin and god?

    Question 5: You said that sannyas is a direct relationship between a sannyasin and god, and that you are just a witness to it. but then the question arises if your witnessing will not create a kind of distrust in sannyas. please explain. You...
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  16. No Image

    What would be the daily routine, the discipline of your sannyasin?

    Question 3: What would be the daily routine, the discipline of your sannyasin? You ask what the daily routine of my sannyasin would be. It is not a question of my sannyasin. How can anyone be my sannyasin? He or she will be just a sannyasin....
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  17. No Image

    Sannyas is your decision.

    The sannyasin is exactly the polar opposite of the soldier. Sannyas means a loyalty born out of love, not out of fear, out of growth, not out of retardation, out of your freedom, not out of your slavery. I give you total freedom because my t...
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  18. No Image

    Sannyas has to be a commitment, a deep involvement, a love affair

    Sannyas can become the dawn of bliss it depends on you, it all depends on you. If it becomes a commitment it can transform you totally. If it remains only a formality then nothing happens through it. Only when you are committed to something ...
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  19. No Image

    My sannyasins have to learn the whole art of being available to both worlds

    Man has completely forgotten the inner dimension, he has become obsessed with the outer. He goes on and on changing toys, more money, more power, more prestige. These are all toys. You can play with them but meanwhile you are wasting preciou...
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  20. No Image

    Sannyas cannot be accidental; it should be intentional.

    Question : Osho, The other day i heard you say that when we take sannyas we make you out a blank check of our lives. I can imagine that this statement would rock the very floorboards of the conservative element the world over. But as far as ...
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  21. No Image

    Love plus awareness is equal to sannyas

    A life becomes really alive only when love blossoms, otherwise it is a tree with no flowers, it is a bird who is dumb, cannot sing, or a bird without wings. A life without love is crippled inwardly, paralysed, from the outside everything wil...
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  22. No Image

    Sannyas is a quantum leap.

    Sannyas is a pilgrimage, A pilgrimage from the dark night of the soul Toward the dawn of the spirit. It is not a ritual, it is an inner revolution. It is not a formality, it is a love affair. Unless it is something from your very heart, It w...
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  23. No Image

    They are not my slaves; neither am I their slave.

    Question : I want to explain to our readers who the sannyasins are. Is the sannyasin a sort of new man? You say that the sannyasins are innocent children. Your critics say that they are your slaves, slaves of your attitude towards work, life...
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  24. No Image

    Nine Qualities of a Sannyasin

    The Nine Qualities of a Sannyasin 1. An openness to experience. 2. Existential living. 3. A trust in one's own organism. 4. A sense of freedom. 5. Creativity. 6. A sense of humor, laughter, playfulness, nonserious sincerity. 7. Meditativenes...
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  25. No Image

    Each of my Sannyasins is individual; that’s my message to them

    [The visitor replies: I think they are; the sannyasins want to be copies of you.] That is their misunderstanding. If somebody wants to…. But I am continuously throwing them to themselves. And you need not be that way! Even if others are maki...
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  26. No Image

    Sannyas is a beginning, not an end

    Question 4 You have said not to condition children with our ideas. what about sannyasin children? why not let them choose consciously whether and when to take sannyas? for example, for children living in the west -- outside of the ashram any...
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  27. No Image

    Rain Falling Softly on Earth

    Rain Falling Softly on Earth Question 1 Osho, You tell me to float, but my body is so heavy with a dead-weight mind that I feel I will drown if I float. So I keep swimming in panic. Floating is a totally new way of life. You are accustomed t...
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  28. No Image

    If you don’t want to wear the mala and red clothes, then pack your luggage and get lost

    Question : Beloved Osho, A few people are feeling not to wear their Malas or Red clothes, But they consider themselves Rajneeshees and want to live here. How does this fit your vision? There are no Rajneeshees, and there is no Rajneeshism. T...
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  29. No Image

    I am here for my sannyasins, my whole energy is for them

    [A new sannyasin asks about his soulmate, a non-sannyasin, who is sitting a few rows away. “I wish that she could also look into your eyes for just a few seconds, to receive your energy…”] That is not possible without becoming a sannyasin… f...
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  30. No Image

    Sannyas is Eternal

    Sannyas is Eternal Question : What do you, you foresee as the future of your sannyas movement? do you see it as prospering, even when you're not here? Sannyas movement is not mine. It is not yours. It was here when I was not here. It will be...
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  31. No Image

    On His Movement

    On His Movement I never think in terms of a movement, in terms of making a church, a religion; I simply go on sharing my heart with whosoever knocks on my door. And the grass goes on growing…. There are one million sannyasins around the worl...
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  32. No Image

    To live dangerously is what my sannyas is all about

    Challenge brings integrity; otherwise a person remains hollow, empty. If all facilities are provided for you and there is no danger in your life, you will remain hollow and empty. God gives life with all its dangers. My sannyas is to accept ...
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  33. No Image

    A sannyasin has to learn to live life moment to moment with total intensity

    Religion has been dominated by ill and pathological people for centuries… My approach to religion is totally different. It is rooted in celebration, in wholeness, in health. I am not against life, I am in absolute love with life because to m...
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  34. No Image


    (Source : http://www.sannyas.org/index.php?title=Rajneeshism) Meanwhile, Sheela announces the religion of Rajneeshism and publishes the book 'Rajneeshism', a compilation from Osho's earlier discourses. An Academy of Rajneeshism established a...
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  35. No Image

    A sannyasin is a person who lives more and more in alertness

    Each sannyasin will be a totally unique person. I am not interested in the society. I am not interested in the collectivity. My interest is absolutely in individuals — in you! And meditation can succeed where mind has failed, because meditat...
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  36. No Image

    Never ask me how a sannyasin should be

    Question 1: Osho, When i am working in the west i feel like an orange warrior, and i like it. When i am here i feel meditative, and i like it. Is the part of myself that still needs to fight an obstacle to becoming a good disciple? Deva Maji...
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  37. No Image

    To be initiated into sannyas means to be initiated into truth.

    False things are always cheap. You can always purchase a mask for your face, a beautiful mask. To transform your face into a beautiful face is an arduous journey. It needs great transformation in your being because your eyes will show that w...
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  38. No Image

    Sannyas means a radical change in your life style

    Sannyas means a radical change in your life style Turning your energies inwards A one-hundred-eighty degree turn is needed. And bliss is there, just you have to turn in. You have to become again rooted in your being. You have become uprooted...
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  39. No Image

    I found that people can change their clothes very easily but they cannot change their minds.

    The seeker of the future or the future of the seeker? Question Beloved Osho, In one of your latest letters to the therapists hasya said that you abandoned the outer sannyas in favor of the inner sannyas. would you please say more about it? I...
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  40. No Image

    Sannyas is simply an initiation into new spaces within you, a change from the head to the heart, from logic to love

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, Why is it so difficult for me to take sannyas? ever since i saw you in an interview on tv one year ago, i've never been so nervous before in my whole life. sometimes i wish i'd never heard of you, and, on the other ...
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  41. No Image

    To be a sannyasin means to be surrendered, seeing ’I am part of the whole. It is ridiculous to fight, so l surrender.’

    To be a sannyasin means to be surrendered, seeing ’I am part of the whole. It is ridiculous to fight, so l surrender.’ And in that very surrender you are victorious; now you cannot be defeated. There is no one to defeat you and there is no o...
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  42. No Image

    My sannyasin represents togetherness of action and meditation

    My sannyasin represents togetherness of action and meditation He is in the world and yet not of it. He is like a lotus flower coming out of dirty mud, but transforming the mud into the beauty of a lotus, living in a lake yet untouched by the...
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  43. No Image

    Sannyas movement simply means the movement of the seekers of truth

    Question : What do you, you foresee as the future of your Sannyas Movement? Do you see it as prospering, even when you’re not here? Sannyas movement is not mine. It is not yours. It was here when I was not here. It will be here when I will n...
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  44. No Image

    Is there a special significance in changing one's name and wearing a mala given by you?

    Question 7: Is there a special significance in changing one's name and wearing a mala given by you? Yes, it has significance, great significance. The change of name has great significance for a sannyasin. It is an index, a symbol. Everything...
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  45. No Image

    I am a sinner. can i also become your sannyasin?

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, I am a sinner. can i also become your sannyasin? Govind, yes, absolutely yes! In fact, only a sinner can become a sannyasin. Those who think themselves saints, holier-than-thou, they are the closed people, they are ...
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  46. No Image

    My sannyasins will have to face many antagonistic situations

    Being blissful is taking a risk — because the mob lives in misery, and naturally it does not allow anybody to be blissful. That hurts the crowd, it wounds the mob; they start thinking “How dare you be blissful?” They are very at ease if you ...
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  47. No Image

    Sannyas is not renunciation of life but a tremendous love affair with life

    Life is divine. In fact life and God are synonymous. There is no God except life, and there is no life except God; they are two terms for the same mystery. But for centuries religious people have been against life. They were living with the ...
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  48. The Mala is a Device for Meditation

    The Mala is a Device for Meditation You ask me, “Why this mala? Why this picture?” I will say, “Use it in this way, and this will happen,” and my answer is as scientific as possible. Religion never claims to be rational, the only claim is of...
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  49. No Image

    On Initiation Into Sannyas

    On Initiation Into Sannyas It is only the blind who miss, it is only the deaf who miss, but the greater part of humanity consists of blind and deaf people. Initiation into sannyas means that now you will search for the eyes and the ears. The...
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  50. No Image

    A new man is emerging

    Question 1 Osho, What according to you is the most significant thing that is happening today in the world? A new man is emerging. The image of the new man is not yet clear, but the horizon is becoming red and the sun will soon be there. The ...
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  51. No Image

    My message to my sannyasins is: be unique, be individuals

    The word ’nija’ has many meanings: one is self, another is individual.When a person is just his own self, when a person has an individuality – when a person lives his way, in his own way, lives his life in his own way, when a person doesn’t ...
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  52. No Image

    To be a sannyasin is to take a decision to grow

    To me, sannyas is not something very serious. Life itself is not very serious, and one who is serious is always dead. Life is just an overflowing energy without any purpose, so to me, sannyas is to lead life purposelessly. Live life as a pla...
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  53. No Image

    Sannyas is a new birth, the beginning of something mysterious in life

    Remember that sannyas is a new birth, the beginning of something mysterious in life, something that is very elusive. There is no way to argue it, to prove it, but it is. And unless it starts having its impact on you, your life goes on missin...
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  54. No Image

    Before death happens, Let Sannyas happen

    Question : Beloved Osho, I am seventy-five years old. I want to become a Sannyasin, but I don’t know why i am hesitating. Prakash Chandra Sethia, I think you should wait a little more! Let death come first, then I can initiate you into sanny...
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  55. No Image

    Why is it so difficult for me to take sannyas?

    Question 1 Osho, Why is it so difficult for me to take sannyas? ever since i saw you in an interview on tv one year ago, i've never been so nervous before in my whole life. sometimes i wish i'd never heard of you, and, on the other hand, i'm...
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  56. No Image

    Sannyas : Only meditation is the essence

    My vision Sannyas Only meditation is the essence That's what sannyas is all about. It is an initiation into a kind of bliss that is non-temporal, which begins but never ends. And once you have tasted of it there is no way of going back. Just...
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  57. No Image

    To be a sannyasin means a deliberate, conscious search for truth

    Even priests are not interested in god. The very word “god” does not create anything in your heart, it does not ring any bells; it is something arbitrary, artificial. But bliss is natural — even trees are searching for it in their own way. I...
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  58. No Image

    Become riverlike. Become a white cloud floating in the sky, and let the winds take you wheresoever they take

    Question 1: Osho, In place of the ten commandments, with which i was brought up, i have given myself a new set of rules — be alert, be patient, be spontaneous, accept myself. All questions are mind questions — no question comes out of no-min...
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  59. No Image

    Taking sannyas means that you will be entering an Identity Crisis

    Taking sannyas means that you will be entering an identity crisis. For a few days you will not know who you are any more, because you are not the old one – that is finished; you have moved out of it, that belongs to you no more. It will go o...
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  60. No Image

    Feel First Your Own Feeling

    Feel First Your Own Feeling Question 2 This morning you spoke of the need to be responsible, to not lean on others, to be alone. I see I have been taking sannyas as an excuse to avoid these things – Asking you all the time what to do, callin...
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  61. No Image

    on giving Mala with Osho picture

    Question 1: Osho, in the last sitting you spoke about the mala, about changing the color of the clothing, about changing the name, and the reasons for these things. why do you wish your own picture to be worn around the neck, especially when...
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  62. No Image

    Sannyas, to be meaningful, has to be a new birth

    Sannyas is "This will be your new name... and the beginning of a new life, a new birth. Sannyas, to be meaningful, has to be a new birth - less than that is not helpful. And it is a question of attitude - birth is a question of attitude. If ...
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  63. No Image

    Why should i take sannyas?

    Question 7: Osho, Why should i take sannyas? Because tomorrow you may not be. The next moment you may not be. And sannyas is nothing but a vision of living this moment utterly, totally, absolutely. Sannyas simply means that you will not post...
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  64. No Image

    Can a businessman, who takes to your sannyas, play-act as a black marketeer?

    Question 4: You said that sannyas is a blissful phenomenon; it is not renunciation. in my view, the first shankaracharya was a sannyasin of bliss, and in that sense he can be taken for your sannyasin. please explain. also explain why you lay...
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  65. No Image

    Sannyas is a pilgrimage to Mt. Everest, naturally there are difficulties on the way. But the fruits of determination are sweet too,

    Love. SANNYAS is a pilgrimage to Mt. Everest, naturally there are difficulties on the way. But the fruits of determination are sweet too, so bear everything calmly and joyously but don't give up your commitment. Serve your mother even more t...
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  66. No Image

    My sannyasins are not my followers.

    Daeniela literally means god is my judge. It is a declaration of trust in the ultimate, it is a declaration that 'I am not going to compromise for anything less than the ultimate -- not with the society, not with the church, not with the sta...
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  67. No Image

    The most important thing in life is to discover your truth

    Bliss is a rebellion and also a victory. It is a rebellion against the stupid society in which we are brought up, against the dull and dead tradition that has been imposed upon us. All kinds of ideologies, philosophies, theologies, have been...
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  68. No Image

    A sannyasin has to reflect God. He has just to be a mirror

    We have chosen the colour of the morning for sannyas to symbolize that each sannyasin is nothing but the birth of a new sun. This is only the beginning of a long long journey. If you allow, then much can happen, but it all depends on you, on...
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  69. No Image

    Love is the last stage of sannyas because love also knows no laws, no rules

    Prem means love and arudha is the last stage of sannyas, the perfect renunciation, where one transcends all disciplines, where one goes beyond all rules, where one follows no code, where one lives absolutely spontaneously, where one lives mo...
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  70. No Image

    What is the difference between a seeker and a sannyasin?

    Question 2: What is the difference between a seeker and a sannyasin? can't one be a seeker without being a sannyasin? One cannot be a seeker without being a sannyasin, because to be a seeker is the beginning of sannyas. A seeker is one who i...
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  71. No Image

    I give names as messages

    Sannyas Names I give names as messages. You will have to unfold it, live it, and by and by the name will become a reality. Right now it will only be a name, but if you work on it it will become your reality. It will not be any more a name, n...
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  72. No Image

    Why do you give sannyas to almost anybody who comes to see you?

    Question 1: Osho, Why do you give sannyas to almost anybody who comes to see you? What is your concept of sannyas? what obligation does it involve? To me, sannyas is not something very serious. Life itself is not very serious, and one who is...
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  73. No Image

    If you have decided to remain thirsty, it is up to you

    Question : Do you think that you will be unable to work upon me if i do not take your Sannyas? Have you come to find your capacities or have you come to find my capacities? Are you your problem, or am I your problem? Leave me to myself; you ...
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  74. No Image

    My sannyas is not a discipline. My sannyas is freedom, freedom from all control

    Question : What I mean by Sannyas is a spiritual discipline so that one becomes a Religious person, but it is not happening to me. What to do? My sannyas is not a discipline. My sannyas is freedom, freedom from all control – even from self-c...
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  75. No Image

    How is One to know that Sannyas is Good?

    Question : How is One to know that Sannyas is Good? Sir, the proof of the pudding is in its tasting. Become a sannyasin: there is no other way. It is an experience; you have to know it through your own experience. And it is such an interior ...
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    Osho on Lotus : The lotus is the symbol of the ultimate unfolding of consciousness

    Osho on Lotus The lotus is the symbol of the ultimate unfolding of consciousness. It is the most beautiful flower in the East, the most fragrant, and it has become the symbol of ultimate awakening, ultimate awareness. It has become the symbo...
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  77. No Image

    My sannyas is not for the sad and the dead

    Meditation is a process of rebirth. The first birth is only physiological, biological material. Don’t think that that’s all there is to life. Coming out of the womb of the mother is only an opportunity for a second birth, for the real birth....
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  78. No Image

    Don't you think that initiation into sannyas will lead to the formation of a sect around you?

    Question 6: Don't you think that initiation into sannyas will lead to the formation of a sect around you? You think it will lead to the formation of a sect. No, it will not. To form a sect certain things are essential. To form a sect one nee...
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  79. No Image

    Nobody can call My Movement a Cult, Sect or Religion.

    Question : What has grown around you has been presented by newspaper as a cult, as a sect, and i wonder if you can now explain what it is and what is the function of sannyasins in this movement. It is simply a movement, neither a cult nor a ...
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  80. No Image

    My message to my sannyasins is: be unique, be individuals

    The word ’nija’ has many meanings: one is self, another is individual.When a person is just his own self, when a person has an individuality – when a person lives his way, in his own way, lives his life in his own way, when a person doesn’t ...
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  81. No Image

    Sannyas is not Negative

    Sannyas is not negative. The very word denotes negativity, but it is not a pure negativity. It means to leave something, but it is only leaving something because you have gained something else. Something has to be left. It is not that leavin...
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  82. No Image

    The vision of short-term sannyas.

    I have yet another kind of sannyas in my vision I have yet another kind of sannyas in my vision which I would like to share with you. It is the vision of short-term sannyas. I don't want a person to take a vow of lifelong sannyas. In fact, a...
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  83. No Image

    If I leave the body I am not going to leave my sannyasins.

    Question 5 One of your sannyasins, anubuddha bharti, stays with us in chicago. his entire life has been transformed by you. he is concerned about you leaving him soon. what can i tell him when i go back? Tell him that even if I leave the bod...
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  84. No Image

    Osho's Guidance on Robes

    [Osho's guidance on the wearing of maroon and white robes, which he gave last year to Ma Deva Anando to pass on to everybody in the commune, was read again at the meeting of the White Robe Brotherhood on March 27, 1990.] The white robe shoul...
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  85. No Image

    Sannyas is not so cheap.

    I want my people to understand it clearly. Neither your clothes, nor your outer disciplines nor anything that has been given to you by tradition and you have accepted it just on belief, is going to help. The only thing that can create a revo...
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  86. No Image

    What is a good sannyasin?

    Question 2: Once at Darshan I heard you say of a visitor that he would be a good sannyasin. What is a good sannyasin? First, what is a sannyasin? A sannyasin is one who has come to understand the futility of so-called worldly life. A sannyas...
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  87. No Image

    Sannyas is a journey from misery to bliss

    Sannyas is a journey from misery to bliss. We are living in misery. Sometimes it is less, sometimes it is more; when it is less you don’t feel it so much but the difference is only of degree. You are never really blissful and the moments tha...
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  88. No Image

    Sannyas means getting rid of the whole past

    Man lives with a false idea about his being and it is that false notion that causes all the miseries, that creates hell. There is no way to get rid of miseries living within your world of the ego. You can change from one misery to another mi...
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  89. No Image

    September 28, 1970 was a memorable day , Osho initiated His first group of sannyasins.

    (September 28, 1970 was a memorable day. At Manali in the Himalayas, Osho initiated His first group of sannyasins. This event was followed by this special evening discourse, on the significance of Neo Sannyas.) To me, sannyas does not mean r...
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  90. No Image

    I teach you Responsibility, Responsibility makes you feel strong

    Christianity has made you feel responsible for two thousand years, has made you feel guilty, that you are the sinner. Now psychoanalysis goes to the other extreme: it simply says you are not the sinner, you are not to feel guilty — you are p...
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  91. No Image

    A sannyasin is one who has known the world as frustrating

    Whatever you have desired — fulfilled, unfulfilled, it makes no difference — the moment the desire has come into your mind, into your heart, you have created ripples, waves. They will go on. This wheel, this sansar, is constituted of all the...
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  92. No Image

    A sannyasin simply means: who has agreed to meditate.

    Question : I'm thinking of the sannyasins. is that definition still hold true that work is meditation? The work is just meditation. A sannyasin simply means: who has agreed to meditate. Nothing more. Who is willing to go as far as possible. ...
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  93. No Image

    To be a sannyasin is to take a decision to grow

    To be a sannyasin is to take a decision to grow, to take a decision to go into dangers, to take a decision to live in indecision. This seems paradoxical. It is not. One has to begin somewhere, and even to live indecisively one has to have a ...
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  94. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Sannyas

    Osho Quotes on Sannyas That is the meaning of my SANNYAS: be in the world but don't be of it. And, nothing is of worth if it is not done through love. -Osho, "The Beloved, Vol 1" ♦ That's what sannyas is all about: the art of living in the w...
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  95. No Image

    on Mala - 108 beads and thread

    Question 4 Beloved Osho, Does it mean the same to wear a mala or a dross? Jan, it does not mean the same -- they are polar opposites. The people who have become interested in the cross are pathological. They are not interested in Christ, the...
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  96. No Image

    What is Sannyas? : Sannyas is a crazy way of living life

    Question : Osho, What is Sannyas? Moses, sannyas is a crazy way of living life. The ordinary way is very sane, mathematical, calculated, cautious. The way of sannyas is non-calculative, beyond mathematics, beyond cunningness, cleverness. It ...
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  97. No Image

    Sannyas is a quantum leap, a jump into the unknown, a great courage to become discontinuous with your own past.

    Sannyas is a quantum leap, a jump into the unknown, a great courage to become discontinuous with your own past. It is a rebirth. It is a change so great… as if the old dies, and dies utterly and totally and the new comes into being from nowh...
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  98. No Image

    Meditation needs not followers but friends.

    Friendship exists between two persons; it is relationship. Friendliness is only a quality; it need not depend on any relationship. It is just the way you live your lire -- it is a friendly life. You are friendly to everything, to the whole e...
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  99. Osho on Sannyas Name : A Name Is Only a Label

    Osho on Sannyas Name : A Name Is Only a Label I give you a new name only to make you feel that names are not important. Your old name can simply disappear because it was only a label, it can be changed. You are not the name. To insist this f...
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