• I teach a new man, a new humanity, a new concept of being in the world.[....] only with the death of the old can the new be born. The cessation of the old is the beginning of the new. My message to humanity is a new man.
    - Osho

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Man's sexual organs are hanging out and woman's sexual organs are hanging in, that's the only difference. Just turn your pocket and let it hang out; the pocket becomes male. Put it back to its original position, it becomes female. This you call a difference? The same pocket? It is because there is not much difference that now science has discovered a man can become a woman just by simple plastic surgery; a woman can become a man just by plastic surgery. If there was some fundamental difference then it would not be possible. By plastic surgery you are just turning the pocket out or in, and nothing much is there.


-Osho, "From Unconciousness to Consciousness, #6, Q1“


Remember that sex is not in the genitals, it is in your head. There is a center in your head which controls your genitals; so if sex is repressed, it is not a question of the genitals.


There have been Christian sects who even cut off their genitals just so that their celibacy was absolute. But that will not make them sex-free, because the real center is in the head, from where sex is just an extension.


That's why you can just fantasize about sex and your genitals will be immediately affected; they are extensions of your mind. And once the mind becomes full of sexuality, then a new thing appears that your religions have created and are responsible for -- pornography.


One does not see the connection so clearly because it is a very indirect route to PLAYBOY, or PENTHOUSE, or other pornographic magazines, and to the yellow newspapers that live on ugliness and obscenity. But the real reason is that the pope, the shankaracharya, and Ayatollah Khomeiniac... these are the people who are giving juice to this pornographic literature.


If I am heard, and people accept sex as a natural thing and join it with meditation, all pornographic literature will disappear automatically.


Strange, that these religious leaders condemn pornography, and they are the originators of it. Such is the unconsciousness of the mind. Perhaps even they don't recognize it. They condemn homosexuality, but they don't understand the simple fact that they have created it by forcing people to be celibate. Now celibacy is unnatural. There is only one way to be celibate and that is brain surgery. Unless the sex center in the brain is removed, you cannot be celibate.


Delgado, one of the famous psychologists, was working on the sex center of a white mouse. He opened the mouse's head and fixed an electrode to the sex center. He put a remote controller in front of the mouse, and he taught the mouse to touch the remote controller. As he would touch it, he would go into a tremendous orgasm, trembling all over with joy, but it had nothing to do with the genitals because the sex center is in the head. The food was there, the drink was there -- everything delicious that the mouse liked -- but he didn't bother to eat or drink. He went on pushing the remote controller till he died. Six hundred times he had an orgasm, and then he died. It was too much.


The only way to make anybody celibate is to remove the sex center from the head -- which these religions have not been able to do. But once you remove the sex center from the head, strange things will happen to the person.


For example, we know that no impotent person has ever been enlightened. No impotent person has ever been a prophet or a messiah. No impotent person has ever been a genius in any field -- science, music, art, dance. In the whole history of man, not a single impotent person has been able to contribute anything. It seems that all creativity consists of your sexual energy. And if a person doesn't have sexual energy, perhaps he will become absolutely dull, lusterless; his eyes will lose shine. He will lose interest in everything; he may not live long. And there is no need... because sex is the energy that has to be used as a ladder for your higher growth.


I am not the sex guru.


I am the anti-sex guru, if anything.


The sex guru you can find in the Vatican. His perversion is not to touch women but to touch the earth; that is a perversion. Not to kiss the woman but to kiss the earth! This is a perversion. You just try sometime on the street kissing the earth, and everybody will know, "This man is perverted! What is he doing? Kissing the earth!" And particularly when the pope went to India... There, kissing the earth means you are kissing cow dung -- all the earth there is cow dung. But this is sexual perversion, nothing else.


The previous pope was a confirmed homosexual. Before he became pope he was a cardinal in Milan. And the whole of Milan laughed; it was the talk of the town, because he was always hanging around with a boyfriend. Then he was chosen to be the pope -- that was the last joke -- and he appointed his boyfriend as his secretary.


The word "orgasm" is a beautiful word. It simply means two persons' energies merging, meeting in a joyful wholeness. Man and woman are half, half of one whole. So when the whole comes together, there is tremendous joy. But because of the religions, millions of people never experience orgasm.


In India, I know that at least ninety-eight percent of women have never had any orgasm. In Indian languages there is no word for orgasm, for the simple reason that the Indian woman has been taught that she has to just lie down silently when the man is making love. Only prostitutes move and enjoy; ladies don't do that. So a lady lies down just like a corpse, and the gentleman, without the lady supporting him, is finished alone. There never comes a meeting of both energies at the highest peak of dance, so they don't know what orgasm is.


Ejaculation is not orgasm. Your whole body should go into such a dance that each atom is dancing within you -- and so should be the case with the woman.


But religions have prohibited it, saying that it is against a woman's grace to enjoy, so she remains with closed eyes. Even to open her eyes is against etiquette. And because the man cannot enjoy it alone... what he is doing is simply masturbation, it is not something that can create an orgasmic state. And he is destroying the woman; her whole life she will never know what tremendous sources of joy she had in her own body.


The man will find some prostitute in order to find joy. To keep the wife a lady, a prostitute is needed. He is destroying two women. To make a woman a prostitute is the ugliest act that man can do -- to force her to sell her body. But because he has to maintain the lady in grace, the prostitute is needed. With the prostitute you may have a more vigorous sexual exercise, gymnastics, but you can't have orgasm there either because there is no love. Money cannot purchase love.


Only love and sex in their totality, accepted, blissfully enjoyed, can bring orgasm.


The word is very beautiful because it comes closest to the meditative state, which is orgasmic. It is orgasmic not in the sexual sense, but it has all the qualities of the orgasm. Buddha, sitting under his bodhi tree, is in an orgasmic state with the whole existence. His whole being is dancing with the wind, with the sun, with the rain.


The sexual orgasm is just a little window that opens into a wider and wider sky. You need not stay behind the window. You should thank your sexual energy that it opened the window -- but go outside, because far bigger experiences are waiting for you.


So those who call me the "sex guru" are simply stupid. They don't understand a simple thing.


I repeat again: I am the most anti-sex person in the whole world. If I am listened to there will be no pornography, there will be no homosexuals, there will be no lesbians -- there will be no perversions of any kind. And you call me the "sex guru"!


-Osho, "The Path of the Mystic, #21, Q4“




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
50 G Gambler : Take risks, be a gambler
49 G Games : Grownups play games, children only play.
48 G Gardening : Weeds don’t need a gardener, but roses do.
47 G Generalizations : All generalizations are myths.
46 G Generation Gap : The generation gap exists simply because the reason for respect has disappeared.
45 G Generation Gap : The new generation represents future
44 G Generation Gap : Youth is a new phenomenon.
43 G Generosity : Generosity is the real richness.
42 G Genetic Engineering : I am in every way in favor of genetic reprogramming of men and women.
» G Genitals : Nothing much is there.
40 G Geography : All politics is dirty; there is no other kind.
39 G Germans : These great minds are just great on the surface, deep down their existence is very childish
38 G Ghosts : There are no ghosts in the world, but all the religions talk about ghosts
37 G Giving : Give as much as you can, give whatsoever you can.
36 G Giving : That is the essential prayer: to be capable of giving without any idea of getting
35 G Goals : There is no goal, so all goal-oriented things are dangerous. The goal is here.
34 G God : God is a presence, not a person. Hence all worshipping is sheer stupidity.
33 G God : God Is Dead
32 G God : Not a person but only a presence.
31 G Godliness : There is no God but here is godliness
30 G Good : There is no way to do good unless you are silent.
29 G Government : Government is a game, the ugliest and the dirtiest game in the world.
28 G Grace : Authentic grace is possible only when your innermost core becomes illumined
27 G Grace : Grace is the very existence itself, it is Grace-filled
26 G Grace : When the energies start rushing upwards, when gravitation no longer affects your energy, when your energy is functioning under another Law, the law of grace
25 G Graffiti : They are simply unburdening themselves.
24 G Gratefulness : Real gratefulness arises only when you are grateful even for unhappy moments
23 G Gratefulness : Accept All that Life Brings with Gratitude
22 G Gratitude : Religiousness is your gratefulness towards existence.
21 G Graveyards : People don't want to become aware that death is. That's why graveyards are made outside the town
20 G Greed : A desire for more without seeing the total futility of it.
19 G Greed : An effort to stuff yourself with something
18 G Grief : Life is ended by death... love transcends.
17 G Grief : Somebody dies and you loved them. It is natural to feel sad.
16 G Grief : When a beloved dies.
15 G Grieving and saddness : Sadness is not sorrow, sadness is simply depth.
14 G Growing up : Going deeper into your roots.
13 G Grown-Ups : The most fundamental quality in a really grown-up person is that he still keeps the innocence of the child alive
12 G Guarantees : All guarantees are because of insincerity.
11 G Guidance : The guide is not outside, the guide is within you.
10 G Guidance : Wisdom comes from the heart, it is not of the intellect.
9 G Guilt : Drop guilt!
8 G Guilt : Fear is natural, Guilt is a creation of the priests.
7 G Guilt : Jesus never created guilt in people.
6 G Guilt : Never, even by your gestures, make the other person feel guilty.
5 G Guilt : please don't feel guilty.
4 G Guilt : The trade secret of all the so-called, established religions.
3 G Guilt : The word “GUILT” should never be used
2 G Guru : One who is weight-full, centered, rooted, and has the quality of gravitation.
1 G Guru : Gurus and disciples are mind phenomena.
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