• Whenever there is no conflict between you and the whole, not even a rumor of conflict, you are healthy. To be whole is to be healthy.
    - Osho

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Gratitude : Religiousness is your gratefulness towards existence.





Life is given to you. Capacity to grow is given to you. Every opportunity to come to your ultimate peak of consciousness is given to you. A heart that can blossom in love is given to you. Just feel grateful to life, and as you will feel grateful, you will become more and more worthy, and more and more humble -- no grudge, no complaint.


This is exactly the state of a religious man. It does not need you to belong to any organized religion for you to become religious.


Religiousness is your gratefulness towards existence.


Such beautiful trees, such infinite sky, so many stars and you have not paid for anything.


This immense universe is given to you with all its beauty, sunrises, sunsets, and all the flowers and beautiful people. Just watch and you will be aware that so much is already given, but you are taking it for granted. You have never looked at it as a gift from existence without your asking, without your demanding.


Once you start seeing all that has already been given, your heart will be full of gratitude.


And that gratitude will open all the doors, all the windows. Existence is bridged by only one thing and that is gratefulness. Then miracles start happening to you. Then mysteries go on opening their doors to you. The more humble, the more simple, the more grateful, the more worthy you become -- and your worthiness has no limits.


-Osho, "The Invitation, #10, Q1“



I am reminded of a Sufi story. A very strange mystic, Junnaid, used to pray and every time he would pray – in the morning, in the evening, in the night – he would end up his prayer with a deep gratitude towards existence: “Your compassion and your abundance of gifts to me is so much that I feel embarrassed. How am I going to repay it? Except my empty gratefulness and my tears, I don’t have anything to give to you.”


They were on a pilgrimage. He had many disciples with him. It happened that one time, for three days continuously, they passed through villages where there were fanatic Mohammedans. They would not give Junnaid and his disciples food, not even water. There was no question of shelter either. For three days in the desert without food, without water, without shelter... but the prayer continued to be the same and the gratefulness towards existence did not change even a little bit.


This was too much for the disciples. When days were good, it was perfectly okay to be grateful, but for three days they have been starving, thirsty, in the cold nights of the desert – no shelter, and there is no hope that tomorrow things are going to be better. Finally, they encountered their master Junnaid and said, “There is a limit to everything. We have listened to your prayer for years, and we thought it was perfectly in tune with existence. Existence was giving us everything. But these three days we have waited, thinking that perhaps you will stop being grateful or maybe you will even complain, but you seem to be the same. Again the same gratitude, the same tears – we can’t understand it. For what are you being so full of gratitude?”


Junnaid laughed and he said, “These three days were the most important in my life. These three days showed me whether I have any gratitude or not. Is my gratitude simply a bargain, a persuasion, or is my gratitude something that has grown in my heart? It doesn’t matter – as far as I am concerned, I don’t have a choice. Whatever existence gives to me is needed by me. These three days of starvation were absolutely needed by me; for it to be otherwise is not possible. These three days of thirst, coldness in the night, almost facing death, were absolutely my intrinsic needs. I don’t know about you – my gratitude is not conditional. My gratitude is unconditional; it is not because God is good to me. It has no reason at all; it is simply my joy, my blissfulness, my prayerfulness to existence. I don’t have a choice.”


A choiceless awareness simply means whatever happens to you is perfectly the right thing to have happened. You don’t have any judgment about it. It does not mean that you will stop doing things; you will continue doing things but your doing things will be more like a man flowing in the current of the river, not swimming, not swimming against the current.


-Osho, "Om Mani Padme Hum, #7“



In being yourself, you are fulfilled. You have come home, the wandering is finished. Now there is nowhere to go, you have arrived. You have known the eternal life, its beauty, its bliss. All that you can do now is share it - which comes automatically. When you see people stumbling in the dark, you start helping them, trying to move them in the right direction. It is a joy. When the gardener sees his rosebush full of flowers one morning, his heart also blossoms with the flowers.


And that's what happens to a man who has known himself, who has become himself. He starts sharing his joy, his bliss, his love, in different ways with different people - whoever is available.


And whenever he sees somebody moving in the right direction, he is immensely gratified, satisfied.


Existence has given him so much, and he has nothing else to give to existence to show his gratitude.


This is his gratitude. And when he sees others also reaching home, he feels that he has not been ungrateful - and that is a tremendous experience.


When I see you moving, growing, this is my gratitude towards existence. It has given me so much, there is no way to pay anything back; there is no word even to express gratitude. The only way is that my every breath should be used in helping people to reach to the same Everest of consciousness.


-Osho, "From Bondage to Freedom, #19, Q3“




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
50 G Gambler : Take risks, be a gambler
49 G Games : Grownups play games, children only play.
48 G Gardening : Weeds don’t need a gardener, but roses do.
47 G Generalizations : All generalizations are myths.
46 G Generation Gap : The generation gap exists simply because the reason for respect has disappeared.
45 G Generation Gap : The new generation represents future
44 G Generation Gap : Youth is a new phenomenon.
43 G Generosity : Generosity is the real richness.
42 G Genetic Engineering : I am in every way in favor of genetic reprogramming of men and women.
41 G Genitals : Nothing much is there.
40 G Geography : All politics is dirty; there is no other kind.
39 G Germans : These great minds are just great on the surface, deep down their existence is very childish
38 G Ghosts : There are no ghosts in the world, but all the religions talk about ghosts
37 G Giving : Give as much as you can, give whatsoever you can.
36 G Giving : That is the essential prayer: to be capable of giving without any idea of getting
35 G Goals : There is no goal, so all goal-oriented things are dangerous. The goal is here.
34 G God : God is a presence, not a person. Hence all worshipping is sheer stupidity.
33 G God : God Is Dead
32 G God : Not a person but only a presence.
31 G Godliness : There is no God but here is godliness
30 G Good : There is no way to do good unless you are silent.
29 G Government : Government is a game, the ugliest and the dirtiest game in the world.
28 G Grace : Authentic grace is possible only when your innermost core becomes illumined
27 G Grace : Grace is the very existence itself, it is Grace-filled
26 G Grace : When the energies start rushing upwards, when gravitation no longer affects your energy, when your energy is functioning under another Law, the law of grace
25 G Graffiti : They are simply unburdening themselves.
24 G Gratefulness : Real gratefulness arises only when you are grateful even for unhappy moments
23 G Gratefulness : Accept All that Life Brings with Gratitude
» G Gratitude : Religiousness is your gratefulness towards existence.
21 G Graveyards : People don't want to become aware that death is. That's why graveyards are made outside the town
20 G Greed : A desire for more without seeing the total futility of it.
19 G Greed : An effort to stuff yourself with something
18 G Grief : Life is ended by death... love transcends.
17 G Grief : Somebody dies and you loved them. It is natural to feel sad.
16 G Grief : When a beloved dies.
15 G Grieving and saddness : Sadness is not sorrow, sadness is simply depth.
14 G Growing up : Going deeper into your roots.
13 G Grown-Ups : The most fundamental quality in a really grown-up person is that he still keeps the innocence of the child alive
12 G Guarantees : All guarantees are because of insincerity.
11 G Guidance : The guide is not outside, the guide is within you.
10 G Guidance : Wisdom comes from the heart, it is not of the intellect.
9 G Guilt : Drop guilt!
8 G Guilt : Fear is natural, Guilt is a creation of the priests.
7 G Guilt : Jesus never created guilt in people.
6 G Guilt : Never, even by your gestures, make the other person feel guilty.
5 G Guilt : please don't feel guilty.
4 G Guilt : The trade secret of all the so-called, established religions.
3 G Guilt : The word “GUILT” should never be used
2 G Guru : One who is weight-full, centered, rooted, and has the quality of gravitation.
1 G Guru : Gurus and disciples are mind phenomena.
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