• Truth is to be lived, not understood.
    - Osho

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Giving : Give as much as you can, give whatsoever you can.


"Beware! While the time is there, give, give as much as you can, give whatsoever you can.


Sing a song, share a joke, dance! Give whatsoever you can give. It costs you nothing, but it will bring you more and more joys.


Existence goes on repaying you tremendously. Whatsoever you give to existence, it returns a thousandfold; it comes back to you. You give one flower, and a thousand flowers shower on you. Don‘t be clingers. If you really want to be rich, if you want to have an enriched inner world, then learn the art of giving. [....]


I don't have any other source than you have, but you are not ready to accept that source; it goes against your ego. You want to be an island unto yourself, and that is your misery, that is your poverty. Your soul will remain undernourished. You will not know how beautiful existence is, how blissful every moment can be, what an ecstasy it is just to breathe and to be.


Give, give for giving‘s sake. Share for sharing‘s sake.


Don‘t ask anything in return, because then it becomes a business - and love is not a business. In fact, there is no need to be worried whether anything returns or not, because the very giving is such an ecstasy that who cares whether anything returns or not? Be obliged to the person who receives anything from you. Don‘t think that he has to be obliged to you. That is wrong, that is absolutely wrong. That is still clinging to the miser‘s mind.


You can be as vast as God himself, but your vastness is possible only if you start giving. And it is not a question of what you give; just a smile or just a gesture of love is enough. It costs nothing to be loving, to be kind, and still it brings you a great harvest - thousands of flowers start blossoming in your being."


-Osho, “Come Come Yet Again Come, #3, Q1”




"Before death knocks on your door, share - whatsoever you have. You can sing a beautiful song? - sing it, share it. You can paint a picture? - paint, share it. You can dance? - go and dance, share it. Whatsoever you have - and I have never come across a man who has not much to share. If you want to share, you have too much to share. If you don't want to share, you may have enough, more than enough, but you are poor, you don't have anything."


- Osho, "A Sudden Clash of Thunder, #9“




“Those who have gone inside have never come empty handed. They have come with so much bliss, so much ecstasy, with such an abundance that they start sharing, because as they share they come to understand the inner economics.


The more you share the more you have. If you don't share, you won't have even that which you had. Jesus says, "Those who have shall be given more, and those who have not, even whatsoever they have will be taken away." I cannot agree with him. I say unto you, the more you give, the more you will have; the less you give, the less you will have. If you don't give at all, you won't have anything left.


Sharing is the only compassion.

Sharing is the only service.


Sharing is the only way the awakened one lives. That is real character. That is authentic morality. That is true religiousness.”


- Osho, "I Celebrate Myself: God Is No Where, Life Is Now Here, #2"




"Share! Share as much as you can, and the more you will be given.


Jesus says: If you cling you will lose; if you share you will get. Don't be a miser -- share! And feel grateful: whosoever accepts your energy, feel grateful to him because he could have rejected you. Feel grateful, and go on sharing. And you will see: out of your inner springs, fresh water is continuously coming in. The more you share, the younger you remain. The more you share, the more virgin you remain. The more you share, the more fresh, the more pure.


And if you don't share, then you start leaking. If you don't share, if you are not happy in sharing, you become a miser. A miser leaks. Be a spendthrift as far as life energy is concerned. A miser starts leaking and feels frustrated and always miserable, because something has been taken away from him. And in this misery he shrinks; and because of his shrinking the inner sources, the inner springs cannot refill him.


It depends on you.


The distinction is absolutely clear. Let this be the criterion, after any energy contact -- and the whole of life is energy contact. When you look at the tree there is an energy contact: your eyes meeting with the greenery of the tree, you have embraced the tree in a subtle way. You touch the rock and there is contact; energy has been shared. You look into the eyes of another human being, and there has been a communication. You say something, or you remain silent, but the communion continues continuously. It is each moment happening.


Now it depends on you whether you will make it a leakage. If it is a leakage, you will die a thousand deaths every day. It depends. If you make it an overflow, a hearty sharing, that you always wanted to give, an unburdening of your heart -- as a flower gives its fragrance to the winds, and the lamp gives its light to the night, and the clouds give their rains to the earth -- if you go on sharing, your whole life becomes an immensely beautiful dance of energy. And each day, you will have a thousand and one new births."


-Osho, "The Search, #9, Q4"




"Live truly, authentically, sincerely -- that is the most funda-mental thing. I teach you life! I don't teach you service. Service comes as a shadow. A really alive person is continuously sharing his energy -- whatsoever he has -- because he knows that the more you share, the more you have."


- Osho, "Blessed Are the Ignorant, #5"




"If you know how to share, you are mature; if you don't know how to share, you are immature. This sharing goes on on all levels, in all directions, in all dimensions. So one of the most basic things to understand is the more you share something, the more it grows in you. Share whatsoever you have and it will grow; cling to it, become afraid of sharing, of friendship, of love, and it will shrink'. Life knows only one law and that law is of expansion and sharing."


- Osho, "Ancient Music in the Pines, #2"




"The ordinary love is just a masquerade; something else is hiding behind it. The real love is a totally different phenomenon. The ordinary love is a demand. The real love is a sharing. It knows nothing of demand; it knows the joy of giving."


- Osho, "God's Got a Thing About you, #15"




"Meditation makes you capable of being alone and joyous, with no need of the other, and love makes you capable of sharing your joy with others. Meditation is inner, love is outer. Meditation is of the interiority and love is of the exterior."


- Osho, "Theologia Mystica, #15"




"Love is sharing; greed is hoarding. greed only wants and never gives, and love knows only giving and never asks for anything in return; it is unconditional sharing."


- Osho, "Be Still and Know, #3"




"Love in its purest form is a sharing of joy. it asks nothing in return, it expects nothing. love is a spiritual phenommenon; lust is physical. ego is psychological; love is spiritual."


- Osho, "Come, Come, Yet Again Come, #9"




Whatsoever you have tasted here, share it and by sharing it will go on growing. In the inner world the economics is totally different from the outer. In the outer, if you share you lose; whatsoever you give is lost to you. In the inner world whatsoever you cling to is lost, whatsoever you share is yours forever; not only is it yours forever but it is multiplied. Give more and you will have more.


- Osho, "The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 5, #8"



Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
50 G Gambler : Take risks, be a gambler
49 G Games : Grownups play games, children only play.
48 G Gardening : Weeds don’t need a gardener, but roses do.
47 G Generalizations : All generalizations are myths.
46 G Generation Gap : The generation gap exists simply because the reason for respect has disappeared.
45 G Generation Gap : The new generation represents future
44 G Generation Gap : Youth is a new phenomenon.
43 G Generosity : Generosity is the real richness.
42 G Genetic Engineering : I am in every way in favor of genetic reprogramming of men and women.
41 G Genitals : Nothing much is there.
40 G Geography : All politics is dirty; there is no other kind.
39 G Germans : These great minds are just great on the surface, deep down their existence is very childish
38 G Ghosts : There are no ghosts in the world, but all the religions talk about ghosts
» G Giving : Give as much as you can, give whatsoever you can.
36 G Giving : That is the essential prayer: to be capable of giving without any idea of getting
35 G Goals : There is no goal, so all goal-oriented things are dangerous. The goal is here.
34 G God : God is a presence, not a person. Hence all worshipping is sheer stupidity.
33 G God : God Is Dead
32 G God : Not a person but only a presence.
31 G Godliness : There is no God but here is godliness
30 G Good : There is no way to do good unless you are silent.
29 G Government : Government is a game, the ugliest and the dirtiest game in the world.
28 G Grace : Authentic grace is possible only when your innermost core becomes illumined
27 G Grace : Grace is the very existence itself, it is Grace-filled
26 G Grace : When the energies start rushing upwards, when gravitation no longer affects your energy, when your energy is functioning under another Law, the law of grace
25 G Graffiti : They are simply unburdening themselves.
24 G Gratefulness : Real gratefulness arises only when you are grateful even for unhappy moments
23 G Gratefulness : Accept All that Life Brings with Gratitude
22 G Gratitude : Religiousness is your gratefulness towards existence.
21 G Graveyards : People don't want to become aware that death is. That's why graveyards are made outside the town
20 G Greed : A desire for more without seeing the total futility of it.
19 G Greed : An effort to stuff yourself with something
18 G Grief : Life is ended by death... love transcends.
17 G Grief : Somebody dies and you loved them. It is natural to feel sad.
16 G Grief : When a beloved dies.
15 G Grieving and saddness : Sadness is not sorrow, sadness is simply depth.
14 G Growing up : Going deeper into your roots.
13 G Grown-Ups : The most fundamental quality in a really grown-up person is that he still keeps the innocence of the child alive
12 G Guarantees : All guarantees are because of insincerity.
11 G Guidance : The guide is not outside, the guide is within you.
10 G Guidance : Wisdom comes from the heart, it is not of the intellect.
9 G Guilt : Drop guilt!
8 G Guilt : Fear is natural, Guilt is a creation of the priests.
7 G Guilt : Jesus never created guilt in people.
6 G Guilt : Never, even by your gestures, make the other person feel guilty.
5 G Guilt : please don't feel guilty.
4 G Guilt : The trade secret of all the so-called, established religions.
3 G Guilt : The word “GUILT” should never be used
2 G Guru : One who is weight-full, centered, rooted, and has the quality of gravitation.
1 G Guru : Gurus and disciples are mind phenomena.
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