• I teach meditation, because that is the only way to allow love to happen in your being.
    - Osho

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Authoritative : Authoritarian People are suffering from Inferiority Complex






How can we avoid being Authoritative?



It is very simple. The people who are authoritarian are the people who are suffering from an inferiority complex. To hide their inferiority they impose their superiority. They want to prove that they are somebody, that their word is truth, that their word is law. But deep down they are very inferior beings.


This is one of the reasons that all of the politicians suffer from an inferiority complex. Anybody who does not suffer from an inferiority complex will not go into politics at all. There are so many beautiful things in the world to do -- to paint, to sing, to dance, to create literature, to make beautiful statues, to create a Khajuraho. There is so much creativity available, but that is available only to a person who does not suffer from inferiority.


So we have to make clear to all our sannyasins that nobody in the world is inferior and nobody in the world is superior. The whole idea is artificial and created by people who have a vested interest in it. They have created the same idea in many ways... man is superior, woman is inferior -- on what criterion?


The woman lives longer than man, five years longer. The woman falls sick less than man. For one hundred boys born, only ninety girls are born, because by the time the boys will be marriageable, ten will have gone down the drain.


At the time of marriage they will be equal, ninety of both. The girl has more stamina, more resistance to disease. She talks about committing suicide but she never does. Men commit suicide almost twice as much as women.


In what way is man superior? But the idea had to be created because it helped man to keep woman a slave. She is inferior, so inferior that in countries like China, woman has no soul. A husband can kill his wife -- it is not a crime. It is just like you destroy your chair. It is your chair, you have paid for it: what crime is there? And men have convinced women that they don't have any soul because they never allowed them to be educated, they never allowed them to move in society. Naturally, they could not argue.


Why is it so difficult to argue with a woman? Nobody thinks about it. If you argue with a woman she will start screaming, crying, throwing things; but she will not argue. And you, seeing this whole scene, will feel it is better to accept whatever she is saying; otherwise she will put the whole house on fire. And neighbors are watching, people in the street are gathering around your house. So it is better -- whether you are right or wrong does not matter -- to say she is right.


But who has put her in this condition? It is because you never gave her education, you never taught her logic. You never allowed her to be as intelligent as you are because you were always afraid. And you can see the fear in the universities. Women are always ahead of men, they top the list more than men. They always achieve more first class honors than the man.


We have created this idea of superiority and inferiority for some vested interests.


The sudras are inferior. Nobody has proved why. There seems to be no reason that the brahmin should be superior and the sudra should be inferior, but you have managed for thousands of years to keep them uneducated. You have kept them doing things which need no intelligence, and you have not allowed them to do anything else.


A man who has been making your shoes -- his family has been making shoes for thousands of years, generation after generation. Now there is no need of intelligence. There is no challenge -- he has only to make shoes. These are all strategies of exploitation.


We have to explain to our sannyasins that nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, and nobody is equal either. Everybody is unique. That point has to be remembered, because if you say nobody is superior and nobody is inferior, people are certain to conclude that everybody is equal -- which is not true.


Equality is psychologically wrong. Everybody cannot be an Albert Einstein and everybody cannot be a Rabindranath Tagore. But that does not mean that Rabindranath Tagore is superior because you cannot be him. Rabindranath cannot be you either.


My whole point is that everybody is a unique manifestation. So we destroy the whole idea of superiority and inferiority, equality and inequality, and we replace it with a new concept of uniqueness. And every individual is unique.


Just look lovingly and you will see that every individual has something which nobody else has. Once the idea of uniqueness spreads in the commune, there will be nobody who will try to enforce authority.


-Osho, "Light on The Path, #1, Q5"




Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
74 A Absolute : A man of truth is always relative.
73 A Abstinence : You can be a celibate, but to be a celibate does not mean to go beyond sexuality.
72 A Abstractions : Because you can't love human beings you start loving humanity just to deceive yourself. Avoid abstractions.
71 A Absurd : The absurd is nothing but another name of God
70 A Absurdity : Collect as many absurdities in your life as possible.
69 A Accept yourself : Accept yourself as you are, and accept totally, unconditionally. That is the way God wants you to be
68 A Accept Yourself : This is the first step of Unio Mystica: be one with yourself.
67 A Acceptance : Accepting is another name for Let Go
66 A Acceptance : If somebody hits you, bow down your head, accept it with gratitude.
65 A Accidental : Become a little more conscious. See what is happening.
64 A Accidents : Consciousness can be, and without content. So that accident was a blessing.
63 A Accidents : life goes ahead and your mind is past-oriented
62 A Acharya : He knows exactly what he’s teaching, but not on his own authority.
61 A Act : You will create a chain of reactions and you will get into karma.
60 A Acting : The really spiritual person transforms his whole life into an acting.
59 A Action : You have to use action to attain non-action.
58 A Action and Activity : Action is when the situation demands it, you act, you respond. Activity is when the situation doesn't matter, it is not a response
57 A Active Meditation : All traditional methods have become irrelevant.
56 A Activity : Action is not activity; activity is not action.
55 A Activity : Activity has utility, action is pure joy, pure beauty.
54 A Acupuncture : Acupuncture deals with the cause. Never deal with the effect
53 A Adam's Apple : Adam became knowledgeable, hence the fall. So knowledge is the fall.
52 A Adam's Apple : I am against all kinds of enforced things.
51 A Admiration : One wants to be admired because one has no respect for oneself.
50 A Adultery : The real meaning of adultery is making love while you are not in love.
49 A Advaita : Advaita means not two
48 A Advaita : Existence Is Advaita
47 A Advertising : It hypnotized you.
46 A Advice : Listen, but don’t follow.
45 A Ageing (Aging) : You are just pure consciousness
44 A Aging : Change beautifies everything.
43 A Ah : Ah, this cake is delicious
42 A AIDS : Perversion requires the basic condition that you are fed up with changing women, you want something new.
41 A Alchemy : How to change the negative into the positive
40 A Alcohol : Nothing but a chemical strategy to forget your miseries, anxieties, your problems, to forget yourself.
39 A Alertness : If you are alert, if your actions become more and more aware
38 A Alienation : He is an uprooted tree. He has forgotten how to relate with existence
37 A Alone : The person who is not able to be alone cannot be together with somebody, because he has no individuality.
36 A Aloneness : Rejoicing in Your Own Aloneness
35 A Aloneness : We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone
34 A Ambition : Nothing kills love more than Ambitiousness
33 A Ambition : The result of an inferiority complex
32 A Ambition : The root cause
31 A Amen : It simply means "Yes, Lord, yes. Let thy will be done.
30 A Analysis : The beauty is something more, hence in analysis it disappears.
29 A Androgyny : Where your man and woman inside meet and mingle and disappear into each other.
28 A Angels : You are simply creating belief systems to cling to.
27 A Anger : Anger is just a mental vomit.
26 A Anger : If anger rages within, shout, cry, jump, talk, babble, do whatever you please
25 A Anguish : Anguish is, in short, the quest of who you are.
24 A Anguish : God is not responsible for your stupidity. It is your own work.
23 A Anguish : The anguish of not knowing oneself
22 A Answer : To Be Questionless is the Answer
21 A Anti Christ : The people who established Christianity, they are the Antichrist.
20 A Apology : We don't try to reform ourselves, we only try to reform our image.
19 A Art : If it leads you towards God, it is true art, it is authentic art.
18 A Art : To be a painter, you have to drop the ego
17 A Art, Objective : Objective art means something that helps you to become centered
16 A Asleep : Man is asleep – man lives in a deep slumber
15 A Assertion (Assertive) : Everybody has to be assertive, not aggressive.
14 A Astrology : Astrology is an investigation into the possibility that whatever is happening anywhere in the universe also affects man.
13 A Astrology : The Science of Cosmic Oneness
12 A Atheism : Just as the theists are blind, so are the atheists. Both are believers.
11 A Attachment : Attachment means clinging to something, wanting it the way it is forever.
10 A Attention : If you pay much attention to suffering, you help it to grow. If you pay much attention to happiness, you help it to grow.
9 A Aum : The primordial sound of which the whole universe consists
8 A Aum : The symbol of the seventh body
7 A Austerity : Austerity does not mean torture; austerity means a simple life, an austere life.
6 A Authenticity : To be authentic means to be true to oneself.
» A Authoritative : Authoritarian People are suffering from Inferiority Complex
4 A Autohypnosis : You create illnesses! You believe in them.
3 A Average : You will drop your averageness. It is just forced on you.
2 A Avoidance : The harder you try to avoid it, the more focused you become on it.
1 A Awareness : The Seed of Godliness in You
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