• To love means to drop the ego, to drop yourself. Love means not to be.
    - Osho

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Question 2:

Why did the mind develop in a destructive direction?



Man has lived almost four million years on this planet. In these four million years most of the time there were dark nights without fire, wild animals, danger all around, and every moment full of fear.


Out of this fear and danger man has had to create a certain capacity to survive.


You may have observed that man's child is the weakest child in the world. He needs care for years until it is possible for him to stand on his own. The mother was continuously afraid for the child: in the deep forest - all the wild animals were in search of food just as man was in search of food. That was the basic search for millions of years - food. And even today, for millions of people, that is the basic search.


Mind developed as a survival measure - how to hide yourself, how to find caves, how to make caves? How to live in darkness without being harmed, how to live in trees? It has been a difficult time for millions of years.


And man's child is so weak against any animal. You cannot fight hence you had to invent weapons as a substitute. You don't have the claws of a tiger, you need something as a substitute. You don't have the teeth of the lion or the crocodile; you needed to be inventive enough so that you were not too close. Because even if you had a knife in your hands - which was very difficult, the early knives were made of stone... even if you had a knife in your hand and a lion came, most probably you would tremble with fear and the knife would fall down! Just the roar of the lion and you would be frozen; you would not know what to do now.


I have heard... a man with his wife and his mother-in-law had gone hunting. Suddenly they heard from a nearby cave the mother-in-law shouting, "Help! Help!" The wife was sitting on a tree and she saw that a lion was there, so she asked her husband, who was underneath the tree with his gun, "My mother is in trouble - a lion is facing her. Do something!"


The husband said, "The lion got into trouble himself - why should I do anything? Your mother-in-law is enough! She finished me, she will finish the lion. Now it is his problem, not my problem."


Man had to invent arrows so that he could be far away from the wild animals and still kill them. Slowly slowly other weapons came. All these weapons came because of the helplessness of man.


When he found fire, then he was safer. When he discovered gunpowder, first in China, he became even more safe. Perhaps the Chinese became civilized before anybody else for the simple reason that they finished off the wild animals, and in finishing the wild animals a great fear, a constant fear and danger, disappeared.


But the mind remained, the mind that has been created through millions of years. It is still afraid of darkness, although you know there is no need to be afraid of darkness. But the mind does not know that times have changed; millions of years' habit still continues. The mind does not know, the mind is blind.


One professor, a vice-chancellor of Varanasi University, Professor Rajnath Pandey, was staying with me, and he was very much against the way I grow trees around my house. I said, "Why are you so much against them?"


He said, "These trees are enemies! If you don't go on cutting them, if you don't go on keeping them away, sooner or later your house will be a ruin and the trees will have overtaken it."


Man has been fighting with trees. We don't think in that way now, but he was right, he was a man of history. I had never thought of it but he was right, that trees have killed man. We had to destroy trees to create towns, villages, and we had to destroy trees because they were hiding wild animals.


Man has passed through such a struggle for survival that he cannot forget those habits. So even though now we don't have wild animals to attack, we are preparing nuclear weapons. We don't have any reason to fight, but we are cultivating more and more arms just out of old animal habit.


Everybody knows that the Third World War is impossible, simply because the Third World War will destroy everybody. Nobody is going to be the winner and nobody is going to be the loser. All will be finished, the whole planet will be a graveyard.


The whole joy of fighting is in being victorious - but there will be no victory, what is the point? It is absolutely clear. Just now there are only five countries with nuclear weapons, but by the end of this century there will be twenty-five countries with nuclear weapons. One cannot understand... for what? Already we have enough nuclear weapons to destroy this earth seven hundred times.


And only one man in the whole history, Jesus Christ, got resurrected. I don't think that he will get resurrected seven hundred times. People even suspect that he was not resurrected this one time; he never died. Because here in India, in Kashmir, we have the graves of both Jesus and Moses.


And a village exists in Kashmir named after Jesus, Pahalgam, because Jesus used to call himself 'the shepherd', who had come to save the sheep. Pahalgam, in Kashmiri means the shepherd, the village of the shepherd. Strangely enough, when they were escaping from Egypt, Moses had come to Kashmir in search of the lost tribe.


It took forty years of searching for great Moses to find Israel, and Jews will never forgive him. In forty years, such a long journey through the whole desert of Saudi Arabia - by the time he reached Jerusalem almost three-quarters of the original people who had come with him had died. And my own feeling is that he never found Israel. He had to say to his people... he himself was eighty years old, tired, utterly tired... he declared Jerusalem to be the holy place they were searching for.


I don't see that Jerusalem has anything holy in it.


And Jews will never forgive Moses because he passed by all the oil lands, which are now really the richest countries in the world. If he had stopped in Saudi Arabia, or in Iran... But one tribe just got lost in the desert. Declaring Jerusalem was just hiding his failure.


And Moses put new people in charge, who were not acquainted with him at all, because two-thirds of the original people had died. The third generation was just entering its youth and they had no respect, just as no young people have ever had respect for the older generation. This generation gap is not a new thing. Moses found an excuse: "I have to go. You manage things, I am going to search for the lost tribe." The lost tribe had reached Kashmir, and Kashmir certainly looks like paradise.


When the first great mogul, Babur, came to India, seeing Kashmir he could not believe it. People coming from the desert, seeing so much greenery, so many flowers, so many streams, such pure crystal-clear water, such beauty, eternal snows on the mountains... That lost tribe had really found paradise! So Moses remained there with his people. Kashmiris are basically Jewish; you can look at their noses....


You know the nose of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru; he was a Kashmiri. You know the nose of Indira Gandhi; she was a Kashmiri. And Jesus, you should remember always, was never a Christian. He was born a Jew, he lived a Jew, he proclaimed himself as a Jewish prophet - that was his sin. He died as a Jew, but he died here in India. I have been to his grave.


It is a strange coincidence that the graves of Moses and Jesus are in the same village. And the couple, the family who takes care of those two graves are still Jews. Mohammedans converted the whole of Kashmir to Mohammedanism, but they left that one family out of respect for Moses and Jesus.


It seems that Jesus never died on the cross. The Jewish cross is such that it takes hours to kill a young man, and Jesus was only thirty-three. A man who is healthy and young, the Jewish cross will kill him in forty-eight hours. It is the slowest process of killing a person. Just by nailing his hands and his feet to the posts... the blood oozes slowly, slowly. It takes forty-eight hours.


And there was a conspiracy between the followers of Jesus and Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, that he should be put on the cross on Friday, as late as possible. So the whole process was delayed. First he had an interview with Pontius Pilate, and then Jesus was forced to carry his cross, a heavy cross; he fell three times on the road. And the place chosen for the cross was a hillock, so in every way they tried to postpone the time. The crucifixion happened nearabout two o'clock, and Jews stop working on Friday evening. All work has to be stopped by sunset on Friday because Saturday is their sabbath, their holy day.


So Jesus had to be brought down from the cross; he was still alive. He may have been in a coma, but he was not dead. And he was put in a cave, but the people who were guarding the cave were Roman soldiers, not Jews. They allowed him to escape. His friends took him out. It was dangerous to remain in Judea, and it was dangerous to go back to Judea when he was healed.


The news had already reached that there was a place in India where Moses had gone, and had found the lost tribe and died. Jesus thought, "That is the only place where I will be at home."


He traveled to Kashmir and he lived a long life, one hundred and twelve years. That is all written on his grave in Hebrew. In India, nobody knows Hebrew.


But the world powers are collecting nuclear weapons for ordinary people who only die once; they never resurrect.


Only here do they resurrect - every night!


There are enough nuclear weapons. But it is out of fear - the mind is still the old mind repeating old fears, dangers - that if you stop making nuclear weapons, the enemy is not going to stop. And the enemy is also thinking in the same terms; every country is thinking in the same terms. So seventy percent of the world's wealth, production, genius, everything, is devoted to a war which is never going to happen. Just by making it so total, you have made it out of date.


Professor, the mind had to develop in a destructive direction just to save itself. But now it is no longer needed. Now the destructive energy has to be transformed into a creative energy. And a mind that can create destructive weapons like atom bombs and hydrogen bombs, and destroy cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki within seconds.... And today the bombs that were thrown on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are - in comparison to American and Soviet nuclear missiles - child's play, just toys.


We have gone far in these forty years: we can destroy ourselves within ten minutes.


This totality is a great blessing in disguise. This means, now we have to find ways to protect ourselves from our mind's fear, to protect ourselves from our own weapons. Now there is no enemy to be killed; now the world war, if it happens at all, will be suicide.


We have to save ourselves from our own minds. This mind was created for a certain reason: to save us from the animals. For centuries we were in danger; now we are in danger from our own destructive weapons.


This is a great moment in the history of mankind, and perhaps in the whole history of the universe, because we only suspect that there are some planets where life may exist, but there is no certain proof. It may be that only on this earth has life come to such a point that a few people have become buddhas, a few people have come to know the universal secret of life. To destroy it is so idiotic, is so against the universe!


The only way is to find something within you which can overpower your mind. Otherwise the mind knows nothing else except destruction; that was the function it was created for. It is not its fault, but it is continuously afraid for no reason at all. Sometimes it knows that there is no reason to be afraid; then it starts asking, "Why is there no reason to be afraid?"


Mind knows only one language - that is of fear, danger, and how to survive and make yourself safe against an antagonistic universe.


Even a great man like Bertrand Russell wrote a book, CONQUEST OF NATURE. The same fear of the mind - we have to conquer. This idea has to be changed. The idea should be that now we have to rejoice in nature, we have to find the mysteries and secrets of nature, and we have to go beyond mind. This artifact is not our nature.


That's what we are doing in meditation.


Meditation is finding something in you that is superior to the mind. Only then can the mind be prevented from destroying humanity and this beautiful planet. It was perfectly okay to be destructive up to now, but now the situation and the context is totally different.


Somebody asked Albert Einstein, "What do you think about the Third World War?"


He said, "I cannot say anything about the Third World War, but I can say something about the Fourth World War."


The questioner was puzzled. He said, "If you don't know about the third, how can you know about the fourth?"


Albert Einstein said, "The fourth will never happen; that much can be said. If we just let the third happen... finished."


Look at the past of the mind: Genghis Khan killed thirty million people, alone. His successor, Tamerlane, killed forty million people. We don't know the exact numbers for Nadir Shah, but we know about Adolf Hitler; he killed thirty million. And now we are ready to kill five billion human beings, not to say anything about millions of birds, millions of animals, millions of trees - because the Third World War will be an end to all life on this planet. It is not just human beings who will be killed, it is going to be a loss to the whole universe.


Scientists say that there are perhaps five hundred planets where some kind of life exists, but it is all guesswork. No certainty, no communication has been possible up to now. All we know is that in this vast infinity we are the only people alive with a potentiality of becoming eternal, of becoming immortal. In every possible way this earth should be saved - from our minds.


The only way I can see is meditation.


Up to now, mind has been our survival. From now onwards only meditation can be our survival because meditation means going beyond mind, searching for something in your consciousness which is higher than your mind, which can dictate to the mind, which can rearrange the mind. Mind is just a bio-computer; it needs new data, that's all. Instead of fear it can learn to love; instead of being in danger it can start enjoying the eternity of its life source.


There is no death. Only forms change, life continues on and on.


This is what we are trying to do here. This is what all the buddhas of the past have been doing, but in the past they were not so relevant. Today the situation is different: today either you listen to the buddha or you commit suicide. There is no other choice - meditation or suicide, global suicide. That is the simple alternative, there is no third way.


In Gautam Buddha's time there was not much difficulty - small wars, a few people killed, there was no harm. But now the destructive mind has brought us to a situation where we have to re-code the mind for construction, for creation. And if the mind can be so destructive, it can be transformed in the same way to great creativity, with the same energy. Energy is neutral: you can put it in the service of death or you can put it in the service of life.


Our effort here is to put our minds, our bodies, in the service of life - in creativity, in music, in poetry, in dance. Great is the moment when we can change the mind, feed it with new information. And the same mind that brings nuclear weapons can bring great joys, plenty of food, better clothes, more health, longer life, less disease; it can eliminate old age completely.


And the moment is ripe because nobody who is a little bit intelligent can be in favor of a third world war; only a few retarded politicians - and even they cannot openly say that they are in favor of a third world war. But their preparation continues. That preparation is dangerous, dangerous in many ways, because a third world war may happen accidentally: the weapons have become so sophisticated that just a push of a button....


Just a few days ago I was telling you about a Soviet nuclear base which had a map of the whole world in the office showing the distance and the time, how much time it would take for its nuclear weapons to reach to this land or that land. The map also had push-buttons on it and a janitor, seeing that too much dust had gathered on the board, was dusting it. The professor in charge came in. He said, "You idiot, what are you doing?"


He said, "I am simply dusting, there is too much dust..."


He said, "Do you see? Where is England? You have dusted it off!"


He had pushed the button.


But I don't think we would like to be dusted off in this way. It is now time.... No greater question has ever been asked, and there has never been such a parting of the ways. Those who want to commit suicide can commit suicide on their own, but they cannot be allowed to destroy the whole world!


Professor Wessling, your question absolutely fits with the Zen series, because Zen is a search for no-mind, or a cosmic mind, beyond the human mind.


Before we enter into our inner being, our every-evening meditation... I don't want Professor Wessling to understand that we are serious people. We are very non-serious. We are absolutely playful; whatever happens we will sing and dance to the very last moment.


On his first trip out of Poland, Kabloski finds himself sitting next to a priest in the plane. He has never seen a priest before, and asks, "Why do you wear your collar back to front?"


"Because I am a father," replies the priest, smiling.


"Funny," says Kabloski, "I'm a father too!"


"Ah!" says the priest, "but I am a father to hundreds of people."


"Really?" says Kabloski, thinking for a moment. "In that case," he continues, "shouldn't you wear your pants back to front?"


Little Rufus has been playing in the woods all day. Suddenly, he realizes that he is lost and that it is late. He hunts around for a way out, but finally gives up. Kneeling on the ground, he holds out his hands.


"Please, God," Rufus prays, "I am lost. Please show me the way out of here."


Just then a little bird flies overhead and drops a load of shit on his outstretched hands. Little Rufus examines it closely and then goes back to praying.


"Oh! Please, God!" he says. "I really am lost, so don't hand me that shit!"


"I locked my husband out of the house last week for playing around with other women," sobs young Mrs. Bedspring in the confession box. "And now he wants me to take him back. What should I do, Father?"


"You must take him back," replies Father Fungus, patting her hand through the curtain. "It is your Christian duty. But first," Fungus continues, tightening his grip, "how would you like to get even with the bastard!"


An Englishman, a Frenchman and a Russian Jew are discussing the meaning of true happiness.


"Coming home from work to a loving wife with a gin and tonic," spouts the Englishman.


"Ah, you English!" says the Frenchman. "Real happiness is meeting a cute little girl who spends the night with you. She entertains you and then leaves you quietly and with no regrets."


The Russian Jew is sitting, thinking.


"True happiness," he says, "I experienced a few years ago. In the middle of the night the KGB knocked on my door and shouted: 'Herman Fingel! You are under arrest!'"


The Englishman and the Frenchman look at him in alarm.


"Yes!" says the Russian Jew, smiling happily. "And I shouted back: 'Herman Fingel lives upstairs!'“


- Osho, "Turning In, #1, Q2"


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  29. No Image

    Unless you know the truth in its totality, your inferiority complex remain

    You are asking me, what is my secret. There is no secret. Or you can say this is my open secret: That I need not create a system. Truth, to me, has not been a fragment, it has not come to me as a fragment. Truth has revealed itself to me as a total, organic unity. I have not added anything to it. I have not edited out anything from it. And...
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  30. No Image

    on real face – The real face means facelessness

    [A visitor asks: I want to know if you can see my real face. What does it look like?] There is no real face. The real face means facelessness. All faces are false because the reality has no form, it is formlessness. That is what is meant by the real face. One has to go beyond the form because deep down you don’t have any name, you don’t ha...
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  31. No Image

    Never decide anything when you are in the negative phase

    [A sannyasin, who is leaving says: I want to stay open to you. Osho checks his energy.] It will be difficult for you to remain open always and continuously. Sometimes you will be open and sometimes you will be closed. But that is nothing to be worried about. That is a rhythm, a rhythm just like day and night. Just as in the day the flowers...
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  32. No Image

    Only a brave man can accept that he is a coward

    Question : You made me realise i was a coward and i accepted it and was happy. Now i am getting a feeling that i am becoming brave, and i am scared. IT IS FROM RAJ BHARTI. He is an army man, and of course he used to believe that he is a brave man. But he may have entered the army only to have this feeling of being a brave man. He is a colo...
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  33. No Image

    You cannot relax in a situation where people are expecting

    [A sannyasin says that after visiting his parents he got sick.] It happens – that to go back to the old associations is sometimes very anxiety-creating and tense, because they are expecting you to be someone whom you are not anymore. They see that you are not, and you feel a little hesitant because you would like to pretend that you are th...
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  34. No Image

    When the negative moments come, just remain watchful

    [A sannyasin has asked about his negativity.] Remember one thing: when the negative moments come, just remain watchful; don’t get identified with them. They come, and they come with a great force… and when they are coming with great force it is an indication that soon they will die. Before they die, they come with great force; it is their ...
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  35. No Image

    Only if respect comes through love is it meaningful

    [A sannyasin says: I’ve got a real sense of self-disgust. I realise that a my life I’ve been trying to make myself respectable, and to give. myself some kind of esteem. I’ve been going after every substitute for love – and for me love just means manipulation. I can’t take it because I’ve got this tremendous fear of being manipulated] To se...
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  36. No Image

    Your whole interest is exhibition: how to show that you are better than others

    Not only do you go on moving in the same small circles, you repeat, you imitate other people and their stupidities. You are constantly repeating, you are constantly looking around at what is being done by whom. You don’t live a life from within; you are imitators. Your whole interest is exhibition: how to show that you are better than othe...
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  37. No Image

    Once you start looking at the Positive, all Negativity disappears

    All depends on the mind. Ultimately all is our attitude. If we suffer, we suffer because of our wrong attitude, because of our wrong mind. Because we have created a mind which suffers, because we have cultivated a suffering mind, we suffer. If we create a bliss-mind, bliss follows. Ultimately everything can be reduced to your attitude, to ...
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