• When you live at the optimum, then you know what life is. And then you know the celebration of it and the benediction of it.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    These are the four planes which have to be understood.

    These are the four planes which have to be understood. First is the body. On the bodily plane, the man who lives identified with the body, if he says, “This is it,” he will only mean food and sex and nothing else. His “this is it” will conta...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  2. No Image

    Whenever you are in misery you like to throw the responsibility on somebody

    Once it happened, I was in the mountains with a few friends. We went to see a point known as the echo point; it was a beautiful spot, very silent, surrounded by hills. One of the friends started barking like a dog. All the hills echoed it — ...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  3. No Image

    What is the meaning of wearing orange clothes as a sannyasin?

    Question 1 What is the meaning of wearing orange clothes as a sannyasin? It is true that wearing a particular kind of clothes does not make one a sannyasin, but it is also true that sannyasins do wear some particular kind of clothes. Clothes...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  4. No Image

    Life is not static — it is a dance; it is dynamic, it is movement.

    Deva means divine nratyo means dance. Life is not static — it is a dance; it is dynamic, it is movement. Not even for a single moment does anything remain the same; everything goes on changing. Change is absolute. The mind wants things not t...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  5. No Image

    Could you please comment on the disciple-disciple relationship?

    Question 2 Beloved Osho, I am familiar with the master disciple relationship after years of being around you. Could you please comment on the disciple-disciple relationship? There is no such thing. Disciples in the past have created organiza...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  6. No Image

    Sannyas is a quantum leap, a jump into the unknown, a great courage to become discontinuous with your own past.

    Sannyas is a quantum leap, a jump into the unknown, a great courage to become discontinuous with your own past. It is a rebirth. It is a change so great… as if the old dies, and dies utterly and totally and the new comes into being from nowh...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  7. No Image

    My effort is to make meditation almost a science

    The world can come to a harmony if meditation is spread far and wide, and people are brought to one consciousness within themselves. This will be a totally different dimension to work with. Up to now it was revolution. The point was society,...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  8. No Image

    My way is The Way of the White Clouds

    To me, the life of a white cloud is the life of a SANNYASIN, of a man who has renounced. The life of a householder is a fixed routine. It is a dead thing, it is a pattern. It has a name, it has a form. It moves on a particular track like rai...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  9. No Image

    What the agreement of sannyas meant

    [A visitor asked what the agreement of sannyas meant.] That you are no more. It is a total surrender. No agreement – because in an agreement there are two parties. You simply surrender. Much courage is needed… It is not an agreement because ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  10. No Image

    Life exists through duality

    Life exists through duality. The very process of life depends on polar opposites. Life is like a river: for the river to exist, two banks are needed. The river cannot exist without two banks to support it, just as the bird cannot fly without...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  11. No Image

    God is just a way, a method, a technique. 

    There is no one who will take your surrender. If there is someone and you surrender to him, then it is a sort of slavery. Really, there is not even a god to whom you are surrendering. And when we talk about a god, that is just to find you so...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  12. No Image

    I am trying to wake you up herenow

    Question 3: You spoke of the three ways: beauty, grandeur and power. which is your way? or is it all three? It is neither. I have no way, because I am not leading you anywhere. I am trying to wake you up herenow. You are already wandering al...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  13. No Image

    on Confusion in Life

    [A sannyasin, returning to the West, says she is confused.] Confusion remains, and one has to learn to live with it because life cannot be sorted out; it is so big. The confusion arises because of our impossible effort to sort everything out...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  14. No Image

    TATWAMASI : you are that, you are the whole

    This is freedom: to be free from all narrowness. If you are a Hindu, you cannot be free, you are very narrow. You are in a tunnel called Hinduism. If you are a Mohammedan, you are not free. If you think you are man, you are woman, you are no...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  15. No Image

    What is the meaning of sannyas in the world today?

    Question : Osho, What is the meaning of sannyas in the world today? The word `sannyas’ is one of the most significant in the human language. In the past it was given a wrong meaning. That wrong meaning destroyed its beauty, its joy, its laug...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  16. No Image

    It is an initiation into freedom, into a formless creative chaos.

    A few things about sannyas…. It is an initiation into the formless. It is not an initiation into some rigid form, it is not giving you a certain discipline — on the contrary it is an initiation into freedom, into a formless creative chaos. T...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  17. No Image

    I see in them the future of sannyas

    Question 4 You said that sannyas is a blissful phenomenon; it is not renunciation. in my view, the first shankaracharya was a sannyasin of bliss, and in that sense he can be taken for your sannyasin. please explain. also explain why you lay ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  18. No Image

    Nobody can run away from himself

    [A sannyasin says he is fighting with himself about being alone, running away from it.] Nobody can run away from himself. One can only deceive but one cannot run away from it. There is no way – you are you. And the aloneness is so fundamenta...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  19. No Image

    Is not life nothing but misery?

    Question 4: Is not life nothing but misery? It depends on you. Life in itself is an empty canvas, it becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery, you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory. You can use this freedom in such ...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  20. No Image

    Sannyas means getting rid of the whole past

    Man lives with a false idea about his being and it is that false notion that causes all the miseries, that creates hell. There is no way to get rid of miseries living within your world of the ego. You can change from one misery to another mi...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  21. No Image

    on Boring Life

    Question 5 : Beloved Osho, How is one to overcome boredom? how can one rediscover mystery in things that have become boring, repetitive, demystified? The first thing to remember is that it is not that things are repetitive – it is your mind,...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  22. No Image

    My sannyas, is a way of bridging, a way of rejoicing, a way of bliss.

    Bliss is a bridge, misery is a wall. It is everyone’s experience that whenever one feels miserable one does not want to relate with anybody; one wants to close one’s doors and hide somewhere. Just the opposite happens when you are blissful. ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  23. No Image

    What is a Buddhafield?

    Question : Osho, What is a Buddhafield? Just living together, running businesses, doesn′t seem to be enough, it is not satisfying. It feels like something deeper - something more challenging for the collective and the individual, in which bo...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  24. No Image

    Spiritual Delusions

    Spiritual Delusions Remember one thing: except for silence, everything else is your imagination – howsoever beautiful. Only your silence I can say has my support, because only in your silence are you close to the very center of existence. In...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  25. No Image

    Sannyas is costly — particularly my sannyas

    Question : Osho, i would very much like to take sannyas but it will be totally ruinous for my career as orange clothes will not be accepted at my place of work. Is there any alternative to this? Shirish Ghurye, remember only one thing: if yo...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  26. No Image

    Learn to enjoy not only the pleasures of life but the pains too

    Question 4: Osho What to do with the feeling of helplessness at the frustration in finding that nothing is ultimately satisfying — all is not enough? Deva Alla, IF THIS IS YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE, then the question won’t arise — then how can you...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  27. No Image

    on Insecurity : One can be secure only in illusions

    One can be secure only in illusions; there is no question of why. If you find somebody who is secure, you can be certain he must be living in illusions. But insecurity has tremendous beauty; you have not tasted of it. You have become too muc...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  28. No Image

    Start living in insecurity – that is the way towards enlightenment

    Question : Can one who is not enlightened live in total insecurity and not be anxious, depressed and miserable? Total insecurity and the capacity to live in it are synonymous with enlightenment. So one who is not enlightened cannot live in t...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  29. No Image

    Spread my word wherever you go

    [A couple of sannyasins who have been running a centre in Goa are going West.] Spread my word wherever you go. Now this is the work: every sannyasin has to shout from the housetops, mm? Don’t be shy about it; that time is over: now take init...
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  30. No Image

    Osho on Traditional Paths : I have no particular path.

    Question 1 : How would you describe your particular path to enlightenment in relationship to other traditional paths such as the various kinds of yoga, sufism, buddhism, zen, christianity, etcetera? I HAVE NO particular path. I don’t belong ...
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  31. No Image

    What is your Message?

    Question 1: Osho, What is your Message? Pritam, MY MESSAGE IS VERY SIMPLE Live life as dangerously as possible. Live life totally, intensely, passionately, because except for life there is no other God. Friedrich Nietzsche says God is dead. ...
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  32. No Image

    Life is a curse if you are not aware

    Life is a curse if you are not aware. Then it is nothing but misery. It is only thorns, not a single rose. From the cradle to the grave there are hopes and man goes on living because of those hopes, but they are never fulfilled. In the end t...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  33. No Image

    Be great lovers and be great meditators simultaneously. Don’t choose between the two.

    It is the challenge and a challenge worth accepting because only through that challenge does one grow. Growth is an uphill task and this is the greatest challenge, this is the Everest, the highest climb — dangerous, hazardous, but the more d...
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  34. No Image

    Sannyas means living moment to moment

    Life is just an overflowing energy without any purpose, and to me sannyas is to lead life purposelessly. Live life as a play and not as work. The so-called serious mind, which is diseased, will in fact convert play into work. The sannyasins ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  35. No Image

    Sannyas is not renunciation of life but a tremendous love affair with life

    Life is divine. In fact life and God are synonymous. There is no God except life, and there is no life except God; they are two terms for the same mystery. But for centuries religious people have been against life. They were living with the ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  36. No Image


    Responsibility "You don´t understand even the meaning of the word responsibility. The society has been so cunning. It has destroyed our most beautiful words, given them distorted meanings. Ordinarily in your dictionaries "responsibility" mea...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  37. No Image

    In the new commune we are going to have seven concentric circles of people.

    Man is a bridge between the known and the unknown. To remain confined in the known is to be a fool. To go in search of the unknown is the beginning of wisdom. To become one with the unknown is to become the awakened one, the Buddha. Remember...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  38. No Image

    What do you Teach and What is your Doctrine?

    Question : What do you Teach and What is your Doctrine? I am not teaching a doctrine. Teaching a doctrine is rather meaningless. I am not a philosopher; my mind is antiphilosophical. Philosophy has led nowhere and cannot lead anywhere. The m...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  39. No Image

    Love is the ultimate godly experience

    Love is the ultimate godly experience. Love proves that existence is not without meaning, that life has significance. Except for love there is no proof for life’s significance. If one has not experienced love one will feel meaningless, accid...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  40. No Image

    God is something hidden within humanity.

    First a few fundamentals.... Zen is not a theology, it is a religion -- and religion without a theology is a unique phenomenon. All other religions exist around the concept of God. They have theologies. They are God-centric not man-centric; ...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  41. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Biography

    Never Born Never Died Only Visited this Planet Earth between Dec 11 1931 - Jan 19 1990 With these literally immortal words, Osho both dictates his epitaph and dispenses with his biography. Having previously removed his name from everything, ...
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  42. No Image

    Why is it said that Life is stranger than Fiction?

    Question : Why is it said that Life is stranger than Fiction? Because life is! Fictions are only reflections of life; how can they be stranger than life? Fictions are only parts of life. Life is a very complicated whole: it does not begin, i...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  43. No Image

    Is not man the purpose of all evolution? : Existence is playful, not purposive

    Question : Is not man the purpose of all evolution? Evolution has no purpose. The very idea of purpose is mediocre; it comes from the marketplace. Existence is playful, not purposive. It is leela; it is not work. But we think in terms of eco...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  44. No Image

    At the low energy level things are settled – one has planned a life and settled; but this is missing life

    [The woman journalist says her problem right now is low energy. Osho asks her if she has ever meditated. Only three times, here, she replies… ] Mm mm… it can be low, and with a low energy level you will miss many things in life, because many...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  45. No Image

    Don't you think that initiation into sannyas will lead to the formation of a sect around you?

    Question 6 Don't you think that initiation into sannyas will lead to the formation of a sect around you? You think it will lead to the formation of a sect. No, it will not. To form a sect certain things are essential. To form a sect one need...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  46. No Image

    Can't one be a seeker without being a sannyasin?

    Question 2 What is the difference between a seer and a sannyasin? can't one be a seeker without being a sannyasin? One cannot be a seeker without being a sannyasin, because to be a seeker is the beginning of sannyas. A seeker is one who is s...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  47. No Image

    Meditation and love are two names of almost the same experience

    Marriage is a decision of the intellect. Love is an entirely different matter. It has no relation whatsoever to the intellect; it is quite unconnected to thought. Just as meditation is thoughtlessness, so is love. And just as meditation cann...
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  48. No Image

    Only the rebellious spirit comes to release its fragrance

    Sannyas is the beginning of freedom: freedom from politics, freedom from religion, freedom from all kind of bondages. It is entering into universality, it is dropping the local boundaries. A sannyasin is neither an Indian nor an American nor...
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  49. No Image

    This is my trinity: meditation, awareness, oneness

    Question : What does a person, a man or a woman, experience by following your religion? Do they become awake? There is no promise. I never promise anything to anybody. I am here, available. I am ready to explain how one becomes awake and my ...
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  50. No Image

    I am creating a paradise herenow.

    Question 2 : You have talked about the great russian experiment. can you talk about the great experiment of your commune here? My commune here is a far greater experiment than any communism. Communism was only an economic revolution, changin...
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  51. No Image

    My approach is simple: Everybody has to be assertive, not aggressive.

    My approach is simple: Everybody has to be assertive, not aggressive. Those two words are totally different. You can be assertive and very humble. You cannot be humble and aggressive. Aggressive is trespassing somebody else's right. Assertio...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  52. No Image

    A new humanity is absolutely and urgently needed.

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, You spoke the other day about the great responsibility we have to get your words out to the world. Can you say some more? The most important need of humanity today is to be made aware that its past has betrayed it. ...
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  53. No Image

    Spiritual Dependence

    Spiritual Dependence My approach to your growth is basically to make you independent of me. Any kind of dependence is slavery, and the spiritual dependence is the worst slavery of all. I have been making every effort to make you aware of you...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  54. No Image

    The moment you are initiated into sannyas, you are initiated into an uncharted, unplanned future

    Sannyas means that you have come to realize that you are a seed, a potentiality. This is not the end. This is only the beginning, and now you must decide to go into that growth. That growth comes through freedom, that growth comes through in...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  55. No Image

    I teach you Responsibility, Responsibility makes you feel strong

    Christianity has made you feel responsible for two thousand years, has made you feel guilty, that you are the sinner. Now psychoanalysis goes to the other extreme: it simply says you are not the sinner, you are not to feel guilty — you are p...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  56. No Image

    Just taste life as it is. It is a mystery, not a paradox.

    Question 1: Osho, Everything appears to be very paradoxical: having to be total and yet having to remain a witness, a watcher; having to be drowned in love and yet to be alone. it sounds very mysterious, and i feel utterly lost and confused....
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  57. No Image

    Life is basically insecure. Only death is secure

    Life is basically insecure. Only death is secure. Life insurance is a contradiction in terms; there can be only death insurance. Life is an adventure, unpredictable. Hence one has to live it arduously. Life is dangerous; only death is safe. ...
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  58. No Image

    Earnestness, sincerity, authenticity — these are the foundations of sannyas

    Earnestness, sincerity, authenticity — these are the foundations of sannyas. They are not different things but different aspects of the same phenomenon. One has to be utterly truthful about oneself. One need not hide, only cowards hide. The ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  59. No Image

    Whenever you are in misery you like to throw the responsibility on somebody

    Once it happened, I was in the mountains with a few friends. We went to see a point known as the echo point; it was a beautiful spot, very silent, surrounded by hills. One of the friends started barking like a dog. All the hills echoed it — ...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  60. No Image

    That’s my whole teaching, celebration; not worship but celebration.

    That’s my whole teaching, celebration; not worship but celebration. When you worship, you start making a hierarchy; the lower and the higher. When you worship you put something on top of other things. When you worship, something becomes sacr...
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  61. No Image

    Buddhafield means an energy field

    The word buddhafield is of tremendous importance. You have to understand it, because that is what I am doing here -- creating a buddhafield. It is just to create a buddhafield that we are moving away from the world, far away, so that a total...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  62. No Image

    My sannyas simply means that you drop all the conditionings that have been imposed upon you after you were born

    Question : The last few years i have often thought of taking sannyas, but i am afraid. Why? It is not only your question; there are millions of people who are in the same position. The fear is very fundamental. To be initiated into sannyas m...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  63. No Image

    What is your way of meditation? : I have chosen witnessing

    Question : What is your way of meditation? My way of meditation is very simple. There are one hundred and twelve methods of meditation. Out of all of those I have chosen the most simple — the most easily done. I call it witnessing. The momen...
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  64. No Image

    I teach you to forgive others, but even more to forgive yourself.

    Love knows how to forgive. Not only does one have to forgive others, one has to forgive oneself too, and that is the harder thing because we have been taught to feel guilty; we are burdened by guilt. A burdened man cannot grow and one who fe...
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  65. No Image

    Life is constantly changing and it is good that it is constantly changing

    Question 1 Osho, I have been here now for almost two and a half years, but i still feel that something in my life goes basically wrong. except for short glimpses, i am unable to find any lasting meaning in it. most of the time i'm hanging in...
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  66. No Image

    I affirm life, I rejoice in life

    The worldly, the otherworldly, are not really different. There is only one difference that makes a difference and that is of awareness, alertness. And the awareness can be practiced anywhere: you need not go to the mountains, you need not go...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  67. No Image

    I love you. Love is my message

    MY BELOVED ONES: I love you. Love is my message — let it be your message too. Love is my color and my climate. To me, love is the only religion. All else is just rubbish, all else is nothing but mind-churning dreams. Love is the only substan...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  68. No Image

    A Master is not a message but a medium

    Question : What is your Message, Osho? I Don’t understand you. My message is that there is no message. I am not here to give you a message, because a message will become knowledge. I am here to impart something of my being. It is not a messa...
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  69. No Image

    Is it true that whatsoever the master says or does is simply a device to transform the disciple?

    Question 1: Osho, Is it true that whatsoever the master says or does is simply a device to transform the disciple? Narendra, it is one of the most impossible things in the world to indicate, to explain the ultimate truth. The experience is b...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  70. No Image

    Spirituality - Osho Quotes on Spirituality

    Osho on Spirituality Spirituality is not a question of morality, it is a question of vision. Spirituality is not the practising of virtues -- because if you practise a virtue it is no longer a virtue. A practised virtue is a dead thing, a de...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  71. No Image

    My purpose is so unique - I am using words just to create silent gaps

    Question: I realized that it is easier to become silent while listening to you than in any other meditation. When you stop talking everything seems to stop for a moment and I get a glimpse of what meditation can be. The he question you have ...
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  72. No Image

    My sannyasin represents togetherness of action and meditation

    My sannyasin represents togetherness of action and meditation He is in the world and yet not of it. He is like a lotus flower coming out of dirty mud, but transforming the mud into the beauty of a lotus, living in a lake yet untouched by the...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  73. No Image

    Each of my Sannyasins is individual; that’s my message to them

    [The visitor replies: I think they are; the sannyasins want to be copies of you.] That is their misunderstanding. If somebody wants to…. But I am continuously throwing them to themselves. And you need not be that way! Even if others are maki...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  74. No Image

    should one not listen to and follow the wise advice of one's parents, teachers and well-wishers?

    Question 6: Osho, Should one not listen to and follow the wise advice of one's parents, teachers and well-wishers? LISTEN, but don't follow. Listen well, but follow your own insight, don't follow others' advice. Listen certainly, very medita...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  75. No Image

    Sannyas is not prayer with sadness, seriousness

    Existence only echoes our beings. Once you have known that bliss is your nature then the whole nature of the universe becomes blissful. That is what is meant by realization, liberation. Sannyas is not prayer with sadness, seriousness. It is ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  76. No Image

    That is the most miserable life: where there is no peak, no valley

    Question 5: The peaks are getting pretty wonderful, but the valleys are deeper and darker than ever. finding balance seems impossible. what to do? There is no need to do anything. You are not to find balance, balance will find you. You simpl...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  77. No Image

    Osho on meditation for Ashramite Sannyasins

    Question : Why are the ashramite sannyasins not allowed to participate in all the meditations? why are they told to participate in only one meditation every day? It is because of you, ladies and gentlemen. It is because of your laziness. I g...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  78. No Image

    All great art is born out of meditation

    All great art is born out of meditation The seers of the ancient East have been very emphatic about the point that all the great arts – music, poetry, dance, painting, sculpture – are all born out of meditation. They are an effort to in some...
    CategoryCreativity, ART
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  79. No Image

    What is your fundamental teaching to your sannyasins?

    Question 2: Osho, What is your fundamental teaching to your sannyasins? Gourishankar Mehta, It seems you must be a total stranger to this place, otherwise such a question is not possible, because I have got no teaching. I am not a teacher at...
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  80. No Image

    The Present - Osho Quotes on Present Moment

    Osho Quotes on Present Moment Live each moment as if you were going to die the next, and then there will be a great intensity and a great passion. You will be aflame with life. That being aflame is what being divine is to me. ♦ You have to p...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  81. No Image

    I go on forgetting your words. what should i do?

    Question 6: Osho, I go on forgetting your words. what should i do? Who has told you to remember my words? That’s how it should be, exactly, precisely. You have to forget my words; you have to remember the essence, not the words. And the esse...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  82. No Image

    I am absolutely life-affirmative

    [A visitor says: I don’t know if taking sannyas means something extra that doesn’t permit an equilibrium between work and a spiritual association.] No, nothing. It is a simple gesture of your trust in me. It is not in any way anti-life or an...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  83. No Image

    My message to my sannyasins is: be unique, be individuals

    The word ’nija’ has many meanings: one is self, another is individual.When a person is just his own self, when a person has an individuality – when a person lives his way, in his own way, lives his life in his own way, when a person doesn’t ...
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  84. No Image

    Life is so vast it can contain contradictions

    LIFE IS DIALECTICAL. It is more Hegelian than Aristotelean because it consists of the opposites. Without the opposites existence is impossible – day and night, life and death, summer and winter. Life is so vast it can contain contradictions,...
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  85. No Image

    on Fulfillment – Unless you are whole you are never fulfilled

    The only difference between deep, dreamless sleep and the awakened state, the enlightened state, is that of awareness. If you can be aware in your deep sleep you are a Buddha. You are not aware even while you are awake, and the Buddha is one...
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  86. No Image

    My sannyas is not for the sad and the dead

    Meditation is a process of rebirth. The first birth is only physiological, biological material. Don’t think that that’s all there is to life. Coming out of the womb of the mother is only an opportunity for a second birth, for the real birth....
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  87. No Image

    How can I serve you? : Just be yourself. There is no other service to me

    Question 2: How can I serve you? Just be yourself. There is no other service to me. Just be yourself; that’s how you can serve me. That’s how you have already served me — if you are yourself. My whole effort is to help you to be yourself. If...
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  88. No Image

    Sannyas is a direct relationship between a sannyasin and god

    Question 5 You said that sannyas is a direct relationship between a sannyasin and god, and that you are just a witness to it. but then the question arises if your witnessing will not create a kind of distrust in sannyas. please explain. You ...
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  89. No Image

    Responsibility: To be responsible means to be alert, conscious

    The first step towards buddhahood, towards the realization of your infinite potential, is to recognize that up to now you have been wasting your life, that up to now you have remained utterly unconscious. Start becoming conscious; that is th...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  90. No Image

    My message to my sannyasins is: be unique, be individuals

    The word ’nija’ has many meanings: one is self, another is individual.When a person is just his own self, when a person has an individuality – when a person lives his way, in his own way, lives his life in his own way, when a person doesn’t ...
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  91. No Image

    only in Zen is his devotion towards a living master.

    Question 1 : Beloved Osho, With the path of Sufism, the way of the heart behind us, where does the devotee fit in? Maneesha, the devotee fits in everywhere. Of course the context becomes different. In Sufism, the devotee is devoted to God to...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  92. No Image

    ”Right Conduct,” it means right relationship with others

    When it is said, ”right conduct,” it means right relationship with others. You need not be false. When you can be true without hurting anybody, be true. But if you feel that your truth is going to hurt many and is unnecessary, it can be avoi...
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  93. No Image

    Life is based on the rule of opposites

    One of the basic sutras of Lao Tzu is that life is based on the rule of opposites. Life does not oppose its contradictions. Rather, it works in collaboration with its counter-forces. Ordinarily it appears that if your enemy dies you will be ...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  94. No Image

    What would be the daily routine, the discipline of your sannyasin?

    Question 3 What would be the daily routine, the discipline of your sannyasin? You ask what the daily routine of my sannyasin would be. It is not a question of my sannyasin. How can anyone be my sannyasin? He or she will be just a sannyasin. ...
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  95. No Image

    If you don’t have a very developed ego, you cannot surrender.

    This has to be remembered for many reasons. Spiritual effort is the most contradictory phenomenon. Effort has to be made, with full consciousness that nothing can be achieved through effort. Effort has to be made only to achieve no-effort, o...
    CategoryEast, West
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  96. No Image

    Is there a special significance in changing one's name and wearing a mala given by you?

    Question 7 Is there a special significance in changing one's name and wearing a mala given by you? Yes, it has significance, great significance. The change of name has great significance for a sannyasin. It is an index, a symbol. Everything ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  97. No Image

    My way is The Way of the White Clouds

    To me, the life of a white cloud is the life of a SANNYASIN, of a man who has renounced. The life of a householder is a fixed routine. It is a dead thing, it is a pattern. It has a name, it has a form. It moves on a particular track like rai...
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  98. No Image

    I will use films, television, videotapes, tapes, every modern technique to spread the message

    Question 3: Osho, Don’t you have enough disciples? What is the need for videotapes of you and your commune? Devesh, I have got only one hundred fifty thousand sannyasins in the world – that is just a drop in the ocean of humanity. And if you...
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  99. No Image

    Life is mysterious, unexplainable - life is absurd

    Question : Osho, Is life not sometimes far more surprising than fictions themselves? Not only sometimes but always. Fictions are only reflections of life — how can they be more surprising? No fiction is so fictitious as life itself; life is ...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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