• Meditation is not doing anything directly to your violence, not doing anything to your jealousy, to your hate. It is simply brining light into your house, and the darkness disappears.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    on Money and Enjoyment – Whatsoever you have, start enjoying right now

    [A sannyasin says he feels disturbed because he wants more money to enjoy himself more.] For what do you want to have money? Because money in itself is neither good nor bad. It depends on what you want it for…. But have you seen any person w...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  2. No Image

    The present is the only time to live and to be

    Ananda means bliss, ida means now. Bliss is never then; it is always now. Bliss is never there; it is always here. Bliss knows only one space: the space that is created around the here, and knows only one time: that is created around now. If...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  3. No Image

    My new phase of work is a Mystery School

    Question : Osho, We have experimented with Communes in both the east and the west that did not last. Buddha and other enlightened masters created communes that did last. What is the difference? Gautam Buddha and other masters never created c...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  4. No Image

    Never repent about the past because that is again wasting the present

    Question : Osho, My mind, the monster, distracts me even when i’m sitting in discourse. It simply takes over and thinks all sorts of silly thoughts and by the time discourse is over i get the feeling i missed another golden opportunity to be...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  5. No Image

    on Hostility towards Rajneeshpuram Commune by American People

    Question : Since americans, and especially oregonians, pride themselves as having the land of the free — we hear that all the time at grade schools, national anthems and so on — why do you think so many people are so opposed — i mean not jus...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  6. No Image

    When a rich man prays, his prayer cannot be for money. If he is still praying for money, he is not yet rich enough

    There are two kinds of religiousness in the world: the religiousness of the poor — it is very worldly, it is very materialistic — and the religiousness of the rich — it is very spiritual, very nonmaterialistic. When a rich man prays, his pra...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  7. No Image

    To live unconsciously is to live in sin; to live consciously is to be virtuous, is to be religious

    Question : Osho, Any marks for Choiceless UnAwareness? Anand Buddha, even if you are aware of that, that will do. Are you aware of choiceless unawareness? That will destroy that choiceless unawareness. Make it an object of awareness and it w...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  8. No Image

    In the new commune there is going to be nobody higher and nobody lower

    We have created hierarchy in society. The lowest are those poor people who are chopping wood or cleaning the roads. Why are they the lowest? -- because they are doing the most essential things. The professors can be discarded, the society ca...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  9. No Image

    Whenever a commune was created there was tremendous growth

    [A sannyasin returning from Germany says: I got myself pretty lost there. I don't seem to be able to get a relationship together. Can you give me any kind of advice?] Mm (a pause). It is not only a question of relationship. When you are here...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  10. No Image

    There is a field already existing. And the moment you enter Rajneeshpuram, you will feel a different air, a different milieu

    Question : I asked about the energy field here; and I was wondering if it ever happened, particularly when you were not feeling well, that a melancholy caught on? or, Is the energy here always positive? It is always positive. My sickness is ...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  11. No Image

    I am trying to create a space where God can descend more and more. This commune will become a connection.

    The second and third questions are connected: Question 2 : Do you have some sort of contraption in your room with which you control or alter the moods of everyone in the ashram, putting everyone into the same or similar mood at the same time...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  12. No Image

    Is it possible for man to live without god?

    Question 2 Is it possible for man to live without god? Yes. In fact, it is only possible for man to live without God. A man with God does not live, he hesitates on every point of living, he is just half-hearted. He is making love and worried...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  13. No Image

    The function of the commune is to create an atmosphere of encouragement

    Question 6 Osho, What is the role of the commune as it is now, regarding therapy and meditation as offered in the university; and vice versa? and what is your vision of both their growth processes? The function of the commune is to create an...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  14. No Image

    on Sex and Money, Person who represses sex becomes more money-minded

    Question 4 Osho, Why do i always feel that sex and money are somehow deeply connected with each other? Nirmal, they are connected. Money is power; hence it can be used in many ways. It can purchase sex, and down the ages that has been the ca...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  15. No Image

    A commune is a mystery school where people learn how to give rebirth to themselves

    Question : I see in myself and even in this commune so much unconscious fear of change. Is your approach not Utopian? Will there ever will be anybody willing to form one world government with all its implications? Anywhere, at any time, with...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  16. No Image

    Nobody should in any way interfere in anybody else’s life

    Question : Osho, I know I should be unattached. Now I judge myself for having bought beautiful orange material rather than having the courage to run around like some do in some dirty rag. Now at least have the courage to wear those beautiful...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  17. No Image

    Teachings of the Awakened Ones are not teachings

    The Teachings of the Awakened Ones are not teachings at all because they cannot be taught — so how to call them teachings? A teaching is that which can be taught. But nobody can teach you the truth. It is impossible. You can learn it, but it...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  18. No Image

    My Sannyasins celebrate death because they celebrate life

    Question : Osho, I have heard that your Sannyasins Celebrate Death. Paul, you have heard rightly! My sannyasins celebrate everything. Celebration is the foundation of my sannyas — not renunciation but rejoicing; rejoicing in all the beauties...
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  19. No Image

    Freedom is frightening, because freedom simply means you will not be there

    Question 1 : When I was younger I used to feel a certain pull near open windows, High up in buildings. Many of the people with whom I work now also Do. The feeling is : “If I go any closer, I may have to jump”. My experience is that it is no...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  20. No Image

    Life should be a sweet song but man has made it very bitter, very ugly

    [A sannyasin had sent Osho some photos of his stone sculptures; stone arrangements.] I looked at your stone sculpture – beautiful! In the new commune you will have to do a few things. When the new commune is ready you have to plan a small pl...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  21. No Image

    Tell me, if you would, the meaning of the rolls royces?

    Question : Tell me, if you would, the meaning of the rolls royces? I am not a worshiper of poverty, as all the religions are. And because of their worship of poverty, they are responsible for poverty in the world. To me, wealth is as signifi...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  22. No Image

    on Jails (Prison) : Space makes no difference in your state of being

    Question : Jail is a terrible thing. You have never spoken on the psychology of the jails. In the jails did you feel better mentally, or miserable? Every person is in a jail, not only in one jail but many jails. First your body is a jail, th...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  23. No Image

    aradise is herenow! This very body is the Buddha

    Life basically is an expression of love. Love is the fragrance of the flower of life. They are two sides of the same coin. The person who avoids love is simultaneously avoiding life too; hence the people who have been life-negative have also...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  24. No Image

    I teach you Responsibility, Responsibility makes you feel strong

    Christianity has made you feel responsible for two thousand years, has made you feel guilty, that you are the sinner. Now psychoanalysis goes to the other extreme: it simply says you are not the sinner, you are not to feel guilty — you are p...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  25. No Image

    Man is afraid of freedom, and freedom is the only thing which makes you a man.

    Man is afraid of freedom, and freedom is the only thing which makes you a man. So we are suicidal — destroying our freedom. And with that destruction we are destroying our whole possibility of being. Then having is good because having means ...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  26. No Image

    If you remember death, life cannot deceive you anymore

    Buddha says beware of the false imaginings; the body is a shadow, you have to leave it one day. You are not it. HOW FRAIL IT IS! FRAIL AND PESTILENT, IT SICKENS, FESTERS AND DIES. LIKE EVERY LIVING THING IN THE END IT SICKENS AND DIES. Remem...
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  27. No Image

    A sannyasin has to learn to live life moment to moment with total intensity

    Religion has been dominated by ill and pathological people for centuries… My approach to religion is totally different. It is rooted in celebration, in wholeness, in health. I am not against life, I am in absolute love with life because to m...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  28. No Image

    Everybody is expecting permanence and Permanence is not the nature of things

    The river will never be the same again. And you also will never be the same again. That’s why each moment is unique, incomparable. It has been never before and will never be again. This is beautiful! It is not a repetition, it is absolutely ...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  29. No Image

    I affirm life, I rejoice in life

    The worldly, the otherworldly, are not really different. There is only one difference that makes a difference and that is of awareness, alertness. And the awareness can be practiced anywhere: you need not go to the mountains, you need not go...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  30. No Image

    Can the doors of heaven be opened by money?

    Prayer does not depend on what you say; it depends, rather, on what you are. Worship depends not on what you do but what you are. Religion is involved not with your actions but with you existence. If love is at the center of your being there...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  31. No Image

    You can deny God, but God never denies you

    There is an ancient Sufi parable: A man gave to a Sufi mystic a present, a golden bowl with a beautiful fish in it. The Sufi looked at the bowl and the fish and felt very sorry for the fish, because the bowl is an imprisonment. He went to th...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  32. No Image

    Be in the moment. Bring your total being in the moment

    The mind is always either in the past or in the future. It cannot be in the present, it is absolutely impossible for the mind to be in the present. When you are in the present, the mind is there no more because mind means thinking. How can y...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  33. No Image

    I stand for absolute freedom, individuality

    Question : Do you have any message for us in this new beginning? Just remember one thing: the sannyas movement has entered a critical stage. It is a good sign; it will bring maturity, strength, togetherness. What is to be remembered is that ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  34. No Image

    Never believe in a God who is separate from His creatures and the creation

    ONCE UPON A TIME, two explorers came to a clearing in the jungle. It was a beautiful place — thousands and thousands of flowers were blossoming. One of the explorers said, “There must be a gardener tending these flowers, looking after this p...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  35. No Image

    “Is there some way to stimulate courage?” That’s what the commune is for.

    Question : You have spoken of the need for Courage. Where does Courage come from? Is there any way to stimulate people’s Courage? Everything that is valuable comes from your own innermost being. It may be love, it may be intelligence, it may...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  36. No Image

    Nijinsky Dancer Lost in Dancing

    Dancing is not passive, it is very active. In the end you become movement; the body is forgotten, only movement remains. Really, dancing is a most unearthly thing, a most unearthly art, because it is just rhythm in movement. It is absolutely...
    CategoryCreativity, ART
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  37. No Image

    Reality is here and now

    If the mind is filled with dreams you cannot see rightly. If the heart is filled with desires you cannot feel rightly. Desires, dreams and hopes – the future disturbs you and divides you. But whatsoever is, is in the present. Desire leads yo...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  38. No Image

    Money, politics, are far more dangerous drugs.

    Sometimes through money he wants to become great – yes, money also gives you a feeling of expansion; it is a drug. When you have much money, you feel your boundaries are not so close to you – they are far away. You can have as many cars as y...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  39. No Image

    Why am I always thinking of Money?

    Question 6: Osho, Why am I always thinking of Money? What else is there to think about? Money is power. Everybody else is thinking of money, don’t be worried. Even those who are thinking of the other world… they have different coins but they...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  40. No Image

    People who take others’ responsibility are responsible for creating retarded, dependent slaves

    Question : But you don’t think that you are responsible for all the Sannyasins living here, for the life and the future of the children I have seen in this city? I am not responsible for anybody. I am not even a member of this commune. I liv...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  41. No Image

    Just be responsible to yourself

    Question : Why are we afraid, and sometimes even resent taking responsibility for ourselves, and we expect either you or the commune to take the responsibility? It is because from your very childhood you have been taught not to be responsibl...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  42. No Image

    on Sangham Sharanam Gachchhami

    Question 4: Osho, When we are scattered throughout the world, most of us far from you and living in small groups. Then what is the meaning of the second gachchhami: sangham sharanam gachchhami? Now it has more meaning than it had before. Let...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  43. No Image

    My communes are run by women, and they have proved far superior to men in every possible way

    Question : It seems the Whole Commune is run by Women. Is there a particular purpose or strategy to that? Certainly there is a particular strategy. Man has dominated women for centuries and forced the idea on them that they are the weaker se...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  44. No Image

    Desires, dreams and hopes : the future disturbs you and divides you

    If the mind is filled with dreams you cannot see rightly. If the heart is filled with desires you cannot feel rightly. Desires, dreams and hopes – the future disturbs you and divides you. But whatsoever is, is in the present. Desire leads yo...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  45. No Image

    Here and now is the only life, the only reality

    Man lives like a robot, almost like a machine. He goes through so many actions but mechanically. He may go for a morning walk but he will not listen to the birds, he will not see the trees, he will not look at the sunrise, he will not be awa...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  46. No Image

    Knowledge, awareness, will awaken you, here and now, to this very moment

    WHEN KNOWLEDGE IS DESTROYED, THE DREAM IS SEEN. If knowledge of the soul does not penetrate you, and if the flame within does not get its fuel, then dreams arise in your life; then desires arise, and your life loses its way and staggers ther...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  47. No Image

    Osho on Rolls Royces

    Question: When people speak about you, there is this richness coming out about the rolls royce and whatsoever is connected with it. what do you want to prove with this, so many cars and so many richness around you? Why people are concerned? ...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  48. No Image

    An arranged marriage never brings joy. It brings Security

    [An indian sannyasin has been invited to be a part of the ashram, but says, in Hindi, that her parents will not let her come.] First tell me your desire. I am not going to be guided by your desire, but I just want to know what you want…. The...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  49. No Image

    There are three planes of love.

    Question : When two Women or two Men are making love to each other. Does it do any harm to their energies? Love is always preferable to lovelessness — that is the first thing to be remembered. Love in any kind and any form is more preferable...
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  50. No Image

    I am always responsible for whatsoever I am. Bliss or Misery, this is my Choice

    Life has the potential to become a song of bliss, but there is every possibility of missing it too. It is not a certainty, there is no inevitability about it. It depends: you can make it, you can destroy it. Out of one hundred, ninety-nine p...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  51. No Image

    The moment life is non problematic, it has significance

    Bliss follows him like a shadow. It is natural, spontaneous, not something cultivated or practiced, because wisdom is nothing but the arising of a witnessing consciousness in you. Wisdom is not knowledge, wisdom is the realization of your in...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  52. No Image

    I am trying to wake you up herenow

    Question : You spoke of the three ways: beauty, grandeur and power. which is your way? or is it all three? It is neither. I have no way, because I am not leading you anywhere. I am trying to wake you up herenow. You are already wandering all...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  53. No Image

    Why is the world so sick today? Why are misery and tension increasing?

    Question 1: Osho, Why is the world so sick today? Why are misery and tension increasing? It is the outcome of all the idiotic ideas that have dominated humanity in the past. It was bound to happen. All the religions are responsible for it. W...
    CategoryPriest, Politician
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  54. No Image

    Mystic Kabir is Life Affirmative

    If the ultimate is a mystery, then life becomes a life of wonder. If the ultimate is not known, then poetry arises. If the ultimate is known -- or you THINK that it is known -- then philosophy arises. That is the difference between philosoph...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  55. No Image

    In the name of security we create a bondage around ourselves

    Man lives in bondage, and the bondage is not imposed by others, it is self-created. It is created because we are afraid of the insecure. In the name of security we create a bondage around ourselves. Yes, it gives a feeling of cosiness, warmt...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  56. No Image

    Choice is bondage, choicelessness freedom

    Choice is bondage, choicelessness freedom. The moment you choose something, you have fallen in the trap of the world. If you can resist the temptation to choose, if you can remain choicelessly aware, the trap disappears on its own accord, be...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  57. No Image

    What is actually your feeling now towards Sheela

    Question : What is actually your feeling now towards Sheela and what would you do if she would come back? I will take her back. We have a university here, and we have all kinds of therapies here. She needs some psychotherapy, a long treatmen...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  58. No Image

    on Pragya Chakshu – Wise Eyes

    The eyes can approach everything else because everything else is in front of the eyes and the self is not in the front. The self is behind the eyes, only the self is behind the eyes. Everything else is in front. You can encounter everything ...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  59. No Image

    Desire as such is a bondage, because when you desire, you become dependent

    Desire AS SUCH is a bondage, because when you desire, you become dependent on the other, on the desired object. Whether it is a woman, money, a man, power, prestige, it does not matter — it is desire, and desire brings bondage. Why? It is si...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  60. No Image

    I love you. When you love, the doing is not a doing at all.

    Question 6 You said, “we are not doing anything here,” But those of us who live and work here in the ashram are continuously occupied with’doing’. In fact the more we do, the more we are praised; and anyone who does not, or does less, is sco...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  61. No Image

    Buddha called his community SANGHA

    Buddha called his community SANGHA. Buddha says to his disciples to seek three refuges. When anybody comes to surrender he has to surrender to three things. He says: “I surrender to Buddha, I surrender to sangha, I surrender to DHAMMA.” Budd...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  62. No Image

    Bondage is never in a Situation, It is in the Attitude

    Question : Is the Desire to stay near you, not going away, also a Bondage? It depends, because bondage is never in a situation, it is in the attitude. If you want to go away and cannot, then it is a bondage. If you don’t want to go away, the...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  63. No Image

    Anything that becomes an imprisonment is Wrong

    Question 2: I am aware of a dichotomy within me: when i am near you, i am drawn towards you and am conscious of being a thirsty seeker. When i am away from the ashram i just have a good time and feel deliciously unholy. Is something wrong? N...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  64. No Image

    It was good of Friedrich Nietzsche to declare God dead. I declare that he has never been born

    Question 1 Is god really dead? the very idea of his death creates intense anxiety, fear, dread and anguish. The way I look at things, God has never been there, so how can he be dead? He was never born in the first place. It was invented by t...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  65. No Image

    The significance of being with a master.

    Rejoice in the world! In the past we have renounced too much and the result has been nil. How many buddhas have we produced in the past? They can be counted on the fingers. Only rarely, very rarely, a man became a Buddha, Christ or Krishna. ...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  66. No Image

    Poverty is ugly and it has to be destroyed totally

    Poverty is not something to be praised; it is something to be condemned, totally condemned. It is like cancer: it has to be destroyed; no respect should be given to it, because that is nourishment. It should not be praised in any direct or i...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  67. No Image

    The wealthy people in the West get bored with their riches

    Question : Osho, You have said that people need to experience material wealth in their lives before spiritual growth can happen. Why then do so many people in wealthy, developed countries, suffer from mental diseases? The cause is the religi...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  68. No Image

    Why do all buddhas say the same thing?

    Question 2: Osho, Why do all buddhas say the same thing? Vinod, Truth is one. Even if it is said differently, it is the same truth. Languages may differ, metaphors may differ parables may differ, but if you really look a little deep, then al...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  69. No Image

    You are functioning out of memories, out of the past

    Try to see that whatsoever action is there, it is not arising out of you but rather arising out of the chain of actions you have done in the past. Try to understand this distinction clearly. Whenever you do something – if somebody insults yo...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  70. No Image

    When you act in the moment and it has no reference to your past, the action has a beauty

    Divine purity reduced to practical life means spontaneity. The spontaneous person is innocent. He has a quality that only children have, and that is the meaning of purity, innocence. He has the quality that animals have and the trees have an...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  71. No Image

    I am always responsible for whatsoever I am. Bliss or Misery, this is my Choice

    Life has the potential to become a song of bliss, but there is every possibility of missing it too. It is not a certainty, there is no inevitability about it. It depends: you can make it, you can destroy it. Out of one hundred, ninety-nine p...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  72. No Image

    When you are young, experiment. Know many persons, allow many happenings, don’t be shy, don’t feel guilty

    Question : Osho, Do you feel that the hippie way of life – a life of nonachieving, all play and no work, living for the moment, wandering about instead of remaining in one place – is better for a spiritual seeker than the usual life of marri...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  73. No Image

    Desire means you are not herenow and Nirvana is always herenow

    This is a paradox, but of tremendous import – that enlightenment becomes possible only when you forget about it. When the desire for enlightenment disappears, only then does it become possible You desire money or you desire meditation – it m...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  74. No Image

    When there is no challenge intelligence goes out of function

    Question : But you don’t think that you are responsible for all the sannyasins living here, for the life and the future of the children i have seen in this city? I am not responsible for anybody. I am not even a member of this commune. I liv...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  75. No Image

    God, fate, destiny – these are bogus words, mumbo jumbo

    Question : Osho, You say we are responsible for ourselves, and that there is no god. What part do fate and destiny have in our lives? or are they just excuses to avoid our responsibilities by pinning hope on something outside ourselves? They...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  76. No Image

    How can anybody impose anything on you? You cooperate, and then you throw the responsibility on the other

    [A sannyasin said he did not want to push himself as Osho had suggested: But I know I have to take risks, I know I have to try new things but… ] If it comes – this urge to try new things, to venture into new styles of being, to go on a journ...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  77. No Image

    What is your Vision for the New Commune?

    Question : Osho, What is your Vision for the New Commune? Krishna Prem, the new commune is an experiment in spiritual communism. The word ‘communism’ comes from ‘commune’. There is only one possibility of communism in the world and that poss...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  78. No Image

    Make up your mind. Don’t go on postponing infinitely

    Question 3: Osho, I am having a great struggle deep inside me before taking the final step, but last night, when i slept in orange clothes, i felt myself a different person. What are you doing? It is dangerous to take responsibility for you ...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  79. No Image

    Buddha is not ready to take you on the Way if you are immature

    Buddha says: If your heart is ready, if you have experienced life and the pain of it, if you have suffered life and understood the frustration of it and your heart is ready to move to the other shore — you have experienced this shore and hav...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  80. No Image

    Blessed are those who are blissful - A miserable person cannot find truth. He can theorise about truth

    Bliss is equivalent to god. ‘God’ is a beautiful word but it has become ugly because of wrong associations. It has fallen into wrong company. The priests have exploited it so much that I appreciate very much Friedrich Nietzsche’s declaration...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  81. No Image

    A Master simply teaches you how to be alert

    The real Master is not technical, he is simple — because there is no technique to achieve God. God is not somewhere at the end of a technique, no. God is already available to you. You are in God;you just have to shake yourself a little so th...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  82. No Image

    Coming close to a Master certainly creates fear

    Question : I see in myself and even in this commune so much unconscious fear of change. Is your approach not Utopian? Will there ever will be anybody willing to form one world government with all its implications? Anywhere, at any time, with...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  83. No Image

    Use money, but never be greedy

    Question : My greed for money, to have money and to see that i am able to make money, what does it mean? It simply means that you are greedy. There is no need to go into great philosophy about it. It does not mean anything else than what it ...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  84. No Image

    All those things that are dependent on the concept of God are bogus

    Question 3 All the religions are based on god. their morality, their commandments, their prayers, their saintliness -- everything points towards god, and you say that god is dead. then what will happen to all these great things that are depe...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  85. No Image

    When Joy is without any reason it is Divine

    A few things about sannyas…. It is an initiation into the formless. It is not an initiation into some rigid form, it is not giving you a certain discipline — on the contrary it is an initiation into freedom, into a formless creative chaos. T...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  86. No Image

    Bliss is God. Seek bliss and you will find God

    Anand Elles. Anand means bliss; elles comes from the Hebrew root el; el means God. Bliss is God. God is indefinable, but if any definition is possible at all, then bliss is his definition. The definition that comes closest to define God is b...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  87. No Image

    Why is India so Poor?

    Question 5: Osho, Why is India so Poor? The so-called saints are responsible. Down the ages, India has lived with a wrong philosophy — a philosophy that teaches other-worldliness, a philosophy that teaches that the world is illusion and only...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  88. No Image

    Buddhism never creates any guilt, it is not for repentance, it is for remembrance

    The ordinary way of human beings is to overlook one’s own faults and to emphasize, magnify, others’ faults. This is the way of the ego. The ego feels very good when it sees, “Everybody has so many faults and I have none.” And the trick is: o...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  89. No Image

    What is your Idea of a Model Commune?

    Question : Osho, What is your Idea of a Model Commune? Maneesha, mankind is at a crossroads. It cannot live the way it has lived up to now. That has become simply impossible. It has been dreaming for a better future as far back as you can co...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  90. No Image

    Whatsoever the world can give to us keeps us poor

    Whatsoever the world can give to us keeps us poor. It can’t make us rich; it can at the most give us a pretension of being rich. Even Alexander the Great is a beggar. Even the richest person on earth remains empty, futile, deep down, because...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  91. No Image

    You are not individuals, you are only persons, personalities

    You are many, you are a crowd. The master is one, he is not a crowd. You are not one, you are many selves. So one moment you are one thing, another moment you are another thing. You go on changing. Just watch your mind — every moment you go ...
    CategoryIndividuality, A Real Man
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  92. No Image

    Man is not in bondage, only thinks so

    A king wanted to pick the wisest man among his subjects to be his prime minister. When the search finally narrowed down to three men, he decided to put them to the supreme test. Accordingly, he placed them in a room in his palace, and instal...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  93. No Image

    The whole work of meditation is nothing but this: how to become utterly present in the present, how to collect oneself in the now

    Prem means love, vatayana means now, the present moment – love now. And my whole emphasis is on this moment, because this moment contains all. Now is the only reality – all else is either memory or imagination. And even for the past to exist...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  94. No Image

    According to Gautama the Buddha, this is the original sin: to live Unconsciously

    Man ordinarily is a robot. He lives apparently awake, but not really. He walks, he talks, he acts, but it is all as if in sleep — not conscious of what he is doing, not conscious of what he is saying, not conscious of all that surrounds him....
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  95. No Image

    on Legal System in the New Commune

    Question : Osho, What will be the Legal System used in the new commune until all of its members are totally conscious? Will there need to be a system of punishment and reward? Maneesha, all legal systems are nothing but the revenge of societ...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  96. No Image

    You say that india is a dead country -- mentally, physically and economically dead. how did this happen

    Question : You say that india is a dead country -- mentally, physically and economically dead. how did this happen, and is there any way now to avoid a catastrophe? There is always a way. But the problem is the people who are almost dead, be...
    CategoryIndia, America, Nation
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  97. No Image

    If money serves meditation, money is good and one should use it

    Jaya means inner victory, conquering oneself, and ananda means bliss – bliss that comes out of conquering oneself. And that is the only bliss there is. You can conquer the whole world and you will remain miserable; of course your misery will...
    CategoryMoney, Richness
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  98. No Image

    Without rules and regulations it will be just as if there are no rules and regulations for the traffic.

    [A sannyasin says: I feel very much depressed when I come to the ashram – I don’t know why. But I come because I feel very much love for you and I want to do all the meditations. It seems all the people around here are very jealous. … There ...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  99. No Image

    A sannyasin has to learn to live life moment to moment with total intensity

    Religion has been dominated by ill and pathological people for centuries… My approach to religion is totally different. It is rooted in celebration, in wholeness, in health. I am not against life, I am in absolute love with life because to m...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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