• If you are absolute without mind, just pure consciousness, time stops completely, disappears, leaving no trace behind.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    If you can help her to die silently, meditatively, you have served her

    [A sannyasin has to return to the west because her mother is dying of a life-long illness.] So it is a good release for her, mm? She should not be prevented, she should be helped to leave the body. Because life in each and every case is not ...
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  2. No Image

    Death has to be understood, because death is the goal of life

    Question 4: Yesterday you said that the understanding of death is the basis of eastern psychology, and the understanding of sex is the basis of western psychology. will you please say something more about it? Death is the greatest thing that...
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  3. No Image

    When death becomes a bliss, it is a samadhi

    Watch a dead person — every person looks beautiful, silent. Not that he died in silence, not that he died beautifully — rarely does a person die beautifully. Ninety-nine percent of people struggle very badly — fight, great stress arises. Jus...
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  4. No Image

    The real problem is the priest, and God is the invention of the priest.

    (Interview BY Aaj Ka Anand) Question : With gautam buddha religion took a quantum leap. god became meaningless and only meditation was important. now, twenty-five centuries after buddha, again religion is taking the quantum leap in your pres...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  5. No Image

    on Dying in Master’s Presence – Physical closeness means nothing

    Question : Osho, Thoughts of death have been a frequent visitor during my disciplehood. How can a disciple die in a master’s presence, especially when the master is physically distant? Osho, is mahakashyap the only answer? The question is no...
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  6. No Image

    The basic problem of love is to first become mature

    You can go on changing your husband or your wife a thousand and one times, you will again find the same type of woman and the same misery repeated in different forms – but the same misery repeated; it is almost the same. You can change your ...
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  7. No Image

    When i die, does my individuality remain?

    Question : Osho, When i die, does my individuality remain? Yes, your individuality remains, but your personality disappears — and you have to understand the difference between the two. The personality is something that is given by the societ...
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  8. No Image

    In accepting the very challenge, one becomes a human being

    Anand means bliss, sikha means a peak, a mountain-peak. Bliss is a peak. It is the highest peak of consciousness; there is nothing higher than that. All else – beauty, good, truth, consciousness – are smaller peaks compared to the peak of bl...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  9. No Image

    on Objective art and Subjective art - Gurdjieff has divided art into two categories

    Gurdjieff has divided art into two categories. The modern art he calls subjective art. The ancient art — the real art — the people who made the pyramids, the people who made the Taj Mahal, the people who made the caves of Ajanta and Ellora, ...
    CategoryCreativity, ART
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  10. No Image

    Whenever you know the keys of how to open the doors of music you have opened the doors of heaven also

    Question 4 Over the years i had a long affair with a drum -- and have met so many brothers and sisters who have fallen into meditation through drums. why do dancers love drums? In the nohdrama of japan there is a story about a drum. would yo...
    CategoryCreativity, ART
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  11. No Image

    Tell him to invite death; tell him to think of death not as a foe but as a friend

    [A sannyasin wants to go home because his father is dying of a brain tumor but is still conscious.] Then it is good – you go. And help him to die meditatively. Meditation is a bridge between life and death. It is of immense value while one i...
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  12. No Image

    Has civilization done man any good?

    Question 5 Has civilization done man any good? Yes, it makes you sin so hard that one has to become a saint by and by. It throws you into such deep misery that you have to start looking for clues to go out of the imprisonment. Civilization h...
    CategoryIndia, America, Nation
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  13. No Image

    Death can be as beautiful as anything else. West has completely forgotten how to Die

    [A sannyasin said she is upset about her father, who is ill with emphysema: I feel unclear about my relationship with him. I feel a mixture of guilt and fear. Osho checks her energy.] A few things to be understood …. Yes, there is something ...
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  14. No Image

    Osho on Lotus : The lotus is the symbol of the ultimate unfolding of consciousness

    Osho on Lotus The lotus is the symbol of the ultimate unfolding of consciousness. It is the most beautiful flower in the East, the most fragrant, and it has become the symbol of ultimate awakening, ultimate awareness. It has become the symbo...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  15. No Image

    on Purpose of Existence and Creation – Existence exists without any cause

    Question : You said that god is the creative process. Then why are things created? What is the purpose of creation, or is it something that just exists? If God exists as a person then the question why becomes relevant. If God is a person the...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  16. No Image

    It rarely happens that a person dies with God on his mind

    BAULS say that there is only one way to come out of the stupor man lives in, and that is remembrance of God: NAM-SMARAN, remembrance of His name. That has always been part of the basic techniques on the path of love — to remember Him. And wh...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  17. No Image

    on Virtues – Man cannot be virtuous unless he is blissful

    Man cannot be virtuous unless he is blissful. In the past religions have been teaching just the opposite; hence the failure of the old religions. All religions have failed. Humanity has not become religious at all. After thousands of years o...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  18. No Image

    God is not to be searched for; what is to be searched for is Consciousness

    From birth to death you go on living, groping in darkness with no light — and you could have created the light. You cannot find it in the scriptures; nobody can hand it to you. It is not purchased or sold; it is nontransferable. But you can ...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  19. No Image

    Why have all the great masters come from the East?

    Question : Osho, Why have all the great masters come from the East? Because humanity has yet not been total. The East is introvert, the West is extrovert. Man is split, mind is schizophrenic. That’s why all the great masters have come from t...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  20. No Image

    Love is the only light there is in life

    Prem Ellen. Prem means love; Ellen means light. Love is the only light there is in life. Love is the inner light. It needs no fuel; it is eternal. It is not caused by anything, hence it cannot be turned off. Anything that can be put on can b...
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  21. No Image

    Fighting with god is like hitting your head against the wall

    Fighting with god is like hitting your head against the wall: it is not going to do any harm to the wall, only your head will be destroyed. You will lose your sanity. To be in tune with god means to find a door. You can go through it and the...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  22. No Image

    If you are alive you have to take risks

    Question 2 Is it good to take risks? Good or bad is not the question. If you are alive you have to take risks. Life is a risk. Only death is secure, life is never secure — there is no security. The companies that are called Life Insurance sh...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  23. No Image

    on Love and so called Love

    Question 2 : Beloved Osho, As you were talking about indian and western sannyasins, i felt what you were saying was true — sometimes the indians are too much of the heart. It is hard to say no to them, yet you cannot say yes to their expecta...
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  24. No Image

    Where does Courage come from? Is there any way to stimulate people’s Courage?

    Question : You have spoken of the need for Courage. Where does Courage come from? Is there any way to stimulate people’s Courage? Everything that is valuable comes from your own innermost being. It may be love, it may be intelligence, it may...
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  25. No Image

    why are so many young people from the west now becoming interested in eastern religion and philosophy?

    Question 4 What factors do you attribute the western youth revolt to, and why are so many young people from the west now becoming interested in eastern religion and philosophy? Mind is a very contradictory thing. It works in polar opposites....
    CategoryEast, West
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  26. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Master

    Osho on Master The true birth is through the master. ◆ A real master teaches you unlearning. ◆ I am here just to be a midwife. That’s what Socrates used to say – that a master is just a midwife. I can help, I can protect, I can guide, that’s...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  27. No Image

    Death will reveal to you more than life has given. Your death can become your satori

    [A sannyasin with terminal cancer and a few weeks to live is returning to the west. Osho blesses him.] Don’t be worried… don t be worried. I am coming with you; don’t be worried at all. You have taken it really as it should be taken. I have ...
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  28. No Image

    Ego is like darkness. It is the absence of love

    Love is not something to be obtained from the outside. Love is the music of your inner being. Nobody can give you love. Love can arise within you, but it cannot be obtained from the outside. There is no shop, no market, no salesman where you...
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  29. No Image

    Freedom is the goal of life. We are caught in many limitations – the body, the mind

    Anand Ciska. Anand means bliss; ciska means freedom. Bliss is freedom and vice versa: freedom is bliss. In fact they are two sides of the same coin. Misery arises out of limitation. Bliss is to know that we are infinite, that even the sky is...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  30. No Image

    Only love brings a state of no anxiety

    Prem means love, and achinta means no anxiety. And remember that only love brings a state of no anxiety – and only love. Everything else creates a new anxiety. You can go on changing your anxieties – somebody is seeking money, somebody is se...
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  31. No Image

    A dream is a very fragile thing; the reality goes on bumping in and breaking

    For the mind everything is crooked, not because everything is crooked – the way the mind looks, anything that penetrates the medium of the mind becomes crooked. Just as you put a straight thing into water, a straight staff, and suddenly you ...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  32. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Sin and Virtue

    Osho on Sin and Virtue Bring your whole mind to light and you will see -- all that is miserable starts dying, and all that is beautiful and blissful starts sprouting. In the light of consciousness, that which remains is good, and that which ...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  33. No Image

    on Krishna – Whenever there is enlightenment, god takes possession of the enlightened perso

    Krishna is one of the incarnations of god. The Hindu concept of god coming to earth is not like the Christian – not that god has only one son, not that god only comes in one form, as Christ: god comes in many forms, god comes in every age. G...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  34. No Image

    Why have all the great masters come from the East?

    Question : Osho, Why have all the great masters come from the East? Because humanity has yet not been total. The East is introvert, the West is extrovert. Man is split, mind is schizophrenic. That’s why all the great masters have come from t...
    CategoryEast, West
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  35. No Image

    on Experience of timelessness in love

    If you can be loving in a single moment that is enough, because you never have two moments together. Only one moment is given. When one is lost, a second is given. You have only one moment always with you. If you know how to be loving in one...
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  36. No Image

    on how to share your Meditation with Dying Person

    [A sannyasin said her father has cancer and her family keep asking her to go home, but she is undecided as she also wants to stay here. Osho says that as the father is old, it is better she go…. ] And this is a significant time. Go, and be a...
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  37. No Image

    Why is man afraid to leave his body and his possessions?

    Question 4: Osho, Why is man afraid to leave his body and his possessions? Because you don’t have anything else — just your body, your possessions. And what are your possessions? Extensions of your body. For example, no animal has created we...
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  38. No Image

    on Free Will – How to see what is My will and God’s will?

    Question 4 : How to see what is My will and God’s will? There is a Chinese saying: Man is a puppet when he acts, a poet when he describes. All that you think is your freedom is nothing but your poetry. An unconscious man cannot be free, cann...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  39. No Image

    Do all enlightened masters sound as egoistic as you do?

    Question : Do all enlightened masters sound as egoistic as you do? It is bound to be so. They sound egoistic because they cannot be humble in the sense you understand humility. Try to understand. It is a delicate point. Whatsoever you call h...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  40. No Image

    What is the most essential factor in search of truth? - I say courage

    7. What is the most essential factor in search of truth? I say courage: the courage to discover one’s authentic self. To know oneself as one is, is the most essential thing. It is very difficult, but without it there can be no understanding ...
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  41. No Image

    Heartache is a positive thing. Headache is a negative thing

    Question 4: My heart aches. such a tiny crevice of it feels able to open to you. I want to melt and flow around you like a puddle; and i don’t know how. Somehow my heart knows what it would feel like to open totally to you, and because it do...
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  42. No Image

    on Living in this moment and time

    What is psychological time? Mind is psychological time. Mind is time. If you don’t have any mind and you are simply silent with no thought moving within, there is no time for you, not psychological time. The clock will go on moving, but for ...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  43. No Image

    To be a sannyasin is to take a decision to grow

    To be a sannyasin is to take a decision to grow, to take a decision to go into dangers, to take a decision to live in indecision. This seems paradoxical. It is not. One has to begin somewhere, and even to live indecisively one has to have a ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  44. No Image

    Unless you experience it totally, you cannot be finished with it

    Anand means bliss or blissful, and sugatta is a name of buddha. Literally it means well gone, because in india we call those people well-gone who are not going to come back again, who are gone forever. They have gone so well that they will n...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  45. No Image

    Simple method of Meditation for Latin Lovers

    Question : Just a simple method of Meditation to suggest to Latin Lovers, So they may find their way? The simplest method for lovers is, while they are making love they should make it a sacred experience. All the religions have destroyed the...
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  46. No Image

    The future has to allow there to be a deep harmony between inner polarities

    The difference between animals and man is that animals have fixed potentialities while man has infinite possibilities. But they are only possibilities. Man can grow, but this growth must be helped. We must open up centers throughout the worl...
    CategoryEast, West
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  47. No Image

    Bondage is never in a Situation, It is in the Attitude

    Question 8: Is the Desire to stay near you, not going away, also a Bondage? It depends, because bondage is never in a situation, it is in the attitude. If you want to go away and cannot, then it is a bondage. If you don’t want to go away, th...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  48. No Image

    Why are there no women masters?

    Question : You, Buddha, Jesus, etc. are all men. you say women are closer to no-mind. why did you choose a man’s body? why are there no women masters? It is from Deva Chandan – of course, a woman who belongs to the lib movement. It is signif...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  49. No Image

    Music helps you from the outside to fall in tune with the inner. Music is a device; it was invented by the buddhas.

    Question 2 Osho, I am a musician and i have come across many music teachers over the years. but now it seems that i have not only found a master but also the ultimate music teacher. is it perhaps the same thing? and could you please say some...
    CategoryCreativity, ART
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  50. No Image

    You are Gods - dreaming that you are men

    Question : Dear Osho, Are you really just a man who got enlightened? Just the other way round: a god who got lost and has found himself again; a god who rested and slept deeply and dreamt of being a man and is now awake. And the same is true...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  51. No Image

    Why has there never been a single Woman Enlightened Master?

    Question : Why has there never been a single Woman Enlightened Master? A woman cannot be a Master — it is not possible. When a woman arrives she becomes a Mistress, not a Master. The fulfilment of a woman is love. The flowering of a woman is...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  52. No Image

    If you catch hold of him while he is still under the shock of the heart attack

    [A sannyasin has to leave because his father has a serious heart attack.] Mm… go, and when he is able to do something, show him the nadabrahma, the humming meditation. You can do it first sitting by his side and he can watch. Then you do it ...
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  53. No Image

    on Unconditional Love – Love people but love unconditionally

    Attachment, clinging, possessiveness are like rocks, hindering the path of your inner spring. But these are big rocks and they go on becoming bigger with every day. As time passes, the rocks go on becoming heavier and heavier. The child know...
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  54. No Image

    Life is movement. It is like a river- always moving

    What is the message of Heraclitus, the deepest message? Understand so you can follow. He does not believe in things, he believes in processes — process is God to him. And if you watch closely, you will see that THINGS don’t exist in the worl...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  55. No Image

    What is Death, and what exists after death?

    Question : What is Death, and what exists after death? If you think about what is, you will pervert i t. If you think about it, then you will impose your own conceptions on it. ’What is’ can be revealed only when there is no conception, no t...
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  56. No Image

    A man living on the circumference is a man without soul

    Dhyan means meditation. Pathik means pilgrim, a traveler. Meditation is an inner journey. It is moving from your circumference to your own center. We live on the circumference and we have lived on the circumference for so many lives that we ...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  57. No Image

    Sannyas means trusting me, because the journey is unknown and no maps are available.

    Nirjara. It is one of the most important words in the Eastern search for truth. It comes from the Jaina tradition. That tradition is very much unknown in the West but is one of the most important in the East, as important as the Buddhist tra...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  58. No Image

    A great courage is needed in life to be yourself, in failure, in success, in appreciation, in condemnation

    [Osho explains the meaning of prem veeresh. Prem means love and veeresh means courage, and you have to imbibe the spirit of love and courage. Love is the basic quality of the religious man, and out of love, courage grows.] When I was a small...
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  59. No Image

    If we don’t achieve total consciousness in this life

    Question : Osho, When you said that if we don’t achieve total consciousness in this life, we will have to start from the very beginning again, and go through the whole evolution of mankind one more time, I was very touched. Is it possible th...
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  60. No Image

    on Dying in Master’s Presence – Physical closeness means nothing

    Question : Osho, Thoughts of death have been a frequent visitor during my disciplehood. How can a disciple die in a master’s presence, especially when the master is physically distant? Osho, is mahakashyap the only answer? The question is no...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  61. No Image

    There is only one sin and that is unawareness.

    Heraclitus touches the deepest problem of man: that is — fast asleep even while awake. You sleep when you sleep, but you also sleep while you are awake. What is the meaning of it? — because this is what Buddha says, this is what Jesus says, ...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  62. No Image

    Anything done with awareness is virtue. Anything done with unawareness is sin.

    Question 2: Osho, Can you say something about virtue? Fantastic! Here, we are not concerned about virtue at all. Virtue is for people who are unconscious; it is a training for them to say, "Don't say bullshit, say fantastic!" Virtue is a tra...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  63. No Image

    God is not a thought but the experience of thoughtlessness

    Deva means divine, unmana means no-mind. The state of no-mind is the state of the divine. God is not a thought but the experience of thoughtlessness. It is not a content in the mind; it is the explosion when the mind is contentless. It is no...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  64. No Image

    Whatever you live unconsciously becomes a hangover

    The first thing to remember is how to drop thoughts and become thoughtless — thoughtless but alert, because in deep sleep also you become thoughtless, and that won’t do. It is good for the body, that is why after a deep sleep your body feels...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  65. No Image

    I would like to be a world teacher

    Question : I would like to be a world teacher, The second Teerthankara of the “TRADITION OF THE MOON ” Is it possible to expose this desire to the public? First, if you really want to be a teacher, become a disciple. Unless you are a really ...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  66. No Image

    Why is love so essential for spiritual growth?

    Question : Why is love so essential for spiritual growth? Love and awareness is the highest form of polarity – just like man/woman, life/death, darkness/light, summer/winter, outer/ inner, yin/yang, the body and the soul, the creation and th...
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  67. No Image

    One should live naturally on all the four steps

    Question : Osho, What is the difference between human nature, instinct, and habit? Are there any means by which they can change or not? Sahabzadev Hasan, habit is not nature, it is nurture. You learn it by imitation. By seeing people doing t...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  68. No Image

    God is not a person but the impersonal presence. The very life of existence is God, the living energy is God.

    Bliss is a by-product of trust, of total trust in existence or in God. God is not a person but the impersonal presence. The very life of existence is God, the living energy is God. And to trust in it means to stop struggling against it. Stru...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  69. No Image

    on Free Will and its relation to Being and Non doing

    Question 4 : Please explain man’s free will and its relation to being and non-doing. There is nothing like that, like free will. It is just an ego concept, there cannot be anything like that. I am not saying the opposite, that you are depend...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  70. No Image

    You cling to life because your life is unfulfilled

    if you want to abide always and always, you have not lived the moment. One who has lived his life truly, authentically, one who has enjoyed it, is always ready to die, is always ready to leave. One who has not enjoyed and celebrated, one who...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  71. No Image

    The present is the door, and your single-mindedness is the key

    The dreamer’s mind is divided in two: in witnessing and dreaming. Then you are not one; you are split. While you are simply witnessing you are one. There is no duality in you. You are — that’s all. So try to become one, single-minded. Whatso...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  72. No Image

    Death has to be explored, and with tremendous joy

    [To an elderly sannyasin] Because the last days of the life should be totally devoted to prayer, to meditation, to god. One has to prepare for death. And death is more important than life, because life is just superficial. Death will take yo...
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  73. No Image

    on energy phenomena in death – Sai Baba’s tomb is not dead. It is still alive

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  74. No Image

    Neither terror of death nor the process of death make man unconscious

    Question 3: Osho, It is stated that man becomes unconscious at the time of death. Why is this so? Is it due to the terror of death or the process of death? Neither terror of death nor the process of death make man unconscious. He has been le...
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  75. No Image

    Cremation destroys all identity and attachment of the dead with their bodies

    Question 4 Is there a way, apart from occultism, to know intellectually about the soul and its rebirth? in other words, can the existence of the soul and the fact of rebirth be proved philosophically without the help of a practical disciplin...
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  76. No Image

    Start living in the infinite, because that is our true reality

    Aseem means the unbounded, the infinite. Start living in the infinite, because that is our true reality. The idea that we are finite is just an idea, it does not correspond to reality; hence it creates much misery. Once you start thinking of...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  77. No Image

    Let love be your virtue

    Prem Sushila. It means love virtue... and love is the only virtue. Other virtues are needed only when love is missing. They are substitutes and very poor substitutes at that. Love is the only commandment. If love is missing then the ten comm...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  78. No Image

    In between was the heaven - you jump from one hell to another.

    Poor people are miserable, you can understand, but rich people are also miserable. Those who have are as much miserable as those who have not. Ill people are miserable, but healthy are also miserable. Misery seems to be somewhere else. Miser...
    CategoryHeaven, Hell, Devil
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  79. No Image

    If your Father is Dying, then this is the time not to miss but to settle Everything

    [A sannyasin says: A week ago I mentioned to someone ’I think my father might die’ and today during the lecture my watch stopped; then I got the telegram that he’s very sick…. I just have the feeling that this is the first time I can underst...
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  80. No Image

    on Enlightenment in the Moment of Death

    Question 3: Beloved Osho, Sannyasins who are dying in your presence discover their enlightenment. Why is it so difficult for those of us who are still alive? Is it that life comes so close to death, and we are afraid of dying yet still not c...
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  81. No Image

    After enlightenment there is no way for him to choose anything.

    Question : Osho, How can the world ever become a paradise when all enlightened people always choose not to be born again? Anand Anahad, one of the most fundamental things about the enlightened person is that he attains to enlightenment by dr...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  82. No Image

    We live with momentary things. That’s why there is so much misery

    We live with momentary things. That’s why there is so much misery, because whatsoever is momentary is not going to satisfy. By the time you become aware that it is there it is already gone. This life is almost a flux: it is continuously movi...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  83. No Image

    if you are going to die tomorrow, then how many things will be important

    Deva means divine, uparati means indifference to the non-essential – a divine indifference to the non essential. And that’s the whole work of the seeker. We are caught up in the non-essential, the mundane, the trivial. For the moment it look...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  84. No Image

    on Sin Guilt Teachings in Christianity

    Question 11: Aren’t a lot of the problems of the western mind the result of the sin and guilt in christianity? Yes, that is bound to be. The concept of sin creates a very different consciousness around it. This concept is lacking in the East...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  85. No Image

    on responsibility of a doctor towards a patient who is dying

    Question : Osho, What is the responsibility of a doctor towards a patient who is dying and no longer wants to live? Should the doctor help him to die? It is something very significant to be understood. In the past, in the beginning days of m...
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  86. No Image

    Man can function from three centres: one is the head, another is the heart and the third one is the navel.

    Man can function from three centres: one is the head, another is the heart and the third one is the navel. If you function from the head you will go on spinning thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. They are very insubstantial, dream-stuff – t...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  87. No Image

    on Death - The experience of entering death voluntarily is meditation, samadhi.

    “The first thing I would like to tell you about death is that there is no bigger lie than death. And yet, death appears to be true. It not only appears to be true but even seems like the cardinal truth of life–it appears as if the whole of l...
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  88. No Image

    Questioning is an internal turbulence, and this creates distance

    Whenever you ask questions you will feel distant, because when you are asking questions your mind has to prepare itself for action – you have to think and ask and so on. And when you are doing these things a distance will be created. Your mi...
    Categoryon Osho Talks
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  89. No Image

    How to become utterly present in the present

    Prem means love, vatayana means now, the present moment – love now. And my whole emphasis is on this moment, because this moment contains all. Now is the only reality – all else is either memory or imagination. And even for the past to exist...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  90. No Image

    A Buddha cannot be asked to help you. He is help – but a passive help

    The first thing: to ask the Buddha to help us is foolish, for three reasons. First, he cannot. Second, even if he could he would not. Third, we do not need to be helped since we are all Buddhas already. Zen people say: Because of these three...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  91. No Image

    Whatsoever happens in time is going to die. In time, the eternal is not possible

    Deva means divine, and akal means two things: one is timelessness and another is deathlessness. One word has both the meanings because in the eastern mind – particularly in the indian consciousness – time and death are synonymous. Whatsoever...
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  92. No Image

    Religion is possible only through courage, but usually the cowardly become religious.

    Dharma Farrell. Dharma means religion; Farrell means a man of courage. Religion is possible only through courage, but usually the cowardly become religious. The temples, the churches, the mosques, are full of cowards. Their God is nothing bu...
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  93. No Image

    on Dancing - Nijinsky Dancer Lost in Dancing

    Dancing is not passive, it is very active. In the end you become movement; the body is forgotten, only movement remains. Really, dancing is a most unearthly thing, a most unearthly art, because it is just rhythm in movement. It is absolutely...
    CategoryCreativity, ART
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  94. No Image

    Love is nourishment for the soul. Without love you will die spiritually

    Question 2: Osho, Since falling in love, even though having little to do with him, it seems entirely my own journey. Feeling nourished and much power in my being. The question is from Anand Amrita. Love is nourishment. Love is exactly like f...
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    You cannot excite a master

    You cannot excite a master, even if death is there, because excitement belongs to the mind. And you cannot surprise a master, even if death is there, because surprise also belongs to the mind. Why can’t you surprise a master? — because he ne...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  96. No Image

    Sharing that divineness is virtue. There is no other virtue in existence.

    Friends, One sannyasin has asked that his parents, and particularly his mother, harass him very much while he is meditating. She says to him, "Why are you wasting your time sitting here, doing nothing? Who are you bluffing by closing your ey...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  97. No Image

    One of most fundamental laws of Life: if you hate others, you will Hate yourself

    Deva means divine or godly, and kalyani means one who brings blessings. The full name will mean: one who brings divine blessings... and each of us has the power to become a blessing to the world. The same energy can become destructive and a ...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  98. No Image

    Now they turn to the east, and the east is turning to the west

    Question 3 One day you explained about the imbalance of object-centered western culture and subject-centered eastern culture, and you also mentioned that nowhere in any culture is the total human being accepted. do you visualize such a comin...
    CategoryEast, West
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  99. No Image

    Spirituality is not the practising of virtues

    SPIRITUALITY is not a question of morality, it is a question of vision. Spirituality is not the practising of virtues - because if you practise a virtue it is no longer a virtue. A practised virtue is a dead thing, a dead weight. Virtue is v...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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