• Nobody is responsible except you. Nobody can make you angry, and nobody can make you happy.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Could we say that Ramakrishna exploited Vivekananda?

    Question : Could we say that Ramakrishna exploited Vivekananda? It could be said but it should not be said, because the word conveys an idea of condemnation behind it. He did not exploit him to gain something selfish for himself; his idea wa...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  2. No Image

    A sannyasin has to remember not to take anything for granted

    Existence loves us all. We are here, that is enough proof, otherwise we would not have been here at all; we have been chosen to be by existence. It is not our choice, we have not created ourselves; it is the decision on the part of the whole...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  3. No Image

    What Does it mean to be a Disciple?

    Question 2 : Osho, What Does it mean to be a Disciple? Prem Samadhi, it is one of the most delicate mysteries. No definition is possible of a disciple, but a few hints can be given, just fingers pointing to the moon. Don’t cling to the finge...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  4. No Image

    LOVE is the radiance, the fragrance of knowing oneself, of being oneself.

    Question 2 Osho, What is love? Swami Anand Tallis, LOVE is the radiance, the fragrance of knowing oneself, of being oneself. Anand Tallis is very young -- he is only nine -- but he is far ahead of his age. His mental age must be almost doubl...
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  5. No Image

    Truth is known only by going within

    People ask me all kinds of questions: ”Does God exist? Is liberation a fact?”… and many more such queries are made but never one asks: ”Who am I What am I?” The basic question of religion is not God but the being of the Self. The journey of ...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  6. No Image

    Sannyasins have to learn how to remove the barriers.

    Parijat is the name of an Eastern flower. Flowers represent many things. The one thing that is the most important of all those is the phenomenon of flowering, of opening. Man is also a flower, but closed like a bud. And unless we make a deli...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  7. No Image

    When you are in suffering your remembering God is just meaningless. Just because you want to avoid suffering, you remember God as a protection.

    Question : Why do I remember God only When I am in Suffering? You don’t remember God. When you are in suffering your remembering God is just meaningless. Just because you want to avoid suffering, you remember God as a protection. You are not...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  8. No Image

    The meeting with the master has always been a kind of death

    Question : Osho, I am afraid to meet you. trembling, shocked, alone… It means Death. The meeting with the master has always been a kind of death, death to all that you have been, death to your past, death to your ego, death to your personali...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  9. No Image

    on Awakened Master – How will you recognize the real Awakened person?

    If you can find a man who is awakened, who is really virtuous and wise, whose virtue is not only a cultivated facade but a spontaneous fragrance, whose wisdom is no longer knowledge, whose wisdom is his own authentic experience... if you can...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  10. No Image

    on Mary Magdalene and Judas

    Remember Mary Magdalene? She seems to me the only true follower of Jesus. Her authenticity, her daring, is immense. Jesus had come to her house and she poured precious perfume on his feet, washed the feet with the perfume, then wiped the fee...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  11. No Image

    The only way to be around a Master. Go on losing your mind

    Questions 1 What happens to my voice when you speak to me? What is the game? The question is from Somendra. When you are really in communion with me, you cannot speak. When you are really listening to me, you will lose your voice because in ...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  12. No Image

    I am here for my sannyasins, my whole energy is for them

    [A new sannyasin asks about his soulmate, a non-sannyasin, who is sitting a few rows away. “I wish that she could also look into your eyes for just a few seconds, to receive your energy…”] That is not possible without becoming a sannyasin… f...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  13. No Image

    There is no meaning existing in life – one has to create it.

    A YOUNG man has asked why there seems to be no meaning in life. Meaning does not exist a priori. There is no meaning existing in life – one has to create it. Only if you create it will you discover it. It has to be invented first. It is not ...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  14. No Image

    A real religious seeker does not go in search of scriptures, he goes in search of a Master — a living Master.

    Real religion is never in the scriptures. And a real religious seeker does not go in search of scriptures, he goes in search of a Master — a living Master. That is one of the basic tenets of Kabir’s understanding: SATGURU — the living Master...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  15. No Image

    If the questioner is in a deep love and trust with the master, then everything is allowed

    Question : It has been said that a disciple should have respectful manners and a Respectful attitude towards his Master, but often i feel like asking you Playful, Joking and Naughty questions. Does this indicate lack of Respect And ’Shraddha...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  16. No Image

    We have forgotten all honesty. Out of fear we have become Dishonest

    We have forgotten all honesty. Out of fear we have become dishonest, out of fear we have become false. Out of fear we follow the crowd and become phony. Out of fear we wear masks so that we look like everybody else -- and we are not like eve...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  17. No Image

    What makes someone a guru, a spiritual master?

    Question : What makes someone a guru, a spiritual master? When you are not there, when you have completely disappeared, the other becomes an open book to you. The more other-oriented you are, the less you can know what is happening to the ot...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  18. No Image

    Not to follow me; follow your own consciousness!

    Question 2 Osho, To be a disciple has always meant to me to follow you, to be under your guidance, as if not to have a self of my own. i was never aware of the fact that being a disciple is to be as you are, and to allow your presence, your ...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  19. No Image

    My sannyasins have to learn the whole art of being available to both worlds

    Man has completely forgotten the inner dimension, he has become obsessed with the outer. He goes on and on changing toys, more money, more power, more prestige. These are all toys. You can play with them but meanwhile you are wasting preciou...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  20. No Image

    on meaning of this Universe – Existence

    Question : Osho, What is the point of the Physical Universe, If man’s destiny is ultimately to Transcend it? That is the point: otherwise, how will you transcend? The universe is needed to transcend. The misery is needed to transcend, the da...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  21. No Image

    If you flower in compassion you will feel simply grateful, not grateful towards me

    Question : Osho, You’ve said meditation is a flowering. and for us, the perfume of the flower is gratitude. is there anything we can do for you? Yes. Meditation, compassion and gratitude. Whenever you are meditative, you feel blissful; whene...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  22. No Image

    on Desire for having a Perfect Master

    Why the Perfect Master? The ego always seeks perfection. If you are after money, the ego wants you to be the richest man in the world, the most perfect man in the world. If you are after morality, you want to become the most perfect saint. T...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  23. No Image

    How to be choiceless where important decisions are needed

    [A sannyasin asks for guidance on how to be choiceless where important decisions are needed.] There is some subtle problem, and it comes to everybody who wants to remain choiceless. But there is a misunderstanding, that’s why the problem. Ch...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  24. No Image

    To me life is a divine experiment. It is not punishment – it is god’s experiment

    To me life is a divine experiment. It is not punishment – it is god’s experiment. It is a design, it is a growth situation. It is a provocation to go higher and higher and higher. It is a constant challenge – not to remain limited by the pas...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  25. No Image

    Life is a constant movement, it never comes to any end

    Life has no security; it thrives in danger. It has no safety; it is possible only in danger. Death is safe and secure; life is a risk. Hence those who really want to live have to take many risks. They have to go on moving into the unknown. T...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  26. No Image

    What is the difference between “Easy” and “Lazy”?

    Question : Osho, What is the difference between “Easy” and “Lazy”. Satyam Svarup, the difference between easy and lazy is the difference between the positive and the negative. Easiness is a positive feeling; it is not empty. You are overflow...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  27. No Image

    If you feel grateful towards me it is a gratitude of the mind

    Question 2: You’ve said Meditation is a flowering. and for us, the perfume of the flower is gratitude. Is there anything we can do for you? Yes. Meditation, compassion and gratitude. Whenever you are meditative, you feel blissful; whenever y...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  28. No Image

    Whenever the disciple is ready, the master appears

    Deva means divine, agya means order or commandment – a divine order. Man cannot choose god; it is always god who chooses man. Man cannot enquire on his own, it is impossible. The desire to enquire into truth comes from the beyond; it is an o...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  29. No Image

    To live purposelessly is the way of being religious

    [A visitor says he is confused about the master-disciple relationship. He doesn’t know if he is ready for the spiritual path.] Mm mm. A few things…. First: there is no purpose in life. All search for purpose is bound to fail. To live purpose...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  30. No Image

    After me it is going to be really difficult to be a master.

    Question 1 Osho, You have described how the ability to communicate his experience is the essence of the master. yet in you something even more beautiful has happened. Buddha conveyed his message to a select few thousand men in the local pali...
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  31. No Image

    It is certainly the master who chooses the disciple

    It is certainly the master who chooses the disciple, but his choosing always remains indirect. He always gives a chance to the disciple to choose. The disciple is not even aware that he has been already chosen. But without the master choosin...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  32. No Image

    The real seeker cannot search for God, because to start a search for God means you have already accepted that God is.

    Question 2 : Is it not possible at all that the, great religious, scriptures of the world can help the seeker in his search for god? The real seeker cannot search for God, because to start a search for God means you have already accepted tha...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  33. No Image

    Never Fight with Natural things, Otherwise Perversions arise.

    [A sannyasin newly arrived says: I’m very glad I’m here, but I feel like I left a part of my heart in london. It’s making it a little difficult but I’m trying very hard to be present here.] Don’t try very hard. Just relax! If you try very ha...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  34. No Image

    You don’t surrender to me. You simply surrender your ego

    Question : You said nobody should dictate what you should do with your life. How does that fit with being available and surrendering to you? In the first place I am a nobody. Now listen to the question again. YOU SAID NOBODY SHOULD DICTATE W...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  35. No Image

    There is no goal of life

    Question : Osho, What is the goal of Life? Why is there a desire to continue to Live forever? There is no goal of life, for the simple reason that life is its own goal. The goal is intrinsic, not something outside; not there, far away, but h...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  36. No Image

    Life has meaning. If you just change the word “life” into “living,”

    Question 3: Osho, Is Life really meaningless? Meaning can be understood in two ways. There is meaning that is somewhere far away, you have to reach to it. It is extrinsic. Life is not meaningful in this first sense. And it is good that life ...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  37. No Image

    on Communion between Master and Disciple

    Prem means love, satsang means a communion with the Master -- a loving communion with the Master. Sannyas is a declaration from your side that you are ready to receive. If the door is knocked on you are ready to open it. If you are called fo...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  38. No Image

    Is the devil really male?

    Question : Osho, Is the devil really male? Deva Prachurya, it is a beautiful question because the women’s liberation movement is talking about God being a woman; they have started pronouncing him not he but she. But none of them has thought ...
    CategoryHeaven, Hell, Devil
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  39. No Image

    Sannyas has to be a commitment, a deep involvement, a love affair

    Sannyas can become the dawn of bliss it depends on you, it all depends on you. If it becomes a commitment it can transform you totally. If it remains only a formality then nothing happens through it. Only when you are committed to something ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  40. No Image

    on Meaning of Freedom

    There is a very old story about an ascetic who was doing sadhana in a dense forest. He was sitting with closed eyes and was praying to God continuously. He wanted to gain heaven. Hunger and thirst did not worry him. A very poor young woman u...
    CategoryFreedom, Bondage, Responsibility
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  41. No Image

    Nobody has preceded me, nobody is going to succeed me. I am a perfect circle

    Question 1: Who prepared the way for you? NOBODY HAS PREPARED THE WAY FOR ME, and neither am I preparing the way for anybody. This has to be understood. There are four possibilities. One, the oldest and the most used, is what happened in Jes...
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  42. No Image

    To be a sannyasin means a deliberate, conscious search for truth

    Even priests are not interested in god. The very word “god” does not create anything in your heart, it does not ring any bells; it is something arbitrary, artificial. But bliss is natural — even trees are searching for it in their own way. I...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  43. No Image

    You create your heaven and You create your hell

    Be courageous and drop all this nonsense. There is no hell and there is no heaven; you create your heaven and you create your hell. There is nobody anywhere to punish you or reward you. Forget those childish ideas of God — that if you are go...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  44. No Image

    If the master becomes a guest within you, your whole life is transformed

    All that is needed on the part of the disciple is not to repeat old patterns of many kinds of relationships with the master. Let it be a new relationship which you have never lived. Let it be absolutely untouched by your past. Let it be uniq...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  45. No Image

    Sannyas cannot be accidental; it should be intentional.

    Question : Osho, The other day i heard you say that when we take sannyas we make you out a blank check of our lives. I can imagine that this statement would rock the very floorboards of the conservative element the world over. But as far as ...
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  46. No Image

    When disciple is ready the Master is also ready

    Your own innermost center is your real master. Outer masters can help, but their help is basically directed toward finding the inner master. And when the inner one is found, there is no need for the outer master. You have become master in yo...
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  47. No Image

    Life is a flux, nothing abides. Still we are such fools, we go on clinging

    Life is a flux, nothing abides. Still we are such fools, we go on clinging. If change is the nature of life, then clinging is stupidity, because your clinging is not going to change the law of life. Your clinging is only going to make you mi...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  48. No Image

    Never ask me how a sannyasin should be

    Question 1: Osho, When i am working in the west i feel like an orange warrior, and i like it. When i am here i feel meditative, and i like it. Is the part of myself that still needs to fight an obstacle to becoming a good disciple? Deva Maji...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  49. No Image

    Consciousness is life; sleep is a form of death.

    Consciousness is life; sleep is a form of death. Consciousness is the light of awareness that fills the heart; sleep is the darkness that is ridden with misery, pain and remorse. If this is how you feel, know well that you are in darkness. B...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  50. No Image

    An authentic sadhu is one to whom the world has become unreal, to whom another dimension has come into existence

    Question : Then how can one tell if a Sadhu is AUTHENTIC OR NOT? There is no need. If someone becomes a sadhu, it is his own private affair. There is no need to pay any attention to him. Whether he is fake or authentic, it is his affair. His...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  51. No Image

    There is no purpose in life, life is purposeless. Hence it is beautiful

    Question : Is the only purpose in Life Self-Realization? No sir, not even that. Even self-realization is not the purpose. Somehow, you cannot live without purpose. You have an obsession with purpose, some purpose HAS to be there. Now if ther...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  52. No Image

    My effort here is to make this commune sexually free.

    My effort here is to make this commune sexually free. And when I say sexually free, it has two meanings. In the beginning, people will be easily available to each other, and in the end the very availability will make their minds transcend se...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  53. No Image

    Life is neither serious nor nonserious. It is a tremendous play, playfulness

    Question 6: Beloved Osho, When i stand back and watch it all, it seems so incredibly and absurdly humorous. Is life really so unserious? is that all there is to it? Prem Indivar, what else do you want? What else do you expect out of life? Is...
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  54. No Image

    Love grows only in deep intimacy and trust.

    [The first sannyasin Osho addressed had sent him a letter earlier saying that she was in a deep loving relationship with her husband, but at the same time she felt attracted to someone else.] Two things to remember. The first: love grows onl...
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  55. No Image

    on Planning Life - Life knows no planning. It is itself enough.

    All that is great, all that is beautiful, all that is true and real, is always spontaneous. You cannot plan it. The moment you plan it, everything goes wrong. The moment planning enters, everything becomes unreal. But this has happened to hu...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  56. No Image

    Heaven and hell are not realities but ways of living

    Question 2 Osho, What is hell? Is there really such a place? RELIGION HAS SURVIVED UP TO NOW because of your fear and greed -- the false religion I mean, of course. The true religion has nothing to do with fear and greed. In fact, the true r...
    CategoryHeaven, Hell, Devil
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  57. No Image

    Life is not boring, but MIND is boring

    Question : Osho, I feel Life is very boring. What should i Do? Brij Mohan, AS IT IS, YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE ENOUGH. You have made life boring — some achievement! Life is such a dance of ecstasy and you have reduced it to boredom. You have don...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  58. No Image

    Serenity means a state of choicelessness

    The man of serenity is not disturbed by anything because he accepts. Sadness comes, he accepts it. Joy comes, he accepts it. He has no preference, he has no choice. He lives in a choiceless consciousness: whatsoever happens happens, whatsoev...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  59. No Image

    Sannyas means a radical change in your life style

    Sannyas means a radical change in your life style Turning your energies inwards A one-hundred-eighty degree turn is needed. And bliss is there, just you have to turn in. You have to become again rooted in your being. You have become uprooted...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  60. No Image

    If you have decided to remain thirsty, it is up to you

    Question : Do you think that you will be unable to work upon me if i do not take your Sannyas? Have you come to find your capacities or have you come to find my capacities? Are you your problem, or am I your problem? Leave me to myself; you ...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  61. No Image

    Master is always acting; A Master is a perfect actor

    Question 10 : You said that a master sometimes has to be angry with the disciple and in that case he is acting. Is he acting also when he laughs or smiles at him? A Master is always acting; a Master is a perfect actor. He does not take life ...
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  62. No Image

    Disciplehood is a paradox, birth – death together

    Deva means divine, jurgen means a farmer. Life is an opportunity, just a seed. One can miss it, one can remain a seed; that will be the missing of the opportunity. One has to seek the right soil. One has to be a farmer; One has to learn how ...
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  63. No Image

    What If you are not the real Master? Would It still be good for me to be with you?

    Question : Osho, What If you are not the real Master? Would It still be good for me to be with you? You are asking about a real master. I am not even a master, so the question of being real or unreal does not arise. This is the same game in ...
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  64. No Image

    All my sannyasins are rebels; no other kind of people can be my sannyasins

    Question : Osho, Are your sannyasins all rebels? Is it true that a rebel is born and not made? Or are we born rebels but tamed and conditioned by our societies? Jivan Mary, one who is not a rebel will not come close to me. The very fact that...
    CategorySannyas, Osho Movement
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  65. No Image

    To me spirituality is living totally, intensely

    Question: Osho, What is Spirituality? The old concept has been, that spirituality is something against materialism. To renounce the pleasures of matter, of body, of mind has been defined as spirituality. To me it is nonsense. Spirituality is...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  66. No Image

    What can a Guru do for you?

    Question : What can a Guru do for you? The question is from Vidya’s mother, Sigrid. She must be worried about Vidya, about what is happening to Vidya here. And, deep down, she is nagging Vidya and trying to take back. It is natural, nothing ...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  67. No Image

    Mischief is bound to bring its own punishment

    Mischief is bound to bring its own punishment just as certainly as birth is bound to bring its own death. You cannot avoid death, you cannot avoid the outcome of your deeds. So don’t think in these terms, because all that time wasted in avoi...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  68. No Image

    What is so difficult about dropping this whole game and just being?

    Question 4 Osho, This silence... this moment... so precious... so beautiful. to keep avoiding it and missing it seems so absurd. Osho, why? what is so difficult about dropping this whole game and just being? Deva Gayan, the question you have...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  69. No Image

    Be friendly: don’t create any Antagonism with life.

    Niro means the element water. And water is very symbolic, symbolic of flow, symbolic of nonresistance, symbolic of let-go. And these have to become the qualities of a sannyasin. One should never become stagnant, because life is a process, a ...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  70. No Image

    The very presence of a master is seductive

    A person who happens to be enlightened will attract you – either your love or your hate. But one thing is certain: you cannot be indifferent to him, because he has gone so deep that his depth will resonate within you, will resound, reflect. ...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  71. No Image

    Lovers always become friends in the end

    [Osho asks a sannyasin about her relationship and she replies: Well, I feel good, and it’s the nicest thing that has happened to me for a very long time. But what’s happening is that he wants me to just be a friend – and I want more than tha...
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  72. No Image

    on Spirituality and Virtue - Spirituality is not the practising of virtues

    SPIRITUALITY is not a question of morality, it is a question of vision. Spirituality is not the practising of virtues — because if you practise a virtue it is no longer a virtue. A practised virtue is a dead thing, a dead weight. Virtue is v...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  73. No Image

    The art of life begins with meditation

    Question : Osho, Would you talk some more on the Art of How to be Fully Alive? Prem Rudra, the art of living fully, totally, and intensely is not something arduous or difficult, but it has been made almost impossible. It is so simple and so ...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  74. No Image

    The man who goes on trying to understand life proves to be a fool

    Question 1: Osho, It seems to me that you are truly the first man this planet has ever known who really understands women and accepts them. please comment. Prem Bubula, I have told you that a woman is to be loved, not understood. That is the...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  75. No Image

    A true guru will never impose himself upon you

    The word “guru.” Guru means one who has gravitation, around whom you suddenly feel as if you are being pulled. The guru is a tremendous magnet, with only one’ difference. There is a man who has charisma — you are pulled, ut you are pulled to...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  76. No Image

    The city has no future.

    Question1 : Osho, As most people in modern europe look at their landscape, they find that the cities they live in vary from inhospitable to frankly dangerous; that the jobs they do (if they are “lucky” enough to have one) are dull, boring, a...
    CategoryBuddhafield, Commune
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  77. No Image

    Is there such a thing as Right or Wrong?

    Question : Is there such a thing as Right or Wrong? Akam, there is no such thing as right or wrong, because something may be right this moment and it may not be right the next moment. Something may be wrong today and may not be wrong tomorro...
    CategorySpirituality, Virtue, Guilt, Sin
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  78. No Image

    One of the Most basic laws of life has to be understood. Life is based on polarity

    One of the Most basic laws of life has to be understood. Life is based on polarity; everything exists with its polar opposite. Otherwise is not possible. Mind exists because of matter; mind is the polar opposite. Consciousness exists because...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  79. No Image

    Life is hopeless unless you change it. In itself it is hopeless.

    [A sannyasin who is leaving with her husband and child says that she has many wrong attitudes to life such as fear and hopelessness about herself.] Mm, mm… these are great qualities! Life is hopeless! It says nothing about you, it doesn’t sa...
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  80. No Image

    You have to eat Jesus, you have to drink Jesus

    Once surrender has happened completely, the master becomes the door for you. Then a different world of light, life and bliss opens — satchitananda Hindus have called it. The true existence, the true consciousness, and the true bliss, satchit...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  81. No Image

    Do you recommend any particular way of living as a preparation?

    Question : Do you recommend any particular way of living as a preparation? The moment you become aware, your whole life, your whole way of living will change. But these changes will come to you; they should not be practiced. The moment you p...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  82. No Image

    Being a disciple means falling in deep love without any motive

    Love is the most essential quality, the fundamental quality, without which nobody can be a disciple It is easy to be a student — it needs no love, it needs only logic — because the communication between the teacher and the student is from he...
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  83. No Image

    What are the qualities of the Seeker of truth?

    Question 1: Osho, What are the qualities of the Seeker of truth? Every child is born with an innate search for truth. It is not something learned or adopted later on in life. Truth simply means, “I am, but I do not know who I am.” And the qu...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  84. No Image

    on Pseudo Masters and Fake Gurus

    One thing about the pseudo master is that he manages a facade, he wears a mask. He wears a mask that you would like him to wear. He fulfills your expectations. The true master never fulfills anybody’s expectations. Jesus proved that he was a...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  85. No Image

    on Western Mind and Eastern Mind

    Question : Will the Western Mind have to expand as the Eastern Mind has? The Western mind can succeed as far as science is concerned, but it cannot succeed in religious consciousness. Whenever a religious mind is born, even in the West, it i...
    CategoryEast, West
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  86. No Image

    To be in the presence of a Buddha is to be on the way to becoming a Buddha

    In the last night, when Jesus was departing from his friends, he broke bread and gave it to his disciples and said, “Eat it; this is me.” It is possible. When a man like Jesus takes the bread in his hand, the bread is no longer the same; it ...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  87. No Image

    on Hope - hope can disappear in happiness

    Hope is the thread with which we live. It is a very thin thread. It can break at any moment, but it does not break. It has become a very strong shackle. If it breaks from one end we hold it from the other. If it breaks from the world we star...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  88. No Image

    The word coming out of silence carries around it the wordless silence

    Question : Osho, When I sit in your lecture I feel your silence and feel I become part of it. This is a wordless process in melting more and more into silence. At the same time, there are words from you. I hear them, and suddenly a connectio...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  89. No Image

    When you love a person you have to tell him everything

    [A group member says she has difficulty surrendering in the relationship with her boyfriend] Tell him everything! … And tell him this also, that you are feeling difficulty in surrendering but you would like to, mm? Talking to him will help. ...
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  90. No Image

    What is the difference between a Disciple and a Friend?

    Question : Osho, What is the difference between a Disciple and a Friend? Has the transformation amongst the sannyasins already happened? The distinction between a disciple and a friend has two sides to it. First, from the side of the master ...
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  91. No Image

    To surrender to a Gurdjieff will transform you more than surrendering to Ramana Maharshi

    Question : Osho, Need one be absolutely sure about a Guru to become his disciple? You can never be absolutely sure about a guru, and that is not needed. What is needed is that you should be absolutely sure about yourself. How can you be sure...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  92. No Image

    on meaning of Life

    Question : Life seems to be meaningless. Why? Life is… unless you give meaning to it. There is no in-built meaning in it; it has to be created. It has to be introduced, it has to be provoked. If you are waiting for some ready-made meaning, y...
    CategoryLife is Mystery
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  93. No Image

    God is not a person but an energy.

    Question 1 : In one of your previous discourses you said that a sudden and direct descent of grace can become a disaster sometimes. the person might be harmed or become mad or he may even die. a question naturally arises: is grace not always...
    CategoryGod is Dead
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  94. No Image

    Guru means one who is weight-full, centered, rooted, and has the quality of gravitation.

    Question : Osho, Are you no guru at all or are you the rich man’s guru? From my side, I am no guru at all. The word guru has become almost condemnatory. The root meaning of the word is beautiful. The word originally means one who is more con...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  95. No Image

    All those paradises are invented only for idiots to be exploited.

    Question : You say you are a buddha, and his teaching was based on simplicity, a simple life. yours is based on comfort and luxury. will you please comment on that? It is a significant question, with tremendous implications to be understood;...
    CategoryHeaven, Hell, Devil
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  96. No Image

    To live purposelessly is the way of being religious

    [A visitor says he is confused about the master-disciple relationship. He doesn’t know if he is ready for the spiritual path.] Mm mm. A few things…. First: there is no purpose in life. All search for purpose is bound to fail. To live purpose...
    CategoryMaster, Disciple, Guru
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  97. No Image

    How is one to live before becoming enlightened?

    Question 7: You said that the real morality is the shadow of enlightenment. But then how is one to live before becoming enlightened? THE moment you ask ’how’ you are asking again for a discipline. The moment you ask ’how’ you ask for methods...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  98. No Image

    on Planning and Worrying for Future

    Question 3: Osho, Is it really possible to be in the “now-here” all the time? Most of my time seems to go in planning for, or worrying about, the future. Nitin, whether you know it or not, you cannot be anywhere else than here and now. Where...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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  99. No Image

    Every day is a Sunday. It should be so. Every day is a holiday

    Question 1: As a child, sundays have been something very special to me. now, since a few days, i wake up every morning, see the sun shining through the trees, hear the birds singing and get this feeling: ‘ah, another sunday.’ i put on my bes...
    CategoryLive Totally, Here&Now, Right Living
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