• Love is ultimate, the highest health, because love makes one whole. When you love a master by and by you completely forgot about love.
    - Osho

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 "Real Esoterics simply means the science of knowing thyself." 


 "Esotericism is just an escape from reality" 






Question 1:

Beloved Osho,

In the last few weeks you have been talking a lot about the world running fast towards a dead end, without showing any more hope that things will ever change.

On the other hand, up to one month ago, you talked on the possibility that the presence of two hundred enlightened people, or even one, could save the world. Why this shift of emphasis? Did you give up on the other possibility? Did something happen within the last few weeks that made your vision change?



Chidananda, it is true that I have been talking a lot about the world running fast towards a dead end. The reason is, factually it is running towards an end. But it was running towards its end before, too. Now I want it to be absolutely emphasized on your consciousness, so that you stop postponing your own transformation. Man's mind is so stupid that if there is a little possibility to postpone, then he will postpone for tomorrow -- unless he comes to a dead-end street where there is no way to go forward and he has to take an absolute about-turn.


But things in the world are not visible to you. You may go on sleeping and the world may die. It is urgent that you take it seriously that the world may not be there tomorrow. You don't have time to waste for anything else other than your own awakening.


I still know if there are two hundred enlightened people in the world, the world can be saved; but I have never told you that just one enlightened man can save the world. It is a heavy load. One single enlightened man cannot carry it; two hundred is the minimum. But from where to bring those two hundred people? They have to be born amongst you -- you have to become those two hundred people. And your growth is so slow, there is every fear that before you become enlightened the world will be gone.


You are not putting your total energy into meditation, into awareness. It is one of the things that you are doing, amongst many; and it is not even the first priority of your life. I want it to become your first priority. The only way is that I should emphasize, deeply into your consciousness, that the world is going to end soon.


And if you are not awakened before its end, you will be lost in a long journey, because evolution will start from the very beginning on some other planet. On this planet it took four billion years for man to arrive. His life began in the ocean as a fish. On another planet, if this planet is destroyed, life will continue, but it will have to begin from the very beginning -- and after four billion years you may be again a human being. It is a great risk to take.


Nothing has changed in the world; everything is going exactly in the direction of death -- a little faster of course -- and the moment of total annihilation is coming very close. It all


No time left for any device depends on what your priorities are. If being awakened has become your priority, and you are ready to sacrifice everything for it, then there is hope.


I have told you the ancient story in the Old Testament -- but that will not help today, the situation is so different. In the Old Testament there is a story about two big cities almost the same size as Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The names of those two cities were Sodom and Gomorrah. The people of those two cities had become so perverted, they were doing all kinds of unnatural, psychopathological actions. Their sexuality had totally gone astray. Those two places must have been the California of the Old Testament.


The story is that God tried hard to change those people. But to change anyone is a difficult task, even for a god -- because the very idea that somebody is trying to change you creates a resistance, even if the change is for your good, even if there is no vested interest for the person who is trying to change you. But the very idea that somebody is trying to change you creates an unconscious resistance not to change.


Finally, God gave up the idea and decided to destroy those two cities because their very existence was dangerous. They could spread all their diseases to the whole of humanity.


Sodom was so perverted that people were making love to animals; hence the word sodomy.


Gomorrah had gone completely homosexual; heterosexuality had completely stopped.


According to the Old Testament, God destroyed those two cities completely; but there is another version from Hassid mystics.


Judaism has produced one of the most essential lines of mystics, the Hassids. The orthodox Jews don't accept them -- the orthodox can never accept the religious. But every organized religion has produced, on the margin, a rebellious group which is not organized, which has different interpretations and a different style of life. Hassidism is one of the most beautiful ways to find oneself and to find the reality of existence.


The Hassids have a different version because they cannot accept God destroying two cities; there must be some way to save them. Their story is that when God became determined to destroy them, one Hassid approached God and asked him one question: "You are going to destroy these two great cities, but have you ever wondered that there may be, in both cities, two hundred good people? They will also be destroyed, and this will not be a good precedent.


Just for the sake of those two hundred, you have to change your decision."


God thought for a moment and he said, "I never looked at this side. Certainly there may be good people and they will be destroyed with the bad. No, if you can prove that there are two hundred good people, I will not destroy those two cities."


The Hassid said, "But suppose there are not two hundred, but only twenty -- ten in each city. Will you destroy those good people? Does quantity mean so much to you, and not quality? What does it matter whether there are two hundred good people or twenty good people?"


God had to concede to the argument of the Hassid. He said, "Of course. Prove that there are twenty good people."


The Hassid said, "And if there is only one good man who lives six months in one city and six months in another city, what is your idea? Will you destroy those cities? Will it be a godly action? Ninety-nine percent of the people can be destroyed, if they are evil, for the one percent of good people; but one percent of good people cannot be destroyed to save the ninety-nine percent of evil people."


No time left for any device God said, "You are very persuasive. Okay, show me, where is the good man?"


The Hassid said, "I am the good man, and I live six months in one city to help people transform their ways of life, and six months in another city for the same purpose. What is your decision? Are you going to destroy me too? Is not one good man more valuable, has he not more weight than thousands of evil people?" And according to the Hassidic story, God had to concede not to destroy those two cities. Orthodox Jews don't believe in the story because it is not written in the Old Testament. The story may be a fiction, but I say unto you, it is truer than any truth. It may not be written in the Old Testament, but its logic is so clear that it cannot be false. It may not be historical, but it has a spiritual reality.


In the same way I have been telling you that two hundred enlightened people can save the world. Existence is very generous; it cannot destroy two hundred awakened people, who have reached to the highest peak of consciousness -- which has taken four billion years of evolution. But you have to become those two hundred people! To wake you up, I have been insisting that the end is very close. And this time it is not a parable.


Jesus used it as a device, that the end of the world is very close and the last judgment day is very close. His disciples asked him at the time of his departure -- before the enemies got hold of him and when it was certain that he would be crucified the next day, their last question was, "When will we be seeing you again?" He said, "In this very life, because the end of the world is very close -- but do what I have told you."


And even Christians don't know what he has told them. The last night before he was caught they were in the mountains and he told his disciples, "This may be the last night we are together, and I am going to do my prayer. While I am praying behind the bush you should remain awake. It is absolutely essential, to support my prayer, that you are awake. Don't fall asleep."


In the middle of his prayer he came back -- and almost all were fast asleep. He woke them up and said, "Have you not heard me? I had told you, you have to remain awake. Can't you remain awake just one night? -- because I will not be here with you again. Even my death tomorrow cannot help you to remain awake?" They were very sorry. They said they would try, and he went again. This went on four, five times -- he would come back and they would all be fast asleep.


According to me this was his last teaching: to remain awake. But Christianity has completely forgotten about it. And I have not seen a single commentary by Christians on the implications of why Jesus was so insistently saying, "Be awake!" He was trying his hardest because once he was gone, there was every possibility they would all fall asleep, just as the whole of humanity is asleep, and they would start doing in their dreams things that are not to be done. But things that are not to be done can be prevented only when you are aware, alert.


His last teaching was awareness, but the disciples failed him -- not only those twelve intimate disciples failed him, for two thousand years all his disciples have failed him. The very word "awareness" has disappeared from the Christian idea of transforming human beings. Jesus was continually saying, "The end is very close." That was a device -- because if you feel that there is enough time, why not sleep a little more? What is the hurry? But if there is no time left at all, perhaps the shock of it may wake you up.


What was only a device to Jesus, to me is not a device. It is a reality. The world is going to end.


No time left for any device I have been giving you hope, because I have to do two things: on the one hand I have to make it clear to you that the world is coming to its final suicide; and on the other hand, I have to give you the hope that still there is a possibility at least for you to become awakened.


Your awakening is of tremendous importance; it has never been so important before -- neither with Jesus nor with Gautam Buddha -- because there was enough time. Time has run out. We are at the fag end of time.


To make you aware of the reality -- so that you can make some effort to remain awake, to make some effort to be more conscious and not to get lost in trivia -- is absolutely necessary.


That's why my insistence will go on growing, because every day the end is approaching closer.


Man is so asleep he is almost in a coma, and all his actions are arising out of this state of coma -- otherwise, there is no necessity for the world to end. But we are carrying nuclear weapons within our souls. The end is going to come because of our own ignorance, our own deep sleep.


I have heard... a Polack is crossing the Sahara desert on a camel. After two months alone with the camel, and dreaming of beautiful women, he starts to find the camel attractive and decides to make love to her. But as soon as he is ready, the camel stands up, walks a few feet away and stops. The Polack tries again, but again the camel stands up, walks a few feet away and stops. The Polack tries again and again with no luck.


One day he finds the remains of a plane which has crashed in the desert, and just nearby a young woman, unconscious, but still alive. For days he takes care of her and she recovers totally. One morning she comes to him, looking her prettiest, hugs him and tells him how thankful she is to him for saving her life. "You have been so sweet with me," she says, "and I like you so much that I'll do anything for you."


Looking at her beautiful face, the man says, "Would you really?"


"Yes," she says.


"Oh, I really appreciate that," replies the Polack. "Would you mind holding that camel for me please?"


Such is the situation of humanity. At least you have to come out of it -- and you need a constant hitting on your head to remind you that the times are no longer ordinary. And there have never been, in the whole history of man, such dangerous moments as those through which we are passing. It is no time for quarreling, arguing about theological matters; it is not intelligent to console yourself that some miracle will happen and the world war will be postponed. It is not only the world war -- the attack is multidimensional.


The ecology of the earth is breaking down.


There are thousands of submarines moving around the earth in the ocean -- and each submarine is carrying nuclear weapons so powerful that even the whole energy that was used in the second world war is nothing compared to the energy of one submarine carrying nuclear missiles. The Soviet Union has its own submarines; America has its own submarines. Just by accident two submarines can collide, and the whole life on the planet will evaporate into smoke. And the politicians of the world are continually piling up more and more nuclear weapons.


The population of the world is growing so fast that just the growth of population will be enough to kill half of humanity out of hunger and thirst.


No time left for any device Sexual perversions have become so rampant that Gomorrah and Sodom look very outdated.


Ten million people around the earth already have AIDS -- which has no cure. And this number of ten million people is not accurate, because many countries have not yet declared how many people there have AIDS; they don't have any way to find it out. For example India is not aware how many people are suffering from AIDS. Mohammedan countries are bound to have a very large number of people suffering from AIDS, because homosexuality has been there for thousands of years.


Even according to very moderate estimates, by the end of this century there will be one hundred million people suffering from AIDS. And when one hundred million people suffer from AIDS, that means at least one billion people must have been involved in homosexuality.


These are the multi-dimensional ways that death is approaching the earth.


Because we have cut so many forests, a thick layer of carbon dioxide has gathered on top of our atmosphere, miles away from the earth, where the air ends. The layer is so thick that it has already increased the temperature more than it has ever been on the earth; and that rise of temperature is melting the ice of the north and south poles. If that ice goes on melting -- and there is no way to prevent it -- all the oceans of the world will rise four feet higher. And all your big cities are ports; they will be flooded with water, will become unlivable.


If this carbon dioxide becomes a little thicker, then the Himalayas and the Alps, which have eternal snow which has never melted, will start melting. The Himalayas alone have so much ice that if it melts completely, it will raise all the oceans of the world forty feet higher.


All your cities will be drowned, and this is not a flood that is going to recede.


One of the most dangerous things happening is that carbon dioxide is going to accumulate more and more. The trees go on inhaling carbon dioxide. If you cut the trees you are cutting two things: the supply of oxygen for your life, and the place for carbon dioxide to be absorbed. It is a double-edged sword -- and absolutely unnecessary.


Man has been trying to reach to the moon and to Mars, and before that, we were never aware that where the air ends, miles above earth... all around the earth there is a thick layer of a certain gas, ozone, O3, which is a very protective layer. Because of that ozone, life has been possible on earth. That ozone has only one function: it does not allow any sunrays which are destructive to life; it returns them. It allows only those rays which are life-giving.


Because of our rockets moving towards the moon and towards Mars, we have made holes, for the first time, in the layer of ozone. Now those holes are allowing in all the rays of the sun towards the earth -- and death-rays are also included.


So when I say the end is not very far away, it is not like when Jesus says it -- just a device.


By the end of this century, you will see all these dimensions bringing death to you. It has to be emphasized: unless you become absolutely clear about death, you are not going to concentrate your whole energy on transforming your being.


People change with difficulty; they find it easier to remain as they are -- just like stones, like rocks. Change means a determined effort, a commitment to transform your energies, to take your being in an absolutely serious manner -- it has not to be wasted in stupid things.


No time left for any device A famous playboy dies, and his best friends decide to celebrate with a mourning party.


Late in the night someone suggests calling Hell in order to find out where he is. "But how can you call Hell?" someone asks.


"Well," the man answers, "I guess it is just a long distance call."


So they check the telephone book and find out all about outer space calls and then dial Hell. A few seconds later a very hoarse voice answers, "This is Hell. What do you want?"


Terrified by the devilish voice, they say, "We are looking for a friend."


"What is his name?"


"Peter Thompson."


"He is not here." And the devil hangs up.


Totally amazed and having dropped all reference to logic, they decide to call Purgatory.


They dial Purgatory, and to their relief, the voice on the phone does not sound so terrible -- more businesslike. They explain that they are looking for a dead friend who is not in Hell and who just died.


"Well," the voice answers, "he is not here, either. Try Heaven."


"But he was a playboy!" his friends reply.


"He has to be somewhere. Try Heaven."


So they dial Heaven, and a heavenly voice answers very softly and slowly, "Hello. This is Heaven. This is Virgin Mary. Can I help you?"


Very shy, they explain the whole story.


"No," says the beautiful voice, full of echo: "He is not here. Thank you for calling. Call again."


So every day they call Heaven, and every day they get the same answer. So they call again and again; and one week later, on Sunday morning, a very sexy, foxy, quick voice answers, "Hey, this is Mary. What do you want, guys...?"


Looking at each other and laughing, the friends agree: "He has arrived!"


Change is very difficult. A playboy will be a playboy, whether he is in hell or in heaven; he will go on doing his repetitive style of life.


Being alert means you have to stop being robots. Change your routines, move more consciously; let every act become an object of awareness. Then even these few years that are left are enough -- more than enough. If you put your total energy into transformation, the destruction of the earth will not be your destruction. If you can die consciously, you have found the key to a higher life, to an eternal life, to a divine life.


-Osho, “The Hidden Splendor, #14, Q1”



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  33. No Image

    Jesus miracles happened because people were very trusting

    A disease, any disease, first arises deep in the mind and then moves towards the body. It may take a long time to come to the body, it is a long distance. You are not aware of it when it is in the mind, you become aware of it only when it strikes hard at the roots of the body. You always feel the disease in the body, but it always originates in the mind. You ...
    CategorySpiritual Power, Miracle, Intution
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  34. No Image

    Meditating is not interfering in the process of karma

    Question 3: You say that millions of lives and millions of years of natural evolution can be avoided through reaching total awareness and total freedom can it not be argued that karma, with its natural forces of cause and effect, should not be interfered with by any shortcuts, or is it also the way of divinity to bring such a possibility within the reach of t...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  35. No Image

    Atlantis and Lemuria. Those continents are drowned, under water.

    The Egyptian mystics have a saying… And Egypt had a few of the most ancient mystery schools. They were connected with those mystery schools which existed on the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. Those continents are drowned, under water. But Egypt, for a time – till the fanatic Mohammedans destroyed those mystery schools – continued the beautiful methodolog...
    CategoryApocalypse and Noah'a Ark
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  36. No Image

    on Synchronicity – parallel processes are going on

    [The new sannyasin says: Before I came here I was in Goa. For three days before I left I was in a state of very high energy. I wrote some notes in a book. Two days after I arrived here you gave one of the lectures using almost exactly the same words as were written in the book. Please can you comment?] It is possible, it is possible. We are all connected, ver...
    CategoryTime, Space, Gravity
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  37. No Image

    The soul is pure light.

    Just watch light and you will understand. One candle or one thousand candles in a small room -- do you think there will be great chaos? One thousand candles? -- where will they find the space? Light does not need space. I am answering this question, not for your sake, I am answering this question for my people to understand that the soul is pure light. That's...
    CategorySoul, Consciousness
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  38. No Image

    on Grace, recipient of grace and moment of death

    Question 1 : In one of your previous discourses you said that a sudden and direct descent of grace can become a disaster sometimes. the person might be harmed or become mad or he may even die. a question naturally arises: is grace not always beneficial? does grace not keep its own equilibrium? the mishap can also be due to the fact that the recipient was unfi...
    CategoryEnergy, Shaktipat
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  39. No Image

    I am not interested in analysing dreams; I am interested in helping them to disappear

    The brain carries a memory just matter-of-factly, like a mechanism, like this tape recorder will carry what I am saying to you. But the tape recorder is not involved in it. If you efface it, it will not cling to it. If you want to record something else, if you want to replace it, if you want to change it, it has no personal involvement in it; it is just a mec...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  40. No Image

    The world is just a mirror.

    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  41. No Image

    What happens to the soul after death

    Question 3: Would it be possible for you to describe what happens to the soul after death, where it moves about, what it does and in what condition it is during the interval between the giving up of one body and the taking of another? In this connection, you had previously discussed the freedom of the soul to take birth whenever it so desired. please enlighte...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  42. No Image

    A Noah’s Ark of Consciousness - which moves a small group of conscious people to another planet.

    A Noah’s Ark of Consciousness Question 3 Beloved Osho, Rocks easily destroy flowers. The politicians and religions sense that enlightenment, freedom and individuality threaten their power. It is fear alone that is the basis of the dark use of intelligence to crush man’s finest blossoms? Or is there an unconscious urge for ‘endarkenment’ too? Devageet, there i...
    CategoryApocalypse and Noah'a Ark
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  43. No Image

    Real esoterics simply means the science of knowing thyself.

    Question : Beloved Osho, What is the difference between esoterics and esoteric nonsense? Whatever I have been telling to you, is esoterics. I am trying to make you mystics, masters of your own, helping you to find the mystery of life without giving you any map, without giving you any guide-book. Because that spoils the whole game. It is like you see a beautif...
    CategoryAll Esotericism is nonsense
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  44. No Image

    on Kundalini Energy

    Question 1 What is kundalini yoga and how can it help the west? why is your method for awakening kundalini chaotic rather than like the traditional, controlled methods? Existence is energy, the movement of energy in so many ways and so many forms. As far as human existence is concerned, this energy is kundalini energy. Kundalini is the focused energy of the h...
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  45. No Image

    Aum is a formula like H2O. There are three letters in Aum.

    You can often hear people sitting and repeating the sound of Aum. They do not know that Aum is a formula like H2O. There are three letters in Aum. They are 'A', 'U', 'M'. Perhaps you may not have noticed that if you close your mouth and say 'Aa' loudly inside then you will feel the sound of 'A' resounding in your head. 'A' is an indication of the head center....
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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  46. No Image

    The word karma means action, a particular action.

    When you act out of nothingness, you respond; it is no longer a reaction. It has truth, it has validity in it, authenticity. It is existential. It is immediate, spontaneous, simple, innocent. And this action does not create any karma. Remember, the word karma means action, a particular action. Not all actions create karma, remember. Buddha lived after his enl...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  47. No Image

    on Mount Kailash & Tirthankaras

    I have told you some things to explain the tirtha to you – but that is not enough. There are many things connected with such places which can’t be understood – but they do happen. Such things cannot be intellectually clarified or made into mathematical formulas, but they do happen. I will tell you of two or three things that happen…. If you sit somewhere alon...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  48. No Image

    Osho on Astral Body

    Osho on Astral Body The first body is the physical body. The second body is the mental body. The third body is the astral body. One becomes enlightened when one transcends the mental body. The astral body consists only of pure light, just a flame with no smoke around it. - Osho, "Beyond Enlightenment, #22" Only the astral body is capable of rising upwards; it...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  49. No Image

    The great library of Alexandria and The great flood

    In Egypt, the great library of Alexandria was still intact. It had all the secrets of the past preserved. It was the greatest library that has ever existed on the earth; later on it was destroyed by a Mohammedan fanatic. The library was so big that when it was burnt, for six months the fire continued. Just twenty-five centuries before Pythagoras, a great cont...
    CategoryApocalypse and Noah'a Ark
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  50. No Image

    on Weighlessness and Body levitation

    When you are happy you always feel weightless; when you are sad you always feel more weight, as if something is pulling you down. The gravitation becomes much more. When you are sad, you are more weighty. When you are happy, you are light. You feel it. Why? Because when you are happy, whenever you feel a blissful moment, you forget the body completely. When y...
    CategoryTime, Space, Gravity
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  51. No Image

    Patanjali is not in favour of the analysis of dreams

    One of the greatest enlightened masters of the whole of history was Patanjali, who found the school of yoga. He divides man’s consciousness in four stages. The first is the ordinary waking state; it is only so-called waking, it is not real awakening because only a superficial part, just the tip of the iceberg, has a little consciousness, but nine times bigger...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  52. No Image

    The increase in sexual power and the opening of the kundalini passage are simultaneous – not the same, but simultaneous.

    Question 2 : In the Awakening of the Kundalini, in the opening of the passage, Isn’t there an increase in Sexual Power? The increase in sexual power and the opening of the kundalini passage are simultaneous – not the same, but simultaneous. The increase in sexual power will be the thrust to open up the higher centers; so sexual power will increase. If you can...
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  53. No Image

    Awake, Dreaming and Deep Sleep

    The Eastern mind divides consciousness into four states: one is when we are awake, or the first; the second is dreaming; the third is deep sleep, dreamless; and the fourth is beyond all the three, the TURIYA, the fourth. What is this which we call the awake state of consciousness? Knowledge, knowing is possible in two ways: mediate and immediate. Mediate know...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  54. No Image

    Centering is just to gather yourself totally at one point

    Question 1 If enlightenment and samadhi mean total consciousness, cosmic consciousness, all-pervading consciousness, then it seems very strange to call this state of cosmic consciousness centering, as the word `centering' implies one-pointedness. why is cosmic consciousness, or samadhi, called centering? Centering is the path, not the goal. Centering is the m...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  55. No Image

    on Shaktipat – Is Psychic exploitation possible in the name of Shaktipat by Gurus

    on Psychic & Spiritual Exploitation by Fake Gurus Question : Is Psychic Exploitation possible in the name of Shaktipat? How is it possible And how is the Meditator to guard against it? It is possible. Much spiritual exploitation is possible in the name of shaktipat. In fact, where there is a demand, a declaration, there is always exploitation. When a person d...
    CategoryEnergy, Shaktipat
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  56. No Image

    Osho on The Miracles of Jesus

    The Miracles of Jesus Question 3: In the bible, many miracles are recorded. for example, the raising of lazarus from the dead by jesus after the body was already smelling. is it possible for a dead man to be revived? It is possible, but it is possible in a very different way - very different. If the person is really dead, if the body is dead, then it is not p...
    CategorySpiritual Power, Miracle, Intution
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  57. No Image

    on Esoteric Trips – Avoid esotericism

    Question : I love ordinary life. It is like daytime in which i feel more and more awake. But i often have the sense that there is a universe of mysteries that belongs in darkness and is unavailable to me. Esoteric teachings, symbols, ‘higher knowledge’, seem to point to these mysteries, but i can never get interested in the books. I would rather journey into ...
    CategoryAll Esotericism is nonsense
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  58. No Image

    The navel centre, is unmoving; it is the hub of the wheel.

    Man can function from three centres: one is the head, another is the heart and the third one is the navel. If you function from the head you will go on spinning thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. They are very insubstantial, dream-stuff – they promise much, they deliver nothing. The mind is a great cheat but it has tremendous capacities to delude, because it...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  59. No Image

    The soul is always individual; mind is always group.

    The soul is always individual; mind is always group. Any mind, watch carefully, and you will find it belongs to some group. If you believe in God, that means you belong to a certain group which believes in God; they have given the idea, the conditioning, to you. What are your beliefs? From where do they come? They come from the social mind -- from the church,...
    CategorySoul, Consciousness
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  60. No Image

    on Ghosts and Rebirth

    Question : Do you think some of those ghosts might still be kicking around underneath? There are no ghosts. There was only one ghost — the holy ghost — and he too finished only by making a poor girl pregnant. Then what happened to the holy ghost? He must have committed suicide, thinking of the consequences that followed his making the woman pregnant, which wa...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  61. No Image

    on leaking and overflowing energy state

    Question : Osho, I am not always clear on the difference between leaking and overflowing. Could you give a few pointers please? Mind is always trying to confuse you — because in your confusion is the power of the mind. The more confused you are, the more you have to listen to the mind. If you attain clarity, then the very function of the mind is finished. Tha...
    CategoryEnergy, Shaktipat
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  62. No Image

    Much rubbish is being thrown out in dreams

    [A sannyasin recently returned has written a letter to Osho saying that whilst in the West, everything was fine except that he kept waking in the early morning feeling restless and disturbed. First he began to feel that he was falling into depression; then the sadness became anger, aggression.] I received your letter. It is something important and it is good ...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  63. No Image

    on Death - The experience of entering death voluntarily is meditation, samadhi.

    on Death “The first thing I would like to tell you about death is that there is no bigger lie than death. And yet, death appears to be true. It not only appears to be true but even seems like the cardinal truth of life–it appears as if the whole of life is surrounded by death. Whether we forget about it, or become oblivious to it, everywhere death remains clo...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  64. No Image

    If somebody is in search, sooner or later he will come to know about me

    Question : Osho, Why and how are people coming to you from the four corners of the earth? If one tells the truth, he’s sure to be found out sooner or later — that’s why. It is impossible… if you have uttered the truth, it is impossible for people not to come. They are hankering for it, they are thirsty for it, they are hungry for it; and they have remained hu...
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  65. No Image

    What is a Buddhafield?

    Question : Osho, What is a Buddhafield? Just living together, running businesses, doesn′t seem to be enough, it is not satisfying. It feels like something deeper - something more challenging for the collective and the individual, in which both grow - is needed. A buddhafield is one of the most mysterious phenomena in existence. It simply means whenever someon...
    Categoryon Sacred Place
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  66. No Image

    on Illusion – All is illusion except the witness

    Question 1 What is not illusion? All is illusion except the witness. All is dream except the witness. Only the knower is true, is real. Whatsoever you see is illusory; the seer is not illusory. In the night you see one type of dream, in the day you see another type of dream. In the night the dreams of the day are forgotten, in the day the dreams of the night ...
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  67. No Image

    The death of this earth is not far away

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Why have human beings gone through this struggle since the very beginning? were there not already highly developed civilizations living on this earth? and yet their consciousness got lost and man had to start all over again. right now it seems to be a particularly dark period. is there such a cosmic law that says, "only out of the mud...
    CategoryApocalypse and Noah'a Ark
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  68. No Image

    The occult mysteries of religion

    The occult mysteries of religion Question 1 : In yesterday's talk you said that it is possible for science to enter the fifth or spiritual body. then you talked of the possibilities of science in the fourth body. kindly tell us about the possibilities of science in the fifth body. What we call the physical body and what we call the soul are not two things tha...
    CategoryAll Esotericism is nonsense
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  69. No Image

    If there are only two hundred enlightened people in the world a third world war is not possible.

    Question Osho, You have said that if there are only two hundred enlightened people in the world a third world war is not possible. can you explain what you mean, how these two hundred people would make a difference among the billions of unconscious people? Certainly. They will make tremendous difference. When the whole room is dark, just a small candle makes ...
    CategoryApocalypse and Noah'a Ark
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  70. No Image

    on Development of the Heart Center

    Question : Enlighten us about a few practical points for the opening and development of the Heart Center. The first point: try to be headless. Visualize yourself as headless; move headlessly. It sounds absurd, but it is one of the most important exercises. Try it, and then you will know. Walk, and feel as if you have no head. In the beginning it will be only ...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  71. No Image

    The cross is a time symbol. It is made of two lines

    The novel man lives in eternity, the ordinary man lives in time. This word ‘Kali’ has to be understood. Kali is the mother of time. In Sanskrit time is called KALA, and the mother of KALA is Kali, mother of time. But the mother of time is beyond time. Time is born out of it, but the womb out of which time is born is eternity. Eternity is the mother of time. T...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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  72. No Image

    on Intution - Intution is Irrational

    Question 1 : Can intuition be explained scientifically? is it a phenomenon of the mind? Intuition cannot be explained scientifically because the very phenomenon is unscientific and irrational. The very phenomenon of intuition is irrational. In language it looks okay to ask, ”Can intuition be explained?” It means: can intuition be reduced to intellect? But int...
    CategorySpiritual Power, Miracle, Intution
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  73. No Image

    Whatsoever is private, remember, it must belong to the world of dreams.

    THE WAKING HAVE ONE WORLD IN COMMON; SLEEPERS HAVE EACH A PRIVATE WORLD OF HIS OWN. Dreams are private, absolutely private! Nobody can enter into your dream. You cannot share a dream with your beloved. Husbands and wives, they sleep on one bed but dream separately. It is impossible to share a dream because it is nothing — how can you share a nothing? Just lik...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  74. No Image

    The "soul" is simply a consolation to people

    The "soul" is simply a consolation to people, because if you say to them that meditation will end up in nothingness... In a million, perhaps one person will become interested in meditation. And if you tell them, "All your effort will come to a vast nothingness," you will frighten them. You will create a question in their minds: "Then what is the purpose? We a...
    CategorySoul, Consciousness
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  75. No Image

    Are Our Lives Predestined or Not?

    Question : Are Our Lives Predestined or Not? This is not a personal problem, it is a philosophical question. Our lives are both predestined and they are not. Both yes and no. And both answers are true for all questions about life. In a way, everything is predetermined. Whatever is physical in you, material, whatever is mental, is predetermined. But something ...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  76. No Image

    on overcoming Sex and raising Kundalini

    Question : How does one overcome the pull toward Sex so that the Kundalini Can go upward? Energy has been going downward through the sex center continuously for many births, so when any energy is created it will first try to move downward. That is why meditation sometimes will create more sexuality in you than you have ever felt before. You will feel more sex...
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  77. No Image

    The fourth body is known as the consciousness-body

    Beyond the mind-body is the fourth, the fourth body. The fourth body is known as the consciousness-body — VIGYAN MAYKOS. It will be difficult, a bit difficult, to distinguish between the mental body and the conscious body, because we don’t know any consciousness except the mind. But if the mind is purified, then you become simply aware that something else is ...
    Category7 Chakra, Astral Body, Navel
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  78. No Image

    Whenever you are Thinking something, you are Broadcasting it in a subtle way

    [A sannyasin says: It started two or three years ago after a very strong experience I had, that I had the feeling all my thoughts could be heard by everyone around me. And it’s not just my feeling: many times I think something and people talk about the same thing or react immediately. Sometimes I suppress my thoughts, sometimes I say ’Okay, let’s tolerate it’...
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  79. No Image

    on Vision and Dream – Vision is a reality. The dream is of the mind

    Question : Osho, Recently it has started happening that as i begin to open my eyes first thing in the morning i can see a vision, like a scene from a movie — and that scene happens days after in reality, just like a repetition. Before i arrived here in bombay, i had a vision of the golden manor hotel — the setting, the garden, the people — and when i arrived ...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  80. No Image

    on Shambala – It is a mythological city somewhere in Tibet

    Shambala is a well-known name. It is a mythological city somewhere in Tibet, where only enlightened people can enter. To the unenlightened it remains invisible. No such city exists – it is a beautiful myth – although many foolish people have been in search of it. Still people go on searching, thinking that somewhere in some deep hidden valley of the Himalayas...
    Categoryon Sacred Place
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  81. No Image

    on Full Moon Effect on humanity

    Existence is interconnected so deeply, so intimately… but the distances are vast. On the full moon night you see the ocean — it is affected by the full moon, hand in hand, but the moon is far away. And it is not only the ocean that is affected; even you are affected, because eighty percent in you is ocean water. It is not strange that the people who have beco...
    CategoryAura, Full Moon
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  82. No Image

    on Palmistry and Astrology – Lines have nothing to do with the future

    Question : What about palmistry? What about those lines? Those lines have nothing to do with the future. We can cut both your hands off — still there will be a future. We can do plastic surgery and remove your whole skin — still there will be a future. Those lines are simply the fold marks of your hand. But we want to be irresponsible. Deep down we want someb...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  83. No Image

    An esoteric group is a group specially trained to receive a particular system of knowledge.

    Question 1: Osho, Theosophists have talked about different groups of masters existing physically or even non-physically. how many of these groups exist today? what are these esoteric groups, and how do they influence seekers and the world's activity? please tell us about your relationship with these esoteric groups of masters. Spiritual knowledge has many dif...
    CategoryAll Esotericism is nonsense
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  84. No Image

    People go on being born in the same race, in the same atmosphere

    Question : Osho, Earlier on you were talking about national characteristics and you were just talking now about the last desire at the moment of death, so if someone gets reborn into some nationality, does that whole national history become part of the body, of the mind, or how does it connect? Mostly it never happens, or very rarely. A Dutch is born again in...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  85. No Image

    on Buddha Statues – Watching a Buddha statue is watching a Yantra

    Question : While in an art museum in frankfurt recently, i entered one room with nothing but statues and carvings of buddha. I put absolutely no faith in stone idols, but i was surprised to feel a very strong energy current in the room, similar to what i feel here in the lecture. Was i imagining things? And if so, how can i trust what i feel here with you? Th...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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  86. No Image

    I always dream of sex and sex and sex - why?

    Question : Osho, I always dream of sex and sex and sex - why? Ram Das, ARE YOU A FOLLOWER of Morarji Desai? Something is basically wrong with you. Your dreams simply show that you are living a repressed life. Your dreams reflect how you are living your life. Your dreams are not just dreams — they are reflections. In the waking time you must be repressing sex;...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  87. No Image

    The path of kundalini (on seven bodies)

    The path of kundalini: authenticity and freedom Question 1 In yesterday's talk, you said that false experiences of kundalini can be projected which you consider to be not spiritual but psychic. in your initial talk, however, you had said that kundalini is only psychic. this means, according to you, that there are two states of the kundalini - psychic and spir...
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  88. No Image

    Many people feel sometimes that you come in their dreams, so what to think about such dreams?

    Question : Many people feel sometimes that you come in their dreams, so what to think about such dreams? They are not of the same type. It depends on you. Sometimes it may be just the first type of dream I call rubbish. Because you listen to me so attentively, an imprint is left in the mind. And you listen to me continuously every day and you meditate, and an...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  89. No Image

    Earth : This is the only sacred place where life exists, where consciousness exists, and where a few people have been capable of achieving the ultimate expression of being, enlightenment.

    Question 1 Osho, I have to ask you this esoteric question. how can you say with such certainty that this earth is the only place in the universe where life has blossomed, and consciousness has arisen? How do you know? It is not an esoteric question; it belongs to the inner science of man. The moment one becomes enlightened, he is no longer confined in his own...
    Categoryon Sacred Place
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  90. No Image

    on Intuition - Intuition is a jump. It is not something coming to you

    Question : Does’t Intuition come to one through thought waves that are just like Radio Waves? This, again, will be very difficult to explain. If intuition comes through some kind of waves, then sooner or later the intellect will be able to explain it. It comes without any medium; that is the point. It comes without a vehicle! It travels without any vehicle, t...
    CategorySpiritual Power, Miracle, Intution
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  91. No Image

    If a Tirthankara desires to be born, Can he take a physical Body?

    Question 5 If a Tirthankara desires to be born, Can he take a physical Body? Now this is a different matter altogether. If a tirthankara wishes to be reborn a very interesting happening takes place: that is, before death he does not discard his fourth body. There is a way and a method of doing this, and that is by having the desire to be a tirthankara. So whe...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  92. No Image

    To enter into these mysteries you will need a silent mind that does not disturb you

    Question 3: Osho, What is happening to me? I am opening more and more, and I have the feeling that the shadows in my body are gradually disappearing. When I close my eyes I can see more light in the body. It is so beautiful, and I feel so much for you — more than I ever felt before. Beloved Osho, Can this be? Is this me? Why do these doubts still arise? Would...
    CategorySpiritual Power, Miracle, Intution
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  93. No Image

    on Mastery of Dreams, Dream Creation

    If you can become aware of dreams, you can do two things. You can create dreams – one. Ordinarily you cannot create dreams. How impotent man is! You cannot even create dreams. If you want to dream a particular thing you cannot dream it; it is not in your hands. How powerless man is! Even dreams cannot be created. You are just a victim of dreams, not the creat...
    CategoryAstrology, Vision, Dream, Prophecy
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  94. No Image

    Past Lives : Don't think much about past lives, and don't think much about the future. The present is enough.

    Past Lives Don't think much about past lives, and don't think much about the future. The present is enough. Don't think that relationship is coming from the past -- it is coming from the past, but don't think about it because then you will get more complicated. Make things easier. It is going on -- from your past lives things have a continuity, so I don't den...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  95. No Image

    The Body, the Mind, the Soul

    In the East we have a totally different approach. You cannot think such a phenomenon with a Gautam Buddha or with an Upanishadic seer, because the whole approach is of being more and more conscious. One has to be a flame of consciousness, one has to be alert and aware. On one hand is Immanuel Kant, on other hand is Gautam Buddha. His chief disciple Ananda, wh...
    CategorySoul, Consciousness
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  96. No Image

    Osho on Om, Shantih Shantih Shantih

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, I am always intrigued by Eastern scriptures that begin with Om, Shantih Shantih Shantih and end with Om, Shanth Shantih Shantih. Would you please talk about this? Maneesha, the East has approached reality in an almost diametrically opposite way to the West. First, the simple meaning of the word should be understood, and then all the i...
    CategoryMantra, AUM, Yantra, Symbol
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  97. No Image

    If we don’t achieve total consciousness in this life

    Question : Osho, When you said that if we don’t achieve total consciousness in this life, we will have to start from the very beginning again, and go through the whole evolution of mankind one more time, I was very touched. Is it possible that we will totally lose these few glimpses of light, beauty, and consciousness that we have got through being sannyasins...
    CategoryReincarnation, Karma, Death
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  98. No Image

    The places of pilgrimage are places where a stream of consciousness is flowing automatically

    A very deep and intense experiment on Samved Shikhar was made by the twenty-two tirthankaras, just as they were leaving their bodies. On that mountain they tried to intensify and multiply the vibrations of their developed consciousness so that it would be easier for us to communicate with them. It was thought that if so many souls of such consciousness left t...
    Categoryon Sacred Place
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  99. No Image

    There are two types of people – those with high energy and those with low energy

    [A sannyasin said that he was feeling much better since last darshan, when Osho had suggested he undertake much physical activity – running, walking, swimming, or whatever he enjoyed.] You have much energy and you had not been using it creatively. Whenever energy is not used creatively it becomes destructive, stagnant, and by and by a prison of solid rock is ...
    CategoryEnergy, Shaktipat
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