• Life is not logic, life is not philosophy. Life is a dance, a song, a celebration! It is more like love and less like logic.
    - Osho

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Question 2

What is tantric sex? after 'monkey sex' and after 'love-bliss sex', before the highest cosmic and religious sex in which no partner is needed, in which the cosmos is the partner, isn't there tantric sex in which two partners are involved, a sex act which is a meditation based on certain techniques?



It is good that after meditating on death you will be meditating on Tantra and Tantra sex. Because sex is also a small death. And because of that small death in sex, there is so much release of joy in you. For a single moment you disappear, and that moment is the climax, the orgasm. In that single moment you don't know who you are. In that single moment you are pure energy vibrating, pulsating. With no center to it, with no ego in it.


In that single moment of orgasmic space you lose all boundaries, separation. You become vast, huge. You are no more separate from the other. That's why there is so much joy -- although the moment is very small. And once it is gone you feel very frustrated, because it has been so short, it was so fleeting. And you start hankering again. And each time that moment comes you reach to a pinnacle and then you fall into a deep darkness, into the abyss.


So sex brings you joy, and sex brings you great misery too. It takes you to sunlit peaks and then drops you into the darkest valleys. After each sex act one feels frustrated. Something was happening, happening, and it happened...and you could not even catch hold of it and it was gone. So sex remains the greatest fascination and the greatest frustration.


Because of these two things in the act of sex, there are two types of people. Those who become too much fascinated with the fascination, addicted with sex. They are the people who go on indulging in all kinds of sexualities, and their whole life is nothing but a search for more sex, better sex. And the other, who become addicted with the frustration of sex. They renounce the world, the woman, the man, they escape to the Himalayas or into the monasteries. But both have reacted to sex. Your worldly and your other-worldly, they are not different -- they both are sexual, they have chosen one part of the sex act. They have chosen opposite parts, but they have chosen out of the sex act.


That's why your so-called religions are so much against sex -- they have chosen the frustration part. The indulgent and the renunciate are two aspects of the same coin. They are not different people, they are the same people, and both have chosen out of sex.


Tantra is a totally different attitude. It says: There is joy in sex and there is frustration in sex. Because the moment of orgasm is very small. That moment can become very deep, that moment can remain there for hours. That moment, once you know the art of remaining in it, can surround you twenty-four hours. Tantra transforms sex. Tantra is the true religion. It does not choose between the fascination and the frustration, it transcends both. It uses sex as a key. And it is a key -- because all life comes through it, all flowers bloom through it and all birds sing through it. All that you see around you, the green and the red and the gold, all comes through sex and is sex energy. All the poetry and all the songs and all the music is rooted in sex-energy. All art, all creativity, is nothing but an expression of sex.


So Tantra sex has to be understood. A few things: The Tantric definition of sexuality is opposite to the modern definition.


The modern mind regards sex as a need -- like hunger for food -- which incidentally provides sense-and ego-gratification. That's how Freud thinks about sex, that it gives you ego-gratification, satisfaction, relaxation; it relieves tensions, it is a need. Tantra regards sex as a powerful instinctual return to our ultimate reality, one of the highest forms of meditation.


There you have to understand -- the first thing to remember -- Freud does not understand sex' ultimate depth. Freud has only looked into the repressed sexuality of man. What christianity has done in the West, the wrong, Freud was trying to put it right. But Christianity remains superficial and Freud remains superficial. Why? Because the cure cannot go deeper than the disease. The disease was superficial, the cure cannot be deeper than that.


Tantra does not define sex as a need -- it is not. A man can live without sex, it is not a need. Not like food -- you cannot survive without food. It is not like thirst -- you cannot survive without water. But you can survive easily without sex -- maybe you can survive longer. Sex is not a need like food or thirst or hunger. Sex has a definitely total dimension, a different dimension altogether. It is a way to contact the ultimate reality. It is an urge to move to the original source.


In ordinary sex it happens only for moments. Even that is rare, because there are very few orgasmic persons left in the world. People have become so much civilized that to be orgasmic seems impossible. A civilized person cannot be orgasmic because he cannot allow himself to be wild. Only a wild person can be orgasmic, because orgasm is wild. The better you are civilized, the better you are cultured, sophisticated, educated, the less is the possibility for you to be orgasmic. Then sex is just a relief. It is like sneezing, nothing much. It is sheer wastage.


You accumulate energy and you don't know what to do with your energy. And the energy becomes heavy on you, it has to be thrown out in some way or other. So you go on throwing the energy. But you have lost the language of orgasm. What is the language of orgasm? If you are really orgasmic you will groan and moan and shout and sing and pray, and a thousand and one things will happen when you are making love to your woman or to your man. It is going to be a mad thing. And that is difficult in a civilized world. Mm? The whole neighbourhood will know that now you are making love. And people will start phoning the police-station that there is danger, one person has gone orgasmic.


Yes, you will dance, you will sing, you will utter incoherent sounds, gibberish will come. One never knows what will happen because you lose control. To be orgasmic means the capacity to lose control. The constant control is there, you are simply sitting on your energies controlling them -- 'This should be, this should not be. This is right, that is wrong.' You are continuously doing that, inhibiting, repressing. Only go so far, beyond that is danger, only this much is allowed. How can you be orgasmic?


And if you are not orgasmic in other things, you cannot be orgasmic in sex. If in your anger you control, then you cannot be orgasmic in sex. If you can be orgasmic in anger, only then can you be orgasmic in sex. Man is a totality. If you cannot get into a rage, how can you get into love? Impossible.


Have you watched it? Knowingly, unknowingly, couples stumble upon the fact that if they want to make love it is a must that they should fight before they make love. So each evening, couples fight, become angry. Mm? -- that becomes a little help. A pillow-fight is helpful. Your energies start moving, your juice starts flowing. And if you can be a little silly and stupid in anger then you can be silly and stupid in love too. Then who cares?


A natural man is orgasmic in all his emotions.


Somebody has asked a question: 'If people become authentic as you say they should become, authentic and natural, and if they don't smile because a smile is phony, and if they go on screaming and shouting in the streets, what will happen to the world?'


Many things will happen to the world. First, wars will become impossible. 'There will be no Vietnams and no Israels, because people will never accumulate so much anger in them that they have to kill, and kill millions. Many things will happen to the world if people are natural. Then they will not shout so much as you think they will shout. Right now they are allowed to shout they will shout -- but for how long? If they are given complete freedom, shouts and abusing and condemnation and fights will start disappearing from the world. It is a vicious circle. It is as if you have been starving a person and you don't allow him to go close to the fridge. And you say 'If we allow him he will eat too much. ' And you have been starving him -- and now you are afraid if you allow him any freedom he will eat too much, he will fall ill. So you don't allow him to come to the fridge. He has to live by his quota -- whatsoever you give, he has to live on.


Now he fantasizes, he dreams: What to do? How to reach to the fridge? How to eat more? His whole imagination becomes focused on food, he dreams of food.


A famous Sufi story says: Three persons were travelling. They purchased a Sufi sweet, halvah. But they had not enough money and the halvah was very costly. It was not enough for three, so there was great debate -- who should eat it? They decided 'We should do one thing: we all should sleep, and in the morning whosoever has dreamt the best dream, he will be the person to eat it all.' Agreed, they fell asleep.


Early morning, they related their dreams. One said, he was a Christian, he said 'I dreamt of Jesus. And Jesus said "Come to Heaven, I have prepared the place for you." And he was calling me, inviting me. It was such a beautiful dream, I have never dreamt such a thing. And Jesus was so radiant, and I feel so good that I have been accepted by Jesus.'


The second was a Hindu. He said 'This is nothing. I dreamt I have become Krishna. And thousands of gopis are dancing around me, beautiful damsels, and I am playing on the flute. It was such a beautiful dream.'


And the third was a Mohammedan Sufi. And they asked 'What about you?' He said 'Mohammed appeared and said "You fool! What are you doing here? Go and eat the halvah!" So I have eaten it! Because how can you reject when Mohammed commands?'


If you are hungry, if you are kept starving, then the fear arises that if you are left loose in the streets you may enter into a restaurant, kill the owner, or do something. But if you are well fed then nobody does anything like that. This is what has happened -- for thousands of years you have been repressed, you have been made more and more phony. Now the fear arises. The questioner is right -- the fear arises, if people become authentic and start screaming and shouting and doing things the way they always wanted to do and were never allowed to do, the world will go mad.


Yes, for a few years the world will go mad. But that madness will be therapeutic, it will help immensely. After that nobody will ever go mad. Neurosis will disappear, psychosis will disappear, wars will disappear, politicians will become meaningless. Nations and the militaries and armies will become irrelevant -- they will not be needed. That's why the politician and the priest are so much in favour of repressing people, because they depend on these repressions. Wars will not be there. Generals won't like it, army people won't like it, if there is no Vietnam -- then their whole purpose is lost. If there are no nations then what is the point of having prime ministers and presidents? They are irrelevant.


Government becomes irrelevant if people are natural. Less and less government will be needed. So, so many people have investments. And their fear looks right, logical, because for so many centuries man has been repressed that they are afraid that things may explode. Yes, for a few years, for one generation at least, there will be great explosion. Then things will disappear.


Bertrand Russell has written that when he was a child, even legs of chairs were covered with cloth. Legs, because they look sexual. And he says 'I had not seen any legs of a woman.' The garments had to be so long that you could not see. And Bertrand Russell says in those days people used to fantasize about legs, dream about legs. Even a dream about a leg was enough of an excitement, an ecstasy. Now nobody bothers about the legs. Once you have seen men and women naked you stop worrying about, dreaming about, their nakedness. Dreams change.


The world needs to be more natural.


Then there will be less anxiety, less fear, less worry. But for a generation there will be great explosion -- after that, things will settle. We have to take that risk, only that risk can save humanity. Otherwise everybody is going mad.


The Tantra attitude about sex is that sex is not a need. It is a cosmic experience, it is an experience of meditation. It is an instinctual return to our ultimate reality, one of the highest forms of meditation. In fifteen minutes to an hour or more of uninterrupted coitus, Tantra seeks a complete loss of the ego. Just see the difference. Freud says it is a gratification for the ego. And that's how it has become, and Freud is not wrong. If you see the modern man, he is right.


People go on making love just to prove that they are males or females, or what charming people they are, beautiful people they are. People go on finding new women, new men, just to prove that 'I am still attractive.' My observation of people is that they don't fall in love. Their joy is not love, their joy is conquest. Once they have achieved a woman they are no more interested in her. It is not love. Now they are seeking new pasture, now they want a new woman. Now they want to prove again that they are still young, looked at, they still have charisma, magnetism. And the more women they can make love with, the more their ego is satisfied. This is not love. And Freud is right that sex gives ego-gratification.


But look at Tantra. Tantra has a totally different idea. Tantra says: The appeal of sex is because it gives you a moment of egolessness, timelessness, meditation. Because of ego-gratification, sex has become very very superficial, it only scratches the skin. It does not go deep, it has no depth. So many people are worried about premature ejaculation. The reason? They don't love. If they love, then naturally they can make love for longer periods -- the more you are in love, the longer the period will be. For hours you can be in love, because there is no hurry, the ego is not controlling.


In a Tantra coitus you can remain for hours. It is a kind of melting with the woman or with the man, it is a kind of relaxation into each other's being. And it is meditative, because there is no ego, no thought stirs. And time stops. This is a glimpse of God. Tantra is the natural way to God, the normal way to God. The object is to become so completely instinctual, so mindless, that we merge with ultimate nature -- that the woman disappears and becomes a door for the ultimate, the man disappears and becomes a door for the ultimate.


This is the Tantra definition of our sexuality: The return to absolute innocence, absolute oneness. The greatest sexual thrill of all is no search for thrills, but a silent waiting. Utterly relaxed, utterly mindless. One is conscious, conscious only of being conscious. One is consciousness. One is contented, but there is no content to it. And then there is great beauty, great benediction.




If you are too much technique-oriented you will miss the mystery of Tantra. That is pseudo Tantra that is based on techniques. Because if techniques are there, ego will be there, controlling. Then you will be DOING it. And doing is the problem, doing brings the doer. Tantra has to be a non-doing; it cannot be technical. You can learn techniques -- you can learn a certain breathing so that the coitus can become longer. If you breathe very very slowly, if you breathe without any hurry, then the coitus will become longer. But you are controlling. It will not be wild and it will not be innocent. And it will not be meditation either. It will be MIND -- how can it be meditation? The mind will be controlling there. You cannot even breathe fast, you have to keep your breathing slow -- if the breathing is slow then ejaculation will take a longer time, because for ejaculation to happen the breathing has to be fast and chaotic. Now, this is technique but not Tantra.


Real Tantra is not technique but love. Is not technique but prayer. Is not head-oriented but a relaxation into the heart. Please remember it. Many books have been written on Tantra, they all talk about technique. But the real Tantra has nothing to do with technique. The real Tantra cannot be written about, the real Tantra has to be imbibed. How to imbibe real Tantra? You will have to transform your whole approach.


Pray with your woman, sing with your woman, play with your woman, dance with your woman, with no idea of sex. Don't go on thinking 'When are we going to bed?' Forget about it. Do something else, and get lost into it. And some day love will arise out of that being lost. Suddenly you will see that you are making love and you are not making it. It i.s happening, you are possessed by it. Then you have your first Tantra experience -- possessed by something bigger than you. You were dancing or you were singing together or you were chanting together or you were praying together or meditating together, and suddenly you find you both have moved into a new space. And when you have started making love you don't know, you don't remember either. Then you are being possessed by Tantra energy. And then for the first time you will see a non-technical experience.


When you are making love don't control. Go into uncontrol, go into chaos. It will be fearful, frightening, because it will be a kind of death. And the mind will say 'Control!' And the mind will say 'Jump in and keep control, otherwise you will be lost in the abyss of it.' Don't listen to the mind, get lost. Abandon yourself utterly. And without any technique you will come to see a timeless experience. There will be no two in it: oneness. A consciousness will be there, a lucid passive consciousness will be there, you will know what is happening, because you will be fully aware.. But you will not be there. Awareness will be there.


You have to imbibe the Tantra spirit -- it is not a technique to be learned.


-Osho, “This Very Body the Buddha, #8, Q2“




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    The sex centre can only open really when there is no fear

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  32. No Image

    Sex and life are synonymous at a certain stage.

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    For a moment just melt into the real woman. Don't carry any pornography in your head

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  34. No Image

    Pornography is sex through the head.

    Question 1: Osho, There is a great deal of hypocrisy in india about sex. people are not even willing to discuss it openly, yet there is a growing proliferation of, and obsession with, nude pictures. will this flood of pornography help? Can it finally bring sex ...
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  35. No Image

    The meaning of sexual orgasm - that your frozen energy melts, becomes one with this universe

    Question 1 What is the difference between great sexual suppression and freedom from sex? on the surface, both have no interest in sex. how does suppressed sex bubble up? First, suppressed sex has more interest than expressed sex can ever have. The interest is n...
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  36. No Image

    He has to make love something of an art.

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  37. No Image

    Go like an explorer. Search all the nooks and comers of your sexuality

    Freedom from sex is not repression of sex, it is the understanding of sex. And through understanding one goes beyond it. But that does not mean that you will be angry and against and antagonistic. You will be blissful, you will have a blessing for everybody. An...
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  38. No Image

    Premature ejaculation is really not a sexual problem at all

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  39. No Image

    Polygamy is the nature of man and woman both

    Question 1: Osho, Is the concept of soulmates more useful than marriage? Prem Pragyan, one of the most significant things in man"s life has been the love affair. Birth is not in your hands, death is not in your hands; and these are the only three great things i...
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  40. No Image

    Orgasm is always spiritual, it is never sexual.

    Question 4 Osho, Never before have i felt so much love and never before so alone. thank you, Osho... It is something very deep to be understood, something of great significance. Love always brings aloneness. Aloneness always brings love. They are never separate...
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  41. No Image

    There is no energy on the planet as powerful as sexual energy.

    There is no energy on the planet as powerful as sexual energy. If the love between a husband and wife grows they will no longer be husband and wife: their relationship will change and there will be less sex between them. Their relationship will change into love...
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  42. No Image

    Remain in the moment going nowhere, and melt.

    Don't be in a hurry and do not hanker for the end: remain with the beginning. There are two parts to the sex act -- the beginning and the end. Remain with the beginning. The beginning part is more relaxed, warm. But do not be in a hurry to move to the end. Forg...
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  43. No Image

    Why should there be a difference in techniques for men and women?

    Question 4 Why should there be a difference in techniques for men and women? Because they are different. They are as different as possible. They are polar opposites. Really, the more relevant question would be this: Why should there be similar techniques? There...
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  44. No Image

    To be orgasmic means the capacity to lose control.

    Question 2 What is tantric sex? after 'monkey sex' and after 'love-bliss sex', before the highest cosmic and religious sex in which no partner is needed, in which the cosmos is the partner, isn't there tantric sex in which two partners are involved, a sex act w...
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  45. No Image

    Sex has been called the original sin - it is neither original nor sin.

    Sex has been called the original sin - it is neither original nor sin. -Osho, “Be Still and Know, #1, Q3” Be a witness of sex too. Don't be the controller of it. Don't try to forcibly bring it under control, remain a witness of it too. Just as you are a witness...
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  46. No Image

    In every creation sex is used.

    In every creation sex is used. Tantra says that in your body is the whole cosmos in miniature: it is just a miniature of the whole cosmos. Do not fight with it. What is your sex if the body is a miniature? If really this is so, that your body is the whole cosmo...
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  47. No Image

    Be true to love, and don't bother about partners.

    Be true to love, and don't bother about partners. Question 4 In the east, it has been stressed that one should stay with a person, one person, in a love relationship. in the west, now people float from one relationship to another. which are you in favor of? I a...
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  48. No Image

    A man who has repressed his sex can become a good soldier

    If sex is repressed your imagination will become very powerful because the energy that moves through sex will start moving through your mind. Then you will start imagining kundalini and chakra and this and that, and a thousand and one things. It is the same sex...
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  49. No Image

    If sex is allowed natural growth, respected, valued, then a transformation happens

    Remember that sex is the lowest pleasure. According to me, sex is the seed -- the pleasure. If sex is allowed natural growth, respected, valued, then a transformation happens, a metamorphosis happens. Sex starts growing into a foliage of art, music, poetry, dan...
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  50. No Image

    When you come back after a tantric sex act, you have risen, not fallen.

    In the ordinary sexual orgasm you meet as two excited beings -- tense, full of excitement, trying to unburden yourselves. The ordinary sexual orgasm looks like madness; the tantric orgasm is a deep, relaxing meditation. Then there is no question of how often on...
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  51. No Image

    There is nothing wrong in pure, simple sex; it is natural.

    Love is a very different thing. It has not necessarily anything to do with sex. Sex may be a part of it, may not be a part of it. You can be in love with a person without any sexual relationship. That's what we call friendship. It has disappeared from the world...
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  52. No Image

    Most lovers get married. That is the most unfortunate accident in life.

    Unfortunately, most lovers get married. That is the most unfortunate accident in life. That destroys the whole beauty; otherwise they would have been Laila and Majnu, Shiri and Farhad, Soni and Mahival -- great lovers of history. But all those great lovers neve...
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  53. No Image

    An orgasm is a meeting of the two. Only two, when they melt into each other, can have it.

    It is because of that fear that man has repressed all of woman's orgasmic capacities. Millions of women have lived and died without knowing that they have the capacity to experience orgasm. And without knowing that you can have great orgasmic explosions, you wi...
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