• Anybody who says that love is a hindrance on the path of self-realization is not a sage.
    - Osho

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Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
932 B Boredom : Boredom is human, a very great quality
931 B Boring Life : The sun rises every day, you can say that it is repetitive. It is not
930 B Bosses : There is no hierarchy.
929 B Boundaries : All boundaries are our beliefs
928 B Bragging : Don't try to kill the ego -- you cannot.
927 B Brainwashing : I am a brainwasher.
926 B Bravery : A brave man is a cunning coward.
925 B Breakdown : Breakdown brings you below the mind. it is insanity.
924 B Breasts : Their childhood is still there.
923 B Breath : Breath is your life; it contains all that life contains
922 B Breath : Everybody breathes wrongly
921 B Bribery : Unless God is removed the priest cannot be removed
920 B Brownnose : In monkeys there exists a hierarchy. Perhaps the same mind and the same hierarchy are carried by man too
919 B Buddhafield : An energy field where you can start growing, maturing
918 B Bullshit : 'Bullshit' is a far better word than 'rationalisation'
917 B Burdens : People have condemned your innocence as ignorance.
916 B Business : Business should not enter into your being, that is true.
915 B Busyness : People want to remain occupied. Nobody wants to rest
914 C Cages : The moment you have guidelines from others, you are spiritually a slave.
913 C Calculation : With objects be scientific; never be scientific with persons.
912 C Cancer : Cancer can exist only in a certain neurotic state of mind
911 C Capital Punishment : No court has the authority to destroy any man's life.
910 C Capitalism : Capitalism is basically individualism, it is not a social structure
909 C Capitalism : Capitalism is the first system which creates wealth.
908 C Caring : Care is a real ingredient. the very element of love.
907 C Catharsis : To let the gorilla out of your being is the deepest cleansing
906 C Caution : Every society wants you to be a coward, but nobody says it so sincerely
905 C Celebration : Everything has to be celebrated, everything has to be lived, loved.
904 C Celebration : Life should be a continuous celebration
903 C Challenges : The greater the difficulty, the more aggressive the ego becomes.
902 C Change : Misery arises because we don't allow change to happen.
901 C Change : There is only one thing permanent, and that is change.
900 C Chaos : The new man is coming, the old is going.
899 C Character : A real man is characterless, or beyond character.
898 C Charisma : Charisma is the energy of the consciousness which is settled in itself
897 C Charity : Charity is a beautiful flowering of one who has
896 C Charity : They are serving the exploiters in the name of service.
895 C Children : Don’t burden them with your dead scriptures.
894 C Children : They have come just now from God’s home
893 C Choice : This is what I call choosing, in every situation, the blissful part.
892 C Choicelessness : He remains choiceless, just silently aware
891 C Christianity : Christianity is the corpse, the corpse of Christ.
890 C Churches : Who will go to the churches if people are not miserable
889 C Churches, Condemning Women... : Christianity has no respect for women.
888 C Civilization : Our civilization is only a mask.
887 C Clarity : A state of mind when there are no thoughts.
886 C Cleverness : Cleverness is only a beautiful name for cunningness.
885 C Clouds : An inner sky; it is also empty. Clouds come and go
884 C Coincidence : Coincidence simply means that there is a possibility of freedom.
883 C Coma : Mind is a machine: it records only when you are receiving consciously
882 C Commandment : All the commandments of all the religions show one thing absolutely clearly: they are all bent upon destroying you, your naturalness
881 C Commune : The commune has future.
880 C Commune : The whole world can be transformed into a Buddhafield
879 C Communication : Listening means being utterly silent, not interpreting
878 C Communion : A spiritual communication. That communication is called communion.
877 C Communism : Communism is the ultimate flowering of capitalism
876 C Communism : Neither communism nor spiritualism nor anarchism. I am just a witness.
875 C Comparison : Comparison brings competition comparison brings wounds and ego
874 C Comparison : Comparison is a disease, one of the greatest diseases.
873 C Compassion : Compassion arises only when you can see that everybody is related to you.
872 C Compassion : Meditation is a flower and compassion is its fragrance.
871 C Compassion : Only compassion is therapeutic
870 C Compassion : Passion is lust, compassion is love. Passion is desire, compassion is desirelessness.
869 C Compromise : Death is far more beautiful than a life of compromise.
868 C Compromise : Living life like a businessman is prostitution.
867 C Computer : It can become the quantum leap. It can break away from the past and all conditionings of the past.
866 C Concentration : Concentration is not natural to the mind.
865 C Conclusions : The conclusion protects you, the conclusion gives you security, safety.
864 C Conditioning : I am simply deconditioning people.
863 C Conditioning : No conditioning is needed for the children, no direction has to be given to them.
862 C Confusion : To feel confusion needs great intelligence.
861 C Conscience : A trick of the society played upon you.
860 C Conscience : Drop out of this conditioning.
859 C Consciousness : Just watch your mind and you will see: the monkey goes on jumping.
858 C Contemplation, Concetration, Meditation : Mind moves in one line, directed. This is contemplation.
857 C Contenment and Satisfaction : Satisfaction is only a consolation. Contentment is not a consolation, it is bliss itself.
856 C Contraception : Contraception is one of the greatest blessings
855 C Contradictions : Life consists of contradictions.
854 C Conversion : It means a change of consciousness
853 C Conviction : Conviction is logical, intellectual, of the mind. It does not go very deep.
852 C Coolness : Coolness is not coldness
851 C Corruption : It is the corrupted people who become attracted towards power.
850 C Courage : Going into the unknown in spite of all the fears.
849 C Cowardice : The greatest cowardice in the world is to follow others, to imitate others.
848 C Creativity : Creativity has something to do with the quality of your consciousness.
847 C Creativity : Creativity is the quality that you bring to the activity you are doing.
846 C Crime : That which goes against your nature
845 C Criminals : Politicians are successful criminals. Criminals are unsuccessful politicians.
844 C Crisis : Real crisis and real opportunity too.
843 C Criticism : Why do I like so much to criticize people and complain against life?
842 C Crowd : The crowd has no consciousness. It is a collective unconsciousness.
841 C Crowds : Crowds have no souls no centers.
840 C Crying : Crying will help you to relieve your tensions
839 C Crying and Tears : Don't prevent your tears.
838 C Cults : A cult is a business, a religious kind of business.
837 C Cunningness : Ignorance is never cunning, knowledge is always cunning.
836 C Curiosity : It is a good beginning, but not the end
835 D Dance : All the primitive religions were dance-based
834 D Dancing : One of the deepest meditations possible
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