• I am trying in every possible way to drop all those things, which in the past have been barriers for the revolution to continue and grow. I don't want anybody to stand between the individual and existence. No prayer, no priest -- you alone are enough to face the sunrise. You don't need somebody to interpret for you what a beautiful sunrise it is.
    - Osho

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Osho HealingThe EsotericOsho Dictionary







Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
239 S Seriousness : Seriousness is a dangerous disease
238 S Seriousness : The meaning lying in the end, not just here and now. The end must be achieved.
237 S Service : Their reason for serving poor people is because this is the way to attain to heaven. This is greed, this is not service!
236 S SEX : From sexuality to love
235 S Sex : If they both are happy, it should be nobody else’s concern.
234 S Sex : On The Attitude Towards SEX
233 S Sex : Osho on Sex
232 S Sex Education : Do not teach children that sex is sin. Instead, it is necessary to explain to them that sex is part and parcel of life
231 S Sex Education : Sex education is one of the fundamental causes of the rift between the generations.
230 S Share : Before death knocks on your door, share - whatsoever you have.
229 S Should : There should be no 'should'. Once the 'should' enters life you are already poisoned.
228 S Should : “Should” means you have to do something tomorrow, or the next moment. “Should” cannot be related to the present, “should” brings the future in.
227 S Shrink : Real therapy does not shrink you: it opens you up.
226 S Shyness : Shyness is always part of ego. The more egoistic a person is, the more shy
225 S Significance : Meaning is of the mind, and significance is a natural phenomenon. It cannot be proved, it can only be felt
224 S Silence : Learn silence
223 S Silence : A state of consciousness where no thought interferes.
222 S Silence : Your cultivated silence is nothing but repressed noise.
221 S Simplicity : Simplicity is to live without ideals. Ideals create complexity
220 S Sin : Nobody is a sinner. Even while you are in the darkest hole of your life you are still divine.
219 S Sin : There is only one sin and that is unawareness.
218 S Sin and Guilt : Sin is the technique of creating guilt in people.
217 S Sin and Virtue
216 S Sin and Virtue : Only one sin and that is unawareness, and only one virtue and that is awareness.
215 S Sincerity : Sincerity means not living a double life
214 S Sitting Silently : Just watch your thoughts. Just see all the nuances of a thought
213 S Slavery : Any kind of dependence is a slavery, and the spiritual dependence is the worst slavery of all.
212 S Slavery : The politician wants to enslave your body and the priest wants to enslave your soul
211 S Smoking : Habit of Chain Smoking
210 S Smoking : It helps you to cool down, to relax a little bit
209 S Smoking : Smoking is a strategy to repress something. If you don't smoke that something starts becoming restless
208 S Snake : in the East snake, the serpent, has symbolized the inner energy of man, kundalini
207 S Socialism : Socialism is basically against freedom
206 S Socialism : Society is nonexistential. Socialism means nothing; the reality is the individual.
205 S Society : A really rebellious person is one who is neither for society nor against society, who simply lives his life according to his own understanding.
204 S Society : A wise man simply follows the rules. Be a Roman when you are in Rome and just follow the rules.
203 S Society : You are part of the society – but do only that which is needful, never get lost.
202 S Solar Plexus : The solar plexus is the centre of life and death both.
201 S Solitariness and Solitude : Solitariness is ugly, Solitude is beautiful.
200 S Solitude : Solitude is totally different. It is not loneliness, it is aloneness.
199 S Song : There are songs which are composed of silence and they are the real songs.
198 S Sophist : The word 'sophist' is ugly - it means a pretender. It means one who is pretending to be a sage
197 S Sound : Life, the whole of existence, is made of sound, of subtle vibrations of sound.
196 S Space : Everybody is treading on everybody else's space; nobody is respectful of anybody's space.
195 S Specialness : Accept the you that you are, because God accepts it. God respects it, and you have not respected your being yet.
194 S Spectator : Don't be just a spectator, participate in the mystery of life. Dance it, sing it, feel it, be it
193 S Spiritual Delusions : Except for silence, everything else is your imagination
192 S Spiritual Dependence : The spiritual dependence is the worst slavery of all.
191 S Spirituality : Spirituality is the real thing; religiousness is just a by-product.
190 S Spontaneity : Spontaneity simply means now there is nothing to hinder your self-nature from expressing itself.
189 S Spontaneity : You don’t interfere, you are in a let-go
188 S Statues : The image of Gautam the Buddha is exactly the image of meditation
187 S Stomach : When the mind starts changing, parallel to it, the stomach starts changing.
186 S Stopping Thoughts : Don't fight - because who will fight? Who are you?
185 S Strangers : Nobody knows you, not even you, so don't expect
184 S Strength : To be strong is good, but in the feminine way.
183 S Stress : When stress is there use it as creative energy. First, accept it; there is no need to fight with it.
182 S Study : It is a question of going more and more inwards, into transformation.
181 S Subhoda : Right-Mindfulness
180 S Success : Never think of success. Success is a natural by-product.
179 S Success : When you have succeeded and all that you desired has been attained, all that you always longed for is in your hands. Then what? - that is the fear.
178 S Successors (Succession)
177 S Suchness : Suchness means acceptance with a total welcoming heart, not in helplessness.
176 S Suffering : Suffering is created by you because you resist continuously, you don't allow it to happen.
175 S Suffering : When you watch suffering suddenly you are not the sufferer
174 S Suffering : Whenever a real situation arises and you are in suffering, remember to find out whether you are the cause of it.
173 S Surprise : The only thing that is most surprising is that you don't look surprised. And this is how your life becomes a life of boredom, a life of sadness.
172 S Surrender : A deep yes-attitude to the master - never say no
171 S Surrender : Don't ask for the meaning. Do it. Be courageous.
170 S Surrender : happens through love, trust, egolessness
169 S Surrender : You don’t think of life as the enemy but as the friend.
168 S Survival : When survival becomes the goal you become afraid of living. Life is dangerous and one has to risk one's survival again and again
167 S Sutra : The sayings of the masters are called sutras, threads, because they can make out of you a garland.
166 S Sympathy : These do-gooders are mischievous people. They do good, but their desire is just the opposite of it.
165 S Sympathy and Empathy : Sympathy is a kind of deception.
164 S Synchronicity : Two lovers, if they are really lovers, and deep in intimacy, slowly slowly start looking alike - that is synchronicity.
163 S Synthesis : Man should be as scientific as possible, as far as the objective world is concerned, and as musical as possible as far as the world of relationship is concerned.
162 T Taboo : A real humanity will not have any taboos: no taboo about sex, no taboo about death.
161 T Tai Chi : All the eastern techniques are in a way repressive.
160 T Tai Chi : Feel more like a liquid, Flowing energy, than like a solid body.
159 T Talent : Everybody is born with it, but millions of people never use it, so the faculty goes on shrinking
158 T Talking : They talk just to hide themselves behind the noise. Whenever you are nervous you start talking.
157 T Tantra : Osho on Tantra
156 T Tantra Sex : Real Tantra is not technique but love. Is not technique but prayer.
155 T Taoist tantra : It is spontaneity in sexuality; it is spontaneity in love.
154 T Tathata : Total acceptance: whatsoever the situation is, don't fight with it.
153 T Tea : Tea has to be taken in a very meditative mood.
152 T Teacher and Master : The teacher is one who teaches borrowed knowledge. He knows nothing
151 T Tears : Something to do with anything that is too much inside and wants to overflow.
150 T Tears : The language of the heart
149 T Tears : The whole world has to learn again the beauty of crying and weeping and tears
148 T Technology : Enlightenment cannot be reduced to a technology.
147 T Technology : I am all for technology - but a better technology, a more human technology.
146 T Temples : All the temples are false, all the mosques are false, all the churches are false.
145 T Temples : Religion has nothing to do with churches and temples and rituals
144 T Temptation : Life is so simple! But you can label things as temptations, then they become temptations.
143 T Tenderness : Life is full of surprises, but only for those who have a tender heart.
142 T Tension : Life is also a musical instrument. It needs a certain tension but only a certain tension.
141 Tension : Tension means preparing for the tomorrow now, or for the afterlife
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