• I teach meditation, because that is the only way to allow love to happen in your being.
    - Osho

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Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
833 D Danger : The mind is not prepared for it. The mind cannot function, so the mind stops.
832 D Darkness : They are just two names of one thing - aloneness or darkness.
831 D Darkness : Its darkness is also a beauty
830 D Darshan : It means an inquiry to see the truth. Darshan means seeing.
829 D Death : Death defines life, gives it a kind of intensity
828 D Death : Osho on Death
827 D Death : People are not afraid of death, they are afraid of losing their separation
826 D Death : What is the Zen attitude towards death?
825 D Death Penalty : I cannot call it a penalty, it is a crime.
824 D Decisiveness : Decisiveness means knowing that life is imperfect and life is short
823 D Deja Vu : Deja vu is a small fragment from the past, somehow entering your present.
822 D Democracy : Just the names change but deep down the reality remains the same.
821 D Depression : Osho on Depression
820 D Depression : When depressed, be depressed. Simply be depressed.
819 D Destination : The man of meditation makes existence’s destination his own destination.
818 D Destructiveness : If you don’t use your energy in a creative way
817 D Devil : The Devil is the first great revolutionary.
816 D Devotion : The refined quality of love
815 D Dhamma : Dharma simply means the ultimate law
814 D Dialogue : Trying to understand the other with an open mind.
813 D Dieting : If you eat with awareness, you cannot eat more than is needed by the body.
812 D Diplomacy : A beautiful name for all kinds of Cunningness
811 D Direction : Direction comes out of living this moment.
810 D Disappointment : There is no question of surprise: everything is surprise.
809 D Disciples : Disciples don't have any relationship.
808 D Discontent : Mind lives in discontentment. That is its food.
807 D Discrimination : Discrimination through awareness.
806 D Disease : When one connection is loose with existence, you feel ill.
805 D Disidentification : All the teaching of all the masters can be condensed into one word: disidentification.
804 D Disobedience : Disobedience is not a sin, disobedience is part of growth.
803 D Divinity : You are divine but you have not known it yet.
802 D Division : Life is one. It is not divided anywhere
801 D Divorce : Once marriage disappears from the world, divorce will disappear of its own accord!
800 D Do-Gooders : They have created more misery than anybody else.
799 D Doctors : If everybody remains healthy, young, nobody falls sick, then he will die of hunger!
798 D Doing : Stop pushing the river, flow with the river. It is already going towards the ocean.
797 D Domination : The effort to dominate others creates political conflict
796 D Doubt : Doubt is the search, trust is the achievement.
795 D Doubt : Doubt sharpens your intelligence. It is a challenge.
794 D Doubt : The real foundation of religion is doubt, not trust.
793 D Dreams : You dream because you desire; your dreams reflect your desires.
792 D Dropout : A real dropout is one who has dropped out from within.
791 D Drowning : A good swimmer trusts so much that he almost becomes one with the river.
790 D Drug : My whole effort is to bring something greater than they can bring,
789 D Drug Addiction : They destroy your inner growth towards spirituality.
788 D Drum : A drum is empty but if you beat it, it creates much sound.
787 D Drunkenness
786 D Duality : Life exists through duality
785 D Duty : All that goes on in the name of duty is ugly.
784 E Ears : You hear only what you want to hear.
783 E Earth : This is the only sacred place where life exists, where consciousness exists
782 E Eating : If you are eating, then let your whole consciousness be that of taste, of smell.
781 E Eccentricity : The greater the person is, the more crazy, more eccentric.
780 E Ecology : The outer ecology is being destroyed because the inner ecology has been destroyed.
779 E Ecology and Lao Tzu's wisdom
778 E Economics : The inner economics is totally different, just the polar opposite of the outer
777 E Ecstasy : All our misery is because we are divided.
776 E Ecstasy : Ecstasy is natural. It is not something that happens only to great sages.
775 E Education : Education Is not Meant for Teaching Discipline
774 E Education : Help them to be creative, help them to be joyous
773 E Education : Help Them to Be More Creative
772 E Education : It does not give you life, and it does not give you love.
771 E Education : Not teach you to compete; it will teach you to cooperate.
770 E Education : What we call education is not education at all, it is just the opposite of education.
769 E Efficiency : The whole effort of the society is to reduce you to efficient mechanisms.
768 E Ego : It is a false entity. It is not.
767 E Ego : Osho on Ego
766 E Ego : The ego is the accumulated effect of others' opinions about you.
765 E Either/Or : If mind is either/or, then the heart is both/and. The heart has no logic
764 E Ejaculation/Lovemaking : Ejaculation takes place quicker when the mind is tense.
763 E Elections : You have to choose between two kinds of dodos!
762 E Embarrassment : It is the ego that is embarrassed.
761 E Emergencies : When suddenly you were more aware than you usually are
760 E Emotions : Don't start borrowing problems from people.
759 E Empathy : Sympathy and apathy are opposed to each other. Empathy is beyond both.
758 E Emptiness : Emptiness is full of freedom; everything else has been removed. It is spacious
757 E Endings : From one side it is an end, from another side it is a new beginning.
756 E Enemies : With whomsoever you are fighting, you become like him.
755 E Energy : Energy is delight.
754 E Enlightenment : Enlightenment is a process of losing; you don’t gain anything.
753 E Enlightenment : Enlightenment is not an effort to achieve something. It is a state of effortlessness.
752 E Enough : Nothing is enough to the mind.
751 E Entertainment : Entertainment is not ecstasy, entertainment is just an opium.
750 E Equality : The idea of equality is dangerous
749 E Escapism : Challenges are growth opportunities
748 E Esotericism : All esotericism is nonsense
747 E Esotericism : Esoteric teachings are only for the fools.
746 E Essence : Life is indivisible, it is an organic whole.
745 E Eternity : Eternity is deathlessness.
744 E Etiquette : It is not a question of becoming more informed. It is a question of transformation, not of information.
743 E Euphemisms : You have certain ideas about certain things.
742 E Euthanasia : If he does not want to continue, nobody should prevent him.
741 E Euthanasia : Should be accepted as a birthright of every human being.
740 E Evil : That is a state of unconsciousness, unknowing, unawareness. I will not call it evil
739 E Evolution : Evolution has no purpose.
738 E Evolution : Evolution is an Eastern concept discovered by the mystics
737 E Examinations : Examinations emphasize people's memory, not their intelligence.
736 E Excitement : You cannot find any place better than your own inner being.
735 E Existence : It makes no discrimination. To the sinners, to the saints, it is the same.
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