• We need a world - a new man, a new woman, a new child, who has intelligence. Not to imitate, not to deceive, but to stand on his own with power and integrity. Even if it means that he will be condemned by the whole world, it does not matter. What ultimately matters is that you have your own face.
    - Osho

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Osho Dictionary

A Spiritual Dictionary for the Here and Now

List of Articles
No. Category Subject
140 T Terrorism : The Terrorism is in your Unconscious
139 T Therapist : A good therapist has to be immensely compassionate, because it is not his techniques of therapy that help people, it is his love.
138 T Therapy : Love is therapy, and there is no other therapy in the world except love.
137 T Therapy : Therapy basically has nothing to do with spirituality. I was using it just to clean the rubbish that the mind has gathered down the ages.
136 T Therapy : Therapy is a function of love. So with ego, you can't help.
135 T Thinking : Be less a thinker and more an experiencer. That's my fundamental message, be existential.
134 T Thoughts : They are not one with your nature, they come and go - you remain
133 T Tibet : The most ancient, primitive, innocent culture file
132 T Time : Time and death are the same; to live in time means to live in death.
131 T Time : Time means mind. When the mind stops, time stops.
130 T Time Changing : It is only in the times of chaos and confusion that great things happen, because people are loose.
129 T Timeless-ness : Nobody is new, all are very ancient pilgrims.
128 T Tomorrow : There is no tomorrow.
127 T Totality : Because it is total it does not leave a trace behind. That's the beauty of totality
126 T Totality : Live each moment totally, but don’t carry the idea of purpose
125 T Totality : Totality is an experience herenow. Totality is not a goal, it is a style of life.
124 T Touch : A person becomes a person only when he is touched by love.
123 T Tourism : Tourism is not pilgrimage. A tourist is superficial.
122 T Tourist : The tourist goes on missing everything; he is in such a rush that he can't see anything.
121 T Tradition : A tradition means something of the past, and enlightenment has to happen right now!
120 T Transcendence : We have to transcend the body - that is our outermost circumference.
119 T Transcendental Meditation : It is taking you towards just the opposite of awareness: it is taking you towards sleep.
118 T Transformation : Transformation happens simultaneously with understanding and acceptance.
117 T Transformation : Unconditionally accepting yourself brings transformation.
116 T Trees : Man cannot live without trees and trees cannot live without man.
115 T Trees : The Western mind has been too aggressive against itself and against nature.
114 T Trees : Trees can read your thoughts
113 T Trinity : The body, the mind and the soul. These three are meeting in you.
112 T Trinity : The Christian trinity looks very immature, childish.
111 T Trinity : The Holy Ghost is not right, but the Mother – the Father, the Mother and the Son. Then it is perfectly true, factual.
110 T Trust : Even if you are deceived because of your trust, it is better than not to trust.
109 T Trust : If you can't trust anybody that means you must be deceiving others.
108 T Trust : Osho on Trust
107 T Trust : The way to trust is DOUBT, and doubt to the very end.
106 T Trust and Judgment : Judgment can never lead you to trust
105 T Truth : Nobody can give you the truth; truth has to be discovered within your own soul.
104 T Truth : One can be it, but one cannot say it.
103 T Truth : Truth can only be realized. It cannot be explained or understood.
102 T TV : Television has become one of the great dangers to humanity.
101 T TV(Television) : They have lost track of reality. The TV has become more real.
100 T TV, Wathching : People are completely unaware
99 T TV, Wathching : People get involved in strange dramas. Very few people live authentically - they just act.
98 U Ugliness and Beauty : Ugliness has nothing to do with your body
97 U Ultimate : There is no ultimate goal
96 U Unawareness : To be in the mind, to be identified with the mind, is unawareness.
95 U Unclarity and Clarity : Unclarity is the mystery of life. Clarity is tiny
94 U Unconscious Mind : The unconscious mind is nine times bigger than the conscious; it has tremendous treasures, all the memories of your past.
93 U Unconsciousness : In your unconscious many things are buried which find expression through your conscious.
92 U Unconsciousness : Nobody else is putting you in hell. You don't have to wait for anybody to change you
91 U Understanding : Understanding cannot be studied
90 U Unexpected : Life is an adventure because the unexpected happens
89 U Unhappiness : Happiness is when you disappear. Unhappiness is when you are too much. You are the discord, your absence will be the accord.
88 U Unhappiness : Unhappiness depends on the frame of your mind.
87 U Uniqueness : Each individual is unique; uniqueness is a gift from existence.
86 U Uniqueness : Uniqueness is religious, specialness is political.
85 U Universities : Your knowledge has become poison.
84 U University : Education is certainly the process of liberation, but it has not been actualized anywhere in the world.
83 U Unknowable : Unknowable is called god, truth, nirvana
82 U Unknown : The unknown can only challenge you. The unknown can only provoke and seduce you for a pilgrimage.
81 U Unpredictability : Only the unpredictable man can feel happiness, can feel like no one else. Life itself is unpredictable
80 U Unpredictable : The moment you become predictable, you become a machine.
79 U Unreality : Ego is unreal; thought process is not unreal. Thought process is a reality.
78 U Upanishads : It simply means sitting down close to a Master; it is a communion.
77 V Vacillation : Why do people vacillate so much? - because from the very childhood you have been told not to commit any mistakes.
76 V Vegetarianism : Life in its infinite forms exists as one organic unity. We are part of it: the part should feel reverence for the whole. That is the idea of vegetarianism.
75 V Verbs : Don't trust in nouns, trust in verbs.
74 V Vertical and Horizontal : Existence is not horizontal, existence is vertical. Existence does not move in a line
73 V Viciousness : Nobody is vicious except man, nobody can be, because to be vicious much thinking capacity is needed.
72 V Victory : You have destroyed his childhood and you are creating the poison of ambition. You are making things very serious
71 V Violent : The most fundamental rule of this violent life is: all means are good if they fulfill the end.
70 V Virgin Birth (Virginity) : You can make love to a woman with no idea of sex, then love is just a pure communication of two energies
69 V Virginity : Virginity means innocence.
68 V Virtue : Anything done with awareness is virtue. Anything done with unawareness is sin.
67 V Virtue : The real virtue has nothing to do with so-called morality.
66 V Virtues : Man cannot be virtuous unless he is blissful
65 V Vow : Nobody can change one's life by force. The vow simply is a violent act against yourself.
64 V Vow : The real vow is born when you give up the mind.
63 W Waiting : Meditation is waiting without prospect, waiting for waiting's sake.
62 W Waking up : All that you are is your self-creation. In a single moment, you can awake.
61 W Wandering : When you travel, you are not interested in travelling itself
60 W War : The greatest wars have been fought in the name of peace.
59 W War : War is basically irreligious. But Christians, Mohammedans, and all other religions say that if you die in a religious war, your reward will be great in the other world.
58 W Warmth : To remain warm is very natural to life. Life is warmth: death is cold.
57 W Watch the Mind : It is not a thing, it is just a process
56 W Watcher : You are the watcher, you are the witness
55 W Watching : The real silence happens when you start watching the noise of your mind.
54 W Watching : Watching is the key of meditation
53 W Water : Water remains pure if it moves and flows; it becomes impure, stagnant, if it becomes dormant.
52 W Weakness : It is weakness that wants to be strong, it is inferiority that wants to be superior
51 W Weakness : You feel weak because there is a craving for more strength. It is comparative, it is relative.
50 W Who Am I? : It is unanswerable.It is a device, not a question. It is used as a mantra.
49 W Wholeness : Health is in wholeness.
48 W Wholeness : To be whole is to be holy.
47 W Wholeness : When your body, your heart, your intellect all fall in tune. I have called that the new man
46 W Why : The question 'why?' has to be dropped; that's the meaning of trust.
45 W Wife : To reduce a woman to a wife is ugly! It is immoral!
44 W Wilderness : I don't see anything wrong in being wild. To be too much civilized may be dangerous
43 W Will : To conquer the world will is needed; to conquer God will is not needed.
42 W Winning : The whole idea is absurd. A wave trying to win over the ocean
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