• If you are sad you are wrong; if you are joyful you are right.
    - Osho

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Question 3:

The practice of Witnessing makes me quiet, still, and silent, but then the friends around me say that i have become serious. There seems to be some substance in what they say. Please explain how one can grow simultaneously in stillness and playfulness.”



If you have really become silent, you will not pay attention to what others are saying. If others’ opinions are still important, you are not silent. Really, you are waiting for them to say something or for them to approve and appreciate that you have become silent. Your silence needs their approval? You need them to certify it? Then you are not confident that you have become silent.


Others’ opinions are meaningful only because you don’t know anything. Opinion is never knowledge. You go on gathering others’ opinions because you don’t know what you are, who you are, what is happening to you. You have to ask others, ”What is happening to me?” You have to ask others? If you are really silent, quiet, still, then there are no friends and no opinion is meaningful. Then you can laugh. Let them say whatsoever they say.


But you become affected. Whatsoever they say goes deep in you; you become disturbed. Your silence is false, forced, cultivated. It is not a spontaneous flowering within you. You may have forced yourself to be silent, but you were boiling within. Then the silence is just on the surface. If someone says you are not silent, or if someone says this is not good, or if someone says this is false, then you are disturbed and the silence is gone. The silence is gone, that is why you are asking me this.


”THERE SEEMS TO BE SOME SUBSTANCE IN WHAT THEY SAY.” You have become serious. So what is wrong in being serious? If you are born serious, to be serious, you will be serious. You cannot force playfulness; otherwise your playfulness will be serious, and you will destroy the whole play. There are serious players. They get so serious in their games and plays that it becomes even more anxiety-creating.


I was reading the memoirs of someone who was a great industrialist, much worried with day-to-day problems. Someone suggested golf: ”Play golf. That will be anxiety-reducing.” He started playing golf, but he was the same man. He became so excited about his golf that he couldn’t sleep, he was playing the whole night. The industry was a burden, and now golf became a second burden and a stronger one. He played golf, but with a serious mind, the same mind.


If you are serious, you are serious. Nothing can he done about it. Be serious and remain serious. Then you have already started being playful; then you are playful about your seriousness, not serious about it. You take it as a play, so you say, ”Okay, God has given me this role, so I will be a serious man and I will play my seriousness.” Then it will have disappeared deep down. Do you understand me?


You can create seriousness out of your playfulness or you can create playfulness out of your seriousness. If you are a sad one, a serious one, tell everyone, ”I am born serious and I am going to remain so” and don’t get serious about it. Be! Simply be, and then you can laugh about it and it will disappear. And you will not even become aware of when it has disappeared.


And don’t pay attention to what others say. This is a disease. They will drive you crazy the others. Who are these others and why are you so much interested in them? They drive you crazy and you drive them crazy because you are the other to them. Why pay so much importance to others’ opinions? Pay attention to your own experiences and remain true to your own experiences. If you feel good in being serious, it is okay! If you feel you have become quiet and silent and still through your practice of witnessing, why be interested and why be disturbed by what others say?


But we are not confident, so we must gather others’ opinions. We must go on a signature campaign: ”You think I have become a buddha, so please sign.” When everyone signs it and you have gathered many signatures, at least the majority, you think you are a buddha. This is not the way to be an enlightened one.


”AND PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW ONE CAN GROW SIMULTANEOUSLY IN STILLNESS AND PLAYFULNESS.” One grows! There has never been any case that is otherwise. One grows simultaneously in stillness and playfulness, but if your stillness is false then the problem arises. All those who have known silence have always been playful, non-serious. They could laugh, and they could laugh not only at others, they could laugh at themselves.


Bodhidharma entered China fourteen hundred years ago, from India. He put one of his shoes on his head; one was on one of his feet and one was on his head. The Emperor of China, Wu, had come to welcome him. He became disturbed. There were many, many rumors, of course, that this man was strange, but he was an enlightened one and the emperor wanted to welcome him to his Kingdom. He became disturbed. His courtiers, they also became disturbed. What type of man was this? And he was laughing.


It was not good to say anything before others, so when everyone had gone and Bodhidharma and the emperor retired into Bodhidharma’s room, the emperor asked, ”Please tell me, why are you making such a fool of yourself? Why are you carrying one shoe on your head?”


Bodhidharma laughed and said, ”Because I can laugh at myself, and it is good to show you my reality. I am such a man, and I don’t pay more importance to my head than I pay to my feet; both are the same to me. Higher and lower have disappeared. And, moreover, I want to tell you that I don’t pay any significance to what others say about me. This is good. The first moment that I entered, I wanted you to know what type of man I am.”


This Bodhidharma was a rare jewel; very few have existed who can be compared to him. What was he showing? He is simply showing that on this path of spirituality you are to go alone as an individual. Society becomes irrelevant.


Someone had come to do an interview with George Gurdjieff. The man who came was a big journalist. Gurdjieff’s disciples were very much excited because now the story was going to be in a big newspaper, and their master’s photo and their master’s news was going to be published. They cared very much; they paid much attention to the journalist. They virtually forgot their master, and they hung around the journalist. Then the interview began, but really, it never began. When the journalist asked some questions to Gurdjieff, Gurdjieff said, ”Wait a minute.”


Just by his side was sitting a lady. Gurdjieff asked, ”What day is today?” The lady said, ”Sunday.” Gurdjieff said, ”How is that possible? Just the day before it was Saturday, so how can it be Sunday today? Just the other day you said it is Saturday, and now it is Sunday. How, after Saturday, can Sunday come?”


The journalist stood up. He said, ”I am going. This man seems to be mad.” All the disciples just couldn’t understand what had happened. When the journalist had left, Gurdjieff was laughing. What others say is not relevant. Be authentic to what you feel, but be authentic! If real silence happens to you, you will be able to laugh.


It is said about Do-zen, one Zen master, that when he attained enlightenment many people asked, ”What did you do after that?” He said, ”I ordered a cup of tea.” What is there to do next? Everything is finished. And Do-zen was serious about his playfulness, playful about his seriousness. Really, what remains? Don’t pay much attention to what others say and remember only one thing: don’t force and cultivate stillness. A cultivated stillness will be serious, ill, tense. But how can a real silence come to you?


Try to understand this. You are tense, you are unhappy, you are depressed, angry, greedy, violent. A thousand diseases are there. Still, you can practice silence. These diseases will be within you, and you can create a layer of silence. You can do transcendental meditation; you can use a mantra. The mantra is not going to change your violence, neither is it going to change your greed. It is not going to change anything deep. The mantra can just give a tranquilizing effect. Just on the periphery, you will feel more silent. This is just a tranquilizer, a sound tranquilizer, and tranquilizing is possible through many ways many ways. When you repeat a mantra continuously, you become sleepy. Any continuous repetition of a sound creates boredom and sleep. You feel relaxed, but this relaxation is just on the surface. Within, you remain the same.


Go on practicing a mantra every day, and you will feel a certain stillness but not really, because your diseases have not changed, your personality structure remains the same. It is just whitewashed. Stop the mantra, stop the practice, and all your diseases will come up again.


This is happening everywhere. Seekers move from one teacher to another. They go on moving, practicing, and when they stop their practice they find they are the same; nothing has happened. Nothing will happen in this way. These are cultivated silences. You have to go on cultivating them. Of course, if you go on cultivating them, they remain with you just like a habit, but if you break the habit they disappear. A real silence comes not by just using some superficial technique, but by being aware of all that you are not only being aware, but remaining with the fact of what you are.


Remain with the fact. This is very difficult because the mind wants change. How to change violence, how to change depression, how to change unhappiness? The mind seeks change to create somehow a better image in the future. Because of this, one goes on seeking this and that method.


Remain with the fact, and don’t try to change it. Do this for one year. Fix a date, and say that ”From this date, for one year, I will not think in terms of change. I will remain with whatsoever I am; I will just be alert and aware.” I am not saying that you are not to do anything, but that alertness is the only effort. You have to be alert, not thinking in terms of change; remaining whatsoever you are good, bad or whatsoever. One year, with no attitude of change, just being alert, suddenly one day you will find you are no more the same. Alertness will have changed everything.


In Zen, they call it ”zazen” just sitting and doing nothing. Whatsoever happens, happens; you are just sitting. Zazen means just sitting, doing nothing. In Zen monasteries, monks will sit for years, the whole day. You will think they are meditating. They are not! They are just sitting silently. And by silence it is not that they are using some mantra to create any silence; they are simply sitting. If a leg goes dead, they feel it. They are alert. If the body feels tired, they are alert: the body feels tired. This is how the body has to feel. If thoughts are moving, they know it. They are not trying to stop them; they are not trying to push them away. They are not doing anything. Thoughts are just there like clouds in the sky, but they know the clouds cannot destroy the sky: they come and go. So thoughts are moving in the sky of consciousness; they come and go. They don’t force them, they don’t stop them, they don’t do anything;. They are just alert that the thoughts are moving.


Sometimes depression comes, a cloud; everything becomes shadowy. Sometimes happiness comes, a sunshine; everything starts dancing, as if flowers have opened all over the consciousness. But they are not disturbed by either this or that, by cloudy weather or by sunshine. They just wait and see that things are moving. They are just sitting on the bank of a river, and everything goes on moving. They don’t try to change anything. If a bad thought comes, they don’t say, ”This is bad,” because the moment you say, ”This is bad,” you have a greed to change it. The moment you say, ”This is bad,” you have pushed it away; you have condemned it, and you would like to change it into something good. They simply say this is this, that is that no condemnation, no evaluation, no justification. Simply, watching, witnessing. Sometimes they forget witnessing. Then too they are not disturbed. They know that ”Of course it is so,” that ”I forgot to witness; now I remember and I will witness again.” They don’t create any problem. They live what is. Years come and go, and they go on sitting and seeing what is.


Then one day everything disappears. Just like a dream, everything disappears and you are awakened. This awakening is not a practiced thing; this awakening is not cultivated. This awakening is your nature, your basic nature. It has erupted because you could wait patiently and watch, and you didn’t create any problems. Remember this as a very basic thing: don’t create problems. don’t create problems!


One lady was here just two or three days ago. She said, ”My mind is sexual, so what can I do?” Someone else came and said, ”I feel very inferior; an inferiority complex is there. What can I do?”


So I told that man, ”You feel inferior, so feel inferior; know that you feel like that. What to do? There is nothing to do. One feels sexual, so feel sexual. Know that you are sexual.” But the moment I say such things to someone, he feels shocked. He had come for a technique to change himself.


No one accepts himself; you are such enemies to yourself. You have never had any love for yourself; you have never been at ease with yourself. And this is surprising: you expect everyone to love you, and you yourself cannot even love yourself. You are so against yourself, you would like to shatter yourself in every way and create another. If you were allowed you would create another man. And you would not be satisfied with that either because you would still remain behind it.


Love yourself, accept yourself, and don’t create unnecessary problems. And all problems are unnecessary; there are no necessary problems. I have not come across any. Remain with your ”facticity,” and transformation will happen. But it is not a result, you cannot force it to happen. It is a consequence, not a result. If you accept yourself and remain alert, it comes. You cannot force it, you cannot say that ”I will force it to come.” And if you force, a false thing will happen to you, and then that false thing can be disturbed by anyone -by anyone


-Osho, "Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1, #38, Q3"



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    Meditation is simply an Understanding.

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    Meditation is Understanding.

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    I feel so much resistance against meditation

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  38. No Image

    Meditate, so that the split mind disappears

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  39. No Image

    Vipassana Meditation becomes isolation if you are suppressing something

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  40. No Image

    Osho on Path of Surrender

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  41. No Image

    Should one complete one’s worldly trips, Rather than dropping them in the name of spirituality?

    Question 6: Is the quality and expression of one’s enlightenment richer, deeper and More creative if one allows oneself to complete one’s worldly trips, Rather than dropping them in the name of spirituality? Certainly! How can you drop if you have not lived your life totally? If you have no...
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  42. No Image

    Osho on Disciple Receptivity

    Some introductory points: First, the world of Vigyana Bhairava Tantra is not intellectual, it is not philosophical. Doctrine is meaningless to it. It is concerned with method, with technique – not with principles at all. The word ‘tantra’ means technique, the method, the path. So it is not ...
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  43. No Image

    Try identification consciously – it becomes meditation. Unconsciously, it is a great sin

    Question 4 You quoted George Gurdjieff as saying that identification is the only sin, but in many techniques the process of identification is used. they say, for example, become one with the beloved, become one with the roseflower, or become one with the master. and, moreover, empathy is su...
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  44. No Image

    Does a person living through intuition always succeed?

    Question 3 When that Intuition starts functioning, Is Surrender the only technique for that Intuition, or the Inner guide? Does a person living through intuition always succeed? How do you value success and failure? is it not true that the person living intuitively will become weak intellec...
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  45. No Image

    Osho on Contemplation, Concentration and Meditation

    on Contemplation, Concentration and Meditation Question 2 Kindly explain Contemplation, Concentration and Meditation ‘Contemplation’ means directed thinking. We all think; that is not contemplation. That thinking is undirected, vague, leading nowhere. Really, our thinking is not contemplati...
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  46. No Image

    Why Krishnamurti is against techniques, Whereas Shiva is for so many Techniques.

    Question 3 Will you please tell us why Krishnamurti is against techniques, Whereas Shiva is for so many Techniques. Being against techniques is simply a technique. Not only Krishnamurti is using that technique, it has been used many times before. It is one of the oldest techniques, nothing ...
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  47. No Image

    on difference in Prayer and Meditation

    Question 5 : What is the difference between Prayer and Meditation? A lot of difference. A great difference. in fact they are absolutely different things. Their movement is in different directions. There are two types of religions in the world: prayer oriented religions and meditation orient...
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  48. No Image

    If others’ opinions are still important, You are not Silent

    Question 3: The practice of Witnessing makes me quiet, still, and silent, but then the friends around me say that i have become serious. There seems to be some substance in what they say. Please explain how one can grow simultaneously in stillness and playfulness.” If you have really become...
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  49. No Image

    What are the difficulties on the path of meditation and how can they be overcome?

    Question 3: Beloved Osho, What are the difficulties on the path of meditation and how can they be overcome them? There are only two difficulties on the path of meditation: one is the ego. You are continuously prepared by the society, by the family, by the school, by the church, by everybody...
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  50. No Image

    on Enjoying Suffering

    Question 2: Osho, When you talk about our having to suffer, you tell us to be joyful at the same time. Trying to compromise these two things seems difficult. When I say suffer joyfully it looks paradoxical and your mind starts thinking how to compromise both, because to you they are contrad...
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  51. No Image

    What is the difference in single-pointedness, being total, spacing out, work, and worship?

    Question 2 : Beloved Osho, Can you say something about single-pointedness, being total, spacing out,work, and worship? There has always been a confusion in people’s minds about single-mindedness – in other words, concentration – and meditation. They think both are the same. The reality is j...
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  52. No Image

    What is your way of meditation? : I have chosen witnessing

    Question : What is your way of meditation? My way of meditation is very simple. There are one hundred and twelve methods of meditation. Out of all of those I have chosen the most simple — the most easily done. I call it witnessing. The moment you witness something you become separate from i...
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  53. No Image

    Techniques are shortcuts, revolutions, but are not these against Tao, Swabhav, The Nature?

    Question 1: Techniques are shortcuts, revolutions, but are not these against Tao, Swabhav, The Nature? They are. They are against tao, they are against swabhav. Any effort is against shabhav, tao; effort as such is against tao. If you can leave everything to swabhav, tao, nature, then no te...
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  54. No Image

    How is it possible always to remain Centred?

    Question : How is it possible always to remain centred? There is a tendency to go astray… Don’t create any conflict about going astray and being centred. Float. If you create a conflict, if you become afraid of going astray, then there is more possibility that you will go astray – because w...
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  55. No Image

    How to be sensitive and yet detached?

    Question 1: With deepening meditation, one becomes more and more sensitive to objects, Events and persons. But due to this heightened sensitivity one feels a Sort of deep intimacy with everything, and this usually becomes a cause of Subtle attachments. How to be sensitive and yet detached? ...
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  56. No Image

    Just remain alert

    Just remain alert Question 2: Osho, Not counting the discourses, is twenty minutes of meditation a day enough to see me along the path and lead me to experience the satyam, shivam, sundram you are pointing us towards? Vimal, first you cannot be allowed not to count the discourses, because y...
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  57. No Image

    What is the relationship between consciousness and energy?

    What is the relationship between consciousness and energy? Question 2 : Beloved Osho, Please say something about the relationship of consciousness and energy. Modern physics has discovered one of the greatest things ever discovered, and that is: matter is energy. That is the greatest contri...
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  58. No Image

    on ‘Who Am I’ Question - It is a device, not a question. It is used as a mantra

    Question 1: Osho, Please, In the Question”WHO AM I?” What does “I” mean? Does it mean the essence of Life? Hermann Sander, “WHO AM I?” IS NOT REALLY A QUESTION because it has no answer to it; it is unanswerable. It is a device, not a question. It is used as a mantra. When you constantly inq...
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  59. No Image

    Is awareness enough to prevent the absorption of negative energy?

    Question 2: Osho, For the past several months, day after day, I kept giving massages in a luxurious resort of California to people who refused to breathe, to feel, to open up. No connection was possible, and I felt myself more and more drained by it. The other night you talked about the tra...
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  60. No Image

    Can one practise the path of relaxation and the path of effort simultaneously?

    Question 3: Osho, Seeing the dialectical facts of life, can one practise the path of relaxation and the path of effort simultaneously? No, it is not possible! You cannot practise both simultaneously because both are diametrically opposite. They lead to one point, but they don't pass through...
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  61. No Image

    My approach to your growth is basically to make you independent of me.

    Question 1 Osho, The fruit falls on the ground when it is ripe. one day, you will leave us, and it will be impossible to have another master in your place. How can anybody else be the substitute for the master of masters? Osho, when you leave the physical body, will your meditation techniqu...
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  62. No Image

    Many people have entered into existence through twilight.

    [A sannyasin says: I have a lot of energy at twilight and it s very beautiful. I sing and I play the tamboura… it just comes.] Very good… enjoy it. Everybody has a period in twenty-four hours, a special period. People don’t know about it, but once you know about it that will become your doo...
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  63. No Image

    Osho on Difficulty in Meditation for Western people

    Question 3: Beloved Osho, Being near you, i feel utterly at home, as if in the right soil. in the west, i worried: "how to be near osho sooner?" and often found it impossible to be meditative. Osho, Is it really possible to grow and flower in the harsh environment of the West? It is certain...
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  64. No Image

    Why Meditate Why Seek?

    Question 1 Why Meditate Why Seek? I DON'T SAY that you should meditate, I don't insist that you should meditate. It is you who are seeking it. And you have to seek it. It is just like a man who is ill and asks, "Why take medicine?" Because you are ill, that's why. If you are not ill, then t...
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  65. No Image

    How to know if I am making progress?

    How to know if I am making progress? Question : Osho, On the path of meditation many seekers find it difficult to know clearly whether they are making any progress or whether they are just suspended on one plane, simply moving in repetitions. will you please explain in detail about those fa...
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  66. No Image

    I was doing buddhist meditation for two years.... I kept falling asleep

    [A sannyasin says: I was doing buddhist meditation for two years.... I kept falling asleep!] Mm, that's possible in a buddhist meditation... very possible. That's why zen masters have to keep a staff continuously to hit the disciples, because they are always dozing. The whole method is so s...
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  67. No Image

    Will you please explain in detail about those factors which indicate the meditator's constant progress?

    Question 1: Osho, On the path of meditation many seekers find it difficult to know clearly whether they are making any progress or whether they are just suspended on one plane, simply moving in repetitions. will you please explain in detail about those factors which indicate the meditator's...
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  68. No Image

    How can the cosmic be achieved?

    Question : How can the cosmic be achieved? By becoming aware of your fragmented mind, of your conceptions, your attitudes, your prejudices. By becoming aware of the mind that feels, hears, chooses. When you see a flower, it is not only that the flower is there. Between you and the flower, a...
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  69. No Image

    How will a vulnerable meditator preserve his psyche from harmful vibrations

    Question 1 A meditator who is vulnerable, passive, open and receptive, feels that With these characteristics he suffers due to the influence of the nonmeditative, Negative and tense vibrations around him. Please explain how he Can preserve his vulnerable psyche from the harmful vibrations. ...
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  70. No Image

    on ‘Who am I’ Meditation technique

    Question 4: Osho, Who Am I ? Narayano, it is a question to be made a meditation. It is not a question to be asked, it is a question to be contemplated — because nobody can answer it for you and nobody’s answer can become your answer. This is one of those questions which is not really a ques...
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  71. No Image

    Is it possible to meditate without any technique?

    Question 1: Osho, Is it possible to meditate without any technique? Deva Maturo, the question you have asked is certainly of great importance because meditation, as such, needs no technique at all. But techniques are needed to remove the obstacles in the way of meditation. So it has to be u...
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  72. No Image

    on difference in Concentration and Watchfulness

    on difference in Concentration and Watchfulness Question 2: Beloved Osho, When we start watching our bodies, and then our minds and emotions, there remains an element, although subtle, of concentration. Initially for example, watching my breathing, I would watch it to the exclusion of every...
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  73. No Image

    Your center is the Buddha, your periphery is the Fool

    Question 1: Sometimes you call us ‘you Fools’ and sometimes you call us ‘you Buddhas’. Are fools and Buddhas the same to you? They are not the same to me but they are both meeting in you right now, shaking hands within you. Your past is the fool, your future is the buddha, and at this momen...
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  74. No Image

    Watching is meditation. What you watch is irrelevant

    Whatsoever you do with awareness is meditation Question 3 : Beloved Osho, For me the most beautiful meditation is to sit in a corner and watch the Children playing around the ashram. But i’m in trouble: is this a meditation At all? Watching is meditation. What you watch is irrelevant. You c...
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  75. No Image

    Alertness, passive alertness, is also an effort, but the dimension is different

    Question 5: You said that one should neither suppress nor indulge in anger, but that One should remain passively alert and meditative. Obviously, it will need a Sort of inner effort to avoid suppression or indulgence, but then is this Not also a sort of suppression? No! It is an effort, but...
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  76. No Image

    Are there any techniques to de-condition our brain?

    Question 3: Is there any state of mind which has never been programmed at all Or Are there any techniques to de-condition our brain? There has never been any consciousness which has not been programmed. In the very upbringing comes the programming. Even if the child is brought up not by you...
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  77. No Image

    Why should silence be threatening?

    Question 1 : Why should silence be threatening? Silence is great death, the greatest that one can pass through. The ordinary death is nothing compared to it, because in the ordinary death you still carry the seed of being reborn. The ordinary death is not real death. One dies really in sile...
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  78. No Image

    In the Gap Descends the Witness

    Question 1: Osho, You describe witnessing as a knack. Often, late at night, which I am in a very relaxed state, witnessing happens. At other times, though, it just seems to be mind watching mind watching mind. Please comment on this knack. The moment I say that witnessing is a knack, it imp...
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  79. No Image

    Why do you prefer to call meditation the art of dying

    Question 7: Why do you prefer to call meditation the art of dying rather than calling it the art of growing? Because I know your ego will like it very much if I called it the art of growing. The art of dying comes like a shock. Let me tell you an anecdote. One day Mulla Nasrudin saw a crowd...
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  80. No Image

    Death of the ego is the birth of the soul

    Question 3: Osho, When this question arises — who am i? — i get very afraid. Is there something to be said about it? Prem Dada, THIS QUESTION MAKES EVERYBODY AFRAID. It is nothing exceptional; it is absolutely the case with everybody. Whoever wants to go deep into the question, into the que...
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  81. No Image

    What it is to Live Rightly?

    Question 1: Osho, Please Make me Understand what it is to Live Rightly? There are two ways to live, to be, to know: one is of effort, will, ego; the other is of no effort, no struggle, but being in a let-go with existence. All the religions of the world have been teaching you the first way,...
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  82. No Image

    You tell us that awareness is enough. then why discourses, groups, sannyas?

    Question 2: Osho, You tell us that awareness is enough. then why discourses, groups, sannyas? Rick Ferris, how did you come to know that awareness is enough? I have to tell it again and again — that awareness is enough, that no discourse is needed. But even that has to be told to you: that ...
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  83. No Image

    Listening is very different from just "hearing."

    Listening means hearing without mind I know you can hear, there is no trouble about it ¯ but you cannot listen. Listening is totally different from hearing. Listening means hearing without mind; listening means hearing without any interference of your thoughts; listening means hearing as if...
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  84. No Image

    Waiting is important, necessary, but not enough

    Question 1: For the last twelve years i have been waiting for the waters of my mind to clear, but the carts of situations and surroundings keep passing through them constantly. this will go on throughout life. should i still keep waiting? Waiting is important, necessary, but not enough. Tog...
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  85. No Image

    on Self Remembering, Transformation of Self Rememberance

    Question 1: In which way can the Practice of Self-Remembering Transform the Human Mind? Man is not centered in himself. He is born centered, but the society, the family, the education, the culture, they push him off-center, and they put him off-center in a very cunning way, knowingly or unk...
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  86. No Image

    I am a businessman, Can I also be a Meditator ?

    Osho on Businessman doing meditation Question 4: Beloved Osho, I am a businessman, Can I also be a Meditator and become a sannyasin? One has to do something in life. Somebody is a carpenter and somebody is a king, and somebody is a businessman and somebody is a warrior. These are ways of li...
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  87. No Image

    How do we reach the state of blessedness?

    Question 3: How do we reach the state of blessedness when the mind is empty of Chatter, defenses, plans and games, and god is? If you ask how, you ask a wrong Question. The how brings the chatter in; the how, the technique, brings the future in. The how brings the methodology and the mind i...
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  88. No Image

    How much Patience is needed? is there really nothing we can do?

    Question 8: How much Patience is needed? is there really nothing we can do? The moment you ask how much, you miss the point. You cannot ask how much patience is needed. The very question says that the patience is not there, you are impatient. Patience never asks how much, patience always kn...
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  89. No Image

    When an Impulse is authentic, I am unaware. How can I exercise "Stop!"?

    This is a very significant question. It is easy to stop anything when you are false, and it is difficult to stop anything when you are authentic. When the anger is real, you will forget about the technique of Stop! When the anger is false you will remember, you can do it. But when the anger...
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  90. No Image

    Nothing is negative for you 

    Question 1: A meditator who is vulnerable, passive, open and receptive, feels that with these characteristics he suffers due to the influence of the non-meditative, negative and these vibrations around him. Please explain how he can preserve his vulnerable psyche from the harmful vibrations...
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  91. No Image

    Meditation experiences not happening as per the Expectation

    Question 4: After each camp, I am left deeply frustrated and anxious, as if I have been waiting for something to happen that never happens, and I say to myself: Heera, you are back in the same boat again. Please comment. Let me first tell you one anecdote. The newly-arrived convict was comp...
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  92. No Image

    Can one Meditate too much?

    Question 2: Osho, Can one Meditate too much? Shanti Animisha, there are things which you can never do too much. For example, you cannot love too much; more is always possible, and there is no limitation anywhere. I am taking the example of love because that will be easily understood. The sa...
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  93. No Image

    on Gurdjieff Dream Meditation

    Gurdjieff, one of the buddhas of this century, used to give a certain meditation to his disciples which is very significant. He used to say to his disciples, “If you can remember in a dream that ‘This is a dream,’ then you are on the very threshold of transformation.” But it is very difficu...
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  94. No Image

    OSHO on Krishnamurti's saying that there is no need of any meditation

    Krishnamurti goes on saying that there is no need of any meditation, and he is right. But he is talking to wrong persons. He is right; there is no need for any meditation, but he is wrong because of to whom he is saying this. Those who cannot even understand what meditation is, how can they...
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  95. No Image

    A sannyasin says: My mouth opens when I’m meditating; I feel energy there

    [A sannyasin says: My mouth opens when I’m meditating; I feel energy there. I don’t know what I should do about it.] No problem at all. When the mouth opens, just allow it. Don’t close the mouth when it wants to open. It is nothing of a problem. It is perfectly good. The mouth opens because...
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  96. No Image

    Alertness will first uncover your animal because that is your reality

    Question 4: You said that acceptance transforms but why is it that when I accept my senses and desires I feel that I have become animal-like instead of Transformed? This is your transformation; this is your reality. And what is wrong in being an animal? I have not seen a single man who can ...
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  97. No Image

    When you try the right method it clicks immediately

    These one hundred and twelve methods can help each and everyone. Any particular method may not be of use to you. That is why Shiva goes on relating many methods. Choose any one method which suits you. It is not difficult to know which suits you. We will try to understand each method and how...
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  98. No Image

    When you meditate on "Who am I?"

    When you meditate on “Who am I?” you will come across this point, and it will dissolve. And the deeper you will go… then deeper questions will come: first sociological, theological, then biological. You have a man’s body or a woman’s body: the question will arise, “Am I a man or a woman?” T...
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  99. No Image

    How can I know If Detachment or Indifference is Growing within?

    Question 1: How can I know If Detachment or Indifference is Growing within? It is not difficult to know. How do you know when you have a headache and how do you know when you don't have a headache? It is simply clear. When you are growing in detachment you will become healthier, happier; yo...
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