• Remember one thing: that you should not leave this earth unless you have made it a little more beautiful, a little lovelier, a little more loving.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Remember it is a very fundamental law. You may not get something that you want, but you always get that which you need.

    [A sannyasin says: I see my craving and trying to fill up my spaces with other people. The love between Somendra and me is so beautiful. The pain is not the love.] It is a sad situation but can be of tremendous import. Happiness makes people shallow, sadness gives depth – and sometimes it is needed. In fact you never get anything which is ...
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  2. No Image

    If you want to be changed you will seek a master, not a psychotherapist

    Question 2: Osho, The west is overpopulated with psychotherapists and their patients, but why does no one seem to be helped? Patrick, the help is possible only through a buddha. The help is possible only through the awakened one. The psychotherapists are as asleep as you are; they are in the same boat. There is no qualitative difference be...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  3. No Image

    A psychiatrist needs to be meditative more than anybody else

    [A visitor said she had trouble becoming involved in the meditations here, adding that she could not stay much longer as she was a psychiatrist and had patients to see.] A psychiatrist needs to be meditative more than anybody else — because your whole work is dangerous in a way. Unless you are very calm and quiet, unless you can remain una...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  4. No Image

    on the death penalty - I cannot call it a penalty, it is a crime.

    Question 1: Osho, Would you please comment on the death penalty? The death penalty is a degrading proof of man's inhumanity to man. It shows that man is still living in the barbarous age. Civilization still remains an idea - it has not become a reality. The death penalty is so idiotic that you will have to look from all the aspects to unde...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  5. No Image

    on Suppression - I am not teaching you to suppress anything. I am teaching you to become more and more aware

    [A sannyasin says she is afraid of going back to the West: I’m afraid that all the things I’ve dropped will come back again, and that I will drown in them.] It is natural... fear is natural. It is very difficult in the beginning to make a distinction between dropping a thing and suppressing a thing. The whole of life is a suppression so we...
    CategoryRepression, Perversion, Licentious
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  6. No Image

    Should one first come to terms with ones own Loneliness before entering into relationship?

    Question 5: Should one first come to terms with ones own Loneliness before entering into relationship? Yes, you have to come to terms with your loneliness, so much so that the loneliness is transformed into aloneness. Only then will you be capable of moving into a deep enriching relationship. Only then will you be able to move into love. W...
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  7. No Image

    The word 'personality' is very significant. It comes from a Greek word persona.

    The ninth sutra: Regard most earnestly your own heart. For through your own heart comes the one light which can illuminate life and make it clear to your eyes. Only one thing is more difficult to know – your own heart. Not until the bonds of personality be loosed can that profound mystery of self begin to be seen. Not till you stand aside ...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  8. No Image

    The authentic religion does not preach morality.

    The authentic religion does not preach morality. Morality comes on its own accord. The authentic religion teaches you to be centered in yourself. Then everything that is good follows, and what is bad simply does not arise. It is not a question of choice; choicelessly you are good. It is not that you are being good; you cannot be otherwise....
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  9. No Image

    Therapy is a function of love. Love is therapeutic

    [The new sannyasin says she is a doctor.] You will become capable. You just need a little more love flowing. It works more than any medicine. Up to now medical science has not been able to find anything more potent than love. If you can be loving to the patient, you will be tremendously successful, because medicines are secondary. They are...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  10. No Image

    Please talk about the Misuse of Power.

    Question 4: Osho, Please talk about the Misuse of Power. Shantam Divyama, there is the famous statement of an English philosopher: “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I do not agree with him. My analysis is totally different. Everybody is full of violence, greed, anger, passion — but has no power; so he remains a saint. T...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  11. No Image

    Smoking Meditation

    De-automatize every act. A man came to me. He had been suffering from chain-smoking for thirty years; he was ill and the doctors said, "You will never be healthy if you don't stop smoking. " But he was a chronic smoker; he could not help it. He had tried - not that he had not tried - he had tried hard, and he had suffered much in trying, b...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  12. No Image

    on Lord Krishna Friendship with Sudama

    Question 2: You say that persons like krishna don’t make friends nor do they make foes. Then how is it that he as a king comes running down to the gate of his palace to receive sudama, his poor old friend of childhood days and gives him all the wealth of the world in return for a handful of rice that his poor friend has brought as his pres...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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  13. No Image

    on How to Transcend Biology, Physiology

    Man and woman are intimate enemies – enemies and yet intimate. If your woman is with you then you start feeling: how to be alone? When you are alone, after a few days you start a great thirst and hunger for your woman – how to be with her? If you are alone, appetite arises for love; if you are with somebody, the appetite disappears and you...
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  14. No Image

    My message is, that we have to create a world without the boundary of nations, without the boundary of religions - only then we will be for the first time civilized

    Question Osho, You are going on a world tour. What will your message be? My message is, that we have to create a world without the boundary of nations, without the boundary of religions — only then we will be for the first time civilized. Otherwise we are carrying barbarious past in beautiful garbs. My effort will be to expose our barbario...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  15. No Image

    We are taught a very repressive attitude, we are taught to repress the Negative.

    [A sannyasin couple with two children ask for help with their relationship because the man loves the woman but she feels so repressed she cannot give much love to her husband.] That’s the situation that almost all human beings are in. We are taught a very repressive attitude, we are taught to repress the negative. It looks very logical not...
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  16. No Image

    Is there such a thing as Right or Wrong?

    Question 3: Is there such a thing as Right or Wrong? Akam, there is no such thing as right or wrong, because something may be right this moment and it may not be right the next moment. Something may be wrong today and may not be wrong tomorrow. Right and wrong are not fixed entities, they are not labels that you can put on things, “This is...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  17. No Image

    Any breakdown is a possibility for a breakthrough. If you use it rightly it can be transformed into a breakthrough.

    [A sannyasin, recently returned after three years, says he went completely crazy and was put in hospital.] Yes, I know. That too is nothing to be worried about, mm? If it happens next time, think of the hospital as a resting place, as a place for meditation, and enjoy it! The word has become very wrongly associated. Once you are put in a h...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  18. No Image

    Whenever you want to go into a Relationship a part of your mind always wants to avoid it

    [Another sannyasin says that she tends to avoid the very people with whom she would like a relationship. She wonders if leaving Poona is not an attempt to avoid Osho. She feels confused and depressed about the whole thing …. ] It is a very common phenomenon: whenever you want to go into a relationship a part of your mind always wants to av...
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  19. No Image

    If you want to be naked, move to a lonely place

    [The sannyasin said that it was difficult to live in society. For example she likes to swim naked, and sit in cafes. But because she is female she gets hassled.] But the problem is…. Just listen – somebody wants to expose his genital organs to you in the street. He is an exhibitionist; he wants to undress before you. He says this is his li...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  20. No Image

    Instead of the soldier the sannyasin has to be praised

    [This is your name Osho told Marco from Italy, Swami Veet Marko. Veet means going beyond, Marko means warlike.] In the past we have praised warlike qualities very much because the whole past of humanity is nothing but wars and wars. In three thousand years we have fought five thousand wars. It is rare to find a single day when somewhere on...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  21. No Image

    The basic problem before a spiritual seeker is not how to know, but how to be

    The basic problem before a spiritual seeker is not how to know, but how to be. Knowing is not the problem, it is easy. The real problem is how to be, how the being should be strengthened. Knowing can grow easily; knowing has its own ways of growing. But knowing is a parasitic growth. Knowing grows in the memory, and memory is just mechanic...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  22. No Image

    on Relationship, Loving Oneself and Loving Others

    You meet people of the same plane. So the first thing to remember is: a relationship is bound to be bitter if it has grown out of unhappiness. First be happy, be joyful, be celebrating, and then you will find some other soul celebrating and there will be a meeting of two dancing souls and a great dance will arise out of it. Don’t ask for a...
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  23. No Image

    on workaholic society – The idea of ‘the work’ has been imposed on you

    The idea of ”the work” has been imposed on you for centuries, that you are here for a certain ”work” to do. Naturally, people wanted you not to be just lazy and enjoy. They wanted ”work” because your work is going to create wealth, your work is going to create Alexanders, your work is going to create wars. Everything depends on you. So eve...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  24. No Image

    The power that shall make you nothing

    The tenth sutra: DESIRE POWER ARDENTLY. ... AND THAT POWER WHICH THE DISCIPLE SHALL COVET IS THAT WHICH SHALL MAKE HIM APPEAR AS NOTHING IN THE EYES OF MEN. We will be moving more and more in contradictions. The language of religion is bound to be contradictory. On the face, it looks irrational. In a way it is, because it goes beyond reaso...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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  25. No Image

    The Compulsion to Reach Power and Prestige

    Question 2: Osho, It seems to me that human beings feel that just to be themselves is not enough. why do most people have such a compulsion to reach power and prestige and so on, rather than just being simple human beings? It is a complicated question. It has two sides, and both have to be understood. First: you have never been accepted by...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  26. No Image

    Never accept others’ opinions

    Question 6: Why am i always afraid of other’s opinion? Because you are not, because you are not yet. You are nothing but a piled-up phenomenon of others’ opinion. Who are you? Somebody says you are beautiful, so you are beautiful. And somebody says you are ugly, so you are ugly. And somebody says you are wonderful, so you are wonderful. An...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  27. No Image

    The press should be absolutely free, and the freedom of press includes television, radio, and all news media

    Question : Have you a message for the Press? Certainly. The press should be absolutely free, and the freedom of press includes television, radio, and all news media. Nothing should be in the control of the government, because government has all the powers, and individuals have no powers. Who is going to fight for them, and who is going to ...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  28. No Image

    A relationship can never be without difficulties and if there is love, then there are more difficulties.

    [A visitor says she doesn’t want to take sannyas because to wear orange and mala will be difficult at home. Then asks about her boyfriend, who is more spiritual and ascetic than her, which causes difficulties.] A relationship can never be without difficulties and if there is love, then there are more difficulties. This may look strange but...
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  29. No Image

    Violence is unhappiness – uneasiness within

    Water from mountains flows downward trying to find out pits, ditches or lakes. Water runs downwards; then the same water, becoming well heated, is transformed into vapour and then begins to run towards the sky, begins to find heights, begins to ride on clouds, begins to travel towards the sun. It is the same water, it is the energy, but it...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  30. No Image

    A Sannyasin has to come out of the Mob Psychology

    The only courage that is worth calling courage is to get out of the fold of the mob psychology. We are born in a crowd; it cannot be avoided, it is natural. We grow up in a crowd, with the whole past of the crowd, and the crowd goes on loading every child with all its superstitions, stupidities. The crowd consists of blind people, because ...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  31. No Image

    It has to be remembered that the leader is not, in fact, a manipulator. He should not be

    [To the leader of the Tathata group (Unconditional Acceptance Seminar)] It has to be remembered that the leader is not, in fact, a manipulator. He should not be. If you manipulate, then it is something from the mind, and that which comes from the mind cannot go deeper than the mind. So the leader has to be open to the beyond. In the beginn...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  32. No Image

    Even after enlightenment the uniqueness of the individual remains intact

    Question 3: If Krishnamurti is enlightened he must see what you are saying himself, right? So why doesn’t he just come here and find himself a chair and a case of cold sodas and lean back and forget all that? He sees what I am saying and I see what he is saying, but neither will he come here nor will I go there. I am doing my thing, he is ...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  33. No Image

    Why am i scared to accept myself the way i am?

    Question 1: Osho, Why am i scared to accept myself the way i am? Kalyan Mitto, everybody is in the same situation. Everybody is scared to accept himself the way he is. This is how all the past centuries of mankind have cultivated, conditioned every child, every human being. The strategy is simple but very dangerous. The strategy is to cond...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  34. No Image

    Does society have a responsibility to its disadvantaged people?

    [NOTE: This is a typed tape transcript and has not been edited or published, as of August 1992. It is for reference use only. The interviewer's remarks have been omitted where not relevant to Osho's words] Interview with Ted Viramont, Madras Pioneer, Madras, Oregon Question : Does society have a responsibility to its disadvantaged people? ...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  35. No Image

    Don’t cling to Personality

    Question : Osho, Is It really worth putting any energy into improving my personality? Anand Tarika, have you ever heard me? I have been constantly telling you that the personality has to be dropped so that your individuality can be discovered. I have been insisting that the personality is not you; it is a mask people have put over you. It ...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  36. No Image

    The day you really fall deeply in love all your loves of the past will be involved in it

    [A sannyasin says she feels something is wrong in the way she relates. She doesn’t commit herself easily but holds back, feeling that maybe it isn’t quite right for her. She says she would like to really go deep with someone but she is just not letting go.] Mm mm. Don’t wait for the ’quite right’ otherwise it never comes, and don’t wait fo...
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  37. No Image

    What is your attitude toward Sex, and Sex outside of marriage?

    Question : What is your attitude toward Sex, and Sex outside of marriage? Sex is very important because sex is the root of life. You are born out of sex, your every cell in the body is a sex cell. Sex cannot be denied and any society that denies sex becomes suicidal. Then it is denying life itself. So sex is very significant, very meaningf...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  38. No Image

    Maturity : The Responsibility of Being Oneself

    Maturity Listen to your being. It is continuously giving you hints; it is a still, small voice. It does not shout at you, that is true. And if you are a little silent you will start feeling your way. Be the person you are. Never try to be another, and you will become mature. Maturity is accepting the responsibility of being oneself, whatso...
    CategoryMaturity, Aging
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  39. No Image

    on peace of mind in the world facing wars and violence

    Question 1: Peace of mind can be gained by withdrawal from the world, by stilling the vortices of the mind. But how much inner peace is appropriate in a world that contains attica, vietnam, johannesburg, biafra, pakistan and sub-sahara africa? The world contains Vietnam, Attica, and things like that, because the peace of mind is missing. T...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  40. No Image

    When people are in love they avoid many things which look Ugly

    [A sannyasin says: I wrote you a letter about having recently finished a relationship with somebody, and since then I’ve been feeling very negative towards him. I don’t understand why I feel so antagonistic to someone I once cared about. My understanding is that perhaps I didn’t express enough negativity during the relationship, but I don’...
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  41. No Image

    on Repression – Madness is the outcome of Repression

    Question 9: Osho, Is Repression always Bad? Prasado, absolutely bad, always bad, with no exceptions bad. Repression simply means you don’t understand your life energies. Repression means you are forcing your life energies into the unconscious, throwing them into the basement of your being. There they will go on growing, there they will go ...
    CategoryRepression, Perversion, Licentious
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  42. No Image

    Rejection means repression. Anything rejected never leaves you

    Question 1: Osho, I am rejecting my mind and clinging to Awareness. Prem Shahido, mind has not to be rejected at all; if you reject it, it will remain. Rejection means repression. Anything rejected never leaves you; it simply moves from the conscious to the unconscious, from the lighted part of your being to the dark layers where you canno...
    CategoryRepression, Perversion, Licentious
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  43. No Image

    In a man's life there are three types of relationships.

    In a man's life there are three types of relationships. There are relationships of the intellect, which cannot be very deep. The relationship between a teacher and a student is this type of relationship. There are relationships of love, which are deeper than the intellect. The relationships between a mother and child, between brothers, bet...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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  44. No Image

    Man is not born insane but is driven towards insanity by the priests

    Question 3: Osho, Is This World Insane? Siddhartha, IT SEEMS SO. At least up to now it has been insane. Man is not born insane but is driven towards insanity by the priests, by the politicians, by the parents, by your whole educational system, by your morality, by all that is enforced upon you, by all the conditionings. You are driven insa...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  45. No Image

    on Fasting - it has nothing to do with spirituality at all

    [A sannyasin asks about fasting] No need... no need. Your body need not go on a fast. A fast is needed only when the body has too much fat; otherwise it is a torture, it is masochism. Never be a masochist, and be very alert -- in India there are many masochist mahatmas; in fact all the masochists in India have become mahatmas. It is easy f...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  46. No Image

    Love grows only in deep intimacy and trust.

    [The first sannyasin Osho addressed had sent him a letter earlier saying that she was in a deep loving relationship with her husband, but at the same time she felt attracted to someone else.] Two things to remember. The first: love grows only in deep intimacy and trust. If you change persons, from A to B, from B to C, it is as if you are t...
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  47. No Image

    A sannyasin says that the joy and fun has gone out of his relationship with his girlfriend, though the love is still there

    [A sannyasin, returning to the West, says that the joy and fun has gone out of his relationship with his girlfriend, though the love is still there.] There is some misunderstanding in your mind. The joy is not gone, joy has never been there – it was something else. It is excitement that has gone but you were thinking that excitement was jo...
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  48. No Image

    There is a subtle difference between Repression and Control

    [Osho tells a sannyasin there are some things about his energy that it will be helpful for him to know. You haven’t allowed yourself to ever be wild, you’ve always had a subtle control inside you – and that can be a hindrance to spiritual growth… ] There is a subtle difference between repression and control. Repression is not having unders...
    CategoryRepression, Perversion, Licentious
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  49. No Image

    Why it is so difficult for Sannyasins to have deep relationships with Non-Sannyasins

    Question 1: Osho, Why it is so difficult for Sannyasins to have deep relationships with Non-Sannyasins? It is natural. To be a sannyasin means you are deprogrammed. To relate with non-sannyasins is bound to be difficult because they are programmed people. Their programmed minds and your deprogrammed minds cannot have anything in common. Yo...
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  50. No Image

    Your morality is not real

    Question 3: All the religions are based on god. their morality, their commandments, their prayers, their saintliness - everything points towards god, and you say that god is dead. then what will happen to all these great things that are dependent on the concept of god? All those things that are dependent on the concept of God are bogus; hy...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  51. No Image

    Nonviolence is not social, it is spiritual.

    Nonviolence is not social policy and law. If it is social tradition and law, it can never free itself from violence Nonviolence is not social, it is spiritual. If we make nonviolence a social law, then we may, some day, consider violence a necessity. And then it becomes such a disaster that violence will be considered necessary to protect ...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  52. No Image

    Intelligent people are dangerous people. They are radicals, they are revolutionaries

    It is only the mediocre mind that becomes psychologically obsessed with the future. But the society destroys everybody’s intelligence and makes everybody mediocre. The society does not want you to be really intelligent; it is afraid of intelligence. Intelligent people are dangerous people. They are radicals, they are revolutionaries; they ...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  53. No Image

    Society becomes a game of condemning each other

    You cannot hide your unconsciousness; it surfaces. Your reality goes on expressing itself — you may not be able to see it, but everybody else can see it. This is a strange world! You may not see your unconsciousness, but everybody knows about it, just as YOU know about everybody else’s. Because we pay more attention to people than we do to...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  54. No Image

    It is very easy to think about Love. It is very difficult to Love

    [ A sannyasin says: When I am by myself I feel I can let go in some ways and love people but as soon as I come into their presence, the shutters go up.] Mm… mm. It is difficult to love real people because a real person is not going to fulfil your expectations. He is not meant to. He is not here to fulfill anybody else’s expectations. He ha...
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  55. No Image

    To be a therapist, a groupleader, is a very great responsibility

    [A sannyasin asks if she is ready to lead groups in the West. Osho checks her energy.] You are ready, mm? Just start, and you will become more and more ready every day. There are a few things we can learn only when we do them -- and there is no other way to learn them, doing is the only way. But it is good to feel whether one is ready or n...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  56. No Image

    on Hypnosis - Meditation is Hypnosis in the vertical dimension and Hypnosis is Meditation in horizontal dimension

    [A new sannyasin says: I am a therapist, a child therapist… Also working with brain- children and using hypnosis.] Hypnosis has many possibilities and more people should be working in that direction. has not been yet taken seriously, and it is one of the very fundamental things which can innermost core of all problems and of all solutions....
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  57. No Image

    What is your attitude toward Sex, and Sex outside of marriage?

    Question : What is your attitude toward Sex, and Sex outside of marriage? Sex is very important because sex is the root of life. You are born out of sex, your every cell in the body is a sex cell. Sex cannot be denied and any society that denies sex becomes suicidal. Then it is denying life itself. So sex is very significant, very meaningf...
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  58. No Image

    Osho on Imitate

    Osho on Imitate - Don't imitate "Don't imitate: imitation creates falsity, pseudo-ness, inauthenticity. Just feel your own way and don't bother about what others say. It is nobody else's business. Don't bother about what churches say, organizations say -- listen to your own heart." -Osho, "The Beloved, Vol 2, #9" "The real religion is not ...
    CategoryAttention, Imitation
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  59. No Image

    All politicians are chimpanzees - without exception.

    Question 5 Beloved Osho, The chimpanzee who made reagan famous as an actor was called bonzo. reagan was his sidekick. there is a rumor that it is actually bonzo who is in the white house, and reagan is skulking up a tree in beverly hills. beloved master, do you know the inside scoop on this story? I know it. It is not a story, it is the tr...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  60. No Image

    If you really want peace on the earth, create peace in your heart, in your being

    Question 3 : Beloved Osho, You told us the story of Krishna and Arjuna. But is there no value in resisting war in a time where a handful of madmen play with atomic bombs? Peter Bohm, how can you resist these few madmen who are playing with atom bombs? What will be your strategy of resistance? In fact, your resistance may bring the war soon...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  61. No Image

    Nonviolence simply means that killing, destroying, is ugly

    Question : What is the difference between real nonviolence and turning the other cheek? There is much difference. Turning the other cheek is just a conditioning. I am reminded of a Christian saint who was always talking about turning the other cheek. One man got very fed up and he hit the saint on one of his cheeks. The saint, of course — ...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  62. No Image

    on Difficulty in Loving Oneself - learning to love oneself

    Question 1: Osho, Is it possible to be responsible for oneself without first learning to love oneself? It is absolutely impossible to be responsible for yourself unless you learn to love yourself. Every child is born with tremendous love for himself. It is the society that destroys that love, it is the religion that destroys that love - be...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  63. No Image

    Take the risk of being in love with existence

    Prem Hasibo. Prem means love and Hasibo is a sufi name for God. It means: one who satisfies all needs. The full name will mean: love, the god that satisfies all needs. And love is the ultimate need. Everything else is secondary. Everything else is just a means to that great end. If love happens then all has happened; if love does not happe...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  64. No Image

    An aggressive man, emphatically aggressive and never tender, is bound to create wars, neurosis in the world, violence.

    There are two approaches towards reality: one is logical. Of that approach, Aristotle is the father in the West. It simply moves in a line, a clear-cut line. It never allows the opposite; the opposite has to be discarded. This approach says A is A and never not A. A cannot be not A. This is the formulation of Aristotelian logic — and it lo...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  65. No Image

    Find your original face - which is YOURS, not for others

    THE UPANISHADS do not believe in a personal God. Neither do they believe in any personal relationship with the divine. They say that personal relationship is impossible, inconceivable. Why? - because the UPANISHADS say that personality itself is illusory. Try to understand this. I am a person. It means I am separate from existence - person...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  66. No Image

    Anger is relevant when you are in love, anger is allowed when you are in love

    [A visitor says she has been with her husband for fifteen years and has just discovered she doesn’t love him, but there are three children – what to do?] Anger is relevant when you are in love, anger is allowed when you are in love – you can afford anger, anger is part of love. Once you understand that you are no more in love, then remembe...
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  67. No Image

    Love has to be taken beyond Jealousy. Jealousy has to be dropped

    [At a previous darshan (see ’The Passion For The Impossible’, September 1 st), Osho had advised a couple to work on their relationship. The woman was jealous about the man being with other women. Now they report back to Osho. The woman says that before her energy was more with her man, now it is moving outside more… I’m afraid of becoming ...
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  68. No Image

    Can’t man ever conquer himself by suppression and by fighting with himself?

    Question 8: Can’t man ever conquer himself by suppression and by fighting with himself? What do you mean by the words ”suppression” and ”fighting with himself”? Don’t they mean that the individual will be dividing himself? He will be fighting with himself. This means he will attack and defend at the same time. He will be both friend and en...
    CategoryRepression, Perversion, Licentious
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  69. No Image

    Miserable people are intrinsically incapable of love, of friendship

    The miserable person can pretend to be a friend but in fact he cannot be. Friendliness is a luxury. It is overflowing energy — so much energy that you cannot contain it, you have to share it. That sharing becomes friendliness. And when you share because of your abundance there is no idea of getting, anything in return. In fact you feel obl...
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  70. No Image

    Know your Chief Characteristic and become Aware of it

    Question 1 I don't have eyes to see. i don't have ears to hear. and i am absolutely stupid. you promise us liberation some day. how is that possible with such a helpless case as i am? and on the other hand, sometimes i am filled with grace which no words can describe. what happens? and where am i in all this? A good beginning. If you can f...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  71. No Image

    Techniques work only when there is deep love. Left alone, techniques never work

    [The Arica group came to darshan tonight. One of the leaders said he had felt there had been a lot more love, compared to groups he had been in in the States. He had also found that he was on a powertrip.] Techniques work only when there is deep love. Left alone, techniques never work, because in fact it is love that works, not the techniq...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  72. No Image

    Psychologists Know Nothing About Themselves

    Question : Is not the proclivity toward psychology appointments or psychiatry appointments -- where people are trying to essentially, as they state it, find out about themselves -- somewhat the same parallel as to what you're offering here in rajneeshpuram? No! Because your psychologists, even the founders -- Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jun...
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  73. No Image

    Individuality is intrinsically rebellious

    Question 4 Beloved osho, I have never been near so much authentic laughter as i have here in your presence. as i make myself available to the laughter happening around me, i notice myself withdraw and become serious. inside i long to let go and to become a part of the laughter around me, but my mind and body resist. Why do i feel incapable...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  74. No Image

    Lovers always become friends in the end

    [Osho asks a sannyasin about her relationship and she replies: Well, I feel good, and it’s the nicest thing that has happened to me for a very long time. But what’s happening is that he wants me to just be a friend – and I want more than that. He says that he cares about me, but he is not turned on by me…. ] Don’t insist for more, just fri...
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  75. No Image

    Don’t condemn; don’t suppress. Transform. Be more understanding, alert

    Question 4: Is it possible to climb on to higher stages while one is suppressing or excluding parts of his being by outside conditions and illusions? No, it is impossible. You are asking me, “Is it possible to go up the ladder only in part?” Some part of you is left down, some part of you is left somewhere on the ladder, and only a part of...
    CategoryRepression, Perversion, Licentious
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  76. No Image

    Problem with Relationship is that Relationship reflects you

    [A sannyasin says he has always had trouble with relationships, including the present one with his girlfriend.] Mm, mm. A relationship is always a problem because the other becomes the mirror and the presence of the other help you to see your own face in many ways. And the same happens to the other – you become the mirror. Nobody wants to ...
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  77. No Image

    The world can come to a harmony if meditation is spread far and wide

    The world can come to a harmony if meditation is spread far and wide, and people are brought to one consciousness within themselves. This will be a totally different dimension to work with. Up to now it was revolution. The point was society, its structure. It has failed again and again in different ways. Now it should be the individual; an...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  78. No Image

    Don’t waste your time in trying to dominate others

    Buddha says: MASTER YOURSELF.... If you are at all interested in mastery -- and who is not interested? -- then become interested in self-mastery. Don't waste your time in trying to dominate others. The effort to dominate others creates political conflict; the whole world is full of it. Even in personal relationships politics enters and des...
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  79. No Image

    Love can play many games, but one day or other all games are finished

    [The man says he is going back to the West and the girlfriend will stay in Poona.] That’s good. So make it in that way… make arrangements in that way. You go, mm? but remain true – if any moment you feel you need [her], just give her a telegram; she will wait. And don’t be worried about it! This is natural… it comes. And it is good sometim...
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  80. No Image

    To be a criminal needs great Unconsciousness

    Even to cut a flower is uncivilized behavior, what to say about people like Genghis Khan, who killed forty million people; Tamerlane, who killed thirty million people; Nadir Shah, he again killed forty million people, and statistics are not available about many others. Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ivan the Terrible … no data is...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  81. No Image

    on difference between Discipline and Repression of Mind

    Question 1: Osho, You say: go beyond the mind. Do not listen to its chatter. Discipline it and make it a servant. Do not be its slave. But how to know when the mind is being disciplined and when it is being repressed? Also, when i took sannyas the other night you said not to get hooked on you. I have to tell you that you are closing the st...
    CategoryRepression, Perversion, Licentious
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  82. No Image

    on the Need of Nations - These nations can exist only if your personality is false.

    In a better society - and when I say in a better society, I mean a society which understands each person's integrity, respects even a small child's being, and does not impose on it. But that society seems to be far, far away, because all people have got their vested interests, and they cannot stop their trips; they have to use and exploit ...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  83. No Image

    When you love a person you have to tell him everything

    [A group member says she has difficulty surrendering in the relationship with her boyfriend] Tell him everything! … And tell him this also, that you are feeling difficulty in surrendering but you would like to, mm? Talking to him will help. Don’t hide it inside yourself. When you love a person you have to tell him everything. In love, no s...
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  84. No Image

    Group Leaders have been helpful to other people, but they have not been helpful to themselves

    [The sannyasins who had done the Aum marathon had darshan this evening. The groupleader says: I’ve been a leader in the West… I’ve never had anyone to account to. I started to look at what I’m doing, and I realise that a lot is wanting to please you, to get your approval. I think that was important for me. The marathon seemed to be turning...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  85. No Image

    In a future world therapy will become absolutely Feminine

    [A sannyasin is going back to the West and would like to run a group on the lines of the tao group that happens here. She isn’t sure though whether she is ready or able to lead groups. Osho says that her energy is ready – it just needs to flow a little bit more. He is saying that several things are needed to help people…. ] One thing is: y...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  86. No Image

    on Pleasure – Pleasure inevitably brings bondage

    Pleasure is from the outside and bliss is from the inside. Pleasure depends on others. Bliss is independent. Pleasure inevitably brings bondage. Bondage is sbsolutely part of pleasure, because the source of pleasure becomes more important than you are, and the fear arises that today it is available, but what is going to happen tomorrow? So...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  87. No Image

    Grace is of the spirit

    Beauty is of the outer and grace is of the inner; hence the grace is the real beauty. What we call beauty is superficial. And unless a man is full of grace his beauty is only skin-deep, or maybe not even that. Scratch him a little and his ugliness comes out. He is just painted on the outside, but inside he is boiling with all kinds of scor...
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  88. No Image

    It is unfortunate but it is true that the therapists have missed me most

    Question 3: Osho, I have heard it said that some sannyasin therapists now imagine that they are on the same plane as you are, doing the same kind of work — if perhaps on a somewhat smaller scale. they no longer even mention your name, and appear to have discarded the mala and red clothes entirely. Have they achieved — or what is really goi...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  89. No Image

    Always remember that you are a vehicle to me. Simply allow me to function through you

    [Another sannyasin who had lead the group said he was feeling apprehensive about taking groups in the States.] Always remember that you are a vehicle to me. So don’t be worried; simply allow me to function through you, and then things will happen of their own accord. Just allow. If you take it as a burden on your own, you become self-consc...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  90. No Image

    Why is the world so sick today? Why are misery and tension increasing?

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Why is the world so sick today? Why are misery and tension increasing? It is the outcome of all the idiotic ideas that have dominated humanity in the past. It was bound to happen. All the religions are responsible for it. What they have done, whether knowingly or unknowingly, is the cause of the misery, suffering a...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  91. No Image

    Real Relationship happens when Ego Drops

    Question 5: What happens in and with the relationship between two partners, If their Ego drop? Then relationship happens. Before that it is just an empty name. Relationship cannot happen before the egos are gone. You only believe that it is a relationship. It is a conflict, it is enmity, it is jealousy, it is aggression, it is domination, ...
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  92. No Image

    There is no need of any competition with anybody

    There is no need of any competition with anybody. You are yourself, and as you are, you are perfectly good. Accept yourself. This is the way existence wants you to be. Some trees are taller; some trees are smaller. But the smaller trees are not tense -- neither are the taller trees full of ego. Existence needs variety. Somebody is stronger...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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  93. No Image

    A relationship is always a problem because the other becomes the mirror and the presence of the other help you to see your own face in many ways.

    A relationship is always a problem because the other becomes the mirror and the presence of the other help you to see your own face in many ways. And the same happens to the other – you become the mirror. Nobody wants to know his real face. That’s why down the centuries people have been escaping to the monastery. These are the cowards! The...
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  94. No Image

    A new man means more conscious, more loving, more creative

    Question 2: Osho, How can i become the new man that you speak about? Bhagwato, Jesus says: Unless you are born again you will not enter into my kingdom of God. Exactly that’s what I say to you: Unless you are born again…. There are two births. One is given to you by your parents; that is a physical birth. That is only an opportunity for th...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  95. No Image

    We have forgotten all honesty. Out of fear we have become Dishonest

    We have forgotten all honesty. Out of fear we have become dishonest, out of fear we have become false. Out of fear we follow the crowd and become phony. Out of fear we wear masks so that we look like everybody else -- and we are not like everybody else. Everybody is unique; nobody is like anybody else. We have fallen below the animals as f...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  96. No Image

    A togetherness is a Sacred Commitment. It is a great Involvement

    [A sannyasin who had recently left hospital after an attack of typhoid fever, said that she was feeling paranoid and that her partner did not love her. Osho said it was natural to feel negative after illness, unless one was aware, and that illness was a great catharsis. He then asked her partner how he was feeling. He replied that he didn’...
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  97. No Image

    Greedy people renounce the world. This renunciation is not of understanding

    A repressed person is carrying the same world as you. Just an opportunity is needed, a provocation, and immediately the real will come out. That’s why monks disappear from the world — because there are too many provocations, too many temptations. It is difficult for them to remain contained, to hold on. So they go to the Himalayas or to th...
    CategoryRepression, Perversion, Licentious
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  98. No Image

    Why does consciousness become so involved with the body - not only involved, but identified?

    Why does consciousness become so involved with the body - not only involved, but identified? Why do we begin to feel that we are the bodies? - not that we are IN the bodies, but we ARE the bodies? This is really a miracle, because the knower can never be the known; the observer, the source of consciousness, can never be identified with the...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  99. No Image

    Just for your tastebuds you are killing living beings -- and still you think you are religious?

    Question 3 Beloved Osho, The religion is dead. then is there any need of meditation? My God! It seems it is the same idiot who is asking all these questions. Because the religion is dead, now only meditation is left. I had to destroy everything nonessential, so you don't get lost in nonessentials as all other people in the world have. They...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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