• Either you are drowned in the past or you are drowned in the future. That’s why you are not. That’s why you yourself have become a falsehood. You are too concerned with the false, and that concern makes you pseudo. Withdraw yourself from the past and the future.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Why do I make mountains out of molehills?

    Question 2 : Why do I make mountains out of molehills? Because the ego does not feel good, at ease, with molehills -- it wants mountains. Even if it is a misery, it should not be a molehill, it should be an Everest. Even if it is miserable, the ego doesn't want to be ordinarily miserable -- it wants to be extraordinarily miserable! Bernard...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  2. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Happy

    on Happy Happiness Depends on Unhappiness “My effort here is to create bliss, not happiness. Happiness is worthless; it depends on unhappiness. Bliss is transcendence: one moves beyond the duality of being happy and unhappy. One watches both; happiness comes, one watches and does not become identified with it. One does not say, ‘I am happy...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  3. No Image

    Forget Relationships and learn how to Relate

    Question 2 Beloved Osho, Is Relationship there because Love is Not? Mukti Gandha, yes. Love is not a relationship. Love relates, but it is not a relationship. A relationship is something finished. A relationship is a noun; the full stop has come, the honeymoon is over. Now there is no joy, no enthusiasm, now all is finished. You can carry ...
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  4. No Image

    Inferiority Complex and Superiority Complex

    on Inferiority Complex and Superiority Complex Question 2: Beloved Osho, Is there really something like an Inferiority Complex? Psychobabble! the psychologists have taken the place of the theologist. The theologian is out of date, the psychologist is in. And psychology has created great psychobabble, great words, strange words, and when yo...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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  5. No Image

    I am so terribly Ugly and I have suffered much because of That

    Osho on Ugliness and Beauty Question: I am so terribly Ugly and I have suffered much because of That. What should I do? Become a politician! Just the other day, Subhuti sent me the report of a survey done in a London school of researchers, the London Polytechnic. The survey says that ugly and stupid-looking people have more poll appeal. Th...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  6. No Image

    I very much doubt my wife. What should I do

    Osho on Trust in Partner Question 6 Beloved Osho, I very much doubt my wife. What should I do? Narayan, the wife is not your God. You need not doubt, you need not trust. It is a game -- don't make it so serious! But you have been told to trust your wife, to trust your husband. And because of this very teaching, distrust arises. In fact, yo...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  7. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Health

    Osho Quotes on Health A totally new kind of education is needed in the world where fundamentally everyone is introduced into the silences of the heart – in other words, into meditation – and where everybody has to be prepared to be compassionate to his or her own body. It is a living organism, and it has done you no harm. It has been conti...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  8. No Image

    Osho on Grace : Grace is the very existence itself, it is Grace-filled

    Osho on Grace Question 1: Beloved Osho, Contemplating you floods me with a deep ecstasy, and I feel the Grace. You Say you are not doing anything to create this ecstasy in us, but it is for sure That I also am not doing anything. Then from where is this bliss coming and How is it happening if neither you nor i are doing anything? Is it pos...
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  9. No Image

    on importance of Commitment in a Relationship

    [A sannyasin who had recently left hospital after an attack of typhoid fever, said that she was feeling paranoid and that her partner did not love her. Osho said it was natural to feel negative after illness, unless one was aware, and that illness was a great catharsis. He then asked her partner how he was feeling. He replied that he didn’...
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  10. No Image

    Ageing (Aging)

    Question 2 Osho, I am feeling ancient lately, not ancient as in wise, but ancient as in feeling like a wrinkled up old prune. Maneesha, there are many people who like wrinkled up old prunes. I don't like, that's true. Just a few days ago Shunyo has brought me wrinkled up old prunes. I said, "Shunyo, never again." But that does not mean tha...
    CategoryMaturity, Aging
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  11. No Image

    I dont like Myself, Specially my body

    Osho on Loving your Body Question: I dont like Myself, Specially my body - I feel the misery in my body. You have a certain idea about how the body should be, and if you have some idea you will be in misery. The body is as it should be. If you have some idea you will be in misery, so drop that idea.This is the body that you have got; this ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  12. No Image

    The Attraction for Drugs is Spiritual

    Question : Beloved Osho, Why do people still take drugs, and also sannyasins, when there's you and your commune on this planet? Drugs are as old as humanity itself, and they certainly fulfill something of immense value. I am against drugs, but my being against drugs is for the same reason as for thousands of years people have been addicted...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  13. No Image

    I am neither for marriage nor for divorce

    People should be allowed to live together so that they can know what kind of people they are and whether they are suited or not, whether they mix or not, whether the can create a harmony in their life or not. But anybody can go to the marriage office and get married, and nobody creates any disturbance. This is absurd. And when you want to ...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  14. No Image

    Accept Yourself

    A rose flower is a rose flower, there is no question of its being something else. And the lotus is a lotus. Neither does the rose ever try to become a lotus, nor does the lotus ever try to become a rose. Hence they are not neurotics. They don´t need the psychiatrist, they don´t need any psychoanalysis. The rose is healthy because the rose ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  15. No Image

    Unconditional love and sick relationships

    Question 1 : Osho, You have talked about the superiority/inferiority dialectic as the basis of authoritarian and fascist relationships. It is one of the miracles of being with you that in spite of having been constantly persuaded of our unworthiness by our parents, teachers and priests, you are able to shed light on all our unconscious hab...
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  16. No Image

    I am Aware of my need for Approval and Acceptance from others

    Question 6 : Beloved Osho, I am Aware of my need for Approval and Acceptance from others. I don't want to be driven by this need. How does it resolve? One has to see the foolishness of it. It is not a question of resolving it. One has to see the ridiculousness of it, then it falls. It is not resolved. Diseases are not to be resolved; they ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  17. No Image

    Is there some kind of Hypnosis involved in the technique?

    Question : Is there some kind of Hypnosis involved in the technique? The moment a person begins to experiment with this method there is no question of belief or faith, there is no question of hypnosis. The contrary is the case: we have hypnotized ourselves into believing that we are normal and sane human beings. This is the hypnosis! The w...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  18. No Image

    Why do you appear to put down Marriage and yet tell people to get Married?

    Question : Why do you appear to put down Marriage and yet tell people to get Married? This is from Anurag. To me, marriage is a dead thing. It is an institution, and you cannot live in an institution; only mad people live in institutions. It is a substitute for love. Love is dangerous: to be in love is to be in a storm, constantly. You nee...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  19. No Image

    Accepting Yourself Is Alchemy

    [A sannyasin says: My mind is very stubborn. I′m leaving tomorrow and I′d like a meditation to help me with my mind.] I think you are creating the problem. The mind disappears - but never by fighting, never by conflict. Conflict is food for the mind, so if you fight, you feed the mind. If you don′t fight at all, if you simply accept whatso...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  20. No Image

    Why am I such a Beggar for Attention? What can I do about it?

    Question : Bleoved Osho, Why am I such a Beggar for Attention? What can I do about it? Prem Kabir, it is one of the human weaknesses, one of the deep-rooted frailties, to seek attention. The reason one seeks attention is because one does not know oneself. It is only in other people's eyes one can see his face, in their opinions he can find...
    CategoryAttention, Imitation
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  21. No Image

    on Relationship and problems of Love

    [A sannyasin couple are leaving. Previously Osho had told the woman to listen to her inner voice and never to compromise to the point of being inauthentic if one is in a relationship.] (To the man) Give her absolute freedom so she can just feel as she wants to feel. Allow her as much space as possible. This is one of the fundamental proble...
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  22. No Image

    Laughter is the very essence of religion

    LAUGHTER is the very essence of religion. Seriousness is never religious, cannot be religious. Seriousness is of the ego, part of the very disease. Laughter is egolessness. Yes, there is a difference between when you laugh and when a religious man laughs. The difference is that you laugh always about others -- the religious man laughs at h...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  23. No Image

    on Guilt and Fear - Guilt is a creation of the priests.

    Question 4: Beloved Osho, Can you say some thing about Guilt and Fear? Latifa, fear is natural, guilt is a creation of the priests. Guilt is man-made. Fear is in-built, and it is very essential. Without fear you will not be able to survive at all. Fear is normal. It is because of fear that you will not put your hand in the fire. It is beca...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  24. No Image

    When a man lives with two women at the same time?

    Question When a man lives with two women at the same time does it make any difference to his energy? Are you mad or masochistic or something? Is not one woman enough for you? I have overheard.... Mulla Nasruddin's son was asking, 'Mulla, why does the law not allow men to marry two women or more?' And Mulla said, 'If a man cannot protect hi...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  25. No Image

    LSD: A Shortcut to False Samadhi

    [An interview with Acharya Rajneesh by Ma Ananda Prem Instructor, Sivananda Ashram, New York, U. S. A. on 25th, October 1970, Bombay (India)] Ma Ananda Prem: Acharayaji, before asking a question I would like to tell you my experience in meditation with special reference to controlled LSD-experimentation I underwent. In New York I used to s...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  26. No Image

    True Prayer Laughter and Tears

    Question 5 When you talk about love, tears immediately start running. please say something about it. The tears are the greatest possible prayer. Don't be worried about analyzing them, don't try to interpret them; they are beyond interpretation and beyond analysis. Words will not be adequate to say anything about the tears. Tears come from ...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  27. No Image

    I do not know how to handle my Jealousy.

    [The new sannyasin says she has been living with a man for a year who likes to be with other women also, and she does not know how to handle her jealousy.] It is always difficult for a woman unless she also starts loving people; otherwise it will remain difficult. He cannot be prevented, and to prevent him is ugly also. Then you are destro...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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  28. No Image

    on hell of living with a woman and the hell of living without a woman

    Question 3 My love-life drama now reflects an old saying of Humphrey Bogart's: Women -- they're hell to live with, and hell to live Without. What to do? One has to pass through this hell. One has to experience both the hell of living with a woman and the hell of living without a woman. And it is not only true about women, it is exactly tru...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  29. No Image

    Why am I always afraid of being Old?

    Question 1: Why am I always afraid of being Old? Show me the way how i can get rid of it. LIFE, if rightly lived, if really lived, is never afraid of death. If you have lived your life, you will welcome death. It will come like a rest, like a great sleep. If you have peaked, climaxed in your life, then death is a beautiful rest, a benedict...
    CategoryMaturity, Aging
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  30. No Image

    Accept Yourself As You Are

    Question 1 You said the other day 'just love and accept yourself.' gradually self acceptance has been growing in my life. i have had several moments of experiencing unconditional love from the universe. In these three weeks since becoming a sannyasin, the most difficult and mind-blowing experience for me has been the reality of your uncond...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  31. No Image

    on Loving and Love in Marriage

    Question 4 : If love becomes destroyed in Marriage, how are we to Live if we wish to share love and thoughts on a day-today Basis, and also raise Children with both a Mother And a Father? I have never said that love is destroyed by marriage. How can marriage destroy love? Yes, it is destroyed in marriage, but it is destroyed by you, not by...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  32. No Image

    Could you please say something about the Fear of Freedom?

    Question 4 : Beloved Osho, Could you please say something about the Fear of Freedom? There is such a longing to be free, yet especially in the last two weeks i see so much fear coming up at the same time. Is it nothing else but avoiding aloneness and responsibility? It is natural, because from the very beginning of your childhood you have ...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  33. No Image

    on How to deal with Jealous

    Question: I have been living with a Man for a year who likes to be With other Women also, and I do not know how to handle my Jealousy. It is always difficult for a woman unless she also starts loving people; otherwise it will remain difficult. He cannot be prevented, and to prevent him is ugly also. Then you are destroying his happiness, a...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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  34. No Image

    Why is it so difficult to relate?

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, Why is it so difficult to relate? Because you are not yet. There is an inner emptiness and the fear that if you relate with somebody, sooner or later you will be exposed as empty. Hence it seems safer to keep a distance with people; at least you can pretend you are. You are not. You are not yet born, you are only ...
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  35. No Image

    We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone

    Question : You said the other day that we are born alone, we live Alone and we die alone. Yet it seems as if from the day we Are born, whatever we are doing, whoever we are, we Seek to relate to others; in addition, we are usually attracted to being intimate with one person in Particular. Would you please comment? The question that you hav...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  36. No Image

    True Prayer Laughter and Tears

    Question 5 When you talk about love, tears immediately start running. please say something about it. The tears are the greatest possible prayer. Don't be worried about analyzing them, don't try to interpret them; they are beyond interpretation and beyond analysis. Words will not be adequate to say anything about the tears. Tears come from ...
    CategoryFeeling, Tears, Sympathy
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  37. No Image

    Authoritarian People are suffering from Inferiority Complex

    Question 5 Beloved Osho, How can we avoid being Authoritative? It is very simple. The people who are authoritarian are the people who are suffering from an inferiority complex. To hide their inferiority they impose their superiority. They want to prove that they are somebody, that their word is truth, that their word is law. But deep down ...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  38. No Image

    on Possessiveness

    on Possessiveness.
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  39. No Image

    The Qualities of a Mature Person

    Question 2 Beloved Osho, What are the qualities of a mature person? The qualities of a mature person are very strange. First, he is not a person. He is no more a self. He has a presence, but he is not a person. Second, he is more like a child -- simple and innocent. That's why I said the qualities of a mature person are very strange, becau...
    CategoryMaturity, Aging
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  40. No Image

    Does psychological therapy help to go beyond the mind?

    Question : Beloved Osho, Does psychological therapy help to go beyond the mind? Vijen, psychological therapy can help you to understand the mind, but it cannot lead you beyond the mind. Only one thing leads you beyond the mind and that is meditation. Meditation has nothing to do with psychotherapy, but psychotherapy can create a ground by ...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  41. No Image

    Terrorism - Why Does Terrorism Happen?

    on Terrorism The Terrorism is in your Unconscious Question 1 Beloved Osho, I've heard that in europe the threat of terrorism is striking fear in everyone. airplanes are delayed by extraordinary security measures, many of the seats are empty, and some airports are closing. people are even thinking twice about going out in the evening. and a...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  42. No Image

    Why is it so difficult and scary to show your Feelings and Just to be Yourself?

    Question 2 Osho, Why is it so difficult and scary to show your Feelings and Just to be Yourself? Prem Deven, it is difficult to show your feelings and just to be yourself because for thousands of years you have been told to repress your feelings. It has become part of your collective unconscious. For thousands of years you have been told N...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  43. No Image

    Be silent, peaceful, still, but don't get obsessed by it

    [A sannyasin said he opened up in groups and is afraid he will close up when he leaves.] No, it will continue. I can see it. There is no problem; it will continue. Even going to the West will be a situation to grow. And in fact one should not become attached too much to anything whatsoever because the very attachment functions as a barrier...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  44. No Image

    Relationship originates in misery, relating originates in bliss.

    Two individuals relating remain individuals; two individuals getting into a relationship lose their individuality. They become a couple, and to be a couple is an ugly thing. That means you have lost your freedom, you are no more yourself; the other is also no more himself or herself. Both have lost their freedom and nobody has gained anyth...
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  45. No Image

    Greed is the unintelligent man's effort to make his life meaningful.

    Osho on Greed Question 2 Osho, What is greed? Sahajo, man feels meaningless, empty, hollow within, and wants to fill it, stuff it. The effort to fill it somehow is greed. That effort is bound to fail for the simple reason because whatsoever you accumulate remains on the outside; it cannot reach within you. And the problem is within and the...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  46. No Image

    Marriage is the ugliest institution invented by man

    on Marriage “Marriage almost always never happens, because marriage means the celebration of togetherness. It is not a license. No registry office can give you marriage; no priest can give it to you as a gift. It is a tremendous revolution in the being, it is a great transformation in your very style of life, and it can happen only when yo...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  47. No Image

    I still don't accept myself. Why Not?

    Question 3 : Osho, I still don't accept myself. Why Not? Anand Leena, IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE CONDITIONED to be perfectionists, and perfection is such an ideal that everybody falls short of it. Then condemnation, self-condemnation arises. These are the tricks that have been played upon you -- beware of these tricks. It is time that man shoul...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  48. No Image

    on Misery : what is this attachment to misery?

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, What is this attachment to misery? And why is it so difficult to be happy? Prem Darshan, misery has many things to give to you which happiness cannot give. In fact, happiness takes away many things from you. Happiness takes all that you have ever had, all that you have ever been; happiness destroys you. Misery nour...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  49. No Image

    Repentance Becomes Forgiveness

    Christianity has a tremendously beautiful concept of forgiveness. Christianity says: If you ask to be forgiven from your deepest core, you will be forgiven. Why? Is there somebody who can forgive you? No, but if you ask in intense passion to be forgiven, the very idea of repentance becomes forgiveness. If you have really asked, realized th...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  50. No Image

    Cannot one ever find a Perfect Partner in Marriage?

    Question : Should one first come to terms with one's own Loneliness before entering into Relationship? Yes, you have to come to terms with your loneliness, so much so that the loneliness is transformed into aloneness. Only then will you be capable of moving into a deep enriching relationship. Only then will you be able to move into love. W...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  51. No Image

    on Life in a marriage and its Problem

    Question 3: I am a Married Man with three children and with all the Problems of a married man's life. My wife is constantly at my Throat. We are together only for the sake of the children; Otherwise, each moment is a nightmare. Is there any chance of my Escaping hellfire? I will tell you one story: A man was arraigned before an Arkansas ju...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  52. No Image

    Marriage and Friendship : Why its difficult for men and women to be Friends?

    Question 3: Beloved Osho, Why is it so difficult for men and women to be Friends? It Seems so ordinary, and turns out to be almost Impossible. Either there is an ugly compromise -- like man and wife -- Or else Passion that eventually turns into Hate. Why is There always ugliness between men and women? It is very simple to understand. Marri...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  53. No Image

    I am addicted to telling lies. Why do I do it?

    Question 3 I am addicted to telling lies. Why do I do it? Vimal, it may be just to feel superior! People start telling lies because that gives them a speciality: they can pretend that they know things which nobody else knows. Truth is universal, the lie is private. It is your own creation, nobody else knows about it; you become very specia...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  54. No Image

    Maturity and Aging

    Maturity is awareness. Aging is just wasting yourself. Question 2 What is the difference between maturity and aging? A great difference, a vast difference, and people always remain confused about it. People think to age is to become mature, but aging belongs to the body. Everybody is aging, everybody will become old, but not necessarily ma...
    CategoryMaturity, Aging
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  55. No Image

    First come to terms with one's Loneliness before entering into Relationship

    Question : Should one first come to terms with one's own Loneliness before entering into Relationship? Yes, you have to come to terms with your loneliness, so much so that the loneliness is transformed into aloneness. Only then will you be capable of moving into a deep enriching relationship. Only then will you be able to move into love. W...
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  56. No Image

    on Relationships between Living Partners and Growth

    Question: Would you talk to us about our living partners -- our Wives, husbands and lovers. When should we persevere with a partner, and when Should we abandon a relationship as hopeless -- or even Destructive? And are our relationships influenced by previous lives? Relationship is one of the mysteries. And because it exists between two pe...
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  57. No Image

    Would you please tell me the very roots of jealousy

    Question 1 Osho, I want to tell you that i am totally turned on to you, and it's just far out being with you. i have just one question, maybe it's nothing spiritual but for me it's quite something -- my jealousy. i have been with my boyfriend for two years and we still enjoy being together, but if he goes with other women i freak out. this...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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