• To be in the middle is to be beyond suffering.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    on Arthur Janov Primal Therapy

    on Arthur Janov Primal Therapy Question 1: Beloved Osho, Janov says that negativity is electrochemically driven by endomorphins, the chemical effect of pain. How is "yes" possible without exhaustive primal therapy? Primal therapy has contributed something very essential and significant to human growth. But just as other therapies in the We...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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    on Hurriedness

    on Hurriedness Question Without any reason I do some jobs in a hurry; especially eating. This is from Vishnu Chaitanya. Vishnu Chaitanya, something is eating you: some deep worry is inside that creates hurry; some deep tension which does not allow you to relax. So, the next time you are eating something, watch what is eating you. When you ...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  3. No Image

    Drop the desire that your wife should be faithful to you.

    Question 6: Osho, I know for sure that my wife is utterly faithful to me, but still doubt goes on lingering somewhere inside me. What should I do to get rid of the doubt? IN THE first place, why should you ask that she should be faithful to you? It is from there that doubtarises. The very desire that your wife should be faithful TO YOU is ...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  4. No Image

    Love is a Friendliness

    Question 1: Osho, Thank you so much for your teachings. i am very grateful. I came here very hungry and you are feeding me. My question is: I have been raised to believe that commitment is absolutely necessary if a relationship is to work. How can two people be committed to each other? How does a relationship work? I am afraid of commitmen...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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    on How to Deal with Addiction Meditatively

    on How to Deal with Addiction Meditatively Question: Many people are coming to my programs with Addiction problems. In my opinion they are not ready for meditation. I have to teach them, teach them to take the needle out of their arms, to Stop Stealing, to stop destroying their environment, to change their Negative behavior. How can I help...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  6. No Image

    How can one be oneself if one is not oneself?

    Question 3 : Your teaching seems to be: to be absolutely oneself. This is beyond me. How can one be oneself if one is not oneself? Let me ask you another question: how can you not be yourself? You can believe it, but you cannot be anything other than yourself. You can think that you are somebody else, you can imagine that you are somebody ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  7. No Image

    Is it not absolutely essential to be a Vegetarian for Spiritual Growth?

    Question 2: What about Food? Is it not absolutely essential to be a Vegetarian for Spiritual Growth? What you do is never essential, what you are is always essential. Being is essential, doing is not essential. Being is essential, having is not essential. Consciousness is essential, character is not essential -- because it is not character...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  8. No Image

    Techniques work only when there is deep love

    Techniques work only when there is deep love [The Arica group came to darshan tonight. One of the leaders said he had felt there had been a lot more love, compared to groups he had been in in the States. He had also found that he was on a powertrip.] Techniques work only when there is deep love. Left alone, techniques never work, because i...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  9. No Image

    Homosexuality : I am Homosexual. What should I do About it?

    Question 3 Osho, I am Homosexual. What should I do About it? Ramo, It is good that you have confessed it. It is good that you are truthful about it. It is good that you are not hiding it, because whenever you expose yourself in totality, it is the beginning of a transformation. Don't be worried. One has to go beyond sex one day, whether it...
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    on Insincerity – If you know that you are insincere, it will drop

    Question : I feel that i have been dishonest and insincere in all my relations throughout my life. yes, sir, i have not done justice to my parents, my wife, nor my children, nor my friends and neighbors, and so on. and now i feel i am not just and sincere to my master and my sannyas also. this is the cause of great agony to me, to my mind....
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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    Drugs - Osho Quotes on Drugs

    Osho Quotes on Drugs Drugs, alcohol, or other sorts of intoxicants, they have always been used by religious people. But through them you never move into the reality. Through them you fall into a torpor, into a coma. And in that coma you can have dreams. ♦ In Bali there is an old saying: If you are happy you can always learn to dance. But b...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  12. No Image

    who is a real friend?

    Question 4: I have many friends, but the question, ‘who is a real friend?’, Always arises in my mind. will you say something about it? You are asking from the wrong end. Never ask, "Who is my real friend?" Ask, "Am I a real friend to somebody?" That is the right question. Why are you worried about others - whether they are friends to you o...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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  13. No Image

    Perfectionism is a neurosis

    Question 4 : I am so confused. I want to perfect myself, but have lost all idea what effort to make in what way. Your presence makes me want to let go, but much else urges me toward a desperate programme of self-renewal. what can i do? Perfectionism is a neurosis. It is an illness. And the more you try to become perfect, the more frustrate...
    CategoryPerfection, Stress
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  14. No Image

    Psychotherapy has not done much good to Humanity

    Question Beloved Osho, What is Beyond Psychotherapy? Please Explain. Beyond psychotherapy is your real being. Psychotherapy is confined to the mind -- and you are not the mind. The West has always divided man into body and mind. The East, which knows more, knows that there is something beyond this duality of body-mind. Psychotherapy can he...
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  15. No Image

    Ambition - Osho Quotes on Ambition

    Osho Quotes on Ambition When ambition enters, creativity disappears -- because an ambitious man cannot be creative, because an ambitious man cannot love any activity for its own sake. While he is painting he is looking ahead; he is thinking, 'When am I going to get a Nobel Prize?' When he is writing a novel, he is looking ahead. He is alwa...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  16. No Image

    Just be human. For God’s sake, just be human

    Question 3: The other day i took a piece of paper and did a little doodling or free writing, and i was pained to find that i was full of self-condemnation and self-pity. I had not a nice word for me in that long note. Is it that i am too idealistic and self-centred and is there a way out of this darkness? Everybody is brought up in such a ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  17. No Image

    My effort was to bring the West closer to the East

    Question 1: Osho, It feels very dangerous to me, the way your therapists are working at the moment: claiming to be on the same level as you are, and doing the same work. what they say they have to offer -- flying schools and "freedom" -- sounds very appealing to the ego, but doesn't seem to have any connection with your work. I'm concerned...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  18. No Image

    Friendship is a relationship, Friendliness is a state of your being

    To have friends in need is sweet and to share happiness. And to have done something good before leaving this life is sweet, And to let go of sorrow. To be a mother is sweet, and a father. It is sweet to live arduously, And to master yourself. Oh how sweet it is to enjoy life, Living in honesty and strength! And wisdom is sweet, And freedom...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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  19. No Image

    on Psychology of the Buddhas and Alfred Adler idea of 'Will to Power'

    on Psychology of the Buddhas and Alfred Adler idea of 'Will to Power' Question 4: Beloved Osho, You said buddha is a state of no-mind. Then how can there be any psychology of the buddhas? Please explain. There can only be a psychology of the buddhas. The man who is in the mind cannot be objective about it. It is as if a madman were doing r...
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    on Prana and Wilhelm Reich Orgone boxes

    on Prana and Wilhelm Reich Orgone boxes This word prana is very significant, very meaningful, pregnant with meaning. It is made out of two Sanskrit roots. One is pra; pra means the basic unit of energy, the most fundamental unit of energy. And na means energy. Prana means: the most fundamental unit is energy. Matter is just the surface. Pr...
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    on Importance of Trees and Ecological balance on earth

    on Importance of Trees and Ecological balance on earth Friends, today I am going to talk first about religion and the crime that it has committed against humanity, nature, environment, ecology. Religion's crimes are many, innumerable, but the worst crime is that it has placed man at the center of existence. It has given the idea to the who...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  22. No Image

    When a person cannot love himself and hates himself, he hates everybody else

    Remember life can be really lived only if you live it naturally. If you impose artificial commandments over it, you will destroy it. For example, I told you: unless you love yourself you cannot love anybody else. Hence I say to you, be selfish, because only out of selfishness is altruism born. But you have been told again and again that yo...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  23. No Image

    Love is therapy, and there is no other therapy in the world except love

    Love is Therapy Question 1 Osho, While in therapy myself, i spent much time praying. over the years i felt better. i never knew whether it was the therapy or the prayer. as a therapist i want to urge others to pray but feel embarrassed. Love is therapy, and there is no other therapy in the world except love. It is always love that heals, b...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  24. No Image

    on dividing line between Western psychology and Eastern mysticism

    on Dividing line between Western psychology and Eastern mysticism Question 1: Beloved Osho, Do I have to know and understand the roots of my old patterns in order to be able to drop them, or is awareness enough? Please comment. Deva Suparni, this is the dividing line between Western psychology and Eastern mysticism. Western psychology is a...
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  25. No Image

    The Outer Cannot Change the Inner

    Question 1 Last night you said that by changing the outer, the inner remains unchanged, untransformed. But is it not true that the right food, right labor, right sleep, right actions and behaviors are also important factors for inner transformation? Isn’t it a mistake to ignore the outer completely? The outer cannot change the inner, but t...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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    on Sigmund Freud Life, Western psychology and Meditation

    on Sigmund Freud Life, Western psychology and Meditation Question 3: Beloved Osho, Sigmund Freud has explained self-deception by postulating separate parts of the psyche, each part autonomous and capable of pursuing different goals, and each part unknown to the other because they function according to different principles: one according to...
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    Homosexuality - Osho Quotes on Homosexuality

    Osho Quotes on Homosexuality Homosexuality has come into existence because of repressive measures, because of repressive moralities, because of thousands of years of separating man and woman into separate camps. ♦ It is a well known fact that Christian monasteries, Buddhist monasteries have been full of homosexuality. It was bound to happe...
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  28. No Image

    I would like the whole world to be vegetarian.

    There is nothing wrong in enjoying this world and its joys. I don't see there is anything wrong in enjoying food or clothes, or having a cozy house, or having a beautiful wife or husband. I don't see anything unspiritual in it. All depends on you. You can make it unspiritual, you can make it spiritual. When shivering cold, sitting in medit...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  29. No Image

    Assagioli's idea of synthesis is more philosophical than existential

    on Roberto Assagioli Assagioli's idea of synthesis is more philosophical than existential Question 5 Assagioli says that all the awareness in the world will not help until you choose -- "it is the willingness to choose that produces change and thus growth." Yet you talk of choiceless awareness. Is there really a choice? CHARANA, ASSAGIOLI ...
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  30. No Image

    Everyone is utterly Essential

    Anand means bliss, mahbuba means beloved. God creates the world out of his love. The world flows out of his love – it is an expression of his love, an explosion of his love. He loves every creature… from stones to stars. We are all protected by his love, we are all continuously showered on by his love. Everyone has to consciously become a ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  31. No Image

    What is true repentance?

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, What is true repentance? The religions have made much fuss about repentance. Jesus goes on repeating again and again to his people, "Repent, repent, because the kingdom of God is close! Repent, because the day of judgment is coming close!" First, religions make you feel guilty; otherwise, repentance would not have...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  32. No Image

    How can i distinguish between Enlightened Self-Love and Egomania?

    Question : How can i distinguish between Enlightened Self-Love and Egomania? The distinction is subtle but very clear, not difficult; subtle, but not difficult. If you have egomania, it will create more and more misery for you. Misery will indicate that you are ill. Egomania is a disease, a cancer of the soul. Egomania will make you more a...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  33. No Image

    on Abraham Maslow terms Self-Actualization

    on Abraham Maslow terms Self-Actualization and Peak Experience Question 1 Is Self-Actualization a basic need? There are many questions. The first: IS SELF-ACTUALIZATION A BASIC NEED OF MAN? First, try to understand what is meant by self-actualization. A. H. Maslow has used this term "self-actualization." Man is born as potentiality. He is ...
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    on Aldous Huxley, LSD and Samadhi

    on Aldous Huxley LSD and Samadhi - LSD gives you unconsciousness, not consciousness Question : Our Beloved Master, Hakuin said: The study of Zen is like drilling wood to get fire. The wisest course is to forge straight ahead without stopping. If you rest at the first sign of heat, and then again as soon as the first wisp of smoke arises, e...
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    Am I really a Good Therapist?

    A good therapist has to be immensely compassionate Question 3: Beloved Osho, Am I really a Good Therapist? Prasad, to be a good therapist is a very difficult job. A good therapist has to be immensely compassionate, because it is not his techniques of therapy that help people, it is his love. There is nothing compared to love as far as heal...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  36. No Image

    on Cow Slaughter and Hindu Theory of evolution

    on Cow Slaughter and Hindu Theory of evolution Question 5: What do you think about Cow worship? As Darwin says that the monkey is man's predecessor in physical evolution, you say that the cow precedes man in the evolution of the soul. How is it that among all animals the cow comes so close to man spiritually? Or is it that we call the cow ...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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    on How to Quit Smoking

    on How to Quit Smoking Question 3: Beloved Osho, I want to give up smoking. What do you say about it? Mahendra, why? Why in the first place do you want to give up smoking? What is wrong in smoking? Yes, it is a little stupid, silly -- just poisoning your breath, taking smoke in and out, wasting money, life. But it is not a sin, it is not a...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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    on Expressing Emotions in Aloneness

    on Expressing Emotions in Aloneness Question 2 Osho, Have you suggested that now is the time for me to live out my negative emotions, because in the past i never allowed myself to show them in public? I remember a group experience, years ago, in which one of the exercises was to express, in your own way, any emotion suggested, and I was un...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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    Osho Quotes on Frustration

    Osho Quotes on Frustration Expectation brings frustration. Private ambitions bring failures. ♦ All desiring is desiring for the futile. It leads only into frustration. ♦ Any object of desire is bound to bring frustration. Any expectation is bound to turn into frustration. Expectation is the beginning of frustration, the very seed. Beware o...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  40. No Image

    Homosexuality : Accept whosoever you are. No condemnation

    Osho on Homosexuality Question Dear Osho, today you spoke of homosexuality and let us laugh at the idea of all men walking arm-in-arm through the streets and calling each other 'darling' laughter is good, of course, but sometimes it has an edge of mockery. As a Gay person, I felt put down at that moment. Please will you talk about how gay ...
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    Fear - Osho Quotes on Fear

    Osho Quotes on Fear Any conflict will create more barriers. If there is fear and you start doing something about it, then a new fear has entered: fear of the fear. It has become more complex. So the one thing to be done is, if fear is there, accept it. Don`t do anything about it because doing will not help. Anything that you do out of fear...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  42. No Image

    on Therapies and Role of Therapist – Therapy has become a business

    Question 1: Beloved Osho, Is taking the role of a therapist dangerous to my own spiritual growth? Is it possible to help people and still let my own ego dissolve at the same time? i feel that a subtle fight goes on inside me between one part that is clear and another part that wants nothing to do with clarity. Under your guidance i have le...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  43. No Image

    Greed is the fear of inner emptiness

    on Greed - Greed is the fear of inner emptiness Question 3: What is Greed? Sandesh, GREED is an effort to stuff yourself with something – it may be sex, it may be food, it may be money, it may be power. Greed is the fear of inner emptiness. One is afraid of being empty and one wants somehow to possess more and more things. One wants to go ...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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    During Therapy Three Fears usually come Up - fear of going Crazy, fear of letting go in Sexual Orgasm and the Fear of Dying

    Question: When I work with people in depth in therapy three fears continuously come up in them. It's the fear of going Crazy, it's the fear of letting go in Sexual Orgasm and the Fear of Dying. These three fears come up over and over again in my work. Can you please comment on this? It is really very significant an existential question. In...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  45. No Image

    Whoever you are killing, you are killing yourself

    "Respect for life - Just as you want to live, everybody else wants to live" Question : Beloved Osho, In existence only the animal kingdom is capable of eating itself for food. A cabbage cannot eat a carrot for lunch, but man has even been known to eat his fellow man for dinner. The man of zen has dissolved into the vast existence and choos...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  46. No Image

    The Purpose of the Therapy Groups

    Osho on Purpose of Meditation Therapy Groups Question 2 Is the purpose of the Therapy Groups to bring the participants to their Natural Self? THE PURPOSE OF THE THERAPY GROUPS is not to bring the participants to their natural self – not at all. The purpose of the therapy groups is to bring you to the point where you can see your unnaturaln...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  47. No Image

    Vegetarianism is a by-product of Meditation

    Vegetarianism is a by-product of Meditation Question 3: Beloved Osho, Why are all your Disciples Vegetarian? I do not believe in vegetarianism, because I do not believe in anything. My disciples are vegetarian not as a cult, not as a creed. They are vegetarians because their meditations make them more human, more of the heart, and they can...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  48. No Image

    Sadness - Osho Quotes on Sadness

    Osho Quotes on Sadness If you really want to get beyond the mind and all its experiences -- sadness and joy, anger and peace, hate and love; if you want to get beyond all these dualities, you have to watch them equally, you cannot choose. If you choose, you will not be able to watch those which you don't want to choose. So the first thing ...
    CategoryFeeling, Tears, Sympathy
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  49. No Image

    on Habit of Chain Smoking

    on Habit of Chain Smoking Question: Osho, I cannot drop the habit of chain-smoking. I have tried hard but I have failed always. Is it a sin to smoke? DON'T MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL! Religious people are very skillful in doing that. Now, what are you really doing when you are smoking? Just taking some smoke inside your lungs and le...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  50. No Image

    Repression of any kind is destructive

    Repression of any kind is destructive to body, to the mind, to the soul Question : Beloved Osho, Is Repression always Bad? Prasado, absolutely bad, always bad, with no exceptions bad. Repression simply means you don't understand your life energies. Repression means you are forcing your life energies into the unconscious, throwing them into...
    CategoryRepression, Perversion, Licentious
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    on LSD as an help in Meditation

    on LSD as an help in Meditation Question 1 Can LSD be used as a help in Meditation? LSD can be used as a help, but the help is very dangerous; it is not so easy. If you use a mantra, even that can become difficult to throw, but if you use acid, LSD it will be even more difficult to throw. The moment you are on an LSD trip you are not in co...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  52. No Image

    What about when I’m attracted to other women? It makes for such a fight

    [The sannyasin asks: What about when I’m attracted to other women? It makes for such a fight.] It will be, it will be a trouble . . . it will be a trouble. One woman is enough trouble! If you are attracted to too many women, you invite trouble. Then accept it, and enjoy it. You are inviting it. My feeling is this, that if you can stay with...
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  53. No Image

    Eastern way to solve worries is meditation

    And the deeper you go into the vertical, the more remote you go, then the farther from the world you go. Then the family is left on the surface; the anxieties of the day to day existence are left on the surface. They belong to the road, the traffic, the market. You simply move inside and they disappear. Remember, there are two ways to enco...
    CategoryDepression, Worry, Anxiety
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  54. No Image

    Hypnosis Technique and its Danger

    Hypnosis Technique and its Danger The process, the technique, is very simple. The hypnotist hangs a crystal from a chain just over your eyes, and tells you, ”Don’t close your eyes until you cannot keep them open. Fight to the last, keep your eyes open! ”And the crystal shines in your eyes. Naturally, eyes have to blink continuously to keep...
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    Don’t expect, and there will be no frustration

    on Frustration Question 2: Why is there so much Frustration in the World? Because there is so much expectation. Expect, and there will be frustration. Don’t expect, and there will be no frustration. Frustration is a byproduct: the more you expect, the more you create your own frustration. So frustration is not really the problem, it is the...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  56. No Image

    on Drug Addiction

    Question : I would like you to Comment on the Drug Problem. It is nothing new, it is as ancient as man. There has never been a time when man was not in search of escape. The most ancient book in the world is the RIGVEDA, and it is full of drug use. The name of the drug is soma. Since those ancient times all the religions have tried to get ...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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    Osho Quotes on vegetarian Food

    Osho Quotes on vegetarian Food Life in its infinite forms exists as one organic unity. We are part of it: the part should feel reverence for the whole. That is the idea of vegetarianism. It simply means: don’t destroy life. It simply means: life is God — avoid destroying it, otherwise you will be destroying the very ecology. ♦ Jainism is t...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  58. No Image

    A Vegetarian can easily remember his past lives

    on Reincarnation and Vegetarianism The Second thing that Pythagoras also introduced into Western consciousness was the idea of reincarnation. That too is somehow related with vegetarianism. You will be surprised again: all the vegetarian religions believe in reincarnation, and all the non-vegetarian religions believe only in one life. This...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  59. No Image

    Freud, Jung, Janov, they all remain ill. They have never worked it out on themselves

    Freud, Jung, Janov, they all remain ill. They have never worked it out on themselves Question : You spoke of the lives of Jung and Freud, and I have heard that Janov has not tried his own methods, and he seems to be a very, very ambitious man. Can you comment on his methods and whether he has healed himself at all? That's the problem in th...
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  60. No Image

    A man of understanding can transform even poison into nectar

    The very first foundations of a life of spiritual endeavour are love of oneself and spiritual harmony. Surely you will be confounded to hear this, because you have been often advised to suppress something within you. But I say that there is nothing within you that needs suppression or extirpation. There are certain drives within every man ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  61. No Image

    I had a strong hatred for milk because it is non-vegetarian

    I had a strong hatred for milk because it is non-vegetarian When you are eating delicious food, with spices and all kinds of things, made to be tasty, perfumed, you are losing something that you don't know. You are destroying your taste buds. They are not meant for such strong things; they are very small, and very delicate. I discovered th...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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    on Transformation of Hypnosis into Meditation

    on Transformation of Hypnosis into Meditation Question 1 Beloved Osho, While using Hypnosis in the service of Meditation, I have noticed that the Line between Therapy and Meditation is dissolving. As Witnessing can become Easy and natural in Hypnosis, it seems to provide the ground for a quantum Leap into No-Mind. Beloved Osho, would you s...
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    on Carl Jung and Western psychology

    on Carl Jung and Western psychology The only, without exception, the only way is meditation -- which western psychology has been avoiding. It has been avoiding to protect its whole structure, its whole literature. Its founders, its great psychoanalysts, they all will be drowned, forgotten if meditation enters into the area. Because meditat...
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    What you eat makes your mind, makes your body, makes your senses, gives you qualities

    What you eat makes your mind, makes your body, makes your senses, gives you qualities Question 7: Please comment on these statements: "survival of the fittest," and "you are what you eat." "Survival of the fittest" appears to be true, but only to the superficial eye, because man is not the strongest animal on the earth. Why he has survived...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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    on Self Hypnosis use in Meditation

    on Self Hypnosis use in Meditation But if you are doing a session of self-hypnosis, there is no danger. You just go through the whole process, looking at a bright thing that tires your eyes – that is its only function – and you go on repeating what the hypnotist was repeating, but inside your being. Finally, you will find you cannot keep y...
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  66. No Image

    What is real authentic friendliness?

    Question 2: Osho, What is real authentic friendliness? Anand Shantideva, the question you have asked is very complex. You will have to understand a few other things before you can understand what real authentic friendliness is. The first is friendship. Friendship is love without any biological tones to it. It is not the friendship that you...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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  67. No Image

    Why is hugging such an incredibly effective therapeutic tool

    on Hugging - Hugging is only a gesture of love, of warmth, of caring - Question 1 Osho, Why is hugging such an incredibly effective therapeutic tool? P.S. I used to think that clarity, wit and analysis was the way, but they are all garbage alongside hugging. Man needs to be needed.. It is one of the most fundamental needs of human beings. ...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  68. No Image

    Psychoanalysis and Psychosynthesisis cannot solve man's problems

    Psychoanalysis and Psychosynthesisis cannot solve man's problems Question : Beloved Osho, Cannot Psychoanalysis solve man's problems? Is religion really needed at all? Neelima, psychoanalysis is a superficial thing -- helpful but very superficial. It only analyzes the surface rumblings of your mind. It is far better than scientology certai...
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  69. No Image

    How best to deal with fear?

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, How best to deal with fear? It affects me variously... From a vague uneasiness or knotted stomach to a dizzying panic, as if the world is ending. Where does it come from? Where does it go? It is the same question that I was just answering. All your fears are by-products of identification. You love a woman and with...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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    on Drugs Deaddiction with Meditation and Hypnosis

    on Drugs Deaddiction with Meditation and Hypnosis Question : I have a very specific question for one of my friends, and he wanted to know our Meditation can be used in the context of the Craving Phenomenon, when you really need it, when you do anything in order to get the Drugs. It will be difficult on anybody's own efforts. If he really w...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  71. No Image

    Is not life nothing but misery?

    Question 4: Is not life nothing but misery? It depends on you. Life in itself is an empty canvas, it becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery, you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory. You can use this freedom in such a way that your whole life becomes a hell, or in such a way that your life becomes a thing of beauty...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  72. No Image

    What is the difference between a master and a psychotherapist?

    Question 1: What is the difference between a master and a psychotherapist? A Mster is not: A Psychotherapist is. The Master is a hollow bamboo, a mere passage, for the divine to descend. He is not on his own. He has nothing to say, he has nothing to do - but much happens through him. But it is always through him. He is not the doer of it. ...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  73. No Image

    Morality - has nothing to do with so-called moral principles

    Morality is a byproduct of religion. When one feels in the heart religion arising, a relationship, a communion with existence happening, one becomes moral. It is not a question of commandments, it is not a question of shoulds and should-nots; it is a question of love, compassion. When you are silent, a deep compassion arises for the whole ...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  74. No Image

    Pessimism is nothing but getting addicted to a miserable way of living

    Pessimism is nothing but getting addicted to a miserable way of living — and you are the creator of it. You are miserable because you are jealous. Now, a jealous person cannot hope to be optimistic. You are miserable because you are constantly angry, angry against the whole world, angry that existence has not been fair to you. Such a perso...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  75. No Image

    How can one drop an Obsession?

    on Dropping an Obsession Question 3: Beloved Osho, How can one drop an Obsession? Or is it not to be dropped at all, but enjoyed? An obsession simply means a wound in your being, which keeps attracting you again and again, which goes on declaring itself, which wants your attention. You cannot drop it. How can you drop your wound? An obsess...
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  76. No Image

    Homosexuality : It is their duty to declare that they are homosexuals

    on Homosexuality Question 1 Beloved Osho, Every time you call Homosexuality a Perversion, even though you do not condemn Homosexuals, I feel hurt as I am a Gay. I have tried to look, to watch, to meditate on it but still my feelings, my love go naturally after men. Since being with a man I like and trust, I have felt silence and happiness....
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  77. No Image

    Feel Alone and Feel Love

    Question 4 Osho, Never before have I felt so much love and never before so alone. Thank you, Osho… Prem Turiya, it is something very deep to be understood, something of great significance. Love always brings aloneness. Aloneness always brings love. They are never separate. People think just the opposite. People think, “When you are in love...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  78. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Body

    Osho Quotes on Body I say unto you: The body is your greatest friend. Take care of your body. ♦ Your body is giving you the right indication; the body is very wise. The mind is a very late arrival. The body has lived millions of years, it knows what is needed. It is the mind that interferes. Mind is very immature, body is very mature. List...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  79. No Image

    How can you know others? — you don’t even know yourself.

    Question 7: Osho, Here with you is the deepest, most growing place for me to be and i dislike much of what i see here — dead rajneeshianity rising like an ikon, licentiousness not freedom emerging, arrogance and aggressiveness the rule, humility and caring the exception. Opening to the awareness that these are my qualities, projected, retu...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  80. No Image

    Empathy : Sympathy and apathy are opposed to each other. Empathy is beyond both.

    Empathy Question : Osho, Is Empathy the current that brings about the Awareness of our each and every Relatedness, and vice versa? The experience of empathy is very rare. You know what sympathy means, you also know what apathy means; but empathy you do not know. Sympathy and apathy are opposed to each other. Empathy is beyond both. To help...
    CategoryFeeling, Tears, Sympathy
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  81. No Image

    The therapist has to be a real friend. He has to show his compassion, his love, his understanding

    "The therapist has to be a real friend. He has to show his compassion, his love, his understanding" Question: Many times when I work with people I feel very frustrated if they walk out before I believe they are ready to leave. Does being a therapist mean learning to live with this? Am I trying to play god and interfere with the way people ...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  82. No Image

    I teach you to forgive others, but even more to forgive yourself.

    Love knows how to forgive. Not only does one have to forgive others, one has to forgive oneself too, and that is the harder thing because we have been taught to feel guilty; we are burdened by guilt. A burdened man cannot grow and one who feels guilty feels always sick; he does not allow his wounds to heal. So I teach you to forgive others...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  83. No Image

    What do you do when somebody hates you?

    Question 1 : What do you do when somebody hates you? Whether somebody hates you or somebody loves you should not make any difference in you. If you are, you remain the same. If you are not, then you are immediately changed. If you are not, then anybody can pull you, push you; then anybody can push your buttons and change you. Then you are ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  84. No Image

    The Eastern way to solve worries

    And the deeper you go into the vertical, the more remote you go, then the farther from the world you go. Then the family is left on the surface; the anxieties of the day to day existence are left on the surface. They belong to the road, the traffic, the market. You simply move inside and they disappear. Remember, there are two ways to enco...
    CategoryDepression, Worry, Anxiety
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  85. No Image

    Why do I hate Homosexuals?

    Question 6: Osho, Why do I hate Homosexuals? DEEP DOWN YOU MUST BE A HOMOSEXUAL, otherwise why should you hate them? Hate is love upside-down, hate is love doing SIRSHASAN -- headstand. Hate knows yoga postures. And do you think you are a different person just by standing on your head? Many fools think that way: standing on their heads the...
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  86. No Image

    What is your vision of Therapy in the future?

    Question: What is your vision of Therapy in the future? It has a tremendous potential to replace all the religions of the world, but it is not going to become a religion itself. Its function is to destroy all that religions have done to man. It is a very suicidal work. Once you have destroyed all that religions have done to man, and man is...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  87. No Image

    Real Therapist does not have ego

    Real Therapist does not have ego Healing is one of the most delicate dimensions. And the delicacy consists in the healer not doing anything in it. The healer is not really a healer because he is not a doer. Healing happens through him. He has just to annihilate himself. To be a healer really means not to be. The less you are, the better he...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  88. No Image

    on Reducing Weight : Why there is Obsession with Food

    Question 3: Beloved Osho, I am obsessed with food. i eat too much and have gained enormous weight. can you help me to reduce my weight? Sangito, this is strange, coming to me from California just to reduce your weight. In California there are far more facilities available to reduce weight. I know it because I had to send Mulla Nasruddin to...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  89. No Image

    Nobody is here to fulfill somebody else’s expectations

    [Osho gives a sannyasin a come close energy darshan] The energy is perfectly good. Just one problem is there, that you don’t listen to your own voice; and that has to be done. Don’t be distracted by anything else – follow your own feeling. If you are feeling happy, be happy; don’t think of anything else. If you are feeling sad, be sad; don...
    CategoryAttention, Imitation
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  90. No Image

    Ambition : is the result of an inferiority complex

    A man constructs his own world. What I am, is my contribution to the world. And by that very offering I become a participant in the creation of the world, in the creation of my environment. In that respect every man is a creator. It is essential to understand that each individual is a contributor to the ugliness of the world, that each ind...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  91. No Image

    Accept your limitations, accept your imperfections

    Accept your limitations, accept your imperfections Create fear... create as much fear as you can. That has been the policy of the society. Hells have been created just to catch hold of you; heavens have been created just to reward those who will follow the dictates. All are imaginary: there is no hell, no heaven. But these rewards and puni...
    CategoryPerfection, Stress
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  92. No Image

    Friends go on turning into enemies

    Beloved Osho, Of the friend Our faith in others betrays wherein we would dearly like to have faith in ourselves. Our longing for a friend is our betrayer. And often with our love we only want to leap over envy. And often we attack and make an enemy in order to conceal that we are vulnerable to attack. 'At least be my enemy!' - thus speaks ...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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  93. No Image

    Smoking - Osho Quotes on Smoking

    Osho Quotes on Smoking In countries where breast-feeding has stopped, more smoking will automatically be there. That's why the West smokes more than the East -- because no mother is ready to give her breast to the child because the shape is lost. So in the West smoking is increasing more and more; even small children are smoking. ♦ Small c...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  94. No Image

    Vegetarianism is of immense help in Meditation

    Vegetarianism is of immense help in Meditation Pythagoras' contribution to Western Philosophy is immense. It is incalculable. For the first time he introduced vegetarianism to the West. The idea of vegetarianism is of immense value; it is based on great reverence for life. The modern mind can understand it far better now we know that all f...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  95. No Image

    Psychotherapy is instrumental, helpful, but alone it is meaningless

    Question 1 : Beloved Osho, Does Psychological Therapy help to go beyond the mind? Vijen, psychological therapy can help you to understand the mind, but it cannot lead you beyond the mind. Only one thing leads you beyond the mind and that is meditation. Meditation has nothing to do with psychotherapy, but psychotherapy can create a ground b...
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  96. No Image

    on Psychology, Psychology is still a very very immature science

    on Psychology Question: Osho, I am a Psychologist. I was hoping that studying psychology would help to change my life, but nothing like that has happened. What should I do now? Psychology is still a very very immature science. It is very rudimentary, it is only the beginning. It is not yet a way of life -- it cannot transform you. It can c...
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  97. No Image

    on German Psychologist, Wilhelm Reich

    on German Psychologist, Wilhelm Reich Question : Beloved Osho, The german psychologist, Wilhelm Reich, stumbled upon some inner secrets of bio-energy. He also started practicing these on his patients but he was declared anti-social, was imprisoned and pronounced mad. Osho, what is it that Reich was working on and where did he go wrong. Wha...
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  98. No Image

    Before you can transform suffering you will have to become a witness

    Jesus says, “Love your enemies.” The Jewish God cannot love his enemies, so why should man? If God is incapable of loving his enemies, how can you expect poor man to? “And love your enemies,” Jesus says, “as you love yourself.” Again, he got it from some strange sources that the Jews were not aware of. This is a Buddhist approach, this is ...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  99. No Image

    Marriage - Osho Quotes on Marriage

    Osho Quotes on Marriage Love marriage' came into existence but is not going to survive, for the simple reason that love comes, happens, and one day suddenly goes. It was not in your hands to bring it; neither is it in your hands to keep it. The old marriage failed because the insistence was that you should love your wife, you should love y...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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