• Your trust in the total opens all your sensitivities to their extreme. This whole existence becomes a sheer dance, a sheer celebration.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Desire as Such is a bondage, because when you desire, you become dependent on the other

    Desire as Such is a bondage, because when you desire, you become dependent on the other, on the desired object. Whether it is a woman, money, a man, power, prestige, it does not matter — it is desire, and desire brings bondage. Why? It is simple. When you desire something, your joy depends on that something. If it is taken away, you are mi...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  2. No Image

    love is existential; fear is only the absence of love.

    Question 1: Osho, You say fear is the opposite of love. have you any practical or impractical suggestuons how one can drop fear? Atta, love is existential; fear is only the absence of love. And the problem with any absence is that you cannot do anything directly about it. Fear is like darkness. What can you do about darkness directly? You ...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  3. No Image

    Why does everyone want to pretend to be what they are not?

    Question : Osho, Why does everyone want to pretend to be what they are not? What is the psychology behind it? Narendra, everybody is condemned from his very childhood. Whatever he does on his own accord, out of his own liking, is not acceptable. The people, the crowd in which a child has to grow has its own ideas, ideals. The child has to ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  4. No Image

    on Intimacy – Everybody is afraid of intimacy

    Question : Osho, Of my many fears, the one of which i am most aware is that of intimacy. I am like a hit and run driver in my relationships with people. Could you speak to me of my fear of intimacy? Ramaprem, everybody is afraid of intimacy. It is another thing whether you are aware of it or not. Intimacy means exposing yourself before a s...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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  5. No Image

    Are fear and guilt the same thing?

    Question : Are fear and guilt the same thing? and surely as light shows up darkness, So jesus must have made people aware of their guilt. Fear and guilt are not the same thing. Fear accepted becomes freedom; fear denied, rejected, condemned, becomes guilt. If you accept fear as part of the situation…. It is part of the situation. Man is a ...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  6. No Image

    Is it alright to get married and have children?

    Question 2: Is it alright to get married and have children? Sudharka, Just meditate over a few of Murphy’s sutras. First: It is good to be married occasionally. Second: A clever man tells a woman he understands her, a stupid man tries to prove it. Third: Marriage is a three-ringed circus: engagement ring, wedding ring and suffer-ring. Four...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  7. No Image

    It is concerned with meditation, so don’t think about it as a disease or as if something is wrong

    [A sannyasin says he has a lot of tension in his back and neck – tension that is so painful at times that it totally occupies his attention…. It comes in the silent parts of the meditations. Osho asks him for details, and then checks his energy.] It is concerned with meditation, so don’t think about it as a disease or as if something is wr...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  8. No Image

    on Frustration – frustration is the shadow of expectation

    Question : Osho, I feel so Frustrated! So what! You must be responsible for it. If you don’t want to feel frustrated then there is no need. You must be creating it. Nobody else is responsible; if you feel frustrated, you must be reaping the crop which you go on sowing. But you don’t see the relationship. If you expect too much, you will be...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  9. No Image

    The desire for becoming desireless, is still a desire

    Desire cannot be dropped unless you wake up. Millions of people have tried to drop desiring without waking up. In fact, the very idea of dropping desire was another desire and nothing else. They heard from the buddhas, from the awakened ones, that there is great peace if you drop desire, there is great bliss if desires wither away; that yo...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  10. No Image

    When moments of Fear come, What to do?

    Question 6: When moments of Fear come, What to do? Why should you ask to do anything? When there is fear — be afraid! Why create a duality? When moments of fear come — be fearful, tremble with fear, allow fear to take possession. Why this constant enquiry: WHAT TO DO? Can’t you allow life in any way to take possession of you? When love tak...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  11. No Image

    Once you have moved from the head to the heart, then I start hammering on your heart too

    Question 1: Osho, Do you really have to break my heart? Yes, Somendra. It is a thankless job, but it has to be done. Man exists on three planes: the head — the world of thoughts, the thinking process — the most superficial plane. Below it is the heart — the world of feelings, emotions, sentiments — a little deeper than thought, but not the...
    CategoryFeeling, Tears, Sympathy
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  12. No Image

    Uniqueness is religious, specialness is political

    Question 5: What is the difference between being special and being unique? BEING unique is everybody’s nature, being special is relative. When you start feeling that you are special you are comparing yourself with somebody. Special: in comparison to somebody; unique: there is no comparison. Unique means you are alone as you are – how can y...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  13. No Image

    on Massage - Make Massage a prayer

    [A sannyasin who is leaving wants to do massage but doesn’t know if that is right for her. Osho watches her energy movement for some moments and says yes, it is good for her to do massage… ] Just remember one thing: keep the attitude of prayer whenever you are massaging the person… feel that the other is divine. This is something very basi...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  14. No Image

    Fear is a reality. It has to be faced, it has to be understood

    Question 4 : Osho, What to do with fear? I am feeling very tired being led around by it. Can it be mastered or killed? How? The question is from Ramananda. It cannot be killed, it cannot be mastered, it can only be understood. ‘Understanding’ is the key word here. And only understanding brings mutation, nothing else. If you try to master y...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  15. No Image

    Nirjara means a state of consciousness where all conditionings have dropped

    Nirjara. It is one of the most important words in the Eastern search for truth. It comes from the Jaina tradition. That tradition is very much unknown in the West but is one of the most important in the East, as important as the Buddhist tradition. But it never gathered too many followers so it remained almost unknown. Nirjara means a stat...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  16. No Image

    Desire means to have more.

    If you can become desireless, then death cannot have any sway over you. It is the desiring mind that is caught in the net of death, and we are all full of desires: desire for money, for power, for prestige, respectability — a thousand and one desires. Desires create greed, and greed creates competition, and competition creates jealousy. On...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  17. No Image

    on Fear of being Left Alone and Aloneness

    Question : Osho, My biggest fear and limitation, as far as i can discover, is the fear of being left alone. I feel that this always had, and still has, a strong influence on my life and my relationships. Besides feeling this fear and letting it be there — which i obviously haven’t done enough — is there any other way out of it? Beloved mas...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  18. No Image

    The real treasure is hidden behind you. It is you! There is no other treasure; you are the treasure.

    You have always been seeking and seeking treasures, and they elude, and they are mirages, and they appear and when you reach after long journeys they are not there — because the real treasure is hidden behind you. It is you! There is no other treasure; you are the treasure. When one is established in honesty: asteya pratishthayam. The word...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  19. No Image

    Indifference is the worst kind of behavior a man can adopt

    You can love someone, you can hate someone, but don’t be neutral, don’t be indifferent. You can like, you can dislike — in either case you are taking a standpoint. But don’t say, “It does not matter to me.” The moment you become neutral you are simply saying that whether that man exists or dies it makes no difference to you. This is the gr...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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  20. No Image

    We go on accumulating useless, irrelevant memories, imagination, desires

    The flower of consciousness opens up only when all the garbage that one has accumulated over many many lives is thrown out, otherwise there is no space for the one-thousand petalled lotus to open. It needs a space and we are so full of junk, useless junk, full of memories which are of no use any more. We go on piling up files and files of ...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  21. No Image

    on Russian Painter Nicholas Roerich and Vegetarianism

    One very great painter not much known in the West, although he was a Western man – he lived in the Himalayas. He was a Russian, Nicholas Roerich, and he belonged to the czar’s family. So while the revolution was happening and nineteen members of the czar’s family were slaughtered, even a six-month-old child – sometimes these revolutions ca...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  22. No Image

    Whole lives are devoted to fulfill childish desires.

    If you do not seek anything from without, you are complete, you are entire, you are perfect. The moment you start desiring something from outside, trouble starts. You have already descended from the throne of an emperor and become a beggar. And once you are a beggar, it will be very difficult to find the throne again. The world is vast and...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  23. No Image

    Each thought has a negative and positive polarity just like electricity

    The Master said, WHILE I WAS IN ZAZEN A NUMBER OF WOLVES GATHERED AROUND ME, LICKING THE TIP OF MY NOSE, AND SNIFFING MY WINDPIPE, BUT BECAUSE I REMAINED IN THE RIGHT STATE OF MIND, I WASN'T BITTEN.' A very fundamental law of life is that if you become afraid, you give energy to the other to make you more afraid. The very idea of fear in y...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  24. No Image

    If you can be ordinary, You are successful

    Question : What is your view of being successful in ordinary life? - i am afraid you are against success! I AM NEITHER AGAINST ANYTHING NOR FOR ANYTHING. Whatsoever happens, happens. One need not choose — because with choice is misery. If you want to be successful then you will remain miserable. You may succeed, you may not succeed; but on...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  25. No Image

    How does this mechanism of hope function?

    How does this mechanism of hope function? Whenever you are in misery, sad, depressed, you immediately escape from it, you try to forget it. That’s how it continues. The next time you are miserable — and you will not have to wait long; the moment my talk is finished you will be — don’t try to escape. My talk may also be functioning as an es...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  26. No Image

    When you desire life you miss it, Dont desire

    KILL OUT DESIRE OF LIFE -- the second sutra. Kill out Desire of Life. Life’s laws are very paradoxical. If you desire life, you will miss it. That is the surest way to miss it. If you desire life, you will miss it; but if you don’t desire it, abundant life will happen to you. Through desire, you move against life. It looks paradoxical. It ...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  27. No Image

    on Paralysis - How to deal with Paralysis case

    [A sannyasin asked about a friend who was paralysed, and wondered if anything could be done to help. Osho suggested the friend should become a sannyasin, and then continued…. ] If you are lying in bed all day and you can’t move, you will continuously want to, because movement is life. Nothing else is so important as movement. Rocks are dea...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  28. No Image

    Why do i want people to admire me?

    Question 1 Osho, Why do i want people to admire me? why do i want you to tell me that only very sensitive and intelligent people can ask such a question? why do i want you to tell me that you were only waiting for me to save the world? and what is the hell is the way out of this vicious circle of admiration and rejection? it is really hard...
    CategoryNegative Mind, Reputation, Show-off, Judging
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  29. No Image

    One can be hurt - that’s the fear - but that risk has to be taken

    [The new sannyasin says: I have been afraid of something… when people get near me.] Yes, you are afraid. I can see it. That fear has to be dropped. That fear has to be consciously dropped. That’s what I am saying to you. I can see that you are afraid. You don’t allow anybody to enter your territory or, if you do allow them, you allow them ...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  30. No Image

    You have fear don’t ask why; just look into the fear, go into it, watch.

    [A sannyasin who is going to the West says: I’m really scared of leaving. Osho asks: What is the fear? He replies: I don’t know.] That’s a good kind of fear if you don’t know what exactly it is. That simply means that you are on the verge of something unknown. When the fear has some object it is an ordinary fear. One is afraid of death – i...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  31. No Image

    on Cancer – Humanity has invented many new diseases which were not prevalent before

    Humanity has invented many new diseases which were not prevalent before. In the old scriptures, ayurvedic scriptures, many diseases are not mentioned. People think they are not mentioned because ayurveda was not yet enough of a science, so they could not diagnose those diseases. That is not true; ayurveda became a perfect science. But thos...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  32. No Image

    on Prostitution – Prostitution is a betrayal of the Body

    [A sannyasin says she has been working as a prostitute in the West. Returning there now to earn money to return here, she wonders whether to return to prostitution or not. A voice inside her says no – on the other hand it is a quick way to make money…. ] Then do something else, mm? do something else… because prostitution is a betrayal of t...
    CategoryWork, Career
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  33. No Image

    on Rolfing – Rolfing is painful because it has to relax the body structure

    [The next sannyasin said that although she had done most of the therapies available in the ashram, she continued to have small areas on her breasts, hips and thighs, that she felt were blocked. The therapy referred to in the following conversation is known as Rolfing, or Structural Integration.] You have to pass through Rolfing… it is goin...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  34. No Image

    Desire means you are not in the present moment

    You must understand what desire means, and religions have confused you much about it. If you desire something of the world, they call it desire. If you desire something of the other world, they call it by a different name. This is absurd. Desire is desire! It makes no difference what the object of desire is. The object may be anything – of...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  35. No Image

    It is very difficult to accept cutting one limb of the body

    [A visitor says he has bone cancer in his foot. The doctors tried several treatments but say the foot will have to be amputated. He said he felt angry with them. Osho checks his energy, and tells him he thinks it a good idea that the foot is removed…. ] Don’t be afraid – removing it will solve the problem. And not removing it for a long ti...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  36. No Image

    The first thing to decide is, is this a heart matter or a mind matter?

    [A sannyasin says: I’m a sort of a sentimental person. The mind says one thing and heart says something else. Up to now I’ve been always following the heart and am always at a loss.] One has to be very very alert about one thing: there are things in which the heart will be a failure; never listen to the heart about those things. There are ...
    CategoryFeeling, Tears, Sympathy
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  37. No Image

    on Sympathy and Empathy

    Sympathy has been looked upon as a very valuable attribute. It means you become unhappy and show your sorrow on seeing some one else unhappy. It also means ‘to experience’, that is to experience along with another. But the person who experiences unhappiness when the other is unhappy does never experience happiness when the other is happy. ...
    CategoryFeeling, Tears, Sympathy
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  38. No Image

    Osho speaks to a Sannyasin about take care of his Wife who lies very ill

    [Osho speaks to a sannyasin who just arrived to take care of his wife who lies very ill in a local hospital.] She will survive – just wait; help her. You have come, that’s very good. Just be as loving to her as possible. And death, when it is around, or when one feels that it is around, is a great opportunity to be loving, because when we ...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  39. No Image

    The fear of life is really fear of your own self

    Question : Why do i seem to feel more afraid of life than of death? DEATH IS UNKNOWN. You cannot be really afraid of that with which you are not at all acquainted. Fear is a relationship — you have to know something to be afraid of it. Nobody really is afraid of death. And whenever somebody says ‘I am afraid of death’ he is simply saying t...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  40. No Image

    Every day is a Sunday. It should be so. Every day is a holiday

    Question 1: As a child, sundays have been something very special to me. now, since a few days, i wake up every morning, see the sun shining through the trees, hear the birds singing and get this feeling: ‘ah, another sunday.’ i put on my best clothes and have sunday for the whole day. what is happening to me? Don’t make a problem out of it...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  41. No Image

    One should not sell one’s life for a Living

    [A sannyasin asks about becoming a Primal therapist.] It is always good to find something that you like – because it is your life; it should not be wasted in any way. And if you have the feeling that you don’t like any job and that you have to do it, it becomes destructive. Then you are pushing somehow, dragging yourself… and any kind of d...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  42. No Image

    on Fear of Other’s Opinion – Never accept others’ opinions

    Man lives in fear, that’s why he becomes hard. It is fear that creates hardness. In fear we close up; we close all doors and all windows. We start living in a very small, dark hole. Our life already becomes death. And we create an armor around ourselves, hard, steel armor, so that we are protected, safe, secure. This is not a way to live l...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  43. No Image

    Is Meditation enough to be whole and healthy?

    Question 2: Osho, Is Meditation enough to be whole and healthy? Please explain. The word “meditation” and the word “medicine” come from the same root. Medicine means that which heals the physical, and meditation means that which heals the spiritual. Both are healing powers. Another thing to be remembered: the word “healing” and the word “w...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  44. No Image

    Once you have learned the art of trusting, you are beyond all fear

    The universe is not unintelligent. You are not living in a cosmos which has no intelligence. It is pure intelligence that the existence is made of. Call it love, call it silence, call it nothingness, but in everything remember, the tremendous intelligence of existence is always there. And once you have learned the art of trusting, you are ...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  45. No Image

    Whatsoever you wish will be wrong because YOU are wrong

    Whatsoever you wish will be wrong because YOU are wrong! How can you wish, desire, something right? To desire something right, you have to be right in the first place. Out of ignorance, whatsoever is desired will lead you to a deeper and deeper hell — because a desire is part of you, it comes out of you. How can anything else come? All tha...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  46. No Image

    All beliefs are rooted in Fear. Either you are afraid or you are greedy.

    Question : I believe in God, And it is not out of fear. Why do you say that all belief is out of fear? Then why do you believe? You don’t know. If you know, there is no need to believe. All belief is out of ignorance Belief MEANS ignorance. Buddha knows, he does not believe. I know, I don’t believe at all. But why do you believe? From wher...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  47. No Image

    on Baking as Meditation – If you can change your work into Meditation

    [A sannyasin who bakes said that because of his work he was unable to do the meditations, and should he do anything else. Osho said that when he had time he could meditate alone… ] Baking is a good meditation. Put your love into it, your whole awareness into it. Just don’t do it for the money – do it for love also. Do it with care, and the...
    CategoryWork, Career
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  48. No Image

    Fear is nothing but a shrinking. When you are happy you expand

    [The encounter group is attending darshan. One participant says: I got angry and hit the wall. When I found energy did move, it really amazed me. I mean, how can all energy be stopped by fear?] Fear can stop energy because basically fear is nothing but a shrinking. When you are happy you expand, when you are unafraid you expand. When you a...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  49. No Image

    It is very difficult to communicate with a wife, with a husband

    [A sannyasin who was leaving for the West, said he would like to share what he has found with Osho with his wife. They have been separated for a long time, and plan to divorce. She is very negative against him.] I think divorce will be good and then there may be some possibility, not before it. Let there be a divorce but make it as pleasan...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  50. No Image

    The ego remains eternally unhappy, and the being is eternally happy

    [A sannyasin says she has been feeling so full and so empty at the same time.] That is precisely what happens – fullness and happiness come together. If they don’t come together, then something has gone wrong. You are empty of yourself and full of the beyond. Something disappears leaving a space, and immediately something else enters and f...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  51. No Image

    on workaholic society - The idea of ‘the work’ has been imposed on you

    The idea of ”the work” has been imposed on you for centuries, that you are here for a certain ”work” to do. Naturally, people wanted you not to be just lazy and enjoy. They wanted ”work” because your work is going to create wealth, your work is going to create Alexanders, your work is going to create wars. Everything depends on you. So eve...
    CategoryWork, Career
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  52. No Image

    Unhappiness depends on the frame of your mind

    If you are unhappy, that simply means that you have learned tricks for being unhappy, and nothing else. Unhappiness depends on the frame of your mind. There are people who are unhappy in all kinds of situations. They have a certain quality in their mind which transforms everything into unhappiness. If you tell them about the beauty of the ...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  53. No Image

    To relate is Insecure and Relationship is a Security

    Question 2 : Is relationship there because love is not? Mukti Gandha, yes. Love is not a relationship. Love relates, but it is not a relationship. A relationship is something finished. A relationship is a noun; the full stop has come, the honeymoon is over. Now there is no joy, no enthusiasm, now all is finished. You can carry it on, just ...
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  54. No Image

    Our desires are dreams, all our thoughts are dreams

    Our desires are dreams, all our thoughts are dreams. And we go on continuously living in dreams because we are asleep. Dreams can exist only if we are asleep, and dreams disappear the moment we awake. Going beyond dreams means awaking. It is time! Enough you have sleep… for many many lives. Don’t miss this opportunity to wake up because ra...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  55. No Image

    Be aware of your mind’s mechanism, and how it transforms everything into desiring

    We don’t live in existence, we live in desires. Really, we don’t live in the world at all, we live in desires. Our life is not here and now, it is always somewhere else where the desire is arrowed. It may be anywhere, but it is never here. Never here, because desire needs time – desire cannot be here. Can you desire anything in the present...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  56. No Image

    Imitation is a substitute for understanding, and a very poor substitute

    Question : Osho, I have fallen in love with chuang tzu, with joshu, with mumon, with bodhidharma. How can i not follow them? I feel already they have transformed me. How can i not be thankful? Let me tell you one anecdote first. When Rabbi Nor, Rabbi Moudekai’s son, assumed the succession after his father’s death, his disciples noted that ...
    CategoryAttention, Imitation
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  57. No Image

    Happiness cannot be sought, you cannot seek it

    Question 5: Why am i still not happy? Because you still are, and because you are still chasing happiness. Happiness cannot be sought, you cannot seek it. It is a by-product, it is a natural consequence. If you make a goal out of happiness you will never find it, you will always miss it. It comes very silently, it comes like a whisper, it c...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  58. No Image

    An arranged marriage never brings joy. It brings Security

    [An indian sannyasin has been invited to be a part of the ashram, but says, in Hindi, that her parents will not let her come.] First tell me your desire. I am not going to be guided by your desire, but I just want to know what you want…. The situation is such that if I tell you to go with your parents, you will not be happy. Not that they ...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  59. No Image

    Don’t become the mood, remain a watcher

    Question : Whenever a certain feeling of opening comes and a certain peace, always a strong anxiety and a depression follow and make me very tired. It seems to be a vicious circle. What is the attitude to take? It always happens, it is natural, not vicious. Whenever you are happy, very happy, you are at a peak, suddenly the valley will fol...
    CategoryFeeling, Tears, Sympathy
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  60. No Image

    What is the difference between desire and longing?

    Question 2: What is the difference between desire and longing? Krishna, desire is desire for something that is outside you. Desire is objective. Longing is not objective. Longing is for that which wants to explode in you. It is inner, it is subjective. If a rose wants to become a lotus, it is a desire. But if the rose LONGS to become a ros...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  61. No Image

    Massage is needed in the world because love has disappeared

    [Osho spoke next to a sannyasin who is to begin massage in the ashram.] Continue working, mm? Massage is something that you can start learning but you never finish. It goes on and on, and the experience becomes continuously deeper and deeper, and higher and higher. Massage is one of the most subtle arts – and it is not only a question of e...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  62. No Image

    Only love brings a state of no anxiety

    Prem means love, and achinta means no anxiety. And remember that only love brings a state of no anxiety – and only love. Everything else creates a new anxiety. You can go on changing your anxieties – somebody is seeking money, somebody is seeking power, then somebody starts seeking god – but all things will bring anxiety. Every desire brin...
    CategoryDepression, Worry, Anxiety
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  63. No Image

    Mind is a coward. Those who listen to it become utterly cowardly

    Question : Osho, Life is so exciting when i am open to each moment and not asking where it is going to take me next. The problems disappear and nothing can harm me. the moment my mind comes in saying, ”watch out!” the fear arises and life looks dangerous, and i take only calculated steps. how can i remain with the relaxed, joyful, and trus...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  64. No Image

    on medical profession – All that we can do is not to do intentional harm

    [A sannyasin mother and daughter are leaving for the west. The mother says that up to now she’s been working as a pharmacist… she has to give medicine which may harm people rather than help them. Some of it is healing but she is not entirely happy about the whole of it.] I understand… but nobody is constantly happy in any kind of work. It ...
    CategoryWork, Career
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  65. No Image

    on Science of bio-rhythm – Even man has a kind of monthly period

    [A sannyasin says he has been feeling very miserable. Last night he stayed up to look after his son who was sick. He has heartburn often and thinks it is repressed anger. Osho checks his energy.] Nothing to be worried about…. Just ordinary cycles of misery and happiness. I don’t see that there is really any cause for it. One thing you have...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  66. No Image

    Trust is the outcome of deep meditation. Fate is the outcome of your failures

    Question : Osho, Could you please explain the difference between trusting existence and fatalism? The difference between trust and fate is very subtle. On the surface it seems they mean exactly the same thing, but in reality they are diametrically opposite experiences. Fate is a consolation. You are poor, and you see others getting richer ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  67. No Image

    Why do I feel hesitation in enjoying anything?

    Question : Why do I feel hesitation in enjoying anything? Joy is not allowed; you are preconditioned against joy. From the very childhood you have been taught that if you are happy then something is wrong — unhappy, everything is good. If you are miserable nobody is worried about it, but if you are too happy, everybody is worried about you...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  68. No Image

    on inferiority complex and superiority complex.

    [Note: This is a translation from the Hindi Neo-Yoga Sutras, which is in the process of being edited. It is for research only.] My Beloved Ones, Yesterday, I talked of four sutras of Yoga. Today, I would like to talk to you on the fifth sutra. The fifth sutra of Yoga is: What is in the atom, is in the whole; what is in the micro, is in the...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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  69. No Image

    You may have one of the most Precious things and you may not be able to Use it

    [A sannyasin says he is not sure whether to continue with his master’s degree in sociology when he returns. He has four more years to complete. He enjoys university life but wonders if he could do more. Osho checks his energy] My feeling is that you should complete it; and it can be used in many ways…. Sociology can become of great importa...
    CategoryWork, Career
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  70. No Image

    Once one starts accepting and respecting oneself, life starts changing

    [A sannyasin who has just arrived says: I feel better.] Mm Mm, you are better and you will become better every day. One just has to accept the idea that one can be better and one starts becoming better. People are very miserly in accepting happiness; nothing else is a barrier. It is just that people cannot believe that they can be happy, t...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  71. No Image

    The greatest fear in the world is the fear of the unknown

    The greatest fear in the world is the fear of the unknown – and mind is a coward. Hence, the world at large perhaps may never be ready. Not that it does not feel the thirst; it feels the thirst, but it has not the guts to recognize it. Even to recognize it is dangerous. That means the beginning of a search, the beginning of a seeking, agai...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  72. No Image

    Never compare, because all comparison is foolish. Everybody is just like himself.

    Buddha says: IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO BE THOROUGH IN LEARNING AND EXHAUSTIVE IN INVESTIGATION. You have not even been thoroughly aware of your life, which is the most important thing here. You have not even investigated it -- what it is. You have taken it for granted, on the surface. All your knowledge about your life is borrowed. Whatsoeve...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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  73. No Image

    Seeing this game of happiness and unhappiness, the watcher, the meditator becomes unidentified with both

    Seeing this game of happiness and unhappiness, the watcher, the meditator becomes unidentified with both. When happiness comes he knows that unhappiness will be coming, so why get excited? When unhappiness comes he is not at all disturbed because he knows happiness will be coming just around the corner, so why become disturbed? He is neith...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  74. No Image

    Relationship between parents and children

    [A sannyasin’s father has died after a long illness and she says: I have to go somehow more to be with my mother, to finish something there. There is something there that feels so… unfinished emotionally with her, and now seems the time.] It is always so with parents… very difficult to finish. The relationship is such that to finish it nee...
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  75. No Image

    on Grace, recipient of grace and moment of death

    Question 1 : In one of your previous discourses you said that a sudden and direct descent of grace can become a disaster sometimes. the person might be harmed or become mad or he may even die. a question naturally arises: is grace not always beneficial? does grace not keep its own equilibrium? the mishap can also be due to the fact that th...
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  76. No Image

    Man is afraid of losing his body and his possessions

    Question : Osho, Why is man afraid to leave his body and his possessions? Because you don’t have anything else — just your body, your possessions. And what are your possessions? Extensions of your body. For example, no animal has created weapons, for the simple reason that animals are capable, strong; their teeth, their nails, are enough t...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  77. No Image

    Whatsoever is attained is attained forever. There is no way to fall back

    [A sannyasin said he was feeling a little apprehensive about going, saying that he hoped he would not lose that which he had gained while he was here.] You can never lose that. Whatsoever is attained is attained forever. There is no way to fall back. If you fall back that simply shows that you were imagining that you had attained something...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  78. No Image

    Unhappiness is the incapacity to understand life

    Question : ‘Happiness is not being smart enough to know what to worry about.’ Please comment. This must have been said by a very unhappy man, and yet a very egoistic one. He cannot recognise the fact that unhappiness is created by being unintelligent. He is trying to save his ego. He is saying that the grapes are sour. To be unhappy no int...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  79. No Image

    When the joy is there, there is no ego

    Question 3: Is the ego still working when i feel joy and contentment? Champak, when the joy is there, there is no ego. But when the joy is gone, the ego comes back; and when the ego comes back, it turns the joy into an experience. Otherwise, when the joy is there, there is no experiencer and no experience — there is no division. It is not ...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  80. No Image

    Desire is a cover-up for Anxiety. It is a trick

    Question 3: How is anxiety related to desire? It seems easier to see that one is desiring than to see that one is ‘anxieting’ — in fact, there is no verb form for anxiety, at least not in english. Am i desiring my anxiety or anxieting my desire? THE DESIRE IS NOTHING but an escape from the state of anxiety. Desires don’t create anxiety, as...
    CategoryDepression, Worry, Anxiety
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  81. No Image

    To be with trees and plants is beautiful because they go on growing

    [Another sannyasin is returning to his farm in the west.] Come back whenever you can find time. To be on a farm is beautiful. Make your work your meditation. Farming is the only work that is worth doing. Whenever you are with things which grow, you grow. That is the difficulty with machines: they don’t grow, so if you work with machines yo...
    CategoryWork, Career
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  82. No Image

    Tears are the language of the heart

    [A sannyasin says that in a group the leader told him he had a frozen heart. He has many tears coming up which he has always pushed down before. Osho checks his energy.] The heart is frozen… and the tears are the beginning of its melting. The more you allow tears, the more the heart will melt. And because you have never really cried in you...
    CategoryFeeling, Tears, Sympathy
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  83. No Image

    You need the mirror of relationship to see your being

    Just as you need a mirror to see your face so you need the mirror of relationship to see your being. Love functions as a mirror, it shows you where you are. what you are, who you are. Hence many people become afraid of relationship. They are cowards. They escape to the Himalayas or to Tibet or to the monasteries or to the caves. Why are th...
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  84. No Image

    if marriage arises out of intimacy then it is beautiful

    Question : Recently you talked again about the adverse aspects of marriage. Would you please talk about what you mean by intimacy? Particularly, when is staying together through difficult times positive and when is it negative? MARRIAGE is a way to avoid intimacy. It is a trick to create a formal relationship. Intimacy is informal. 11 marr...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  85. No Image

    Prostitution is a betrayal of the Body

    [A sannyasin says she has been working as a prostitute in the West. Returning there now to earn money to return here, she wonders whether to return to prostitution or not. A voice inside her says no – on the other hand it is a quick way to make money…. ] Then do something else, mm? do something else… because prostitution is a betrayal of t...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  86. No Image

    A dream is a very fragile thing; the reality goes on bumping in and breaking

    For the mind everything is crooked, not because everything is crooked – the way the mind looks, anything that penetrates the medium of the mind becomes crooked. Just as you put a straight thing into water, a straight staff, and suddenly you see the medium of the water has done something; it is no more straight. You bring it out of the wate...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  87. No Image

    The desire to exhibit is the desire of an ignorant mind

    The desire to exhibit is the desire of an ignorant mind. Why do you want to exhibit? Why do you want people to know you? What’s the cause of it? And why do you make it so significant in your life, the exhibition, that people should think that you are somebody very significant, important, extraordinary — WHY? Because you don’t have a self. ...
    CategoryNegative Mind, Reputation, Show-off, Judging
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  88. No Image

    What does it mean to Love Myself?

    Question 3 : Osho, What does it mean to Love Myself? Prem Kabir, one has to begin not by loving oneself, because you don’t know who you are. Who are you going to love? If you start by loving yourself, you will love only your ego, which is not your self, which is your false personality. Almost everybody loves his personality; everybody love...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  89. No Image

    Marriage and Commitment are not both the same thing

    [A sannyasin had written a letter about relationship with his girlfriend, who was living in London, and who wished to be married to him. He was uncertain as to what was the best thing to do as he had reservations about marriage but was in love with her.] One thing – don’t get married. That will be very destructive. You will never be able t...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  90. No Image

    Violence can never be a part of the rebellious spirit

    Question 1: Osho, Can you please say something about violence as the expression of rebellion? Milarepa, violence can never be a part of the rebellious spirit for the simple reason that violence is the whole past of humanity — and the rebel wants to discontinue with the past. Violence has been the way of life for millennia. Directly or indi...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  91. No Image

    Man lives in fear, that’s why he becomes hard. It is fear that creates hardness

    Man lives in fear, that’s why he becomes hard. It is fear that creates hardness. In fear we close up; we close all doors and all windows. We start living in a very small, dark hole. Our life already becomes death. And we create an armor around ourselves, hard, steel armor, so that we are protected, safe, secure. This is not a way to live l...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  92. No Image

    on Fear of Other’s Opinion – Never accept others’ opinions

    Man lives in fear, that’s why he becomes hard. It is fear that creates hardness. In fear we close up; we close all doors and all windows. We start living in a very small, dark hole. Our life already becomes death. And we create an armor around ourselves, hard, steel armor, so that we are protected, safe, secure. This is not a way to live l...
    CategoryNegative Mind, Reputation, Show-off, Judging
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  93. No Image

    How is one to Stop Worrying?

    Question : How is one to Stop Worrying? This is from “Pathik the Pathetic.” He unnecessarily goes on becoming pathetic. Now, “how to stop worrying?” What is the need to stop worrying? If you start trying to stop worrying, you create a new worry: how to stop worry. Then you start worrying about the worries; then you double them. There is no...
    CategoryDepression, Worry, Anxiety
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  94. No Image

    Desire is a cover-up for Anxiety. It is a trick

    Question 3: How is anxiety related to desire? It seems easier to see that one is desiring than to see that one is ‘anxieting’ — in fact, there is no verb form for anxiety, at least not in english. Am i desiring my anxiety or anxieting my desire? THE DESIRE IS NOTHING but an escape from the state of anxiety. Desires don’t create anxiety, as...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  95. No Image

    Help people to attain a loving insight into their lives, help people to love themselves

    [A sannyasin expresses concern about being a sannyasin in the West. She works in a personnel at a university. Osho says that is good work, and love is needed more than expertise…. ] The therapist, the counsellor, has to love the patients so deeply, so totally, that in his love something starts in the patient. Under that impact of love he a...
    CategoryWork, Career
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  96. No Image

    Compassion is always Therapeutic

    Question 1 "Only compassion is therapeutic" you said. could you comment on the word 'Compassion', compassion for oneself and compassion for the other? YES, only compassion is therapeutic -- because all that is ill in man is because of lack of love. All that is wrong with man is somewhere associated with love. He has not been able to love, ...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  97. No Image

    Everybody’s life, more or less, is governed by fear

    [A sannyasin says: My life seems to be governed by fear. Can you help me?] (a little chuckle) Mm, I will help, that’s why I am here! Everybody’s life, more or less, is governed by fear, because there are only two ways to live life. Either it can be governed by love, or it can be governed by fear. Ordinarily, unless you have learned to love...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  98. No Image

    Healing is a beautiful communication, deeper than any other communication

    [A sannyasin who is leaving said: Two months ago, you said you might give me a special healing meditation. I’ve been going to all the divine healings (that happen at each monthly camp) and they did much.] You would like to become a healer? … You will be able. It will be good for you. It will be good for others. Healing is a beautiful commu...
    CategoryTheraphy & Therapist
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  99. No Image

    on Ideals and Meditation – Drop all kinds of idealisms

    Man is unconscious, Although he believes he is conscious. That very belief protects his unconsciousness. Man is ignorant, although he believes he knows. That very belief keeps the ignorance intact. Man is just the opposite of what he thinks he is. To understand this is the beginning of a great revolution. To see where you are, what you are...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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