• Just see how much respect God has paid to you. You are a masterpiece – unrepeatable, incomparable, utterly unique.
    - Osho

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  1. No Image

    Food cannot make you spiritual, but if you are spiritual your food habits will change.

    Question 1 Osho, You were just talking about food, and now in the west food is a big cult. it's one of the things coming in as a basis of spirituality. You said if we're natural, we'll know what to eat and when to eat, but now we are out of touch with our childlike nature. Also, many religions say that the food you eat does make a differen...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  2. No Image

    Power is a way to repress your inferiority complex

    Bliss makes one victorious. Money cannot make one victorious; at the most It covers up your property It does not make you rich, remember. It simply helps you to forget your poverty, That’s all — poverty remains, persists But becomes repressed. Wealth is a way to repress poverty Power is a way To repress your inferiority complex, But you re...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  3. No Image

    Greedy people renounce the world.

    A repressed person is carrying the same world as you. Just an opportunity is needed, a provocation, and immediately the real will come out. That’s why monks disappear from the world — because there are too many provocations, too many temptations. It is difficult for them to remain contained, to hold on. So they go to the Himalayas or to th...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  4. No Image

    A real master always makes you feel good about yourself, not guilty; respectful towards yourself

    DO NOT CARRY WITH YOU YOUR MISTAKES. DO NOT CARRY YOUR CARES. Buddha says: Go alone, just remember two things. Don't carry your mistakes - that means, don't carry your past. There is no need even to repent about the past. Your religious people go on teaching you, "Repent!" because it is through repentance that they make you feel guilty, an...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  5. No Image

    Always listen to your own feelings, Listen to the heart

    [A sannyasin says: I feel that I always try to impress people, and that I don’t know how to respond immediately. In the group (the Aum marathon that she had just completed) I had a lot of anger and I wanted to use it, but I waited and looked to other people to see how they react. Yet when I let the anger out I feel good, because that’s rea...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  6. No Image

    Allow the spontaneous to happen, and the spontaneous happens just by living life intensely.

    The message is to never think about yourself in any way which condemns. One has to learn to respect oneself; that is the beginning of a great change. We have been taught to condemn, to despise, to hate. We have been told to love others but we have not been told to love ourselves, so we don’t have a good image of ourselves. And without a go...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  7. No Image

    Greed is simply nothing but the constant fear of the emptiness of the mind

    The mind is greed – and unless the mind disappears, greed goes on lingering in some way or other. Greed is simply nothing but the constant fear of the emptiness of the mind. It is an effort to somehow stuff the emptiness. So it can take any form. Sometimes you can go on stuffing food or relationships or love affairs and the mind can move f...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  8. No Image

    Money, Power, Prestige – they all make you cunning

    Pleasure is momentary, of time, for the time being; bliss is nontemporal, timeless. Pleasure begins and ends; bliss abides forever. Pleasure comes and goes; bliss never comes, never goes -- it is already there in the innermost core of your being. Pleasure has to be snatched away from the other; you become either a beggar or a thief. Bliss ...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  9. No Image

    I certainly want to become enlightened. but if i do, what difference does it make for the rest of the world?

    Question 5: I certainly want to become enlightened. but if i do, what difference does it make for the rest of the world? But why are you worried about the rest of the world? Let the world worry about itself. And you are not worried about what will happen to the rest of the world if you remain ignorant.... If you are ignorant, what happens ...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  10. No Image

    Do not discuss defects.

    And the third general point is: don't rationalize your errors and mistakes. The mind tends to rationalize. If you commit some mistake, the mind says, "It had to be so, there were reasons for it. I am not responsible, the very situation made this happen." And the mind is very clever at rationalizing everything. Avoid rationalizing your own ...
    CategoryNegative Mind, Reputation, Show-off, Judging
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  11. No Image

    Imitation will make you very stupid, unintelligent

    Question 4: Cannot people learn by Imitating others? Ramakrishna, That’s how people learn, but that s how people remain stupid. too. The only way practiced hitherto is that of imitating others. That makes you knowledgeable but it does not make you intelligent. It makes you more informed but it does not release your wisdom. It will make you...
    CategoryAttention, Imitation
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  12. No Image

    The cigarette is not a device for buddhahood

    Maneesha, before I introduce Hyakujo's sutras, and their meaning to me, I have to make you all understand that you must act intelligently. Just the other day, because I told Hasya not to unnecessarily struggle with dropping cigarettes -- her whole life she has been smoking -- many others who had already dropped, they immediately jumped! An...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  13. No Image

    Once homosexuality settles in the mind you are attracted only towards men

    [The sannyasin answers: But I have a lover... And I still eat. It started when I left here two years ago. I went back to Canada, and I started to feel I wanted to eat things that I didn't eat in India... ] The lover is a man... [The sannyasin answers: Yes.] ... that won't help much. Your Montreal is almost all homosexual, the whole city. T...
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  14. No Image

    I still want to get married. can i have your blessings?

    Question 7 : Osho, I know you are against marriage, but i still want to get married. can i have your blessings? Rakesh, MEDITATE OVER MURPHY'S MAXIM: A fool and his cool are soon parted. It is not yet published anywhere, but Asha is the custodian of Murphy's unpublished manuscripts, so she goes on supplying these maxims of Murphy to me. Me...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  15. No Image

    Anger and sadness are both the same

    Question: Osho, I can feel myself moving from anger into sadness. I don't know whether I should try and get the anger out or just let it explode inside. Anger and sadness are both the same. Sadness is passive anger and anger is active sadness. Because sadness comes easy, anger seems to be difficult. because you are too much in tune with th...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  16. No Image

    on Stress and Strain – Stress comes when one is result-oriented

    [The ashram doctor who is setting up a medical laboratory says that while he really enjoys his work he tends to feel a certain amount of stress with it too… ] No, that must be just an old habit. You have to drop the stress. The work has to be just a joy. There is no need to be in any stress or strain, because we are not performing anything...
    CategoryPerfection, Stress
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  17. No Image

    Never feel lonely. You are never lonely. At the deepest core of your being, God resides

    And remember the difference between loneliness and aloneness. Never feel lonely. You are never lonely. At the deepest core of your being, God resides; he is always with you. And whenever you are alone, only then will you be able to hear his footsteps. Whenever you are alone, only then will you be able to hear his music, his whisperings. He...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  18. No Image

    What do you have to say about darkness? : they are just two names of one thing — aloneness or darkness.

    Question : Osho, What do you have to say about darkness? I have much to say about darkness, because nobody has taken notice of the mystery that darkness is. Much has been said about light, almost nothing about darkness. But darkness is a much deeper phenomenon than light is. Light comes and goes — darkness remains; it never comes, it never...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  19. No Image

    What is yes?

    Question 3: Osho, What is yes? i find that i have no real understanding of it. i have seen that whenever i say yes, there is a hint of surprise, as if i am amazed that there is no reason to say no. my yes is always instead of no. where is the seat of this experience, yes...? Prem Satyamo, yes contains the very essence of all religions. Say...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  20. No Image

    The whole body is made for vegetarian food

    Before you can understand this sutra, many more things have to be understood. The body has been very much misused. You have mistreated your own body. You don't know the mystery of the body itself. It is not just the skin; it is not just the bones; it is not just the blood. It is a great organic unity, a great dynamism. For centuries man th...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  21. No Image

    I have said, "Express your negative emotions;" I have not said, "Publicly."

    Question 2 Osho, have you suggested that now is the time for me to live out my negative emotions, because in the past i never allowed myself to show them in public? i remember a group experience, years ago, in which one of the exercises was to express, in your own way, any emotion suggested, and i was unable to express anything except ange...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  22. No Image

    on Revenge : Just twenty-four hours, try not to react, not to reject, whatsoever happens

    Absolutely nothing can touch him. Why? If you follow me rightly, only the ego can be touched. It is very touchy. If somebody just looks at you in a certain way, it is touched. He has not done anything. If somebody smiles a little, it is touched; if somebody just turns his head and does not look at you, it is touched. It is very touchy. It ...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  23. No Image

    The fear of being left alone

    Question 2: Beloved Osho, My biggest fear and limitation, as far as i can discover, is the fear of being left alone. I feel that this always had, and still has, a strong influence on my life and my relationships. Besides feeling this fear and letting it be there — which i obviously haven’t done enough — is there any other way out of it? Be...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  24. No Image

    Seekers have always moved into solitary existence

    It has been happening always, that a Buddha moves to the mountains, a Jesus moves to the mountains, a Mahavira goes into the mountains. Why do they move to the mountains, to the loneliness? Why do they become solitaries? Just to face their inner mountains immediately and directly. In society it is difficult because the whole energy is wast...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  25. No Image

    Ambition is violent, ambition is murderous

    The politicians have always been stupid; this is nothing new. Otherwise why should they be politicians? They would have been poets, they would have been mystics, they would have been painters, they would have been musicians, they would have been dancers. But when a person cannot be anything, when he has no talents, no intelligence, then, t...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  26. No Image

    Imperfection is the root of all growth; perfection can only be death

    Question : Osho, In this phase of your work, are you giving the final touch to the painting of your whole life, for the transformation of the new human being? My work is not like a painter’s work. It is not that I can complete the painting; it is one long painting. And I will be giving touches to the painting even when I am breathing my la...
    CategoryPerfection, Stress
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  27. No Image

    People say that they want to stop, but they are not yet tired

    People say that they want to stop, but they are not yet tired – so they say one thing and they do just the opposite. Because to stop running means to stop ambition. To stop running means to stop desire. To stop running means to drop the future completely – to live here and now. Then there is no running. If there is a then and there, one ru...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  28. No Image

    on hypocrisy – All kinds of goals basically create deep down in you a split, a hypocrisy

    You ask me: How may I come to you? There is no need. You have to come to YOU, not to me. I am not here to create a new kind of neurosis. There are enough alternatives available! Christianity, Hinduism, Mohammedanism, Jainism, Buddhism… three hundred religions in the world. You can choose your own kind of neurosis; they come in all shapes, ...
    CategoryHypocrisy, Diplomacy, Compromise
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  29. No Image

    What is Diplomacy?

    Question 3: Osho, What is Diplomacy? Sandeep, DIPLOMACY IS A BEAUTIFUL NAME for all kinds of cunningness. It is a beautiful label for all that is ugly. It is an effort to cover human violence, human stupidity, human cunningness, behind a beautiful word. Diplomacy is simply an effort to dominate. It may be between persons, it may be between...
    CategoryHypocrisy, Diplomacy, Compromise
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  30. No Image

    on Drugs Addiction – The person needs help, the person needs sympathy

    [A sannyasin says she is addicted to heroin, and asks Osho to help her with it.] It will disappear; no need to worry about it. Just go through groups, mm? Be here one month, and in this one month try to carry on without drugs as much as possible. Don’t be too hard on yourself either: if sometimes you take a little bit, nothing to worry abo...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  31. No Image

    What about physical pain?

    Question 1 I have glimpses of how psychological, existential pain is created by the ego. It is homemade, and it can be unmade. But what about physical pain: why is it there? Is it a necessary part of dying? I do not feel I am afraid of death as much as I am afraid of physical pain, senility, old age. Psychological pain can be dissolved; an...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  32. No Image

    on Trusting oneself and Stop doing Imitation

    It is better to be ignorant; at least the ignorance is yours. It is authentic, it is real, sincere and honest! Don’t go on with borrowed knowledge. Otherwise you will forget that you are ignorant, and you will remain ignorant. This sutra says ”… MOTHER PARTICULAR KNOWINGS.” Always try to know something in a way that is fresh, direct, immed...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  33. No Image

    The workaholic is not total in his work. The workaholic is addicted to work

    Question 2: Osho, Could you talk about the difference between a workaholic and someone who is total in their work? Maneesha, the difference is very great. The workaholic is not total in his work. The workaholic is addicted to work, he cannot sit silently. He has to do something; whether it is needed or not, that is not the question. Now in...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  34. No Image

    on Jealous, Marriage, Woman

    Question 1: Osho I want to tell you that i am totally turned on to you, and it's just far out being with you. i have just one question, maybe it's nothing spiritual but for me it's quite something - my jealousy. i have been with my boyfriend for two years and we still enjoy being together, but if he goes with other women i freak out. this ...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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  35. No Image

    on Watching Television

    Awareness is non-judgmental, just like the mirror. It only reflects, it does not say, “You are really a great beauty!” It does not say, “You are really very homely — just get out of the way; it hurts to see you. From where have you got this face?” The mirror simply reflects without in any way judging, appreciating, saying anything about wh...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  36. No Image

    Power cannot fulfill a love need

    The ego goes on agreeing for wrong things, because the ego can exist only with the wrong. It feeds on the wrong. So whenever you feel that your ego is fulfilled, beware! — you have eaten something wrong, you have swallowed something wrong. Whenever you feel egoless, relax — now you have eaten the right, something which is in tune with your...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  37. No Image

    Why am I scared to accept myself the way i am?

    Question 1: Osho, Why am I scared to accept myself the way i am? Kalyan Mitto, everybody is in the same situation. Everybody is scared to accept himself the way he is. This is how all the past centuries of mankind have cultivated, conditioned every child, every human being. The strategy is simple but very dangerous. The strategy is to cond...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  38. No Image

    A tense person is a curse, A non-tense person is a blessing

    Bliss is possible only when one is in a natural state. Man is living in a very unnatural state. Man is the only animal who has gone unnatural; otherwise the whole existence is natural. Man has fallen out of harmony, and the misfortune happened because man started improving upon himself, he started having dreams about himself, about how he ...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  39. No Image

    Don’t be dominated and Don’t try to dominate

    You should not try to influence anybody, and you should be alert that you are not influenced by others. The ego can do both but it cannot remain in the middle. The ego can try to influence, then it feels good, dominating, but remember that the ego also feels good being dominated. The masters feel good because so many slaves are dominated, ...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  40. No Image

    They used to drink, but they never got drunk. That is one of the ways of tantra, a method

    Question 13: How is it that great masters like Chogyam Trungpa get so drunk on occasional festivities that they have to be carried home? Can the use of alcohol for enjoyment disturb a certain awareness of seekers? Who told you that this man is a Master? He belongs to a tradition in which many Masters have existed, but he carries just the d...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  41. No Image

    The greatest fear in the world is the fear of the unknown

    The greatest fear in the world is the fear of the unknown – and mind is a coward. Hence, the world at large perhaps may never be ready. Not that it does not feel the thirst; it feels the thirst, but it has not the guts to recognize it. Even to recognize it is dangerous. That means the beginning of a search, the beginning of a seeking, agai...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  42. No Image

    Can one take the sudden jump with the help of drugs?

    Question 6: Can one take the sudden jump with the help of drugs? No. That will be the jump of the drug, not yours; and the point is for you to take the jump, not the drug. Drugs are not in search of enlightenment; they are quite well as they are. If you take a drug, and something happens to you, it is happening to the drug really, not to y...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  43. No Image

    One has to learn to respect oneself

    The message is to never think about yourself in any way which condemns. One has to learn to respect oneself; that is the beginning of a great change. We have been taught to condemn, to despise, to hate. We have been told to love others but we have not been told to love ourselves, so we don’t have a good image of ourselves. And without a go...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  44. No Image

    What is the Desire for Perfection?

    Question 1 : What is the Desire for Perfection? ADHEERA, THE DESIRE FOR PERFECTION is the search for the lost womb. The paradise — lost. The child is utterly happy in the mother’s womb; that memory persists. It is not just a memory in the brain, it is in every cell of the body, every fiber of the body. It is all over you. That memory persi...
    CategoryPerfection, Stress
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  45. No Image

    Integrated, you are free; integrated, you become rebellious

    Appearances are very deceptive. Appearances may give you respectability but they cannot give you contentment. And some day or other, in some way or other, the truth has a way of surfacing. Truth cannot be repressed forever. If it can be repressed forever, eternally, then it is not truth. In the very definition of truth one should include t...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  46. No Image

    on Forgiveness

    Question 2: Osho, Recently rudolph hess, one to the last nazi big shots, died. he committed suicide in jail in berlin, where he was imprisoned for forty-six years. he was the right hand man of adolf hitler. "I don't repent anything," he said before the court in nuremburg, "and if i could start from the very beginning, i would do the same t...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  47. No Image

    The most basic and the most fundamental commandment is to love oneself.

    [A group member says: I cried really deeply. I rejected at first that the past was still part of me, then I realised that it was, and I began feeling better. It has given me a lot of energy] Much energy is wasted in fighting with oneself; in rejecting, in condemning. Much energy is wasted. If you start accepting yourself, you become a rese...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  48. No Image

    What is the relationship between power and responsibility?

    Question 4: Osho, Is there such a thing as personal power which is different from power over others? What is the relationship between power and responsibility? They are two totally different things: personal power and power over others. Not only are they different, they are diametrically opposite. The person who knows himself, understands ...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  49. No Image

    Would you tell us about jealousy?

    Question : Osho, Whenever you speak of our failings, you usually mention anger, sex and jealousy. anger and sex seem fairly straightforward, but there's some confusion about exactly what jealousy is, and it's harder to get to the core. Would you tell us about jealousy? Yes, I make more mention of anger, sex, and less of jealousy, becauseje...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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  50. No Image

    Loneliness cannot create love, it creates need. Love is not a need.

    Loneliness cannot create love, it creates need. Love is not a need. Then what is love? Love is luxury. It comes out of aloneness, when you are tremendously alone and happy and joyous and celebrating, and great energy goes on storing in you. You don’t need anybody. In that moment the energy is so much, you would like it to be shared. Then y...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  51. No Image

    When you want to be alone, simply say you want to be alone

    [A sannyasin, looking close to tears as he talked, told Osho that he was feeling very sad and was easily hurt, and had felt like this for several weeks but he was unable to say what he felt was the reason for this. Osho asked his wife, who was also present, if she could comment, as her husband was not very clear about what was happening. O...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  52. No Image

    on healing emotional wounds : Don't throw it away. Absorb it

    We go on avoiding our own misery. If you feel miserable, you put on the radio or the tv and you become engaged. You start reading the newspaper so that you can forget your misery, or you go to the movies, or you go to your woman or your man. You go to the club, you go shopping in the market, just somehow to keep yourself away from yourself...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  53. No Image

    on Possessor and Possessions

    Seeds of slavery are hidden in the desire to be a possessor, a master, because we have to become His slave also whose possessor — master — we shall be. We have to become slaves because our mastery — ownership — depends upon Him whose possessor we become. When the ownership — possession, depends upon someone else, then how can we be the own...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  54. No Image

    Can LSD be used as a help in meditation?

    Question : Can LSD be used as a help in meditation? LSD can be used as a help, but the help is very dangerous; it is not so easy. If you use a mantra, even that can become difficult to throw, but if you use acid, LSD it will be even more difficult to throw. The moment you are on an LSD trip you are not in control. Chemistry takes control a...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  55. No Image

    More a person is suffering from Inferiority, more ambitious he becomes

    Try to understand why there is ambition within us. What is the reason for our running so madly? The reason is that the more a person is suffering from inferiority, the more ambitious he becomes. The more inferiority you experience, the more you feel that you are nothing, the more you will become ambitious. Why? Through ambition, you want t...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  56. No Image

    I am not against non-vegetarian foods for any other reasons

    Question 2 Osho, Oh that i could have died of the shame that you've been nauseated by me... Thank you for such a drastic reason to give up non-vegetarian habits. it hasn't arisen out of my own awareness yet and i suspect this was my conditioning. my childhood was ruled by jewish dietary laws and rituals -- there were so many foods forbidde...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  57. No Image

    on the habit of overeating

    [A sannyasin had come to darshan two weeks ago saying that he was overeating. Osho suggested he chew his food more carefully, at least forty times for each mouthful, and that he spend a certain time each day having food fantasies. He reports to Osho: I have chewed the food very slowly, and at first I was very sad, but now that has gone and...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  58. No Image

    on Trusting oneself and Stop doing Imitation

    It is better to be ignorant; at least the ignorance is yours. It is authentic, it is real, sincere and honest! Don’t go on with borrowed knowledge. Otherwise you will forget that you are ignorant, and you will remain ignorant. This sutra says ”… MOTHER PARTICULAR KNOWINGS.” Always try to know something in a way that is fresh, direct, immed...
    CategoryAttention, Imitation
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  59. No Image

    The courage to leap into the void is man's only true courage

    26 Evening has merged into night. Some people have come. They say, "You teach nothingness. But the thought of nothingness. terrifies us. Is there nothing we can hold on to?" I tell them that courage is certainly essential for a leap into the void. But those who leap in, do not attain nothingness, they attain wholeness. And those who hold o...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  60. No Image

    Hobbies are means to keep escaping from yourself

    Question : Osho, What is your Hobby? Anando, I have none. I don’t need any. A hobby is needed to keep you occupied. When you are tired of your ordinary occupation — and naturally one gets tired of earning bread and butter — when you are tired of your ordinary occupation there are only two alternatives. Either be unoccupied…which creates gr...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  61. No Image

    If you cannot trust life, who are you going to trust?

    LIFE CAN BE LIVED IN TWO WAYS. One is that of the soldier, and the other, that of the sannyasin. Either you can fight with life or you can relax with life. Either you can try to conquer life or you can live in a deep let-go. The path of the soldier is the wrong path, because it is impossible to conquer life — the part cannot conquer the wh...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  62. No Image

    I teach you self-love. But remember, self-love does not mean egotistical pride, not at all.

    Question : Will you please speak about the difference between a healthy love of oneself and egoistical pride? Aikagro, there is a great difference between the two, although they both look very alike. The healthy love of oneself is a great religious value. The person who does not love himself will not be able to love anybody else, ever. The...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  63. No Image

    Why do people need so much attention?

    The basic characteristic of a Buddha, the Buddha Dhamma, his unique quality, is that he is not, that he has no attributes, that he is indefinable, that whatsoever definition you put upon him will be unjust because it will demark him, it will limit him, and he is not limited. He is pure void. He is a nobody. Buddha is so ordinary that if yo...
    CategoryAttention, Imitation
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  64. No Image

    Drugs can slowly slowly destroy your capacities to Meditate

    [A new sannyasin from America, says that she gets high meditating but now and then she slips back into drug-taking. Osho says that drug-taking and meditation are polar opposites though they may appear to be similar.] The drug experience is a forced, phony experience, but because we don't know the real, the phony seems to be right. If you h...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  65. No Image

    What is ambition?

    Question 2: Osho, What is ambition? To live without ambition seems frightening, like starting a new life up from the beginning. Latifa, Ambition is the greatest poison there is. It brings all other poisons in: greed, violence, competitiveness, struggle, a constant state of war with everybody else. It does not allow you any space for love t...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  66. No Image

    on Success

    Deva means divine, samapatti means richness, wealth, treasure -- divine treasure. It is there -- and you have not claimed it yet -- and it is yours, just for the asking. You need not spread your hands anywhere before anybody. The treasure is hidden within your own heart. And people go on searching everywhere else except in the heart. They ...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  67. No Image

    The greatest fear in the world is to be left Alone

    To be alone is the greatest achievement. One feels always a need for the other. There is a Tremendous need for the other because something is lacking within ourselves. We have holes in our being; we stuff those holes with the presence of the other. The other somehow makes us complete, otherwise we are incomplete. Without the other we don’t...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  68. No Image

    Solitariness is ugly, Solitude is beautiful.

    Man can live either on the circumference or at the centre. To live at the circumference is easy, cheap, because everybody is living there. But to live at the centre is a great challenge, because you will be living there all alone. You will not find a crowd there. And to be alone needs the greatest courage in the world, that’s why very few ...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  69. No Image

    Once one starts accepting and respecting oneself, life starts changing

    [A sannyasin who has just arrived says: I feel better.] Mm Mm, you are better and you will become better every day. One just has to accept the idea that one can be better and one starts becoming better. People are very miserly in accepting happiness; nothing else is a barrier. It is just that people cannot believe that they can be happy, t...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  70. No Image

    Should one first come to terms with ones own Loneliness before entering into relationship?

    Question : Should one first come to terms with ones own Loneliness before entering into relationship? Yes, you have to come to terms with your loneliness, so much so that the loneliness is transformed into aloneness. Only then will you be capable of moving into a deep enriching relationship. Only then will you be able to move into love. Wh...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  71. No Image

    When you want to be alone, simply say you want to be alone

    [A sannyasin, looking close to tears as he talked, told Osho that he was feeling very sad and was easily hurt, and had felt like this for several weeks but he was unable to say what he felt was the reason for this. Osho asked his wife, who was also present, if she could comment, as her husband was not very clear about what was happening. O...
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  72. No Image

    With drugs, or with a false technique, you never grow.

    Once you have come to a point in your being, it can never be lost unless it was simply a dream. Only a dream can be lost. Drugs cannot give you reality. They can only give you very beautiful dreams. Or even horrible dreams – it depends on you, the dreamer. You can hypnotize yourself into a particular dream; there are hypnotic techniques. I...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  73. No Image

    Each individual is unique, so unique that you have to discover yourself all alone

    The greatest courage in life is needed when you go inwards, for many reasons… The first is: it is a flight from the alone to the alone, it is going deeper into your aloneness. And man is caught up in such a way that he becomes accustomed to company, to people, to family. He forgets absolutely the joy of being alone; hence there is a fear o...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  74. No Image

    A distinction between two words: lonely and alone

    You must make a distinction between two words: lonely and alone. In the dictionary they carry the same meaning, but those who have been meditating, they know the distinction. They are not the same, they are as different as possible. Loneliness is an ugly thing; loneliness is a depressive thing — it is a sadness; it is an absence of the oth...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  75. No Image

    Please talk about the Misuse of Power.

    Question : Osho, Please talk about the Misuse of Power. Shantam Divyama, there is the famous statement of an English philosopher: “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I do not agree with him. My analysis is totally different. Everybody is full of violence, greed, anger, passion — but has no power; so he remains a saint. To...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  76. No Image

    Why did the mind develop in a destructive direction?

    Question 2: Why did the mind develop in a destructive direction? Man has lived almost four million years on this planet. In these four million years most of the time there were dark nights without fire, wild animals, danger all around, and every moment full of fear. Out of this fear and danger man has had to create a certain capacity to su...
    CategoryNegative Mind, Reputation, Show-off, Judging
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  77. No Image

    What is unconsciousness?

    Question 3: Osho, What is unconsciousness? Consciousness means living with a witness; unconsciousness means living without a witness. When you are walking on the road, you can walk consciously - that's what Buddha says one should do - you are alert, deep down you are aware that you are walking; you are conscious of each movement. You are c...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  78. No Image

    Is there any relation or similarity between samadhi and drugs?

    Question 7: I often take drugs. once when i was attending the discourse, i closed my eyes and suddenly felt the same as i feel on a drug trip. osho, is there any relation or similarity between samadhi and drugs? There is and there is not. There is because drugs create a false SAMADHI, a pseudo SAMADHI almost like the SAMADHI. SO there is a...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  79. No Image

    Why are people spacing out instead of in?

    Question : Osho, Why are people spacing out instead of in? Because spacing out is simple. It can be done through chemical means, through drugs, through alcohol, through LSD, through marijuana, through hashish. It is simple, because the question is just eating something or smoking something, and you space out. But no drug can take you in. T...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  80. No Image

    Don’t waste your time in trying to dominate others

    Buddha says: MASTER YOURSELF.... If you are at all interested in mastery -- and who is not interested? -- then become interested in self-mastery. Don't waste your time in trying to dominate others. The effort to dominate others creates political conflict; the whole world is full of it. Even in personal relationships politics enters and des...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  81. No Image

    The whole anxiety of man is that he wants to choose that which looks beautiful, bright

    Question 1: Osho, Sometimes, when dark sides of my mind come up, it really scares me. it is very difficult for me to accept that it is just the polar opposite of the bright ones. i feel dirty and guilty and not worthy of sitting with you in your immaculate presence. I want to face all facets of my mind and accept them because i hear you of...
    CategoryDepression, Worry, Anxiety
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  82. No Image

    The nourishment of the ego comes from the challenge of the far away

    Truth is the most obvious and the most simple thing in existence. This has created tremendous difficulty – the mind is not interested in the obvious. The mind is not excited by the simple, because deep down mind is nothing but your ego, and the nourishment of the ego comes from the challenge of the far away. The more arduous, the more tort...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  83. No Image

    It is good to feel helpless, Prayer arises out of helplessness

    [A sannyasin said that Ma Vipassana who is seriously ill is his friend; he would like to do something but feels helpless.] It is good to feel helpless… prayer arises out of helplessness. And that helplessness will help your ego to drop. If you can do something in every situation then the ego never drops. You have to come to face certain si...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  84. No Image

    God is synonymous with existence. So Never search for experiences.

    Veet means beyond, anubhavo means experience. God is beyond all experience. You cannot experience God because he is not separate from you. You can live God, you can be God, but you cannot experience him. We can experience things only when they are separate from us. You cannot see yourself, and God is your innermost core — you cannot see Go...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  85. No Image

    The greatest art needed in life is to bring a Madman to Sanity

    [A sannyasin asks about his brother, a former drug-taker and now a religious fanatic, who spends the day lying on his bed.] I understand the type. The only way to bring him out is not to argue with him – the first thing… not to give him any indication that you want to bring him out of his state, otherwise he will defend himself. Even if he...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  86. No Image

    on the difference between Pleasure, Happiness, Joy and Bliss

    Meditate over it as deeply as possible, because it contains one of the most fundamental truths. These four words will have to be understood, pondered over. The first is pleasure, the second, happiness; the third is joy, and the fourth is bliss. Pleasure is physical, physiological. Pleasure is the most superficial thing in life; it is titil...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  87. No Image

    I am responsible for myself.

    DRIVE ALL BLAME INTO ONE. The third sutra. The ordinary mind always throws the responsibility on somebody else. It is always the other who is making you suffer. Your wife is making you suffer, your husband is making you suffer, your parents are making you suffer, your children are making you suffer, or the financial system of the society, ...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  88. No Image

    on Compromise – I am absolutely against compromise. Death is far more beautiful than a life of compromise.

    Question : Beloved Osho, Why do I always Compromise? One compromises because one is not certain about one’s truth, one is not certain about one’s own experience. The moment you have experienced something, it is impossible to compromise. There is no possibility at all. You compromise only because your idea is only a mind thing, a borrowed t...
    CategoryHypocrisy, Diplomacy, Compromise
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  89. No Image

    LSD gives you unconsciousness, not consciousness.

    Hakuin is one of the most respected Zen masters. His respect is because of his ability to express the inexpressible, to create devices that somehow can manage to give you a glimpse of the unknown. He is basically concerned with the method. If a right method is used in the right time and ripe time, it is not going to fail. If you are on the...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  90. No Image

    What is the Difference between Accepting myself and Loving Myself?

    Question 1: Osho, What is the Difference between Accepting myself and Loving Myself? THERE is great difference between the two. Accepting yourself is a much lower state of consciousness – better, of course, than rejecting yourself. It is a medicine; the disease is rejection. And anything medicinal has no permanent or ultimate value; its va...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  91. No Image

    on Relationship, Loving Oneself and Loving Others

    You meet people of the same plane. So the first thing to remember is: a relationship is bound to be bitter if it has grown out of unhappiness. First be happy, be joyful, be celebrating, and then you will find some other soul celebrating and there will be a meeting of two dancing souls and a great dance will arise out of it. Don’t ask for a...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  92. No Image

    on Loving Oneself and Growth

    Anand Narayani. Anand means bliss; Narayani means a goddess -- a goddess of bliss. That's what we are meant to be -- gods and goddesses of bliss. And if we are not it is simply because of our own foolishness; it is simply because of our own misunderstanding of life. We are responsible. Nobody is preventing us from becoming what we are supp...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  93. No Image

    You don't know your aloneness

    Question 1: Osho, It seems that one of the greatest hurdles that faces a human being is to be alone, to stand alone in the face of the opinions of the world, to stand alone in the face of the lies of the world, to be able to be physically alone, and, ultimately, to be alone without even our minds - the companion of last resort. We really k...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  94. No Image

    The more egoist a person is the more he has to remain lonely

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Why is it that we are all so afraid of a hit from the master? when it is happening, it is proof that it is just what we needed, yet the fear remains. is cowardice an essential part of the ego? The ego is cowardice. Cowardice is not an essential part of the ego, it is the whole of the ego. And it is bound to be so, ...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  95. No Image

    Obsession with food or clothes or cleaniness or money

    Question : You talk a lot about people obsesssed with sex — but what is obsession? Obsession with food or clothes or cleaniness, etcetera? OBSESSION SIMPLY MEANS you are paying too much attention and energy to something which is not that important. Out of all proportion you have become focussed, hypnotized by something. Obsession is a kind...
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  96. No Image

    Negative addiction and Positive Addiction

    Deva means divine and giresh means god of the mountains. The full name will mean: god of the divine mountains. And I am giving this name to you for a certain reason – that your path will be almost as if one is climbing a mountain. A few people move towards height and few people move towards depth. Ultimately they both culminate in the same...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  97. No Image

    Loneliness is darkness, impotence; aloneness is light, potence

    Bliss needs great courage. Any courage can afford misery — that’s why there are so many miserable people. It costs nothing to be miserable, it is not a risk at all. It is very convenient to be miserable; in fact, comfortable to be miserable. It feels secure to be miserable. But to be blissful is dangerous, risky. It is dangerous because it...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  98. No Image

    on Being Oneself : How can I be Myself?

    Question 1: Osho, How can I be myself? That should be the easiest thing in the world, but it is not. To be oneself one need not do anything; one already is. How can you be otherwise? How can you be anybody else? But I can understand the problem. The problem arises because the society corrupts everybody. The society up to now has been a gre...
    CategoryAccept yourself, Love yourself
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  99. No Image

    When depressed, be depressed. Simply be depressed. Don’t get depressed about your depression

    With every suffering, you are creating the possibility of some ecstasy. The ecstasy will follow right after it. But if you are too engaged with the suffering, you may miss it. If you are ill, after that illness a moment of health, a moment of well-being, will come to you. But you can be too concerned with the illness so that when the momen...
    CategoryDepression, Worry, Anxiety
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