• The moment you are interested in becoming somebody else you become complex. To be content with yourself as you are is simple.
    - Osho

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Question 2:

Beloved Osho,

My biggest fear and limitation, as far as i can discover, is the fear of being left alone. I feel that this always had, and still has, a strong influence on my life and my relationships. Besides feeling this fear and letting it be there — which i obviously haven’t done enough — is there any other way out of it? Beloved master, would you like to talk about this fear of being left, and alone?



Sadhan, the fear of being left alone is something natural, because everybody is born in a family, so from the very beginning one is always within a certain group, a certain crowd, a certain religion. Always there are people surrounding you. So being amongst people becomes almost natural to us, although it is only a habit.


It is not natural; as far as nature is concerned, everybody is born alone. It does not matter that one is born in a family. For nine months in the mother’s womb you are alone. After you are born, whenever you close your eyes you will find your aloneness. Even in the marketplace, just close your eyes and you will find yourself alone.


Aloneness is your very nature, and the crowd is just a habit. But the habit has become so strong and you have become so unaware of your nature that there is always a fear that if everybody leaves you, what are you going to do? In fact, you don’t know who you are if everybody leaves you. It is their opinions which create an identity for you.


Somebody says to you, “Sadhan, you are so beautiful.” He is giving you a certain identity. Somebody says, “You are so intelligent,” somebody says, “You are so joyful,” somebody says, “You are so loving.” These are all opinions. They may have been expressed only as a form of etiquette, they may not mean anything, but you collect these opinions. And this is what your personality is.


Your personality depends on what people say about you. That’s why everybody is so much concerned about his reputation, his name, his prestige. And society exploits this situation very cleverly. It keeps everybody trembling, afraid, because society has the power to take away your respectability, your honor. You are a slave, unknowingly, because you depend on society for your identity. Without that identity you don’t know who you are. That is the ultimate fear of being left alone, that you will not know who you are.


I have told you a Sufi story …. A Sufi mystic comes to Mecca. It is a festival time, when Mohammedans from all over the world come to Mecca. It is part of their religion that every Mohammedan at least once in his life must go to Mecca. I have seen poor Mohammedans … And Mohammedans are poor because of certain of their religious ideas. They are so fanatic that they cannot change those ideas, and unless they change those ideas they are not going to be rich. Their ideas simply go against the whole economics.


Mohammedans are against lending money with interest or borrowing money with interest. Now, the whole world of economics depends on interest. The whole of banking, the whole of business, even the nations, even the greatest industrialists, the super-rich — all are dependent on loans. Nobody is going to give you money without interest, and Mohammedanism is against interest, saying that it is the greatest sin, to take interest or to give interest. Naturally, Mohammedans have remained the poorest people of the world.


I have seen poor Mohammedans selling their houses, their land or whatsoever they had, just to go at least once to Mecca; otherwise they are not perfect Mohammedans. How are they going to face their God? The first question he will ask is, “Have you been to Mecca or not?”


This Sufi mystic, a poor Mohammedan, went to Mecca. All the hotels were full, all the caravanserais were full. And he was not a rich man. He knocked on many doors, but everywhere he was refused — millions of people had gathered there. And in the desert in the cold night, hungry and thirsty, how was he going to survive? Finally he told the manager of a hotel, “I will lie down anywhere — on the steps, in the basement. But at least for the night … I am tired, I have been walking miles and miles to reach here.”


The manager said, “I can see you are tired and you look a very simple and humble man. I cannot refuse you. But the trouble is, we don’t have any room, any place. Just one thing is possible. One room I have given to a man — he is rich. It is a double bedroom; he is alone, but he has paid for the room. I can ask him, perhaps he may feel some compassion for you. So come with me.”


The manager thought, “There is no problem, because one bed is empty. Why send this poor man …? He can go to sleep.” So the manager left, and the mystic, with his turban, with his shoes, with his coat, went to bed — even with his shoes on. He wore everything, and of course sleep was difficult. He was tossing and turning, and because of his tossing and turning the man to whom the room belonged could not sleep.


Finally the man said, “Listen, I have allowed you to sleep here but you don’t sleep, you are simply tossing and turning. And I can see that in such a situation nobody can sleep: you have not even taken your shoes off, your turban is on, you are sleeping in a tight coat; it is impossible. And you are not allowing me either to sleep.”


The mystic said, “It is a great problem.”


The man said, “What is the great problem?”


He said, “You are sleeping naked; I also have the habit of sleeping naked.”


So the man said, “Then what is the problem? Just get naked and go to sleep!”


The mystic said, “It is not so easy. The problem is, if I go to sleep naked, in the morning how am I going to find out who is me — you or me? Because my only identity is my clothes: my turban, my shoes. Naked, I don’t have any identity. So in the morning who will say who I am ?”


The man laughed at the stupidity. He said, “I will suggest to you something. Just look in the corner — some toy … perhaps the previous people who stayed in the room, their children must have left it.” So he said, “Do one thing: take that toy, tie it to your foot and go to sleep. In the morning you can see that the toy is there, so it is certainly you.”


The mystic said, “That sounds absolutely right.” He dropped his clothes, got naked; the other man helped in tying the toy to his foot and he fell asleep and immediately started snoring. He was really tired. The other man had an idea. He untied the toy, tied it to his foot, and went to sleep. In the morning the mystic woke up, looked at his foot, looked at the other man’s foot and said, “My God, I know you are me, but who am I? It is absolutely certain you are me, because the toy is there on your foot. But now the problem arises, who am I?”


Mystics have used this story for centuries to tell you that your whole identity consists of very nonessential things: and those are the opinions given by others to you. They can withdraw their opinions; hence people are always afraid to do anything that goes against tradition, religion, political ideology, nationalistic attitudes. Even if it seems absolutely wrong, people go on supporting it for the simple reason that they are afraid that if they raise their voice against anything traditional, society can withdraw the identity that it has given to them. And then you will not know who you are.


This is the fear, Sadhan, that if you are left alone, how will you know who you are? Those people who had made you something, somebody, are all gone. And the fear remains until you come to know yourself directly, not via the other.


These are the two things to be remembered. When you know yourself via others, it is your personality, just a thin layer of opinions. When you know yourself directly, you know your individuality. And once you have known your individuality, the fear of being left alone disappears. There is no other way.


You are asking, “My biggest fear and limitation, as far as I can discover, is the fear of being left alone.” This is not only your fear, this is the fear every human being suffers from. It is good that you have become aware of it, because that is the first step towards getting rid of it.


“I feel that this always had, and still has, a strong influence on my life and my relationships.” If the fear is there it is bound to have an influence on your life, because you will always move in such a way that you are not left alone, whatever the price you have to pay, even if you have to remain a slave your whole life. If you have to sell your soul you will sell it, but you will remain surrounded by the crowd. It feels cozy, secure, safe. You know who you are.


It will destroy your whole spiritual beauty, your spiritual glory. It will destroy all your possibilities of inner growth. And it is going to influence your relationships. Millions of people go on living in relationships which are simply hell; but just out of the fear that they will be left alone they go on clinging. It is miserable, it is a great suffering, it is a torture, but at least somebody is with you.


In comparison to being left alone, it is better to be miserable but to be with someone. That is one of the reasons why millions of people go on suffering, and still go on clinging to the same relationships which are not giving them any nourishment, but are simply destructive, suicidal.


Only a man or a woman who is capable of being alone is also capable of being in a relationship without being destroyed by it — because being alone is no longer a fear. If some relationship is creating misery, you can simply get out of it. Nobody can prevent you. It is a very pathetic situation, that millions of people are clinging to each other just out of the fear that they might be left alone. And to be alone is our nature. There is nothing to fear, only you have to experience it. Once you have experienced, in the deep silences of your heart, the beauty of your aloneness and the ecstasy of your aloneness, all fear will be gone. And you will laugh at your past: how stupid you have been! What have you been doing with yourself?


“Besides feeling this fear and letting it be there — which I obviously have not done enough — is there any other way out of it?” There is only one way out of it, and that is: learn to enter into your aloneness as often as possible. Whenever you have a chance, don’t unnecessarily get busy to avoid your aloneness.


Whenever you have a chance, close your eyes, sit silently, relaxed, and look inside. Slowly, slowly the turmoil settles, the mind becomes quiet, and a deep silence prevails. And suddenly you start feeling your innermost being, your very center of life, which is alone. There is nobody and there can never be anybody. Nobody can approach there except you. It is your territory. It is the only place which belongs to you.


Nobody can take it away, not even death. That will happen to the outside, to the body, to the mind, but not to this inner space, which for centuries we have called the soul, the spirit or the god within you — whatever name you want. But this aloneness, once known, simply removes all fear. In fact it brings a new dimension of blissfulness. Rather than being afraid of aloneness, you become more and more intrigued with its mystery. You want to be more and more alone.


In the middle of the night you will awake and sit in your bed and just move into your aloneness. And it is only a question of going again and again. By your moving in and out the way becomes easier, the path becomes easier. It becomes so easy that just any moment you close your eyes you immediately reach, without losing a split second, to the center. Then in the very marketplace you can be alone, in the crowd. And you will feel such a joy arising in you, such a song out of your silence, such fragrance that you have never known before.


Sadhan, it is not a big problem. It is a very simple thing. Just, because people have forgotten the very idea of going within themselves, it looks like something difficult. But I say unto you, it is the simplest thing in the world.


This fear of being alone, or left alone, is not a simple phenomenon; it is very complex. Because of it, many other things happen to you: jealousy is part of it, anger is part of it, sadness is part of it, attachment is part of it, possessiveness is part of it. You can see why — why you want to dominate as a husband, as a wife, as a parent. Why do you want to dominate? Just to make sure that the other is absolutely under your control. Hence everybody is trying to keep everybody else under control. But deep down it is only the fear of being alone. And it is not only today; perhaps from the very beginning — if there has ever been a beginning — the fear has been there.


And, Sadhan, because you are a woman it is even more complex, because man has taken away all possibilities of your independence. Mostly he has not allowed you to be educated, he has not allowed you to learn any craftsmanship, any skill; he has not allowed you to be financially free and independent. That was his strategy to keep you in bondage. He is also afraid of being left alone. Out of his fear he has destroyed women’s liberty. And a woman is more afraid of being left alone because now she is absolutely dependent.


She will not be able to earn, she will not be able to stand on her own. So even if her husband is just a torturer, a sadist, she has to remain with him. At least he takes care of her food, of her clothes, of a shelter.


Coming home very late one night, Adam found Eve waiting angrily. “Late again,” she shouted, “you must be seeing some other woman.”


“I consider that accusation wildly absurd,” said the outraged Adam. “You know perfectly well that you and I are quite alone in this world.” Adam stamped off to bed.


He was awakened by a tickling sensation on his chest. Opening his eyes, he saw Eve hovering over him, carefully counting his ribs.


Because God had created Eve by taking one rib out, she is counting the ribs. Perhaps he has taken out another rib and somewhere in the surroundings there is another woman in the bushes. This fear, although natural, can be dropped, because you have the possibility of rising above nature. Your awareness can go higher, and from those heights what was very important in the dark valleys of life becomes absolutely unimportant and ridiculous. The day you can laugh about all your fears will be a great day in your life — and I am preparing you for that day.


A naive priest is moved to a parish in a bad neighborhood of New York and is bewildered by the many women who are constantly approaching him to whisper, “Five bucks for a blowjob, buddy.”


Not wanting to remain ignorant any longer, he approaches a local nun. “Excuse my ignorance, sister,” says the young priest, “but could you please tell me what a blowjob is?”


The nun snaps back, “Five bucks, just like anywhere else.”


I am preparing you so that one day you can laugh about everything that has been a fear, a misery, a possessiveness, a domination, and you can joke about everything that people are taking too seriously.


Two Irish girls were commiserating with each other about their unmarried state. “At least I was two-thirds married once,” said Maureen.


“What do you mean, two-thirds married?” asked Eileen.


“Well,” replied Maureen, “I was there, the priest was there, but that bloody Paddy never showed up.”


Life is so hilarious. Why should you unnecessarily get worried about fear, about misery, and about Latifa and Om? I think most of your problems seem important because they are the problems of millions of people. So you think that certainly your problems are serious, and great, and difficult. But that is not the right conclusion.


Hymie and Betty Goldberg were having a day in the country. Betty saw a lovely place under a tree next to a small pond and pointed it out to Hymie.


“That’s a beautiful spot for a picnic,” she said.


“It must be, dear,” shrugged Hymie. “Fifty million mosquitoes can’t be wrong.”


That is the trouble. But I say to you, fifty million mosquitoes may not be wrong, but fifty million human beings may be wrong, because they are simply imitating each other. It is the same story. They are all playing the same game, the same role, and just because the whole crowd is suffering from the same problem, a small problem becomes an epidemic. If you look at the problem and forget the fifty million mosquitoes, it is a very small problem, and a very small method can bring you out of it.


– Osho, “The New Dawn, #33, Q2”





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    A man is sitting in a cinema, and the wife is continually reminding him how the hero is showing his love so deeply to his wife. Finally, the husband says, "Stop all this nonsense! You don't know how much he's paid for it! And moreover, it is only acting; it is not reality. I will certainly say he is a good actor." The wife said, "Perhaps y...
    CategoryTV, Media
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  38. No Image

    Why are all your disciples vegetarian?

    Question 3 Beloved Osho, Why are all your disciples vegetarian? I do not believe in vegetarianism, because I do not believe in anything. My disciples are vegetarian not as a cult, not as a creed. They are vegetarians because their meditations make them more human, more of the heart, and they can see the whole stupidity of people killing li...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  39. No Image


    Question 2 Osho, Is Maturation an ongoing process? How is maturation related to Awareness? Please explain. Yes, maturation is an on-going process. There is no limit to it – not even the sky is the limit. Your consciousness is far bigger than the whole universe. It is infinitely infinite. You cannot come to a point where you can say, ‘Enoug...
    CategoryMaturity, Aging
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  40. No Image

    How can i feel life fresh day by day? - Just become a child again

    Question 1 How can i feel life fresh day by day? please explain. LIFE is fresh but you are stale, and you become stale because you go on carrying the yesterdays. The past functions as a barrier between you and life. Die every moment to the past and then life can be felt and lived as fresh as it is. Life is never old; each moment it renews ...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  41. No Image

    Osho on Relationship

    on Relationship The More Loving You Are, the Less Is the Possibility of Any Relationship The moment love becomes a relationship, it becomes a bondage, because there are expectations and there are demands and there are frustrations, and an effort from both sides to dominate. It becomes a struggle for power. Relationship is not the right thi...
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  42. No Image

    I am not AGAINST marriage; I simply want you to be aware that there is a possibility of going beyond it too.

    Question 2 Osho, What is wrong with marriage? why do you speak always against it? MARRIAGE IS a great institution. Without marriage life will be very empty. Without marriage you will be all Buddhas! It is marriage that keeps the world going on; it keeps things running. It keeps all kinds of things moving, alive. In fact, without marriage t...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  43. No Image

    Osho on Ugliness and Beauty

    Osho on Ugliness and Beauty Question 4 Osho, I am so terribly ugly, and i have suffered much because of it. what should i do? Become a politician! Just the other day, Subhuti sent me the report of a survey done in a London school of researchers, the London Polytechnic. The survey says that ugly and stupid-looking people have more poll appe...
    CategoryBeauty, Aesthetics
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  44. No Image

    At this level of love, misery is a natural consequence. Watch it

    Possessiveness In all the languages of the world we have this expression "falling in love"; it is significant. Why "falling in love"? -- because for ninety-nine percent people it is really a fall. They are going downwards to the world of instincts, biology, physiology. They are being dominated by the hormones, by the glands, by their body ...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  45. No Image

    To be selfish simply means to be yourself.

    I am teaching you to be selfish. Let me repeat it, because the word "selfishness" has been condemned so much that there is every possibility you will misunderstand me. But the word is really beautiful. To be selfish simply means to be yourself. I say to you: don't consider anybody else in the world, just consider yourself; and in that very...
    CategorySacrifice, Selfish, Altruistic
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  46. No Image

    Possessiveness shows simply one thing: that you can't trust existence

    Possessiveness This whole existence is one cosmic unity. Out of this understanding comes nonviolence. The second is non-possessiveness. If the whole existence is one, and if the existence goes on taking care of trees, of animals, of mountains, of oceans -- from the smallest blade of grass to the biggest star -- then it will take care of yo...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  47. No Image

    Meditation needs not followers but friends.

    Friendship exists between two persons; it is relationship. Friendliness is only a quality; it need not depend on any relationship. It is just the way you live your lire -- it is a friendly life. You are friendly to everything, to the whole existence. You are just a friend, not addressed to anybody in particular, but addressed to the whole,...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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  48. No Image

    Friendliness means: standing exposed to each other, because you have a trust.

    "And a youth said, speak to us of friendship. And he answered, saying: Your friend is your needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving. And he is your board and your fireside. For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace. When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the "nay" in ...
    CategoryFriendliness, Intimacy
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  49. No Image

    How can a man with love in his heart be selfish?

    Question 1 How can a man with love in his heart be selfish? Love is the most selfish thing in the world. Love is basically love of oneself. If you love yourself, only then can you love somebody else. If you don't love yourself, to love anybody else is almost impossible. The quality of love has to grow within you, only then can the fragranc...
    CategorySacrifice, Selfish, Altruistic
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  50. No Image

    Personal power and power over others

    Question 4 Osho, Is there such a thing as personal power which is different from power over others? what is the relationship between power and responsibility? They are two totally different things: personal power and power over others. Not only are they different, they are diametrically opposite. The person who knows himself, understands h...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  51. No Image

    The beauty is within you.

    The beauty is within you. There are only three fundamental questions in life: beauty, truth and good. Perhaps these are the three faces of God, the real trinity. And all are as indefinable as God is. The profoundest minds have been concerned for centuries about these three problems, but no conclusive answer has been found by the thinkers a...
    CategoryBeauty, Aesthetics
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  52. No Image

    Osho on Humour

    God has a tremendous sense of humor! Religion remains something dead without a sense of humor as a foundation to it. God would not have been able to create the world if he had no sense of humor. God is not serious at all. Seriousness is a state of disease; humor is health. Love, laughter, life, they are aspects of the same energy. But for ...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  53. No Image

    Society is not an existential reality.

    Question 3 Is society a real fact determined by the existence of man, or is it a false concept, a conditioning which exists only because man is asleep? Society is not an existential reality. It is created by man because man is asleep, because man is in a chaos, because man is not capable of having freedom without turning it into licentious...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  54. No Image

    Drugs : The Attraction for Drugs is Spiritual

    Osho on Drugs The Attraction for Drugs is Spiritual Drugs are as old as humanity itself, and they certainly fulfill something of immense value. I am against drugs, but my being against drugs is for the same reason as for thousands of years people have been addicted to the drugs. It may look very strange. The drugs are capable to give you a...
    CategoryAddiction, Drug, Smoking
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  55. No Image

    Is not life nothing but misery?

    Question 4: Is not life nothing but misery? It depends on you. Life in itself is an empty canvas, it becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery, you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory. You can use this freedom in such a way that your whole life becomes a hell, or in such a way that your life becomes a thing of beauty...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  56. No Image

    Longing is opening of the inner: desire is accumulation of the outer.

    Question 2 What is the difference between desire and longing? Desire is desire for something that is outside you. Desire is objective. Longing is not objective. Longing is for that which wants to explode in you. It is inner, it is subjective. If a rose wants to become a lotus, it is a desire. But if the rose LONGS to become a rose, it is l...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  57. No Image

    Suffering is created by you because you resist continuously, you don't allow it to happen.

    Suffering Question 4 Osho, Does the seeker have to suffer inevitably on the way? It all depends. Growth in itself has no suffering in it; suffering comes from your resistance towards growth. Suffering is created by you because you resist continuously, you don't allow it to happen. You are afraid to go totally with it; you go only halfheart...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  58. No Image

    To possess or to be possessed, both are ugly. If you are possessed you lose your very soul.

    Possessiveness Try to separate hate from love. Just try to think: don't you hate the man you love also? Haven't you been destructive in a thousand ways to the same man you love? Have you not tried to possess the man or the woman? Is possessiveness love? Can a man who loves even think of possessing? Is it not very clear that to possess some...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  59. No Image

    When You Laugh Mind Disappears

    When you really laugh, for those few moments you are in a deep meditative state. Thinking stops. It is impossible to laugh and think together. They are diametrically opposite: either you can laugh or you can think. If you really laugh, thinking stops. If you are still thinking, laughter will be just so-so, it will be just so-so, lagging be...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  60. No Image

    Don't possess, don't become owners of persons or things

    Possessions Don't possess, don't become owners of persons or things; just use them as a gift of the universe. And when they are available, use them; when they are not available. enjoy the freedom. When you have something, enjoy it; when you don't have it, enjoy not having it -- that too has its own beauty. If you have a palace to live in, ...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  61. No Image

    Beauty Cannot Lead to Enlightenment

    Beauty Cannot Lead to Enlightenment Question 1 Osho Was Rabindrinath’s longing, his creative angst, the very thing that in the end became an obstacle to his enlightenment? Am I also destined to die with tears in my eyes, and a pocket full of songs? Milarepa, a poet is not in search of truth. His search is for beauty, and through the search...
    CategoryBeauty, Aesthetics
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  62. No Image

    Medicine and Meditation: The Two Poles of One Science

    Medicine and Meditation: The Two Poles of One Science My beloved ones. Man is a disease. Diseases come to man, but man himself is also a disease. That is his problem, and that is also his uniqueness; that is his good fortune, and that is also his misfortune. No other animal on earth is such a problem, such an anxiety, such a tension, such ...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  63. No Image

    Conscience represents morality, consciousness represents religion.

    These two words have to be understood deeply: One is 'conscience', and the other is 'consciousness'. Conscience represents morality, consciousness represents religion. Conscience is a social strategy. It is created by others, it is a trick to manipulate the person. Conscience means others have told you what is right and what is wrong; they...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  64. No Image

    Love... Jealousy and Marriage (if couples are allowed a little freedom)

    Question 3 Osho, I know my love stinks, so why do i cling to the smell? WE LIVE according to the past: our lives are rooted in the dead past, we are conditioned by the past. The past is very powerful, that's why you go on living in a certain pattern; even if it stinks, you will go on repeating it. You don't know what else to do; you have b...
    CategoryMarriage, Divorce, Possessiveness
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  65. No Image

    Relationship is part of the business world.

    Question 1 Osho, I heard you say the other day that you want no part of any relationship we might imagine we have with you -- certainly not our hate, but not even our love. and i can't say i blame you. nevertheless, when you stand before us, dancing, i feel like a fountain that leaps into life at the sight of you, and tumbles to your feet ...
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  66. No Image

    Laughter as Morning Meditation

    (Osho suggests we start the day with laughter as traditionally in Zen monasteries.) In a few Zen monasteries, every monk has to start his morning with laughter, and has to end his night with laughter – the first thing and the last thing! You try it. It is very beautiful. It will look a little crazy because so many serious people are all ar...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  67. No Image

    A good laugh is tremendously meditative.

    The sudden unexpected turn, that is the secret of a joke – the revelation. You are expecting something and it doesn’t happen; what happens is so totally absurd and yet has a logic of its own… it is ridiculous and yet not illogical. That’s what suddenly becomes a laughter in you. You see the ridiculousness of it, and also the logic of it. I...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  68. No Image

    Total laughter is a rare phenomenon

    “If you go into a total laughter people think it is hysterical. It is not, it is historical!” Total laughter is a rare phenomenon. When each cell of your body laughs, when each fibre of your being pulsates with joy, then it brings a great relaxation. There are a few activities which are immensely valuable; laughter is one of those activiti...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  69. No Image

    Jealousy, Love, And Relating In The 21st Century

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Master of Masters, I want to tell you that i am totally turned on to you, and it's just far out being with you. i have just one question, maybe it's nothing spiritual but for me it's quite something -- my jealousy. i have been with my boyfriend for two years and we still enjoy being together, but if he goes with ot...
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  70. No Image

    You Will Have To Learn Laughter

    Question 2 : Beloved Osho, Why is it so difficult for me to laugh? Sudheer, it must be that you have come here conditioned by wrong people. And the wrong people constitute the majority, almost ninety-nine point nine percent. The religious, the moralists, the puritans – they are all serious people. They destroy the very possibility of laugh...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  71. No Image

    on Fear : There is nothing to Fear. 

    Don't be afraid about anything There is nothing to Fear. Knowing that you are not, there is nothing to fear. Knowing that you are the whole, there is nothing to lose. -Osho, "The Zen Manifesto: Freedom From Oneself, #8, Q1" ◇ Open your wings, there is nothing to fear, nothing to lose. Just be open to the sun, the stars.... Don't be afraid....
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  72. No Image

    Vegetarianism : Life in its infinite forms exists as one organic unity. We are part of it: the part should feel reverence for the whole. That is the idea of vegetarianism.

    Vegetarianism Pythagoras’ contribution to western philosophy is immense. It is incalculable. For the first time he introduced vegetarianism to the West. The idea of vegetarianism is of immense value; it is based on great reverence for life. The modern mind can understand it far better now we know that all forms of life are interrelated, in...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  73. No Image

    Osho on Happy

    on Happy Happiness Depends on Unhappiness “My effort here is to create bliss, not happiness. Happiness is worthless; it depends on unhappiness. Bliss is transcendence: one moves beyond the duality of being happy and unhappy. One watches both; happiness comes, one watches and does not become identified with it. One does not say, ‘I am happy...
    CategoryHappy, Joy, Contentment
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  74. No Image

    Beauty is the god of the poet, of the painter, of all creative artists.

    Beauty is the god of the poet, of the painter, of all creative artists. Question 1 Beloved Osho, Is there any definition of the ultimate experience other than Satyam Shivam Sundram – Truth Godliness and Beauty? The experience of the ultimate, Maneesha, is always the same. But the expression can be different. The expression depends on the m...
    CategoryBeauty, Aesthetics
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  75. No Image

    The connection between inner and outer beauty

    The connection between inner and outer beauty Question 1 Osho, your inner beauty i can only feel as far as i have discovered myself. but for ten years, whenever i see you entering the auditorium, there is this surprise about your unbelievable outer beauty too. Osho, is the outer appearance always just a reflection of the inner? The outer b...
    CategoryBeauty, Aesthetics
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  76. No Image

    Relating is a flowing river

    Question 2 Osho, Since each of us is born alone and dies alone, and aloneness is the state of our being, what is the function of the commune? THE function of the commune is exactly that: to make you aware of your absolute aloneness. The family does not allow you that. The family gives you the fallacy that you have a mother, you have a fath...
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  77. No Image

    It was a vegetarian commune

    If he wants to be a vegetarian… Jainas and Buddhists have been vegetarians for twenty-five centuries. No Jaina has ever thought that he could be anything other than vegetarian, but now questions arise. Not a single vegetarian has been able to receive a Nobel Prize – strange. You have the purest minds; those meat-eaters have thick skulls. Y...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  78. No Image


    Never be afraid of tears. The so-called civilization has made you very afraid of tears. It has created a kind of guilt in you. When tears come you start feeling embarrassed. You start feeling, “What will others think? I am a man and I am crying! It looks so feminine and childish. It should not be so.” You stop those tears...and you kill so...
    CategoryFeeling, Tears, Sympathy
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  79. No Image

    Try to understand what fear is. And if you have fear, then accept it.

    Question 4 You have said that one who is in fear cannot love, nor can he reach godhood. but how is one to get rid of his fear according to tantra? Why do you want to get rid of fear? Or have you become afraid of fear? If you have become afraid of fear, this is a new fear. This is how mind goes on creating the same pattern again and again. ...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  80. No Image

    I Laugh in My Room

    Question 4 Beloved Osho, After two years here, I had heard Bodhidharma’s laughter. I never heard him again. Is he still around? He has always been around. Who do you think is sitting in this chair? But if you do not hear the laughter, that simply means you are not hearing, you are not listening; otherwise, the laughter is happening every m...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  81. No Image

    Religion comes first, morality is only a by-product.

    Question 1: Osho, Please talk about morality. Shantam Divyama, the question about morality is immensely significant, because morality is not that which has been told to you for centuries. All the religions have exploited the idea of morality. They have been teaching in different ways, but the basic foundation is the same: unless you become...
    CategoryMorality, Society
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  82. No Image

    This is none of your business

    Question 5 Osho, The other day i came through the gates with an indian sannyasin and he was turned away by the guard with no reason given. when i spoke to laxmi about it, she more or less told me to mind my own business. whenever i see people being unjustly treated, my immediate reaction is to go to their assistance. is it really none of m...
    CategoryOsho Counseling, Personality
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  83. No Image

    Osho on Laughter

    Osho on Laughter I don't want you to be serious. I am so against seriousness -- it is a spiritual sickness. Laughter is spiritual health. And laughter is very unburdening. While you laugh, you can put your mind aside very easily. For a man who cannot laugh the doors of the buddha are closed. To me, laughter is one of the greatest values. N...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  84. No Image

    Can you say something about guilt and fear?

    Question 4 Osho, Can you say something about guilt and fear? Latifa, fear is natural, guilt is a creation of the priests. Guilt is man-made. Fear is in-built, and it is very essential. Without fear you will not be able to survive at all. Fear is normal. It is because of fear that you will not put your hand in the fire. It is because of fea...
    CategoryFear, Fearless
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  85. No Image

    I am afraid of being nobody. Would you please commend?

    Question 3 Osho, I am afraid of being nobody. Would you please commend? Shunyam Anukant, everybody is afraid of being nobody. Only very rare and extraordinary people are not afraid of being nobody. A Gautam Buddha is needed to be a nobody. A Nobody is not an ordinary phenomenon; it is one of the greatest experiences in life -- that you are...
    CategoryAmbition, Power, Domination, Authoritarian
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  86. No Image

    Do whatsoever you like - but do it with self-remembering

    My discipline is: Do whatsoever you like -- but do it with self-remembering; remember yourself that you are doing it. Walking, remember that you are walking. You need not verbalize this because verbalization will not help; that itself will become a distraction. You need not walk and say inside, "I am walking," because if you say, "I am wal...
    CategoryBody, Health, Food, Vegetarian
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  87. No Image

    Love always brings aloneness. Aloneness always brings love. They are never separate.

    Question 4 Osho, Never before have i felt so much love and never before so alone. thank you, Osho... IT IS SOMETHING VERY DEEP TO BE UNDERSTOOD, something of great significance. Love always brings aloneness. Aloneness always brings love. They are never separate. People think just the opposite. People think, "When you are in love, how can y...
    CategoryAlone, lonely
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  88. No Image

    Whenever a real situation arises and you are in suffering, remember to find out whether you are the cause of it.

    Suffering Question 4 We very often feel that we create our own sufferings. in spite of this, why do we continue creating them? and when and how does one stop creating one's own suffering? The first thing, and very basic to be understood, is that whenever you say WE VERY OFTEN FEEL THAT WE CREATE OUR OWN SUFFERING, this is not the case. You...
    CategoryMisery, Suffering, Pain
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  89. No Image

    No one desires peace

    DESIRE POWER ARDENTLY. ... AND THAT POWER WHICH THE DISCIPLE SHALL COVET IS THAT WHICH SHALL MAKE HIM APPEAR AS NOTHING IN THE EYES OF MEN. We will be moving more and more in contradictions. The language of religion is bound to be contradictory. On the face, it looks irrational. In a way it is, because it goes beyond reason, it transcends ...
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  90. No Image

    Nothing fails like success.

    Utimately, everyone is frustrated. Those who succeed are more frustrated than those who are not successful because those who are not successful can still hope. But those who are successful cannot even hope. Their case becomes hopeless. So I say nothing fails like success. -Osho, The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 2 #1
    CategoryDesire, Greed, Indulgence, Peace
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  91. No Image

    You can become mature only if you are like a child

    You can become mature only if you are like a child Childishness is a kind of sentimental emotional state. That is not needed for you. Every child has to be allowed to be childish, as every adult has to be allowed to be adultish, but an adult can also have the qualities of being a child. Childishness is not needed, that tantrum quality is n...
    CategoryMaturity, Aging
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  92. No Image

    I teach you to be selfish - which is natural.

    I teach you to be selfish Your love for yourself is a basic necessity for your growth. Hence, I teach you to be selfish-which is natural. All your religions have been teaching you to be altruistic. Sacrifice yourself for any idiotic idea: the flag -- just a rotten piece of cloth. You sacrifice yourself to the nation -- which is nothing but...
    CategorySacrifice, Selfish, Altruistic
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  93. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Forgiveness

    Osho Quotes on Forgiveness "Forgiveness simply means you accept the person as he is, you still love him the way he is. Forgiveness means that you don’t judge him, that you are non-judgmental. But ordinarily we think forgiveness means you know that he has done wrong, still you forgive him. First you judge and then you forgive. Your forgiven...
    CategoryAnger, Sad, Forgive, Repent
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  94. No Image

    Nonviolence : Never do violence of your own accord, but never allow anybody else to do it to you either.

    Nonviolence Question 1 Osho, What do you think about the philosophy of nonviolence and particularly about the christian dogma of turning the other cheek? I am not a philosopher. The philosopher thinks about things. It is a mind approach. My approach is a no-mind approach. It is just the very opposite of philosophizing. It is not thinking a...
    CategoryViolent, War, Terrorism
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  95. No Image

    Laughter is repressed by Society, Society wants you to be serious

    Question 6 Beloved Osho, It is for the first time i have been so close to you. when i am sitting here with you i feel my heart in tune with your heart, i feel a deep love for you. but i also feel my outer seriousness. Why is laughter so difficult for me? Laughter is one of the things most repressed by society all over the world, in all the...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  96. No Image

    Relationship is beautiful because it is a mirror.

    on Relationship Relationship is a structure, and love is unstructured. So love relates, certainly, but never becomes a relationship. Love is a moment-to-moment process. Remember it. Love is a state of your being, not a relationship. There are loving people and there are unloving people. Unloving people pretend to be loving through the rela...
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  97. No Image

    Marriage : The Root of Jealousy

    Question 1 Osho, I want to tell you that i am totally turned on to you, and it's just far out being with you. i have just one question, maybe it's nothing spiritual but for me it's quite something -- my jealousy. i have been with my boyfriend for two years and we still enjoy being together, but if he goes with other women i freak out. this...
    CategoryJealously, Comparison, Inferiority & Superiority
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  98. No Image

    What is the secret of a joke?

    Question 4 Beloved Osho, What is the secret of a joke? The sudden unexpected turn, that is the secret of a joke – the revelation. You are expecting something and it doesn’t happen; what happens is so totally absurd and yet has a logic of its own… it is ridiculous and yet not illogical. That’s what suddenly becomes a laughter in you. You se...
    CategoryLaugh, Serious, Boredom
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  99. No Image

    Cry heartfully, let the tears flow

    Question : Osho, The other day during discourse you helped us listen to the silence. During darshan, there were many moments of exquisite silence, almost tangible. On both days I felt as though my heart was bursting and I cried. Yet I also laughed, clapped, and celebrated as never before. Beloved Master, please speak about the space betwee...
    CategoryFeeling, Tears, Sympathy
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