• Oneness is the key.
    - Osho

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Osho VisionThe Golden FutureReligiousness

The New ManRebellious SpiritEducationWoman






Towards the Birth of a New Man



(Date unknown - This discourse was given to a congregation of teachers and students published in booklet of same name.)



I am very pleased to be present among you. Certainly, on this occasion, I would like to share some of my heartfelt views with you.


It is painful to see the present condition of education. Birth of a free and healthy man is not possible in a condition where, in the name of education, all sorts of slaveries are nourished.


The root causes for the ugliness and crippledness humanity is caught in are hidden in our education.


The present education has cut man off from nature certainly, but has not been able to give birth to any refinement, to any culture. Instead it has given birth to unnatural life. Every generation goes on imposing this unnaturalness on the next generation. And when this unnaturalness is considered refinement and culture, no wonder if even this act of imposition takes the color of a virtuous deed.


When a sin masks itself as virtue, it becomes very dangerous.


That is why exploitation hides itself behind service, violence puts on the garb of nonviolence and unnaturalness wears the mask of refinement. It is not without reason that irreligion resides in the temples of religion. Irreligion never presents itself direct and naked. So it is always appropriate that mere clothing should not be relied upon. It is necessary to uncover things and see them as they are.


I would like to look at education, exposing it. I hope you will not feel bad about it. I am helpless, it is necessary to do so. To see the real soul of education it is necessary to remove its so-called clothing, because in extremely beautiful clothes, certainly some ugly, unhealthy soul is residing; otherwise the life of human beings would not have been so full of hate, violence, and irreligiousness.


When we find bitter, poisonous fruits on the tree of life, does it not remind us of our having sown the wrong seeds? If the seeds are right, how can wrong fruits be grown? What else does the fact of the tree being full of poisonous fruits indicate? If the man is found wrong, certainly the education is not right.


It is possible that you may not have been thinking on similar lines to me, and my thoughts may not match with yours, but I do not want you to agree with me; all I request is that you listen to me. Only that much is enough. It is enough to listen to the truth, silently. It is only untruth that insists on being believed. Truth brings results just by its being listened to.


Listening rightly to the truth becomes its acceptance.


My views may be different or in opposition to the educational scriptures. I am neither an educationist nor a sociologist. That is, however, fortunate for me, because the more one knows the scriptures, the more difficult it becomes to know life. Scriptures are always an obstacle in knowing the truth.


In a mind full of scriptures, contemplation ceases to be. Is not an unburdened, fair, unbiased mind necessary for contemplation? Scriptures and principles create sides. Then it is not possible to have an unbiased and innocent view about life and its problems of life.


For those to whom scriptures are more important, solutions become more important than the problems. Such a man starts viewing the problems in the context of his solutions, instead of looking for solutions in the context of the problems. It creates such an idiotic situation, where problems do not get solved but increase. The whole history of man is its evidence.


Why is man's thinking and doing so different and contradictory? It is the result of solutions based on the scriptures, and principles being imposed on life. Solutions have not come out of problems, they have been imposed on problems. Solutions are on the outside and problems are inside. Solutions are in the intellect, problems pertain to life. This inner conflict has become suicidal.


This insanity that has been going on within the civilization has now reached an explosive state. The whole human race is fear-stricken by this potential explosion. But what can you achieve by being fearful? What is needed is not to be fearful, but to understand and recognize the whole situation with courage.


I will not bring scriptures in between, because I do not want to be blinded by solutions. I would like to draw your attention to the facts which can be seen only by looking directly at the problems. Is it not possible to see life directly? Is it not possible that we see life directly as the first man would have seen it? Can our mind not see life simply, naturally, and freely?


I consider this to be the most basic problem confronting education. It is not good if education makes the mind of a person burdened, complicated and old. A burdened and old mind deprives a person of the knowledge, joy and beauty of life. For experiencing the knowledge, joy and beauty of life, a young mind is required. The body is bound to become old, but not the mind; mind can always remain young. The mind can remain young till the very last moment of death, and only such a mind can know the mysteries of life and death. Only such a mind is a religious mind.


But the present education makes the mind old. It does not awaken the mind but fills it, and so it becomes old. By being filled with all sorts of thoughts, the mind becomes old, burdened and tired.


Feeding thoughts means feeding the memory. It does not spark thinking or intelligence. Memory is not intelligence. Memory is mechanical. Intelligence is consciousness.


Thoughts are not to be given to you but to be awakened in you. Where thinking is awakened, the mind is always young. Where the mind is young, life is a constant challenge. There the doors of consciousness are and the fresh morning breeze comes in, the light of the rising sun comes in.


When a person becomes imprisoned by the thoughts and words of others, his own ability to fly in the sky of truth is destroyed.


But what does education do? Does it teach how to think or is it satisfied only with feeding dead, borrowed thoughts? What other power makes one more alive than the power of thinking? But also nothing makes one more lifeless and rigid than learning others' thoughts. Accumulation of others' thoughts brings idiocy. By accumulation of thoughts, thinking and intelligence are not born. Too much emphasis on mechanical memory in the birth of thinking and intelligence, is fatal. Enough opportunities for thinking and use of intelligence should be made available if they are to grow. Doubt instead of belief is to be taught if thinking and intelligence are to grow.


Belief and trust bind you, whereas doubt liberates. But by doubt I do not mean distrust. Distrust is only the negative form of trust or belief. Neither trust nor distrust but doubt is required. Trust and distrust are both the death of doubt. And where there is no liberating intensity of doubt, there is neither any search for the truth nor its attainment.


The intensity of doubt becomes the search. Doubt is thirst, doubt is longing. It is in the fire of doubt that the life force is stirred and thinking is born. The pain of doubt is the birth pain of thinking. One who escapes that pain is deprived of the birth of thinking.


Do we doubt? Do we doubt the fundamental meanings and values of life? If not, then certainly our education has been wrong somewhere. There can be no other base for right education except right doubt. If there is no doubt, how can there be any search? If there is no doubt, how will there be any discontentment? If there is no doubt, how will your being long for knowing and attaining the truth?


That is why we have all become shallow puddles of contentment, and our souls have not remained rivers constantly running in search of the ocean.


Who has created this rigidity? It is certainly created by our education and teachers. Through the medium of teachers the mind of man has been chained, subtly, in slaveries. This subtle exploitation is very old. Reasons for the exploitation are many - religions, priests, the governments, the vested interests of the society, the rich and the politicians.


The politician has never liked that people should have any ability to think, because where there is thinking there are seeds of rebellion. Thinking is basically rebellious, because thinking is never blind, it has its own eyes. Thinking cannot be swayed this way and that; it cannot be made to accept or do everything you wish. It cannot be made a blind follower.


That is why politicians are never in favor of thinking; they are in favor of faith. Faith is blind. If a man is blind he can be exploited. If a man is blind he can be made to harm his own interests. A man's blindness makes him a victim of all sorts of exploitation, so faith is taught and trust is taught. This is what religions have done. This is what politicians have done. Politicians are afraid of people's ability to think. If thinking arises, there will be no castes and no classes. Monetary exploitation is also not possible. It is also not possible to explain away the exploitation as the result of past lives.


Along with thinking will come a revolution at all levels and in all relationships, and then neither the politicians nor the boundaries of nations can survive. No wall keeping apart man from man can survive. So capitalist politicians as well as communist politicians, both are afraid of thinking. It is for protection against this fear that the present education system is devised the way it is. This so-called education is a part of a big conspiracy which has been continuing for hundreds of years. Earlier the priests were dominating it, now the politicians are dominating.


In the absence of thinking a powerful individual cannot be created because the very foundation for creating the individuality is missing. What is the foundation stone of individuality? Is it not the capacity for independent thinking? But this capacity gets destroyed before its birth. The Gita is taught, the Koran is taught, The Bible is taught, Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto are taught, and thinking in accordance to their structure is taught. What can be more false than this type of thinking? Blind repetitiveness is taught and this they call thinking.


Where there is a given base, a structure, belief or faith, thinking is impossible. For thinking, mind must be free of all structures. If education gives preconceived structures to the mind, it is not proper. Education should provide such alertness and cautiousness that the mind does not get set in preconceived structures. Education should provide such an understanding that the mind does not become a slave to conditionings and also so that independent thinking ability can arise. If proper attention is given, this can definitely be done. Seeds for independent thinking are already there in every person. In the proper climate these seeds can sprout.


Who does not love freedom? Who does not desire his own independent thinking and intelligence?


But where the whole educational system is devised for enslaving man rather than securing his freedom the situation is different. In that case it is a real wonder that a few individuals are able to save themselves from being machines in spite of having passed through that educational structure meant for slavery. There is no greater achievement than that of saving one's individuality even after passing through such educational structures.


Universities have attained to peaks in their efficiency in destroying the original geniuses. More emphasis is laid on discipline, only to take away the freedom of man. The lack of intelligence is being made up by discipline. If there is intelligence, discipline is born by itself in the life of a person.


It is not necessary to learn discipline, it comes of its own accord.


But where intelligence is not encouraged, one has to depend on the imposed discipline. Such discipline is bound to be false because it is not arising from within one's own self and because its roots are not there in one's own intelligence. The conscience of the individual is always smoldering from within in opposition to imposed discipline. As a reaction to such a discipline, licentiousness is born. Licentiousness is always a reaction to slavery. It is the unavoidable echo of slavery.


Consciousness full of freedom can never be licentious. If a man is to be saved from the disease of licentiousness, his soul must receive the atmosphere of total freedom. However, we know only two alternatives - either slavery or licentiousness. We have not yet become ready for freedom.


Discipline imposed by others is also a slavery. This kind of discipline is falling apart everywhere, and this has created anxiety. This sort of discipline is bound to fall apart - it should fall apart; reasons supporting its existence are wrong. Its death is hidden within it. This discipline is hiding suppressed chaos within it. And whatsoever is suppressed forcefully is bound to explode one day.


Such a discipline, while it exists, takes away the bliss and naturalness of man's consciousness, and when it falls apart it leaves the person as a ruin. Discipline imposed from outside is never in the interest of any man.


Education should be free of the outside imposition of discipline; it should awaken the dormant intelligence of individuals. Such intelligence becomes self-discipline. In such a life there is neither suppression nor heaviness. Such a life is simple and natural like flowers. When life is progressing through the light of one's own intelligence, there is no possibility of chaos and licentiousness. Where there is no suppression, there is no possibility of an explosion of chaos and licentiousness.


I am asking, can't we make man free? There appears to be the fear of licentiousness in giving freedom. This is so because we have always suppressed man in slaveries, and his soul has been always struggling to be free from slaveries. Whenever it has been possible it has broken the shackles. But in the attempt to break them, the soul becomes so full of bitterness, stiffness and opposition that it becomes licentiousness, rather than becoming free. Freedom is creative, licentiousness is destructive. But if we want to avoid licentiousness, there is no other way but to allow freedom.


Education can definitely lay foundations which can make man free. We do not want a disciplined man any more, we want a man who is rooted in freedom and intelligence. In him there is hope and there is a future.


What have the methods of discipline achieved? Discipline has given stupidity and lifelessness to man. A disciplined person is bound to be rigid. The more rigid he is, the more disciplined he will be. You see how disciplined machines are! Intelligence cannot always say yes; it should also know how to say no. In your yes there will be meaning and value only if you know when to say no. But discipline never teaches saying no; it always expects to be told yes. If a disciplined man is asked to shoot, he has to shoot. It is only because of such education that war, violence and all sorts of stupidities have been going on in the world, and they still continue.


Do we not want to break this vicious circle? Will this teaching of discipline stop only after the nuclear war? But after the nuclear war there will be no such necessity because there will neither exist the discipline-giver nor the disciplined. For the future of humanity there is more danger from the disciplined people than anybody else, because they know only how to obey commands. Those obedient people are ready even to use nuclear weapons. This world would have been totally different had intelligence been taught instead of discipline, had thinking been taught instead of obedience.


Education is not meant for teaching discipline, but for developing one's own intelligence. Whatever discipline results from intelligence, that alone can bring goodness and benediction, because such discipline cannot be exploited. It cannot be made an instrument for violence and war in the hands of priests and politicians. On the strength of such a discipline Hindus cannot be made to fight with Mohammedans, nor can the havoc of death be launched in the name of imaginary and false boundaries of nations. In the name of discipline and obedience, what wrongdoings have not been ordered?


As things are now the society is making the teachers do the work of disciplining the new generation.


The teacher has been an instrument for many types of exploitations. He is instrumental in spreading many diseases. Perhaps he is not aware of this, because the teacher himself is the victim of similar education.


Every generation passes on, by way of inheritance, its jealousies, enmities, stupidities to the new generation through the teacher. It gives its diseases and insensibilities along with its experiences and knowledge. It is more insistent and cautious about giving its diseases than its experiences and knowledge, because its enmities and its blind beliefs are its ego gratifications. A Hindu father teaches his children to be a Hindu, a Jaina teaches his children to be a Jaina and a Mohammedan father teaches his children to be a Mohammedan. He wants to hand over to his children the poisons of the life-negative sects he was brought up in.


Through many educational mediums this poison is being spread. Because of such poisonous teaching humanity is not able to become one, and our eyes are not drawn towards that religion which is one and can only be one. Similarly, nationalism is taught, and national egos are strengthened.


Every nation is prepared, and made to stand in opposition to the other nations. As a result violence grows and the fire of war continuously burns.


Where there is ego, there is war and violence. There are many such other diseases, viruses which are spread by the teachers among innocent children. This is one of the most ugly crimes committed against man. If the teacher is very alert, only then can he prevent himself from participating in this crime.


Those who are powerful in society do not want any change in the social structure, because their power, interest and exploiting capacity depend on it. The teacher inculcates the structure into the young minds of the children. He goes on binding every new generation to the old traditions. He does not teach any rebelliousness to children. And where there is no rebelliousness, there is no growth.


What is the duty of a teacher?


His duty is to teach rebelliousness.


The day education will be rebellious a new, absolutely new humanity will be born.


What is the meaning of rebellion? It means a revolution of values. Certainly the values of life are wrong; otherwise why should there be so much disturbance, meaninglessness and confusion in the life of man? This ugliness, this violence, this jealousy and irreligiousness, are they all without any reason? No, the values of life are wrong and these are its natural outcome. The values of life will have to be changed. Man needs new values. And for that, preparation for a great rebellion is necessary.


The teacher will have to wake up from his sleep. Excepting the teacher there is no other Bhagiratha - Indian mythological figure - who can bring down on earth the Ganges of rebellion from heaven.


But the teacher is in great illusions. The society may well starve him by not paying him enough, but the society shows great respect for him. The teacher has always been respected and honored. His ego is nourished by being told that a teacher deserves respect and honor. That is how he is kept in delusion. Thus he is being used to cast new generations into old molds. The teacher is exploited by being treated with great respect. The society does not give respect to the teacher for nothing. In exchange for the respect given, society cheaply takes very costly work from the teacher. I ask you, are the teachers aware of this?


The history of man is full of stupidities. Blind beliefs and false knowledge have erected their camps everywhere. But the teacher does not allow new generations to be free of these chains. He has been the servant of the past and thus has proved to be an enemy of the future. Is it fair that the burden of the past should be on our heads? Let the past be the ground under our feet, but it should not become a burden on our heads. For building the future a mind free of the past is a necessity.


Let experiences of the past add to man's knowledge, but not bind him, because he has to go far beyond them. The past is the beginning of his journey, not the end. He has to proceed forward, from where the past generation has left him. Every generation has to defeat the past generation in every aspect - not only in the material aspect, but in the mental and religious aspects also. Certainly the ego of the past generation is hurt because of this. And because of this ego the past generation does not like to see any development and progress that surpasses it.


Perhaps the ego and jealousy of the individuals infects the whole generation. All the founders of religions have claimed that there will be no other exponents of their religion. Every paigambara or messiah has said that he is the ultimate. Each has proclaimed himself to be omniscient. In this way they have closed all the doors for the development of knowledge in the future. The golden era is always in the past; in the future there is a fall and degeneration.


It is very harmful to tie man to the pegs of the past. But the old generation always wants to impose its scriptures and principles on the new generation. This has been happening for hundreds of years.


As a result, the soul of man could not develop as much as it might have. It did not acquire the maturity which it could have acquired. It is buried under the rocks of the past, and the burden is so heavy that it cannot climb higher.


The purpose of education is to unburden the soul of man, because only weightless souls can rise to the peaks of godliness. The burden of dead conditionings does not allow the seed of consciousness to sprout, and the seed gets destroyed slowly, buried as it is in the ground. It is not possible for the seed of one's individuality to sprout without being unburdened from the past. If the grip of the past is loose, only then man can make progress. The past is a ladder which has to be climbed and left behind. Carrying it on your head is not wise.


In this world material wealth is increasing, because every new generation takes it to more distant horizons than the past generation, but spiritual wealth is not increasing because our minds are very shackled to the past. The son does not hesitate to build a new house where his father had made one. But some deep fear prevents us from developing the inheritance that is left behind by Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira or Christ. This fear is a taught one, this fear is an imposed one.


A commentary on the Gita can be written, but thinking beyond the Gita is not allowed. And it is considered that there can be nothing beyond the Koran. This attitude has made man very crippled and spiritually poor. If the son becomes more prosperous or goes ahead of his father, it is welcome; it is not disrespectful or insulting to the father. In fact this is the respect, and it is a matter of pride for the father.


Every generation should prepare the new generation in such a way that the old generation is left far behind in every way. The desire to keep the new generation tied to the old generation, and to restrict its movement within the boundaries of the old, is a sick desire and is not indicative of a healthy mind.


It is necessary to reflect upon the fact that the current educational system has been cooperating in drawing these boundary lines.


I am unable to understand this madness. My love tells me only this, that all those who are born in the world after me should surpass me in every way; that they should build such a new world that we could not have even imagined; that their souls should be brighter and their thinking purer; that their eyes may encounter those truths which we could not, and their feet travel on unknown paths which were not known to us even in our dreams. Love can wish and pray for only this. I would not like to bind my children by my knowledge or by my experiences; I would like to make them free.


Love always frees. Love that binds is not love, but violence.


Education should be future-oriented, not past-oriented. Then only is development possible. Any creative process can only be future-oriented.


Is it not right then that we teach love and respect for the future? There has been too much meaningless worship of the past. Is it not right that now there should be prayers in our heart for the future sunrises? But we are tied to the past. The past means that which is gone and is nowhere except in the memory. But all our principles, our concepts and our ideals are taken from the past.


This way the dead are ruling over the living. Respect for the dead is one thing, but to be ruled by the dead is another thing. However, because of the past ruling over us, even healthy respect for it does not become possible. A constant resistance against the domination of the past keeps accumulating within.


Heartful respect for the past is possible only when the past is not governing us. That respect will be very soulful. In that respect there will be a gratitude and grace. That gratitude will not bind us, but will make us feel more unburdened and weightless. Without any effort our heart is full of gratitude towards those who allow us freedom. Gratitude towards those who bind is not natural and is not possible.


Education is termed as the propagation of knowledge. It certainly should be the propagator of knowledge - but if education is propagating bondages, it cannot be a propagator of knowledge.


Knowledge is where the mind is free. Where the mind is in bondage, how can there be knowledge?


Knowledge itself is liberation.


Education teaches fear. Education teaches greed. Education teaches jealousy and competition.


Education initiates the fever of ambition. How can such education be the propagator of knowledge?


How can such education be liberating? It is a propagator of deadly diseases. Friends, this is not the propagation of knowledge, but the propagation of ignorance.


When I look, I find that there is no more dreadful a disease than fear. What else is there in life to be feared more than fear itself? Fear paralyses the very being of a person. Fear destroys the whole capacity for rebellion. Fear makes any change impossible. Fear binds one to the known, and the journey to the unknown is completely stopped, although whatever is worth knowing and achieving in life is all unknown.


God is unknown. Truth is unknown. Beauty is unknown. Love is unknown. But the fearful mind always clings to the known. It does not go beyond the drawn line. It treads upon the beaten track. It never leaves the laid-out tracks. The fearful person becomes mechanical and he is no better than a drudge. Religions teach fear - fear of hell, fear of sins and fear of punishment. Society teaches fear - fear of dishonor. Education teaches fear - fear of failure.


Simultaneously there is greed attached - greed for heaven, greed for fruits of virtue; greed for respect, position, reputation, success and rewards. All greed is the other side of the coin of fear.


In the present system the consciousness of a person becomes full of fear and greed. The fire of jealousy and competition is aroused. The fever of ambition is created. It is no wonder if, in all these circular motions, life is wasted.


Such education is dangerous. Such religions are dangerous. Education is that which teaches fearlessness, stabilizes one in non-greed, gives energy to rebel, gives courage to accept the challenge of the unknown. Education should not teach jealousy and competition, but love; it should not encourage the insane drive of ambition, but natural and self-inspired growth. But this can happen only if we accept the uniqueness of everyone's individuality.


Comparison of one with the other is a fundamental mistake. Comparison creates competition.


Neither anyone is ahead nor anyone is behind; nobody is below and nobody is above. Everyone is that which he is, and everyone has to be that. The teaching of ideals does not allow this. Children are told to be like Rama, to be like Buddha, to be like Gandhi. What can be more erroneous than this? Can anybody become like somebody else, or has anybody ever been able to become like somebody else? It is not possible to become Rama. Yes, one can become the Rama of the drama of Ramaleela....


That is why there is so much hypocrisy in the world. Hypocrisy is the shadow of ideals. As long as ideals are imposed, there will be hypocrisy. If hypocrisy is to be uprooted, ideals will have to be dropped. In fact, no man is born to be like anyone else. Everybody has to be just himself. Everyone has to let that seed which is hidden within him grow into a tree.


When education accepts the truth of everybody's unique and unparalleled individuality, that will be the beginning of a great revolution. Then we will not impose any structure on anybody else, but we will help what is dormant in their seed to manifest. Because of ideals a lot of violence has been taking place and we did not allow an opportunity to a person to be what he can be. In an attempt to be someone else, not only does a person not become that other person, he is not able to be what he could have been.


I very humbly would like to request you to let everyone be what he is born to be. A rose is a rose and a jasmine is a jasmine. Neither anyone is higher nor anyone is lower. The rose cannot be a jasmine and the jasmine cannot be a rose. This valuation of big and small, higher and lower, is false and absurd. Destroy these valuations. A poet is not greater than a cobbler, and the politician is also not higher than anyone. A teacher does not become higher by becoming a president.


Life is a cooperation and in it everyone has a place and everyone is necessary and unavoidable.


Don't you see the insanity of ambitiousness the whole world has fallen into because of attaching reputation to position and to functions? It is sheer foolishness that a rose be taught to become a jasmine, and a grass leaf be provoked to become a lotus. What is meaningful is that the roseflower blooms to its fullness and the grass leaf blooms to its fullness, that their petals may not remain undeveloped and their fragrance may not remain unreleased.


There is no other bliss in life except that one blooms to one's full potential. That is the right direction for the work of education.


Neither is there any need to teach ideals, nor is there any need to teach people to follow anyone.


All efforts should be centered towards one aim: that people can realize the fulfillment of their individuality. Then only will it be possible to be free of ambition and the fever of jealousy. Then only will a society be created which can achieve equality and peace. Only a society which is free from ambition can be classless and without exploitation.


Can there be no such education, which is not based on ambition? Is mathematics and music learned for the purpose of leaving other classmates behind? Is it not possible to learn mathematics for the love of mathematics, and music for the love of music? As I see it, music can be learned and its depth experienced only if there is love for music, not by being a competitor to anyone else.


Would a competitive mind know music? Competition itself is a disharmony. Music is known by those who have sunk deep into music, not by those who have run in competition. There is an opposition between running and diving deep. Running is full of tension, sinking deep is relaxation. Running is feverish; it takes you out of yourself. To dive deep is healthy, because by diving deep within, one settles in the ultimate depths of his own self. Learning is the art of diving deep. What teaches you only how to run, I call that wrong learning.


Once I went to a meeting of teachers. It was a Teachers' Day celebration. There I asked them, "What is there to respect in a teacher's becoming a president? Is the teacher lower and the president higher? If it is so, then there is no dignity of education or the teacher; the dignity is given to the politician and politics. Yes, if a president gives up his position and becomes a teacher it can be a matter of dignity for the teacher."


As long as we keep the politician higher, we are teaching politics to children. The politicians always say that the students and teachers should keep out of politics. But the higher status of politicians arouses expectations in others. No wonder the teachers dream of being minister of education or vice-president or president, and if they are running about to fulfill their dreams it is natural. Then there is nothing wrong if other teachers are busy in trying to secure honors for the whole teaching community.


Education has to rid itself from ambition. Ambition is politics. It is due to ambition that politics has acquired a seat on a high pedestal. Where there is position, there is respect. Where there is power, there is position. Where there is a ruler, there is power. Because of this race violence is born in life. The ambitious mind is a violent mind. Lessons of nonviolence are given, and at the same time, ambition is also taught. What greater stupidity can there be?


Nonviolence is love. Ambition is competition. Love always feels like remaining behind. Competition always wants to be ahead of all. Christ has said, "Blessed are those who are capable of being the last." I would like those whom I love to stand ahead of me, and if I love all, I shall enjoy standing last in the queue. But competition is just the reverse of love. It is jealousy, hatred and violence. It always wants to stand ahead of all, in every way.


This race of keeping ahead begins in educational institutions and ends in the grave. The same race is there in individuals. The same race is there in nations. Wars are the final result of this very race.


Why does this race exist? What is it rooted in? Its root is in the ego. The ego is taught and the ego is nourished.


The ego is being taught and encouraged in small children. Their simple, innocent minds are made poisonous by the ego. They are also encouraged to stand first. Gold medals, merit certificates and prizes are being given. This nourished ego pursues them throughout their lives like a ghost and does not allow them to relax till the last moment of their death. Sermons are given about humbleness, but what is taught in real practice is ego.


Will it not be the luckiest day in the history of man when we stop teaching ego to the children? Not ego, but love is to be taught. There is love only when there is no ego. For this the whole system of education will have to be totally changed. Categories like first and last will have to be dropped.


Examinations will have to be eradicated. In their place, those values of life will have to be established which emerge from the acceptance of an egoless and loving life as the highest life-philosophy.


When love replaces ambition, truth is established in the place of success automatically. Where success is the only value of life, there cannot be truth. The central importance given to success has really killed truth. No, being successful is not all there is to life. Mere success is not a value in itself.


It is more valuable and dignified to be unsuccessful in a good project than to be successful in doing a wrong thing. It is better to be unsuccessful in love than to be successful in competition. Is it not more valuable to be unsuccessful in religiousness than to be successful in amassing wealth?


I do not see the value of life only in being successful. I see the value of life in truth, in goodness, in beauty. But as long as success is the only measure, the soul of man cannot move towards truth, goodness and beauty. For truth, goodness and beauty to prevail, even failure will have to have its place in life. One should be able to see that in that direction even failure has dignity. It is a victory even to be defeated for truth, because in your courage to accept even defeat for the sake of truth, your soul is strengthened and it is able to touch those high peaks which are shining bright with the light of God.


Victory and defeat are meaningless. The meaning is in the front - on which front there is victory or defeat. Is it the front of truth or untruth, love or hate, humane or inhumane activities? I say blessed are those who give up victory on the path of untruth and embrace defeat on the path of truth, because that way they are victorious even in their defeat and attain to the deathless even in their death.


But all this is possible only if there is a revolution in the system of education and the values given to victory and defeat, which have for centuries troubled man, are taken away.


The greatest offense that is committed towards the truth, happens when we insist upon imposing traditional thinking on the children. This insistence is very dangerous. Belief or disbelief, in respect to the soul and God, are imposed on children. The Gita, the Koran, Krishna and Mahavira are imposed on children. Because of this, the quest for knowing the truth never arises in them. They are unable to develop and have their own questions. The question of finding their own solutions does not even arise. They go on repeating the readymade solutions their whole life. Their condition is like parrots. Repetition is not reflection, repetition is mechanical. Truth cannot be received from others, it has to be searched for and attained by everyone for himself.


Is it not fair that inquisitiveness in children be encouraged, that they should not be shackled with readymade solutions? They should be helped in developing their own questions; borrowed answers should not be dumped on them. If education can only send them out on the great journey of discovering the truth of life, its work is over.


In my view, the teacher is one who arouses the dormant questioning in children, awakens inquisitiveness and makes children fearless and courageous enough to find solutions for themselves.


One can be a teacher in this sense only if he himself is free from prejudices and biases.


That is why becoming a teacher needs endeavor full of devotion. A soul with awareness, rebelliousness and alertness is required for becoming a teacher. A teacher in whom the fire of rebellion is missing will become, knowingly or unknowingly, a broker for some vested interest - some morality, some religion or some politics. Such a teacher will impose his beliefs and biases, of which he himself is a prisoner, on the children.


If a teacher is free, then only can he be a messenger of freedom to his students. That is why I said that to be a teacher is a great endeavor full of devotion. It is a great rebellion. Within the teacher there should be a burning flame of thinking, contemplation and rebellion. He has to destroy many things so that he can create. He has to obliterate many things to enable himself to do something new. He has to put fire to the heaps of rubbish accumulated over many generations, and he has to cut the useless weeds and grass that have grown and clear the ground of mind so that the flowers of love and beauty can be grown there.


This is a great responsibility. If the teacher is able to fulfill this requirement, only then a new man and new humanity can take birth.


-Osho, "Revolution in Education, #2"



  1. No Image

    It is my life - I have learned that there are better things than mathematics

    Listening to the birds, I remember.... Just outside my classroom in the high school there were beautiful mango trees. And mango trees are where cuckoos make their nests. This is the cuckoo that is calling, and there is nothing sweeter than the sound of a cuckoo. So I used to sit by the window, lookin...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  2. No Image

    10. Truth and Science

    Truth and Science In a small village one moonless night everyone was fast asleep when the sound of weeping and crying suddenly broke the stillness. It awakened everyone, and the villagers, confused and shaken, ran towards the small hut from which the shouting came. From within they heard, “Fire! I am...
    CategoryRevolution in Education
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  3. No Image

    Whenever a new child is born the relationship between the husband and wife immediately changes

    [A sannyasin says she feels confused; stuck and not flowing. Osho checks her energy.] Nothing to be worried about. I don’t see that you are not flowing with the river – that is not the confusion. The confusion is just the vice versa: for the first time you are flowing with the river, and that is crea...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  4. No Image

    Pass through the misery of intellect so that you can attain to the bliss of wisdom

    Question : Beloved Osho, If intellect is such an obstacle in the journey towards self-realization, is not then training and sharpening of it just useless? is it not possible that because of their innocence and expressiveness, children should be helped to move into meditation directly, without imparti...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  5. No Image

    If the child is afraid of the parent, love is not possible.

    [A sannyasin, weeping, says: Something that came up during primal was that even though I see what my parents did to me I'm still doing the same thing to my kid. So many times my own needs get in the way of what she needs. I can't seem to give her any help. And I think I'm doing her harm.] Mm mm. One ...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  6. No Image

    18. Teaching - A Put Down or a Lift Up

    Teaching - A Put Down or a Lift Up Question 3 : You often tell us that we should not judge ourselves or other people. I am a teacher, and because of my job I have to judge the students. Now I am worried about how I shall manage with my job. Can you give me some help? My saying that you should not jud...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  7. No Image

    5. The Nightmare "Gift" of Television

    The Nightmare "Gift"of Television A famous psychoanalyst, Franz Strunz from Munich, has been studying child behavior in dreams, and he has found that Sigmund Freud's original idea was not right. Sigmund Freud's original idea was that the child - every child, particularly in the civilized and cultured...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  8. No Image

    how can we help children to grow

    Question 1: Osho, Having heard you talk about competition and our childhood the other morning, it set me thinking of my own education. i realized that for twenty-one years solidly, every single event at school -- from playing in the garden, through official sports, to latin grammar -- was basically a...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  9. No Image

    4. Education and Religion

    Education and Religion Discourse date: Fri, 3 March 1967 00:00:00 GMT There was a fakir who was very alone. He saw God in his dream and found that he was even more alone. The fakir was puzzled and asked God, "Why are you also so alone? You have many devotees - where are they?" On hearing this, God sa...
    CategoryRevolution in Education
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  10. No Image

    6. Wild Wisdom

    Wild Wisdom Question : Are you trying to destroy all of our previous ideas about religion? Everybody thinks that he already knows what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is evil. You can see it within yourself, and you can see it without you. You can move around in the world and you will fin...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  11. No Image

    What would be the form of Education in the New Commune? (The Five-Dimensional Education)

    Question 1: Osho, What would be the form of Education in the New Commune? Maneesha, the education that has prevailed in the past is very insufficient, incomplete, superficial. It only creates people who can earn their livelihood but it does not give any insight into living itself. It is not only inco...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  12. No Image

    Children should come out of a tremendous love

    First move as deeply into love as possible. Till then avoid having children, because children should come out of a tremendous love, otherwise not. You can give birth to ordinary children, who are just by-products of a physiological and biological meeting of man and woman, but they are anonymous. When...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  13. No Image

    Should Childten be told all the facts of Life, Irrespective of their age?

    Question 8: Osho, Should Childten be told all the facts of Life, Irrespective of their age? Govinddas, IT HAS always been a problem down the ages — what to tell children and what not to tell. Parents have been very much concerned. In the past the strategy was not to tell about the facts of life, to a...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  14. No Image

    If you are a parent you will need this much courage - not to interfere.

    If you are a parent you will need this much courage -- not to interfere. Open doors of unknown directions to the child so he can explore. He does not know what he has in him, nobody knows. He has to grope in the dark. Don't make him afraid of darkness, don't make him afraid of failure, don't make him...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  15. No Image

    22. Conscious Innocence: Paradise Regained

    Conscious Innocence: Paradise Regained Question : Why is childlikeness compared to meditation? When man is reborn, only then he understands what is the beauty and the grandeur of childhood. The child is ignorant; hence he is unable to understand the tremendous innocence that surrounds him. Once a chi...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  16. No Image

    What is your idea of true education?

    Question 2: Osho, What is your idea of true eduction? THE EDUCATION THAT HAS EXISTED up to now has not been true. It has not served humanity; on the contrary, it has served the vested interests. It has served the past. The teacher has been an agent of the past. He functions as a mediator to give past...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  17. No Image

    Children’s liberation is needed, No other slavery is so deep

    Veet means beyond, shankaro means conditionings. Man is born unconditioned, man is born as freedom… just an open sky, with no clouds, with no boundaries, with no adjectives, no definitions – neither Hindu nor Christian nor Communist – just pure existence, an emptiness. But immediately the society sta...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  18. No Image

    Nobody can fulfill the idea of the parents

    [A sannyasin says she is afraid of meeting her parents.] I will take care -- just go and don t be afraid. It is always difficult to meet the parents, the most difficult thing, because between children and parents so many barriers exist; they have been created by the parents. The children are always a...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  19. No Image

    5. Knowledge is That Which Liberates

    Knowledge is That Which Liberates Discourse date: Fri, 23 September 1968 00:00:00 GMT Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye. Knowledge is that which liberates. This morning I would like to say a few things to you on this subject. This is a marvellous saying. It is the most original definition of knowledge. This is t...
    CategoryRevolution in Education
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  20. No Image

    No child should be taught any religious doctrine.

    I can give you back Only from your innocent childhood, and only from there a real inquiry into truth begins. Only from there religion is possible; otherwise you can only talk about religion. ♦ A small boy gave the following summary of his Sunday school lesson: “There were these Jews who had broken ou...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  21. No Image

    You need a new birth yourself, you have to become a womb to yourself

    [A sannyasin, who is a mother, says: I feel this longing to have another child and I feel very split about it. I feel that it’s crazy and yet there’s this longing inside me to have a child. Osho checks her energy.] It is crazy in a way, and yet there is some rationale in it. A few things I would like...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  22. No Image

    The five dimensions of education

    Question 1: Osho, What would be the form of education in the new commune? Maneesha, the education that has prevailed in the past is very insufficient, incomplete, superficial. It only creates people who can earn their livelihood but it does not give any insight into living itself. It is not only inco...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  23. No Image

    7. Total Education

    Total Education Discourse date: Fri, 21 January 1968 00:00:00 GMT This discourse was given to teachers at Poddar College. Of the misfortunes that have befallen mankind, the greatest are the ones which we have been regarding as blessings. Because of regarding them as benedictions, as blessings, it has...
    CategoryRevolution in Education
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  24. No Image

    Parenting : Osho on Parenting

    Osho on Parenting In a better world no parent will give you any belief. Certainly he will give you courage to inquire, courage to adventure. He will sharpen your intelligence so that when you come across a lie you can see it and when you come across a truth you can immediately recognize it, but he wi...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  25. No Image

    14. Robopaths are Never Creative

    Robopaths are Never Creative Question : I want to be creative. What should I do? Become a child again and you will be creative. All children are creative. Creativity needs freedom - freedom from the mind, freedom from knowledge, freedom from prejudices. A creative person is one who can try the new. A...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  26. No Image

    To be a mother means a great revolution, and a radical change

    [A sannyasin says: I’m going to be a mother… Yes, I want it.] Do you understand what it means? If you want it, it is okay, mm? But one should be more conscious about it. To be a mother means a great revolution, and a radical change. To be a woman is one thing, and to be a mother is totally another. Y...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  27. No Image

    2. The Politics of Misery

    The Politics of Misery Question 1 Osho, Does a child not have as much right to privacy and freedom from parental conditioning as the parents expect for themselves? It is one of the most fundamental problems facing humanity today. The future depends on how we solve this problem. It has never been enco...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  28. No Image

    8. The Light of Disbelief

    The Light of Disbelief Discourse date: Fri, 14 August 1969 00:00:00 GMT This discourse was given to students. Just as an individual becomes old, the society also becomes old. Just as an individual dies, the society dies and civilizations also die, but no individual can refuse to become old or refuse ...
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  29. No Image

    15. Education: A Preparation Towards Being Yourself

    Education: A Preparation Towards Being Yourself Question : What is education? Man is born as a seed. He is born as a potentiality. He is not born as an actuality. And this is very special, this is extraordinary, because in the whole of existence only man is born as a potentiality; every other animal ...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  30. No Image

    on Child Upbringing

    Question 4 : Osho, Is it not possible to raise children in such a way that they never become interested in the dirty things of life? Chandrakand, WHAT do you mean by “dirty things of life”? Life is all beautiful! Even dirt is not dirty, even dirt has its own splendor. Because life is divine — how can...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  31. No Image

    Our educational system teaches ego

    The center around which our education is moving is wrong. The whole problem has arisen due to the wrong center – which is ambition. Our whole educational system is revolving around ambition. What is being taught to us? We are taught ambition. We are taught a race to get ahead of everyone. Even in a s...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  32. No Image

    When a mother becomes too much concerned about the child

    [A sannyasin has brought her son because she is worried about the way he doesn’t eat, which may be causing bronchitis, and how he relates with other children.] What is the way? I think the problem is more with you than with him! He seems to be perfectly okay! You seem to be too worried about him. Som...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  33. No Image

    1. Conditioning: A Substitute for Intelligence

    Robots Are Obedient - Rebels Are Dangerous Conditioning: A Substitute for Intelligence Question : Are idiots trained or born? It is a complicated question. Almost ninety percent of idiots are trained. Ten percent are born. And the ten percent are born because of those ninety percent who have been tra...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  34. No Image

    Children - Osho Quotes on Children

    Osho Quotes on Children We go on forcing children to go to sleep when we think it is time. But sleep is not to be manipulated by time, sleep is something inner. When the child feels sleepy he will go to sleep, but mother and father go on forcing the child to go to sleep, as if sleep can be ordered. C...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  35. No Image

    There is nothing to judge

    Question 3 Beloved Osho, You often tell us that we should not judge ourselves or other people. I am a teacher and because of my job I have to judge the students. Now that I am going back to Italy, I am worried about how I shall manage with my job. Can you give me some help? Kalo Shreeman, my saying t...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  36. No Image

    on Mother Child Relationship, When you are screaming at them, you have to love them also

    [The new sannyasin says she is concerned about screaming at her son. Osho asks her to give an example, and she replies: He comes up to his sister and he pinches her and she shrieks. It makes me nervous and so I scream at him to stop it.] No, don’t be worried about screaming – not at all. It is natura...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  37. No Image

    10. Seven-Year Free-wheeling Cycles

    Seven-Year Cycles Question : What is the right way to help the child grow without interfering in his natural potentialiity? Every way to help a child is wrong. The very idea of helping is not right. The child needs your love, not your help. The child needs nourishment, support, but not your help. The...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  38. No Image

    on Motherhood – So many women want to be mothers but they don’t know how to be

    [A sannyasin says: I am pregnant and I want to ask you if I can be a good mother and if the child can be okay. … I wanted a baby so much; that’s why I don’t know. Maybe I’m not strong enough — that’s why I wanted to ask you. Osho checks here energy.] You have a very great desire to be a mother. So be...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  39. No Image

    about having a baby

    [A sannyasin, who is leaving, refers to a letter she had written earlier: I asked if I could have a baby and you said I could. Then I began to think that Osho is putting a responsibility on me and was I ready for it.] If you can avoid it that is very good. When people ask, they create trouble for me....
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  40. No Image

    13. The Family: Prisoners of Love

    The Family: Prisoners of Love Question 3: The family has been the basic social unit for thousands of years, yet you doubt its validity in your new world. What do you suggest can replace it? Man has outgrown the family. The utility of the family is finished; it has lived too long. It is one of the mos...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  41. No Image

    6. Fire of Rebellion

    Fire of Rebellion Discourse date: Fri, 12 February 1969 00:00:00 GMT This discourse was given before teachers under the title: The Birth of New India! Zarathustra was coming down a hill. He was rushing downwards as if he had heard some very important news from down the hill. He reached the plains, ru...
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  42. No Image

    Children need privacy : Parent & Child

    A child needs immense privacy, as much as possible, a maximum of privacy, so that he can develop his individuality un-interfered with. But we are trespassing on the child, continuously trespassing. The parents are continuously asking, 'What are you doing? What are you thinking?' Even thinking! “A chi...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  43. No Image

    17. Five Dimensional Education

    Five-Dimensional Education Question : Can you please explain your vision of education? The education that has prevailed in the past is very insufficient, incomplete, superficial. It only creates people who can earn their livelihood but it does not give any insight into living itself. It is not only i...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  44. No Image

    The more disciplined the child, the more stupid he will be

    Every child is born clever. No child is ever born idiotic. To become an idiot one needs to be educated. To convert people to idiocy, schools and colleges and universities are needed. It is a great achievement. Idiocy is not natural; it has to be learned, it has to be earned. Great effort has to be ma...
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  45. No Image

    9. Transformation Through Awareness

    Transformation Through Awareness Discourse date: Fri, 2 September 1969 00:00:00 GMT The original title was: Education: Means and Ends Question 1: Do you think it is necessary to give a new type of education so that people may understand differentiations? can objectivity and subjectivity be separated?...
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  46. No Image

    on Teachers and Children – Choose teachers who love small children

    [The sannyasin who started the ashram school says: I just don’t understand what it means to be a teacher to children here… ] Yes, that is right – it will be a totally different thing! It will be a totally different thing…. It can’t apply here. A few things to remember, and then you can work them out…...
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  47. No Image

    Leave children alone. Never impose any religion on them

    Question 5: My little son was never baptized. will this be of importance. It is very important! It is good that he was never baptized because baptism is such a significant thing — it cannot be forced upon anybody. When you force it on a child you are creating an artificial religion for him, and if th...
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  48. No Image

    I am angry with my parents

    Question 2: Osho, I am angry with my parents for the first time. they are simple people, and i say to myself that it is not their fault that they have no understanding of osho. but my anger is so much in conflict with my love that it hurts. i am so angry writing this that i can't even formulate the q...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  49. No Image

    Give your children your love, but don’t give your Ideologies.

    TO BE A MOTHER IS SWEET…. Why? Just giving birth to a child is not to be a mother, remember. Otherwise there are millions of mothers on the earth — and there seems to be no sweetness. In fact, if you ask the psychologists they will say just the opposite. They will say the only problem to be solved is...
    Categoryon Education, Child and Parenting
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  50. No Image

    Sex Education : Do not teach children that sex is sin. Instead, it is necessary to explain to them that sex is part and parcel of life

    Sex Education Sex does not rear its head as soon as a child is born. There is still time for that. The body gathers energy, the cells gain strength, and the day comes when the body is fully ready. The energy will slowly muster itself, and then it will push open a door that has been shut for the first...
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  51. No Image

    You are not to teach children religion and morality

    Question 4 Osho, How can we teach children to be moral and religious? Krishnaraj, ARE YOU MAD? Are you asking me this question or to Ayatollah Khomaniac? To whom are you asking this question? You should go to Ayatollah Khomaniac. I teach a religionless religion and I teach an amoral morality. It will...
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  52. No Image

    3. Education: Love-Oriented

    Education: Love-Oriented Date unknown This discourse was given before students under the title: Youth and Rebellion. I am pleased at the prospect of speaking to the youth and the students. The first thing about the youth that comes to my mind is what today I would like to say to you in detail. For th...
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  53. No Image

    The day the child is born, the mother is also born

    [A sannyasin and her young son are present. She says: It’s very difficult for me – I feel he is very strong and I don’t feel strong at all. I don’t know what to do in certain situations.] Let him be strong! Why should you be worried about his strength? It is good. He has to be strong and the mother h...
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  54. No Image

    on Youth and Education system, Our education destroys our genius

    I am pleased at the prospect of speaking to the youth and the students. The first thing about the youth that comes to my mind is what today I would like to say to you in detail. For the old the past exists; that is already gone, and their whole world is behind them. Children imagine about and desire ...
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  55. No Image

    Parents - Osho quotes on Parents

    Osho Quotes on Parents Each child is made neurotic by the parents, by the society; and we know that we are doing it, and we know that others have done the same to us. Stop doing it to yourself and stop doing it to others. Become alert. Just be real. I emphasize reality more than truth. Because truth ...
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  56. No Image

    The first step is almost the most important step.

    Somebody dies... then those who were close to him, they should perform the death ceremony. The clergyman may not have even known the person; he will simply repeat a certain ritual. It is better that friends perform the ceremony. If there is a marriage, there is no need for any clergyman. Moreover, it...
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  57. No Image

    The education in religion is education in courage, awareness and peace

    Then what should we do for education in religion? The seed of religion is there in everybody because life is there in everybody. We should create opportunities for the growth of that seed, and remove the obstacles on the path of that growth. If this can be done, the seed sprouts on its own, out of it...
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  58. No Image

    Never fight over children because then the child starts feeling ’What is happening?’

    [A sannyasin asks about returning to the West to take custody of her son, as she and her husband are divorcing.] This is my suggestion: if you feel that you are too disturbed you can go and do whatsoever you want to do. But this is my suggestion – that going and fighting for the son is not going to h...
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  59. No Image

    4. Religion: One of the Biggest Crimes Against Humanity

    Religion: One of the Biggest Crimes Against Humanity Question : Are you trying to destroy all of our previous ideas about religion? There is no other way to be religious. All that you have heard about religion, read about religion, has to be totally dropped. Unless you are clean, with no writing on y...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  60. No Image

    on birth control methods and family planning

    Just the other day, one shankaracharya, Jayendra Saraswati, has given a statement that no religious man can support family planning — and all religions will agree with the Hindu shankaracharya. But I am puzzled. The Christian God has only one begotten son: if that is not family planning, then what is...
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  61. No Image

    on Responsibility of a Mother, on Good Mother

    [A sannyasin brings her baby and says she has been screaming a lot which upsets her.] That is part of being a mother…. It is not an easy job…. But now it is too late! Every woman wants to become a mother without knowing the responsibilities. It is a long commitment. And remember: never think of what ...
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  62. No Image

    My parents are so disappointed in me

    Question 2 Osho, My parents are so disappointed in me, they worry all the time. they have made my being here possible, so how can i turn from them? what do i owe to my parents? The trouble with the family is that children grow out of childhood, but parents never grow out of their parenthood! Man has ...
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  63. No Image

    1. Teacher, Society and Revolution

    Teacher, Society and Revolution Date unknown. This discourse was first published in KRANTINADA MONTHLY 1968 to 1969. I would like to tell you a few things which I see about teachers and the society. Perhaps there will be no agreement between the way you think and the way I think. Perhaps I may be opp...
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  64. No Image

    The point is we should drop the old idea that you have to produce your son yourself.

    I was thinking, Why are they in the majority? -- but then I found that the first marathon race has created the whole trouble. And this situation will continue unless we are more intelligent and stop this accidental birth -- what I call accidental birth. Now we are at a stage where genetic engineering...
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  65. No Image

    Pregnancy is not equivalent to motherhood

    [A sannyasin says she’s pregnant. She’d decided to have an abortion and thought she was happy with the decision, but since then, whenever she thinks about it she feels a tremendous amount of sadness.] Mm mm. This will be a momentary sadness. If you want to become a mother then you want to get into de...
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  66. No Image

    Osho Quotes on Education

    Osho on Education "This i call education: to make people more intelligent." - Osho, "The Secret, #2" “Nobody is inferior, and nobody is superior. One is just oneself, incomparable.“ - Osho, "The Golden Future, #23" “Never compare. Each child has to be respected on his own. Each child has to be respec...
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  67. No Image

    Every child is brought up, conditioned, in a certain religion

    Question 1 Beloved Osho, Are you trying to destroy all of our previous ideas about religion? There is no other way to be religious. All that you have heard about religion, read about religion, has to be totally dropped. Unless you are clean, with no writing on your consciousness, you will never know ...
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  68. No Image

    Osho talks about children in the new commune

    Children are immensely intelligent, they just need a chance! They need opportunities to grow, the right climate. Every child is born with the potential of enlightenment, with the potential of becoming awakened, but we destroy it. This has been the greatest calamity in the whole history of man. No oth...
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  69. No Image

    11. Teenage Revolution

    Teenage Revolution Question 5 : At this young age there is a lot of shyness and insecurity about making decisions. Parents are not often helpful. How to develop the inner strength? All shyness is basically concerned with sex. Once children are perfectly free to have sexual relationships, you will see...
    CategoryThe New Child
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  70. No Image

    What is Education?

    Question 4: What is Education? Parmar, man is born as a seed. He is born as a potentiality. He is not born as an actuality. And this is very special, this is extraordinary, because in the whole of existence only man is born as a potentiality; every other animal is born actual. A dog is born as a dog,...
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  71. No Image

    on Parenting – Overprotection always creates a problem, but underprotection also creates a problem

    [An indian sannyasin, here on visit from kenya, said that she was concerned about what she felt was her overprotective attitude to her eighteen-year-old son. He also felt he was overprotected and that he was not allowed to do those things that other boys of his age were doing. She added that he had f...
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    If something is wrong with the child, it must have come from the parents

    Compassion is pure soul, it is pure sky: it has no matter around it. It is the ultimate blooming of the flower. Even the flower disappears in it, only fragrance remains. Shanti means silence, deva means god – god of silence. Help him to become as silent as possible. By being silent yourself, he will ...
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    12. Who's Kidding Whom?

    Who's Kidding Whom Question : Beloved Osho, Having heard you talk about competition and our childhood the other morning, it set me thinking of my own education. i realized that for twenty-one years solidly, every single event at school -- from playing in the garden, through official sports, to latin ...
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    20. Meditation: Nature's Gift

    Meditation: Nature's Gift Question : Surely, meditation is for mystics. Why do you propose it for ordinary people and their children? It is for mystics, surely, but everybody is a born mystic - because everybody carries a great mystery within him which has to be realized; everybody carries great pote...
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    Each child has to be respected as unique

    [The sannyasin who started the ashram school says: I just don’t understand what it means to be a teacher to children here…] Yes, that is right — it will be a totally different thing! It will be a totally different thing…. It can’t apply here. A few things to remember, and then you can work them out…....
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    Can children understand the Truth?

    Question 8: Osho, Can children understand the Truth? RAJ, CHILDREN CAN UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH but cannot understand that they understand it. They understand more clearly than you can understand because they are more clean, more innocent; but they are so innocent that they cannot understand that they un...
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    21. A Sufi Story

    A Sufi Story I have told you a Sufi story... A woman was very much impressed by a Sufi mystic, and she was very worried about her only son. She was living for him; the father was dead. That boy was her life, and she wanted him to become something. The boy was too attached to eating sweets and all kin...
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    Sannyasin Parents have to be aware; they have to help the Child

    [Osho gives sannyas to a baby, and addresses the parents.] Prem Vega. Prem means love; Vega is the name of the brightest star – love, the brightest star. Every child represents love, brings love. Every child is a creation of love. Every child is a poem, and every child brings great hope into the worl...
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    Does education lead to meditation? please explain education and religion.

    Question 3 Does education lead to meditation? please explain education and religion. Ordinarily that which is called education is almost against meditation. It should not be so but it is so. The original meaning of the word 'education' is not against meditation. The original meaning is: to draw out. ...
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    9. The Budding of a Buddha

    The Budding of a Buddha Question : How did you manage to stay with your own clarity as a child and not let yourself become intimidated by the grown-ups around you? Where did you get that courage from? Innocence is courage and clarity, both. There is no need to have courage if you are innocent. There ...
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    Parents : Osho on Parents

    Osho on Parents On one hand we go on teaching people to be true, and on the other hand, in a subtle way, we go on teaching them not to be true. Each child is made neurotic by the parents, by the society; and we know that we are doing it, and we know that others have done the same to us. Stop doing it...
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    (ref) Mystic Rose For Children

    Mystic Rose For Children The following is a meditation suggested by Osho for children and their teachers to do together at the beginning of each school day. Stage 1 Ten minutes gibberish. With eyes closed, make any nonsense sounds you like; sing, cry, shout. Let your body do whatever it wants; jump, ...
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    2. Towards the Birth of a New Man

    Towards the Birth of a New Man (Date unknown - This discourse was given to a congregation of teachers and students published in booklet of same name.) I am very pleased to be present among you. Certainly, on this occasion, I would like to share some of my heartfelt views with you. It is painful to se...
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    3. How Guilt is Built

    How Guilt is Built Question Why are parents so cruel to their children? Is there any sense in making them responsible? And how can one avoid making the same mistake? Parents are cruel to their children because parents have some investment in them. Parents have some ambitions they would like to fulfil...
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    19. The Generation Gap - Mutual Disrespect

    The Generation Gap - Mutual Disrespect Question : What is this generation gap? I hear so much about it these days. Two old men of eighty were sitting in their club when one said, "Do you think there is as much love, as much fun going on as there used to be?" "Yes, certainly," said the other, "but the...
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    Meditation advise for Pregnant Women, Meditation during Pregnancy

    [The woman says: I feel that I’m pregnant since we’ve been here. Is there any meditation or thing to do that will be helpful for the baby or for us?] Just remain as happy and loving as possible. Avoid negativities – that’s what destroys the mind of the child. When the child is in formation he not onl...
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    Every child is born clever. No child is ever born idiotic

    Every child is born clever. No child is ever born idiotic. To become an idiot one needs to be educated. To convert people to idiocy, schools and colleges and universities are needed. It is a great achievement. Idiocy is not natural; it has to be learned, it has to be earned. Great effort has to be ma...
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  88. No Image

    It is not judging the person, it is judging the act.

    Question 3 Beloved Osho, You often tell us that we should not judge ourselves or other people. I am a teacher and because of my job I have to judge the students. Now that I am going back to Italy, I am worried about how I shall manage with my job. Can you give me some help? KaloShreeman, my saying th...
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    8. The Face of God

    The Face of Godliness Question : How can one ensure that our children maintain their original face? The original face of every child is the face of God. Of course my God is not a Christian, a Hindu, a Jew. My God is not even a person but only a presence. It is less like a flower and more like fragran...
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    Without training the intellect the children will remain like animals

    Question : Beloved Osho, If intellect is such an obstacle in the journey towards self-realization, is not then training and sharpening of it just useless? Is it not possible that because of their innocence and expressiveness, children should be helped To move into meditation directly, without imparti...
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    Parents are not consciously exploiting their children

    We cling to the circumference, so much so that we have completely forgotten about the centre. Unless the circumference disappears completely we are not going to be reminded of the centre. And the centre contains all, the very kingdom of god. And the centre is capable of creating a thousand and one ci...
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    7. Kick Your Own Butt!

    Smack Your Own Butt! Question : How can the birth of a child be made as gentle as possible? When the child comes out of the womb, it is the greatest shock of his life. Even death will not be this big a shock, because death will come without warning. Death will come most probably when he is unconsciou...
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    Sex Education : Sex education is one of the fundamental causes of the rift between the generations.

    Sex Education The teacher of a class of ten-year-olds is too shy to conduct the sex-education class and so she asks her class to make this a homework project. Little Eddy asks his father, who mumbles something about a stork. His grandmother says he came from a cabbage patch. His great-grandmother blu...
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    To educate means to draw out

    Question 3 Does education lead to meditation? please explain education and religion. Ordinarily that which is called education is almost against meditation. It should not be so but it is so. The original meaning of the word ‘education’ is not against meditation. The original meaning is: to draw out. ...
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    16. Genes Don't Have to be Blue

    Genes Don't Have to be Blue Question 1 I still study in school and I want to know: What is the secret of education? It may be a little difficult for you to understand the secret of education. But I cannot come down from my vision, so I will tell what I feel is the secret, knowing perfectly well perha...
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    on desire to give birth to a Buddha, to become mother of a buddha

    Question 6: I want to give birth to a buddha. That’s my only desire in life, to become the mother of a buddha. Osho, is it possible? First become a Buddha; then maybe a Buddha is born out of you. But the desire to give birth to a Buddha is utterly futile. That is again an ego trip, that “I should bec...
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    If you allow children, they can become very dictatorial; they can really exploit you

    [A sannyasin, present with his five-year-old son says: I would like to talk about the relationship with my son. He is a very beautiful and rich child, but I feel he demands too much energy from me and needs much attention. I am in a struggle between feeling guilty and sacrificing myself. Is it possib...
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    Are children really so intelligent as you always say they are?

    Question 1: Osho, Are children really so intelligent as you always say they are? Gautami, Intelligence is not something that is acquired, it is inbuilt, it is inborn, it is intrinsic to life itself. Not only children are intelligent, animals are intelligent in their own way, trees are intelligent in ...
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    Education in the New Commune

    [In September 1977 a sannyasin, who is setting up a new school for sannyasin children in the ashram, asks about education in the new commune] Question The sannyasin who started the ashram school says: I just don't understand what it means to be a teacher to children here... Yes, that is right -- it w...
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    What it means to be a teacher to children

    [The sannyasin who started the ashram school says: I just don’t understand what it means to be a teacher to children here… ] Yes, that is right — it will be a totally different thing! It will be a totally different thing…. It can’t apply here. A few things to remember, and then you can work them out…...
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  101. No Image

    What is learning?

    Question 2 Osho, What is learning? Vedant, LEARNING, in the first place, is not knowledge. Let us start from negating, from eliminating; let us first say what learning is not. Learning is not knowledge. Learning has become too much identified with knowledge. It is just the opposite of knowledge. The ...
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  102. No Image

    Guidance to seven months pregnant sannyasin

    [The new sannyasin is seven months pregnant.] Then just be here and absorb as much of my energy as possible. Be open and vulnerable. But go to meditations – even if you can’t do them. Just sit by the side. Be a part, just silently participate. Go to the music group and sit silently by the side. Let t...
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    Don’t be a teacher - be a friend

    [A new sannyasin says: I’m a nursery school teacher, I teach children of fouranda-half to five years old. Is there anything you can say to help me to do this job as beautifully as possible?] Very good work. To be with children is one of the most beautiful things. But one has to learn it, otherwise it...
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